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FH: 00800420
Calliergon cordifolium
(Hedwig) Kindberg USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00800503
Calliergon giganteum
(Schimper) Kindberg Canada: British Columbia Victoria: [no additional data] J. Röll 149
FH: 00800490
Calliergon giganteum
(Schimper) Kindberg USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 459
FH: 00800786
Calliergonella cuspidata
(Hedwig) Loeske USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1579
FH: 00800788
Calliergonella cuspidata
(Hedwig) Loeske USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00800789
Calliergonella cuspidata
(Hedwig) Loeske USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 448
FH: 00800790
Calliergonella cuspidata
(Hedwig) Loeske USA: Wisconsin Milwaukee: [no additional data] J. Röll 1707
FH: 00539284
Conardia compacta
(Müller Halle) H. Robinson USA: Montana [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00539285
Conardia compacta
(Müller Halle) H. Robinson USA: Montana [data not captured] J. Röll 1416
FH: 00539286
Conardia compacta
(Müller Halle) H. Robinson USA: Montana [data not captured] J. Röll 1399
FH: 00539288
Conardia compacta
(Müller Halle) H. Robinson USA: Montana [data not captured] J. Röll 1818
FH: 00539778
Cratoneuron filicinum prolixum
(De Notaris) Loeske USA: Minnesota Minneapolis: [no additional data] J. Röll 1666
FH: 00539760
Cratoneuron sp.
USA: Minnesota Minneapolis: [no additional data] J. Röll 1672
FH: 00539766
Cratoneuron sp.
USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 771
FH: 00539767
Cratoneuron sp.
USA: Montana [data not captured] J. Röll 1315
FH: 00539768
Cratoneuron sp.
USA: Montana [data not captured] J. Röll 1333
FH: 00838790
Hygroamblystegium tenax orthocladon
(P. Beauvois) Wijk & Margadant USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 294
FH: 00839107
Hygrohypnum molle
(Hedwig) Loeske USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00839108
Hygrohypnum molle
(Hedwig) Loeske USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll 1135
FH: 00839109
Hygrohypnum molle
(Hedwig) Loeske USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll 1141
FH: 00839267
Hygrohypnum ochraceum
(Turner ex Wilson) Loeske USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1561
FH: 00839268
Hygrohypnum ochraceum
(Turner ex Wilson) Loeske USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1559
FH: 00839269
Hygrohypnum ochraceum
(Turner ex Wilson) Loeske USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1569
FH: 00839270
Hygrohypnum ochraceum
(Turner ex Wilson) Loeske USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1568
FH: 00839276
Hygrohypnum ochraceum
(Turner ex Wilson) Loeske USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 524
FH: 00839277
Hygrohypnum ochraceum
(Turner ex Wilson) Loeske USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00839281
Hygrohypnum ochraceum
(Turner ex Wilson) Loeske USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll 1140
FH: 00839292
Hygrohypnum ochraceum
(Turner ex Wilson) Loeske USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 940
FH: 00839321
Hygrohypnum ochraceum flaccidum
(Milde) J. J. Amann USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll 1118
FH: 00839322
Hygrohypnum ochraceum flaccidum
(Milde) J. J. Amann USA: Montana [data not captured] J. Röll 1334
FH: 00839307
Hygrohypnum ochraceum brevifolium
Arnell & C. E. O. Jensen ex Mönkemeyer USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 449
FH: 00839304
Hygrohypnum sp.
USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 458
FH: 00839323
Hygrohypnum sp.
USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll 1130
FH: 00839325
Hygrohypnum sp.
USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00839326
Hygrohypnum sp.
USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll 1131
FH: 00843492
Leptodictyum riparium
(Hedwig) Warnstorf Canada: British Columbia Victoria: [no additional data] J. Röll 143
FH: 00843493
Leptodictyum riparium
(Hedwig) Warnstorf Canada: British Columbia Victoria: [no additional data] J. Röll 139
FH: 00843495
Leptodictyum riparium
(Hedwig) Warnstorf Canada: British Columbia Victoria: [no additional data] J. Röll 132
FH: 00843496
Leptodictyum riparium
(Hedwig) Warnstorf Canada: British Columbia Victoria: [no additional data] J. Röll 138
FH: 00843558
Leptodictyum riparium longifolium
(Schultz) Grout Canada: British Columbia Victoria: [no additional data] J. Röll 131
FH: 00843560
Leptodictyum riparium longifolium
(Schultz) Grout Canada: British Columbia Victoria: [no additional data] J. Röll 141
FH: 00843410
Leptodictyum riparium
(Hedwig) Warnstorf USA: Illinois Chicago: [no additional data] J. Röll 1889
FH: 00843411
Leptodictyum riparium
(Hedwig) Warnstorf USA: Indiana [data not captured] J. Röll 1911
FH: 00843462
Leptodictyum riparium
(Hedwig) Warnstorf USA: Montana [data not captured] J. Röll 1841
FH: 00843463
Leptodictyum riparium
(Hedwig) Warnstorf USA: Montana [data not captured] J. Röll 1336
FH: 00843464
Leptodictyum riparium
(Hedwig) Warnstorf USA: Idaho Coeur D'Alene: [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00843465
Leptodictyum riparium
(Hedwig) Warnstorf USA: Idaho Coeur D'Alene: [no additional data] J. Röll 1236
FH: 00843485
Leptodictyum riparium
(Hedwig) Warnstorf USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00843557
Leptodictyum riparium longifolium
(Schultz) Grout USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00843559
Leptodictyum riparium longifolium
(Schultz) Grout USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 766
FH: 00059118
Brachythecium laetum pseudo-acuminatum
Renauld & Cardot USA: Indiana Hobart J. Röll 1869
FH: 00059119
Brachythecium laetum roellii
Renauld & Cardot USA: Indiana Hobart, Calumet River J. Röll 1897
FH: 00059117
Brachythecium laetum fallax
Renauld & Cardot USA: Indiana Hobart, Calumet River J. Röll 1896
FH: 00515615
Chamberlainia acuminata
(Hedwig) Grout USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] J. Röll 1660
FH: 00515616
Chamberlainia acuminata
(Hedwig) Grout USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] J. Röll 1659
FH: 00515625
Chamberlainia acuminata
(Hedwig) Grout USA: Illinois Chicago: [no additional data] J. Röll 1862
FH: 00515626
Chamberlainia acuminata
(Hedwig) Grout USA: Indiana [data not captured] J. Röll 1870
FH: 00515628
Chamberlainia acuminata
(Hedwig) Grout USA: Indiana [data not captured] J. Röll 1870
FH: 00515629
Chamberlainia acuminata
(Hedwig) Grout USA: Indiana [data not captured] J. Röll 1834
FH: 00515630
Chamberlainia acuminata
(Hedwig) Grout USA: Indiana [data not captured] J. Röll 1869
FH: 00515489
Chamberlainia albicans
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Idaho Coeur D'Alene: [no additional data] J. Röll 1995
FH: 00515492
Chamberlainia albicans
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Idaho Coeur D'Alene: [no additional data] J. Röll 1224
FH: 00515495
Chamberlainia albicans
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll 1109
FH: 00515498
Chamberlainia albicans
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1545
FH: 00515499
Chamberlainia albicans
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Montana [no additional data] J. Röll 1303
FH: 00515500
Chamberlainia albicans
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1544
FH: 00515506
Chamberlainia albicans
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Washington Seattle: [no additional data] J. Röll 244
FH: 00515509
Chamberlainia albicans
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 844
FH: 00515512
Chamberlainia albicans
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 842
FH: 00515777
Chamberlainia collina
(Schleicher ex Müller Halle) H. Robinson USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1540
FH: 00515791
Chamberlainia collina
(Schleicher ex Müller Halle) H. Robinson USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll 1103
FH: 00515458
Chamberlainia erythrorrhiza
(Schimper) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 933
FH: 00538007
Chamberlainia oxycladon
(Bridel) H. Robinson USA: Indiana [data not captured] J. Röll 1870
FH: 00538013
Chamberlainia oxycladon
(Bridel) H. Robinson USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] J. Röll 1669
FH: 00538017
Chamberlainia oxycladon
(Bridel) H. Robinson USA: Illinois Chicago: [no additional data] J. Röll 1859
FH: 00538020
Chamberlainia oxycladon
(Bridel) H. Robinson USA: Illinois Chicago: [no additional data] J. Röll 1850
FH: 00538021
Chamberlainia oxycladon
(Bridel) H. Robinson USA: Indiana [data not captured] J. Röll 1873
FH: 00538022
Chamberlainia oxycladon
(Bridel) H. Robinson USA: Illinois Chicago: [no additional data] J. Röll 1851
FH: 00538023
Chamberlainia oxycladon
(Bridel) H. Robinson USA: Illinois Chicago: [no additional data] J. Röll
FH: 00538024
Chamberlainia oxycladon
(Bridel) H. Robinson USA: Indiana [data not captured] J. Röll 1852
FH: 00538025
Chamberlainia oxycladon
(Bridel) H. Robinson USA: Illinois Chicago: [no additional data] J. Röll 1865
FH: 00538026
Chamberlainia oxycladon
(Bridel) H. Robinson USA: Illinois Chicago: [no additional data] J. Röll
FH: 00538039
Chamberlainia oxycladon
(Bridel) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 724
FH: 00538040
Chamberlainia oxycladon
(Bridel) H. Robinson USA: Montana [data not captured] J. Röll 1304
FH: 00538041
Chamberlainia oxycladon
(Bridel) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 722
FH: 00538042
Chamberlainia oxycladon
(Bridel) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 726
FH: 00538043
Chamberlainia oxycladon
(Bridel) H. Robinson USA: Washington Seattle: [no additional data] J. Röll 244
FH: 00538245
Chamberlainia salebrosa
(Hoffmann ex F. Weber & D. Mohr) H. Robinson USA: Illinois Chicago: [no additional data] J. Röll 1863
FH: 00538248
Chamberlainia salebrosa
(Hoffmann ex F. Weber & D. Mohr) H. Robinson USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. Röll 1226
FH: 00538249
Chamberlainia salebrosa
(Hoffmann ex F. Weber & D. Mohr) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00538250
Chamberlainia salebrosa
(Hoffmann ex F. Weber & D. Mohr) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 721
FH: 00538253
Chamberlainia salebrosa
(Hoffmann ex F. Weber & D. Mohr) H. Robinson USA: Montana [data not captured] J. Röll 1305
FH: 00515799
Chamberlainia sp.
USA: Idaho Coeur D'Alene: [no additional data] J. Röll 1217
FH: 00538342
Chamberlainia velutina
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00538343
Chamberlainia velutina
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll 1113
FH: 00538344
Chamberlainia velutina
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll 1113
FH: 00538346
Chamberlainia velutina
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 936
FH: 00538347
Chamberlainia velutina
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll 1119
FH: 00538348
Chamberlainia velutina
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll 853
FH: 00538349
Chamberlainia velutina
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 721
FH: 00797489
Eurhynchium pulchellum
(Hedwig) Jennings USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1549
FH: 00797491
Eurhynchium pulchellum
(Hedwig) Jennings USA: Montana [data not captured] J. Röll 1391
FH: 00797515
Eurhynchium pulchellum
(Hedwig) Jennings USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 729
FH: 00797516
Eurhynchium pulchellum
(Hedwig) Jennings USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 731
FH: 00797520
Eurhynchium pulchellum
(Hedwig) Jennings USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 855
FH: 00797553
Eurhynchium pulchellum diversifolium
(Schimper) C. E. O. Jensen USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] J. Röll 1682
FH: 00797580
Eurhynchium pulchellum diversifolium
(Schimper) C. E. O. Jensen USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00797624
Eurhynchium pulchellum robustum
(J. Röll) Jennings USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 856
FH: 00797537
Eurhynchium sp.
USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 856
FH: 00797538
Eurhynchium sp.
USA: Montana [data not captured] J. Röll 1313
FH: 00797539
Eurhynchium sp.
USA: Idaho Coeur D'Alene: [no additional data] J. Röll 1217
FH: 00797541
Eurhynchium sp.
USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll 1125
FH: 00797542
Eurhynchium sp.
USA: Idaho Coeur D'Alene: [no additional data] J. Röll 1215
FH: 00797629
Eurhynchium substrigosum
Kindberg USA: Idaho Coeur D'Alene: [no additional data] J. Röll 1216
FH: 00797632
Eurhynchium substrigosum
Kindberg USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 847
FH: 00797633
Eurhynchium substrigosum
Kindberg USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00797634
Eurhynchium substrigosum
Kindberg USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 850
FH: 00797640
Eurhynchium substrigosum
Kindberg USA: Montana [data not captured] J. Röll 1312
FH: 00797660
Eurhynchium substrigosum barnesii
(Renauld & Cardot) Grout USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00797662
Eurhynchium substrigosum barnesii
(Renauld & Cardot) Grout USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 730
FH: 00797663
Eurhynchium substrigosum barnesii
(Renauld & Cardot) Grout USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 932
FH: 00797664
Eurhynchium substrigosum barnesii
(Renauld & Cardot) Grout USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 733
FH: 00837745
Homalothecium aureum
(Spruce) H. Robinson Canada: British Columbia Victoria: [no additional data] J. Röll 107
FH: 00837748
Homalothecium aureum
(Spruce) H. Robinson Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] J. Röll 107
FH: 00837750
Homalothecium aureum
(Spruce) H. Robinson Canada: British Columbia Victoria: [no additional data] J. Röll 110
FH: 00837587
Homalothecium aureum
(Spruce) H. Robinson USA: Idaho Coeur D'Alene: [no additional data] J. Röll 1212
FH: 00837734
Homalothecium aureum
(Spruce) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 696
FH: 00837735
Homalothecium aureum
(Spruce) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 924
FH: 00837737
Homalothecium aureum
(Spruce) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 699
FH: 00837738
Homalothecium aureum
(Spruce) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 840
FH: 00837874
Homalothecium lutescens
(Hedwig) H. Robinson Canada: British Columbia Victoria: [no additional data] J. Röll 109
FH: 00837877
Homalothecium lutescens
(Hedwig) H. Robinson Canada: British Columbia Victoria: [no additional data] J. Röll 108
FH: 00837825
Homalothecium lutescens
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 298
FH: 00837829
Homalothecium lutescens
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll 1106
FH: 00837862
Homalothecium lutescens
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 698
FH: 00837899
Homalothecium megaptilum
(Sullivant) H. Robinson USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll 1105
FH: 00838107
Homalothecium nuttalii
(Wilson) A. Jaeger Canada: British Columbia Victoria: [no additional data] J. Röll 106
FH: 00838109
Homalothecium nuttalii
(Wilson) A. Jaeger Canada: British Columbia Victoria: [no additional data] J. Röll 105
FH: 00838075
Homalothecium nuttalii
(Wilson) A. Jaeger USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00838079
Homalothecium nuttalii
(Wilson) A. Jaeger USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 424
FH: 00842883
Kindbergia praelonga
(Hedwig) Ochyra USA: Maryland [data not captured] J. Röll 1879
FH: 00842890
Kindbergia praelonga
(Hedwig) Ochyra USA: Illinois Chicago: [no additional data] J. Röll 1880
FH: 00842892
Kindbergia praelonga
(Hedwig) Ochyra USA: Illinois Chicago: [no additional data] J. Röll 1877
FH: 00538848
Climacium americanum
Bridel USA: [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00539125
Climacium dendroides
(Hedwig) F. Weber & D. Mohr USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 418
FH: 00539128
Climacium dendroides
(Hedwig) F. Weber & D. Mohr USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 417
FH: 00539250
Climacium kindbergii
(Renauld & Cardot) Grout USA: Indiana [data not captured] J. Röll 1842
FH: 00540234
Dendroalsia abietina
(Hooker) E. Britton ex Brotherus USA: Washington Tacoma: [no additional data] J. Röll
FH: 00796753
Entodon cladorrhizans
(Hedwig) Müller Halle USA: Indiana [data not captured] J. Röll 1899
FH: 00796995
Entodon seductrix
(Hedwig) Müller Halle USA: Indiana [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00796996
Entodon seductrix
(Hedwig) Müller Halle USA: Indiana [data not captured] J. Röll 1873
FH: 00850359
Pleurozium schreberi
(Willdenow ex Bridel) Mitten USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 459
FH: 00919862
Pterigynandrum filiforme
Hedwig USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1534
FH: 00919863
Pterigynandrum filiforme
Hedwig USA: Idaho Coeur D'Alene: [no additional data] J. Röll 1206
FH: 00919890
Pterigynandrum filiforme majus
(De Notaris) De Notaris USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 826
FH: 00800244
Callicladium haldaneanum
(Greville) H. A. Crum USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] J. Röll 1661
FH: 00836957
Herzogiella seligeri
(Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 749
FH: 00836959
Herzogiella seligeri
(Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 522
FH: 00838238
Homomallium adnatum
(Hedwig) Brotherus USA: Montana [data not captured] J. Röll 1412
FH: 00840405
Hypnum circinale
Hooker USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 866
FH: 00840406
Hypnum circinale
Hooker USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00840937
Hypnum cupressiforme imponens
(Hedwig) Boulay USA: Illinois Chicago: [no additional data] J. Röll 1905
FH: 00213226
Hypnum dieckei
Renauld & Cardot : J. Röll 913
FH: 00841252
Hypnum hamulosum
Froelich USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00841395
Hypnum lindbergii
Mitten USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] J. Röll 1680
FH: 00841396
Hypnum lindbergii
Mitten USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] J. Röll 1679
FH: 00841420
Hypnum lindbergii
Mitten USA: Montana [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00841421
Hypnum lindbergii
Mitten USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. Röll 1241
FH: 00841499
Hypnum plumiferum
(Mitten) A. Jaeger Canada: British Columbia Victoria: [no additional data] J. Röll 147
FH: 00841500
Hypnum plumiferum
(Mitten) A. Jaeger Canada: British Columbia Victoria: [no additional data] J. Röll 148c
FH: 00841491
Hypnum plumiferum
(Mitten) A. Jaeger USA: Idaho Coeur D'Alene: [no additional data] J. Röll 1230
FH: 00841492
Hypnum plumiferum
(Mitten) A. Jaeger USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 446
FH: 00841493
Hypnum plumiferum
(Mitten) A. Jaeger USA: Washington Seattle: [no additional data] J. Röll 252
FH: 00841494
Hypnum plumiferum
(Mitten) A. Jaeger USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll 1128
FH: 00841495
Hypnum plumiferum
(Mitten) A. Jaeger USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 758
FH: 00841496
Hypnum plumiferum
(Mitten) A. Jaeger USA: Washington Tacoma: [no additional data] J. Röll 253
FH: 00841497
Hypnum plumiferum
(Mitten) A. Jaeger USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 757
FH: 00841498
Hypnum plumiferum
(Mitten) A. Jaeger USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 447
FH: 00841501
Hypnum plumiferum
(Mitten) A. Jaeger USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 759
FH: 00841502
Hypnum plumiferum
(Mitten) A. Jaeger USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 756
FH: 00841898
Hypnum pratense
Koch ex Spruce USA: Indiana [data not captured] J. Röll 1903
FH: 00841900
Hypnum pratense
Koch ex Spruce USA: Illinois Chicago: [no additional data] J. Röll 1904
FH: 00842020
Hypnum revolutum
(Mitten) Lindberg USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1564
FH: 00842021
Hypnum revolutum
(Mitten) Lindberg USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1563
FH: 00842022
Hypnum revolutum
(Mitten) Lindberg USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1562
FH: 00842023
Hypnum revolutum
(Mitten) Lindberg USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1555
FH: 00842024
Hypnum revolutum
(Mitten) Lindberg USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1537
FH: 00842025
Hypnum revolutum
(Mitten) Lindberg USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1541
FH: 00842031
Hypnum revolutum
(Mitten) Lindberg USA: Montana [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00842034
Hypnum revolutum
(Mitten) Lindberg USA: Montana [data not captured] J. Röll 1435
FH: 00842140
Hypnum sp.
USA: Montana [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00842313
Isopterygium elegans
(Bridel) Lindberg Canada: British Columbia Victoria: [no additional data] J. Röll
FH: 00842300
Isopterygium elegans
(Bridel) Lindberg USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00842303
Isopterygium elegans
(Bridel) Lindberg USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll 1124
FH: 00842304
Isopterygium elegans
(Bridel) Lindberg USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 306
FH: 00842465
Isopterygium piliferum
(Swartz) Loeske USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 705
FH: 00842466
Isopterygium piliferum
(Swartz) Loeske USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 713
FH: 00849556
Platygyrium repens
(Bridel) Schimper USA: Indiana [data not captured] J. Röll 1838
FH: 00920598
Pylaisia intricata
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00920601
Pylaisia intricata
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Indiana [data not captured] J. Röll 1836
FH: 00920648
Pylaisia polyantha
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Indiana [data not captured] J. Röll 1836
FH: 00842582
Isothecium cristatum
(Hampe) H. Robinson Canada: British Columbia Victoria: [no additional data] J. Röll
FH: 00842584
Isothecium cristatum
(Hampe) H. Robinson Canada: British Columbia Victoria: [no additional data] J. Röll
FH: 00842564
Isothecium cristatum
(Hampe) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00842566
Isothecium cristatum
(Hampe) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 419
FH: 00842568
Isothecium cristatum
(Hampe) H. Robinson USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 432
FH: 00842617
Isothecium myosuroides
Bridel Canada: British Columbia Victoria: [no additional data] J. Röll 119
FH: 00842621
Isothecium myosuroides
Bridel Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] J. Röll 117
FH: 00842605
Isothecium myosuroides
Bridel USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 510
FH: 00842606
Isothecium myosuroides
Bridel USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 707
FH: 00842607
Isothecium myosuroides
Bridel USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 307
FH: 00842608
Isothecium myosuroides
Bridel USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 434
FH: 00842609
Isothecium myosuroides
Bridel USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 423
FH: 00842616
Isothecium myosuroides
Bridel USA: Washington Tacoma: [no additional data] J. Röll 233
FH: 00842624
Isothecium sp.
USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 509
FH: 00842625
Isothecium sp.
USA: Washington Tacoma: [no additional data] J. Röll 254
FH: 00842733
Isothecium stoloniferum
Bridel Canada: British Columbia Victoria: [no additional data] J. Röll 118
FH: 00842742
Isothecium stoloniferum
Bridel Canada: British Columbia Victoria: [no additional data] J. Röll 120
FH: 00842665
Isothecium stoloniferum
Bridel USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll 1122
FH: 00842678
Isothecium stoloniferum
Bridel USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00842679
Isothecium stoloniferum
Bridel USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00842681
Isothecium stoloniferum
Bridel USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 433
FH: 00842682
Isothecium stoloniferum
Bridel USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 508
FH: 00842683
Isothecium stoloniferum
Bridel USA: Washington Tacoma: [no additional data] J. Röll 234
FH: 00842686
Isothecium stoloniferum
Bridel USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00842687
Isothecium stoloniferum
Bridel USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 706
FH: 00842688
Isothecium stoloniferum
Bridel USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 508
FH: 00842757
Isothecium stoloniferum cardotii
(Kindberg) Wijk & Margadant USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00843720
Lescuraea incurvata
(Hedwig) E. Lawton USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1539
FH: 00843721
Lescuraea incurvata
(Hedwig) E. Lawton USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1539
FH: 00843722
Lescuraea incurvata
(Hedwig) E. Lawton USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1535
FH: 00843726
Lescuraea incurvata
(Hedwig) E. Lawton USA: Montana [data not captured] J. Röll 1292
FH: 00843731
Lescuraea incurvata
(Hedwig) E. Lawton USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00843733
Lescuraea incurvata
(Hedwig) E. Lawton USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 834
FH: 00843734
Lescuraea incurvata
(Hedwig) E. Lawton USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 922
FH: 00843735
Lescuraea incurvata
(Hedwig) E. Lawton USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 686
FH: 00843736
Lescuraea incurvata
(Hedwig) E. Lawton USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 685
FH: 00843737
Lescuraea incurvata
(Hedwig) E. Lawton USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 688
FH: 00843739
Lescuraea incurvata
(Hedwig) E. Lawton USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 677
FH: 00843758
Lescuraea incurvata gigantea
E. Lawton USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 830
FH: 00843761
Lescuraea incurvata gigantea
E. Lawton USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 687
FH: 00843762
Lescuraea incurvata gigantea
E. Lawton USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 855
FH: 00843709
Lescuraea patens
Lindberg USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 682
FH: 00843792
Lescuraea radicosa
(Mitten) Mönkemeyer USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1538
FH: 00843793
Lescuraea radicosa
(Mitten) Mönkemeyer USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 923
FH: 00843794
Lescuraea radicosa
(Mitten) Mönkemeyer USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 679
FH: 00843809
Lescuraea radicosa
(Mitten) Mönkemeyer USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll 1103
FH: 00843811
Lescuraea radicosa
(Mitten) Mönkemeyer USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00843812
Lescuraea radicosa
(Mitten) Mönkemeyer USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 920
FH: 00843813
Lescuraea radicosa
(Mitten) Mönkemeyer USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll 1102
FH: 00843814
Lescuraea radicosa
(Mitten) Mönkemeyer USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 919
FH: 00843815
Lescuraea radicosa
(Mitten) Mönkemeyer USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 683
FH: 00843777
Lescuraea stenophylla
(Renauld & Cardot) Kindberg USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 673
FH: 00843778
Lescuraea stenophylla
(Renauld & Cardot) Kindberg USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 672
FH: 00844102
Leskea polycarpa
Hedwig USA: Illinois Chicago: [no additional data] J. Röll 1876
FH: 00844128
Leskea polycarpa paludosa
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Idaho [data not captured] J. Röll 1207
FH: 00844130
Leskea polycarpa paludosa
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 293
FH: 00844131
Leskea polycarpa paludosa
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00919736
Pseudoleskea brachyclados
(Schwägrichen) Kindberg USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1536
FH: 00301483
Orthotrichum columbicum
Mitten USA: Washington NW America Enumdaeo Cascades, Wash. T. [Casc... J. Röll 1889
FH: 00213950
Orthotrichum praemorsum
Venturi USA: Wyoming NW America, Yellowstown J. Röll 1889
FH: 00848931
Plagiothecium cavifolium
(Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Illinois Chicago: [no additional data] J. Röll
FH: 00848932
Plagiothecium cavifolium
(Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Illinois Chicago: [no additional data] J. Röll 1888
FH: 00849139
Plagiothecium denticulatum
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 860
FH: 00849140
Plagiothecium denticulatum
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 748
FH: 00849146
Plagiothecium denticulatum
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 439
FH: 00849303
Plagiothecium roeseanum
Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 439
FH: 00849351
Plagiothecium undulatum
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington Tacoma: [no additional data] J. Röll 222
FH: 00849354
Plagiothecium undulatum
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 441
FH: 00849364
Plagiothecium undulatum
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 304
FH: 00849367
Plagiothecium undulatum
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 523
FH: 00847188
Neckeradelphus menziesii
(Drummond) Steere USA: Oregon [data not captured] J. Röll 1120
FH: 00538453
Claopodium crispifolium
(Hooker) Renauld & Cardot USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 695
FH: 00538454
Claopodium crispifolium
(Hooker) Renauld & Cardot USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 503
FH: 00538457
Claopodium crispifolium
(Hooker) Renauld & Cardot USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 836
FH: 00538489
Claopodium crispifolium
(Hooker) Renauld & Cardot USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 501
FH: 00538490
Claopodium crispifolium
(Hooker) Renauld & Cardot USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00538491
Claopodium crispifolium
(Hooker) Renauld & Cardot USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00538492
Claopodium crispifolium
(Hooker) Renauld & Cardot USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00538493
Claopodium crispifolium
(Hooker) Renauld & Cardot USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 689
FH: 00538494
Claopodium crispifolium
(Hooker) Renauld & Cardot USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 691
FH: 00538495
Claopodium crispifolium
(Hooker) Renauld & Cardot USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 695
FH: 00538496
Claopodium crispifolium
(Hooker) Renauld & Cardot USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00538497
Claopodium crispifolium
(Hooker) Renauld & Cardot USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 694
FH: 00836794
Helodium blandowii
(F. Weber & D. Mohr) Warnstorf USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] J. Röll 1637
FH: 00836803
Helodium blandowii
(F. Weber & D. Mohr) Warnstorf USA: Wyoming [data not captured] J. Röll 1531
FH: 00836805
Helodium blandowii
(F. Weber & D. Mohr) Warnstorf USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 413
FH: 00836922
Helodium paludosum
(Austin) Brotherus USA: Indiana [data not captured] J. Röll 1866
FH: 00836923
Helodium paludosum
(Austin) Brotherus USA: Indiana [data not captured] J. Röll 1915
FH: 00836925
Helodium paludosum elodioides
(Renauld & Cardot) Grout USA: Indiana [data not captured] J. Röll 1849
FH: 00837268
Heterocladium dimorphum
(Bridel) Schimper USA: Idaho Coeur D'Alene: [no additional data] J. Röll 1209
FH: 00837271
Heterocladium dimorphum
(Bridel) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 678
FH: 00837300
Heterocladium heteropterum
(Bridel) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 675
FH: 00837302
Heterocladium heteropterum
(Bridel) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 674
FH: 00837303
Heterocladium heteropterum
(Bridel) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 297
FH: 00837304
Heterocladium heteropterum
(Bridel) Schimper USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 416
FH: 00837279
Heterocladium procurrens
(Mitten) A. Jaeger USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll
FH: 00837280
Heterocladium procurrens
(Mitten) A. Jaeger USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 857
FH: 00837282
Heterocladium procurrens
(Mitten) A. Jaeger USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll 442
FH: 00837283
Heterocladium procurrens
(Mitten) A. Jaeger USA: Washington [data not captured] J. Röll