Acanthaceae A: 02527560 Petalidium englerianum C. B. Clarke Botswana: Bechuanaland Prot. Van Lyl's[?] Cutting [see remarks] 28676a
Aizoaceae ECON: 02434609 Plinthus karooicus Verdoorn Botswana: Ghanzi 15 m E of Border of SWA, SW of Ghanzi, Bech.... R. Story 5077 1955-7-31
ECON: 02434609 Plinthus sericeus Pax Botswana: Ghanzi 15 m E of Border of SWA, SW of Ghanzi, Bech.... R. Story 5077 1955-7-31
Annonaceae ECON: 02542030 Annona nana Exell Botswana: [no additional data] N. K. B. Robson 108
ECON: 02542030 Annona stenophylla Engler & Diels Botswana: [no additional data] N. K. B. Robson 108
Asteraceae GH: 00549502 Senecio burchellii de Candolle Botswana: [On the banks of the river Moshowa, between ... W. J. Burchell 2283 1812-9-29
GH: 00549502 Senecio madagascariensis Poiret Botswana: [On the banks of the river Moshowa, between ... W. J. Burchell 2283 1812-9-29
Bignoniaceae GH: 00217455 Rhigozum brevispinosum Kuntze Botswana: On the rocks at Chue Spring W. J. Burchell 2398/1
GH: 00217455 Rhigozum spinosum Burchell ex Sprague Botswana: On the rocks at Chue Spring W. J. Burchell 2398/1
Brassicaceae ECON: 02454984 Coronopus integrifolius de Candolle ex Sprengel Botswana: Kweneng Chukudu Pan, 233 m NW of Molepolole, Bech Pr... R. Story 4956 1955-6-22
ECON: 02454984 Lepidium englerianum (Muschler) Al-Shehbaz Botswana: Kweneng Chukudu Pan, 233 m NW of Molepolole, Bech Pr... R. Story 4956 1955-6-22
Burseraceae ECON: 01247989 Commiphora africana (A. Richard) Engler Botswana: Dobe Area M. Whiting bis 4255-206
ECON: 01247993 Commiphora angolensis Engler Botswana: Dobe Area M. Whiting bis 4489-206
ECON: 01247992 Commiphora angolensis Engler Botswana: [no additional data] M. Whiting bis 4256-207
A: 01246039 Commiphora stolzii Engler Botswana: Ngamiland [no additional data] H. H. Curson 120 1931-1
Caesalpiniaceae ECON: 02504571 Bauhinia petersiana macrantha (Oliver) Brummitt & J. H. Ross Botswana: [no additional data] [illegible] 4235-352
ECON: 02504570 Bauhinia petersiana macrantha (Oliver) Brummitt & J. H. Ross Botswana: 101 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 4887 1955-6-14
ECON: 02504770 Burkea africana Hooker Botswana: Dobearea, Botswana, Africa M. Whiting bis 4991-162
ECON: 02504768 Burkea africana Hooker Botswana: [no additional data] M. Whiting bis 17043-162
A: 02504964 Colophospermum mopane (J. Kirk ex Bentham) J. Léonard Botswana: Province Bechuanaland, Palapye H. W. R. Marloth 3326 1903-11-8
A: 02321030 Peltophorum africanum Sond. Botswana: Mochudi. Bechuanaland Protectorate F. A. Rogers 6640
ECON: 02321012 Peltophorum africanum Sond. Botswana: [no additional data] M. Whiting bis 4747-205 1967-11-6
ECON: 02321061 Pomaria burchellii (DC.) B.B.Simpson & G.P.Lewis Botswana: Depe[?] Area M. Whiting bis 4882-541 1967-10
Celastraceae A: 02452342 Gymnosporia buxifolia (Linnaeus) Szyszylowicz Botswana: Gaborone. Bachuanaland F. A. Rogers 6253
ECON: 02452408 Gymnosporia senegalensis (Lamarck) Loesener Botswana: Bech. Prot. Ghanzi R. Story 5041 1955-7-25
ECON: 02452407 Gymnosporia senegalensis (Lamarck) Loesener Botswana: [no additional data] M. Whiting bis 4741-451
ECON: 02452445 Gymnosporia tenuispina (Sonder) Szyszylowicz Botswana: Kweneng Bech. Prot. Molepolole. 10 m N of Molepolole R. Story 4878 1955
ECON: 02452407 Maytenus senegalensis (Lamarck) Exell Botswana: [no additional data] M. Whiting bis 4741-451
Convolvulaceae GH: 00066837 Ipomoea fragilis Choisy Botswana: [On Maadji Mountain Bechuanaland (from Kew s... W. J. Burchell 2362 1812-10-12
GH: 00066837 Ipomoea obscura (Linnaeus) Ker Gawler Botswana: [On Maadji Mountain Bechuanaland (from Kew s... W. J. Burchell 2362 1812-10-12
Crassulaceae ECON: 01991018 Kalanchoe sp. Botswana: Nama Pan, S. W. A. R. Story 5275 1955-8-22
Cyperaceae A: 02263052 Schoenoplectus muriculatus (Kükenthal) Browning Botswana: [data not captured] D. T. Cole 691 1994-4-5
Ebenaceae ECON: 02504030 Diospyros batocana Hiern Botswana: [no additional data] M. Whiting bis 4299-314
A: 02504166 Diospyros mespiliformis Hochstetter ex A. de Candolle Botswana: Regio Ngamiland H. H. Curson 128 1930-12
A: 02504165 Diospyros mespiliformis Hochstetter ex A. de Candolle Botswana: Regio Ngamiland H. H. Curson 128 1930-12
A: 02504449 Euclea undulata Thunberg Botswana: SE Botswana. Mmokolodi. 12 km South of Gabor... D. T. Cole 602 1994-3-29
Euphorbiaceae ECON: 00444257 Croton gratissimus Burchell Botswana: Kung. N Wanaha M. Whiting bis 4477-401
Loganiaceae GH: 00075927 Buddleja saligna Willdenow Botswana: Near the sources of the Kuruman River W. J. Burchell 2494 1912-12-12
GH: 00075927 Chilianthus arboreus rosmarinaceus Kuntze Botswana: Near the sources of the Kuruman River W. J. Burchell 2494 1912-12-12
Loranthaceae ECON: 02453946 Tapinanthus oleifolius (J. C. Wendland) Danser Botswana: [no additional data] M. Whiting bis 448-614
ECON: 02452029 Viscum rotundifolium Linnaeus f. Botswana: 10 m N of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 4871 1955
Lythraceae AMES: 02519158 Nesaea rigidula (Sonder) Koehne Botswana: [data not captured] M. Whiting bis 4900
Mimosaceae ECON: 02321199 Albizia anthelmintica (A.Rich.) Brongn. Botswana: 272 n NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 4990 1955-6-29
ECON: 02321417 Dichrostachys cinerea (Linnaeus) Wight & Arnott Botswana: [no additional data] M. Whiting bis 4782-164
ECON: 02321416 Dichrostachys cinerea (Linnaeus) Wight & Arnott Botswana: [no additional data] M. Whiting bis 4779-158
ECON: 02321442 Dichrostachys glomerata (Forsskal) Chiovenda Botswana: Kweneng Chukudu Pan, 233 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. P... R. Story 4944 1955-6-20
ECON: 02321467 Elephantorrhiza elephantina (Burchell) Skeels Botswana: in the area about half way between Molepolol... R. Story 5062 1955-7-28
ECON: 02321466 Elephantorrhiza elephantina (Burchell) Skeels Botswana: [no additional data] M. Whiting bis 665 1967
Olacaceae ECON: 02437194 Ximenia americana Linnaeus Botswana: [no additional data] M. M. Whiting 4295-104
ECON: 02437216 Ximenia caffra Sonder Botswana: Bech. Prot. along route between Molepolole a... R. Story 4949 1955-6-20
ECON: 02437215 Ximenia caffra Sonder Botswana: [no additional data] M. M. Whiting 4954-103
Orchidaceae ECON: 02341762 Eulophia hereroensis Schlechter Botswana: Dobe Area M. Whiting bis 4272-504
ECON: 02341883 Eulophia sp. Botswana: Dube Area. [data not captured] 4588-523 1967-10
Phyllanthaceae ECON: 02553038 Phyllanthus burchellii Müller Arg. Botswana: 256 m NW of Molepolole, Bech Prot. R. Story 4972 1955-6-24
ECON: 02553106 Phyllanthus maderaspatensis Linnaeus Botswana: Dobe Area M. Whiting bis 1b 1967-10
Poaceae GH: 02542472 Andropogon sp. Botswana: Bechnanaland I. B. Pole-Evans 1929
ECON: 02541132 Anthephora argentea Goossens Botswana: Kweneng NW of Molepolole, Sech Prot. R. Story 4976 1955-6-24
ECON: 02541139 Anthephora pubescens Nees Botswana: Kweneng NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 4935 1955-6-19
ECON: 02447764 Aristida congesta Roemer & J. H. Schultes Botswana: 150 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 4905 1955-6-16
ECON: 02447763 Aristida congesta Roemer & J. H. Schultes Botswana: Bechuanaland. Prot. Ghanzi. Bech. Prot. R. Story 5039 1955-7-25
ECON: 02447761 Aristida congesta Roemer & J. H. Schultes Botswana: 290 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 5022 1955-7-17
ECON: 02447777 Aristida curvata (Nees) Nees ex A. Richard Botswana: Kweneng 195 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 4918 1955-6-17
ECON: 02447849 Aristida meridionalis Henrard Botswana: Kweneng 228 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 4934 1955-6-19
ECON: 02447841 Aristida meridionalis Henrard Botswana: 154 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 4910 1955-6-16
ECON: 02447836 Aristida mollissima Pilger Botswana: 201 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 4919 1955-6-18
ECON: 02447836 Aristida mutabilis Trin. & Rupr. Botswana: 201 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 4919 1955-6-18
ECON: 02447864 Aristida obtusa Delile Botswana: Bechuanaland Prot. none seen to the E. 15 m ... R. Story 5073 1955-7-30
ECON: 02447963 Aristida uniplumis Licht Botswana: 175 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 4915 1955-6-17
ECON: 02447960 Aristida uniplumis Licht Botswana: 154 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 4908 1955-6-16
ECON: 02541211 Brachiaria dura Stapf Botswana: Kweneng 258 m NW of Molepolole, Bech Prot. R. Story 4975 1955-6-24
A: 02541215 Brachiaria eruciformis (Smith) Grisebach Botswana: District SW. in Deception Valley (Central Ka... P. A. Smith 4209 1983-3-19
GH: 02542622 Elionurus muticus (Sprengel) Kunth Botswana: Bechuanaland: between Kosi Fontein and Knegt... W. J. Burchell 2607
ECON: 02542629 Elionurus sp. Botswana: Dabe Arsa M. Whiting bis 4957-653
ECON: 02444817 Enneapogon brachystachyus Jaubert & Spach ex Stapf Botswana: 290 m NW of Molepolole Bech. Prot. R. Story 5013 1955
ECON: 02444829 Enneapogon cenchroides (Lichtenstein ex Roemer & Schultes) C. E. Hubbard Botswana: Kweneng 154 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 4907 1955-6-16
ECON: 02444825 Enneapogon cenchroides (Lichtenstein ex Roemer & Schultes) C. E. Hubbard Botswana: 206 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 4925 1955-6-18
A: 02444874 Enneapogon scoparius Stapf Botswana: 29 1/2 km from Nata on the new road to Kazun... P. A. Smith 4227 1983
A: 02444869 Enneapogon scoparius Stapf Botswana: Kweneng Molepolole, 15 km N of Ngware J. M. Verhagen 4 1976-11-16
GH: 02444896 Eragrostis angusta Hackel Botswana: Between Bushmen Mine and Tutumi, Bechuanalan... I. B. Pole-Evans 2586 1929-12-13
GH: 02444895 Eragrostis angusta Hackel Botswana: Between Bushman Mine and Tutumi, Bechuanalan... I. B. Pole-Evans 2586 1929-12-13
ECON: 02447062 Eragrostis echinochloidea Stapf Botswana: Kweneng 290 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 5010 1955
A: 02447060 Eragrostis echinochloidea Stapf Botswana: Kweneng 20 km N of Ngware, Egoje J. M. Verhagen 10 1976-11-18
ECON: 02447117 Eragrostis laevissima Hackel Botswana: Floor of Khomodimo Pan, 206 m NW of Molepolo... R. Story 4931 1955-6-18
ECON: 02447140 Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees Botswana: Bechuanaland. 154 m NW of Molepole, Bech Pro... R. Story 4911 1955-6-16
ECON: 02447139 Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees Botswana: 150 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 4906 1955-6-16
ECON: 02447138 Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees Botswana: 254 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 4968 1955-6-23
ECON: 02447137 Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees Botswana: 290 m NW of Molepolole, Bech Prot. R. Story 5015 1955
ECON: 02447135 Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees Botswana: 290 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 5000 1955
ECON: 02447140 Eragrostis lehmanniana chaunantha (Pilger) De Winter Botswana: Bechuanaland. 154 m NW of Molepole, Bech Pro... R. Story 4911 1955-6-16
ECON: 02447139 Eragrostis lehmanniana chaunantha (Pilger) De Winter Botswana: 150 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 4906 1955-6-16
ECON: 02447138 Eragrostis lehmanniana chaunantha (Pilger) De Winter Botswana: 254 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 4968 1955-6-23
ECON: 02447181 Eragrostis pallens Hackel Botswana: All along the route from Molepolole to Ghanz... R. Story 5005 1955
ECON: 02447235 Eragrostis rigidior Pilger Botswana: 290 m NW of Molepolole, Bech Prot.; (as far ... R. Story 5004 1955
GH: 02447299 Eragrostis sp. Botswana: Bechuanaland. Vukwecamp I. B. Pole-Evans 2583 1929-12-16
ECON: 02447354 Eragrostis sp. Botswana: Ghanzi Bech. Prot. R. Story 5035 1955-7-25
ECON: 02447351 Eragrostis sp. Botswana: 290 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 5009 1955
GH: 02436403 Imperata arundinacea Cirillo Botswana: Bechuanaland: Hamapery near Kuruman W. J. Burchell 2509
ECON: 02445697 Perotis indica (Linnaeus) Kuntze Botswana: Kweneng 154 m NW of Molepolole. Bech. Prot. R. Story 4909 1955-6-16
ECON: 02445697 Perotis patens Gandoger Botswana: Kweneng 154 m NW of Molepolole. Bech. Prot. R. Story 4909 1955-6-16
ECON: 02445716 Pogonarthria fleckii (Hackel) Hackel Botswana: Ghanzi also Ngamiland. Bech Prot. R. Story 5037 1955-7-25
ECON: 02445731 Pogonarthria squarrosa (Roemer & Schultes) Pilger Botswana: 150 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 4904 1955-6-16
ECON: 02444285 Rhynchelytrum villosum (Parlatore) Chiovenda Botswana: Kweneng 254 m NW of Molepolole R. Story 4962 1955-6-23
ECON: 02542987 Schizachyrium sp. Botswana: Not seen S of Ghanzi but becoming commoner t... R. Story 5043 1955-7-26
GH: 02445745 Schmidtia bulbosa Stapf Botswana: Bechuanaland. Oukwe Camp. I. B. Pole-Evans 2587 1929-12-16
ECON: 02445756 Schmidtia kalahariensis Stent Botswana: 9 m NE of Mabele ya pudi hills on road to Ma... R. Story 5095 1955
A: 02445759 Schmidtia pappophoroides Steudel ex J. A. Schmidt Botswana: Kweneng Molepolole, 15 km N of Ngware J. M. Verhagen 2 1976-11-16
GH: 02447574 Sporobolus spicatus (Vahl) Kunth Botswana: On the Makarikari Lake. Bechuanaland I. B. Pole-Evans 2585 1929-12
GH: 02433825 Stipa sp. Botswana: Malahariensis. bei "Kuruman" Bechuanaland H. W. R. Marloth 1114
A: 02541075 Themeda triandra Forsskål Botswana: a tributary of the Sibuyu (Sebweo) river P. A. Smith 4298 1983-4-13
A: 02444468 Tricholaena monachne (Trinius) Stapf & C. E. Hubbard Botswana: 183 m from Molepolole (NW) R. Story 4917 1955-6-17
ECON: 02447665 Triraphis fleckii Hackel Botswana: Bechuanaland. 154 m NW of Molepole R. Story 4912 1955-6-16
ECON: 02447673 Triraphis schlechteri Pilger ex Stent Botswana: 258 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 4977 1955-6-24
ECON: 02444549 Urochloa rhodesiensis Stent Botswana: Kweneng 254 m NW of Molepolole, Bech. Prot. R. Story 4964 1955-6-23
A: 02444554 Urochloa trichopus (Hochstetter) Stapf Botswana: Bechuanaland. Oukwe Camp. I. B. Pole-Evans 2588 1929-12-16
Rhamnaceae ECON: 02454375 Ziziphus mucronata Willd. Botswana: [no additional data] M. Whiting bis 4757-106
ECON: 02454374 Ziziphus mucronata Willd. Botswana: [no additional data] M. Whiting bis 4479-106
ECON: 02454375 Zizyphus mucronata Willd. Botswana: [no additional data] M. Whiting bis 4757-106
ECON: 02454374 Zizyphus mucronata Willd. Botswana: [no additional data] M. Whiting bis 4479-106
Rubiaceae ECON: 02435954 Vangueria sp. Botswana: [no additional data] M. M. Whiting 4799-115
Santalaceae A: 02432758 Osyris lanceolata Hochstetter & Steudel Botswana: Kgatleng Mochudi. Bech. Prot. F. A. Rogers 6214
A: 02432758 Osyris quadripartita Salzmann ex Decaisne Botswana: Kgatleng Mochudi. Bech. Prot. F. A. Rogers 6214