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ECON Artifacts
Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[38400] and year collected:[1926]
= with images
GH: 01870862
Acer glabrum
Torrey USA: Montana Glacier National Park; St. Mary's C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-31
NEBC: 01081171
Osmorhiza claytonii
(Michaux) C. B. Clarke USA: Vermont Granville: Granville C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-28
NEBC: 00773975
Ilex mucronata
(Linnaeus) M. Powell, Savolainen & S. Andrews USA: Massachusetts Marshfield: Marshfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-26
NEBC: 00713354
Ilex verticillata
(Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Maine C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-11
NEBC: 00713630
Ilex verticillata
(Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Hingham: Hingham C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-11
GH: 01681974
Asarum canadense
Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-25
NEBC: 00642366
Asarum canadense
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Underhill: Underhill C. H. Knowlton 1926
GH: 01682358
Asarum caudatum
Lindley USA: Washington [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-22
NEBC: 00627252
Polystichum acrostichoides
(Michaux) Schott USA: Vermont Barton: Barton C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-28
NEBC: 00727645
Polystichum ée
(Spenner) Fée USA: Vermont Granville: Granville C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-28
NEBC: 00753244
Ageratina altissima
(Linnaeus) R. M. King & H. Robinson USA: Vermont Barton: Barton C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-28
GH: 02141315
Agoseris glauca dasycephala
(Torr. & A. Gray) Jepson USA: Montana [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-30
NEBC: 01007057
Anaphalis margaritacea
(Linnaeus) Bentham & Hooker f. USA: Vermont Barton: Barton C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-28
NEBC: 01007565
Antennaria howellii neodioica
(Greene) Bayer USA: Massachusetts South Hadley: South Hadley C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-10
NEBC: 01065786
Antennaria parlinii
Fernald USA: Massachusetts South Hadley: South Hadley C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-10
NEBC: 01053783
Antennaria parlinii fallax
(Greene) Bayer & Stebbins USA: Massachusetts South Hadley: South Hadley C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-10
NEBC: 01053784
Antennaria parlinii fallax
(Greene) Bayer & Stebbins USA: Massachusetts South Hadley: South Hadley C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-10
GH: 00988324
Artemisia ludoviciana
Nuttall Canada: Saskatchewan Moose Jaw C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-7
GH: 01234563
Artemisia suksdorfii
Piper USA: Washington Seattle: [no additional data] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-16
NEBC: 01037788
Bidens frondosa
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Barton: Barton C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-28
GH: 02215506
Canadanthus modestus
(Lindley) G. L. Nesom USA: Montana [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-30
GH: 02021318
Cirsium muticum
Michaux USA: Indiana [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-3
GH: 02142573
Crepis capillaris
(Linnaeus) Wallroth USA: Washington [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-18
GH: 02353833
Erigeron lonchophyllus
Hooker Canada: Alberta [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-8
NEBC: 00574515
Eurybia macrophylla
(Linnaeus) Cassini USA: Massachusetts North Adams: North Adams C. H. Knowlton 1926-10-5
NEBC: 01052830
Euthamia graminifolia
(Linnaeus) Nuttall USA: Vermont Barton: Barton C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-28
GH: 02587191
Grindelia hirsutula
Hooker & Arnott Canada: Saskatchewan [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-6
GH: 02204489
Heterotheca villosa
(Pursh) Shinners Canada: Saskatchewan [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-7
NEBC: 00587801
Hieracium piloselloides
Villars USA: Vermont Georgia: Georgia C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-23
NEBC: 00587840
Hieracium piloselloides
Villars USA: Massachusetts Hingham: Hingham C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-27
GH: 01833090
Hieracium umbellatum
Linnaeus Canada: Alberta [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-8
NEBC: 01054117
Solidago asperula
Desfontaines USA: Massachusetts Weymouth Town C. H. Knowlton 1926-10-10
NEBC: 01054161
Solidago caesia
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Derby: Derby C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-29
NEBC: 01054342
Solidago canadensis
Linnaeus USA: Maine Gray: Gray C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-25
NEBC: 01062423
Solidago canadensis
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Barton: Barton C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-28
NEBC: 01055458
Solidago flexicaulis
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Barton: Barton C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-28
NEBC: 01054717
Solidago juncea
Aiton USA: Vermont Barton: Barton C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-28
NEBC: 01056659
Solidago nemoralis
Aiton USA: Maine Gray: Gray C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-25
NEBC: 01064144
Solidago patula
Muhlenberg USA: Vermont Clarendon: Clarendon C. H. Knowlton 1926-10-6
NEBC: 01064330
Solidago puberula
Nuttall USA: Maine Gray: Gray C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-25
NEBC: 00501111
Solidago rugosa
Miller USA: Vermont Barton: Barton C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-28
NEBC: 00501112
Solidago rugosa
Miller USA: Vermont Barton: Barton C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-28
NEBC: 01056909
Solidago uliginosa
Nuttall USA: Vermont Peacham: Peacham C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-30
NEBC: 00719507
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum
(Linnaeus) Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Maine Gray: Gray C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-25
NEBC: 00832517
Symphyotrichum puniceum
(Linnaeus) Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Vermont Barton: Barton C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-28
NEBC: 01016090
Symphyotrichum undulatum
(Linnaeus) G. L. Nesom USA: Maine Gray: Gray C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-25
NEBC: 00733616
Athyrium filix-femina angustum
(Willdenow) G. Lawson USA: Vermont Mount Holly: Mount Holly C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-15
NEBC: 00551561
Deparia acrostichoides
(Swartz) M. Kato USA: Vermont Granville: Granville C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-28
GH: 02169992
Vancouveria hexandra
(Hooker) C. Morren & Decaisne USA: Washington [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-23
GH: 02196443
Alnus viridis sinuata
(Regel) Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Montana Glacier National Park; St. Mary's C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-31
GH: 02195197
Betula glandulosa
Michaux Canada: Alberta Banff: [no additional data] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-8
NEBC: 00628281
Woodwardia areolata
(Linnaeus) T. Moore USA: Massachusetts Marshfield: Marshfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-26
NEBC: 00592732
Camelina microcarpa
Andrzejowski ex de Candolle USA: Massachusetts Plymouth: Plymouth C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-4
NEBC: 00611225
Viburnum nudum cassinoides
(Linnaeus) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Vermont Brookfield: Brookfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-24
NEBC: 00611288
Viburnum nudum cassinoides
(Linnaeus) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Marshfield: Marshfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-26
GH: 02003966
Atriplex gmelinii
C. A. Meyer ex Bongard USA: Washington [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-17
GH: 01785226
Sarcocornia perennis
USA: Washington [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-17
GH: 01991528
Sedum lanceolatum
Torrey USA: Montana [Marny] glaciers C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-30
GH: 01990219
Sedum spathulifolium pruinosum
(Britton) R. T. Clausen & C. H. Uhl USA: Washington Greenwater River C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-27
GH: 02107505
Thuja plicata
Donn ex D. Don USA: Washington [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-22
NEBC: 00218141
Carex blanda
Dewey USA: Massachusetts South Hadley: C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-10
NEBC: 00228089
Carex conoidea
Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts South Hadley: C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-10
NEBC: 00229713
Carex diandra
Schrank USA: Vermont Brookfield: C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-24
GH: 02392926
Carex interior
L. H. Bailey Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-25
NEBC: 00254746
Carex interior
L. H. Bailey USA: Vermont Brookfield: C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-24
NEBC: 00299471
Carex lacustris
Willdenow USA: New Hampshire Brookfield: C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-24
NEBC: 01161209
Carex pallescens
Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts South Hadley: South Hadley C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-10
NEBC: 00854589
Carex pellita
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Vermont Brookfield: Brookfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-24
NEBC: 00854662
Carex pellita
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts South Hadley: South Hadley C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-10
NEBC: 01161866
Carex projecta
Mackenzie USA: Vermont Granville: Granville C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-28
NEBC: 00802802
Carex stipata
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Vermont Granville: Granville C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-28
NEBC: 00766004
Carex stipata
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts South Hadley: South Hadley C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-10
NEBC: 00874615
Carex stricta
Lamarck USA: Vermont Brookfield: Brookfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-24
NEBC: 01029874
Carex stricta
Lamarck USA: Massachusetts South Hadley: South Hadley C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-10
NEBC: 01059606
Carex torta
Boott ex Tuckerman USA: Vermont Granville: Granville C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-28
NEBC: 01058406
Carex utriculata
Boott USA: Vermont Brookfield: Brookfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-24
NEBC: 01060238
Eriophorum alpinum
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Brookfield: Brookfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-24
NEBC: 01042049
Eriophorum viridicarinatum
(Engelmann) Fernald USA: Vermont Brookfield: Brookfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-24
NEBC: 00671985
Dryopteris intermedia
(Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Vermont Granville: Granville C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-28
GH: 01576177
Elaeagnus commutata
Bernhardi ex Rydberg Canada: Alberta Banff: [no additional data] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-8
NEBC: 00674837
Equisetum fluviatile
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Brookfield: Brookfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-24
GH: 01536444
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
(Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: Montana Glacier National Park C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-31
GH: 01537227
Cassiope mertensiana
(Bongard) D. Don USA: Washington Paradise Valley. Mt. Rainier C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-24
GH: 01592248
Gaultheria shallon
Pursh USA: Washington Three Tree Pt. C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-15
NEBC: 00461241
Gaylussacia baccata
(Wangenheim) K. Koch USA: Massachusetts Marshfield: Marshfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-26
NEBC: 00484788
Kalmia angustifolia
Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Marshfield: Marshfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-26
GH: 01683220
Phyllodoce empetriformis
(Smith) D. Don USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-24
NEBC: 00563831
Pyrola chlorantha
Swartz USA: Massachusetts Marshfield: Marshfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-26
NEBC: 00517155
Vaccinium pallidum
Aiton USA: Massachusetts South Hadley: South Hadley C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-10
GH: 02177493
Lupinus nootkatensis
Don USA: Washington [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-17
NEBC: 00565427
Lupinus perennis
Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts South Hadley: South Hadley C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-10
GH: 02132172
Oxytropis campestris gracilis
(A. Nelson) Barneby Canada: Alberta Banff: [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-8
GH: 02131697
Pediomelum argophyllum
(Pursh) Rydberg Canada: Saskatchewan [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-7
GH: 02345995
Vicia gigantea
Hooker USA: Washington [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-17
GH: 02069921
Gentiana affinis
Grisebach Canada: Alberta Banff: by Bow River C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-8
NEBC: 00770310
Gentianella quinquefolia
(Linnaeus) Small USA: Massachusetts North Adams: North Adams C. H. Knowlton 1926-10-5
GH: 02166173
Gentianopsis thermalis
(Kuntze) Iltis Canada: Alberta Banff: [no additional data] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-8
NEBC: 00574774
Menyanthes trifoliata minor
Rafinesque USA: Vermont Brookfield: Brookfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-24
NEBC: 00730404
Hamamelis virginiana
Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Marshfield: Marshfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-26
NEBC: 00716592
Hydrophyllum virginianum
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Granville: Granville C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-28
GH: 02098681
Juncus alpinoarticulatus americanus
(Farwell) Hämet-Ahti Canada: Alberta Banff: [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-8
GH: 02400654
Juncus mertensianus
Bongard USA: Washington Mt. Rainier: [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-24
GH: 02399776
Juncus pylaei
Laharpe Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-25
GH: 02502529
Monarda punctata villicaulis
(Pennell) Shinners USA: Indiana Miller C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-3
NEBC: 00602455
Stachys palustris
Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Hingham: Hingham C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-18
NEBC: 00810058
Streptopus amplexifolius
(Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Vermont Granville: Granville C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-28
NEBC: 00810254
Trillium erectum
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Underhill: Underhill C. H. Knowlton 1926
NEBC: 02284571
Veratrum viride
Aiton USA: Massachusetts Marshfield: [no additional data] C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-26
NEBC: 02284554
Veratrum viride
Aiton USA: Vermont Brookfield: [no additional data] C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-24
NEBC: 00565103
Myrica gale
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Brookfield: [no additional data] C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-24
GH: 01675600
Chamerion latifolium
(Linnaeus) Holub Canada: Alberta Banff: [no additional data] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-8
AMES: 02065928
Coeloglossum viride bracteata
(Muhlenberg) Grey Canada: Quebec Province Bolton C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-25
GH: 01938245
Corallorhiza maculata
(Rafinesque) Rafinesque Canada: Quebec Province Bolton C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-25
AMES: 02065162
Cypripedium passerinum
Richardson Canada: Alberta Banff: [no additional data] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-8
GH: 01877867
Castilleja miniata
Douglas ex Hooker Canada: Alberta Banff: [no additional data] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-8
GH: 01878147
Castilleja miniata
Douglas ex Hooker USA: Montana Glacier National Park; St. Mary's C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-31
GH: 02080792
Pedicularis groenlandica
Retzius Canada: Alberta Banff: [no additional data] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-8
NEBC: 00720555
Osmunda regalis spectabilis
(Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Vermont Brookfield: Brookfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-24
NEBC: 00720556
Osmunda regalis spectabilis
(Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Vermont Brookfield: Brookfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-24
NEBC: 00677661
Osmundastrum cinnamomeum
(Linnaeus) C. Presl USA: Massachusetts Marshfield: Marshfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-26
GH: 01787159
Parnassia palustris parviflora
(de Candolle) B. Boivin Canada: Alberta Banff: [no additional data] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-8
GH: 01803368
Plantago maritima juncoides
(Lamarck) Hultén USA: Washington [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-17
NEBC: 00650661
Plantago maritima juncoides
(Lamarck) A. Gray USA: Maine York Beach C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-24
NEBC: 00670157
Plantago maritima juncoides
(Lamarck) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Scituate: Scituate C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-18
GH: 01805145
Veronica americana
Schweinitz ex Bentham USA: Washington Seattle: [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-22
NEBC: 00594230
Bromus inermis
Leysser USA: Massachusetts Hingham: Hingham C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-11
NEBC: 00609837
Bromus secalinus
Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Hingham: Hingham C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-11
NEBC: 00835794
Cinna latifolia
(Treviranus ex Göppert) Grisebach USA: Vermont Granville: Granville C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-28
NEBC: 01151138
Dichanthelium linearifolium
(Scribner) Gould USA: Massachusetts Hingham: Hingham C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-11
NEBC: 01149275
Glyceria melicaria
(Michx.) F.T. Hubbard USA: Vermont Granville: Granville C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-28
NEBC: 01150814
Piptatherum pungens
(Torrey) Dorn USA: Massachusetts Marshfield: Marshfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-26
GH: 02346605
Bistorta vivipara
(Linnaeus) Gray Canada: Alberta Banff: [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-8
GH: 02365204
Fallopia cilinodis
(Michaux) Holub Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-25
GH: 02361389
Polygonum achoreum
S. F. Blake USA: Montana [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-30
GH: 02360113
Polygonum boreale
(Lange) Small USA: Washington [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-17
GH: 02360534
Polygonum douglasii
Greene USA: Montana [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-31
NEBC: 00658069
Polypodium virginianum
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Granville: Granville C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-28
GH: 01926163
Primula mistassinica
Michaux Canada: Alberta Banff: [no additional data] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-8
GH: 01706906
Anemone multifida
Poiret Canada: Alberta Banff: [no additional data] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-8
GH: 01707826
Anemone parviflora
Michaux Canada: Alberta Banff: [no additional data] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-8
NEBC: 00719844
Thalictrum pubescens
Pursh USA: Vermont Granville: Granville C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-28
NEBC: 00768836
Thalictrum venulosum confine
(Fernald) B. Boivin USA: Vermont Swanton: Swanton C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-24
NEBC: 00649925
Agrimonia striata
Michaux USA: Vermont Barton: Barton C. H. Knowlton 1926-9-28
GH: 01728463
Amelanchier laevis
Wiegand USA: Montana Glacier National Park; St. Mary's C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-31
NEBC: 00674157
Aronia melanocarpa
(Michaux) Elliott USA: Vermont Brookfield: Brookfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-24
NEBC: 00738759
Aronia prunifolia
(Marshall) Rehder USA: Massachusetts Marshfield: Marshfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-26
NEBC: 00653051
Comarum palustre
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Brookfield: Brookfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-24
NEBC: 00756170
Fragaria virginiana
Miller USA: Massachusetts South Hadley: South Hadley C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-10
NEBC: 00724438
Geum canadense
Jacquin USA: Massachusetts Hingham: Hingham C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-18
NEBC: 00710466
Geum macrophyllum
Willdenow USA: Vermont Granville: Granville C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-28
NEBC: 00643562
Potentilla anserina
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Brookfield: Brookfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-29
NEBC: 00644534
Potentilla simplex
Michaux USA: Massachusetts South Hadley: S. [South] Hadley C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-10
NEBC: 00742638
Prunus nigra
Aiton USA: Vermont Underhill: Underhill C. H. Knowlton 1926
NEBC: 00763431
Rubus allegheniensis
Porter USA: Massachusetts Marshfield: Marshfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-26
GH: 02358725
Galium boreale
Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Banff: [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-8
GH: 02359327
Galium boreale
Linnaeus USA: Montana [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-31
GH: 02140125
Galium triflorum
Michaux Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-25
GH: 02140496
Galium triflorum
Michaux USA: Washington [data not captured] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-13
NEBC: 00724946
Salix bebbiana
Sargent USA: Vermont Brookfield: Brookfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-24
NEBC: 00684542
Salix candida
Fluegg ex Willd. USA: Vermont Brookfield: Brookfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-24
NEBC: 00684543
Salix candida
Fluegg ex Willd. USA: Vermont Brookfield: Brookfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-24
NEBC: 00723519
Salix petiolaris
Smith USA: Vermont Brookfield: Brookfield C. H. Knowlton 1926-6-24
GH: 02168051
Geocaulon lividum
(Richardson) Fernald Canada: Alberta Banff: [no additional data] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-8
NEBC: 00730918
Ribes lacustre
Poiret USA: Vermont Granville: Granville C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-28
GH: 01616756
Saxifraga aizoides
Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Banff: [no additional data] C. H. Knowlton 1926-8-8
NEBC: 00701476
Phegopteris connectilis
(Michaux) Watt USA: Vermont Granville: Granville C. H. Knowlton 1926-7-28
NEBC: 00760270
Viola adunca
Smith USA: Vermont Hartland: Hartland C. H. Knowlton 1926