Acanthaceae GH: 02527258 Justicia insularis T. Anderson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutschuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3893 1937-3-18
Apocynaceae A: 02114150 Carissa spinarum Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3832 1937-3-11
A: 02009245 Rauvolfia caffra Sonder Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3805 1937-3-5
Caesalpiniaceae A: 02568343 Cynometra alexandri C. H. Wright Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Rutshuru (Congo Belge) J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3845 1937-3-13
A: 02450764 Griffonia physocarpa Baillon Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala (Congo Belge) J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 2902 1937-7-20
Celastraceae A: 02452684 Mystroxylon aethiopicum (Thunberg) Loesener Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Rutshuru (Congo Belge) J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4260 1937-4-10
Hippocrateaceae A: 02452486 Hippocratea bequaertii De Wild. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo Belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3886 1937
A: 02452590 Loeseneriella clematoides (Loes.) R.Wilczek Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4330 1937
Malpighiaceae A: 00254236 Flabellariopsis acuminata (Engler) Wilczek Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo Belge, Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4254 1937-4
A: 00254236 Triaspis lateriflora Oliver Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo Belge, Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4254 1937-4
Orchidaceae AMES: 02384455 Bulbophyllum cochleatum Lindley Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Loarhi-Kivce (Congo Belge) J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4893 1937
AMES: 02384455 Bulbophyllum cochleatum brachyanthum (Summerhayes) J. J. Vermeulen Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Loarhi-Kivce (Congo Belge) J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4893 1937
AMES: 02389094 Polystachya stuhlmannii Kraenzlin Congo, Democratic Republic of the: [Loashi-Kiru?] (Congo Belge) J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4888 1937
AMES: 02389093 Polystachya stuhlmannii Kraenzlin Congo, Democratic Republic of the: [Yoashi Kivu?] J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4888 1937
AMES: 00273457 Polystachya vulcanica Kraenzlin Congo, Democratic Republic of the: lacs Mokoto J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 5057 1937
AMES: 00273458 Polystachya vulcanica Kraenzlin Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Lac Kokoto J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 5057 1937
Phytolaccaceae A: 01248146 Phytolacca dodecandra L'Heritier Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Rutshuru; Congo Belge J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3827 1937
Piperaceae A: 01883771 Piper bequaertii De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3720 1937
A: 01883796 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4265 1937-4-12
Poaceae GH: 02541175 Brachiaria bequaertii Robyns Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Ritshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4305 1937-4-17
Ranunculaceae A: 02518352 Clematis simensis Fresenius Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3594 1937-1-4
Rhamnaceae A: 02553754 Gouania longipetala Hemsley Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Rutshuru (Congo Belge) J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4257 1937
A: 02454305 Rhamnus prinoides L'Heritier Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Rutshuru (Congo Belge) J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4286 1937
A: 02454301 Rhamnus prinoides L'Heritier Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4286 1937-4-14
A: 02454347 Ventilago africana Exell Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3796 1937
A: 02454349 Ventilago leiocarpa Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3833 1937-3-11
Rubiaceae A: 02455093 Canthium glabriflorum Hiern Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3829 1937-3-10
A: 02455092 Canthium glabriflorum Hiern Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Rutschuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4332 1937-4-20
A: 02455177 Canthium hispidum Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3825 1937-3-10
A: 02455176 Canthium hispidum Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4412 1937-5-3
A: 02455175 Canthium hispidum Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4412 1937
A: 02435072 Commitheca liebrechtsiana (De Wildeman & T. Durand) Bremekamp Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Rutschuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3948 1937-4-2
A: 02437697 Dolichopentas longiflora (Oliver) Kårehed & B. Bremer Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3725 1937-2-20
A: 00242347 Hymenodictyon floribundum (Hochstetter & Steudel) B. L. Robinson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Goma J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4326 1937-4-18
A: 02455177 Keetia hispida (Bentham) Bridson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3825 1937-3-10
A: 02455176 Keetia hispida (Bentham) Bridson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4412 1937-5-3
A: 02455175 Keetia hispida (Bentham) Bridson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4412 1937
A: 02437862 Mitragyna rubrostipulata (K. Schumann) Haviland Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Masisi (Congo Belge) J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4942 1937
A: 02435072 Pauridiantha liebrechtsiana (De wild. & T. Durand) S. Ntore & S. Dessein Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Rutschuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3948 1937-4-2
A: 02455584 Psychotria mahonii C. H. Wright Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Lan Kokoto, Congo Belge J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4999 1937
A: 02455093 Psydrax subcordatus (de Candolle) Bridson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3829 1937-3-10
A: 02455092 Psydrax subcordatus (de Candolle) Bridson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Rutschuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4332 1937-4-20
A: 02435462 Rothmannia urcelliformis (Schweinfurth ex Hiern) Bullock ex Robyns Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo Belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3955 1937-4-3
GH: 02453222 Rubia cordifolia Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4300 1937-4-16
Sapindaceae A: 02553464 Allophylus kiwuensis Gilg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4253 1937
Ulmaceae A: 02453618 Chaetachme aristata Planch. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4304 1937
A: 02453616 Chaetachme aristata Planch. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Rutshuru (Congo Belge) J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4304 1937
Verbenaceae A: 02516451 Clerodendrum buchholzii R. L. A. M. Gürke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4299 1937-4-16
A: 02516476 Clerodendrum discolor Vatke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Rutshuru, galerie forestiere J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3830 1937-3-11
Vitaceae A: 02516405 Rhoicissus erythrodes Planchon Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Rutshuru [?] J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4284 1937-1-19
A: 02516405 Rhoicissus pauciflora Planchon Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Rutshuru [?] J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4284 1937-1-19