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Index of Botanical Specimens
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A: 01166694
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3326
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3326
A: 01166878
Dracaena sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3339
A: 01166696
Bouea oppositifolia
(Roxburgh) Meisner Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3311
A: 01166700
Mangifera sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3323
A: 01166701
Mangifera sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3166
A: 01166719
Mangifera sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3323
A: 00898547
Cyathocalyx sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2030
A: 00898514
Fissistigma latifolium
(Dunal) Merrill Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2753
A: 00898629
Polyalthia cinnamomea
Hooker f. & Thomson Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3035
A: 00898639
Polyalthia stenophylla
(Hooker f. & Thomson) Finet & Gagnepain Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2001
A: 00898640
Polyalthia stenophylla
(Hooker f. & Thomson) Finet & Gagnepain Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2002
A: 00898517
Popowia tomentosa
Maingay ex Hooker f. & Thomson Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2735
A: 00898513
Xylopia sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2758
A: 00898514
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2753
A: 00898515
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2865
A: 00898516
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2609
A: 00898517
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2735
A: 00898524
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2609
A: 00898653
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6033
A: 00898654
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6105
A: 00898655
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2043
A: 00898656
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6078
A: 00898657
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2012
A: 00898658
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6007
A: 00521218
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan J. V. LaFrankie 2852
A: 01166705
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6025
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2753
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2865
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2609
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2735
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6033
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6105
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2043
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6078
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2012
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6007
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan J. V. LaFrankie 2852
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6025
A: 01166711
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3020
A: 02581404
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve. 50-ha Long-term Ecolog... J. V. LaFrankie 2403
A: 02581405
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve. 50-ha Long-term Ecolog... J. V. LaFrankie 2401
A: 02581406
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve. 50-ha Long-term Ecolog... J. V. LaFrankie 2404
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3020
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve. 50-ha Long-term Ecolog... J. V. LaFrankie 2403
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve. 50-ha Long-term Ecolog... J. V. LaFrankie 2401
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve. 50-ha Long-term Ecolog... J. V. LaFrankie 2404
A: 01166713
Ceratolobus sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2948
A: 02428499
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve, 50-ha Long-term Ecolog... J. V. LaFrankie 2410
A: 02428498
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve, 50-ha Long-term Ecolog... J. V. LaFrankie 2413
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve, 50-ha Long-term Ecolog... J. V. LaFrankie 2410
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve, 50-ha Long-term Ecolog... J. V. LaFrankie 2413
A: 01166727
Santiria sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6103
A: 01166728
Santiria sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3426
A: 01166729
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6087
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6087
A: 01154107
Leptonychia caudata
(Wallich & G. Don) Burret Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6090
A: 01154107
Leptonychia glabra
Turczaninow Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6090
A: 01166842
Bauhinia sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6024
A: 01166735
Garcinia sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3413
A: 01166736
Garcinia sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3347
A: 01166743
Amischotolype sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3030
A: 01166743
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3030
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3030
A: 01166746
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3424
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3424
A: 01166771
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve. 50-ha Long-term Ecolog... J. V. LaFrankie 3431
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve. 50-ha Long-term Ecolog... J. V. LaFrankie 3431
A: 01166780
Diospyros sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3105
A: 01166781
Diospyros sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6081
A: 01154164
Diospyros sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3343
A: 01166783
Elaeocarpus sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3132
A: 01166782
Elaeocarpus stipularis
Blume Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 4283
A: 01166975
Ardisia sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3321
A: 01166786
Acalypha sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3364
A: 01166788
Balakata baccata
(Roxburgh) Esser Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve; 50-ha Long-term Ecolog... J. V. LaFrankie 6023
A: 01166835
Bridelia sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3110
A: 01166789
Mallotus sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve; 50-ha Long-term Ecolog... J. V. LaFrankie 6079
A: 01166790
Mallotus sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve; 50-ha Long-term Ecolog... J. V. LaFrankie 6093
A: 01154009
Microdesmis sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6020
A: 01154010
Microdesmis sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3312
A: 01166791
Pimelodendron griffithianum
(Müller Arg.) Hooker f. Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3349
A: 01166792
Ptychopyxis costata
Miquel Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6069
A: 01166788
Sapium sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve; 50-ha Long-term Ecolog... J. V. LaFrankie 6023
A: 01166794
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6015
A: 01166795
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 4290
A: 01166796
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 4026
A: 01166800
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6038
A: 01166858
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2652
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6015
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 4290
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 4026
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6038
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2652
A: 01166847
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3320
A: 01166851
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3432
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3320
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3432
A: 01166857
Lithocarpus sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia; Pasoh Forest Rese... J. V. LaFrankie 6003
A: 01166858
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2652
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2652
A: 01166859
Casearia sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6075
A: 01166863
Homalium sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3340
A: 01166864
Ryparosa sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6076
A: 01166865
Scaphocalyx sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 4270
A: 01166866
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6005
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6005
A: 01154104
Gomphandra sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6018
A: 01166884
Cinnamomum sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3300
A: 01166885
Cinnamomum sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2893
A: 01166886
Dehaasia sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6010
A: 01166890
Hibiscus macrophyllus
Roxburgh ex Hornemann Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6004
A: 01166890
Talipariti macrophyllum
(Roxburgh ex Hornemann) Fryxell Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6004
A: 01166898
Memecylon sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3332
A: 01166899
Memecylon sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 4265
A: 01166900
Memecylon sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6030
A: 01166921
Pternandra echinata
Jack Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 4287
A: 01166925
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2644
A: 01166926
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3013
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2644
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3013
A: 01166932
Aglaia sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 4269
A: 01166933
Aglaia sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2949
A: 01166934
Chisocheton erythrocarpus
Hiern Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3169
A: 01166935
Dysoxylum sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 4299
A: 01166936
Walsura pinnata
Hasskarl Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3319
A: 01166938
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6074
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6074
A: 01166948
Ficus sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2919
A: 01166958
Horsfieldia sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3185
A: 01166959
Horsfieldia sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3344
A: 01166960
Horsfieldia sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2653
A: 01166961
Horsfieldia sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 4260
A: 01166965
Knema sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3331
A: 01166966
Knema sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 4263
A: 01166967
Knema sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3346
A: 01166968
Knema sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3322
A: 01166969
Myristica sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 4277
A: 01154165
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3316
A: 01154166
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6074
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3316
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6074
GH: 02441990
Embelia sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan [no additional data] J. V. LaFrankie 2407
A: 01166982
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6021
A: 01166983
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6021
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6021
A: 01166991
Syzygium sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3187
A: 01166992
Syzygium sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6094
A: 01166993
Syzygium sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3348
A: 01166994
Syzygium sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6002
A: 01166995
Syzygium sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3336
A: 01985640
Vanilla sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan J. V. LaFrankie 2411
A: 01685602
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan J. V. LaFrankie 2412
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan J. V. LaFrankie 2412
A: 01154008
Galearia sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6104
A: 01166810
Antidesma velutinosum
Blume Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3306
A: 01166811
Aporosa aurea
Hooker f. Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6101
A: 01166812
Aporosa benthamiana
Hooker f. Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6067
A: 01166814
Aporosa microstachya
(Tulasne) Müller Arg. Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 4027
A: 01166815
Aporosa sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6095
A: 01166816
Aporosa sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3305
A: 01166817
Aporosa sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 4252
A: 01166818
Aporosa sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 4282
A: 01166834
Aporosa sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6099
A: 01166819
Baccaurea racemosa
(Reinwardt ex Blume) Müller Arg. Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2304
A: 01166823
Cleistanthus sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6089
A: 01166824
Cleistanthus sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6091
A: 01154017
Glochidion sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6098
A: 01154019
Piper sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3015
A: 01154024
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2894
A: 01154028
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2819
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2894
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2819
A: 01154032
Xanthophyllum sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3425
A: 01154033
Xanthophyllum sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3301
A: 01154034
Xanthophyllum sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3271
A: 01154035
Xanthophyllum sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6009
A: 01154036
Xanthophyllum sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6009
A: 01154043
Prunus arborea
(Blume) Kalkman Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6092
A: 01154049
Chassalia sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6032
A: 01154057
Ixora sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6019
A: 01154058
Ixora sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6107
A: 01154060
Lasianthus sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2811
A: 01154068
Psychotria sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2874
A: 01154077
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6086
A: 01154078
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6108
A: 01154079
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2359
A: 01154080
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2659
A: 01154082
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3418
A: 01154083
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 4286
A: 01154084
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6008
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6086
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6108
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2359
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2659
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3418
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 4286
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6008
A: 01154092
Nephelium sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3350
A: 01154096
Xerospermum sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3428
A: 01154099
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3427
A: 01154100
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6017
A: 01154101
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6012
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3427
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6017
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6012
A: 01154103
Eurycoma longifolia
Jack Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve. J. V. LaFrankie 3324
A: 01154105
Stemonurus sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3162
A: 01154167
Symplocos sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3351
A: 01154111
Tacca sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2901
A: 01154112
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3217
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3217
A: 01154117
Grewia sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3152
A: 01154118
Schoutenia accrescens
(Masters) Merrill Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan J. V. LaFrankie 6088
A: 01154124
Gironniera sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6022
A: 01154125
Gironniera sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3308
A: 01154127
Gironniera sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3325
A: 01166960
Poikilospermum sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 2653
A: 01154132
Clerodendrum sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3334
A: 01154169
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6029
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 6029
A: 01154139
Rinorea sp.
Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve J. V. LaFrankie 3345