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ECON Artifacts
Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[99177] and year collected:[1895]
= with images
GH: 00738526
[bad data, blank import]
USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-26
GH: 00678000
Cryptogramma stelleri
(S. G. Gmelin) Prantl USA: Vermont Willoughby E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-5
GH: 00725479
Arnica lanceolata
Nuttall USA: New Hampshire Thompson and Meserves E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-11
GH: 00734487
Erigeron hyssopifolius
Michaux USA: Vermont Sutton: Sutton E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-7
NEBC: 00734490
Erigeron hyssopifolius
Michaux USA: Vermont Sutton: Sutton E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-7
GH: 01028365
Packera schweinitziana
(Nutt.) W.A. Weber & Á. Löve USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Standoff Valley E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-18
NEBC: 01028366
Packera schweinitziana
(Nutt.) W.A. Weber & Á. Löve USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Standoff Valley E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-18
GH: 01017540
Petasites frigidus palmatus
(Aiton) Cronquist USA: Vermont West Burke E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-4
NEBC: 01017543
Petasites frigidus palmatus
(Aiton) Cronquist USA: Vermont West Burke E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-4
GH: 01017549
Petasites frigidus palmatus
(Aiton) Cronquist USA: Vermont Willoughby E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-8
NEBC: 00719720
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii
(Linnaeus) G. L. Nesom USA: Maine Mount Desert Island E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-9-3
GH: 00719730
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii
(Linnaeus) G. L. Nesom USA: Maine Mount Desert Island E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-9-3
GH: 00719736
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii
(Linnaeus) G. L. Nesom USA: Maine Mount Desert Island E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-9-12
NEBC: 01031438
Symphyotrichum pilosum pringlei
(A. Gray) G. L. Nesom USA: Maine Mount Desert Island E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-9-13
GH: 00854328
Symphyotrichum pilosum pringlei
(A. Gray) G. L. Nesom USA: Maine Mount Desert Island E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-9-12
GH: 00854329
Symphyotrichum pilosum pringlei
(A. Gray) G. L. Nesom USA: Maine Mount Desert Island E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-9-13
GH: 01031771
Symphyotrichum puniceum
(Linnaeus) Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Maine Mount Desert Island E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-9-12
GH: 00768587
Symphyotrichum subgeminatum
(Fernald) G. L. Nesom USA: Maine Mount Desert E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-9-4
NEBC: 01014842
Symphyotrichum tardiflorum
(Linnaeus) Greuter, M. V. Agabajan & Wagenitz USA: Maine Mount Desert Island E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-9-4
GH: 00712861
Barbarea orthoceras
Ledebour USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-11
GH: 00757045
Braya humilis
(C. A. Meyer) B. L. Robinson USA: Vermont Cambridge: Cambridge E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-5
GH: 00660142
Cardamine bellidifolia
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-7
NEBC: 00660144
Cardamine bellidifolia
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-7
GH: 00660296
Draba arabisans
Michaux USA: Vermont Westmore: Westmore E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-5
NEBC: 00660298
Draba arabisans
Michaux USA: Vermont Westmore: Westmore E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-5
NEBC: 00682390
Lonicera canadensis
Bartram ex Marsh. USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-9-17
NEBC: 00682392
Lonicera canadensis
Bartram ex Marsh. USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895
GH: 00682395
Lonicera canadensis
Bartram ex Marsh. USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895
GH: 00682397
Lonicera canadensis
Bartram ex Marsh. USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-9-17
GH: 00682780
Lonicera oblongifolia
(Goldie) Hooker USA: Vermont Willoughby E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-9
GH: 00682965
Lonicera villosa
(Michaux) Roemer & Schultes USA: Vermont Willoughby E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-9
NEBC: 00682966
Lonicera villosa
(Michaux) Roemer & Schultes USA: Vermont Willoughby E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-9
GH: 00765114
Viburnum opulus trilobum
(Marsh.) Clausen USA: Vermont Willoughby E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-11
NEBC: 00765115
Viburnum opulus trilobum
(Marsh.) Clausen USA: Vermont Willoughby E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-11
GH: 00693749
Stellaria borealis
Bigelow USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-5
NEBC: 00693753
Stellaria borealis
Bigelow USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-5
GH: 00757950
Lechea tenuifolia
Michaux USA: Massachusetts Boston: West Roxbury E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-10-9
NEBC: 00757953
Lechea tenuifolia
Michaux USA: Massachusetts Boston: West Roxbury E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-10-9
GH: 00895013
Carex magellanica én
(Wahlenberg) Hultén USA: New Hampshire Mount Clinton E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-18
NEBC: 00895014
Carex magellanica én
(Wahlenberg) Hultén USA: New Hampshire Mount Clinton E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-18
GH: 00895671
Carex novae-angliae
Schweinitz USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 6 1895-6-17
GH: 00854302
Carex peckii
Howe ex Peck USA: Vermont South Willoughby Cliff E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-5
GH: 00854303
Carex peckii
Howe ex Peck USA: Vermont Willoughby Mountain E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 7 1895-6-6
GH: 00807988
Carex plantaginea
Lamarck USA: Vermont Willoughby Mountain E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-7
GH: 00807989
Carex plantaginea
Lamarck USA: Vermont Willoughby E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-7
NEBC: 00807992
Carex plantaginea
Lamarck USA: Vermont Willoughby E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-7
GH: 01161491
Carex platyphylla
J. Carey USA: Vermont Westmore: Westmore E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-12
NEBC: 01161492
Carex platyphylla
J. Carey USA: Vermont Westmore: Westmore E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-12
GH: 00770279
Carex scirpoidea
Michaux USA: Vermont Sutton: Sutton E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-5
GH: 00770282
Carex scirpoidea
Michaux USA: Vermont Sutton: Sutton E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-5
NEBC: 00770283
Carex scirpoidea
Michaux USA: Vermont Sutton: Sutton E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-5
NEBC: 01061393
Carex viridula
Michaux USA: Vermont Willoughby E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-5
GH: 01043164
Carex viridula
Michaux USA: Vermont Willoughby E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 10 1895-6-5
GH: 01018005
Eleocharis flavescens olivacea
(Torrey) Gleason USA: Maine Mount Desert Island E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-9-4
GH: 01048667
Eleocharis quinqueflora
(Hartmann) O. Schwarz USA: Vermont Willoughby E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-5
NEBC: 01048677
Eleocharis quinqueflora
(Hartmann) O. Schwarz USA: Vermont Westmore: Westmore E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-5
GH: 00766767
Eriophorum vaginatum
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-8
GH: 00694320
Equisetum hyemale affine
(Engelmann) A. A. Eaton USA: Massachusetts Norwood: Norwood E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-4-28
NEBC: 00694326
Equisetum hyemale affine
(Engelmann) A. A. Eaton USA: Massachusetts Norwood: Norwood E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-4-28
GH: 01013464
Andromeda polifolia glaucophylla
(Link) de Candolle USA: Massachusetts Chestnut Hill [Boston/Brookline/Newton] E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-5-17
GH: 00892326
Phyllodoce caerulea
(Linnaeus) Babington USA: New Hampshire White Mountains E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-8
GH: 00714142
Rhododendron lapponicum
(Linnaeus) Wahlenberg USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-10
GH: 00715108
Hypericum boreale
(Britton) E. P. Bicknell USA: Maine Mount Desert Island: Mount Desert Island E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 12 1895-8-30
NEBC: 00715110
Hypericum boreale
(Britton) E. P. Bicknell USA: Maine Mount Desert Island: Mount Desert Island E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 12 1895-8-30
GH: 00715157
Hypericum boreale
(Britton) E. P. Bicknell USA: New Hampshire Mount Willard E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 5 1895-7-19
NEBC: 00660931
Hypericum canadense
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Carroll: Carroll E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 9 1895-7-17
GH: 00660934
Hypericum canadense
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Crawfords E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 8 1895-7-19
GH: 00660935
Hypericum canadense
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Crawford E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 10 1895-7-16
GH: 00774413
Hypericum ellipticum
Hooker USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-26
GH: 00774434
Hypericum ellipticum
Hooker USA: New Hampshire Warren: Warren E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 14 1895-10-8
NEBC: 00774440
Hypericum ellipticum
Hooker USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-26
NEBC: 00774439
Hypericum ellipticum
Hooker USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-25
GH: 00715484
Hypericum majus
(A. Gray) Britton USA: Maine Mount Desert Island E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-8-30
NEBC: 00715490
Hypericum majus
(A. Gray) Britton USA: Maine Mount Desert Island E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-8-30
GH: 00715538
Hypericum majus
(A. Gray) Britton USA: New Hampshire Carroll: Carroll E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-22
GH: 00715539
Hypericum majus
(A. Gray) Britton USA: New Hampshire Carroll: Carroll E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-22
GH: 00715540
Hypericum majus
(A. Gray) Britton USA: New Hampshire Carroll: Carroll E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 2 1895-7-22
GH: 00715541
Hypericum majus
(A. Gray) Britton USA: New Hampshire Carroll: Carroll E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 0 1895-7-22
GH: 00715542
Hypericum majus
(A. Gray) Britton USA: New Hampshire Carroll: Carroll E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-22
NEBC: 00715544
Hypericum majus
(A. Gray) Britton USA: New Hampshire Carroll: Carroll E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 3 1895-7-22
NEBC: 00715545
Hypericum majus
(A. Gray) Britton USA: New Hampshire Carroll: Carroll E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-22
NEBC: 00715546
Hypericum majus
(A. Gray) Britton USA: New Hampshire Carroll: Carroll E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 0 1895-7-22
GH: 00715555
Hypericum majus
(A. Gray) Britton USA: New Hampshire Crawford E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 4 1895-7-21
GH: 00715562
Hypericum majus
(A. Gray) Britton USA: New Hampshire Mount Willard E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 6 1895-7-19
GH: 00715563
Hypericum majus
(A. Gray) Britton USA: New Hampshire Warren: Warren E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 13 1895-10-8
GH: 00629856
Hypericum mutilum
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Warren: Warren E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 14 1895-10-8
GH: 00894003
Sisyrinchium montanum crebrum
Fernald USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-26
GH: 00744835
Isoetes tuckermanii
A. Braun ex Engelmann USA: Maine Mount Desert Island: Mount Desert Island E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-9-4
GH: 00725791
Luzula confusa
Lindeberg USA: New Hampshire Thompson and Meserves E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-7
NEBC: 00725792
Luzula confusa
Lindeberg USA: New Hampshire Thompson and Meserves E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-7
GH: 00817995
Maianthemum stellatum
(Linnaeus) Link USA: Vermont Willoughby E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-5
GH: 00745612
Epilobium hornemannii
Reichenbach USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-11
GH: 01040971
Epilobium palustre
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire White Mountains E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-16
NEBC: 01040990
Epilobium palustre
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire White Mountains E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-16
NEBC: 01021201
Goodyera pubescens
(Willdenow) R. Brown USA: Massachusetts Norwood: Norwood E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-8-5
GH: 02043487
Goodyera pubescens
(Willdenow) R. Brown USA: Massachusetts Stoneham: Ravine Road, Middlesex Fells [Rese... E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-10-24
GH: 02043488
Goodyera pubescens
(Willdenow) R. Brown USA: Massachusetts Norwood: Purgatory Swamp E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-8-5
GH: 01016311
Goodyera repens
(Linnaeus) R. Brown USA: New Hampshire Lebanon: Lebanon E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-8-9
GH: 01016448
Goodyera tesselata
Loddiges USA: Maine Mount Desert Island E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-8-29
GH: 01016449
Goodyera tesselata
Loddiges USA: Maine Mount Desert Island E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-9-2
NEBC: 01016451
Goodyera tesselata
Loddiges USA: Maine Mount Desert Island E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-8-30
GH: 01016476
Goodyera tesselata
Loddiges USA: Maine Mount Desert Island E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-8-30
NEBC: 01016478
Goodyera tesselata
Loddiges USA: Maine Mount Desert Island E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-8-31
NEBC: 01016520
Goodyera tesselata
Loddiges USA: New Hampshire Crawfords E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-26
GH: 01016527
Goodyera tesselata
Loddiges USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-9-29
GH: 01016546
Goodyera tesselata
Loddiges USA: New Hampshire Crawfords E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-26
NEBC: 01016549
Goodyera tesselata
Loddiges USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-9-29
GH: 01021692
Goodyera tesselata
Loddiges USA: Massachusetts Dedham: Dedham E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-8-5
GH: 01056272
Platanthera orbiculata
(Pursh) Lindley USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-9-24
GH: 01056390
Spiranthes cernua
(Linnaeus) Richard USA: New Hampshire Moutn Desert Island E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-9-2
GH: 01056390
Spiranthes ochroleuca
(Rydberg) Rydberg USA: New Hampshire Moutn Desert Island E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-9-2
GH: 00878165
Agrostis mertensii
Trinius USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-9
NEBC: 00878166
Agrostis mertensii
Trinius USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-9
GH: 00878168
Agrostis mertensii
Trinius USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 5 1895-7-7
GH: 00878167
Agrostis mertensii
Trinius USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 4 1895-7-11
GH: 01178982
Calamagrostis canadensis
(Michaux) P. Beauvois USA: New Hampshire Mount Clinton E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-18
GH: 01178983
Calamagrostis canadensis
(Michaux) P. Beauvois USA: New Hampshire Hart's Location: Hart's Location E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-27
NEBC: 01178984
Calamagrostis canadensis
(Michaux) P. Beauvois USA: New Hampshire Hart's Location: Hart's Location E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-27
NEBC: 01045470
Calamagrostis canadensis robusta
Vasey USA: New Hampshire Mount Clinton E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-18
GH: 01045474
Calamagrostis canadensis robusta
Vasey USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-11
GH: 00722860
Calamagrostis canadensis langsdorffii
(Link) Inman USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 3 1895-7-9
NEBC: 00722861
Calamagrostis canadensis langsdorffii
(Link) Inman USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 3 1895-7-9
GH: 01178022
Danthonia spicata
(Linnaeus) P. Beauvois ex Roemer & Schultes USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-9-6
GH: 01149748
Hierochloë alpina orthantha
(T.J. Srensen) G. Weim. USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-8
GH: 00855950
Muhlenbergia uniflora
(Muhlenberg) Fernald USA: New Hampshire Crawford E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1 1895-7-16
NEBC: 00583835
Poa pratensis alpigena
(Fries ex Blytt) Hiitonen USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 7 1895-7-7
GH: 00583836
Poa pratensis alpigena
(Fries ex Blytt) Hiitonen USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 7 1895-7-7
GH: 01148660
Poa saltuensis
Fernald & Wiegand USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-8
GH: 00700267
Vahlodea atropurpurea
(Wahlenberg) Fries ex Hartman USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-7
GH: 00700281
Vahlodea atropurpurea
(Wahlenberg) Fries ex Hartman USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-9
GH: 00689263
Polygonum viviparum
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-5
GH: 00689264
Polygonum viviparum
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-8
NEBC: 00689274
Polygonum viviparum
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-8
NEBC: 00689275
Polygonum viviparum
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire White Mountains E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-5
NEBC: 00689283
Polygonum viviparum
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-7
GH: 00689292
Polygonum viviparum
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-7
GH: 01020455
Ranunculus abortivus
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-7
GH: 00692543
Ranunculus hispidus caricetorum
(Greene) T. Duncan USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-23
NEBC: 00692544
Ranunculus hispidus caricetorum
(Greene) T. Duncan USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-23
GH: 00710443
Geum macrophyllum
Willdenow USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-17
NEBC: 00710446
Geum macrophyllum
Willdenow USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-17
GH: 00669438
Rosa blanda
Aiton USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-23
NEBC: 00669439
Rosa blanda
Aiton USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-23
GH: 00441471
Rosa palustris
Marshall USA: New Hampshire Lisbon: Lisbon E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-24
GH: 00644968
Rosa sp.
USA: New Hampshire Franconia: Franconia E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-21
GH: 00758881
Rubus chamaemorus
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Mount Clinton E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-18
NEBC: 00758897
Rubus chamaemorus
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Mount Clinton E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-18
NEBC: 00768912
Sibbaldia procumbens
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-11
GH: 00768925
Sibbaldia procumbens
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-11
GH: 00706911
Sorbus americana
Marshall USA: Vermont Westmore: Westmore E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-11
NEBC: 00706912
Sorbus americana
Marshall USA: Vermont Westmore: Westmore E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-11
GH: 00747075
Sorbus decora
(Sargent) C. K. Schneider USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-11
NEBC: 00747092
Sorbus decora
(Sargent) C. K. Schneider USA: New Hampshire Tuckerman's Ravine E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-11
GH: 00747116
Sorbus decora
(Sargent) C. K. Schneider USA: Vermont Willoughby E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-9
GH: 00747117
Sorbus decora
(Sargent) C. K. Schneider USA: Vermont Westmore: Westmore E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-11
NEBC: 00747118
Sorbus decora
(Sargent) C. K. Schneider USA: Vermont Willoughby E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-9
NEBC: 00747119
Sorbus decora
(Sargent) C. K. Schneider USA: Vermont Westmore: Westmore E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895
GH: 00705427
Salix herbacea
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-7
NEBC: 00651016
Salix pyrifolia
Andersson USA: Vermont Westmore: Westmore E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-11
GH: 00651018
Salix pyrifolia
Andersson USA: Vermont Westmore: Westmore E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-11
GH: 00750978
Saxifraga paniculata neogaea
(Butters) D. Löve USA: Vermont Sutton: Sutton E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-12
GH: 00715794
Viola canadensis
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Willoughby Mountain E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-11
NEBC: 00715799
Viola canadensis
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Willoughby Mountain E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-7-11
GH: 00675831
Woodsia alpina
(Bolton) Gray USA: Vermont Willoughby E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-5
GH: 00675905
Woodsia glabella
R. Brown USA: Vermont Willoughby E. Faxon & C. E. Faxon 1895-6-5