Amaranthaceae GH: 00614952 Amaranthus hybridus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Arlington: W. Cambridge W. Boott 1866-9-13
GH: 00614956 Amaranthus hybridus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Concord: Concord W. Boott 1866-8-30
GH: 00598397 Amaranthus retroflexus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Arlington: W. Cambridge W. Boott 1866-9-13
Apiaceae NEBC: 01050864 Cicuta maculata Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Stoneham: Stoneham W. Boott 1866-7-22
Asteraceae GH: 00566263 Arctium minus (Hill) Bernhardi USA: Massachusetts Near Boston W. Boott 1866-8-17
GH: 01034304 Eupatorium sessilifolium Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Woburn: Woburn W. Boott 1866-8-27
GH: 01067693 Lactuca canadensis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Winchester: Winchester, Low. R.R [Lowell Rai... W. Boott 1866-8-27
GH: 01023213 Pseudognaphalium macounii (Greene) Kartesz USA: Massachusetts Woburn: Woburn W. Boott 1866-8-27
GH: 00501170 Solidago rugosa Miller USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1866
NEBC: 02266064 Solidago speciosa Nuttall USA: Massachusetts Waltham: Snake Hill W. Boott 1866-9-16
Brassicaceae GH: 01065475 Boechera canadensis (Linnaeus) Al-Shehbaz USA: Massachusetts Arlington: W. Cambridge, hill above Oak H[il... W. Boott 1866-6-10
NEBC: 00592786 Camelina sativa (Linnaeus) Crantz USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford, Upper pasture W. Boott 1866-9-5
GH: 00592787 Camelina sativa (Linnaeus) Crantz USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford, Upper pasture W. Boott 1866-9-13
GH: 00592788 Camelina sativa (Linnaeus) Crantz USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford, Upper Pasture W. Boott 1866-9-13
GH: 00617800 Erysimum cheiranthoides Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford, Gravel pit near Waterworks W. Boott 1866-8-5
GH: 01023556 Lepidium virginicum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Lowell RR [Railroad] near Boston W. Boott 1866-7-29
GH: 01023940 Subularia aquatica Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Laconia: mouth of river [probably Weirs Chan... W. Boott 1866-9-28
Caesalpiniaceae GH: 00747276 Chamaecrista nictitans (Linnaeus) Moench USA: Massachusetts Waltham: Snake Hill W. Boott 1866-9-16
NEBC: 00747282 Chamaecrista nictitans (Linnaeus) Moench USA: Massachusetts Waltham: Waltham, Snake Hill W. Boott 1866-9-16
Caryophyllaceae GH: 00722491 Paronychia canadensis (Linnaeus) Alph. Wood USA: Massachusetts Waltham: Waltham, Snake Hill W. Boott 1866-8-13
GH: 00722740 Sagina nodosa (Linnaeus) Fenzl USA: Maine Rupert W. Boott 1866
GH: 00575511 Silene caroliniana Walter USA: Massachusetts Arlington: W. Cambridge, near Oak St. W. Boott 1866-6-10
NEBC: 00575512 Silene caroliniana pensylvanica (Michaux) Fernald USA: Massachusetts Arlington: W. Cambridge, near Oak St. W. Boott 1866-6-15
NEBC: 00525938 Spergularia rubra (Linnaeus) J. Presl & C. Presl USA: Massachusetts Malden: Malden W. Boott 1866-6-10
Chenopodiaceae GH: 00561580 Chenopodium album Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Arlington: W. Cambridge, curve of road round... W. Boott 1866-9-9
GH: 00598865 Chenopodium berlandieri bushianum (Aellen) Cronquist USA: Massachusetts Belmont: Belmont W. Boott 1866-9-30
GH: 00598869 Chenopodium berlandieri bushianum (Aellen) Cronquist USA: Massachusetts Arlington: W. Cambridge, road by Tavern W. Boott 1866-9-9
GH: 00598870 Chenopodium berlandieri bushianum (Aellen) Cronquist USA: Massachusetts Arlington: W. Cambridge, by Grain Mill W. Boott 1866-9-13
GH: 00598871 Chenopodium berlandieri bushianum (Aellen) Cronquist USA: Massachusetts Arlington: W. Cambridge, Mr. Winne's [W. Win... W. Boott 1866-9-13
GH: 00732174 Chenopodium simplex (Torrey) Rafinesque USA: Massachusetts Belmont: Belmont W. Boott 1866-8-18
Crassulaceae GH: 00581914 Sedum purpureum (Linnaeus) Schultes USA: Massachusetts Concord: Concord W. Boott 1866-8-30
Cyperaceae NEBC: 00218766 Carex bullata Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Woburn: Horn Pond W. Boott 1866-7-29
GH: 00260169 Carex haydenii Dewey USA: Maine Norway: W. Boott 1866-5-8
GH: 00869270 Carex lupulina Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford Branch RR [Railroad] W. Boott 1866-7-15
GH: 00869422 Carex lupulina Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford Branch RR [Railroad] W. Boott 1866-7-15
GH: 00807084 Carex nigra (Linnaeus) Reichard USA: Massachusetts W. Boott 1866-6-8
NEBC: 00807696 Carex paleacea Schreber ex Wahlenberg USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1866-6-3
GH: 00717176 Carex polymorpha Muhlenberg USA: Rhode Island Providence: Fruit Hill Pike, first turn to t... W. Boott 1866-7-7
NEBC: 01060028 Carex swanii (Fernald) Mackenzie USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1866-7-15
Euphorbiaceae GH: 01069438 Acalypha virginica Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Waltham: Snake Hill, Waltham [southwest of L... W. Boott 1866-8-13
GH: 00578099 Euphorbia cyparissias Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford Br RR [Branch Railroad] W. Boott 1866-6-3
NEBC: 00578100 Euphorbia cyparissias Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford Br RR [Branch Railroad] W. Boott 1866-5-20
Fabaceae NEBC: 00712413 Desmodium cuspidatum (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) de Candolle ex G. Don USA: Massachusetts Woburn: Woburn Hills W. Boott 1866-8-27
NEBC: 00712414 Desmodium cuspidatum (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) de Candolle ex G. Don USA: Massachusetts Woburn: Woburn Hills W. Boott 1866-9-18
GH: 00712415 Desmodium cuspidatum (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) de Candolle ex G. Don USA: Massachusetts Woburn: Woburn Hills W. Boott 1866-9-18
GH: 00654428 Desmodium glutinosum (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Alph. Wood USA: Massachusetts Woburn: Woburn Hills W. Boott 1866-8-27
GH: 00711342 Desmodium paniculatum (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Massachusetts Waltham: Waltham, Snake Hill W. Boott 1866-8-13
GH: 00711343 Desmodium paniculatum (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Massachusetts Waltham: Waltham, Prospect Hill W. Boott 1866-9-30
GH: 00639200 Desmodium rotundifolium (Michaux) de Candolle USA: Massachusetts Waltham: Waltham, Prospect Hill W. Boott 1866-9-16
NEBC: 00534697 Melilotus albus Medikus USA: Massachusetts Stoneham: Stoneham W. Boott 1866-7-22
NEBC: 00639993 Tephrosia virginiana (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Massachusetts Concord: Concord W. Boott 1866-8-30
GH: 00720018 Tephrosia virginiana (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Massachusetts Concord: Concord W. Boott 1866-8-30
Hypericaceae GH: 00773148 Hypericum ellipticum Hooker USA: Massachusetts Malden: near branch of Medford Branch RR [Ra... W. Boott 1866-7-15
Isoetaceae NEBC: 00744368 Isoetes echinospora Durieu USA: New Hampshire Laconia: Brook emptying into Lake Winnipiseo... W. Boott 1866-9-28
NEBC: 00744438 Isoetes echinospora Durieu USA: Massachusetts Arlington: below Gas Works, W Cambridge W. Boott 1866-9-13
NEBC: 00744439 Isoetes echinospora Durieu USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Mill pond margin, above Grain MIl... W. Boott 1866-8-19
GH: 00744460 Isoetes echinospora Durieu USA: Massachusetts Mystic Pond, lower end [Lower Mystic Lake, A... W. Boott 1866-9-3
GH: 00744468 Isoetes echinospora Durieu USA: Massachusetts Woburn: Round Pond, Woburn W. Boott 1866-9-18
GH: 00744473 Isoetes echinospora Durieu USA: Massachusetts Woburn: Abbajona [Aberjona] River Woburn W. Boott 1866-8-22
NEBC: 00744488 Isoetes echinospora Durieu USA: Massachusetts Woburn: Woburn W. Boott 1866-8-11
GH: 00744468 Isoetes echinospora boottii Engelmann USA: Massachusetts Woburn: Round Pond, Woburn W. Boott 1866-9-18
GH: 00683772 Isoetes tuckermanii A. Braun ex Engelmann USA: Massachusetts Mystic River W. Boott 1866-10-21
NEBC: 00683781 Isoetes tuckermanii A. Braun ex Engelmann USA: Massachusetts Mystic River W. Boott 1866-10-21
NEBC: 00683785 Isoetes tuckermanii A. Braun ex Engelmann USA: Massachusetts Mystic Pond W. Boott 1866
Juncaceae GH: 01045782 Juncus marginatus Rostkovius USA: W. Boott 1866-7-18
Lamiaceae GH: 00505833 Hedeoma pulegioides (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Massachusetts Belmont: Belmont W. Boott 1866-8-21
GH: 00505895 Hedeoma pulegioides (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Massachusetts Woburn: Woburn Hills W. Boott 1866-8-27
NEBC: 00691593 Ocimum basilicum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Belmont: Belmont W. Boott 1866-8-21
GH: 01599864 Ocimum sp. USA: Massachusetts Belmont: Mr. P. C. Brooks' W. Boott 1866-8-21
GH: 00755924 Pycnanthemum virginianum (Linnaeus) B. L. Robinson & Fernald USA: Massachusetts Woburn: Woburn W. Boott 1866-8-27
NEBC: 00707475 Stachys hispida Pursh USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1866-7-18
Liliaceae GH: 00869667 Uvularia sessilifolia Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Belmont: Waverley W. Boott 1866-5-13
Najadaceae GH: 01080016 Najas flexilis (Willdenow) Rostkoius & W. L. E. Schmidt USA: New Hampshire Laconia: Laconia W. Boott 1866-9-28
Poaceae NEBC: 00622264 Agrostis capillaris Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Medford: E. Br [Edward Brooks] Meadow, margi... W. Boott 1866-7-1
NEBC: 00622272 Agrostis capillaris Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1866-7-8
NEBC: 01178512 Agrostis perennans (Walter) Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts Woburn: Woburn W. Boott 1866-8-27
NEBC: 00835131 Agrostis stolonifera Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Stoneham: Stoneham W. Boott 1866-7-22
NEBC: 00865632 Bromus ramosus Hudson USA: Massachusetts Woburn: Woburn, near Horn Pond W. Boott 1866-7-29
NEBC: 00613230 Bromus secalinus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1866-7-1
GH: 00635767 Dichanthelium depauperatum (Muhlenberg) Gould USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1866-7-1
NEBC: 00338485 Elymus hystrix Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Melrose: Malden Waterfall [Melrose Cascade, ... W. Boott 1866-7-15
GH: 00863297 Elymus villosus Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Revere: Chelsea Beach Island [Oak Island] W. Boott 1866-7-19
NEBC: 00863303 Elymus villosus Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Revere: Chelsea Beach Island [Oak Island] W. Boott 1866-7-18
GH: 00863483 Elymus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford, Bnaks of Mystic R. [River] W. Boott 1866-8-5
GH: 00864457 Eragrostis spectabilis (Pursh) Steudel USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1866-9-9
NEBC: 01149374 Glyceria obtusa (Muhlenberg) Trinius USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Path from [N. Wyeth] brickyard Le... W. Boott 1866-8-5
NEBC: 00338485 Hystrix patula Moench USA: Massachusetts Melrose: Malden Waterfall [Melrose Cascade, ... W. Boott 1866-7-15
NEBC: 00817703 Leersia virginica Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Arlington: W. Cambridge W. Boott 1866-8-19
GH: 00583092 Lolium multiflorum Lamarck USA: Massachusetts Boston: Boston, Harrison Avenue [South End] W. Boott 1866-8-25
GH: 00338703 Oryzopsis racemosa (Smith) Ricker USA: Massachusetts Melrose: Malden Waterfall [Melrose Cascade, ... W. Boott 1866-7-15
GH: 00338703 Piptatherum racemosum (Smith) Eaton USA: Massachusetts Melrose: Malden Waterfall [Melrose Cascade, ... W. Boott 1866-7-15
NEBC: 00606305 Poa compressa Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Winchester: Head of Mystic Pond [now the U... W. Boott 1866-7-4
NEBC: 01150420 Poa palustris Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Arlington: West Cambridge W. Boott 1866-7-8
NEBC: 01150424 Poa palustris Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1866-7-8
NEBC: 01150425 Poa palustris Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1866-7-8
GH: 00595563 Poa trivialis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Arlington: W. Cambridge W. Boott 1866-7-8
NEBC: 00595564 Poa trivialis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Arlington: W. Cambridge Brook W. Boott 1866-6-10
NEBC: 00595565 Poa trivialis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Arlington: W. Cambridge W. Boott 1866-6-15
Polygonaceae NEBC: 00664887 Polygonum tenue Michaux USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott 1866-9-9
GH: 00650078 Rumex britannica Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Lexington R.R [Railroad] Arlingto... W. Boott 1866-8-5
Potamogetonaceae GH: 01036936 Potamogeton amplifolius Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts Mystic Pond [Arlington/Medford/Winchester] W. Boott 1866-9-13
GH: 01009274 Potamogeton epihydrus Rafinesque USA: Massachusetts Woburn: Woburn, on Low. RR [Boston & Lowell ... W. Boott 1866-8-27
GH: 01081461 Potamogeton praelongus Wulfen USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge, Fresh Pond W. Boott 1866
GH: 01024444 Potamogeton spirillus Tuckerman USA: New Hampshire Laconia: Mouth of river emptying into L. Win... W. Boott 1866-9-28
NEBC: 01024504 Potamogeton spirillus Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts Arlington: W. [West] Cambridge, mouth of Gas... W. Boott 1866-9-13
Rosaceae NEBC: 00524792 Rosa micrantha Borrer ex Smith USA: Massachusetts Arlington: near [W. J.] Niles W. Cambridge W. Boott 1866
NEBC: 00524854 Rosa rubiginosa Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Somerville: Somerville W. Boott 1866-7-1
NEBC: 00524855 Rosa rubiginosa Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Somerville: Somerville W. Boott 1866-7-1
GH: 00524864 Rosa rubiginosa Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Somerville: Somerville W. Boott 1866-7-1
GH: 00524863 Rosa rubiginosa Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts near Boston W. Boott 1866
Rubiaceae NEBC: 00707268 Galium pilosum Aiton USA: Massachusetts Waltham: Snake Hill Waltham [southwest of Li... W. Boott 1866-8-13
NEBC: 00670482 Houstonia longifolia Gaertner USA: Massachusetts Woburn: Woburn Hills W. Boott 1866-8-27
Salicaceae NEBC: 00646054 Salix pedicellaris Pursh USA: Massachusetts Belmont: Waverley W. Boott 1866-5-13
Saxifragaceae NEBC: 00730664 Ribes hirtellum Michaux USA: Massachusetts Belmont: Waverley W. Boott 1866-5-13