Apocynaceae GH: 02180780 Amsonia tomentosa stenophylla Kearney & Peebles USA: Utah five miles South of Mexican Hat B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5718 1933-6-29
Aspleniaceae GH: 02070074 Asplenium septentrionale (Linnaeus) Hoffmann USA: Utah 1 1/2 mi. S. Warner Range Station B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 4341 1933-7-9
Asteraceae GH: 02141092 Agoseris aurantiaca purpurea (A. Gray) Cronquist USA: Utah La Sal Mountains; north slopes Mt. Mellinthi... B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 21258 1933-7-26
GH: 01234261 Artemisia nova A. Nelson USA: Utah West ridge of Gold Hill B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 15588 1933-8-17
GH: 01234394 Artemisia scopulorum A. Gray USA: Utah E. side of Pilot Mt. 50 Ft. below summit. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 15573 1933-7-11
GH: 02021767 Cirsium rothrockii (A. Gray) Petrak USA: Utah 1-1/2 mi. N. of Bluff on state road B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5626 1933-6-30
GH: 02348426 Erigeron flagellaris A. Gray USA: Utah 5 mi. W. of Blanding B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5665 1933-7-1
GH: 02204714 Heterotheca villosa minor (Hooker) Semple USA: Utah 4 mi. West of Blanding B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5681 1933-7-1
GH: 01835142 Lactuca sp. USA: Utah Horse Heaven Canyon. Cottonwood Canyon, Bluf... B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5618 1933-7-2
GH: 02022295 Rhaponticum repens (Linnaeus) Hidalgo USA: Utah Cottonwood Canyon B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5625 1933-6-27
GH: 02022294 Rhaponticum repens (Linnaeus) Hidalgo USA: Utah 10 mi. N. of Moab B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5624 1933-6-25
Berberidaceae GH: 02168738 Berberis fendleri A. Gray USA: Utah West side Cottonwood Canyon, Bluff B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5904 1933-6-27
Boraginaceae GH: 02023358 Cryptantha crassisepala (Torrey & A. Gray) Greene USA: Utah 5 miles south of Bluff, along San Juan River... B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5098 1933-6-29
GH: 02023362 Cryptantha crassisepala (Torrey & A. Gray) Greene USA: Utah Horse Heaven Canyon, Cottonwood Canyon, Bluf... B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5095 1933-7-2
GH: 02023754 Cryptantha gracilis Osterhout USA: Utah East side of Cottonwood Canyon, Bluff B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5097 1933-6-27
GH: 02025101 Cryptantha recurvata Coville USA: Utah Slopes of lateral canyon, east side of Cotto... B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5096 1933-6-27
GH: 01993329 Heliotropium convolvulaceum (Nuttall) A. Gray USA: Utah East of Bluff. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 15928 1933-6-30
GH: 01997804 Mertensia ciliata (James) G. Don USA: Utah N. base of Haystack Mt. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5115 1933-7-9
GH: 01997792 Mertensia ciliata (James) G. Don USA: Utah n. slopes of Greene Mountain. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5116 1933-7-13
GH: 01997954 Mertensia franciscana A. Heller USA: Utah head of Horse Canyon. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5121 1933-7-26
GH: 01997950 Mertensia franciscana A. Heller USA: Utah south base of Gold Hill B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5120 1933-7-8
GH: 01997949 Mertensia franciscana A. Heller USA: Utah Burro Pass. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5118 1933-7-18
GH: 01997948 Mertensia franciscana A. Heller USA: Utah north base of Haystack Mountain. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5119 1933-7-9
GH: 02058249 Mertensia lanceolata nivalis (S. Watson) L. C. Higgins USA: Utah Saddle south of Mellenthin B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5109 1933-7-26
GH: 02058248 Mertensia lanceolata nivalis (S. Watson) L. C. Higgins USA: Utah In cirque on east side of Mt. Mellenthin B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5110 1933-7-26
GH: 02058246 Mertensia lanceolata nivalis (S. Watson) L. C. Higgins USA: Utah on north side of Gold Mt. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5113 1933-7-11
GH: 02058245 Mertensia lanceolata nivalis (S. Watson) L. C. Higgins USA: Utah Summit of Mt. Tuk. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5114 1933-7-29
GH: 02058228 Mertensia lanceolata nivalis (S. Watson) L. C. Higgins USA: Utah in saddle between Castle and Waas Mts. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5112 1933-7-13
GH: 02058225 Mertensia lanceolata nivalis (S. Watson) L. C. Higgins USA: Utah West slope of Mt. Hobbs, 2000 ft. above timb... B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5111 1933-7-18
GH: 02059740 Oreocarya bakeri Greene USA: Utah 5 mi. W. of Blanding. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5102 1933-7-1
GH: 02059999 Oreocarya cinerea Greene USA: Utah Mesa north of Bluff. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5101 1933-6-30
GH: 02060010 Oreocarya cinerea Greene USA: Utah Horse Heaven Canyon, Cottonwood Canyon, Bluf... B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5099 1933-7-2
GH: 02060338 Oreocarya flava A. Nelson USA: Utah 34 miles east of Price. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5106 1933-6-25
GH: 02060337 Oreocarya flava A. Nelson USA: Utah 6 miles south of Bluff, along San Juan River... B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5117 1933-6-29
GH: 02060352 Oreocarya flava A. Nelson USA: Utah 14 mi. south of Bluff B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5103 1933-6-29
GH: 02060345 Oreocarya flava A. Nelson USA: Utah 19 mi. south of Blanding B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5104 1933-6-26
GH: 02060482 Oreocarya flavoculata A. Nelson USA: Utah 47 mi. south of Moab B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5105 1933-6-25
GH: 02061445 Oreocarya wetherillii Eastwood USA: Utah [no additional data] B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5107 1933-6-25
GH: 02144129 Tiquilia latior (I. M. Johnston) A. T. Richardson USA: Utah 35 mi. southwest of Bluff. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5721 1933-6-29
GH: 02144128 Tiquilia latior (I. M. Johnston) A. T. Richardson USA: Utah Sandy, clay slopes B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5719 1933-6-29
Brassicaceae GH: 00944036 Boechera stricta (Graham) Al-Shehbaz USA: Utah Vic. of Warner Ranger Station B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 15038 1933-7-7
GH: 00992116 Draba spectabilis Greene USA: Utah La Sal Mountains: north base Haystack Mounta... B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 15038 1933
GH: 01538162 Erysimum capitatum (Douglas ex Hooker) Greene USA: Utah west spur of Pilot Mt. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 15048 1933-7-11
GH: 01546768 Lepidium alyssoides junceum Rollins USA: Utah west side Cottonwood Canyon, Bluff B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5811 1933-6-27
GH: 01573573 Physaria acutifolia Rydberg USA: Utah 47 miles South of Moab B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5809 1933-6-25
GH: 01692084 Rorippa curvipes Greene USA: Utah Gold Ridge B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 20442 1933-7-31
Caryophyllaceae GH: 00274847 Arenaria fendleri brevifolia Maguire USA: Utah La Sal Mountains, S. slope of Gold Hill near... B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 17973 1933-7-8
GH: 00274848 Arenaria fendleri brevifolia Maguire USA: Utah La Sal Mountains, Burro Pass, 11300 ft B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 17972 1933-7-18
GH: 00037591 Arenaria fendleri brevicaulis Maguire USA: Utah Summit of Pilot Mountain, La Sal Mountains, ... B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 17976 1933-7-11
GH: 01741511 Arenaria fendleri brevifolia (Maguire) Maguire USA: Utah 2 mi. N. of Warner Ranger Station B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 17975 1933-7-8
GH: 01741513 Arenaria fendleri brevifolia (Maguire) Maguire USA: Utah Saddle S. of Mt. Mellenthin B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 17983 1933-7-26
GH: 01713146 Minuartia obtusiloba (Rydberg) House USA: Utah Horse Canyon B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 17923 1933-7-26
GH: 01751147 Silene acaulis (Linnaeus) Jacquin USA: Utah Green Mt. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 17901 1933-7-13
GH: 01752504 Silene kingii (S. Watson) Bocquet USA: Utah Mt. Hobbs B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 17910 1933-7-22
Chenopodiaceae GH: 01785851 Suaeda nigra (Rafinesque) J. F. Macbride USA: Utah North Twin Canyon, Cottonwood Canyon, Bluff B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5874 1933-6-28
Fabaceae GH: 02049254 Astragalus moencoppensis M. E. Jones USA: Utah 10 mi. W. of Blanding B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5775 1933-7-1
GH: 02048117 Astragalus praelongus lonchopus Barneby USA: Utah North Twin Canyon, Cottonwood Canyon, Bluff B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5774 1933-6-28
GH: 01885420 Dalea flavescens (S. Watson) S. L. Welsh ex Barneby USA: Utah North Twin Canyon, Cottonwood Canyon B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5785 1933-6-28
GH: 02342783 Trifolium dasyphyllum uintense (Rydberg) J. M. Gillett USA: Utah Saddle S. of Mellenthin B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 21298 1933-7-26
GH: 02343265 Trifolium kingii S. Watson USA: Utah E. of Geyser Pass B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 21307 1933-7-27
Gentianaceae GH: 02069696 Frasera albomarginata S. Watson USA: Utah 11 mi. N. of Bluff. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5794 1933-7-1
GH: 02069801 Frasera paniculata Torrey USA: Utah 18 miles southwest of Bluff. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5793 1933-6-29
Hydrangeaceae GH: 01737924 Philadelphus microphyllus A. Gray USA: Utah vicinity of Clarke Lake B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5803 1933-7-29
Juncaceae GH: 02100753 Juncus bufonius Linnaeus USA: Utah bottom North Twin Canyon, Cottonwood Canyon B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5945 1933-6-28
GH: 02401988 Juncus longistylis Torrey USA: Utah North Twin Canyon, Cottonwood Canyon, Bluff B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5947 1933-6-28
GH: 02398302 Juncus saximontanus A. Nelson USA: Utah Horse Heaven Canyon, Cottonwood Canyon, Bluf... B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5944 1933-7-2
GH: 02397163 Juncus tenuis Willdenow USA: Utah mesa north of Bluff. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5948 1933-6-30
Lamiaceae GH: 01599457 Monarda pectinata Nuttall USA: Utah Bed of Cottonwood Canyon, Bluff B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5690 1933-7-2
GH: 01598815 Poliomintha incana (Torrey) A. Gray USA: Utah 35 mi. southeast of Bluff B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5693 1933-6-29
Malvaceae GH: 02199987 Sphaeralcea leptophylla (A. Gray) Rydberg USA: Utah Mesa North of Bluff B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5758 1933-6-30
Nyctaginaceae GH: 01642726 Abronia sp. USA: Utah Located 18 miles Southwest of Bluff B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5886 1933-6-29
GH: 01642728 Abronia sp. USA: Utah Bed of Cottonwood Canyon, Bluff B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5889 1933-7-2
GH: 01846179 Mirabilis linearis (Pursh) Heimerl USA: Utah Mesa North of Bluff. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 1933-6-30
GH: 01846315 Mirabilis multiflora glandulosa (Standley) J. F. Macbride USA: Utah La Sal Mountains; Along road to Warner Range... B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 1933-7-14
Oleaceae GH: 01847416 Forestiera neo-mexicana A. Gray USA: Utah Cottonwood Canyon, Bluff. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 1933-6-26
Onagraceae GH: 01776079 Epilobium hornemannii Reichenbach USA: Utah About Blue Lake; E. of Mt. Mellenthin B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 1004 1933-7-26
Orobanchaceae GH: 01879405 Castilleja sulphurea Rydberg USA: Utah 2 miles north of Warner Ranger Station B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 16279 1933-7-8
GH: 02081846 Pedicularis bracteosa Bentham USA: Utah north slopes of Gold Mt. Miner's Baisin B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 16293 1933-7-13
GH: 02079932 Pedicularis procera A. Gray USA: Utah vicinity of Warner Ranger Station B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 16287 1933-8-3
GH: 02078087 Pedicularis racemosa Douglas ex Bentham USA: Utah north slopes of Gold Mt., Miner's Basin B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 16295 1933-7-13
Plantaginaceae GH: 02002753 Penstemon barbatus trichander A. Gray USA: Utah 4 mi. W. of Blanding. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5700 1933-7-1
GH: 02119275 Penstemon eatonii undosus M. E. Jones USA: Utah West side Cottonwood canyon. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5697 1933-6-27
GH: 02122797 Penstemon strictus Bentham USA: Utah West slope of Gold Mt. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 16263 1933-7-12
GH: 01805122 Veronica americana Schweinitz ex Bentham USA: Utah west slope of Gold Mt. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 16305 1933-7-12
GH: 01811802 Veronica serpyllifolia Linnaeus USA: Utah north base of Haystack Mountain. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 16307 1933-7-9
GH: 01812567 Veronica wormskjoldii nutans (Bongard) Pennell USA: Utah Burro Pass B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 16303 1933-7-22
Polemoniaceae GH: 00985248 Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V. E. Grant USA: Utah North Twin canyon, Cottonwood canyon, Bluff B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5723 1933-6-28
GH: 00985969 Ipomopsis gunnisonii (Torrey & A. Gray) V. E. Grant USA: Utah Cottonwood canyon, Bluff B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5729 1933-6-27
Polygonaceae GH: 01618736 Eriogonum cernuum Nuttall USA: Utah 7 mi. Southwest of Bluff B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5831 1933-6-29
GH: 01966277 Eriogonum racemosum Nuttall USA: Utah 1 mi. North of Warner Ranger Station B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5836 1933-7-21
Potamogetonaceae GH: 01688414 Potamogeton illinoensis Morong USA: Utah Grass Lake, Geyser Pass B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 4367 1933-7-27
Primulaceae GH: 01926355 Primula specuicola Rydberg USA: Utah Cottonwood Canyon, Bluff B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5122 1932-6-26
GH: 01926354 Primula specuicola Rydberg USA: Utah Cottonwood Canyon, Bluff B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5123 1933-7-2
Ranunculaceae GH: 01720278 Aconitum columbianum Nuttall USA: Utah 1 mi. W. Beaver Pond; La Sal Pass B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 20406 1933-7-29
GH: 01709065 Aquilegia coerulea pinetorum (Tidestrom) Kearney & Peebles USA: Utah South base, Gold Mt. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 15902 1933-7-8
GH: 01709069 Aquilegia coerulea pinetorum (Tidestrom) Kearney & Peebles USA: Utah on east side of Mt. Millanthin B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 15899 1933-7-26
GH: 01709070 Aquilegia coerulea pinetorum (Tidestrom) Kearney & Peebles USA: Utah North exposure Gold Mt. B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 15898 1933-7-11
GH: 01662600 Ranunculus alismifolius montanus S. Watson USA: Utah vic. Warner Ranger Station B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 20403 1933-7-9
GH: 01665538 Ranunculus inamoenus alpeophilus (A. Nelson) L. D. Benson USA: Utah Cold Hill B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 20383 1933-7-8
Rhamnaceae GH: 01790790 Frangula betulifolia (Greene) Grubov USA: Utah Lateral canyon, Cottonwood Canyon B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 1933-6-27
Rubiaceae GH: 02355834 Houstonia rubra Cavanilles USA: Utah 7 miles Southeast of Bluff B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5710 1933-6-29
Scrophulariaceae GH: 01841903 Erythranthe guttata (de Candolle) G. L. Nesom USA: Utah north base of Haystack Mountain B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 16309 1933-7-9
Selaginellaceae GH: 02075334 Selaginella densa scopulorum (Maxon) R. M. Tryon USA: Utah N.W. slopes of Mt. Tomasky B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 4359 1933-7-8
Solanaceae GH: 01145702 Chamaesaracha coronopus (Dunal) A. Gray USA: Utah Wyland farm, Cottonwood canyon B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5686 1933-6-26
GH: 01543453 Solanum rostratum Dunal USA: Utah at Bluff B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5688 1933-6-30
Sparganiaceae GH: 00947453 Sparganium angustifolium Michaux USA: Utah In Beaver pond, 1 mile south of Warner Range... B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 4364 1933-7-21
Vitaceae GH: 01578051 Parthenocissus vitacea (Knerr) Hitchcock USA: Utah near head of Lake Canyon, Cottonwood canyon,... B. Maguire, A. G. Richards, R. Mag... 5754 1933-6-28