<< < Previous Poaceae GH: 02447193 Eragrostis patens congoensis Franchet Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Kitobola A. Flamigni 185 1910
GH: 01583879 Eragrostis sapinii De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Atiner[?] A. Sapin 1907
GH: 02447306 Eragrostis sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba ferme Groofmans P. Quarre 6 1927-1
GH: 02447305 Eragrostis sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba ferme Groofmans P. Quarre 474 1927-5
GH: 02447304 Eragrostis sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba fermu Dom Bosco P. Quarre 250 1927-4
GH: 02447296 Eragrostis sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kwamouth D. H. Linder 1661 1926-12-14
GH: 02447294 Eragrostis sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Lokutu D. H. Linder 1780 1926-12-22
GH: 01583906 Eragrostis superba Peyritsch Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Belgian Congo: Matadi D. H. Linder 1645 1926-12-6
A: 02447282 Eragrostis tremula Hochstetter ex Steudel Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Leopoldville. Thysville. territoire de Thysv... P. Compère 1225 1960-1-21
A: 02447278 Eragrostis tremula Hochstetter ex Steudel Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga. Mitwaba. près de Lusinga; Parc Nat... G. F. Witte 4.780 1948-12-7
A: 02542640 Euclasta condylotricha (Hochstetter ex Steudel) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Fizi, Mbaraka, km 162 route Uvira R. G. A. Germain 7031 1950-5
GH: 02433501 Festuca camusiana chodatiana St.-Yves Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2188 1927-2-16
GH: 02542650 Hackelochloa granularis (Linnaeus) Kuntze Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kitobola [data not captured] 533 1913-4
GH: 02542937 Hemarthria natans Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Albertville, Lake Tanganyika D. H. Linder 1941 1927-1-23
A: 02542717 Hyparrhenia bracteata (Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga, Kamina, Lovoi. P. Quarre 3041 1932-5
A: 02542720 Hyparrhenia confinis (Hochstetter) Andersson ex Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Lualu; Pastorale. Kamina. Katanga. P. Quarre 2758 1931-11
A: 02542740 Hyparrhenia diplandra (Hackel) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Orientale Mahagi, Nioka T. Sperry & A. Taton 93 1957
A: 02542738 Hyparrhenia diplandra (Hackel) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Kivu, Kabare, Zyamzi Al. Léonard 4175 1959-5-15
A: 02542737 Hyparrhenia diplandra (Hackel) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Susuku (concession Saeomintra) P. Quarre 2249 1930-11
GH: 02542736 Hyparrhenia diplandra (Hackel) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge - Djongo S. De Giorgi 169 1908-1
GH: 02542735 Hyparrhenia diplandra (Hackel) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Eála L. A. Pynaert 1656 1907-8
GH: 02542734 Hyparrhenia diplandra (Hackel) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Eala L. A. Pynaert 1656 1907-8
GH: 02542732 Hyparrhenia diplandra (Hackel) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge, Kongo J. A. Lebrun 760 1930
GH: 02542731 Hyparrhenia diplandra (Hackel) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Lusaka P. Quarre 419 1930
A: 02542730 Hyparrhenia diplandra (Hackel) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Congo Belge: Coquilhatville F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 790 1925-9-30
GH: 02542842 Hyparrhenia dissoluta (Nees ex Steudel) C. E. Hubbard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: "Rhino Camp," Bahr el Jebel, Lado Enclave, C... E. A. Mearns 2798 1910-1-10
GH: 02542747 Hyparrhenia familiaris (Steudel) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Entre Bokatola et Bikoro (Lac Leopold II) J. A. Lebrun 1434 1930-2
GH: 02542756 Hyparrhenia filipendula (Hochstetter) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Lusuku (concession Sacomintra) P. Quarre 2290 1930-12
A: 02542751 Hyparrhenia filipendula (Hochstetter) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Mgashu, Kabane, Kivu Prov. Al. Léonard 3352 1959
GH: 02542775 Hyparrhenia nyassae (Rendle) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Lusuku (Concession Sacomintra), Congo Belge P. Quarre 2200 1930-11
GH: 02542805 Hyparrhenia poecilotricha (Hackel) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kwango, Kindunolu H. J. R. Vanderyst 6073bis 1917-4
GH: 02542811 Hyparrhenia rufa (Nees) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Wombali H. J. R. Vanderyst 1061 1913
GH: 02542805 Hyparrhenia rufa (Nees) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kwango, Kindunolu H. J. R. Vanderyst 6073bis 1917-4
GH: 02542831 Hyparrhenia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kafubu[?], ferme Droogmans[?] Guarre 155 1924-2
GH: 02542862 Imperata cylindrica (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: ferme de Kimbembe Guarre 607 1927-7
A: 02541701 Isachne aethiopica Stapf & C. E. Hubbard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 546 1939-2-21
GH: 02541709 Isachne buettneri Hackel Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Mbau (Kwango) H. J. R. Vanderyst 16375 1925
GH: 02541707 Isachne buettneri Hackel Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 48 1935
A: 02541706 Isachne buettneri Hackel Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgium Congo: Fala Couteaux 536 1938-9-14
GH: 02541705 Isachne buettneri Hackel Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge: Wombali H. J. R. Vanderyst 2522 1913-10
GH: 01689420 Jardinea gabonensis Steudel Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Lokutu D. H. Linder 1772 1926-12-22
GH: 01689424 Jardinea gabonensis Steudel Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kuramouth D. H. Linder 1657 1926-12-14
GH: 01689420 Jardinea sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Lokutu D. H. Linder 1772 1926-12-22
A: 02434087 Leersia hexandra Swartz Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Léopoldville. Ndjili [data not captured] 53 1966-3
GH: 02434101 Leptaspis zeylanica Nees Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Penghe (Tsuri) J. C. C. Bequaert 2415 1914-2-10
GH: 02434100 Leptaspis zeylanica Nees Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 52 1935
A: 02434095 Leptaspis zeylanica Nees Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 221 1935
GH: 02447400 Leptochloa coerulescens Steudel Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Tshopo R. V. Lombardi 15 1914
GH: 02447399 Leptochloa coerulescens Steudel Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Lokutu D. H. Linder 1770 1926-12-26
A: 02541741 Loudetia phragmitoides (Peter) C. E. Hubbard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Kindu. Katako. Bamps 450 1959-4
A: 02541745 Loudetia simplex (Nees) C. E. Hubbard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Léopoldville. Kinsasha. Kimuenza. F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 4366 1957-2-25
GH: 02433990 Megastachya mucronata (Poiret) P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kinshasa D. H. Linder 1632 1926-12-9
GH: 02433988 Megastachya mucronata (Poiret) P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Bumba D. H. Linder 1821 1926-12-29
A: 02541767 Melinis minutiflora P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belgica: Yangomli R. G. A. Germain 4260 1945-11-11
A: 02541797 Melinis repens (Willdenow) Zizka Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga. Elisabethville. Keyberg. E. Detilleux 473 1957-10
GH: 02542909 Monocymbium ceresiiforme (Nees) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: JRango[?] J. A. Lebrun 762 1930
GH: 02434109 Olyra latifolia Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Mokaba H. J. R. Vanderyst 5600
GH: 02541849 Oplismenus hirtellus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge, Kivu, entre Biomba et Kamuhade H. F. A. Scaetta 815 1928
GH: 02541844 Oplismenus hirtellus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Montagnes a l'Ouest du Lac Kivu (Congo Belge... J.-H. Humbert 7425 1929-2
GH: 02541836 Oplismenus hirtellus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Likimi S. De Giorgi 1550 1913-12
GH: 02541837 Oplismenus hirtellus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Zambata. Congo Belge. H. Montehol 103 1913-11-21
GH: 02541835 Oplismenus hirtellus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 56 1935
A: 02541831 Oplismenus hirtellus (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Parc nat. Albert. Bakotaa, marais G. De Witte 13011 1956-3
GH: 02434116 Oryza eichingeri Peter Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 49 1935
GH: 02541861 Ottochloa arnottiana (Nees ex Steudel) Dandy Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Envison d'Eala. J. A. Lebrun 964 1930
GH: 02444069 Panicum aphanoneurum Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Bas[?] Kasai H. J. R. Vanderyst 5778 1915
GH: 02541893 Panicum brevifolium Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge: Moburasa[?] F. J. Reygaert 752 1913-7
GH: 02541892 Panicum brevifolium Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: entre Bolobo et Sand beach J. C. C. Bequaert 857 1913-10
A: 02541908 Panicum coloratum Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Plaine de la Rififi, Belgian Congo R. Germain 5848 1950-1
GH: 02541919 Panicum congoense Franchet Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Bomomoo. Congo Belge. R. C. M. Verschueren 432 1913
GH: 02541918 Panicum congoense Franchet Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge: Wombali H. J. R. Vanderyst 1899 1913-8
GH: 02541917 Panicum congoense Franchet Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Banana R. C. M. Verschueren 428 1913-4
GH: 02541934 Panicum dregeanum Nees Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Wombali. Congo Belge. H. J. R. Vanderyst 1896 1913
GH: 02541932 Panicum dregeanum Nees Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Dolo. Bavicchi 289 1913
GH: 02541949 Panicum funaense Vanderyst Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Environs de Coquilhatville J. A. Lebrun 415 1930
GH: 02541957 Panicum geminatum Forsskål Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Albertville, Lake Tanganyika D. H. Linder 1930 1927-1-22
GH: 02541528 Panicum horizontale (Willdenow) G. Meyer Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Chr. Smith
GH: 02444015 Panicum maximum Jacquin Congo, Democratic Republic of the: env. de Mandingu[?] F. J. Reygaert 652 1913
A: 02444032 Panicum maximum Jacquin Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kasai F. Matagne 261 1938-10
GH: 02444024 Panicum monticola Hooker f. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Montagnes a l'Ouest de Lac Kivu (Congo Belge... J.-H. Humbert 7463 1929-2
GH: 02444050 Panicum nervatum (Franchet) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Bandundu Congo belge H. J. R. Vanderyst 5821 1915
GH: 02444049 Panicum nervatum (Franchet) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge: Wombali H. J. R. Vanderyst 2388 1913-8
GH: 02444071 Panicum oryzoides Arduino Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Wood post below Lisala D. H. Linder 1807 1926-12-27
GH: 02444080 Panicum parvifolium Lamarck Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge; Moanda (Region littorale) H. J. R. Vanderyst 120 1913-4
GH: 02444079 Panicum parvifolium Lamarck Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Wombali H. J. R. Vanderyst 2387 1913-10
GH: 02444078 Panicum parvifolium Lamarck Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Dolo M. D. J. Laurent 575 1905-3-9
A: 02444074 Panicum parvifolium Lamarck Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Libenge. Kutubongo [data not captured] 1056 1955-5
GH: 02444087 Panicum phragmitoides Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge; Sanda H. J. R. Vanderyst 5506 1915-6
GH: 02444086 Panicum phragmitoides Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Mpye. H. J. R. Vanderyst n. 1718 1913-7
GH: 02444085 Panicum phragmitoides Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge; poturôges de la Miaô Dobbelaere n. 11 1912-5
GH: 02444117 Panicum repens Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Kaniki (Lac Albert-Edrund) J. C. C. Bequaert 5288 1914-7
GH: 02444116 Panicum repens Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge: Wombali H. J. R. Vanderyst 1913-11
GH: 02444205 Panicum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafuba. fer me Dom Bosco. Guarre 195 1927-3
GH: 02444177 Panicum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Belgian Congo: Kamaniola D. H. Linder 1976 1927-2-1
A: 02444174 Panicum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 55 1935
GH: 02444169 Panicum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Kitobola. Congo Belge. A. Flamigni 366 1991
GH: 02444160 Panicum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central village indigèue de Kisantu. Congo Belge. H. J. R. Vanderyst 291 1913-5-8
A: 02444143 Panicum trichocladum Hackel ex K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu plaine de la Ruzizi, route Uvira Maraka. R. G. A. Germain 7020 1950-5
GH: 02444211 Paspalidium sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Léopoldville. Luozi. Sundi Lutete Congo Cen... I. Persson 24 1967-1
GH: 02444211 Paspalum conjugatum P. J. Bergius Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Léopoldville. Luozi. Sundi Lutete Congo Cen... I. Persson 24 1967-1
GH: 02444227 Paspalum conjugatum P. J. Bergius Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala (Congo Belge) J. A. Lebrun 290 1930-5
A: 02444223 Paspalum conjugatum P. J. Bergius Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kasai. Dibaya. Kalonga-Dimuma (environs de T... L. Liben 2698 1957-3-21
GH: 02444241 Paspalum notatum Flügge Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala (pelouse) naturalitè J. A. Lebrun 476 1930
GH: 02444248 Paspalum scrobiculatum Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga P. Quarre 2326 1928
GH: 01583856 Paspalum scrobiculatum polystachyum (R. Brown) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Bolombo J. A. Lebrun 505 1930
A: 02541374 Pennisetum polystachion (Linnaeus) Schultes Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Orientale Terrot. Ango. route Digba-Basape. R. G. A. Germain 4443 1955-12
A: 02541363 Pennisetum purpureum Schumacher Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kisenyi, Lake Kivu D. H. Linder 2048 1927-2-12
GH: 02541441 Pennisetum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katuba; ferme Droogmans P. Quarre 8 1927
GH: 02541439 Pennisetum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Monuma[?]. ferme Roegie. P. Quarre 1075 1928-5
GH: 02445699 Perotis indica (Linnaeus) Kuntze Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Albertville, Lake Tanganyika D. H. Linder 1946 1927-1-23
GH: 01689420 Phacelurus gabonensis (Steudel) Clayton Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Lokutu D. H. Linder 1772 1926-12-22
GH: 01689424 Phacelurus gabonensis (Steudel) Clayton Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kuramouth D. H. Linder 1657 1926-12-14
GH: 02444267 Pseudechinolaena polystachya (Kunth) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala J. A. Lebrun 469 1930-6
GH: 02444266 Pseudechinolaena polystachya (Kunth) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Kisantu H. J. R. Vanderyst 276 1913-5
A: 02434157 Puelia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Congo. Bulumbu, Kivu Prov. Al. Léonard 3773 1959-4-9
GH: 02444268 Rhynchelytrum amethystium (Franchet) Chiovenda Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Recolle a Greleo - Section - hu... P. Quarre 2653 1931-8
A: 02541797 Rhynchelytrum roseum (Nees) Stapf & C. E. Hubbard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga. Elisabethville. Keyberg. E. Detilleux 473 1957-10
GH: 02542919 Rhytachne rottboellioides Hamilton Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge, Wombali H. J. R. Vanderyst 2439 1913
GH: 02444305 Sacciolepis interrupta (Willdenow) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Wood post below Lisola D. H. Linder 1809 1926-12-27
GH: 02444302 Sacciolepis interrupta (Willdenow) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: "Rhink Camp," Bahr el Jebel, Lado Enclave, C... E. A. Mearns 2797 1910-1-10
GH: 02444307 Sacciolepis kimpasaensis Vanderyst Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Environ Coquilhatville J. A. Lebrun 416 1930
GH: 02444310 Sacciolepis sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: L'Etoile. ferme Price[?] Leopold. Guarre 342 1927-5
GH: 02542957 Schizachyrium brevifolium (Swartz) Nees ex Büse Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Kitobola A. Flamigni 171 1910
GH: 02542956 Schizachyrium brevifolium (Swartz) Nees ex Büse Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Entre Amadi et Poko (Nele. Nepoko) J. A. Lebrun 3059
A: 02542953 Schizachyrium brevifolium (Swartz) Nees ex Büse Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kasai. Kana Kanda. Gandajika. L. Liben 2802 1957-4-29
GH: 02542973 Schizachyrium platyphyllum (Franchet) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Zongo (Ubangi) J. A. Lebrun 1714 1930-11
A: 02444313 Setaria aequalis Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 585 1939-2-24
GH: 02444316 Setaria anceps Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Skango s/fl. Congo J. A. Lebrun 763 1930-7
GH: 02444322 Setaria aurea Hochstetter ex A. Braun Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kuramouth D. H. Linder 1662 1926-12-14
GH: 02444328 Setaria barbata (Lamarck) Kunth Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge, Eala A. A. P. J. G. Corbisier-Baland 789 1928
GH: 02444351 Setaria lindenbergiana (Nees) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Elisabethville (Katanga) [data not captured] 61 1964-12-24
GH: 02444358 Setaria longiseta P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: l'Etsile. ferme P[?] Leopold (voisin de schu... Guarre 393 1927-5
GH: 02444357 Setaria longiseta P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Mimania. Ferme Regie. Guarre 1136 1928-4
A: 02444361 Setaria megaphylla (Steudel) T. Durand & Schinz Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Bambesa. [no data available] 5.035 1961-9-13
GH: 02444394 Setaria restioidea (Franchet) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Leopoldville M. D. J. Laurent 1905
GH: 02444451 Setaria sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Mimama. ferme Stallontes[?] Guarre 1206 1928-6
A: 02444448 Setaria sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 562 1939-2-22
GH: 02444410 Setaria sphacelata (Schumacher) Stapf & C. E. Hubbard ex M. B. Moss Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Tshikomba (pres de Mutonibo-Mukulu) Guarre 2508 1931-6
A: 02444404 Setaria sphacelata (Schumacher) Stapf & C. E. Hubbard ex M. B. Moss Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Kalehe. à Happarrhenúe Al. Léonard 3041 1959
GH: 02447447 Sporobolus barbigerus Franchet Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Conho Belge. Dolo Bavicchi 269 1913
GH: 02447446 Sporobolus barbigerus Franchet Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Wombali, Lazaret St. Jules H. J. R. Vanderyst 2114 1913-8
GH: 02447445 Sporobolus barbigerus Franchet Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge, Leopoldville L. Achten 279 1915-9
A: 02447449 Sporobolus capensis Kunth Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belg. Ruanda: Kiraga near Kisenyi Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 507 1939-2-11
GH: 02447466 Sporobolus festivus Hochstetter ex A. Richard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Zukpwe. Congo Belge. (P.) H. Lecomte 4 1937
GH: 02447564 Sporobolus pyramidalis P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge; Bas. Kuvilu (Kasaï) H. J. R. Vanderyst 2659 1913-11
GH: 02447563 Sporobolus pyramidalis P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Lusuku (Ste Laeomintra) (Moyen-... P. Quarre 2322 1930-12
GH: 02447562 Sporobolus pyramidalis P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Congo Belge. Ikengo S/Congo (Equateur) J. A. Lebrun 759 1930-7
GH: 02447561 Sporobolus pyramidalis P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Lusuku (Ste Sacomintsa) (Moyen-... P. Quarre 2292 1930-12
GH: 02447560 Sporobolus pyramidalis P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kituba. fermu Droogman [see label for additi... P. Quarre 9 1927-1
GH: 02447559 Sporobolus pyramidalis P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kabore, N[?] Basse J. C. C. Bequaert 5322 1914-8-18
A: 02447552 Sporobolus pyramidalis P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Rutshuru. Keshero Crispiels-Thonon 62 1958-9
A: 02434165 Streptogyna crinita Beauvais Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 51 1935
GH: 02434164 Streptogyna crinita Beauvais Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 50 1935
GH: 02434163 Streptogyna crinita Beauvais Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Bolombo (Eala) J. A. Lebrun 605 1930-7
A: 02541077 Themeda triandra Forsskål Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Orientale Mahagi. Nioka. A. Taton 1491 1955-8
A: 02541051 Themeda triandra Forsskål Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu plaine de la Rusisi R. G. A. Germain 6007
A: 02541101 Trachypogon spicatus (Linnaeus f.) Kuntze Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Kinsiesi (Beke - Kipake). Madimba. [no data available] 6118 1979
GH: 02447631 Tragus berteronianus Schultes Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge: Katanga, Env. Elisabethville, F... P. Quarre 364 1927-5-5
GH: 02444475 Tricholaena setifolia Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Rafubu. ferme Granst! Guarre 808 1927-11
GH: 02444488 Trichopteryx dregeana Nees Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Environ d'Eala J. A. Lebrun 972 1930
GH: 02444510 Tristachya ringoetii De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: a Etrille. F. Von Kenkove Guarre 1050 1928-2
GH: 02444512 Tristachya sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: a Katuba. fermu Droogmans Guarre 109 1927-2
A: 02444533 Urochloa echinolaenoides Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga. Mitwaba. Simana sur Dikuluwe. J. Brynaert 689 1958-1
GH: 02444541 Urochloa mutica (Forsskål) T. Q. Nguyen Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Environ de Coquilhatville J. A. Lebrun 579 1930
A: 02444548 Urochloa platyrrhachis C. E. Hubbard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga. Elisabethville. de Loose 27 1933-3
A: 02541110 Vetiveria zizanioides (Linnaeus) Nash Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Bamana[?] H. J. R. Vanderyst 23 1913-4-9
GH: 00246037 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga. Katube. ferme Droogman P. Quarre 936 1927-12
A: 02434187 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 58 1935
A: 02434186 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 57 1935
A: 02434185 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 53 1935
A: 02434184 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 54 1935
GH: 02437247 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. ferme Dom Boeu P. Quarre 886 1927-11
GH: 02437246 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferme Droogman P. Quarre 24 1927-1
GH: 02437245 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Elakgt[?]. ferme Marie-José P. Quarre 1477 1928-12
GH: 02437244 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. fermu Kina[illegible] P. Quarre 863 1927-11
GH: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga. Katube. ferme Droogman P. Quarre 936 1927-12
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 58 1935
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 57 1935
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 53 1935
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 54 1935
GH: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. ferme Dom Boeu P. Quarre 886 1927-11
GH: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferme Droogman P. Quarre 24 1927-1
GH: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Elakgt[?]. ferme Marie-José P. Quarre 1477 1928-12
GH: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. fermu Kina[illegible] P. Quarre 863 1927-11
Podostemaceae GH: 02437310 Leiothylax quangensis (Engler) Warming Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Tschopo Falls, Stanleyville D. H. Linder 1893 1927-1-10
Polygalaceae A: 00025798 Atroxima congolana E. M. A. Petit Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala A. A. P. J. G. Corbisier-Baland 1187 1931
Pottiaceae FH: 00059065 Barbula congoana Thériot Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Rueru, Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2280 pp 1927-3-10
Proteaceae A: 02434863 Faurea saligna Harvey Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Kalehe. Forêt de Mushwere, cours moyen de l... Michelson 528 1944-1
A: 02434869 Faurea saligna Harvey Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katuba Katanga P. Quarre 4232 1934-11
A: 02434868 Faurea saligna Harvey Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge: Entre Kasindi et Lubango Chaine... J. A. Lebrun 4677 1931-12
A: 02434863 Faurea saligna septentrionalis Hauman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Kalehe. Forêt de Mushwere, cours moyen de l... Michelson 528 1944-1
A: 02432321 Protea argyrea Hauman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga. Mitwaba. Parc nat. de l'Upemba; Lus... G. F. Witte 2804 1947-8
A: 02432440 Protea madiensis Oliver Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Between Ngoma + Nyagezi D. H. Linder 2017 1927-2-3
A: 02432541 Protea trichophylla Engler & Gilg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Karadia[?] fermu Gaffond[?]. Kisungwe en ... P. Quarre 1637 1929-4
Ranunculaceae A: 02518399 Clematis bojeri oligophylla M. Johnson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 665 1939-3-3
A: 02518395 Clematis bojeri oligophylla M. Johnson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Ferme Regie [?] [illegible]
A: 02518323 Clematis grandiflora de Candolle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Trumu-Beni [illegible] 4236
A: 02518319 Clematis grandiflora de Candolle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 247 1935
A: 02518338 Clematis hirsuta Perr. & Guill. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Puete-Kotomga F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 2203 1926
A: 02518336 Clematis hirsuta Perr. & Guill. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Rugetsi; pres route Beni-Kasendi G. De Witte 11416 1954-11-30
A: 02518344 Clematis orientalis Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Botohe; (Congo Belge) P. J. M. C. Gille 215 1939-4
A: 02518362 Clematis simensis Fresenius Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Lulongo D. H. Linder 2221 1927-3-4
A: 02518360 Clematis simensis Fresenius Congo, Democratic Republic of the: [illegible] 1932
A: 02518359 Clematis simensis Fresenius Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Stromgeleief des oberen Ruhudji. Landschaff ... H. J. E. Schlieben 1071 1931-6
A: 02518352 Clematis simensis Fresenius Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3594 1937-1-4
A: 02518399 Clematis sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 665 1939-3-3
A: 02518395 Clematis sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Ferme Regie [?] [illegible]
A: 02518394 Clematis sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Ferme [illegible] Leopold Guarre 311 1927-5
A: 00286224 Clematis zaireensis W. T. Wang Congo, Democratic Republic of the: [Zaire], southwest slope of Mt. Mikeno; alt.... D. H. Linder 2304 1927-3-13
GH: 02518539 Ranunculus oreophytus Delile Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Kabara, southern slope o... D. H. Linder 2352 1927-3-17
GH: 02518551 Ranunculus pubescens Thunberg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Rueru, southwest slope o... D. H. Linder 2253 1927-3-11
GH: 02518548 Ranunculus pubescens Thunberg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Beni-huberd [?] J. A. Lebrun 4290 1931
GH: 02518547 Ranunculus pubescens Thunberg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: s.w. foot, Mt. Visoki Dr. Derscheid 2442 1927-3-24
GH: 02518566 Ranunculus stagnalis Hochstetter ex A. Richard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Kabara, southern slope o... D. H. Linder 2350 1927-3-17
GH: 02518576 Ranunculus volkensii Engler Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Kabara, southern slope o... D. H. Linder 2439 1927-3-17
GH: 02518577 Ranunculus volkensii Engler Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Montagnes a l'Ouest de Lac Kivu (Congo Belge... J.-H. Humbert 7505 1929
GH: 00038636 Thalictrum aduncum Boivin Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Montagnes a l'Ouest du Lac Kivu: foret à l'... J.-H. Humbert 2448 1929
GH: 00038636 Thalictrum rhynchocarpum Dillenius & A. Richard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Montagnes a l'Ouest du Lac Kivu: foret à l'... J.-H. Humbert 2448 1929
GH: 02518455 Thalictrum rhynchocarpum Dillenius & A. Richard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Djuja J. A. Lebrun 3286 1931
GH: 02518454 Thalictrum rhynchocarpum Dillenius & A. Richard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2116 1927-2-16
GH: 02518453 Thalictrum rhynchocarpum Dillenius & A. Richard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2116 1927-2-16
Rhamnaceae A: 02553754 Gouania longipetala Hemsley Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Rutshuru (Congo Belge) J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4257 1937
A: 02553753 Gouania longipetala Hemsley Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 581 1939-2-24
A: 02553767 Gouania longipetala Hemsley Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Mogaudjo; Belgian Congo J. Claessens bis 666 1920-7
A: 02553766 Gouania longipetala Hemsley Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge; Eala P. Staner 1581 1930
GH: 02553764 Gouania longipetala Hemsley Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Kasai District; Vollage of Ma... J. Becquaert 11 1934-7-2
A: 02553762 Gouania longipetala Hemsley Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Prov.: Kasai; Territ. Kanda-Kanda; Loc.: Gan... L. Liben 3272 1957-6-20
A: 02553781 Gouania sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Territ. Kalehe; Loc. rande Kirvamu, Walikale... G. Troupin 3406 1957-5-13
A: 02553786 Helinus mystacinus (Aiton) E. Meyer ex Steudel Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Rutshuru (Congo Belge) Ghesquiere 3947 1937
A: 02553798 Helinus scandens (Ecklon & Zeyher) A. Richard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Natadi (Congo Belge) A. A. Dacrémont 447 1932
A: 02452993 Lasiodiscus fasciculiflorus Engler Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. de l'Ubrega J. A. Lebrun 5722 1932
A: 02452992 Lasiodiscus fasciculiflorus Engler Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Libengo-Ubongi (Congo Belge) J. A. Lebrun 1704 1930
A: 02452991 Lasiodiscus fasciculiflorus Engler Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Shabunda. Kigulube Al. Léonard 5201 1959-7-31
A: 00051360 Lasiodiscus gillardinii Staner Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Tshikapa-Kasai J. A. A. Gillardin 351 1938
A: 02452996 Lasiodiscus gillardinii Staner Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Shabunda. Kitoko. à Michelsonia Al. Léonard 3780 1959-4-10
A: 02452997 Lasiodiscus mannii Hook.fil. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Shabunda. Topetope[?]. à Nicfelsonia[?] Al. Léonard 5160 1959-7-30
A: 02452998 Lasiodiscus marmoratus C.H.Wright Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Bokuma. Congo Belge J. A. Lebrun 1363 1930
A: 02454000 Lasiodiscus mildbraedii Engl. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Libenge J. A. Lebrun 1687 1930
A: 02454001 Lasiodiscus mildbraedii Engl. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Libengo (Congo Belge) J. A. Lebrun 1787 1930
A: 02454305 Rhamnus prinoides L'Heritier Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Rutshuru (Congo Belge) J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4286 1937
A: 02454301 Rhamnus prinoides L'Heritier Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4286 1937-4-14
A: 02454268 Rhamnus prinoides L'Heritier Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: southwest slope of Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2419 1927-3-21
A: 02454267 Rhamnus prinoides L'Heritier Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2140 1927-2-16
A: 02454342 Scutia myrtina (Burm.fil.) Kurz Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Djugu, Kibali. Ituri J. A. Lebrun 3914 1931-7
A: 02454341 Scutia myrtina (Burm.fil.) Kurz Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Djugu. Kibali, Ituri J. A. Lebrun 3914 1931-7
A: 02454347 Ventilago africana Exell Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3796 1937
A: 02454349 Ventilago leiocarpa Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3833 1937-3-11
A: 02454406 Ziziphus mauritiana Lamarck Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala (Congo Belge) A. A. P. J. G. Corbisier-Baland 997 1930
Rosaceae A: 02558254 Prunus africana (Hooker f.) Kalkman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4276 1927-4-13
Rubiaceae GH: 02437576 Agathisanthemum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Mimania. ferme R[?]gie P. Quarre 1181 1928-5
GH: 02437575 Agathisanthemum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Mimama. ferme Regie P. Quarre 1134 1928-4
GH: 02437574 Agathisanthemum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à l'Etoile. ferme Prince Leopold P. Quarre 314 1927-5
A: 02435328 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Efandu D. H. Linder 1869 1927-1-5
A: 02435322 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Temvo (Bas-Congo) F. M. C. Vermoesen 1691 1919-2-26
A: 02435321 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 1079 1930
A: 02435320 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 1242 1930
A: 02435319 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 876 1930
GH: 02435317 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Pundusana (Congo Belge) M. G. Mortehan 676 1913-11
A: 02435316 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Bumba D. H. Linder 1845 1927-1-2
GH: 02435315 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Temvo (Bas-Congo) F. M. C. Vermoesen 1744 1919-3-6
GH: 02435314 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Temvo F. M. C. Vermoesen 1691 1919-2-26
GH: 02435313 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Temvo (Bas-Congo) F. M. C. Vermoesen 1744 1919-3-6
A: 02435334 Aidia ochroleuca (K.Schum.) E.M.A.Petit Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Léopoldville. Luki Mahieu 137 1957
A: 02435334 Aidia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Léopoldville. Luki Mahieu 137 1957
GH: 02455911 Anthospermum herbaceum Linnaeus f. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo-Belge. Mukarumbi F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 2385 1926-5-29
A: 02455938 Anthospermum usambarense K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2098 1927-2-16
A: 02435344 Aoranthe nalaensis (De Wildeman) Somers Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Entre Wamba et Gombo[?] J. A. Lebrun 3317 1931
A: 02435810 Aulacocalyx jasminiflora Hooker f. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Reigion de Buta F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 1184 1925
A: 02435781 Bertiera gracilis De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 84 1935
A: 02435784 Bertiera naucleoides (S. Moore) Bridson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Mombongo (Mongala) F. Thonner 159 1909-2-7
GH: 02453083 Borreria stricta (Linnaeus f.) G. Meyer Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: 3 miles east of Rutshuru D. H. Linder 2544 1927-4-2
A: 02455094 Canthium glabriflorum Hiern Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Boyeka [data not captured] 157 1914-8-31
A: 02455093 Canthium glabriflorum Hiern Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3829 1937-3-10
A: 02455092 Canthium glabriflorum Hiern Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Rutschuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4332 1937-4-20
A: 02455177 Canthium hispidum Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3825 1937-3-10
A: 02455176 Canthium hispidum Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4412 1937-5-3
A: 02455175 Canthium hispidum Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4412 1937
A: 02455009 Canthium sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kibembe. ferme de " " [Kibembe P. Quarre 629 1927-8
A: 02455008 Canthium sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Bumba D. H. Linder 1837 1926-12-31
A: 02233983 Canthium sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga P. Quarre 527 1927
A: 02233984 Canthium sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga P. Quarre 1030 1928-2
A: 02453923 Canthium sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga P. Quarre 563 1927
A: 02452974 Canthium sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Karoutia[?]. ferme Geens[?] P. Quarre 1806 1929-6
GH: 02452968 Canthium sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Katanga District. Environs of... J. Becquaert 96 1934-8-5
A: 02452966 Canthium sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 96 1935
A: 02455153 Canthium venosum (Oliver) Hiern Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 1499 1930
GH: 02455559 Cinchona ledgeriana (Howard) Bernelot Moens ex Trimen Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Katanga. Arboretum C. S. K. [Co... P. Quarre 3128 1933-3
A: 02435072 Commitheca liebrechtsiana (De Wildeman & T. Durand) Bremekamp Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Rutschuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3948 1937-4-2
A: 02437794 Corynanthe macroceras K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 1064 1930
A: 00242329 Craterispermum laurinum Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Lusengo D. H. Linder 1760 1926-12-22
A: 02455229 Craterispermum laurinum Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Lokutu D. H. Linder 1782 1926-12-22
A: 02455216 Craterispermum schweinfurthii Hiern Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Kalehe. route de Kavumu Walikale vars le Km ... G. Troupin 3175 1957-4-13
A: 02455215 Craterispermum schweinfurthii Hiern Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Kalehe. route de Kavumu Walikala vers la Km ... G. Troupin 3787 1957-7-9
A: 02455247 Cuviera angolensis Welwitsch ex K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala (Congo Belge) J. Leemans 295 1936
A: 02437697 Dolichopentas longiflora (Oliver) Kårehed & B. Bremer Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3725 1937-2-20
A: 02455143 Fadogia triphylla Baker Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Kafubu F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 1556 1926
A: 02455146 Fadogiella stigmatoloba (K. Schumann) Robyns Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Environs Tschinsongwe F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 1829 1926
A: 02455837 Gaertnera paniculata Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Conog Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 826 1930
A: 02455836 Gaertnera paniculata Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 205 1930
A: 02455835 Gaertnera paniculata Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 331 1930
A: 02455834 Gaertnera paniculata Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Bomana. Ngiri A. Sapin 1912
A: 02455833 Gaertnera paniculata Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Zobia J. A. Lebrun 2689 1931
A: 02455832 Gaertnera paniculata Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Bolenga [?]/Busira J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 2813 1936
A: 02455831 Gaertnera paniculata Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Bolingo s/ Busira J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 2813 1936-6-23
A: 02455830 Gaertnera paniculata Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala (Congo Belge) A. A. P. J. G. Corbisier-Baland 1385 1930
A: 02455829 Gaertnera paniculata Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala (Congo Belge) A. A. P. J. G. Corbisier-Baland 1266 1930
A: 02455827 Gaertnera paniculata Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala (Congo Belge) A. A. P. J. G. Corbisier-Baland 1917 1933-6-19
A: 02455824 Gaertnera paniculata Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Luluabong (Congo Belge) J. A. A. Gillardin 262 1937
A: 02455817 Gaertnera paniculata Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 1514 1930
A: 02455816 Gaertnera paniculata Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Monga J. A. Lebrun 2336 1931
A: 02455813 Gaertnera paniculata Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 810 1930
A: 02455814 Gaertnera paniculata Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Environ Eala J. A. Lebrun 577 1930
A: 02455815 Gaertnera paniculata Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 808 1930
A: 02435722 Galiniera caffeoides Delile Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Below Camp Rueru, southwest s... D. H. Linder 2250 1927-3-10
A: 02435721 Galiniera caffeoides Delile Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Below Camp Rueru, southwest s... D. H. Linder 2250 1927-3-10
A: 02435719 Galiniera caffeoides Delile Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo Belge. Beni-Lubero J. A. Lebrun 4247 1931
A: 02435718 Galiniera caffeoides Delile Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo Belge. Mohindi-terr. Beni [data not captured]
A: 02435717 Galiniera caffeoides Delile Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Sake-Kivu (Congo Belge) J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 6567 1938
A: 02435716 Galiniera caffeoides Delile Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Lac Kano (Kivu) [data not captured] 27m
A: 02435715 Galiniera caffeoides Delile Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 582 1939-2-24
GH: 02453173 Galium lucidum Allioni Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferme Droogmans P. Quarre 82 1927-2
GH: 02453204 Galium sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2146 1927-2-16
GH: 02435374 Gardenia seretii (De Wildeman) De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Temvo (Bas-Congo) F. M. C. Vermoesen 1498 1919-2-13
GH: 02435374 Gardenia spatulifolia Stapf & C. E. Hubbard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Temvo (Bas-Congo) F. M. C. Vermoesen 1498 1919-2-13
GH: 02455763 Geophila reniformis D. Don Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Yalembe D. H. Linder 1888 1927-1-7
GH: 02455767 Geophila sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 86 1935
A: 02455766 Geophila sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 177 1935
A: 02455765 Geophila sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 156 1935
A: 02455764 Geophila sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 238 1935
A: 02435759 Heinsia pulchella (G. Don) K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kinshasa D. H. Linder 1635 1926-12-9
A: 02435758 Heinsia pulchella (G. Don) K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo-Belge. Kotili (pres de Buta) F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 1163 1925-12-14
A: 02435756 Heinsia pulchella (G. Don) K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Oubangui [illegible] 1889-5
GH: 02435750 Heinsia pulchella (G. Don) K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge, Katanga, Section Sualu P. Quarre 2804 1931-11
A: 02435763 Heinsia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kinshasa D. H. Linder 1628 1926-12-9
A: 00242347 Hymenodictyon floribundum (Hochstetter & Steudel) B. L. Robinson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Goma J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4326 1937-4-18
A: 02455177 Keetia hispida (Bentham) Bridson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3825 1937-3-10
A: 02455176 Keetia hispida (Bentham) Bridson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4412 1937-5-3
A: 02455175 Keetia hispida (Bentham) Bridson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4412 1937
A: 02455190 Keetia ripae (De Wildeman) Bridson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Congo belge. Busira J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 2681 1936-5-10
A: 02455189 Keetia ripae (De Wildeman) Bridson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Congo belge. Flandria J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 2818 1936-6
A: 02455153 Keetia venosa (Oliver) Bridson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 1499 1930
GH: 02437627 Kohautia coccinea Royle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Faradje-tru[?] J. A. Lebrun 3526 1931
A: 02455780 Lasianthus mayumbensis R. D. Good Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Zemro F. M. C. Vermoesen 1684 1919
A: 02435118 Leptactina formosa K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 112 1935
A: 02435117 Leptactina formosa K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala (Congo Belge) J. Leemans 251 1936
A: 02435126 Leptactina platyphylla (Hiern) Wernham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 512 1939-2-17
A: 02435127 Leptactina pynaertii De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 124 1935
A: 02435250 Massularia acuminata (G. Don) Bullock ex Hoyle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 158 1935
A: 02435249 Massularia acuminata (G. Don) Bullock ex Hoyle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 114 1935
A: 02435239 Massularia acuminata (G. Don) Bullock ex Hoyle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 812 1930
GH: 02453108 Mitracarpus hirtus (Linnaeus) de Candolle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Likete / Lomela J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 2724 1936-6-16
A: 02437862 Mitragyna rubrostipulata (K. Schumann) Haviland Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Masisi (Congo Belge) J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4942 1937
A: 02437861 Mitragyna rubrostipulata (K. Schumann) Haviland Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Bobandana (Congo Belge) F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 2498 1926
ECON: 02437860 Mitragyna rubrostipulata (K. Schumann) Haviland Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Mulungu (Plantation Mckalin[illegible]). Mar... F. L. Hendrickz 836
A: 02435579 Morelia senegalensis A. Richard ex de Candolle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 1158 1930
GH: 02452971 Morelia senegalensis A. Richard ex de Candolle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala (Congo Belge) F. M. C. Vermoesen 2304 1919-5-18
A: 02453011 Morinda confusa Hutchinson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 2907 1936-7-22
A: 02453010 Morinda confusa Hutchinson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 2907 1936
GH: 02453009 Morinda confusa Hutchinson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kasai-Oriental Belgian Congo, Kasai District. Pania Mutombo J. C. C. Bequaert 39 1934-7-15
A: 02453005 Morinda longiflora G. Don Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Coquilhatville (Congo Belge) F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 594 1925-9-15
A: 02453011 Morinda morindoides (Baker) Milne-Redhead Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 2907 1936-7-22
A: 02453010 Morinda morindoides (Baker) Milne-Redhead Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 2907 1936
GH: 02453009 Morinda morindoides (Baker) Milne-Redhead Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kasai-Oriental Belgian Congo, Kasai District. Pania Mutombo J. C. C. Bequaert 39 1934-7-15
A: 02437935 Mussaenda arcuata Poiret Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 104 1935
A: 02437934 Mussaenda arcuata Poiret Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Bumba D. H. Linder 1836 1926-12-31
A: 02437922 Mussaenda arcuata Poiret Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Etoile. ferme Prince Leopold P. Quarre 1024 1928-2
A: 02437947 Mussaenda elegans Schumacher & Thonning Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Alberta D. H. Linder 1842 1926-12-29
A: 02437946 Mussaenda elegans Schumacher & Thonning Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Efandu D. H. Linder 1867 1927-1-5
A: 02437945 Mussaenda elegans Schumacher & Thonning Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Efandu D. H. Linder 1867 1927-1-5
A: 02437969 Mussaenda erythrophylla Schumacher & Thonning Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katakokombe; Congo Belge J. A. A. Gillardin 238 1937
A: 02435014 Mussaenda sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 111 1935
A: 02435013 Mussaenda sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 103 1935
GH: 02435011 Mussaenda sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Kasai District. Village of Ma... J. Becquaert 16 1934-7-3
GH: 02437627 Oldenlandia abyssinica (Hochstetter ex A. Richard) Hiern Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Faradje-tru[?] J. A. Lebrun 3526 1931
GH: 02437471 Oldenlandia affinis fugax (Vatke) Verdcourt Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kinshasa D. H. Linder 1638 1926-12-9
A: 02437495 Oldenlandia corymbosa Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 137 1935
GH: 02437491 Oldenlandia corymbosa Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala A. P. G. Goossens 3092 1922
GH: 02437471 Oldenlandia decumbens (Hochstetter) Hiern Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kinshasa D. H. Linder 1638 1926-12-9
GH: 02437517 Oldenlandia herbacea goetzei Bremekamp Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga Prov., Lualaba Dist., 15 miles NN W ... W. Hepw. Lewis 6228 1962-11-11
GH: 02437554 Oldenlandia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Mimoma[?] Km 18 de les route P. Quarre 1861 1929-8
GH: 02437553 Oldenlandia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à l'Etoile. fermu de [illegible] P. Quarre 374 1927-5
GH: 02437552 Oldenlandia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Karatia[?] fermu Goffand P. Quarre 1663 1927-5
GH: 02437538 Oldenlandia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Katanga District. Environs of... J. Becquaert 103 1934-8-7
A: 02437535 Oldenlandia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 79 1935
GH: 02455969 Otiophora pauciflora Baker Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Montagnes a l'Ouest du Lac Kivu (Congo Belge... J.-H. Humbert 7510 1929-2
GH: 02455977 Otiophora sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 171 1935
GH: 02455974 Otiophora sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferme Droogmans P. Quarre 454 1927-5
GH: 02437741 Otomeria elatior (A. Richard) Verdcourt Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Katanga Section Lualu P. Quarre 2780 1931-11
GH: 02437746 Otomeria lanceolata Hiern Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. entre Libie et Bena Makima A. Lapin 1911-5
GH: 02437745 Otomeria lanceolata Hiern Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala V. G. Goossens 3084 1922
GH: 02435539 Oxyanthus racemosus (Schumacher & Thonning) Keay Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Temvo (Bas-Congo). Mayombe F. M. C. Vermoesen 1916 1919-4-2
GH: 02435539 Oxyanthus speciosus de Candolle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Temvo (Bas-Congo). Mayombe F. M. C. Vermoesen 1916 1919-4-2
A: 02435059 Pauridiantha dewevrei (De wild. & T. Durand) Bremekamp Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Léopoldville. Binza. Kimuenza L. Pauwels 1006 1958-12
A: 02435058 Pauridiantha dewevrei (De wild. & T. Durand) Bremekamp Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Lodja (Congo Belge) J. A. A. Gillardin 313 1937
A: 02435057 Pauridiantha dewevrei (De wild. & T. Durand) Bremekamp Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Busira J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 2774 1936-6-19
A: 02435072 Pauridiantha liebrechtsiana (De wild. & T. Durand) S. Ntore & S. Dessein Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Rutschuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3948 1937-4-2
A: 02435100 Pauridiantha verticillata (De wild. & T. Durand) N. Hallé Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. [?]hing ango A. P. Dewèvre 257 1794-8-20
A: 02437822 Pausinystalia macroceras (K. Schumann) Pierre Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 123 1935
A: 02455285 Pavetta calothrysa Bremekamp Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo Belge. Kasindi J. A. Lebrun 4818 1932
A: 02455295 Pavetta chionantha K. Schumann & K. Krause Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. JKengoo[?] J. A. Lebrun 728 1930
A: 02455361 Pavetta ruwenzoriensis S. Moore Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Montagnes a l'Ouest du Lac Kivu (Congo Belge... J.-H. Humbert 7472 1929-2
A: 02455367 Pavetta schweinfurthii Bremekamp Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Entre Businga et Branzville (Ub... J. A. Lebrun 2063 1931-1
GH: 02455380 Pavetta sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. fermu Vingmont P. Quarre 867 1927-12
GH: 02455379 Pavetta sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. fermu Dom Boreo[?] P. Quarre 293 1927-4
A: 02455371 Pavetta ternifolia Hiern Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo-Belge. Entre l'Akangarn et Butare F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 2412 1926-5-31
GH: 02435883 Pentanisia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga P. Quarre 650 1927
A: 02435884 Pentanisia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 85 1935
A: 02435886 Pentanisia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à [illegible]. ferme Marie Jese[?] P. Quarre 1500 1929-1
GH: 02435888 Pentanisia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Karavia. ferm Geens. P. Quarre 1730 1929-6
GH: 02435873 Pentanisia variabilis Harvey Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Katanga P. Quarre 2799 1931
GH: 02435877 Pentanisia variabilis Harvey Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge Katanga Vallée de la Kararia P. Quarre 3532 1933-10
A: 02437672 Pentas sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 188 1935
A: 02437671 Pentas zanzibarica (Klotzsch) Vatke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Idjai Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 584 1939-2-24
A: 02437704 Phyllopentas schimperi (Hochstetter) Y. D. Zhou & Q. F. Wang Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Lubero, Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3532 1936-12-24
A: 02437703 Phyllopentas schimperi (Hochstetter) Y. D. Zhou & Q. F. Wang Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Lulongo D. H. Linder 2208 1927-11-4
A: 02452966 Pouchetia africana A. Richard ex de Candolle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 96 1935
A: 02435607 Pouchetia gilletii De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Orientale ile Esali, face à Yangambi [see remarks] 1072 1936-1
A: 02435606 Pouchetia gilletii De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Coquilhatv. Eala. [see remarks] 1941 1936-5
A: 02435615 Pouchetia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Belgian Congo: Mobeka D. H. Linder 1789 1926-12-23
A: 02435614 Pouchetia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Belgian Congo: Mobeka D. H. Linder 1789 1926-12-23
A: 02435022 Pseudomussaenda stenocarpa (Hiern) E. M. A. Petit Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 110 1935
GH: 02435021 Pseudomussaenda stenocarpa (Hiern) E. M. A. Petit Congo, Democratic Republic of the: (Congo belge) Musa S. De Giorgi 1195 1913-8
A: 02455542 Psychotria cyanopharynx K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kinshasa D. H. Linder 1633 1926-12-9
A: 02455573 Psychotria ituriensis De Wildeman ex E. M. A. Petit Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Orientale Yangambi D. Bolema 4 1960-9
A: 02455585 Psychotria mahonii C. H. Wright Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Lulenge-Kivu J. A. Lebrun 5019 1932
A: 02455584 Psychotria mahonii C. H. Wright Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Lan Kokoto, Congo Belge J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4999 1937
A: 02455633 Psychotria peduncularis (Salisbury) Steyermark Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Budjalibala D. H. Linder 1805 1926-12-25
A: 02455717 Psychotria peduncularis (Salisbury) Steyermark Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Buta (Uele)(Congo Belge) J. A. Lebrun 2481 1931-3
A: 02455718 Psychotria peduncularis (Salisbury) Steyermark Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Congo-Belge. Wendji (environs de Coquilhatvi... J. A. Lebrun 304 1930-5
A: 02455687 Psychotria sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 552 1939-2-21
A: 02455684 Psychotria sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 169 1935
A: 02455663 Psychotria sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Karatia. ferme Gofford[?] P. Quarre 1611 1929-4
GH: 02455977 Psychotria sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 171 1935
GH: 02455612 Psychotria supfiana K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kinshasa D. H. Linder 1629 1926-12-9
A: 02455094 Psydrax subcordatus (de Candolle) Bridson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Boyeka [data not captured] 157 1914-8-31
A: 02455093 Psydrax subcordatus (de Candolle) Bridson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3829 1937-3-10
A: 02455092 Psydrax subcordatus (de Candolle) Bridson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Rutschuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4332 1937-4-20
A: 02435442 Randia maculata de Candolle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge (Wendji) Environs de Coquilhatvi... J. A. Lebrun 1057 1930-8
A: 02435441 Randia maculata de Candolle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge, Entre Bokuma et Bokatola (Equat... J. A. Lebrun 1337 1930-9
A: 02435322 Randia micrantha K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Temvo (Bas-Congo) F. M. C. Vermoesen 1691 1919-2-26
A: 02435321 Randia micrantha K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 1079 1930
A: 02435320 Randia micrantha K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 1242 1930
A: 02435319 Randia micrantha K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 876 1930
GH: 02435317 Randia micrantha K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Pundusana (Congo Belge) M. G. Mortehan 676 1913-11
A: 02435316 Randia micrantha K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Bumba D. H. Linder 1845 1927-1-2
GH: 02435315 Randia micrantha K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Temvo (Bas-Congo) F. M. C. Vermoesen 1744 1919-3-6
GH: 02435314 Randia micrantha K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Temvo F. M. C. Vermoesen 1691 1919-2-26
GH: 02435313 Randia micrantha K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Temvo (Bas-Congo) F. M. C. Vermoesen 1744 1919-3-6
A: 02435448 Randia myrmecophylla De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Busira J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 2769 1936-6-19
A: 02435454 Randia octomera (Hooker) Bentham & Hooker f. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge - Environs d'Eala J. A. Lebrun 1100 1930-8
GH: 02435453 Randia octomera (Hooker) Bentham & Hooker f. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kinshasa D. H. Linder 1619 1926-12-9
A: 02453928 Randia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. ferm Granat [illegible] P. Quarre 760 1927-11
A: 02437714 Rhodopentas bussei (K. Krause) Kårehed & B. Bremer Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kamaniola D. H. Linder 1990 1927-2-1
A: 02435442 Rothmannia longiflora Salisbury Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge (Wendji) Environs de Coquilhatvi... J. A. Lebrun 1057 1930-8
A: 02435441 Rothmannia longiflora Salisbury Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge, Entre Bokuma et Bokatola (Equat... J. A. Lebrun 1337 1930-9
A: 02435448 Rothmannia macrocarpa (Hiern) Keay Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Busira J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 2769 1936-6-19
A: 02435454 Rothmannia octomera (Bentham & Hooker f.) Fagerlind Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge - Environs d'Eala J. A. Lebrun 1100 1930-8
GH: 02435453 Rothmannia octomera (Bentham & Hooker f.) Fagerlind Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kinshasa D. H. Linder 1619 1926-12-9
A: 02435464 Rothmannia urcelliformis (Schweinfurth ex Hiern) Bullock ex Robyns Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Businga (Ubangi) J. A. Lebrun 1968 1931-1
A: 02435463 Rothmannia urcelliformis (Schweinfurth ex Hiern) Bullock ex Robyns Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Entre Libenge et Gemena Ubangi J. A. Lebrun 1777 1930-12
A: 02435462 Rothmannia urcelliformis (Schweinfurth ex Hiern) Bullock ex Robyns Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo Belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3955 1937-4-3
GH: 02453222 Rubia cordifolia Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4300 1937-4-16
GH: 02453221 Rubia cordifolia Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Lulongo D. H. Linder 2219 1927-3-4
GH: 02453219 Rubia cordifolia Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Montagnes a l'Ouest du Lac Kivu (Congo Belge... J.-H. Humbert 7443 1929-2
A: 02455460 Rutidea fuscescens Hiern Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Entre Kasindi et Lubango J. A. Lebrun 4850 1932
A: 02455488 Rutidea rufipilis Hiern Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Bokatola. Congo Belge J. A. Lebrun 1413 1930
A: 02455495 Rutidea sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 116 1935
A: 02455494 Rutidea syringoides (Webb) Bremekamp Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 607 1939-2-27
A: 02455101 Rytigynia butaguensis (De Wildeman) Robyns Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Massif du Ruwenzori, versant Ouest (Congo Be... J.-H. Humbert 8847
A: 02455110 Rytigynia canthioides (Bentham) Robyns Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Yalembe D. H. Linder 1884 1927-1-7
A: 02455117 Rytigynia membranacea (Hiern) Robyns Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: southwest slope of Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2399 1927-3-23
A: 02455118 Rytigynia perlucidula Robyns Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge: Entre Tumu et Mombasa (Huri) J. A. Lebrun 4136 1931-10
A: 02455126 Rytigynia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 579 1939-2-24
A: 02435040 Sabicea elliptica (Schweinfurth ex Hiern) Hepper Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 841 1930
A: 00273828 Sabicea johnstonii K. Schumann ex Wernham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo. Efandu D. H. Linder 1866 1927-1-5
A: 02435044 Sabicea laurentii De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo-Belge. Environs d'Eala F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 838 1925
A: 00273820 Sabicea mildbraedii Wernham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo. Kwamouth D. H. Linder 1674 1926-12-14
A: 02435637 Sericanthe andongensis (Hiern) Robbrecht Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Elizabethville F. A. Rogers 26296
A: 02435494 Sherbournia bignoniiflora (Welwitsch) Hua Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Orientale Yangambi, ile Tutuke J. L. P. Louis 8876 1938-4
A: 02435504 Sherbournia calycina (G. Don) Hua Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Likete s/ Lomela J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 2725 1936-6-16
A: 02435513 Sherbournia hapalophylla wernhamiana N. Hallé Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Orientale île Lowendja entre Yangambi et Bosoko J. L. P. Louis 11373 1938-9
A: 02435516 Sherbournia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Orientale Yangambi J. L. P. Louis 2721 1936-10
GH: 02453042 Spermacoce dibrachiata Oliver Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Elville. ferme Von Re[illegible] P. Quarre 1077 1928-2
GH: 02453072 Spermacoce senensis (Klotzsch) Hiern Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Entre Faradje et Aru (Kiladli-S... J. A. Lebrun 3501 1931-8
GH: 02453100 Spermacoce sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Mimania. ferme [illegible] P. Quarre 1210 1928-6
GH: 02453099 Spermacoce sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à l'Etoile. ferme Prince Leopold P. Quarre 387 1927-5
GH: 02453094 Spermacoce sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferm H. Droogman P. Quarre 169 1927-2
A: 02453090 Spermacoce sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 82 1935
GH: 02453083 Spermacoce verticillata Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: 3 miles east of Rutshuru D. H. Linder 2544 1927-4-2
A: 02435137 Tarenna congensis Hiern Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 231 1935
A: 02435136 Tarenna congensis Hiern Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 115 1935
A: 02435142 Tarenna eketensis Wernham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Léopoldville. Matadi. Gimbi L. Toussaint 419 1948-7
A: 02435140 Tarenna eketensis Wernham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Orientale Isangi. Yangambi, vallée de la Luweo J. L. P. Louis 5918 1937-9
A: 02435143 Tarenna fusco-flava (K. Schumann) S. Moore Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Orientale Banalia. au-delà de Gazi, vers Yambuya R. G. A. Germain 459 1947
A: 02435154 Tarenna lasiorhachis (K. Schumann & K. Krause) Bremekamp Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 109 1935
A: 02435155 Tarenna laurentii (De Wildeman) J. G. Garcia Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Léopoldville. Rinza. Kimenza L. Pauwels 3346 1959-6
A: 00245212 Tarenna leonardii N. Halle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Shabunda: Kimbili Al. Léonard 3863 1959-4
A: 02435166 Tarenna petitii Halle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Monkoto. Iwama. C. M. Evrard 2832 1957-10
A: 02435181 Tarenna sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Etoile [illegible] P. Quarre 1028 1928-2
A: 02435180 Tarenna sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba P. Quarre 54 1927-1
A: 02435171 Tarenna warburgiana Valeton Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Léopoldville. Moyen Kwilu. Kiyaka Devred 2202 1955-7
A: 02435710 Tricalysia longistipulata (De Wild. & T.Durand) De Wild. & T.Durand Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Congo Belge. Bas Congo J. B. Gillett 3276 1903
A: 02435674 Tricalysia pynaertii De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Orientale Yaosuka. J. L. P. Louis 1252 1936-2
A: 02435673 Tricalysia pynaertii De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Orientale Yaosuka J. L. P. Louis 1252 1936-2
A: 02435704 Tricalysia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Bolobo D. H. Linder 1705 1926-12-16
A: 02435699 Tricalysia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 8 1935
A: 02437884 Uncaria africana G. Don Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo-Belge. Entre Gunena et Karawa (Ubangi) J. A. Lebrun 1898 1930-12
A: 02455633 Uragoga peduncularis K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Budjalibala D. H. Linder 1805 1926-12-25
A: 02455721 Uragoga sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 101 1935
A: 02455720 Uragoga sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 102 1935
A: 02455719 Uragoga sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 597 1939-2-25
A: 02455110 Vangueria canthioides Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Yalembe D. H. Linder 1884 1927-1-7
A: 02435970 Vangueria sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferme H. Droogmans P. Quarre 166 1927-2
A: 02435968 Vangueria sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. fermu Droogmans P. Quarre 715 1927-10
A: 02437726 Virectaria multiflora (Smith) Bremekamp Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 69 1935
A: 02453264 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Bumba D. H. Linder 1825 1926-12-29
A: 02453259 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 262 1935
A: 02453258 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 164 1935
A: 02453257 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 162 1935
A: 02453256 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 159 1935
A: 02453255 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 174 1935
A: 02453285 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Etoile. ferme Prince Leopokd P. Quarre 1041 1928-2
A: 02453284 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. ferme Dom Boseo P. Quarre 246 1927-4
A: 02453283 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga P. Quarre 525 1927
A: 02453282 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. ferme Gromat[?] P. Quarre 772 1927-11
A: 02453278 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Rafubu. ferme Dom Booco P. Quarre 267 1927-4
A: 02453267 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 676 1939-3-4
GH: 02453347 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Mimama. ferme Reigie P. Quarre 1192 1928-5
A: 02453340 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 213 1935
A: 02453315 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Anglo Egyptian Sudan, Equatoria Province. Ku... J. G. Myers 10212 1938-12-11
A: 02453310 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 609 1939-2-27
A: 02453309 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 608 1939-2-27
A: 02453308 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 652 1939-3-2
GH: 02453378 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Etville. Dembo U.[?] M. P. Quarre 677 1927-4
A: 02453358 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kurukwata, near Aba, Congo belge J. G. Myers 11242 1939-5-4
A: 01689276 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Etville P. Quarre 1907 1929-10
A: 01689275 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Etville. Dembo U. M. P. Quarre 666 1927-9
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Bumba D. H. Linder 1825 1926-12-29
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 262 1935
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 164 1935
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 162 1935
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 159 1935
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 174 1935
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Etoile. ferme Prince Leopokd P. Quarre 1041 1928-2
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. ferme Dom Boseo P. Quarre 246 1927-4
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga P. Quarre 525 1927
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Kafubu. ferme Gromat[?] P. Quarre 772 1927-11
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Rafubu. ferme Dom Booco P. Quarre 267 1927-4
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 676 1939-3-4
GH: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Mimama. ferme Reigie P. Quarre 1192 1928-5
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 213 1935
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Anglo Egyptian Sudan, Equatoria Province. Ku... J. G. Myers 10212 1938-12-11
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 609 1939-2-27
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 608 1939-2-27
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 652 1939-3-2
GH: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Etville. Dembo U.[?] M. P. Quarre 677 1927-4
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kurukwata, near Aba, Congo belge J. G. Myers 11242 1939-5-4
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Etville P. Quarre 1907 1929-10
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Etville. Dembo U. M. P. Quarre 666 1927-9
Sapindaceae A: 02553391 Allophylus africanus P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala; (Congo Belge) L. A. Pynaert 1223 1907
A: 02553390 Allophylus africanus P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kole; (Congo Belge) J. A. Lebrun 6402 1932
A: 02553386 Allophylus africanus P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kapomga; (Congo Belge) F. G. Overlaet 925 1933
A: 02553385 Allophylus africanus P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Rutshuru; (Congo Belge) J. A. Lebrun 4859 1932
A: 02553384 Allophylus africanus P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Olmondi; (Congo Belge) J. A. Lebrun 3135 1931
A: 02553381 Allophylus africanus P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala; (Congo Belge) F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 814 1925
A: 02553416 Allophylus africanus P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Territ. Coquilhatville Loc.: Eala J. A. Lebrun 1223 1930-9
A: 02553415 Allophylus africanus P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Orientale Yangambi J. L. P. Louis 15636 1939-7-26
A: 02553453 Allophylus griseotomentosus Gilg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Albertville; (Congo Belge) [illegible] 165 1932
A: 02553452 Allophylus griseotomentosus Gilg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Elisabethville (Congo Belge) P. Quarre 1607 1929
A: 02553464 Allophylus kiwuensis Gilg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4253 1937
A: 02553465 Allophylus macrobotrys Gilg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Budjalibala D. H. Linder 1799 1926-12-25
A: 02553466 Allophylus mawambensis Gilg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kinshasa D. H. Linder 1625 1926-12-9
A: 02553484 Allophylus schweinfurthii Gilg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Bili; (Congo Belge) J. A. Lebrun 2859 1931
A: 02553483 Allophylus schweinfurthii Gilg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Boende; (Congo Belge) L. Dubois 317 1933
A: 02553482 Allophylus schweinfurthii Gilg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Buto (Congo Belge) J. A. Lebrun 2607 1931
A: 02553481 Allophylus schweinfurthii Gilg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Prov.: Katanga; Territ. Mitwaba; Loc.: Parc ... G. De Witte 2905 1947-9
A: 02553744 Allophylus sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Elisabethville Beglian Congo F. A. Rogers 26258 1920-6
GH: 02553743 Allophylus sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Eala F. M. C. Vermoesen 2259 1919-5-16
A: 02553739 Allophylus sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Massif du Ruwenzori, versant Ouest (Congo Be... J.-H. Humbert 8883 1929-7
A: 02553736 Allophylus sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 577 1939-2-24
GH: 02553485 Allophylus stachyanthus Gilg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Mt. Mogangana (River) H. F. A. Scaetta 1425 1932
A: 00050779 Haplocoelum intermedium Hauman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Prov. Leopoldville, Territ. Tshela: rives du... G. C. C. Gilbert 626 1932-1-30
Sapotaceae A: 01967299 Autranella congolensis A. Chevalier Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge F. M. C. Vermoesen 2522 1919-7-4
A: 02360422 Englerophytum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur. Ingende. Bokuna (Mission) J. L. P. Louis 101 1935-9-11
A: 02360423 Englerophytum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Orientale. Isangi. Tle Boosa, entre Lileko e... J. L. P. Louis 14589 1939-4-20
A: 02360424 Englerophytum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Enrvirons Eiolo J. A. Lebrun 878 1930
A: 02360425 Englerophytum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur. Coquilhatville. Environ d'Eala R. Germain 1506 1943-10-3
A: 02360426 Englerophytum vermoesenii (De Wildeman) Aubréville & Pellegrin Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Orientale. Isangi. Entre d'Gazi et Yambuya J. L. P. Louis 14817 1939-5-15
A: 01967303 Manilkara obovata (Sabine & G. Don) J. H. Hemsley Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Sikoro. Mpotia (Lac Tumba) au bord du lac J. J. G. Léonard 581 1946-9-14
A: 01967304 Manilkara obovata (Sabine & G. Don) J. H. Hemsley Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Orientale Isangi. Entre Ngazi et Yambuya J. L. P. Louis 12440 1938-11-5
A: 01967318 Manilkara sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Jardin Botanique d'Kala (Congo Belge) F. M. C. Vermoesen 2151 1919-5-8
A: 01967299 Mimusops congolensis De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge F. M. C. Vermoesen 2522 1919-7-4
A: 02360415 Synsepalum brevipes (Baker) Pennington Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala (Congo Belge) Vermoesen 2359 1914-5-27
A: 02360411 Synsepalum dulcificum (Schumacher & Thonning) Dnaiell Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Lokutu D. H. Linder 1765 1926-12-22
A: 02360412 Synsepalum dulcificum (Schumacher & Thonning) Dnaiell Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur. Bolenba. rive droit du Ruki J. J. G. Léonard 556 1946-9-10
A: 02360413 Synsepalum dulcificum (Schumacher & Thonning) Dnaiell Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Orientale. Isabgi. Yangambi Al. Léonard 990 1958-7-24
A: 02360410 Synsepalum msolo (Engler) T. D. Pennington Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Orientale. Isangi. Yangambi J. L. P. Louis 4024 1937-5-31
A: 02360409 Synsepalum revolutum (Baker) T. D. Pennington Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Moyen-Katanga P. Quarre 2368 1935
A: 02360407 Synsepalum seretii (De Wildeman) T. D. Pennington Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Orientale. Isangi. Yangambi J. L. P. Louis 7932 1938-2-18
A: 02360408 Synsepalum seretii (De Wildeman) T. D. Pennington Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur. Mbandaka. Bantoie, pres d'Eala J. L. P. Louis 2203 1936-6-7
A: 02360405 Synsepalum subcordatum De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Orientale. Isangi. Yangambi J. L. P. Louis 9686 1938-6-4
Simaroubaceae GH: 00044345 Klainedoxa ovalifolia Vermoesen Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala (Equateur) F. M. C. Vermoesen 2186 1919-5-12
Solanaceae GH: 01003408 Capsicum baccatum Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kinshasa D. H. Linder 1613 1926-12-9
ECON: 00813138 Datura inoxia Miller Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kisozi [data not captured] 114 1934-6-3
A: 00813135 Datura metel Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Ishumbiri D. H. Linder 1701 1926-12-15
A: 00814025 Nicotiana tabacum Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Rutshuru; Katanda J. A. Lebrun 7744 1937-9
Sterculiaceae GH: 00062794 Cistanthera leplaei Vermoesen Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Tenwo (Magombe) F. M. C. Vermoesen 1712 1919-2-27
A: 00963859 Cola cordifolia R. Brown Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Rutshuru (Congo Belge) J. Ghelguière 4784 1937
Theaceae A: 00024687 Adinandra intermedia Boutique & Troupin Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Mayamoto, foret ombrophile de montagne, fond... A. Michelson 742 1947-12-12
GH: 02268956 Camellia sinensis (Linnaeus) Kuntze Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eolo A. A. P. J. G. Corbisier-Baland 1934 1933
A: 00024687 Melchiora schliebenii intermedia (Boutique & Troupin) Kobuski Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Mayamoto, foret ombrophile de montagne, fond... A. Michelson 742 1947-12-12
GH: 02268956 Thea cochinchinensis Loureiro Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eolo A. A. P. J. G. Corbisier-Baland 1934 1933
Thymelaeaceae A: 00135117 Craterosiphon quarrei Staner Congo, Democratic Republic of the: [Katanga] Elisabethville P. Quarre 4245 1934-11
A: 00247259 Peddiea Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu; alt. 5500 ft. M. V. Loveridge 514 1939-2-17
A: 00135117 Synaptolepis sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: [Katanga] Elisabethville P. Quarre 4245 1934-11
Tiliaceae GH: 00247483 Christiana africana de Candolle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: C. Smith quater 1859
Ulmaceae A: 02453638 Celtis brownii Rendle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Léopoldville. Thysville. M'Vuazi J. Dubois 191 1957-6-11
A: 02453701 Celtis sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Mompoto, just above Lukolela, on left bank o... J. P. Chapin 197 1931-3-23
A: 02453618 Chaetachme aristata Planch. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4304 1937
A: 02453616 Chaetachme aristata Planch. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Rutshuru (Congo Belge) J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4304 1937
A: 02453624 Chaetachme microcarpa Rendle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Beni. Kibali. Sturi J. A. Lebrun 4330 1931-11
A: 02453623 Chaetachme microcarpa Rendle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Bonolo. Uele. Stembiri J. A. Lebrun 2428 1931-3
A: 02453622 Chaetachme microcarpa Rendle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Beni. Kibali-Sturi J. A. Lebrun 4330 1931-11
A: 02453620 Chaetachme microcarpa Rendle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Bondo. Uele. Stimbire J. A. Lebrun 2428 1931-3
A: 02453757 Trema guineensis (Schumach. & Thonn.) Ficalho Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 142 1935
A: 02453753 Trema guineensis (Schumach. & Thonn.) Ficalho Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala A. A. P. J. G. Corbisier-Baland 1836 1933
A: 02453752 Trema guineensis (Schumach. & Thonn.) Ficalho Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Equateur Coquilhatville J. A. Lebrun 628 1930-7
A: 02453750 Trema guineensis (Schumach. & Thonn.) Ficalho Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Omgodia J. A. Lebrun 2932 1931
A: 02453749 Trema guineensis (Schumach. & Thonn.) Ficalho Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 707 1925
A: 02453748 Trema guineensis (Schumach. & Thonn.) Ficalho Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Entre Lebenge & Gemena (Ubangi) J. A. Lebrun 1770 1930-12
A: 02453747 Trema guineensis (Schumach. & Thonn.) Ficalho Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala J. A. Lebrun 862 1930
A: 02453744 Trema guineensis (Schumach. & Thonn.) Ficalho Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala (Congo Belge) J. Leemans 312 1936
A: 02453735 Trema guineensis (Schumach. & Thonn.) Ficalho Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala (Congo Belge) A. A. P. J. G. Corbisier-Baland 1395 1930
GH: 02453734 Trema guineensis (Schumach. & Thonn.) Ficalho Congo, Democratic Republic of the: à Katuba. ferme Droogmans P. Quarre 443 1927-5
A: 02453720 Trema sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 152 1935
Urticaceae A: 02324070 Boehmeria virgata macrophylla Friis & Wilmot-Dear Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala A. A. P. J. G. Corbisier-Baland 1567 1930
A: 02324069 Boehmeria virgata macrophylla Friis & Wilmot-Dear Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Rivere Busera J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 2778 1936
A: 02324068 Boehmeria virgata macrophylla Friis & Wilmot-Dear Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Bambesa (Uele) H. Pittery 811 1936
A: 02324065 Boehmeria virgata macrophylla Friis & Wilmot-Dear Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Rivere Busira J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 2778 1936
A: 02324067 Boehmeria virgata macrophylla Friis & Wilmot-Dear Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Buta F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 1186 1925
GH: 02324076 Droguetia iners G. A. Schweinfurth Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: My. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2114 1927-2-16
GH: 02324075 Droguetia iners G. A. Schweinfurth Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Above Camp Rueru, southwest s... J. C. C. Bequaert 2415 1927-3-23
GH: 02324082 Elatostema orientale Engler Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Near Camp Rueru, southwest sl... D. H. Linder 2265 1927-3-11
GH: 02324081 Elatostema orientale Engler Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: southwest slope of Mt. Mikeno J. C. C. Bequaert 2416 1927-3-23
A: 02324083 Elatostema welwitschii Engler Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 623 1939-2-28
GH: 02324084 Elatostema welwitschii Engler Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: southwest slope of Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2417 1927-2-23
A: 02324109 Laportea alatipes Hooker f. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Camp Kabara, southern slope of Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2390 1927-3-21
GH: 02324111 Laportea alatipes Hooker f. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Kabara, southern slope o... D. H. Linder 2421 1927-3-21
GH: 02324117 Laportea ovalifolia Chew Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala A. A. P. J. G. Corbisier-Baland 977 1930
GH: 02324147 Parietaria ruwenzoriensis Cortesi Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Lukumi, n. slope Mt. Kar... D. H. Linder 2382 1927-3-19
GH: 02324154 Pilea ceratomera mildbraedii Engler Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Near Camp Rueru, southwest sl... D. H. Linder 2269 1927-3-11
GH: 02324157 Pilea johnstonii Oliver Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: southwest slope of Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2414 1927-11-23
A: 02324183 Urera cameroonensis Weddell Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 100 1935
A: 02324180 Urera cameroonensis Weddell Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Buta F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 1309 1925
A: 02324179 Urera cameroonensis Weddell Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 366 1936
A: 02324177 Urera cameroonensis Weddell Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Eala. J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3366 1936-7
A: 02324192 Urera hypselodendron Weddell Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Between Burunga and Kibati D. H. Linder 2429 1927-3-24
A: 02324191 Urera hypselodendron Weddell Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Between Burunga and Kibati D. H. Linder 2429 1927-3-24
A: 02324189 Urera hypselodendron Weddell Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Between Burunga and Kibati D. H. Linder 2429 1927-3-24
A: 02324190 Urera hypselodendron Weddell Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Between Burunga and Kibati D. H. Linder 2429 1927-3-24
A: 02324195 Urera thonneri De wild. & T. Durand Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Bumba D. H. Linder 1826 1926-12-29
A: 02324201 Urtica massaica Mildbraed Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Kabara, southern slope o... D. H. Linder 2391 1927-3-22
A: 02324211 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 147 1935
A: 02324210 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 153 1935
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 147 1935
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 153 1935
Verbenaceae A: 02516454 Clerodendrum buchholzii R. L. A. M. Gürke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 662 1939-3-2
A: 02516452 Clerodendrum buchholzii R. L. A. M. Gürke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 631 1939-2-28
A: 02516451 Clerodendrum buchholzii R. L. A. M. Gürke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4299 1937-4-16
A: 02516476 Clerodendrum discolor Vatke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Rutshuru, galerie forestiere J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3830 1937-3-11
A: 02516484 Clerodendrum formicarum R. L. A. M. Gürke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga [Province] 1927
A: 02516483 Clerodendrum formicarum R. L. A. M. Gürke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 87 1935
A: 02516482 Clerodendrum formicarum R. L. A. M. Gürke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 611 1939-2-27
A: 02516481 Clerodendrum formicarum R. L. A. M. Gürke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala A. A. P. J. G. Corbisier-Baland 949 1933
A: 02516485 Clerodendrum fuscum R. L. A. M. Gürke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Entre Kihanga et Mabuye [?] (le... 1939-2
A: 02516493 Clerodendrum johnstonii Oliver Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nioka (Congo Belge) J. Ghelguière 4722 1937
A: 02516490 Clerodendrum johnstonii Oliver Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: S. W. Slope Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2400 1927-3-23
A: 02516507 Clerodendrum melanocrater R. L. A. M. Gürke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 99 1935
A: 02516514 Clerodendrum rotundifolium Oliver Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Rutshuru J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3582 1936-12-31
GH: 02516550 Clerodendrum scandens P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kongo Central Belgian Congo, Kasai District. Village of Ma... J. Becquaert 4 1934-6-29
A: 02516516 Clerodendrum schweinfurthii R. L. A. M. Gürke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 120 1935
A: 02516619 Clerodendrum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: [illegible] a Karatia [?] Ferme [?] Soffand ... Guarre 1613 1929-4
A: 02516618 Clerodendrum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: [illegible] a Katuba fer me [illegible] Guarre 174 1927-2
GH: 02516607 Clerodendrum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: [illegible] a Rafubu Guarre 779 1927-11
A: 02516620 Clerodendrum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Recueilli par Fuorre [?] a Etoile. Ferme [?]... Guarre 1033 1928-2
A: 02516604 Clerodendrum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 132 1935
A: 02516600 Clerodendrum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Idjwi Is., Lake Kivu Mrs. M. V. Loveridge 630 1939-2-28
A: 02516581 Clerodendrum splendens G. Don Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 9 1935
GH: 02516570 Clerodendrum splendens G. Don Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala; (Congo Belge) [data not captured] 334 1945
A: 02516569 Clerodendrum splendens G. Don Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nioka (Congo Belge) [illegible] 113 1934-6-13
A: 02516568 Clerodendrum splendens G. Don Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Yangambi O. A. J. Elskens 1913-7-20
A: 02516534 Clerodendrum thonneri R. L. A. M. Gürke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Eala J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 3379 1936-8
A: 02516535 Clerodendrum thyrsoideum R. L. A. M. Gürke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Bumba D. H. Linder 1857 1927-1-2
A: 02516581 Clerodendrum validipes S. Moore Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 9 1935
A: 02324229 Duranta erecta Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katanga (Congo Belge) P. Quarre 3138 1933-3
A: 02324783 Lantana petitiana A. Richard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kisenyi, Lake Kivu D. H. Linder 2034 1927-2-11
A: 02324845 Lantana rugosa Thunberg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Belgian Congo: Luvungi D. H. Linder 1959 1927-1-30
A: 02324840 Lantana rugosa Thunberg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Gamdajika [?] F. Matagne 157 1935
A: 02324841 Lantana rugosa Thunberg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: entre Taradje et Aru (kilali-Itune) J. Lebeau 3494 1931-8
A: 02324839 Lantana rugosa Thunberg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Canal Kuanga [?] (Congo Belge) Guarre 4572 1932
A: 02324836 Lantana rugosa Thunberg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kine [?] de Luiswihi [?] (Congo Belge) (Kata... Guarre 5229 1939-2
A: 02324835 Lantana rugosa Thunberg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kasenyi (Congo Belge) [data not captured] 2011 1935-9
GH: 02324833 Lantana rugosa Thunberg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Ganole [?] -Sundi 1919-7
A: 02324794 Lantana salicifolia Kunth Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Ganole [?] -Sundi V. G. Goossens 1050 1919-7
GH: 02324804 Lantana sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Katuba ferme [illegible] Guarre 940 1927-12
A: 02324798 Lantana trifolia Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Entre Faradaje er Aru J. A. Lebrun 3504 1931-8
A: 02324859 Lippia adoensis Hochstetter ex Walpers Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kamaniola D. H. Linder 1988 1927-2-1
A: 02324858 Lippia adoensis Hochstetter ex Walpers Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Environs d'Eala, station Congo A. G. M. W. A. Robyns 823
A: 02324857 Lippia adoensis Hochstetter ex Walpers Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Forêt de Baiki. Bonbangui et Boganga. Conf... Fidao 1916-12
A: 02324856 Lippia adoensis Hochstetter ex Walpers Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kisoni; (Congo Belge) 1933-5-22
GH: 02324892 Lippia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Ferme Regie Guarre 1146 1928-4
GH: 02518015 Phyla nodiflora (Linnaeus) Greene Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Albertville, Lake Tanganyika D. H. Linder 1943 1927-1-23
A: 02516628 Premna angolensis R. L. A. M. Gürke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Mwene-Ditu J. A. A. Gillardin 188 1936
A: 02516628 Premna esculenta Roxburgh Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Mwene-Ditu J. A. A. Gillardin 188 1936
GH: 02526266 Verbena officinalis Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kisenyi, Lake Kivu D. H. Linder 2053 1927-2-12
A: 02525245 Vitex cuneata Thonning Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Rivire Ruki; station oval [?] de Buta F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 1144 1926
GH: 02525256 Vitex ferruginea Schumacher & Thonning Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Kasai District; village of Ma... J. Becquaert 17 1934-7-6
GH: 02525353 Vitex sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Kasai District; Village of Ma... J. Becquaert 21 1934-7-7
GH: 02525352 Vitex sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo; Kasai District; Village of Ma... J. C. C. Bequaert 21 1934-7-7
A: 02525327 Vitex vermoesenii De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge F. M. C. Vermoesen 1742 1919-2
A: 02525328 Vitex vermoesenii De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge F. M. C. Vermoesen 1933 1919-2
A: 02525329 Vitex wellensii De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge F. M. C. Vermoesen 1652 1919-2-25
A: 02525330 Vitex welwitschii Gürke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: terre [?] des Kundu, (Congo Belge); District... L. Dubois 215 1935
GH: 02525476 Volkameria glabra (E. Meyer) Mabb. & Y. W. Yuan Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Kasai District, Kabinda J. Becquaert 47 1934-7-22
GH: 02525475 Volkameria glabra (E. Meyer) Mabb. & Y. W. Yuan Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Kasai District; Kabinda J. Becquaert 47 1934-7-22
A: 02525554 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: [no additional data] P. T. L. Putman 77 1935
A: 02525553 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 190 1935
A: 02525552 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 260 1935
A: 02525551 [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 257 1935
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: [no additional data] P. T. L. Putman 77 1935
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 190 1935
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 260 1935
A: [None] Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Epulu and vicinity, about 200 miles east of ... P. T. L. Putman 257 1935
Vitaceae A: 02516417 Rhoicissus erythrodes Planchon Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Lulongo D. H. Linder 2209 1927-3-4
A: 02516405 Rhoicissus erythrodes Planchon Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Rutshuru [?] J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4284 1937-1-19
A: 02516405 Rhoicissus pauciflora Planchon Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Rutshuru [?] J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere 4284 1937-1-19
Zingiberaceae GH: 00962937 Aframomum alboviolaceum K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kinshasa D. H. Linder 1631 1926-12-9
GH: 00962940 Aframomum angustifolium K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Bumba D. H. Linder 1819 1926-12-29
GH: 00962939 Aframomum angustifolium K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Bumba D. H. Linder 1818 1926-12-29
GH: 00962938 Aframomum angustifolium K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Bumba D. H. Linder 1818 1926-12-29