Amblystegiaceae FH: 00514533 Campylophyllum sommerfeltii (Myrin) Hedenäs Mexico: [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 1940-7-18
Andreaeaceae FH: 00536293 Andreaea turgescens Schimper ex Müller Halle Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 27a 1940-7-19
Apocynaceae GH: 02383327 Rauvolfia tetraphylla Linnaeus Mexico: Michoacán On bank of Rio Apatz. 2 mi. south of Apatzin... W. C. Leavenworth 475 1940-8-5
GH: 00217709 Thevetia peruviana pinifolia Standley & Steyermark Mexico: Michoacán Trail from Apatzingan to Tancitaro W. C. Leavenworth 505 1940-8-7
GH: 00217709 Thevetia pinifolia (Standley & Steyermark) J. K. Williams Mexico: Michoacán Trail from Apatzingan to Tancitaro W. C. Leavenworth 505 1940-8-7
Asteraceae GH: 01166787 Solidago pringlei Fernald Mexico: Nuevo León Villa de Santiago, Las Adjuntas W. C. Leavenworth 180 1940-6-21
Bartramiaceae FH: 00625067 Breutelia tomentosa (Swartz ex Bridel) A. Jaeger Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 5 1940-7-17
FH: 00625068 Breutelia tomentosa (Swartz ex Bridel) A. Jaeger Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 15 1940-7-17
Brachytheciaceae FH: 00787698 Brachythecium frigidum (Müller Halle) Bescherelle Mexico: [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 47a 1940-6-24
FH: 00842881 Kindbergia praelonga (Hedwig) Ochyra Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 47 1940-7-24
Bromeliaceae GH: 01818295 Tillandsia tenuifolia Linnaeus Mexico: Nuevo León Villa de Santiago W. C. Leavenworth 142 1940-6-21
GH: 01818323 Tillandsia usneoides Linnaeus Mexico: Michoacán trail from Uruapan to Tancitaro W. C. Leavenworth 735 1940-8-21
Bryaceae FH: 00900268 Rhodobryum beyrichianum (Hornschuch) Müller Halle Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 22 1940-7-25
Cryphaeaceae FH: 00539958 Cryphaea patens Hornschuch ex Müller Halle Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 3 1940-7-24
Dicranaceae FH: 00522128 Atractylocarpus costaricensis (Müller Halle) R. S. Williams Mexico: [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 717a 1940-8-18
FH: 00514557 Campylopus chrismarii Müller Halle Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 1940-7-17
FH: 01132284 Symblepharis vaginata (Hooker ex Harvey) Wijk & Margadant Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 1940-7-19
Entodontaceae FH: 00796503 Entodon abbreviatus (Schimper) A. Jaeger Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 37 1940-7-18
Ephemeraceae FH: 01108745 Micromitrium lamprocarpum (Müller Halle ex Renauld & Cardot) Paris Mexico: Michoacán N. of Taucetaro village W. C. Leavenworth 16 1940-7-15
FH: 01108746 Micromitrium lamprocarpum (Müller Halle ex Renauld & Cardot) Paris Mexico: Michoacán on mesa N. of Taucetaro village W. C. Leavenworth 31 1940-7-15
Euphorbiaceae GH: 00246263 Euphorbia Linnaeus Mexico: Michoacán Tancitaro 7,000 feet W. C. Leavenworth 248 1940-7-15
GH: 00246263 Euphorbia furcillata Kunth Mexico: Michoacán Tancitaro 7,000 feet W. C. Leavenworth 248 1940-7-15
Geraniaceae GH: 00043631 Geranium aristisepalum michoacanum H. E. Moore Mexico: Michoacán Municipality Tancitaro, Pedregal lava flow 2... W. C. Leavenworth 609 1940-8-17
GH: 00043631 Geranium hernandesii Moçiño & Sessé ex de Candolle Mexico: Michoacán Municipality Tancitaro, Pedregal lava flow 2... W. C. Leavenworth 609 1940-8-17
GH: 00043631 Geranium hernandesii michoacanum (H. E. Moore) H. E. Moore Mexico: Michoacán Municipality Tancitaro, Pedregal lava flow 2... W. C. Leavenworth 609 1940-8-17
Grimmiaceae FH: 00825018 Grimmia trichophylla Greville Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 27 1940-7-19
FH: 00623777 Racomitrium crispulum (Hooker f. & Wilson) Hooker f. & Wilson Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 6 1940-7-17
FH: 00623780 Racomitrium crispulum (Hooker f. & Wilson) Hooker f. & Wilson Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 1 1940-7-17
Hedwigiaceae FH: 00836705 Hedwigidium integrifolium (P. Beauvois) Dixon Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 30 1940-7-18
Hookeriaceae FH: 00540040 Cyclodictyon albicans (Hedwig) Kuntze Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 46 1940-7-20
Hylocomiaceae FH: 00843696 Leptohymenium tenue (Hooker) Schwägrichen Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 27b 1940-7-19
Hypnaceae FH: 00840339 Hypnum amabile (Mitten) Hampe Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 23 1940-7-25
Iridaceae GH: 00030573 Tigridia alpestris obtusa Molseed Mexico: Michoacán Cerro Tancitaro, Municipality Tancitaro, alt... W. C. Leavenworth 680 1940-8-19
Meteoriaceae FH: 00845441 Meteorium illecebrum Sullivant Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 17 1940-7-16
Neckeraceae FH: 00846739 Neckera chlorocaulis Müller Halle Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 29 1940-7-18
FH: 00220221 Porotrichum leavenworthii E. B. Bartram Mexico: Michoacán Cerro Tancitaro W. C. Leavenworth 18 1940-7-25
FH: 00919394 Porotrichum leavenworthii E. B. Bartram Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 32 1940-7-25
Orchidaceae AMES: 02388847 Bletia campanulata La Llave & Lexarza Mexico: Michoacán Tancitaro; 2 mi. south of Tancitaro W. C. Leavenworth 306 1940-7-22
AMES: 02387032 Bletia purpurata A. Rich. & Galeotti Mexico: Michoacán beside the trail from Uruapan to Tancitaro. W. C. Leavenworth 732 1940-8-21
AMES: 01947139 Habenaria clypeata Lindley Mexico: Michoacán Tancitaro. W. C. Leavenworth 528 1940-8-10
AMES: 01985037 Malaxis rosei Ames Mexico: Michoacán Municipality of Tancitero; 2 miles south of ... W. C. Leavenworth 304 1940-7-22
Orthotrichaceae FH: 01108745 Groutiella chimborazensis (Spruce ex Mitten) Florschütz Mexico: Michoacán N. of Taucetaro village W. C. Leavenworth 16 1940-7-15
FH: 01108746 Groutiella chimborazensis (Spruce ex Mitten) Florschütz Mexico: Michoacán on mesa N. of Taucetaro village W. C. Leavenworth 31 1940-7-15
Piperaceae GH: 01984097 Peperomia edulis Miquel Mexico: Michoacán 2 mi. south of Tancitaro. Municipality Tanci... W. C. Leavenworth 557 1940-8-14
GH: 01984388 Peperomia oajacensis Dahlstedt Mexico: Michoacán At Pedregal lava flow 2 mi. south of Tancita... W. C. Leavenworth 557 1940-8-14
Poaceae GH: 02579225 Peyritschia deyeuxioides (Kunth) Finot Mexico: Michoacán Municipality: Tancitaro; on road from Tancit... W. C. Leavenworth 626 1940-8-17
Polytrichaceae FH: 01146198 Pogonatum alpiniforme (Cardot) E. B. Bartram Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 13 1940-7-17
FH: 01146199 Pogonatum alpiniforme (Cardot) E. B. Bartram Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 24 1940-7-21
Pottiaceae FH: 00843676 Leptodontium viticulosoides (P. Beauvois) Wijk & Margadant Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 2 1940-7-17
FH: 00843680 Leptodontium viticulosoides (P. Beauvois) Wijk & Margadant Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 12 1940-7-17
FH: 00843685 Leptodontium viticulosoides (P. Beauvois) Wijk & Margadant Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 10 1940-7-17
FH: 00843689 Leptodontium viticulosoides (P. Beauvois) Wijk & Margadant Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 45 1940-7-24
Prionodontaceae FH: 00919572 Prionodon densus (Swartz ex Hedwig) Müller Halle Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 21 1940-7-25
Solanaceae GH: 00987797 Capsicum baccatum Linnaeus Mexico: Michoacán On bank of Rio Apatzingan 2 mi. south of Api... W. C. Leavenworth 458 1940-8-5
GH: 00815390 Nicotiana tabacum Linnaeus Mexico: Michoacán By Rio Tepalcatepec 15 mi. ssw of Apatzingan... W. C. Leavenworth 420 1940-8-1
GH: 00077383 Physalis sp. Mexico: Michoacán 2 miles above Tancitaro, 7000 feet W. C. Leavenworth 519 1940-8-10
GH: 00077383 Physalis volubilis Waterfall Mexico: Michoacán 2 miles above Tancitaro, 7000 feet W. C. Leavenworth 519 1940-8-10
Thuidiaceae FH: 01134141 Thuidium delicatulum (Hedwig) Schimper Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] W. C. Leavenworth 14 1940-7-17
Verbenaceae GH: 02269546 Bouchea dissecta S. Watson Mexico: Michoacán above Apatzingan W. C. Leavenworth 508 1940-8-7
Vitaceae GH: 00814328 Vitis tiliifolia Humboldt & Bonpland ex Schultes Mexico: San Luis Potosí El Banito, 7 mi. south of Valles W. C. Leavenworth 214 1940-6-28