Aizoaceae GH: 01860191 Sesuvium verrucosum Rafinesque USA: New Mexico 13 miles northeast of Roswell U. T. Waterfall 6179 1945-8-27
GH: 01860299 [None] USA: Texas near the upper end of the upper canyon of th... U. T. Waterfall 6219 1945-8-29
GH: [None] USA: Texas near the upper end of the upper canyon of th... U. T. Waterfall 6219 1945-8-29
Alismataceae GH: 01632192 Echinodorus berteroi (Sprengel) Fassett USA: Oklahoma west of Daugherty U. T. Waterfall 6044 1945-6-2
Amaranthaceae GH: 01929749 Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moquin-Tandon) Sauer USA: Texas running into Eagle Mts., abou ta mile below ... U. T. Waterfall 6276 1945-8-30
Anacardiaceae GH: 01867980 Rhus microphylla Engelmann ex A. Gray USA: New Mexico 4 miles south of Whites City U. T. Waterfall 6182 1945-8-28
GH: 01868461 Rhus trilobata pilosissima Engler USA: New Mexico top of Bluffs east of the Pecos River, 1/2 m... U. T. Waterfall 6176 1945-8-27
Aristolochiaceae GH: 01681934 Aristolochia wrightii Seemann USA: Texas cliffs facing the "Great Canyon" of the Rio ... U. T. Waterfall 6239 1945-8-29
Asclepiadaceae GH: 01083677 Funastrum sp. USA: Texas Baylor Mts. U. T. Waterfall 6203 1945-8-28
Asteraceae GH: 02579114 Acourtia wrightii (A. Gray) Reveal & R. M. King USA: Texas Along arroyo running into Eagle Mts., about ... U. T. Waterfall 6269 1945-8-30
GH: 00988231 Artemisia frigida Willdenow USA: Texas near top of Eagle Peak, Eagle Mts. U. T. Waterfall 6310 1945-9-1
GH: 01237027 Artemisia sp. USA: Texas near top of Eagle Peak. Eagle Mts. U. T. Waterfall 6308 1945-9-1
GH: 02214711 Baccharis salicina Torrey & A. Gray USA: New Mexico 1/2 mile southwest of Frasier U. T. Waterfall 6168 1945-8-27
GH: 01923031 Brickellia brachyphylla (A. Gray) A. Gray USA: Texas between fluoride mine and Eagle Peak U. T. Waterfall 6317 1945
GH: 01923112 Brickellia californica (Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray USA: Texas about 1/4 mile south of the fluoride mine U. T. Waterfall 6288 1945-8-31
GH: 01923268 Brickellia eupatorioides (Linnaeus) Shinners USA: Oklahoma 1 mi. S and 1 W of Troy U. T. Waterfall 6418 1945-10-22
GH: 02142249 Cichorium intybus Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma Ditches near Nebs School south of Sulphur U. T. Waterfall 6049 1945-6-18
GH: 02203387 Croptilon hookerianum validum (Rydberg) E. B. Smith USA: Texas 10 mi. W. of Texas State Line U. T. Waterfall 6121 1945-8-26
GH: 02203386 Croptilon hookerianum validum (Rydberg) E. B. Smith USA: Texas 10 mi W. of Texas State Line U. T. Waterfall 6122 1945-8-26
GH: 02587584 Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal USA: Texas slopes of Eagle Mt. between flouride mine an... U. T. Waterfall 6357 1945-8-31
GH: 02587576 Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal USA: Texas In valley running into Eagle Mts. about 1/4 ... U. T. Waterfall 6289 1945-8-31
GH: 01832921 Hieracium scabrum Michaux USA: Oklahoma 4 mi. N. + 2 W. of Sulphur U. T. Waterfall 6395 1945-9-10
Bignoniaceae GH: 02055077 Tecoma stans angustatum Rehder USA: Texas facing the "Great Canyon" of the Rio Grande ... U. T. Waterfall 6243 1945-8-29
Boraginaceae GH: 02060239 Cryptantha coryi I. M. Johnston USA: Texas near the upper end of the upper canyon of th... U. T. Waterfall 6214 1945-8-29
GH: 01993476 Heliotropium curassavicum Linnaeus USA: Texas along narrow valley of the Rio Grande at the... U. T. Waterfall 6237 1945-8-31
GH: 01994025 Heliotropium tenellum Torrey USA: Oklahoma 1 mi. W and 1 mi. N. of Mill Creek U. T. Waterfall 5644 1945-9-25
Brassicaceae GH: 01181682 Boechera canadensis (Linnaeus) Al-Shehbaz USA: Oklahoma 2 miles north of Daugherty U. T. Waterfall 5982 1945-4-27
GH: 00932366 Boechera fendleri (S. Watson) W. A. Weber USA: Texas In valley running into Eagle Mts., about 1/4... U. T. Waterfall 6281 1945-8-31
GH: 01538106 Erysimum capitatum (Douglas ex Hooker) Greene USA: Texas Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine and Eagle Pe... U. T. Waterfall 6356 1945-8-31
GH: 01540397 Halimolobos diffusus (A. Gray) O. E. Schulz USA: Texas valley running into Eagle Mts. about 1/4 mil... U. T. Waterfall 6285 1945-8-31
GH: 01540398 Halimolobos diffusus (A. Gray) O. E. Schulz USA: Texas Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine and Eagle Pe... U. T. Waterfall 6298 1945-8-31
GH: 01540566 Hesperidanthus linearifolius (A. Gray) Rydberg USA: Texas Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine and Eagle Pe... U. T. Waterfall 6348 1945-8-31
GH: 01550497 Nerisyrenia linearifolia (S. Watson) Greene USA: New Mexico east of the Pecos River; 1/2 mile southwest ... U. T. Waterfall 6132 1945-8-27
GH: 01550513 Nerisyrenia linearifolia (S. Watson) Greene USA: Texas 2 miles west of Peyote Air Base U. T. Waterfall 6375 1945-9-2
GH: 01687940 Physaria ovalifolia alba (Goodman) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Oklahoma Arbuckle Mts., 1 mile east and two south of ... U. T. Waterfall 5947 1945-4-14
GH: 01687944 Physaria ovalifolia alba (Goodman) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Oklahoma 3 mi N & 1 E. of Tishomingo U. T. Waterfall 5938 1945-4-11
GH: 01693410 Selenia aurea Nuttall USA: Oklahoma 3 mi. N. & 1 E. of Tishomingo U. T. Waterfall 5936 1945-4-11
Caesalpiniaceae GH: 01679395 Senna lindheimeriana (Scheele) H. S. Irwin & Barneby USA: Texas In valley running into eagle Mts., about 4 m... U. T. Waterfall 6277 1945-8-31
GH: 01679779 Senna roemeriana (Scheele) H. S. Irwin & Barneby USA: Texas facing the "Great Canyon" of the Rio Grande ... U. T. Waterfall 6242 1945-8-29
Caprifoliaceae GH: 02039334 Lonicera albiflora Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas running into Eagle Mts. about 1/4 mile south... U. T. Waterfall 6290 1945-8-31
Caryophyllaceae GH: 01743694 Cerastium fontanum Baumgarten USA: Oklahoma 3 mi. N. & 1E. of Tishomingo U. T. Waterfall 5927 1945-4-11
GH: 01745941 Minuartia michauxii Farwell USA: Oklahoma 3 mi. N. of Dougherty U. T. Waterfall 5989 1945-6-26
GH: 01713233 Minuartia patula (Michaux) Mattfeld USA: Oklahoma 3 miles north and 1 east of Tishomingo. U. T. Waterfall 5939 1945-4-11
GH: 01714843 Paronychia jamesii Torrey & A. Gray USA: New Mexico 1/2 mile southwest of Frasier U. T. Waterfall 6151 1945-8-27
GH: 01714873 Paronychia jamesii Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas 3 miles east of Sweetwater. U. T. Waterfall 6377 1945-9-2
GH: 01752559 Silene laciniata greggii (A. Gray) C. L. Hitchcock & Maguire USA: Texas near top of Eagle Peak, Eagle Mts. U. T. Waterfall 6303 1945-9-1
Chenopodiaceae GH: 01783736 Salicornia sp. USA: New Mexico 13 miles northeast of Roswell. U. T. Waterfall 6180 1945-8-27
Commelinaceae GH: 02073574 Commelina dianthifolia Delile USA: Texas slopes of Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine an... U. T. Waterfall 6324 1945-8-31
Convolvulaceae GH: 02056741 Cuscuta indecora Choisy USA: New Mexico 2 miles north of Texas state line near U.S. ... U. T. Waterfall 6195 1945-8-28
GH: 02237582 Evolvulus alsinoides Linnaeus USA: Texas [data not captured] U. T. Waterfall 6333 1945-8-31
GH: 02237593 Evolvulus discolor Bentham USA: Texas [data not captured] U. T. Waterfall 6350 1945-8-31
GH: 02042838 Ipomoea sp. USA: Texas near top of Eagle Peak, Eagle Mts U. T. Waterfall 6312 1945-9-1
Cupressaceae GH: 02104846 Juniperus deppeana Steudel USA: Texas slopes of Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine an... U. T. Waterfall 6363 1945-8-31
GH: 02107100 Juniperus sp. USA: Texas slopes of Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine an... U. T. Waterfall 6364 1945-8-31
Fabaceae GH: 02047950 Astragalus distortus Torr. & A. Gray USA: Oklahoma 3 miles north and 1 east of Tishomingo U. T. Waterfall 5924 1945-4-11
GH: 02048112 Astragalus praelongus ellisiae (Rydberg) Barneby USA: New Mexico 1/2 mile southwest of Frasier. U. T. Waterfall 6173 1945-8-27
GH: 01885613 Dalea frutescens A. Gray USA: Oklahoma near "White Mound" about a mile NE. of Big C... U. T. Waterfall 6397 1945-9-20
GH: 01921007 Dalea nana Torrey ex A. Gray USA: Texas Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine and Eagle Pe... U. T. Waterfall 6336 1945-8-31
GH: 01921661 Dalea wrightii A. Gray USA: Texas near the upper end of the upper canyon of th... U. T. Waterfall 6211 1945-8-29
GH: 01921660 Dalea wrightii A. Gray USA: Texas Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine and Eagle Pe... U. T. Waterfall 6338 1945-8-31
GH: 01959509 Galactia sp. USA: Texas valley running into Eagle Mts., about 1/4 mi... U. T. Waterfall 6280 1945-8-31
GH: 01958929 Hylodesmum glutinosum (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) H. Ohashi & R. R. Mill USA: Oklahoma 1 mi W and 2 S of Hennepin U. T. Waterfall 6091 1945-7-23
GH: 02133053 Pediomelum linearifolium (Torrey & A. Gray) J. W. Grimes USA: Oklahoma 1 mi. E & 3 mi. S of Davis U. T. Waterfall 6048 1945-6-6
GH: 02134449 Rhynchosia senna texana (Torrey & A. Gray) M. C. Johnston USA: Texas slopes of Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine an... U. T. Waterfall 6297 1945-8-31
GH: 02347257 Vicia minutiflora D. Dietrich USA: Oklahoma 3 mi. N. & 1 E. of Tishomingo U. T. Waterfall 5932 1945-4-11
Gentianaceae GH: 02069535 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: New Mexico 1/2 mile southwest of Frasier. U. T. Waterfall 6146 1945-8-27
GH: 02069562 Eustoma russellianum G. Don USA: Texas narrow valley of the Rio Grande at the upper... U. T. Waterfall 6225 1945-8-31
GH: 02164444 Zeltnera beyrichii (Torrey & A. Gray) G. Mansion USA: Oklahoma 1 1/2 mi. S. of Sulphur U. T. Waterfall 6076 1945-7-6
Hydrangeaceae GH: 01750831 Fendlera wrightii (Engelmann & A. Gray) A. Heller USA: Texas near top of Eagle peak, Eagle Mts. U. T. Waterfall 6361 1945-9-1
Lamiaceae GH: 01696145 Salvia lycioides A. Gray USA: Texas slopes of Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine an... U. T. Waterfall 6311 1945-8-31
Malvaceae GH: 02070771 Abutilon malacum S. Watson USA: Texas at the upper end of the "Great Canyon" below... U. T. Waterfall 6234 1945-8-31
GH: 02202130 Anoda pentachista A. Gray USA: Texas near the upper end of the upper canyon of th... U. T. Waterfall 6210 1945-8-29
GH: 02200591 Sida neomexicana A. Gray USA: Texas of Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine and Eagle... U. T. Waterfall 6332 1945-8-31
GH: 02199942 Sphaeralcea incana Torrey ex A. Gray USA: Texas between fluoride mine and Eagle Peak. U. T. Waterfall 6299 1945-8-31
Mimosaceae GH: 01786146 Calliandra conferta Bentham USA: Texas near the upper end of the upper canyon of th... U. T. Waterfall 6205 1945-8-29
GH: 01680381 Mimosa sp. USA: Texas Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine and Eagle Pe... U. T. Waterfall 6366 1945-8-31
Nyctaginaceae GH: 01642326 Abronia carletonii J.M. Coult. & Fisher USA: New Mexico 2 miles north of Texas state line near U. S.... U. T. Waterfall 6194 1945-8-28
GH: 01642785 Acleisanthes lanceolatus (Wooton) R. A. Levin USA: New Mexico top of Bluffs east of the Pecos River, 1/2 m... U. T. Waterfall 6138 1945-8-27
GH: 01641031 Anulocaulis leiosolenus gypsogenus (Waterfall) Spellenb. & Wooton USA: New Mexico top of Bluffs east of the Pecos River, 1/2 m... U. T. Waterfall 6131 1945-8-27
GH: 01641047 Boerhavia anisophylla Torrey USA: Texas 3 mi. north of the "Gheat caƱon" of the Rio... U. T. Waterfall 1945-8-29
GH: 01641133 Boerhavia diffusa Linnaeus USA: Texas Eagle Mt. between flouride mine and Eagle Pe... U. T. Waterfall 1945
GH: 01641426 Commicarpus scandens (Linnaeus) Standley USA: Texas cliffs facing the "Great Canyon" of the Rio ... U. T. Waterfall 1945-8-29
GH: 01641441 Cyphomeris gypsophiloides (M. Martens & Galeotti) Standley USA: Texas In valley running into Eagle Mts. about 1/4 ... U. T. Waterfall 1945-8-31
GH: 01846557 Mirabilis sp. USA: Texas Eagle Mt. between flouride mine and Eagle Pe... U. T. Waterfall 1945-8-31
Oleaceae GH: 01850808 Menodora scabra A. Gray USA: New Mexico Larrea desert, 1 mile west of Acme; Northeas... U. T. Waterfall 1945-8-27
Onagraceae GH: 01624658 Calylophus hartwegii filifolius (Eastwood) Towner & P. H. Raven USA: New Mexico top of Bluffs east of the Pecos River, 1/2 m... U. T. Waterfall 6136 1945-8-27
GH: 01624672 Calylophus hartwegii filifolius (Eastwood) Towner & P. H. Raven USA: Texas 3 miles east of Sweetwater. U. T. Waterfall 6385 1945-9-2
GH: 01777772 Gaura coccinea Pursh USA: New Mexico east of the Pecos River, 1/2 mile southwest ... U. T. Waterfall 6133 1945-8-27
GH: 01778185 Gaura parviflora Douglas USA: New Mexico 1/2 mile southwest of Frasier U. T. Waterfall 6170 1945-8-27
Orobanchaceae GH: 01877331 Castilleja integra A. Gray USA: New Mexico 2 miles north of Texas line near Highway # 6... U. T. Waterfall 6201 1945-8-28
GH: 01877363 Castilleja integra A. Gray USA: Texas Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine and Eagle Pe... U. T. Waterfall 6327 1945-8-31
Oxalidaceae GH: 01585606 Oxalis latifolia Kunth USA: Texas slopes of Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine an... U. T. Waterfall 6328 1945-8-31
Plantaginaceae GH: 00466762 Callitriche heterophylla Pursh USA: Oklahoma 1 mi. S of county line near U.S. Highway #77 U. T. Waterfall 5910 1945-3-23
GH: 02002723 Penstemon barbatus torreyi (Bentham) A. Gray USA: Texas slopes of Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine an... U. T. Waterfall 6326 1945-8-31
GH: 02120542 Penstemon jamesii Bentham USA: Texas 3 miles east of Sweetwater U. T. Waterfall 6734 1945-9-2
Plumbaginaceae GH: 01927367 Limonium limbatum Small USA: New Mexico 12 miles northeast of Roswell U. T. Waterfall 6178 1945-8-27
Poaceae GH: 01813693 Bothriochloa saccharoides (Swartz) Rydberg USA: New Mexico 1/2 mile southwest of Frasier U. T. Waterfall 6154 1945-8-27
GH: 01814399 Heteropogon contortus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois ex Roemer & Schultes USA: Texas cliffs facing the "Great Canyon" of the Rio ... U. T. Waterfall 6241 1945-8-29
Polemoniaceae GH: 01000994 Giliastrum acerosum (A. Gray) Rydberg USA: New Mexico 4 miles south of Whites City U. T. Waterfall 6190 1945-8-28
GH: 01574841 Phlox nana Nuttall USA: Texas near top of Eagle Peak, Eagle Mts. U. T. Waterfall 6359 1945-9-1
Polygalaceae GH: 01970083 Polygala barbeyana Chodat USA: Texas Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine and Eagle Pe... U. T. Waterfall 6352 1945-8-31
GH: 01968270 Polygala scoparioides Chodat USA: Texas near the upper end of the upper canyon of th... U. T. Waterfall 6213 1945-8-29
Polygonaceae GH: 01851339 Eriogonum jamesii Bentham USA: Texas slopes of Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine an... U. T. Waterfall 6318 1945-8-31
Portulacaceae GH: 01860857 Portulaca oleracea Linnaeus USA: Texas along narrow valley of the Rio Grande at the... U. T. Waterfall 6232 1945-8-31
GH: 01928055 Talinum aurantiacum Engelmann USA: Texas slopes of Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine an... U. T. Waterfall 6301 1945-8-31
Primulaceae GH: 01926498 Samolus ebracteatus Kunth USA: Texas at the upper end of the "Great Canyon" below... U. T. Waterfall 6233 1945-8-31
GH: 01926537 Samolus ebracteatus cuneatus (Small) Henrickson USA: New Mexico 1/2 mile southwest of Frasier U. T. Waterfall 6142 1945-8-27
Rhamnaceae GH: 01788587 Adolphia infesta (Kunth) Meisner USA: Texas Eagle Mt. between flouride mine and Eagle Pe... U. T. Waterfall 1945-8-31
Rosaceae GH: 01587945 Cercocarpus sp. USA: Texas near top of Eagle Peak, Eagle Mts. U. T. Waterfall 6362 1945-9-1
Rubiaceae GH: 02356069 Bouvardia ternifolia (Cavanilles) Schlechtendal USA: Texas Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine and Eagle Pe... U. T. Waterfall 6334 1945-8-31
GH: 02138387 Galium microphyllum A. Gray USA: Texas In valley running into Eagle Mts. about 1/4 ... U. T. Waterfall 6283 1945-8-31
GH: 02140721 Galium wrightii A. Gray USA: Texas Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine and Eagle Pe... U. T. Waterfall 6321 1945-8-31
Rutaceae GH: 01584510 Ptelea sp. USA: Texas near top of Eagle Peak, Eagle Mts. U. T. Waterfall 6340 1945-9-1
Scrophulariaceae GH: 02001135 Maurandella antirrhiniflora (Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow) Rothmaler USA: Texas In valley running into Eagle Mts. about 1/4 ... U. T. Waterfall 6282 1945-8-31
Selaginellaceae GH: 02074338 Selaginella sp. USA: Texas Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine and Eagle Pe... U. T. Waterfall 6358 1945-8-31
Solanaceae GH: 01145572 Chamaesaracha coniodes (Moricand ex Dunal) Britton USA: New Mexico South of San Juan U. T. Waterfall 6123 1945-8-26
GH: 01145823 Chamaesaracha villosa Rydberg USA: Texas near the upper end of the upper canyon of th... U. T. Waterfall 6209 1945-8-29
GH: 01563190 Nicotiana obtusifolia Mertens & Galeotti USA: New Mexico 2 miles north of Texas line near Highway #62 U. T. Waterfall 6197 1945-8-28
GH: 01541828 Physalis solanacea (Schlechtendal) Axelius USA: Texas between fluroride mine and Eagle Peak U. T. Waterfall 6293 1945-8-31
GH: 00310576 Solanum triquetrum Cavanilles USA: Texas slopes of Eagle Mt. between fluoride mine an... U. T. Waterfall 6330 1945-8-31
GH: 00310577 Solanum triquetrum Cavanilles USA: Texas In valley running into Eagle Mts., about 1/4... U. T. Waterfall 6278 1945-8-31
Typhaceae GH: 00933053 Typha domingensis Persoon USA: New Mexico southwest of Fraiser U. T. Waterfall 39 1945-8-27
Urticaceae GH: 02170580 Parietaria pensylvanica Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New Mexico Canyon running into gypsum cliffs 2 miles no... U. T. Waterfall 6198 1945-8-28
Verbenaceae GH: 01954381 Phyla sp. USA: Texas valley of the Rio Grande at the upper end of... U. T. Waterfall 6236 1945-8-31
Zygophyllaceae GH: 01787848 Kallstroemia grandiflora Torrey ex A. Gray USA: Texas near the upper end of the upper canyon of th... U. T. Waterfall 1945-8-29