Acanthaceae GH: 02527189 Hypoestes sp. Tanzania: south of Mbulu, 30 miles west of Lake Mangar... R. H. Goodwin 96 1937-8-4
A: 02527773 Whitfieldia longifolia T. Anderson Tanzania: Tanga Amani, Tanganyika Territory R. H. Goodwin 34 1937-7-19
A: 02527918 [None] Tanzania: Tanga Amani, Tanganyika Territory R. H. Goodwin 22 1937-7-16
A: [None] Tanzania: Tanga Amani, Tanganyika Territory R. H. Goodwin 22 1937-7-16
Brassicaceae GH: 02454678 Cardamine sp. Uganda: above Madangi. Mt. Elgon, Uganda R. H. Goodwin 107 1937-8-16
GH: 02454677 Cardamine sp. Uganda: above Madangi. Mt. Elgon, Uganda R. H. Goodwin 108 1937-8-16
Campanulaceae GH: 02451641 Campanula afra Cavanilles : Africa: Mt. Elgon, Uganda. between Bulambuli... R. H. Goodwin 103 1937-8-15
GH: 02451641 Canarina Linnaeus : Africa: Mt. Elgon, Uganda. between Bulambuli... R. H. Goodwin 103 1937-8-15
Crassulaceae GH: 01991022 Kalanchoe sp. Uganda: Mt. Elgon. Above Budandiga Rut House R. H. Goodwin 115 1937-8-17
A: 01989990 Sedum sp. Uganda: On Jackson's Summit. Mt. Elgon. R. H. Goodwin 114 1937-8-16
GH: 01988950 [None] Uganda: Above Peters Hut. Mt. Kilimanjaro. R. H. Goodwin 76 1937-7-25
GH: [None] Uganda: Above Peters Hut. Mt. Kilimanjaro. R. H. Goodwin 76 1937-7-25
Iridaceae GH: 02517661 Homoglossum watsonioides (Baker) N. E. Brown Uganda: Below Johannes Hut; Mt. Kilimanjaro R. H. Goodwin 43 1937-7-23
GH: 02517912 Oenostachys dichroa A. A. Bullock Uganda: below Madangi, Mt. Elgon R. H. Goodwin 105 1937-8-16
GH: 02517923 Romulea campanuloides Harms Uganda: below Johannes Hut, Mt. Kilimanjaro R. H. Goodwin 39 1937-7-23
Lobeliaceae GH: 02451855 Lobelia deckenii (Ascherson) Hemsley Uganda: Mt. Kilimanjaro. above Peters Hut R. H. Goodwin 82 1937-7-27
GH: 02451970 Lobelia telekii Schweinfurth ex Engler Uganda: Mt. Elgon, Uganda. below Jackson's Summit R. H. Goodwin 111 1937-8-17
Loranthaceae A: 02453812 Englerina woodfordioides (Schweinfurth ex Engler) Balle : Africa: Mt. Elgon, Uganda R. H. Goodwin 110 1937-8-17
Orchidaceae GH: 01944540 Disperis sp. Uganda: Mt. Kilimanjaro. Rain forest below Johannes ... R. H. Goodwin 95 1937-7-29
GH: 01944394 Satyrium sp. Uganda: Mt. Elgon. [Budandiga] R. H. Goodwin 125 1937-8-20
Piperaceae GH: 01978953 Peperomia goetzeana Engler Uganda: margin of forest trail, below Johannes Hut R. H. Goodwin 50 1937-7-23
GH: 01978972 Peperomia ulugurensis Engler Uganda: 3 mi. north of Buginyanya on the Sipi trail,... R. H. Goodwin 120 1937-8-19
Plantaginaceae GH: 02450561 Veronica myrsinoides Oliv. Uganda: Mt. Kilimanjaro, Uganda. near Johannes Hut R. H. Goodwin 63 1937-7-23
GH: 02450560 Veronica myrsinoides Oliv. Uganda: Mt. Kilimanjaro, Uganda. near Peter's Hut R. H. Goodwin 74 1937-7-25
Poaceae GH: 02433621 Koeleria sp. Tanzania: Kilimanjaro between Kibo and Mawenzi, Mt. Kilimanjaro, U... R. H. Goodwin 92 1937-7-26
GH: 02444370 Setaria palmifolia Stapf Tanzania: Amani, Tanganyika Territory R. H. Goodwin 29 1937-7-18
Proteaceae A: 02432404 Protea kilimandscharica Engler : Africa: Mt. Kilimanjaro, Uganda. below Peter... R. H. Goodwin 83 1937-7-28
A: 02432403 Protea kilimandscharica Engler : Africa: Mt. Kilimanjaro, Uganda. near Johann... R. H. Goodwin 66 1937-7-23
Ranunculaceae GH: 02518538 Ranunculus oreophytus Delile Uganda: Mt. Kilimanjaro. Below Johannes Hut. R. H. Goodwin 46 1937-7-23
Solanaceae A: 00801889 Brugmansia suaveolens (Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow) Sweet Tanzania: Amani, Tanganyika territory R. H. Goodwin 31 1937-7-19
Urticaceae GH: 02324158 Pilea johnstonii Oliver Uganda: Below Johannes Hut. Mt. Kilimanjaro R. H. Goodwin 56 1937-7-23
GH: 02324163 Pilea tetraphylla Blume Uganda: 3 mi. north of Buginyanya on the Sipi trail.... R. H. Goodwin 123 1937-8-19
Verbenaceae A: 02324861 Lippia asperifolia A. Richard ex Marthe Tanzania: near Mbulu, 30 miles west of Lake Mangara R. H. Goodwin 99 1937-8-4