Acanthaceae A: 02527678 Strobilanthopsis linifolia (T. Anderson ex C. B. Clarke) Milne-Redhead Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Elisabethville (Congo Belge) P. Quarre 593 1927
A: 02527677 Strobilanthopsis linifolia (T. Anderson ex C. B. Clarke) Milne-Redhead Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Elisabethville (Congo Belge) P. Quarre 50 1927
GH: 02527723 Thunbergia hockii De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kibembe. ferme ole Kibembe P. Quarre 638 1927-8
GH: 02527743 Thunbergia proxima De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferme Droogman P. Quarre 690 1927-9
Amaranthaceae GH: 00036977 Alternanthera caracasanus Kunth Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katuba P. Quarre 21 1927
GH: 00036977 Alternanthera macrorhiza Hauman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katuba P. Quarre 21 1927
Apocynaceae A: 02115330 Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müller Arg.) Pichon Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katuba; ferme Droogmans P. Quarre 695 1927-10
GH: 02009239 Rauvolfia caffra Sonder Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga, ferme Droogmouns P. Quarre 1927-10
Byttneriaceae A: 00062801 Dombeya quarrei De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga P. Quarre 383 1927-5
A: 00062802 Dombeya subdichotoma De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga, ferme de Kibembe P. Quarre 628 1927-8
Caesalpiniaceae GH: 00053315 Cassia fallacina katangensis Ghesquiere Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Shaba Droogmans P. Quarre 942 1927-12
A: 00053316 Cassia kirkii quarrei Ghesquiere Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Shaba Prince Leopold P. Quarre 380 1927-5
A: 00053316 Cassia mimosoides Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Shaba Prince Leopold P. Quarre 380 1927-5
GH: 00053315 Cassia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Shaba Droogmans P. Quarre 942 1927-12
A: 00053316 Cassia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Shaba Prince Leopold P. Quarre 380 1927-5
GH: 00053315 Chamaecrista katangensis (Ghesquiere) Lock Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Shaba Droogmans P. Quarre 942 1927-12
A: 02321047 Piliostigma reticulatum (de Candolle) Hochstetter Congo, Democratic Republic of the: l'Etiole. ferme Prince Leopold P. Quarre 330 1927-5
A: 02321048 Piliostigma reticulatum (de Candolle) Hochstetter Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga P. Quarre 1927
A: 02321041 Piliostigma reticulatum (de Candolle) Hochstetter Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Roduba. ferme Droofmans P. Quarre 25 1927-1
Celastraceae A: 02452944 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à l'Etoile. ferme Prince Leopold P. Quarre 411 1927-5
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à l'Etoile. ferme Prince Leopold P. Quarre 411 1927-5
Connaraceae A: 02453603 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferme Droogman P. Quarre 471 1927-5
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferme Droogman P. Quarre 471 1927-5
Cyperaceae GH: 00246037 Carex chlorosaccus C. B. Clarke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga. Katube. ferme Droogman P. Quarre 936 1927-12
GH: 00246037 Carex sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga. Katube. ferme Droogman P. Quarre 936 1927-12
GH: 00027712 Mariscus quarrei Chermezon Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katuba P. Quarre 12 1927
GH: 00027713 Pycreus katangensis Chermezon Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katuba P. Quarre 884 1927-11
GH: 00027714 Pycreus katangensis Chermezon Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katuba P. Quarre 768 1927-11
Ebenaceae GH: 02504191 Diospyros pallens (Thunberg) F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Elisabethville P. Quarre 674 1927-9-28
Euphorbiaceae A: 02588836 Bridelia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. ferme Dom Bosco P. Quarre 281 1927-4
Fabaceae GH: 02321787 Adenodolichos sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kibembe. ferme de Kibembe P. Quarre 642 1927-8
GH: 02321839 Aeschynomene sublignosa DeWild. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferme Droogman P. Quarre 478 1927-5
GH: 02321841 Aeschynomene sublignosa DeWild. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferme Droogman P. Quarre 689 1927-9
Loranthaceae A: 02453937 Tapinanthus erianthus (Sprague) Danser Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Etoile. ferme Prince Leòpold P. Quarre 306 1927-5
Mimosaceae A: 02321318 Albizia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu P. Quarre 795 1927-11
A: 02321537 Entada sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Ratuba. ferme Droogmans P. Quarre 700 1927-10
Opiliaceae A: 02437013 Opilia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga P. Quarre 571 1927
Phyllanthaceae A: 02588727 Antidesma sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafebu [additional data not captured] P. Quarre 788 1927-11
A: 02553136 Phyllanthus muellerianus (Kuntze) Exell Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferme Droogmans P. Quarre 66 1927-2
GH: 02553212 Phyllanthus sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferme H. Droogmans P. Quarre 168 1927-2
Piperaceae A: 01883828 Piper sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Monsagne P. Quarre 567 1927
Poaceae GH: 02541157 Anthephora sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katuba. ferme Droogmans P. Quarre 173 1927-2
GH: 02541441 Cenchrus sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katuba; ferme Droogmans P. Quarre 8 1927
GH: 02542531 Cymbopogon densiflorus Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferme H Droogmoms[?] P. Quarre 171 1927-2
GH: 02541680 Echinochloa pyramidalis (Lamarck) Hitchcock & Chase Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kibembe. ferme de " " [Kibembe] P. Quarre 643 1927-8
GH: 02541689 Echinochloa sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferme Droogman. P. Quarre 177 1927-2
GH: 02433020 Elytrophorus articulatus P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kibembe. ferme de Kibembe. P. Quarre 640 1927-8
GH: 02447306 Eragrostis sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba ferme Groofmans P. Quarre 6 1927-1
GH: 02447305 Eragrostis sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba ferme Groofmans P. Quarre 474 1927-5
GH: 02447304 Eragrostis sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba fermu Dom Bosco P. Quarre 250 1927-4
GH: 02541441 Pennisetum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katuba; ferme Droogmans P. Quarre 8 1927
GH: 02447560 Sporobolus pyramidalis P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kituba. fermu Droogman [see label for additi... P. Quarre 9 1927-1
GH: 02447631 Tragus berteronianus Schultes Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge: Katanga, Env. Elisabethville, F... P. Quarre 364 1927-5-5
GH: 00246037 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga. Katube. ferme Droogman P. Quarre 936 1927-12
GH: 02437247 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. ferme Dom Boeu P. Quarre 886 1927-11
GH: 02437246 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferme Droogman P. Quarre 24 1927-1
GH: 02437244 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. fermu Kina[illegible] P. Quarre 863 1927-11
GH: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga. Katube. ferme Droogman P. Quarre 936 1927-12
GH: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. ferme Dom Boeu P. Quarre 886 1927-11
GH: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferme Droogman P. Quarre 24 1927-1
GH: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. fermu Kina[illegible] P. Quarre 863 1927-11
Rubiaceae GH: 02437574 Agathisanthemum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à l'Etoile. ferme Prince Leopold P. Quarre 314 1927-5
A: 02455009 Canthium sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kibembe. ferme de " " [Kibembe P. Quarre 629 1927-8
A: 02233983 Canthium sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga P. Quarre 527 1927
A: 02453923 Canthium sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga P. Quarre 563 1927
GH: 02453173 Galium lucidum Allioni Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferme Droogmans P. Quarre 82 1927-2
GH: 02437553 Oldenlandia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à l'Etoile. fermu de [illegible] P. Quarre 374 1927-5
GH: 02437552 Oldenlandia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Karatia[?] fermu Goffand P. Quarre 1663 1927-5
GH: 02455974 Otiophora sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferme Droogmans P. Quarre 454 1927-5
GH: 02455380 Pavetta sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. fermu Vingmont P. Quarre 867 1927-12
GH: 02455379 Pavetta sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. fermu Dom Boreo[?] P. Quarre 293 1927-4
GH: 02435883 Pentanisia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga P. Quarre 650 1927
A: 02453928 Randia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. ferm Granat [illegible] P. Quarre 760 1927-11
A: 00273826 Sabicea sp. : Africa (Region): Kafubu. ferme G[?]at P. Quarre 785 1927-11
GH: 02453099 Spermacoce sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à l'Etoile. ferme Prince Leopold P. Quarre 387 1927-5
GH: 02453094 Spermacoce sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferm H. Droogman P. Quarre 169 1927-2
A: 02435180 Tarenna sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba P. Quarre 54 1927-1
A: 02435970 Vangueria sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferme H. Droogmans P. Quarre 166 1927-2
A: 02435968 Vangueria sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. fermu Droogmans P. Quarre 715 1927-10
A: 02453284 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. ferme Dom Boseo P. Quarre 246 1927-4
A: 02453283 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga P. Quarre 525 1927
A: 02453282 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. ferme Gromat[?] P. Quarre 772 1927-11
A: 02453278 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Rafubu. ferme Dom Booco P. Quarre 267 1927-4
GH: 02453378 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Etville. Dembo U.[?] M. P. Quarre 677 1927-4
A: 01689275 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Etville. Dembo U. M. P. Quarre 666 1927-9
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. ferme Dom Boseo P. Quarre 246 1927-4
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga P. Quarre 525 1927
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. ferme Gromat[?] P. Quarre 772 1927-11
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Rafubu. ferme Dom Booco P. Quarre 267 1927-4
GH: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Etville. Dembo U.[?] M. P. Quarre 677 1927-4
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Etville. Dembo U. M. P. Quarre 666 1927-9
Ulmaceae GH: 02453734 Trema guineensis (Schumach. & Thonn.) Ficalho Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferme Droogmans P. Quarre 443 1927-5