Next page >Erysiphaceae FH: 01085174 Alphitomorpha tridactyla Wallroth Germany: Saxony bei Königstein u. bei Schmiedeberg im Erzge... K. W. Krieger & G. H. Wagner 1887-8
FH: 00972374 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer : Europe: [no data available]
FH: 00972847 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer : Europe: [illegible; maybe Estonia] F. V. Bucholtz 1846 1909-7-10
FH: 00972849 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer : Europe: Pape Wise [?], Livonia F. V. Bucholtz 737 1903-6-11
FH: 00972870 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer : Europe: Rossia australis [illegible] 1925-6-21
FH: 00972842 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Argentina: Mendoza Puente del Inca 1908-2
FH: 00972372 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Austria: Niederösterreich Hadersfeld F. X. R. von Höhnel
FH: 00972373 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Austria: Niederösterreich Wienerwald: Weidlingen [?] F. X. R. von Höhnel 1901-7-19
FH: 00972375 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Austria: Niederösterreich Im Eichwalde bei Allentsteig; Nö. Waldviert... V. F. Schiffner 1905-8-20
FH: 00972376 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Austria: Niederösterreich Wienerwald: Rekawinkel F. X. R. von Höhnel 1905-7-7
FH: 00972377 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Austria: Bahndamm, [illegible] Weidling[illegible] F. X. R. von Höhnel 1901-5-16
FH: 00972378 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Austria: Niederösterreich Himberg-Moosbrunn F. X. R. von Höhnel 1904-5-14
FH: 00972379 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Austria: Kienthal, [illegible] F. X. R. von Höhnel 1905-5-27
FH: 00972380 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Austria: Niederösterreich Bisamberg F. X. R. von Höhnel 1904-6-3
FH: 00972208 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Belgium: Namur [no additional data] A. A. A. A. Bellynck 1851-4
FH: 00972869 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Belgium: aux environs de Courtrai G. D. Westendorp & A. C. F. Wallays
FH: 00953937 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Canada: Ontario Guelph E. H. Moss 11992 1920-7-16
FH: 00972803 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Canada: Ontario Bear Id., Lake Timagami J. H. Faull 6546 1922-6-22
FH: 00972807 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Canada: Nova Scotia Berwick, King's Co. D. W. Creelman 1952-6-26
FH: 00972833 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Canada: Manitoba 14 km. N. bison enclosure on Strathclair Tra... J. A. Parmelee 5081 1979-7-11
FH: 00972877 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer China: Xinjiang Uygur [no additional data] H. Y. Liu & R. Liu 608 1959-6-26
FH: 00972855 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Czech Republic: Bohemia: Bodenbach F. K. A. E. J. von Thümen 1872-9
FH: 00972872 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Egypt: Giza A. Sirag El-Din 1928-3-21
FH: 00972845 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Estonia: Pernau, Kirbo F. V. Bucholtz 1846 1908-7-5
FH: 00972846 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Estonia: Löserand [illegible] Livorbe[?], Oesel, Liv... F. V. Bucholtz 1766 1908-8-18
FH: 00972848 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Estonia: Winki, Kielkond, Oesel F. V. Bucholtz 1846 1909-7-2
FH: 00972851 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Estonia: Kielkond, Oesel F. V. Bucholtz 1985 1909-7-23
FH: 00972864 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Estonia: b. Arensburg auf Oesel, Liv. F. V. Bucholtz 693 1908-6-17
FH: 00972865 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Estonia: Kasti, Oesel F. V. Bucholtz 784 1908-7-7
FH: 00972206 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer France: Nouvelle-Aquitaine Gedre 1873-8-14
FH: 00972207 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer France: Vincennes 1880-5-2
FH: 00972581 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer France: [no data available]
FH: 00972607 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer France: [no additional data] J. E. Duby
FH: 00972843 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Germany: Brandenburg Sophienstädt bei Ruhlsdorf, Nieder-Barnim P. Sydow 1916-7-2
FH: 00972857 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Germany: Oestrich: [no additional data] K. W. G. L. Fuckel
FH: 00972860 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Germany: Bavaria Bayreuth F. K. A. E. J. von Thümen 1874
FH: 00972867 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Germany: Bavaria Gerolzhofen A. Vill 1912-6
FH: 00972879 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer India: Uttar Pradesh Allahabad J. H. Mitter & R. N. Tandon 1927-2-21
FH: 00972874 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Japan: Owari, Maru[?] Island Y. Tokubuchi 1899-5-4
FH: 00972875 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Japan: Iwate Morioka T. Egami 1931-7-30
FH: 00972876 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Japan: Kyoto Nyakuoji Kyoto K. Togashi 1924-6-7
FH: 00972878 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Japan: Iwate Morioka S. Yokota 1934-6-24
FH: 00972850 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Latvia: Bilderlingshof, Livonia F. V. Bucholtz 686 1903-5-27
FH: 00972852 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Latvia: Majorenhof, [illegible], Livonia F. V. Bucholtz 697 1903-6-6
FH: 00972861 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Latvia: Bilderlingshof (Livonia) F. V. Bucholtz 685 1903-5-22
FH: 00972862 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Latvia: Riga F. V. Bucholtz 2006 1915-7-3
FH: 00972863 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Latvia: [illegible] Bilderlingshof, Livonia F. V. Bucholtz 693 1903-6-4
FH: 00972866 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Latvia: Bilderllingshof, Livonia F. V. Bucholtz 784 1903-6-16
FH: 00972871 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Latvia: prov. Vidzeme: Ligatne K. Starcs 230 1933-6-11
FH: 00972868 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Moldova: distr. Vaslui-Laza T. Săvulescu & C. Sandu-Ville 1928-6-13
FH: 00972844 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Romania: Muntenia, distr. Râmnicu-Sărat-Chiojdeni T. Săvulescu & C. Sandu-Ville 1934-6-1
FH: 00972854 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Romania: Muntenis, distr. Ilfov-București T. Săvulescu & C. Sandu-Ville 1933-7-10
FH: 00972853 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Russia: Moscow Oblast [illegible] F. V. Bucholtz 437 1896-7-17
FH: 00972873 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer South Africa: Transvaal Province [do not use] Buffelsvlei J. Naude, C. Pretorius & G. Beitge 1914-9-23
FH: 00972858 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Turkmenistan: Туркменская ССР, Балхыз,... V. A. Melnik 1977-5-5
FH: 00972859 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer Turkmenistan: Туркменская ССР, Балхыз,... V. A. Melnik 1978-4-4
FH: 00972856 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer United Kingdom: London: at Chelsea Physic Garden 1949-6-24
FH: 00953801 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Michigan [no additional data] W. J. Beal 1892-6-8
FH: 00953802 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: New York Ithaca: C. U. Farm H. S. Jackson 1127 1904-7-15
FH: 00953803 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Kansas Manhattan M. Varney 1178 1889-12-9
FH: 00953804 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Kansas Manhattan W. A. Kellerman & W. T. Swingle 2532 1889-5-7
FH: 00953805 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] G. M. Read 2860 1919-6
FH: 00953806 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Iowa Ames: I. S. C. C. M. King 1908-7
FH: 00953807 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Kansas Manhattan W. A. Kellerman & W. T. Swingle 1889-12-9
FH: 00953808 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Iowa Ames: [no additional data] C. M. King 1909-6-8
FH: 00953810 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: South Carolina [no additional data] H. W. Ravenel 1260
FH: 00972565 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Pennsylvania [no additional data] E. Michener 575 1852
FH: 00972802 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Wyoming Trail Lake Ranch, Dubois W. G. Solheim & R. Solheim 6154 1961-8-29
FH: 00972804 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene 576 1943-7-19
FH: 00972805 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Massachusetts Belmont: [no additional data] A. B. Seymour & F. C Seymour 1910-6-15
FH: 00972806 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Montana Johnstown F. W. Anderson 170 1888-8-18
FH: 00972808 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Montana Sand Coulee 1889-10
FH: 00972809 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 230 1894-7-10
FH: 00972810 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: South Dakota Brookings (South Dakota): [no additional dat... 1892-7
FH: 00972811 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 1898-6-25
FH: 00972813 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: California Klamath River at Ash Creek, S13, T46N, R7W L. C. Wheeler 3487 1935-5-11
FH: 00972814 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 238 1894-6
FH: 00972815 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 230 1894-7-10
FH: 00972816 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 238 1894-6
FH: 00972817 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Colorado Fort Collins: [no additional data] C. F. Baker 1892-8-10
FH: 00972818 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Oregon The Dalles C. L. Shear 1899-7
FH: 00972820 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Kansas Manhattan M. Varney 1177 1889-12-27
FH: 00972819 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Utah Salt Lake City: [no additional data] A. O. Garrett 3208 1925-11
FH: 00972821 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: [no additional data] A. B. Seymour 1903-10-15
FH: 00972822 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Montana Sand Coulee F. W. Anderson 1888-6
FH: 00972823 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Kansas [no additional data] E. Bartholomew 4083 1909-6-15
FH: 00972824 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] W. C. Blasdale 1894-6-18
FH: 00972825 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Colorado [no additional data] E. Bethel
FH: 00972826 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: California Glendora E. T. Bartholomew 1925-7-10
FH: 00972827 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: California Glendora E. T. Bartholomew 1925-7-10
FH: 00972828 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Colorado north of Mancos C. F. Baker, F. S. Earle & S. M. T... 384 1898-7-7
FH: 00972829 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: South Dakota Lake Hendricks T. A. Williams 1891-8
FH: 00972830 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: California Pasadena: [no additional data] L. H. Farlow 1906-6
FH: 00972831 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Nebraska Lincoln (Nebraska): [no additional data] A. F. Woods & R. Pound 1891-8-18
FH: 00972832 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: California [no additional data]
FH: 00972834 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Nevada King's Canon, Ormsby County C. F. Baker 1212 1902-7-1
FH: 00972835 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Illinois [no additional data] A. B. Seymour 4767 1882-5-23
FH: 00972836 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Kentucky Lexington: [no additional data] F. T. McFarland 481 1918-12-22
FH: 00972837 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Kansas Hays: [no additional data] E. Bartholomew 10781 1929-10-15
FH: 00972838 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: [no additional data] 1876-10
FH: 00972839 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: California Mount Shasta: Horse Camp W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 18433 1946-9-4
FH: 00972840 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Massachusetts Lexington: [no additional data] G. P. Clinton 1901-6-12
FH: 00972841 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: Massachusetts Wayland: [no additional data] A. B. Seymour 1903-10-3
FH: 00972812 Blumeria graminis (de Candolle) Speer USA: California San Francisco: [no additional data]
FH: 01096122 Brasiliomyces chiangmaiensis S. Takamatsu & To-Anun Thailand: Queen Sirikit Botanical Garden S. Kom-un 2002-3-1
FH: 00972732 Brasiliomyces trini (Harkness) R. Y. Zheng USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] W. C. Blasdale 1893-4-18
FH: 00972733 Brasiliomyces trini (Harkness) R. Y. Zheng USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] M. A. Howe 1892-3-9
FH: 00972734 Brasiliomyces trini (Harkness) R. Y. Zheng USA: California Tamalpais H. W. Harkness 1887-6
FH: 00972735 Brasiliomyces trini (Harkness) R. Y. Zheng USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] M. A. Howe 1893-3-9
FH: 00972736 Brasiliomyces trini (Harkness) R. Y. Zheng USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] M. A. Howe 1893-3-9
FH: 00972737 Brasiliomyces trini (Harkness) R. Y. Zheng USA: California San Rafael H. E. Parks 2119 1924-2-17
FH: 00972738 Brasiliomyces trini (Harkness) R. Y. Zheng USA: California San Rafael H. E. Parks 1924-4-13
FH: 00972739 Brasiliomyces trini (Harkness) R. Y. Zheng USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] M. A. Howe 1893-3-9
FH: 00785278 Calocladia divaricata (Wallroth) Léveillé Finland: Mustiala P. A. Karsten
FH: 00972695 Calocladia sp. USA: South Carolina Santee Canal: [no additional data] H. W. Ravenel 1334 1850-10
FH: 00953892 Cystotheca lanestris (Harkness) Miyabe China: Guangxi Ling Wang Shan, San Kiang Hsien S. Y. Cheo 2851 1933-9-20
FH: 00972749 Cystotheca lanestris (Harkness) Miyabe China: Shaanxi [no additional data] Q. M. Ma & Y. C. Zong 3462 1963-10-4
FH: 00972750 Cystotheca lanestris (Harkness) Miyabe China: Yunnan [no additional data] S. J. Han et al. 383 1976-1-21
FH: 00972752 Cystotheca lanestris (Harkness) Miyabe China: Sichuan [no additional data] Y. N. Yu & Y. S. Xing 1206 1958-8-30
FH: 00972746 Cystotheca lanestris (Harkness) Miyabe Japan: Iwate Mt. Himekami K. Togashi 1934-9-24
FH: 00972747 Cystotheca lanestris (Harkness) Miyabe Japan: Iwate Morioka T. Horigome 1933-10-16
FH: 00972748 Cystotheca lanestris (Harkness) Miyabe Japan: Iwate Mt. Iwayama, Morioka K. Ichige 1934-10-14
FH: 01131004 Cystotheca lanestris (Harkness) Miyabe Mexico: Puebla Jardin Botanico Universitario VIEP-BUAP, 725... C. Contreras MJB H195
FH: 01131005 Cystotheca lanestris (Harkness) Miyabe Mexico: Puebla Jardin Botanico Universitario VIEP-BUAP, 725... C. Contreras MJB H196
FH: 01131006 Cystotheca lanestris (Harkness) Miyabe Mexico: Puebla Jardin Botanico Universitario VIEP-BUAP, 725... C. Contreras MJB H197
FH: 00941225 Cystotheca lanestris (Harkness) Miyabe USA: Washington Seattle: Collected from University of Washin... M. J. Bradshaw MJB UW196 2018-9-12
FH: 01122139 Cystotheca lanestris (Harkness) Miyabe USA: California San Rafael Hills H. E. Parks 1923-2
FH: 01122140 Cystotheca lanestris (Harkness) Miyabe USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] Vict. Duran 1930-9-1
FH: 00972741 Cystotheca lanestris (Harkness) Miyabe USA: Mississippi Starkville: [no additional data] S. M. Tracy 1891-10-7
FH: 00972742 Cystotheca lanestris (Harkness) Miyabe USA: Mississippi Starkville: [no additional data] S. M. Tracy 1891-10-7
FH: 00972743 Cystotheca lanestris (Harkness) Miyabe USA: Mississippi Starkville: [no additional data] S. M. Tracy 1891-9-19
FH: 00972744 Cystotheca lanestris (Harkness) Miyabe USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] E. E. Morse 1936-9-24
FH: 00972745 Cystotheca lanestris (Harkness) Miyabe USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] E. E. Morse 1937-5-1
FH: 01131000 Cystotheca sp. Mexico: Puebla Jardin Botanico Universitario VIEP-BUAP, 725... C. Contreras MJB H199
FH: 01131001 Cystotheca sp. Mexico: Puebla Jardin Botanico Universitario VIEP-BUAP, 725... C. Contreras MJB H192
FH: 01131002 Cystotheca sp. Mexico: Puebla Jardin Botanico Universitario VIEP-BUAP, 725... C. Contreras MJB H193
FH: 01131003 Cystotheca sp. Mexico: Puebla Jardin Botanico Universitario VIEP-BUAP, 725... C. Contreras MJB H211
FH: 00972761 Cystotheca tjibodensis (Gaumann) Katumoto Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Tjibodas: [no additional data] E. A. Gäumann 1920-2
FH: 00972762 Cystotheca tjibodensis (Gaumann) Katumoto Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Tjibodas: [no additional data] E. A. Gäumann 1920-2
FH: 00972751 Cystotheca wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis China: Jiangsu [no additional data] C. I. Shen 281 1932-10-22
FH: 00972752 Cystotheca wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis China: Sichuan [no additional data] Y. N. Yu & Y. S. Xing 1206 1958-8-30
FH: 00972365 Cystotheca wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-Choo Islands C. Wright
FH: 00972502 Cystotheca wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo Choo Islands C. Wright 1855-4
FH: 00972503 Cystotheca wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo Choo Islands C. Wright 172
FH: 00972740 Cystotheca wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Loo-choo Islands; at Shudi [... C. Wright 109
FH: 00972753 Cystotheca wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Japan: Chiba Chiba K. Togashi 1933-8-5
FH: 00972754 Cystotheca wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Japan: Gumma Shirasawa I. Yamaguchi 1933-1-2
FH: 00972755 Cystotheca wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Japan: Iwate Takamatsu Morioka K. Togashi 1921-1-21
FH: 00972756 Cystotheca wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Japan: Tokyo [no additional data] S. Ito 1912-7
FH: 00972757 Cystotheca wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Japan: Tokyo [no additional data] S. Ito 1912-7
FH: 00972758 Cystotheca wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Japan: Tokyo Ueno Park Yo. Tanaka 1888-2
FH: 00972759 Cystotheca wrightii Berkeley & M. A. Curtis Japan: Tokyo [no additional data] Yo. Tanaka 1888-2
FH: 01122145 Erysiphe abbreviata (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 838 1944-9-20
FH: 01122146 Erysiphe abbreviata (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: California Oakland: Mills College L. R. Mason 1939-11-20
FH: 01122147 Erysiphe abbreviata (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Wisconsin Chippewa Falls J. J. Davis 1922-9-21
FH: 00965642 Erysiphe acaciae S. Blumer :
FH: 00965641 Erysiphe acaciae S. Blumer India: Maharashtra Omdia Or.: Poona, Bombay Pres. Ajrekar 1912-2-10
FH: 00781009 Erysiphe acalyphae (F. L. Tai) R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen China: Yunnan [no additional data] F. L. Tai 1938-11
FH: 00972469 Erysiphe aceris de Candolle : Europe: [no data available]
FH: 00972902 Erysiphe aceris Westendorp & Wallays Belgium: au parc de Saint-George, à Courtrai G. D. Westendorp & A. C. F. Wallays
FH: 00972141 Erysiphe aceris de Candolle France: Normandie Contremoulins (Seine Inférieure) 1848-9
FH: 00972144 Erysiphe aceris de Candolle France: Grotte de Gedre 1873-8-13
FH: 00972156 Erysiphe aceris de Candolle France: Vire
FH: 01096130 Erysiphe acetosae M. Bradshaw, U. Braun & J. K. Mitchell Germany: Saxony-Anhalt Halle (Saale), Albert Schweizer Street U. Braun 2022-10-10
FH: 00972513 Erysiphe adunca (Wallroth) Fries: Fries Canada: Canada infer. D. A. P. Watt 90 1856
FH: 00972514 Erysiphe adunca (Wallroth) Fries: Fries Canada: Canada infer. D. A. P. Watt 116 1856
FH: 00972516 Erysiphe adunca populi (de Candolle) Link Czech Republic: Severočeský Praha: Prag.
FH: 00972471 Erysiphe adunca ulmorum (Wallroth) Link France: [no additional data] M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972517 Erysiphe adunca ulmorum (Wallroth) Link France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972519 Erysiphe adunca populi (de Candolle) Link France: [no data available]
FH: 00972518 Erysiphe adunca prunastri (de Candolle) Link France: Montaud
FH: 01122109 Erysiphe adunca (Wallroth) Fries: Fries USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 651 1943-9-17
FH: 01122110 Erysiphe adunca (Wallroth) Fries: Fries USA: Wyoming Lower Libby Creek Camp Ground, Medicine Bow ... R. Solheim & W. G. Solheim 1921 1940-9-5
FH: 00972472 Erysiphe adunca (Wallroth) Fries: Fries USA: Massachusetts [no additional data] C. J. Sprague 860 1856-9
FH: 00972511 Erysiphe adunca (Wallroth) Fries: Fries USA: Massachusetts [no additional data] C. J. Sprague 860
FH: 00972982 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow : North America: [location inferred; no availa...
FH: 01122077 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow Canada: New Brunswick Entrance to Fontaine R. road, Kouchibouguac ... Egger 1978-8-25
FH: 01122078 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: Kenogamisis Lake, 7km ... J. A. Parmelee & P. M. deCarteret 5733 1981-9-15
FH: 00972993 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow Canada: Ontario Mer Bleu I. L. Conners 1931-9-12
FH: 00972183 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: Massachusetts Newton: [no additional data]
FH: 00972760 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: New York Albany: [no additional data] C. H. Peck 1876
FH: 00972978 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: Massachusetts Newton: [no additional data] 1886-7
FH: 00972979 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: Massachusetts Boston: Bussey 1877-7
FH: 00972980 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: New Hampshire Chocorua: [no additional data] W. G. Farlow 1915-8
FH: 00972981 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: New York Albany: [no additional data] C. H. Peck 1876
FH: 00972983 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: [no additional data] 1889-9
FH: 00972984 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: Massachusetts Magnolia: [no additional data] 1896-4
FH: 00972985 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: Massachusetts Stony Brook: [no additional data] G. T. Moore 1895-10-12
FH: 00972986 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: Oregon [no additional data] A. R. Sweetser
FH: 00972987 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: Michigan near Michigan Agricultural College G. H. Hicks 1893-8
FH: 00972988 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: New Hampshire Sunapee Lake: [no additional data] 1891-7-30
FH: 00972989 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: Massachusetts Newton: [no additional data]
FH: 00972990 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: Massachusetts Newton: Hammond's Pond 1877-2
FH: 00972991 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: California Willow Camp L. Bonar 1922-9-3
FH: 00972992 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: Washington Marysville J. M. Grant 1924
FH: 00972994 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: Wisconsin Hayward: [no additional data] J. J. Davis 1924-8-28
FH: 00972995 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: Maine Kittery Point: [no additional data] R. Thaxter 1896-9
FH: 00972996 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: Massachusetts Stony Brook: [no additional data] R. Thaxter
FH: 00972997 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: Massachusetts Newton: [no additional data]
FH: 00972998 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: California Redwood Peak H. E. Parks 1924
FH: 00972999 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: California Mill Valley H. E. Parks
FH: 01085000 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: Massachusetts Woburn: [no additional data] 1894-10-27
FH: 01085001 Erysiphe aggregata (Peck) Farlow USA: Oregon Corvallis: [no additional data] M. S. Clemens 1922-10-12
FH: 01131050 Erysiphe akebiae (Sawada) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Washington Seattle: Washington State Arboretum M. J. Bradshaw MJB UW6 2018-5-5
FH: 01085075 Erysiphe alnicola M. Bradshaw USA: Massachusetts Arlington: [no additional data 1896-10-7
FH: 01131047 Erysiphe alnicola M. Bradshaw USA: Washington Seattle: University of Washington Main Campu... M. J. Bradshaw MJB UW183 2018-10-2
FH: 01122154 Erysiphe alphitoides (Griffon & Maublanc) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu Canada: Ontario Central Exp. Farm, Ottawa Carl. Co., Ont. J. A. Parmelee & P. M. deCarteret 1975-10-8
FH: 00941196 Erysiphe alphitoides (Griffon & Maublanc) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Massachusetts Boston: Collected from the Arnold Arboretum ... M. J. Bradshaw MJB H67 2021-9-21
FH: 00941197 Erysiphe alphitoides (Griffon & Maublanc) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Collected from the experimental g... M. J. Bradshaw MJB H72 2021-9-23
FH: 01122152 Erysiphe alphitoides (Griffon & Maublanc) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Utah Mt. Ogden Park, east side of Ogden C. T. Rogerson 1971-8-3
FH: 01122153 Erysiphe alphitoides (Griffon & Maublanc) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Utah along Strong's Creek, foothills of Wasatch M... C. T. Rogerson 1980-8-21
FH: 01122238 Erysiphe alphitoides (Griffon & Maublanc) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Wisconsin Gibraltar Rock H. C. Greene HXG 7 1940-10-5
FH: 01122028 Erysiphe americana U. Braun USA: Wisconsin Verona H. C. Greene HCG 14 1940-8-9
FH: 01085002 Erysiphe americana U. Braun USA: Wisconsin Gays Mills J. J. Davis 1915-9-15
FH: 01085003 Erysiphe andina (Spegazzini) U. Braun Argentina: Mendoza Puente del Inca 1909
FH: 00972476 Erysiphe aphanis Link France: [no additional data] M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972537 Erysiphe aphanis Link France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972381 Erysiphe aquilegiae de Candolle Austria: Kärnten Knappenberg b. Heft, [illegible] F. X. R. von Höhnel 1901-8-20
FH: 00972386 Erysiphe aquilegiae de Candolle Austria: Niederösterreich Allentsteig, Nö. Waldviertel F. X. R. von Höhnel 1905-9
FH: 00972391 Erysiphe aquilegiae de Candolle Austria: Niederösterreich Wienerwald: [illegible] F. X. R. von Höhnel 1909-9-18
FH: 00972393 Erysiphe aquilegiae de Candolle Austria: Niederösterreich Allentsteig, Nö. Waldviertel F. X. R. von Höhnel 1905-8-1
FH: 00972394 Erysiphe aquilegiae de Candolle Austria: Niederösterreich Wienerwald: [illegible] F. X. R. von Höhnel 1903-9-8
FH: 00972398 Erysiphe aquilegiae de Candolle Austria: Niederösterreich Allentsteig, Nö. Waldviertel V. F. Schiffner 1905-7-27
FH: 00972399 Erysiphe aquilegiae de Candolle Austria: Niederösterreich St. Georgen am Sonntagsberge [illegible] 1917-12
FH: 00972389 Erysiphe aquilegiae ranunculi (Greville) R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen Austria: Kärnten Greifenburg F. X. R. von Höhnel 1901-9-24
FH: 00972316 Erysiphe aquilegiae de Candolle Belgium: Namur [no additional data] A. A. A. A. Bellynck 1851-9
FH: 01122084 Erysiphe aquilegiae ranunculi (Greville) R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen Canada: Ontario Cochrane District: Agr. Canada Exp. Farm, Ka... J. A. Parmelee & P. M. deCarteret 5680 1981-9-12
FH: 00972591 Erysiphe aquilegiae de Candolle France: [no data available]
FH: 00972218 Erysiphe aquilegiae ranunculi (Greville) R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen France: Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bizanos 1873-8-18
FH: 00972222 Erysiphe aquilegiae ranunculi (Greville) R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen France: Nouvelle-Aquitaine Angoulême A. Guillon 3971 1882-7-3
FH: 00972332 Erysiphe aquilegiae ranunculi (Greville) R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen France: Normandie Vire
FH: 00972589 Erysiphe aquilegiae ranunculi (Greville) R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen France: Lille
FH: 00972590 Erysiphe aquilegiae ranunculi (Greville) R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972592 Erysiphe aquilegiae ranunculi (Greville) R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972593 Erysiphe aquilegiae ranunculi (Greville) R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen France: Montaud
FH: 00972594 Erysiphe aquilegiae ranunculi (Greville) R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen France: Vire
FH: 00941212 Erysiphe aquilegiae de Candolle USA: Massachusetts Boston: 02134 M. J. Bradshaw MJB H112 2021-10-20
FH: 00941228 Erysiphe aquilegiae de Candolle USA: Washington Seattle: University of Washington Main Campu... M. J. Bradshaw MJB UW57 2018-5-30
FH: 00941239 Erysiphe aquilegiae de Candolle USA: Delaware Collected from Mt. Cuba Botanical Garden T. G. Potterfield MJB H151 2021-9-17
FH: 00941236 Erysiphe aquilegiae de Candolle USA: Idaho Collected from Idaho Botantical Garden Dan. Murphy MJB H144 2021-9-20
FH: 00941240 Erysiphe aquilegiae de Candolle USA: Delaware Collected from Mt. Cuba Botanical Garden T. G. Potterfield MJB H169 2021-9-3
FH: 00941255 Erysiphe aquilegiae de Candolle USA: Colorado Denver: Collected from Accession 980595*4, D... C. Newlander MJB H82 2021-9-1
FH: 01131051 Erysiphe aquilegiae de Candolle USA: Washington Seattle: Center for Urban Horticulture M. J. Bradshaw MJB UW213 2018-8-23
FH: 01131052 Erysiphe aquilegiae de Candolle USA: Washington Seattle: University of Washington, Center fo... M. J. Bradshaw MJB UW212 2018-8-23
FH: 00953938 Erysiphe aquilegiae de Candolle USA: Pennsylvania Spruce Creek, Penna. J. H. Faull 11986 1912-8
FH: 00972562 Erysiphe aquilegiae de Candolle USA: Pennsylvania [no additional data] E. Michener 627 1851
FH: 01122081 Erysiphe aquilegiae ranunculi (Greville) R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen USA: Wisconsin Tower Hill State Park H. C. Greene HCG 1927 1955-10-13
FH: 01122082 Erysiphe aquilegiae ranunculi (Greville) R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen USA: California Eureka (California): [no additional data] J. P. Tracy 17661 1946-10-19
FH: 01122083 Erysiphe aquilegiae ranunculi (Greville) R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen USA: Wisconsin Black Hawk's Lookout near Prairie du Sac H. C. Greene HCG 978 1945-7-19
FH: 00972553 Erysiphe aquilegiae ranunculi (Greville) R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: [no additional data] 1851-8
FH: 00972555 Erysiphe aquilegiae ranunculi (Greville) R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen USA: Massachusetts Stockbridge: [no additional data] 1851
FH: 00972558 Erysiphe aquilegiae ranunculi (Greville) R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen USA: New York [no additional data] E. C. Howe 253 1867
FH: 01085004 Erysiphe arabidis R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen China: Hebei [no additional data] Q. M. Ma 1493 1957-8-23
FH: 01131049 Erysiphe arcuata U. Braun, V. P. Heluta & S. Takamatsu USA: Washington Seattle: University of Washington Main Campu... M. J. Bradshaw MJB UW237 2018-10-2
FH: 00972191 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville Belgium: Namur [no additional data] A. A. A. A. Bellynck 1851-7
FH: 01122031 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville Canada: Yukon Territory Kathleen L. W. J. Cody & J. H. Ginns 28646 1980-7-30
FH: 01085008 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville Canada: Ontario Sarnia: [no additional data] J. Dearness 1912-9-1
FH: 01085029 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville China: Jiangsu U. N. Campus C. T. Wei 1931-12-14
FH: 01085030 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville China: Beijing Municipality [no additional data] S. J. Han & Q. M. Ma 1894 1959-10
FH: 01085031 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville China: Shanxi [no additional data] J. H. Yu & R. Liu 950 1959-9-9
FH: 01085015 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville Finland: Sb: Vieremä, Kk, ad scholam publicam I. Huuskonen 1959-8-29
FH: 01085019 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville Finland: Sav. b. Kuopio O. A. F. Lönnbohm 342 1903-8
FH: 01085025 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville Finland: Southern Finland Helsinki: Jätkäsaari; 60°09' N V. J. Oinonen 1964-8-26
FH: 00972573 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville France: Nuits J. Duret 1831
FH: 01085021 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville France: Normandie Caen M. R. Roberge 1840-10
FH: 01085022 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville Germany: Oestrich: Ca. Hattenheim K. W. G. L. Fuckel
FH: 01085032 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville Japan: Hokkaido Sapporo: [no additional data] E. Tokubuchi 1896-10
FH: 01085033 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville Japan: Hokkaido Sapporo: [no additional data] E. Tokubuchi 1895-10-20
FH: 01085017 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville Latvia: prov. Vidzeme: Bulduri K. Starcs 3338 1935-10-6
FH: 01085018 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville Latvia: prov. Vidzeme: Riga K. Starcs 1206 1933-9-19
FH: 01085024 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville Romania: Constanta [no additonal data] T. Săvulescu & C. Sandu-Ville 1934-9-11
FH: 01085023 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville Russia: Moscow Oblast [illegible] F. V. Bucholtz 342 1896-9-9
FH: 01085026 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville Russia: Leningrad Oblast Duderħof prope Petropolin A. A. Elenkin 1898-9-14
FH: 01085027 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville Russia: Sibiria occidentalis: Minussinsk N. M. Martianov 1879-9
FH: 01085028 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville Russia: Sibiria occidentalis: Minussinsk N. M. Martianov 1877
FH: 01085020 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville Sweden: Stockholm County Stockholm: Ad Holmiam H. Hesselman 1892-8
FH: 01085016 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville United Kingdom: England: Manchester T. Brittain
FH: 01122080 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville USA: California Alton J. P. Tracy 9224 1930-10-19
FH: 00972557 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville USA: New York [no additional data] C. H. Peck 353 1869
FH: 01085005 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 142 1893-10
FH: 01085006 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville USA: Colorado Crested Butte E. Bartholomew 2727 1899-9-8
FH: 01085007 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville USA: Montana Billings (Montana): [no additional data] E. Bartholomew 5175 1913-8-20
FH: 01085009 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] W. C. Blasdale 1893-6
FH: 01085010 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville USA: California Big Bar Mt., S. of Lake Almanor C. R. Quick 41-42 1941-9-2
FH: 01085011 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville USA: Montana Helena (Montana): [no additional data] 1889-8
FH: 01085012 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville USA: Montana Deer Lodge F. W. Anderson 416 1888-10
FH: 01085013 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville USA: Washington [no additional data] C. V. Piper 142
FH: 01085014 Erysiphe artemisiae Greville USA: Iowa Ames: [no additional data] B. D. Halsted 1887-9
FH: 00953822 Erysiphe asperifoliorum Greville Turkmenistan: Место сбора (Statio) Туркме... V. A. Melnik 1978-4-17
FH: 00972539 Erysiphe asterum Schweinitz USA: North Carolina Hillsborough: [no additional data] 1870
FH: 00972922 Erysiphe astragali de Candolle : Asia: Ad fluv. Seravschan (Turkestan) V. L. Komarov 1893
FH: 00972170 Erysiphe astragali de Candolle France: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Bouthéon, balmes J. Hervier-Basson 1884-9
FH: 00972569 Erysiphe astragali de Candolle France: Caen
FH: 01131053 Erysiphe australiana (McAlpine) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Washington Seattle: University of Washington, Center fo... M. J. Bradshaw MJB UW52 2018-5-30
FH: 00941230 Erysiphe azaleae (U. Braun) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Washington Seattle: University of Washington Main Campu... M. J. Bradshaw MJB UW159 2018-8-22
FH: 01085151 Erysiphe azaleae (U. Braun) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: New York Junius: [no additional data] H. S. Jackson 1410 1904-9-13
FH: 01085152 Erysiphe azaleae (U. Braun) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Pennsylvania [no additional data] W. Trimble
FH: 00972188 Erysiphe bardanae Chevallier France: Jardin de Franqueville 1848-11-1
FH: 00972172 Erysiphe berberidis de Candolle France: Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bizanos 1876-6
FH: 00972174 Erysiphe berberidis de Candolle France: Jardin du Franqueville 1848-11-1
FH: 00941192 Erysiphe berberidis de Candolle USA: Washington Seattle: University of Washington Main Campu... M. J. Bradshaw MJB 26 2018-5-5
FH: 00941193 Erysiphe berberidis de Candolle USA: Washington Seattle: University of Washington Main Campu... M. J. Bradshaw MJB 140 2018-6-30
FH: 00941194 Erysiphe berberidis de Candolle USA: Washington Oxbow Nursery, Carnation, WA 98104 M. J. Bradshaw MJB 181 2018-8-8
FH: 01131054 Erysiphe berberidis de Candolle USA: Massachusetts Boston: [no additional data] M. J. Bradshaw MJB H142 2021-11-4
FH: 01131055 Erysiphe berberidis de Candolle USA: Washington Seattle: University of Washington Main Campu... M. J. Bradshaw MJB UW51 2018-5-15
FH: 01131056 Erysiphe betae (Vanha) Weltzien USA: Washington Seattle: University of Washington Center for... M. J. Bradshaw MJB UW201 2018-8-23
FH: 00972625 Erysiphe betulae de Candolle France: [no data available]
FH: 00972143 Erysiphe bicornis (Wallroth) Fries: Fries Belgium: Namur [no additional data] A. A. A. A. Bellynck 1851-10
FH: 00972901 Erysiphe bicornis (Wallroth) Fries: Fries Belgium: au parc de Saint-George, à Courtrai G. D. Westendorp & A. C. F. Wallays
FH: 00972470 Erysiphe bicornis (Wallroth) Fries: Fries France: [no additional data] M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972541 Erysiphe bicornis (Wallroth) Fries: Fries France: [no data available]
FH: 00972542 Erysiphe bicornis (Wallroth) Fries: Fries France: Vire
FH: 00972543 Erysiphe bicornis (Wallroth) Fries: Fries France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 01122029 Erysiphe biocellata Ehrenberg Canada: Ontario Cochrane District: Remi Lake Provincial Park... J. A. Parmelee & P. M. deCarteret 5577 1981-9-7
FH: 01122246 Erysiphe biocellata Ehrenberg Canada: Quebec Province Farmers Point Rapids I. L. Conners 1084 1931-9-12
FH: 00972584 Erysiphe biocellata Ehrenberg France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 01122030 Erysiphe biocellata Ehrenberg USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 767 1944-9-26
FH: 00972563 Erysiphe biocellata Ehrenberg USA: Pennsylvania [no additional data] E. Michener 601 1851
FH: 00965643 Erysiphe brunneopunctata U. Braun USA: California West Panther Creek, south Alpine Highway, Lu... C. R. Quick 54-D17 1954-9-22
FH: 01122079 Erysiphe buhrii U. Braun USA: California Trinity Summit J. P. Tracy 1938-8-8
FH: 00965644 Erysiphe californica U. Braun USA: California Near the Sisson Southern Trail just below Ho... W. B. Cooke 13360 1939-7-26
FH: 01122085 Erysiphe californica U. Braun USA: California Ukiah: [no additional data] W. C. Blasdale 1894-5-23
FH: 01085105 Erysiphe californica U. Braun USA: California Berkeley: Court of Life Sciences Building, U... L. Bonar 1944-9-13
FH: 01085106 Erysiphe californica U. Braun USA: California Berkeley: Court of Life Sciences Building, U... L. Bonar 1944-9-13
FH: 01122155 Erysiphe calocladophora (G. F. Atkinson) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Tennessee Cherokee Drive R. Zuck & F. Zuck 11878 1938-10
FH: 01122156 Erysiphe calocladophora (G. F. Atkinson) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Tennessee Cherokee Drive R. Zuck & F. Zuck 11879 1938-10
FH: 01122157 Erysiphe calocladophora (G. F. Atkinson) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Tennessee Nashville: [no additional data] E. Bartholomew 5633 1914-11-6
FH: 01122158 Erysiphe calocladophora (G. F. Atkinson) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: North Carolina Hollow Rock F. A. Wolf et al. 268 1928-10-6
FH: 01122159 Erysiphe calocladophora (G. F. Atkinson) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Virginia Petersburg M. L. Fernald, B. H. Long & R. F. ... 1936-10-18
FH: 01122160 Erysiphe calocladophora (G. F. Atkinson) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: South Carolina Clemson: [no additional data] A. E. Prince 1106 1940-11-10
FH: 01096123 Erysiphe canariensis M. Bradshaw, U. Braun & V. Kummer : Canary Islands: La Palma, Puntanallana, c. 2... V. Kummer 2019-8-21
FH: 00972545 Erysiphe capreae de Candolle ex Duby France: Vire 1856
FH: 01131511 Erysiphe caricae U. Braun & Bolay Switzerland: Valais Conthey, Les Fougères, RAC A. Bolay 1989-11-28
FH: 01122149 Erysiphe castaneae U. Braun USA: Massachusetts Concord: Estabrook Woods D. H. Pfister, M. Scohller & J. Pl... 1998-8-7
FH: 01122150 Erysiphe castaneae U. Braun USA: Massachusetts East Walpole: [no additional data] G. D. Darker 4859 1933-8-27
FH: 01122151 Erysiphe castaneae U. Braun USA: Tennessee Upper rabbit Creek, Cades Cove, Great Smoky ... A. J. Sharp 9390 1935-9-26
FH: 01085097 Erysiphe castaneae U. Braun USA: West Virginia Nuttallburg L. W. Nuttall 1893-10
FH: 01122123 Erysiphe castaneae U. Braun USA: New York Buffalo: [no additional data] [no data available]
FH: 00972548 Erysiphe ceanothi Schweinitz : North America: [no data available]
FH: 01122163 Erysiphe ceanothi Schweinitz USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] J. R. Heddle HCG 851 1923-8-10
FH: 01122164 Erysiphe ceanothi Schweinitz USA: New York Ithaca: [no additional data] H. H. Whetzel & H. S. Jackson 1904-9-6
FH: 00972547 Erysiphe ceanothi Schweinitz USA: New York [no additional data] E. C. Howe 284 1867
FH: 00972122 Erysiphe cerasi Castagne : Europe: [no additional data; location inferr...
FH: 00972549 Erysiphe cerasi Castagne France: Marseille
FH: 01122032 Erysiphe chelones Schweinitz USA: Maine Norcross: [no additional data] D. H. Linder 1940-8-20
FH: 01122033 Erysiphe chelones Schweinitz USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 755 1944-9-9
FH: 00972550 Erysiphe chelones Schweinitz USA: Pennsylvania [no additional data] E. Michener 456 1851
FH: 00972186 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle : Europe: [no data available]
FH: 01085126 Erysiphe cichoracearum verbasci Jaczewski : Europe: [no additional data]
FH: 00972194 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Algeria: [no additional data] L. C. Trabut
FH: 01085003 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Argentina: Mendoza Puente del Inca 1909
FH: 00972409 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Austria: [illegible] F. X. R. von Höhnel 1901-7-21
FH: 00972410 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Austria: Niederösterreich Baden, Rauhenstein F. X. R. von Höhnel 1900-9-28
FH: 00972412 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Austria: Niederösterreich [illegible] F. X. R. von Höhnel 1898-6-9
FH: 00972418 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Austria: Tirol Hall in Tirol F. X. R. von Höhnel 1904-8-8
FH: 00972419 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Austria: Wien Prater F. X. R. von Höhnel 1903-9-20
FH: 00972420 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Austria: Niederösterreich Fischaufer b. Moosbrunn F. X. R. von Höhnel 1899-6-1
FH: 00972421 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Austria: [illegible] F. X. R. von Höhnel 1901-7-21
FH: 00972422 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Austria: Niederösterreich Wienerwald: Reckawinkel, Weg zum Jochgrabenb... F. X. R. von Höhnel 1901-7-28
FH: 00972423 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Austria: Niederösterreich Wienerwald: Wurzbachstal [?] F. X. R. von Höhnel 1904-7-7
FH: 00972424 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Austria: Niederösterreich Wienerwald: Londonpark, Ma[illegible] F. X. R. von Höhnel 1903-6-21
FH: 00972191 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Belgium: Namur [no additional data] A. A. A. A. Bellynck 1851-7
FH: 00972196 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Belgium: Namur [no additional data] A. A. A. A. Bellynck 1851
FH: 00972198 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Belgium: Namur [no additional data] A. A. A. A. Bellynck 1851-7
FH: 00877344 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Canada: Manitoba Grasshopper Trail, R.M.N.P. (#665) [data not captured] 1979-8-25
FH: 01122008 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Canada: Ontario Grenadier Island, St. Lawrence Is. Nat. Park J. A. Parmelee 4830 1975-9-10
FH: 01122011 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Canada: Ontario Cochrane District: shoreline of Kapuskasing ... J. A. Parmelee & P. M. deCarteret 5632 1981-9-9
FH: 01122018 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Canada: Ontario Cochrane District: back of shoreline, Remi L... J. A. Parmelee & P. M. deCarteret 5578 1981-9-7
FH: 01122029 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Canada: Ontario Cochrane District: Remi Lake Provincial Park... J. A. Parmelee & P. M. deCarteret 5577 1981-9-7
FH: 01122031 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Canada: Yukon Territory Kathleen L. W. J. Cody & J. H. Ginns 28646 1980-7-30
FH: 01122240 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Canada: Yukon Territory Dempster Hwy. km 142 J. H. Ginns & W. J. Cody 5589 1980-8-8
FH: 01122246 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Canada: Quebec Province Farmers Point Rapids I. L. Conners 1084 1931-9-12
FH: 00953940 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Canada: Ontario O.A.C., Guelph E. H. Moss 11985 1920-8-12
FH: 00972411 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Canada: Ontario London J. Dearness 1910-10
FH: 01085008 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Canada: Ontario Sarnia: [no additional data] J. Dearness 1912-9-1
FH: 00953940 Erysiphe cichoracearum latispora U. Braun Canada: Ontario O.A.C., Guelph E. H. Moss 11985 1920-8-12
FH: 00972411 Erysiphe cichoracearum eupatorii Rehm Canada: Ontario London J. Dearness 1910-10
FH: 01085029 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle China: Jiangsu U. N. Campus C. T. Wei 1931-12-14
FH: 00953832 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Egypt: Mit Jamr L. E. Melchers 1928-10-21
FH: 01085019 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Finland: Sav. b. Kuopio O. A. F. Lönnbohm 342 1903-8
FH: 00972184 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle France: pris du fond de la promenade horizontale J. É. Doassans 11924 1881-7-9
FH: 00972185 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle France: promenades des cascades J. É. Doassans 12013 1881-7
FH: 00972187 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle France: Gedre 1873-8-14
FH: 00972188 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle France: Jardin de Franqueville 1848-11-1
FH: 00972189 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle France: Ile d'Oleron 1877-10
FH: 00972190 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle France: des Bries, Ile d'Oleron 1876-10
FH: 00972574 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle France: [no data available]
FH: 00972575 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972576 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle France: Lille
FH: 00972417 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Germany: Bavaria München: im Garten Neufriedenheim H. Rehm 1902-9
FH: 01085124 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Germany: Saxony bei Pirna u. Schandau K. W. Krieger 1892-10
FH: 00972417 Erysiphe cichoracearum scorzonerae (Castagne) Rehm Germany: Bavaria München: im Garten Neufriedenheim H. Rehm 1902-9
FH: 00972195 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Hungary: Près du village de Sziget-Ujfalu, île Csep... Tauscher 2329 1878-7-23
FH: 00953833 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle India: Maharashtra [no additional data]
FH: 00972780 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Iran: Persia [illegible] 1926-8-28
FH: 01085032 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Japan: Hokkaido Sapporo: [no additional data] E. Tokubuchi 1896-10
FH: 01085033 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Japan: Hokkaido Sapporo: [no additional data] E. Tokubuchi 1895-10-20
FH: 01085017 Erysiphe cichoracearum artemisiae (Fuckel) Jaczewski Latvia: prov. Vidzeme: Bulduri K. Starcs 3338 1935-10-6
FH: 01085018 Erysiphe cichoracearum artemisiae (Fuckel) Jaczewski Latvia: prov. Vidzeme: Riga K. Starcs 1206 1933-9-19
FH: 00972197 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Norway: Kaafjord, Alten im arktischen Norwegen N. G. Lagerheim 1895-8
FH: 01085023 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Russia: Moscow Oblast [illegible] F. V. Bucholtz 342 1896-9-9
FH: 01085026 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Russia: Leningrad Oblast Duderħof prope Petropolin A. A. Elenkin 1898-9-14
FH: 01085027 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Russia: Sibiria occidentalis: Minussinsk N. M. Martianov 1879-9
FH: 01085028 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Russia: Sibiria occidentalis: Minussinsk N. M. Martianov 1877
FH: 00972028 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Sweden: Gotland, Ytlings, Bro J. T. C. Vestergren 1895-9
FH: 00972192 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle Sweden: Gotlands Skäggs par. Västkinde J. T. C. Vestergren 1895-7
FH: 00965646 Erysiphe cichoracearum fischeri (S. Blumer) U. Braun Switzerland: Bern Burgdorf, Steinhof S. Blumer 1926-10-12
NEBC: 00456659 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Vermont Charlotte: [no additional data] C. G. Pringle 1113 1880-6-27
NEBC: 00456660 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Vermont Bristol: [no additional data] C. G. Pringle 1155 1880-7-11
FH: 00965643 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: California West Panther Creek, south Alpine Highway, Lu... C. R. Quick 54-D17 1954-9-22
FH: 00965649 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Wisconsin Gibraltar Rock H. C. Greene 447 1938-6-28
FH: 00965652 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Wyoming Centennial, Albany Co. A. Nelson 7999 1900-8-7
FH: 00965653 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Utah Rich County: near Leo Reservoir, Cache Natio... C. T. Rogerson 1971-9-4
FH: 00965655 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Montana Helena (Montana): [No Additional Data] [no data available] 1888-10
FH: 00965656 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Montana Helena (Montana): [no additional data] F. W. Anderson 219 1888-10
FH: 00965657 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene 775 1944-10-17
FH: 01122000 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 587 1943-7-7
FH: 01122001 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: California south of Cow Creek, north of Pinecrest C. R. Quick 51-112 1951-7-6
FH: 01122004 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Montana Rimrock Station E. Bartholomew 6223 1917-8-9
FH: 01122006 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Kentucky Lexington: Tates Creek Pike L. Galliher 1930-10-8
FH: 01122007 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Wyoming Jackson Hole Biol. Res. Sta., Grand Teton Na... W. G. Solheim & R. Solheim 5501 1957-8-29
FH: 01122009 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Wisconsin New Glarus Woods H. C. Greene HCG 1912 1955-9-7
FH: 01122010 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Wisconsin near Sauk City H. C. Greene HCG 1124 1946-9-18
FH: 01122012 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Wyoming BIg Popo Agie R., below Wander R. C. Rollins 774 1934-8-24
FH: 01122013 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Wisconsin Big Bend H. C. Greene HCG 288 1941-8-29
FH: 01122014 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 1035 1945-10-2
FH: 01122015 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Idaho Johnson's Bar, Snake R. Canyon A. L. Schade 1936-5
FH: 01122016 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: California just south of Cow Creek, north of Pinecrest C. R. Quick 51-111 1951-7-6
FH: 01122019 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 941 1945-6-20
FH: 01122020 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Tennessee Knoxville: University Farm L. R. Hesler 11412 1938-5-1
FH: 01122021 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Oregon Above OregonCaves H. E. Parks & W. K. Parks 884 1933-8-7
FH: 01122022 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: California Ruth J. P. Tracy 8803 1930-6-29
FH: 01122023 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: North Carolina West Raleigh J. G. Hall 1907-10-29
FH: 01122024 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Oregon Bend H. E. Parks s. n. 1956-8
FH: 01122025 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Wyoming Little Popo Agie R., 25 m. so. of Wander R. C. Rollins 773 1934-8-22
FH: 01122026 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Wyoming Middle Crow Creek, Laramie Mts. W. G. Solheim & J. W. Baxter 3240 1950-8-23
FH: 01122027 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Utah Brighton (Silver Lake) G. D. Darker 5854 1936-7-31
FH: 01122028 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Wisconsin Verona H. C. Greene HCG 14 1940-8-9
FH: 01122030 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 767 1944-9-26
FH: 01122080 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: California Alton J. P. Tracy 9224 1930-10-19
FH: 01122085 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: California Ukiah: [no additional data] W. C. Blasdale 1894-5-23
FH: 01122087 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Kentucky Lexington: [no additional data] L. Galliher 1930-10-10
FH: 01122088 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 788 1944-10-6
FH: 01122094 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Utah Salt Lake City: [ex] Botany Division, Scienc... G. D. Darker 5746 1936-7-28
FH: 01122241 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Kansas Manhattan J. B. S. Norton 919 1892-9-17
FH: 01122244 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Wyoming North of Jackson Hole Biol. Res. Sta. W. G. Solheim & R. Solheim 2751 1949-8-29
FH: 00953749 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Utah Salt Lake City: [no additional data] A. O. Garrett 413 1904-6-20
FH: 00953814 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Colorado Palmer Lake E. Bartholomew & E. Bethel 1913-9-20
FH: 00953819 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Colorado Palmer Lake E. Bartholomew & E. Bethel 1913-9-20
FH: 00953939 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Wyoming Roosevelt Lodge, Yellowstone Nat. Park J. H. Faull 10248 1931-8-23
FH: 00953951 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Massachusetts Amherst: [no additional data] G. E. Stone 1904
FH: 00953952 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Massachusetts Amherst: Amherst Exp. Sta. 1906
FH: 00972128 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Washington Pullman R. M. Horner 1252 1899-7-22
FH: 00972193 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Ohio Toledo: [no additional data] F. D. Kelsey 1902-9-8
FH: 00972413 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: North Dakota Kulm (North Dakota): [no additional data] 1911-8-20
FH: 00972415 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: North Dakota Kulm (North Dakota): [no additional data] 1911-10-8
FH: 00972416 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: North Dakota Kulm (North Dakota): [no additional data] 1911-8-26
FH: 00972556 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: New York [no additional data] C. H. Peck 353 1869
FH: 00972636 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Pennsylvania [no additional data] E. Michener 583 1851
FH: 00972637 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: South Carolina Society Hill (South Carolina): [no additiona... 1852-10
FH: 00972694 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Pennsylvania Bethl. [Bethlehem]
FH: 00972699 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: South Carolina Santee Canal: [no additional data] H. W. Ravenel 1136 1850
FH: 01085002 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Wisconsin Gays Mills J. J. Davis 1915-9-15
FH: 01085005 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 142 1893-10
FH: 01085006 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Colorado Crested Butte E. Bartholomew 2727 1899-9-8
FH: 01085007 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Montana Billings (Montana): [no additional data] E. Bartholomew 5175 1913-8-20
FH: 01085009 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] W. C. Blasdale 1893-6
FH: 01085010 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: California Big Bar Mt., S. of Lake Almanor C. R. Quick 41-42 1941-9-2
FH: 01085011 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Montana Helena (Montana): [no additional data] 1889-8
FH: 01085013 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Washington [no additional data] C. V. Piper 142
FH: 01085105 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: California Berkeley: Court of Life Sciences Building, U... L. Bonar 1944-9-13
FH: 01085106 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: California Berkeley: Court of Life Sciences Building, U... L. Bonar 1944-9-13
FH: 01085109 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: California Cow Creek, Stanislaus Nat'l Forest C. R. Quick 40-38 1940-6-20
FH: 01085110 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Nebraska Red Cloud J. M. Bates 1903-6-6
FH: 01085111 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: California Grouse Creek Station between Wawona and G.N.... A. O. Garrett 2571 1919-8-14
FH: 01085112 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Wyoming Prairie Dog Creek R. C. Rollins 543 1934-6-21
FH: 01085113 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Wyoming Mead Creek near Banner R. C. Rollins 656 1934-7-19
FH: 01085114 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: California Trinidad H. E. Parks 2414 1924-8-8
FH: 01085115 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Washington Renton C. V. Piper 295 1895-8-8
FH: 01085116 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Kansas Rockport E. Bartholomew 660 1892-8-15
FH: 01085118 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Montana Sand Coulee 1888-10
FH: 01085119 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Kansas Stockton E. Bartholomew 1892-8-15
FH: 01085120 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Kansas Stockton E. Bartholomew 1892-8-15
FH: 01085121 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: New Jersey Newfield: [no additional data] J. B. Ellis 1874
FH: 01085150 Erysiphe cichoracearum de Candolle USA: Iowa [no additional data] B. Fink 1894-9
FH: 00972416 Erysiphe cichoracearum latispora U. Braun USA: North Dakota Kulm (North Dakota): [no additional data] 1911-8-26
FH: 00972560 Erysiphe cichoracearum latispora U. Braun USA: Pennsylvania [no additional data] E. Michener 574 1851
FH: 00972414 Erysiphe cichoracearum galeopsidis (de Candolle) E. S. Salmon ex Brenckle USA: North Dakota Kulm (North Dakota): [no additional data] 1911-8-22
FH: 00972216 Erysiphe circaeae L. Junell Belgium: Louvain A. A. A. A. Bellynck 1851
FH: 00972587 Erysiphe circumfusa plantaginis Desmazières France: Marseille
FH: 00972661 Erysiphe clandestina (Wallroth) Link: Fries France: [no data available]
FH: 00953817 Erysiphe clandestina Bivona Germany: Saxony Leipzig: municipal district Dölitz, western... H. Boyle, P. Otto & N. Luschka 2004-9-13
FH: 01122106 Erysiphe clintonii (Peck) U. Braun Canada: Quebec Province Blue Sea Lake, Gatineau Co. W. B. Kendrick 1960-9-29
FH: 01122107 Erysiphe clintonii (Peck) U. Braun USA: Wisconsin New Glarus J. J. Davis 1927-9-22
FH: 01122108 Erysiphe clintoniopsis (R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu China: Anhui Anhwei Province; Shiang Lu Shih, Ch'ing Yang... S. Y. Cheo 1134 1932-10-8
FH: 00972571 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries : Europe: [no data available]
FH: 01085126 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries : Europe: [no additional data]
FH: 00972585 Erysiphe communis leguminosarum (Wallroth) Link : Europe: [no data available]
FH: 00972381 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries Austria: Kärnten Knappenberg b. Heft, [illegible] F. X. R. von Höhnel 1901-8-20
FH: 00972382 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries Austria: Steiermark Judenburg F. X. R. von Höhnel 1901-8-12
FH: 00972216 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries Belgium: Louvain A. A. A. A. Bellynck 1851
FH: 00972551 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries Canada: Canada inferiori D. A. P. Watt 88 1856
FH: 00972552 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries Canada: Canada infer. D. A. P. Watt 85 1856-9
FH: 00972598 Erysiphe communis umbelliferarum (Wallroth) Link Czech Republic: Severočeský Praha: Prag P. M. Opiz
FH: 00785364 Erysiphe communis trifolii P. Karsten Finland: Mustiala P. A. Karsten
FH: 00785776 Erysiphe communis calthae-palustris P. Karsten Finland: Haarankorpi i Tammela P. A. Karsten
FH: 00785777 Erysiphe communis valerianae-officinalis P. Karsten Finland: Mustiala P. A. Karsten 1867-8-31
FH: 00972184 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries France: pris du fond de la promenade horizontale J. É. Doassans 11924 1881-7-9
FH: 00972215 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries France: Hauts-de-France Lille [illegible]
FH: 00972222 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries France: Nouvelle-Aquitaine Angoulême A. Guillon 3971 1882-7-3
FH: 00972307 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries France: [no data available] J. É. Doassans 11921 1881-7
FH: 00972482 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries France: [no additional data] M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972569 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries France: Caen
FH: 00972570 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries France: [no data available]
FH: 00972572 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries France: Marseille
FH: 00972573 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries France: Nuits J. Duret 1831
FH: 00972574 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries France: [no data available]
FH: 00972575 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972580 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972582 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries France: Vire
FH: 00972587 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries France: Marseille
FH: 00972581 Erysiphe communis graminum Link France: [no data available]
FH: 00972480 Erysiphe communis labiatarum (Wallroth) Link France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972583 Erysiphe communis labiatarum (Wallroth) Link France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972584 Erysiphe communis labiatarum (Wallroth) Link France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972576 Erysiphe communis cichoracearum (de Candolle) Link France: Lille
FH: 00972577 Erysiphe communis cichoracearum (de Candolle) Link France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972579 Erysiphe communis convolvulacearum (Wallroth) Link France: [no data available]
FH: 00972578 Erysiphe communis convolvulacearum (Wallroth) Link France: [no data available]
FH: 00972586 Erysiphe communis leguminosarum (Wallroth) Link France: Vire
FH: 00972588 Erysiphe communis polygonacearum (Wallroth) Link France: Vire
FH: 00972589 Erysiphe communis ranunculacearum (Wallroth) Link France: Lille
FH: 00972590 Erysiphe communis ranunculacearum (Wallroth) Link France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972591 Erysiphe communis ranunculacearum (Wallroth) Link France: [no data available]
FH: 00972592 Erysiphe communis ranunculacearum (Wallroth) Link France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972593 Erysiphe communis ranunculacearum (Wallroth) Link France: Montaud
FH: 00972594 Erysiphe communis ranunculacearum (Wallroth) Link France: Vire
FH: 00972596 Erysiphe communis umbelliferarum (Wallroth) Link France: Vire
FH: 00972597 Erysiphe communis umbelliferarum (Wallroth) Link France: Vire
FH: 00972595 Erysiphe communis rubiacearum (Fries) Desmazières France: [no data available]
FH: 00972599 Erysiphe communis urticacearum (Rabenhorst) Westendorp France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972224 Erysiphe communis ononidis (Fuckel) Saccardo France: Centre-Val de Loire Dreux Gallet 1885-9
FH: 00953684 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries Italy: Veneto Pallantina (M. Cavallo) C. L. Spegazzini 1879-8
FH: 00952150 Erysiphe communis ononidis (Fuckel) Saccardo Italy: Veneto Colfosco (Treviso) P. A. Saccardo 1874-9
FH: 00952600 Erysiphe communis thalictri-minoris Saccardo Italy: Veneto Vittorio (Treviso) P. A. Saccardo 1875-10
FH: 00952601 Erysiphe communis ranunculi-bulbosi Saccardo Italy: Veneto Padova P. A. Saccardo 1875-9
FH: 00952602 Erysiphe communis ranunculi-acris Saccardo Italy: Veneto Vittorio (Treviso) P. A. Saccardo 1875-10
FH: 00952603 Erysiphe communis convolvuli-arvensis Saccardo Italy: Veneto Selva (Treviso) P. A. Saccardo 1875-9
FH: 00952782 Erysiphe communis prenanthis-purpureae Saccardo Italy: Veneto Cadore, (Belluno) P. A. Saccardo 1874
FH: 00952783 Erysiphe communis pisi-sativi Saccardo Italy: Veneto Padova P. A. Saccardo 1876-6
FH: 00952784 Erysiphe communis polygoni-avicularis Saccardo Italy: Veneto Cadore, (Belluno) P. A. Saccardo 1874
FH: 00952895 Erysiphe communis lathyri-pratensis Saccardo Italy: Veneto Selva (Treviso) P. A. Saccardo 1876-9
FH: 00953167 Erysiphe communis clematidis-vitalbae Saccardo Italy: Veneto in Horto Patavino G. Bizzozero 1877
FH: 00953683 Erysiphe communis clematidis-erectae Spegazzini Italy: Veneto Plavis (Belluno) C. L. Spegazzini 1879-9
FH: 00972203 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries Japan: [no additonal data] U. J. Faurie 1886-12-3
FH: 00972211 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries Tunisia: Djebel Djeloud N. T. Patouillard 1897-2-23
FH: 00972214 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries Tunisia: Aïn Draham N. T. Patouillard 1895-9
FH: 00972223 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries Tunisia: Oasis de Gafsa N. T. Patouillard 1893-1
NEBC: 00456661 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: Maine Orono: [no additional data] P. L. Ricker 1898
FH: 00965542 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: Missouri Saint Louis (Missouri): B. G. L. H. Pammel 1886-10
FH: 01122086 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: Massachusetts Andover: [no additional data] E. W. Thompson 1924-7-20
FH: 01122100 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: California Trinity River Valley J. P. Tracy 7082 1925-6-7
FH: 00972127 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: Washington Waitsburg R. M. Horner 1177 1899-8-18
FH: 00972477 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: Massachusetts [no additional data] 1856
FH: 00972478 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: Massachusetts [no additional data] C. J. Sprague 861 1856-9
FH: 00972479 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: Massachusetts [no additional data] C. J. Sprague 1163 1857
FH: 00972481 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: Massachusetts Oupea [?] D. Murray 1282 1858
FH: 00972504 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: New York [no additional data] C. H. Peck 347
FH: 00972553 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: [no additional data] 1851-8
FH: 00972554 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: Massachusetts Stockbridge: [no additional data] 1851
FH: 00972555 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: Massachusetts Stockbridge: [no additional data] 1851
FH: 00972556 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: New York [no additional data] C. H. Peck 353 1869
FH: 00972557 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: New York [no additional data] C. H. Peck 353 1869
FH: 00972558 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: New York [no additional data] E. C. Howe 253 1867
FH: 00972559 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: New York [no additional data] E. C. Howe 295 1867
FH: 00972560 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [no additional data] E. Michener 574 1851
FH: 00972561 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [no additional data] E. Michener 670 1851
FH: 00972562 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [no additional data] E. Michener 627 1851
FH: 00972563 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [no additional data] E. Michener 601 1851
FH: 00972564 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: Virginia Mts. 1851-6
FH: 00972566 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: Texas [no additional data] J. S. Billings 130 1869-4
FH: 00972567 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: Alabama [no additional data] J. F. Beaumont 329 1854-10
FH: 00972568 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: Alabama [no additional data] T. M. Peters 624
FH: 00972637 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: South Carolina Society Hill (South Carolina): [no additiona... 1852-10
FH: 01085012 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: Montana Deer Lodge F. W. Anderson 416 1888-10
FH: 01085183 Erysiphe communis (Wallroth) Schlechtendal: Fries USA: Michigan Grand Rapids: [no additional data] E. J. Cole 29 1891-10
FH: 00953810 Erysiphe communis graminum Link USA: South Carolina [no additional data] H. W. Ravenel 1260
FH: 00972565 Erysiphe communis graminum Link USA: Pennsylvania [no additional data] E. Michener 575 1852
FH: 00972573 Erysiphe compositarum artemisiae (Wallroth) Duby France: Nuits J. Duret 1831
FH: 00972397 Erysiphe convolvuli calystegiae U. Braun Austria: Niederösterreich Wienerwald: Hinterbrühl F. X. R. von Höhnel 1903-10-7
FH: 00972314 Erysiphe convolvuli de Candolle France: Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bizanos 1875-5-7
FH: 00972579 Erysiphe convolvuli de Candolle France: [no data available]
FH: 00972653 Erysiphe convolvuli de Candolle France: Montaud près Marseille
FH: 00972578 Erysiphe convolvuli calystegiae U. Braun France: [no data available]
FH: 00941200 Erysiphe convolvuli de Candolle USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Collected from outside the Peabod... M. J. Bradshaw MJB H51 2021-9-20
FH: 00941244 Erysiphe convolvuli de Candolle USA: Colorado Denver: Collected from Denver Botanical Gard... C. Newlander MJB H86 2021-9-1
FH: 00972121 Erysiphe coryli de Candolle : Europe: [no additional data; location inferr...
FH: 00972109 Erysiphe coryli de Candolle France: Jardin du Boisguilbert 1848-9
FH: 00972123 Erysiphe coryli de Candolle France: Normandie Vire
FH: 00972626 Erysiphe coryli de Candolle France: Montaud
FH: 01131057 Erysiphe coryli-americanae M. Bradshaw USA: Minnesota Minnesota Landscape Arboretum E. Buchholz MJB H132 2021-9-21
FH: 01122177 Erysiphe coryli-americanae M. Bradshaw USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 756 1944-9-9
FH: 01085178 Erysiphe coryli-americanae M. Bradshaw USA: North Dakota Fargo: [no additional data] F. J. Seaver 1907-8
FH: 01085179 Erysiphe coryli-americanae M. Bradshaw USA: Illinois Lake Forest: [no additional data] R. A. Harper 1892-10
FH: 01085180 Erysiphe coryli-americanae M. Bradshaw USA: Wisconsin [no additional data] W. Trelease 1882
FH: 01085181 Erysiphe coryli-americanae M. Bradshaw USA: Illinois Lake Forest: [no additional data] R. A. Harper 1892-10
FH: 01122165 Erysiphe crispula (U. Braun) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Montana Helena (Montana): [no additional data] F. D. Kelsey 258 1889-8
FH: 00965645 Erysiphe cruchetiana S. Blumer Germany: Oestrich (Nassau) K. W. G. L. Fuckel
FH: 00972725 Erysiphe cruciferarum Opiz ex L. Junell France: Vire
FH: 00972305 Erysiphe cruciferarum Opiz ex L. Junell United Kingdom: Surrey Kew: [no additional data] E. S. Salmon 1900-10
NEBC: 00456661 Erysiphe cruciferarum Opiz ex L. Junell USA: Maine Orono: [no additional data] P. L. Ricker 1898
NEBC: 00456662 Erysiphe cruciferarum Opiz ex L. Junell USA: Massachusetts Lunenburg: [no additional data] F. L. Sargent 1884-7-21
FH: 01122034 Erysiphe cumminsiana U. Braun USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 1046 1945-8-20
FH: 00972186 Erysiphe cynoglossi (Wallroth) U. Braun : Europe: [no data available]
FH: 00972412 Erysiphe cynoglossi (Wallroth) U. Braun Austria: Niederösterreich [illegible] F. X. R. von Höhnel 1898-6-9
FH: 00972420 Erysiphe cynoglossi (Wallroth) U. Braun Austria: Niederösterreich Fischaufer b. Moosbrunn F. X. R. von Höhnel 1899-6-1
FH: 00972421 Erysiphe cynoglossi (Wallroth) U. Braun Austria: [illegible] F. X. R. von Höhnel 1901-7-21
FH: 00972424 Erysiphe cynoglossi (Wallroth) U. Braun Austria: Niederösterreich Wienerwald: Londonpark, Ma[illegible] F. X. R. von Höhnel 1903-6-21
FH: 01122018 Erysiphe cynoglossi (Wallroth) U. Braun Canada: Ontario Cochrane District: back of shoreline, Remi L... J. A. Parmelee & P. M. deCarteret 5578 1981-9-7
FH: 01122240 Erysiphe cynoglossi (Wallroth) U. Braun Canada: Yukon Territory Dempster Hwy. km 142 J. H. Ginns & W. J. Cody 5589 1980-8-8
FH: 00972325 Erysiphe cynoglossi (Wallroth) U. Braun Sweden: Gotland, Eriks par. Bro J. T. C. Vestergren 1897-7-28
FH: 00953822 Erysiphe cynoglossi (Wallroth) U. Braun Turkmenistan: Место сбора (Statio) Туркме... V. A. Melnik 1978-4-17
FH: 01122017 Erysiphe cynoglossi (Wallroth) U. Braun USA: California South Fork Mountain J. P. Tracy 9026 1930-7-17
FH: 01122015 Erysiphe cynoglossi (Wallroth) U. Braun USA: Idaho Johnson's Bar, Snake R. Canyon A. L. Schade 1936-5
FH: 01122016 Erysiphe cynoglossi (Wallroth) U. Braun USA: California just south of Cow Creek, north of Pinecrest C. R. Quick 51-111 1951-7-6
FH: 00953939 Erysiphe cynoglossi (Wallroth) U. Braun USA: Wyoming Roosevelt Lodge, Yellowstone Nat. Park J. H. Faull 10248 1931-8-23
FH: 00972600 Erysiphe densissima Schweinitz USA: New York Penn Yan: [no additional data] H. P. Sartwell 290
FH: 00972601 Erysiphe densissima Schweinitz USA: [no data available]
FH: 00972419 Erysiphe depressa (Wallroth) Link Austria: Wien Prater F. X. R. von Höhnel 1903-9-20
FH: 00972188 Erysiphe depressa (Wallroth) Link France: Jardin de Franqueville 1848-11-1
FH: 00972654 Erysiphe depressa (Wallroth) Link France: Montaud près Marseille
FH: 00972483 Erysiphe depressa carduorum Desmazières France: [no additional data] M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972574 Erysiphe depressa carduorum Desmazières France: [no data available]
FH: 00972575 Erysiphe depressa carduorum Desmazières France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972602 Erysiphe depressa (Wallroth) Link USA: Pennsylvania Nazar. [Nazareth]
FH: 01122169 Erysiphe diffusa (Cooke & Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu Canada: Ontario Ottawa: [no additional data] D. B. O. Savile 19854 1947-9-10
FH: 01122166 Erysiphe diffusa (Cooke & Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Tennessee Cherokee Drive R. Zuck & F. Zuck 11881 1938-10
FH: 01122167 Erysiphe diffusa (Cooke & Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] J. J. Davis 1920-9-21
FH: 01122168 Erysiphe diffusa (Cooke & Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Virginia Richmond (Virginia): [no additional data] R. F. Smart 1935-10-26
FH: 01122170 Erysiphe diffusa (Cooke & Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 1020 1945-9-21
FH: 01122171 Erysiphe diffusa (Cooke & Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Wyoming North Fork of the Popo Agie R. R. C. Rollins 753 1934-8-20
FH: 01122172 Erysiphe diffusa (Cooke & Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Oklahoma 2 mi. E. of Picher D. A. Preston 91 1943-10-9
FH: 01122173 Erysiphe diffusa (Cooke & Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Massachusetts Springfield: [no additional data] C. B. Bliss 1910-10-20
FH: 01122174 Erysiphe diffusa elongata (U. Braun) U. Braun USA: North Carolina Durham F. A. Wolf 1937-11-3
FH: 00941229 Erysiphe digitata (A. J. Inman & U. Braun) A. J. Inman & U. Braun USA: Washington Seattle: University of Washington Main Campu... M. J. Bradshaw MJB UW84 2018-7-12
FH: 00972166 Erysiphe divaricata (Wallroth) Schlechtendal France: Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bizanos 1873-9-7
FH: 00972484 Erysiphe divaricata (Wallroth) Schlechtendal France: [no additional data] M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972683 Erysiphe divaricata lonicerae (de Candolle) Link France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972408 Erysiphe duriaei Léveillé Greece: [illegible] bei Patras F. X. R. von Höhnel 1902-4-4
FH: 01122194 Erysiphe ehrenbergii (Léveillé) U. Braun, M. Bradshaw & S. Takamatsu USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 782 1944-10-11
FH: 01131058 Erysiphe elevata (Burrill) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Massachusetts Rockport: Bearskin Neck M. J. Bradshaw MJB H226 2018-8-20
FH: 01131059 Erysiphe elevata (Burrill) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Collected from the Experimental G... M. J. Bradshaw MJB H73 2021-8-26
FH: 01122175 Erysiphe elevata (Burrill) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Ohio Oxford: [no additional data] B. Fink 1907-10-16
FH: 01122176 Erysiphe elevata (Burrill) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Ohio Oxford: [no additional data] Edith K. Jones 1916-10-12
FH: 01085182 Erysiphe ellisii (U. Braun) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Wisconsin Highland J. J. Davis 1927-8-12
FH: 00785076 Erysiphe epigaea (Wallroth) Link Finland: [no additional data] P. A. Karsten
FH: 01122193 Erysiphe erineophila (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Illinois Ullin A. B. Seymour 1881-11-3
FH: 01085094 Erysiphe erineophila (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Illinois Miller's Pond F. S. Earle 1890-9-16
FH: 01122236 Erysiphe erineophila (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: New York Alcove: [no additional data] C. L. Shear 1893-9
FH: 01085096 Erysiphe erineophila (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: New York Alcove: [no additional data] C. L. Shear 1893-9
FH: 01085098 Erysiphe erineophila (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: New York Alcove: [no additional data] C. L. Shear 1893-9
FH: 01085099 Erysiphe erineophila (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Illinois Pine Hills F. S. Earle 1884-9
FH: 01085100 Erysiphe erineophila (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Indiana Fern L. M. Underwood 1893-10
FH: 01085101 Erysiphe erineophila (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Illinois prope Cobden F. S. Earle 1884-9-20
FH: 01085102 Erysiphe erineophila (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Indiana Fern L. M. Underwood 1893-11
FH: 01085103 Erysiphe erineophila (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Indiana Fern L. M. Underwood 1893-11
FH: 00972176 Erysiphe euonymi de Candolle France: Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bizanos 1875-10-4
FH: 00972177 Erysiphe euonymi de Candolle France: Contremoulins 1848-11-10
FH: 00972676 Erysiphe euonymi de Candolle France: [no data available]
FH: 01085146 Erysiphe euonymi de Candolle USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene 1926 1955-10-12
FH: 01085147 Erysiphe euonymi de Candolle USA: Louisiana Shreveport: [no additional data] [see remarks] 26.175 1926-6-7
FH: 01122178 Erysiphe euphorbiicola U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] J. W. Thomson HCG 1119 1946-9-11
FH: 01122179 Erysiphe euphorbiicola U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: New York Schroon Lake; along w. side of lake W. L. C. Muenscher 1932-8-25
FH: 01122180 Erysiphe euphorbiicola U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Virginia Richmond (Virginia): [no additional data] D. H. Linder & R. F. Smart 1934-9-12
FH: 01122181 Erysiphe extensa (Cooke & Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: New Hampshire Temple: [no additional data] A. B. Seymour 1908-9-26
FH: 01122182 Erysiphe extensa (Cooke & Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Massachusetts Magnolia: [no additional data] [no data available] 1903-9
FH: 01122183 Erysiphe extensa (Cooke & Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Massachusetts Woods Hole: [no additional data] E. F. Smith 1917-9-30
FH: 01122184 Erysiphe extensa (Cooke & Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: New York Lake George Region; woods NE. of Tripoli, so... S. H. Burnham 1918-9-15
FH: 01122185 Erysiphe extensa (Cooke & Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Virginia Petersburg M. L. Fernald, B. H. Long & R. F. ... 1936-10-18
FH: 01122186 Erysiphe extensa (Cooke & Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Virginia Petersburg M. L. Fernald, B. H. Long & R. F. ... 1936-10-18
FH: 01122187 Erysiphe extensa (Cooke & Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Maryland Baltimore C. Gross HCG 229 1936-10-2
FH: 01122188 Erysiphe extensa (Cooke & Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: California Palo Alto: Jasper Ridge, Stanford University L. Bonar 1923-9-30
FH: 01122190 Erysiphe extensa (Cooke & Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Wisconsin near Sauk City H. C. Greene HCG 71 1940-9-28
FH: 01122189 Erysiphe extensa (Cooke & Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 823 1944-9-24
FH: 01122191 Erysiphe extensa curta (U. Braun) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Kansas 1 mile E. St. George C. T. Rogerson & F. C. Gates 1953-9-25
FH: 01122192 Erysiphe extensa curta (U. Braun) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Texas Texarkana E. Bartholomew 1913-10-20
FH: 00965646 Erysiphe fischeri S. Blumer Switzerland: Bern Burgdorf, Steinhof S. Blumer 1926-10-12
FH: 00972125 Erysiphe flexibilis M. Bradshaw, U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Wyoming Centennial E. T. Bartholomew & E. Bartholomew 1911-8-22
FH: 00972126 Erysiphe flexibilis M. Bradshaw, U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Wyoming Centennial E. T. Bartholomew & E. Bartholomew 1911-8-22
FH: 01131060 Erysiphe flexuosa (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Collected from Harvard University... M. J. Bradshaw MJB H16 2021-8-26
FH: 00972120 Erysiphe fraxini de Candolle Belgium: Namur [no additional data A. A. A. A. Bellynck Catal. 413 1851-11
FH: 00972104 Erysiphe fraxini de Candolle France: Jardin de Franqueville 1848-12
FH: 00972112 Erysiphe fraxini de Candolle France: Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Macornay J. M. Delavay 1878-10
FH: 00972603 Erysiphe fuliginea (Schlechtendal) Link USA: [no data available]
FH: 00972604 Erysiphe fuscata Berkeley & M. A. Curtis USA: Pennsylvania [no additional data] E. Michener 564 1851
FH: 00972605 Erysiphe fuscata Berkeley & M. A. Curtis USA: Pennsylvania [no additional data] E. Michener 596 1852
FH: 00972606 Erysiphe fuscata Berkeley & M. A. Curtis USA: New York [no additional data] C. H. Peck 346 1869-9
FH: 00972205 Erysiphe galeopsidis de Candolle : Europe: [no data available]
FH: 00972571 Erysiphe galeopsidis de Candolle : Europe: [no data available]
FH: 00972402 Erysiphe galeopsidis de Candolle Austria: Niederösterreich Wienerwald: Im Wasser[illegible] F. X. R. von Höhnel 1900-7-11
FH: 00972403 Erysiphe galeopsidis de Candolle Austria: [illegible], Eichberg F. X. R. von Höhnel 1907-7-21
FH: 00972405 Erysiphe galeopsidis de Candolle Austria: Niederösterreich Wienerwald: Hinterbrühl F. X. R. von Höhnel 1903-9-22
FH: 00972201 Erysiphe galeopsidis de Candolle Belgium: Namur [no additonal data] A. A. A. A. Bellynck
FH: 00972401 Erysiphe galeopsidis de Candolle Bosnia and Herzegovina: Jaize F. X. R. von Höhnel 1903-9
FH: 00972406 Erysiphe galeopsidis de Candolle Bosnia and Herzegovina: Schedinac, Jaize F. X. R. von Höhnel 1903-8-29
FH: 00972202 Erysiphe galeopsidis de Candolle France: Normandie Rebets 1848-9
FH: 00972204 Erysiphe galeopsidis de Candolle France: Environs d'Alençon (Orne); Environs d'Eaux-... 1882-8
FH: 00972331 Erysiphe galeopsidis de Candolle France: Normandie Vire
FH: 00972582 Erysiphe galeopsidis de Candolle France: Vire
FH: 00972583 Erysiphe galeopsidis de Candolle France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972195 Erysiphe galeopsidis de Candolle Hungary: Près du village de Sziget-Ujfalu, île Csep... Tauscher 2329 1878-7-23
FH: 00972404 Erysiphe galeopsidis de Candolle Italy: Sicilia Messina bis Faro F. X. R. von Höhnel 1899
FH: 00972407 Erysiphe galeopsidis de Candolle Italy: Veneto Cortina d'Ampezzo L. von Sarnthein
FH: 00972203 Erysiphe galeopsidis de Candolle Japan: [no additonal data] U. J. Faurie 1886-12-3
FH: 01122002 Erysiphe galeopsidis de Candolle USA: Wyoming Big Popo Agie R., below Lander R. C. Rollins 775 1934-8-24
FH: 01122033 Erysiphe galeopsidis de Candolle USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 755 1944-9-9
FH: 01122034 Erysiphe galeopsidis de Candolle USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 1046 1945-8-20
FH: 00972414 Erysiphe galeopsidis de Candolle USA: North Dakota Kulm (North Dakota): [no additional data] 1911-8-22
FH: 00972595 Erysiphe galii S. Blumer France: [no data available]
FH: 00972306 Erysiphe galii S. Blumer Morocco: Souk el arba N. T. Patouillard 1893-1-1
FH: 01122000 Erysiphe galii riedliana (Speer) U. Braun USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 587 1943-7-7
FH: 01122001 Erysiphe galii riedliana (Speer) U. Braun USA: California south of Cow Creek, north of Pinecrest C. R. Quick 51-112 1951-7-6
FH: 00972564 Erysiphe galii riedliana (Speer) U. Braun USA: Virginia Mts. 1851-6
FH: 01085109 Erysiphe galii riedliana (Speer) U. Braun USA: California Cow Creek, Stanislaus Nat'l Forest C. R. Quick 40-38 1940-6-20
FH: 01085110 Erysiphe galii riedliana (Speer) U. Braun USA: Nebraska Red Cloud J. M. Bates 1903-6-6
FH: 01085111 Erysiphe galii riedliana (Speer) U. Braun USA: California Grouse Creek Station between Wawona and G.N.... A. O. Garrett 2571 1919-8-14
FH: 01085112 Erysiphe galii riedliana (Speer) U. Braun USA: Wyoming Prairie Dog Creek R. C. Rollins 543 1934-6-21
FH: 01085113 Erysiphe galii riedliana (Speer) U. Braun USA: Wyoming Mead Creek near Banner R. C. Rollins 656 1934-7-19
FH: 01085114 Erysiphe galii riedliana (Speer) U. Braun USA: California Trinidad H. E. Parks 2414 1924-8-8
FH: 01085115 Erysiphe galii riedliana (Speer) U. Braun USA: Washington Renton C. V. Piper 295 1895-8-8
FH: 01122111 Erysiphe geniculata (W. R. Gerard) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Ohio Near Oxford F. M. Bachman 1907-9
FH: 01122112 Erysiphe geniculata (W. R. Gerard) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Illinois Bluff Lake L. H. Pammel 1886-10
FH: 00965647 Erysiphe gigantiasca Sorokin & Thümen Russia: Rossia: Kazan in horto botanico N. V. Sorokin 1876-8
FH: 00953916 Erysiphe glycines F. L. Tai China: Anhui Ping Tou Ssu, Ch'ing Yang Hsien, Chiu Hua Sh... S. Y. Cheo 1499 1932-11-7
FH: 00953917 Erysiphe glycines F. L. Tai China: Anhui Ch'ing Yang Hsien, Chiu Hua Shan S. Y. Cheo 1124 1932-10-8
FH: 00953918 Erysiphe glycines F. L. Tai China: Anhui Tung Ai, Ch'ing Yang Hsien, Chiu Hua Shan S. Y. Cheo 1168 1932-10-10
FH: 00953919 Erysiphe glycines F. L. Tai China: Guangxi Ling Wang Shan, San Kiang Hsien S. Y. Cheo 2733 1933-9-15
FH: 01122003 Erysiphe glycines F. L. Tai USA: North Dakota Fargo: [no additional data] O. A. Stevens 1923-9-30
FH: 00972559 Erysiphe glycines F. L. Tai USA: New York [no additional data] E. C. Howe 295 1867
FH: 00972374 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle : Europe: [no data available]
FH: 00972847 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle : Europe: [illegible; maybe Estonia] F. V. Bucholtz 1846 1909-7-10
FH: 00972849 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle : Europe: Pape Wise [?], Livonia F. V. Bucholtz 737 1903-6-11
FH: 00972870 Erysiphe graminis tritici Jaczewski : Europe: Rossia australis [illegible] 1925-6-21
FH: 00972842 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Argentina: Mendoza Puente del Inca 1908-2
FH: 00972372 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Austria: Niederösterreich Hadersfeld F. X. R. von Höhnel
FH: 00972373 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Austria: Niederösterreich Wienerwald: Weidlingen [?] F. X. R. von Höhnel 1901-7-19
FH: 00972375 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Austria: Niederösterreich Im Eichwalde bei Allentsteig; Nö. Waldviert... V. F. Schiffner 1905-8-20
FH: 00972376 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Austria: Niederösterreich Wienerwald: Rekawinkel F. X. R. von Höhnel 1905-7-7
FH: 00972377 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Austria: Bahndamm, [illegible] Weidling[illegible] F. X. R. von Höhnel 1901-5-16
FH: 00972378 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Austria: Niederösterreich Himberg-Moosbrunn F. X. R. von Höhnel 1904-5-14
FH: 00972379 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Austria: Kienthal, [illegible] F. X. R. von Höhnel 1905-5-27
FH: 00972380 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Austria: Niederösterreich Bisamberg F. X. R. von Höhnel 1904-6-3
FH: 00972208 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Belgium: Namur [no additional data] A. A. A. A. Bellynck 1851-4
FH: 00972869 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Belgium: aux environs de Courtrai G. D. Westendorp & A. C. F. Wallays
FH: 00953937 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Canada: Ontario Guelph E. H. Moss 11992 1920-7-16
FH: 00972803 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Canada: Ontario Bear Id., Lake Timagami J. H. Faull 6546 1922-6-22
FH: 00972807 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Canada: Nova Scotia Berwick, King's Co. D. W. Creelman 1952-6-26
FH: 00972833 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Canada: Manitoba 14 km. N. bison enclosure on Strathclair Tra... J. A. Parmelee 5081 1979-7-11
FH: 00972855 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Czech Republic: Bohemia: Bodenbach F. K. A. E. J. von Thümen 1872-9
FH: 00972872 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Egypt: Giza A. Sirag El-Din 1928-3-21
FH: 00972845 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Estonia: Pernau, Kirbo F. V. Bucholtz 1846 1908-7-5
FH: 00972846 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Estonia: Löserand [illegible] Livorbe[?], Oesel, Liv... F. V. Bucholtz 1766 1908-8-18
FH: 00972848 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Estonia: Winki, Kielkond, Oesel F. V. Bucholtz 1846 1909-7-2
FH: 00972851 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Estonia: Kielkond, Oesel F. V. Bucholtz 1985 1909-7-23
FH: 00972864 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Estonia: b. Arensburg auf Oesel, Liv. F. V. Bucholtz 693 1908-6-17
FH: 00972865 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Estonia: Kasti, Oesel F. V. Bucholtz 784 1908-7-7
FH: 00785670 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Finland: Mustiala P. A. Karsten
FH: 00972206 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle France: Nouvelle-Aquitaine Gedre 1873-8-14
FH: 00972207 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle France: Vincennes 1880-5-2
FH: 00972607 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle France: [no additional data] J. E. Duby
FH: 00972843 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Germany: Brandenburg Sophienstädt bei Ruhlsdorf, Nieder-Barnim P. Sydow 1916-7-2
FH: 00972857 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Germany: Oestrich: [no additional data] K. W. G. L. Fuckel
FH: 00972867 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Germany: Bavaria Gerolzhofen A. Vill 1912-6
FH: 00972860 Erysiphe graminis poae-trivialis Thümen Germany: Bavaria Bayreuth F. K. A. E. J. von Thümen 1874
FH: 00972879 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle India: Uttar Pradesh Allahabad J. H. Mitter & R. N. Tandon 1927-2-21
FH: 00952604 Erysiphe graminis dactylis-glomeratae Saccardo Italy: Veneto Selva (Treviso) P. A. Saccardo 1875-9
FH: 00972874 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Japan: Owari, Maru[?] Island Y. Tokubuchi 1899-5-4
FH: 00972875 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Japan: Iwate Morioka T. Egami 1931-7-30
FH: 00972876 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Japan: Kyoto Nyakuoji Kyoto K. Togashi 1924-6-7
FH: 00972878 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Japan: Iwate Morioka S. Yokota 1934-6-24
FH: 00972850 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Latvia: Bilderlingshof, Livonia F. V. Bucholtz 686 1903-5-27
FH: 00972852 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Latvia: Majorenhof, [illegible], Livonia F. V. Bucholtz 697 1903-6-6
FH: 00972861 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Latvia: Bilderlingshof (Livonia) F. V. Bucholtz 685 1903-5-22
FH: 00972862 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Latvia: Riga F. V. Bucholtz 2006 1915-7-3
FH: 00972863 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Latvia: [illegible] Bilderlingshof, Livonia F. V. Bucholtz 693 1903-6-4
FH: 00972866 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Latvia: Bilderllingshof, Livonia F. V. Bucholtz 784 1903-6-16
FH: 00972871 Erysiphe graminis agropyri Jaczewski Latvia: prov. Vidzeme: Ligatne K. Starcs 230 1933-6-11
FH: 00972868 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Moldova: distr. Vaslui-Laza T. Săvulescu & C. Sandu-Ville 1928-6-13
FH: 00972844 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Romania: Muntenia, distr. Râmnicu-Sărat-Chiojdeni T. Săvulescu & C. Sandu-Ville 1934-6-1
FH: 00972854 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Romania: Muntenis, distr. Ilfov-București T. Săvulescu & C. Sandu-Ville 1933-7-10
FH: 00972853 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Russia: Moscow Oblast [illegible] F. V. Bucholtz 437 1896-7-17
FH: 00972873 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle South Africa: Transvaal Province [do not use] Buffelsvlei J. Naude, C. Pretorius & G. Beitge 1914-9-23
FH: 00972858 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Turkmenistan: Туркменская ССР, Балхыз,... V. A. Melnik 1977-5-5
FH: 00972859 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle Turkmenistan: Туркменская ССР, Балхыз,... V. A. Melnik 1978-4-4
FH: 00972856 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle United Kingdom: London: at Chelsea Physic Garden 1949-6-24
FH: 00953801 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Michigan [no additional data] W. J. Beal 1892-6-8
FH: 00953802 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: New York Ithaca: C. U. Farm H. S. Jackson 1127 1904-7-15
FH: 00953803 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Kansas Manhattan M. Varney 1178 1889-12-9
FH: 00953804 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Kansas Manhattan W. A. Kellerman & W. T. Swingle 2532 1889-5-7
FH: 00953805 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] G. M. Read 2860 1919-6
FH: 00953806 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Iowa Ames: I. S. C. C. M. King 1908-7
FH: 00953807 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Kansas Manhattan W. A. Kellerman & W. T. Swingle 1889-12-9
FH: 00953808 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Iowa Ames: [no additional data] C. M. King 1909-6-8
FH: 00953811 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: New York Syracuse: [no additional data] L. M. Underwood 1889-6
FH: 00953812 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Washington Klikitat Co. W. N. Suksdorf 1886-6
FH: 00953813 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Washington Klikitat Co. W. N. Suksdorf 1886-6
FH: 00972802 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Wyoming Trail Lake Ranch, Dubois W. G. Solheim & R. Solheim 6154 1961-8-29
FH: 00972804 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene 576 1943-7-19
FH: 00972805 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Massachusetts Belmont: [no additional data] A. B. Seymour & F. C Seymour 1910-6-15
FH: 00972806 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Montana Johnstown F. W. Anderson 170 1888-8-18
FH: 00972808 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Montana Sand Coulee 1889-10
FH: 00972809 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 230 1894-7-10
FH: 00972810 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: South Dakota Brookings (South Dakota): [no additional dat... 1892-7
FH: 00972811 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 1898-6-25
FH: 00972813 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: California Klamath River at Ash Creek, S13, T46N, R7W L. C. Wheeler 3487 1935-5-11
FH: 00972814 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 238 1894-6
FH: 00972815 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 230 1894-7-10
FH: 00972816 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Washington Pullman: [no additional data] C. V. Piper 238 1894-6
FH: 00972817 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Colorado Fort Collins: [no additional data] C. F. Baker 1892-8-10
FH: 00972818 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Oregon The Dalles C. L. Shear 1899-7
FH: 00972820 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Kansas Manhattan M. Varney 1177 1889-12-27
FH: 00972819 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Utah Salt Lake City: [no additional data] A. O. Garrett 3208 1925-11
FH: 00972821 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: [no additional data] A. B. Seymour 1903-10-15
FH: 00972822 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Montana Sand Coulee F. W. Anderson 1888-6
FH: 00972823 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Kansas [no additional data] E. Bartholomew 4083 1909-6-15
FH: 00972824 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: California Berkeley: [no additional data] W. C. Blasdale 1894-6-18
FH: 00972825 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Colorado [no additional data] E. Bethel
FH: 00972826 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: California Glendora E. T. Bartholomew 1925-7-10
FH: 00972827 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: California Glendora E. T. Bartholomew 1925-7-10
FH: 00972828 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Colorado north of Mancos C. F. Baker, F. S. Earle & S. M. T... 384 1898-7-7
FH: 00972829 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: South Dakota Lake Hendricks T. A. Williams 1891-8
FH: 00972830 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: California Pasadena: [no additional data] L. H. Farlow 1906-6
FH: 00972831 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Nebraska Lincoln (Nebraska): [no additional data] A. F. Woods & R. Pound 1891-8-18
FH: 00972832 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: California [no additional data]
FH: 00972834 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Nevada King's Canon, Ormsby County C. F. Baker 1212 1902-7-1
FH: 00972836 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Kentucky Lexington: [no additional data] F. T. McFarland 481 1918-12-22
FH: 00972837 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Kansas Hays: [no additional data] E. Bartholomew 10781 1929-10-15
FH: 00972838 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: [no additional data] 1876-10
FH: 00972839 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: California Mount Shasta: Horse Camp W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 18433 1946-9-4
FH: 00972840 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Massachusetts Lexington: [no additional data] G. P. Clinton 1901-6-12
FH: 00972841 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: Massachusetts Wayland: [no additional data] A. B. Seymour 1903-10-3
FH: 00972812 Erysiphe graminis de Candolle USA: California San Francisco: [no additional data]
FH: 00965649 Erysiphe greeneana U. Braun USA: Wisconsin Gibraltar Rock H. C. Greene 447 1938-6-28
FH: 01122004 Erysiphe greeneana U. Braun USA: Montana Rimrock Station E. Bartholomew 6223 1917-8-9
FH: 01085116 Erysiphe greeneana U. Braun USA: Kansas Rockport E. Bartholomew 660 1892-8-15
FH: 01085117 Erysiphe greeneana U. Braun USA: Montana Sand Coulee F. W. Anderson 256 1888-7-9
FH: 01085118 Erysiphe greeneana U. Braun USA: Montana Sand Coulee 1888-10
FH: 01085119 Erysiphe greeneana U. Braun USA: Kansas Stockton E. Bartholomew 1892-8-15
FH: 01085120 Erysiphe greeneana U. Braun USA: Kansas Stockton E. Bartholomew 1892-8-15
FH: 00972608 Erysiphe grossulariae (Wallroth) de Bary USA: Pennsylvania [no additional data] E. Michener 319 1851
FH: 00972114 Erysiphe guttata coryli (de Candolle) Fries: Fries Belgium: Namur [no additional data] A. A. A. A. Bellynck 1850-9
FH: 00972609 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries Canada: Quebec Province Montreal D. A. P. Watt 1855-9
FH: 00972629 Erysiphe guttata coryli (de Candolle) Link Czech Republic: Severočeský Praha: Prag
FH: 00972119 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries France: bois de St. J [illegible] [illegible] 1851-9-2
FH: 00972625 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries France: [no data available]
FH: 00972626 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries France: Montaud
FH: 00972628 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972630 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries France: [no data available]
FH: 00972631 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries France: [no data available]
FH: 00972106 Erysiphe guttata fraxini (Wallroth) Link France: [no additional data] L. J. E. Malinvaud, J. de Puyfol, ... 4401 1883-8
FH: 00972634 Erysiphe guttata fraxini (Wallroth) Link France: [no data available] J. F. Beaumont
FH: 00972627 Erysiphe guttata betulae (de Candolle) Desmazières France: Lille
FH: 00972633 Erysiphe guttata ulmorum (Wallroth) Link France: [no data available] J. F. Beaumont
FH: 00972485 Erysiphe guttata coryli (de Candolle) Link Germany: Bielefeld
FH: 00972499 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries USA: North Carolina Mts.
FH: 00972610 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries USA: New York [no additional data] E. C. Howe 283 1867
FH: 00972611 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries USA: New York [no additional data] E. C. Howe 299 1867
FH: 00972612 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries USA: New York [no additional data] E. C. Howe 305 1867
FH: 00972613 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries USA: New York [no additional data] E. C. Howe 316 1867
FH: 00972614 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries USA: New York [no additional data] E. C. Howe 319 1867
FH: 00972615 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries USA: New York [no additional data] E. C. Howe 326 1867
FH: 00972616 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries USA: New York [no additional data] E. C. Howe 328 1867
FH: 00972617 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries USA: New York [no additional data] E. C. Howe 439 1867
FH: 00972618 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [no additional data] E. Michener 529 1851
FH: 00972619 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [no additional data] E. Michener 568 1851
FH: 00972620 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [no additional data] E. Michener 610 1851
FH: 00972621 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries USA: Pennsylvania [no additional data] E. Michener 572 1852
FH: 00972622 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries USA: North Carolina Mt. Nigro [Black Mountain] 1854-9
FH: 00972623 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries USA: South Carolina Society Hill 1851-12
FH: 00972624 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries USA: Alabama Ala. super T. M. Peters 436 1853
FH: 00972632 Erysiphe guttata (Wallroth) Link: Fries USA: Alabama [no additional data] J. F. Beaumont 408 1854
FH: 00972635 Erysiphe hedwigii (Léveillé) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: North Carolina Wilmington: [no additional data] J. F. Beaumont 1851-10
FH: 00972310 Erysiphe heraclei de Candolle Algeria: Orléanville L. C. Trabut 1904-5
FH: 00972382 Erysiphe heraclei de Candolle Austria: Steiermark Judenburg F. X. R. von Höhnel 1901-8-12
FH: 00972390 Erysiphe heraclei de Candolle Austria: Niederösterreich Mönichkirchen, Nö. Wechselgebiet F. X. R. von Höhnel S. W. 950 1902-8-31
FH: 00972396 Erysiphe heraclei de Candolle Austria: Steiermark Spital am Semmering [illegible] F. X. R. von Höhnel 1907-8-2
FH: 00972598 Erysiphe heraclei de Candolle Czech Republic: Severočeský Praha: Prag P. M. Opiz
FH: 00972221 Erysiphe heraclei de Candolle France: Jardin de Franqueville 1849-10
FH: 00972312 Erysiphe heraclei de Candolle France: Barrèges 1873-8-2
FH: 00972313 Erysiphe heraclei de Candolle France: Nouvelle-Aquitaine St. Trojan, Ile d'Oleron 1877-9
FH: 00972334 Erysiphe heraclei de Candolle France: Normandie Vire
FH: 00972596 Erysiphe heraclei de Candolle France: Vire
FH: 00972597 Erysiphe heraclei de Candolle France: Vire
FH: 01131061 Erysiphe heraclei de Candolle USA: Minnesota Minnesota Landscape Arboretum E. Buchholz MJB H140 2021-9-21
FH: 01131062 Erysiphe heraclei de Candolle USA: California Mill Valley: [no additional data] M. J. Bradshaw MJB UW269 2021-6-21
FH: 00953920 Erysiphe hommae U. Braun China: Anhui Hsi Hung Ling, Ching Yang Hsien, Chiu Hua Sh... S. Y. Cheo 1477 1932-11-5
FH: 00972203 Erysiphe hommae U. Braun Japan: [no additonal data] U. J. Faurie 1886-12-3
FH: 00972186 Erysiphe horridula (Wallroth) Rabenhorst : Europe: [no data available]
FH: 00952605 Erysiphe horridula symphyti-officinalis Saccardo Italy: Veneto Selva (Treviso) P. A. Saccardo 1875-9
FH: 00972636 Erysiphe horridula (Wallroth) Rabenhorst USA: Pennsylvania [no additional data] E. Michener 583 1851
FH: 00972637 Erysiphe horridula (Wallroth) Rabenhorst USA: South Carolina Society Hill (South Carolina): [no additiona... 1852-10
FH: 01131063 Erysiphe howeana U. Braun USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Collected from the Experimental G... M. J. Bradshaw MJB H76 2021-8-23
FH: 01131064 Erysiphe howeana U. Braun USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Collected from the Experimental G... M. J. Bradshaw MJB H78 2021-8-23
FH: 01122089 Erysiphe howeana U. Braun USA: Massachusetts Waverly A. B. Seymour 1910-7-15
FH: 00972103 Erysiphe humuli de Candolle : Europe: [no additonal data; location inferre...
FH: 00972092 Erysiphe humuli de Candolle France: Cote de Pau 1873-10-17
FH: 00972638 Erysiphe humuli de Candolle France: Vire
FH: 01122019 Erysiphe hydrophyllacearum U. Braun USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 941 1945-6-20
FH: 01122020 Erysiphe hydrophyllacearum U. Braun USA: Tennessee Knoxville: University Farm L. R. Hesler 11412 1938-5-1
FH: 01122021 Erysiphe hydrophyllacearum U. Braun USA: Oregon Above OregonCaves H. E. Parks & W. K. Parks 884 1933-8-7
FH: 01122022 Erysiphe hydrophyllacearum U. Braun USA: California Ruth J. P. Tracy 8803 1930-6-29
FH: 01122023 Erysiphe hyoscyami R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen USA: North Carolina West Raleigh J. G. Hall 1907-10-29
FH: 00972196 Erysiphe hyperici (Wallroth) S. Blumer Belgium: Namur [no additional data] A. A. A. A. Bellynck 1851
FH: 00972639 Erysiphe ilicis de Candolle France: e Marseille
FH: 00972639 Erysiphe ilicis Castagne France: e Marseille
FH: 01122226 Erysiphe intermedia (U. Braun) U. Braun France: Pelouses à Larringes (Haute Savoie) G. Kuhnholtz-Lordat 1937-8
FH: 01122227 Erysiphe intermedia (U. Braun) U. Braun France: Carrière entre Saint-Loup et Corbenay (Haut... [no data available] 3-4.a 1938
FH: 01131065 Erysiphe intermedia (U. Braun) U. Braun USA: Colorado Denver: Denver Botanical Garden C. Newlander MJB H93 2021-9-21
FH: 01131070 Erysiphe intermedia (U. Braun) U. Braun USA: Idaho Idaho Botanical Garden D. Murphy MJB H146 2021-9-20
FH: 01122222 Erysiphe intermedia (U. Braun) U. Braun USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: [no additional data] D. H. Linder 1939-7-25
FH: 01122223 Erysiphe intermedia (U. Braun) U. Braun USA: Wyoming Near Lander R. C. Rollins 826 1934-8-28
FH: 01122224 Erysiphe intermedia (U. Braun) U. Braun USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 585 1943-7-26
FH: 01122225 Erysiphe intermedia (U. Braun) U. Braun USA: Maryland Riverdale A. E. Jenkins 1922-7-1
FH: 00965650 Erysiphe jatrophae Doidge South Africa: Natal Province Ehlanzeni, Natal Province E. M. Doidge 8248 1929-3-14
FH: 01131066 Erysiphe juglandis-nigrae (U. Braun) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Massachusetts Boston: Collected from the Arnold Arboretum ... M. J. Bradshaw MJB H65 2021-9-21
FH: 01131067 Erysiphe juglandis-nigrae (U. Braun) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Massachusetts Boston: Arnold Arboretum; BBM5 quadrant, bla... M. J. Bradshaw MJB H30 2021-9-1
FH: 00972580 Erysiphe knautiae Duby France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 00781015 Erysiphe koelreuteriae (I. Miyake) F. L. Tai China: Beijing Municipality Beijing: [no additional data] S. X. Wei et al. 1982-9-22
FH: 00972202 Erysiphe labiatarum Chevallier France: Normandie Rebets 1848-9
FH: 00972645 Erysiphe labiatarum Chevallier USA: Pennsylvania Bethl. [Bethlehem]
FH: 00972571 Erysiphe lamprocarpa (Wallroth) Link : Europe: [no data available]
FH: 00965648 Erysiphe lamprocarpa verbasci-neilreichii Thümen Austria: Austria inferior F. K. A. E. J. von Thümen 1882-3
FH: 01085051 Erysiphe lamprocarpa verbasci-neilreichii Thümen Austria: Niederösterreich Baden F. K. A. E. J. von Thümen 1882-9
FH: 00785171 Erysiphe lamprocarpa (Wallroth) Link Finland: Åbo P. A. Karsten
FH: 00972582 Erysiphe lamprocarpa (Wallroth) Link France: Vire
FH: 00972772 Erysiphe lamprocarpa (Wallroth) Link Hungary: Central Hungary Budapest: Svábhegy F. A. Hazslinszky von Hazslin
FH: 00952901 Erysiphe lamprocarpa (Wallroth) Link Italy: Veneto Padova P. A. Saccardo 1876-10
FH: 00952609 Erysiphe lamprocarpa plantaginis-lanceolatae Saccardo Italy: Veneto Bosco Montello (Treviso) P. A. Saccardo 1875-9
FH: 00952610 Erysiphe lamprocarpa galeopsidis-tetrahit Saccardo Italy: Veneto Bosco Cansiglio (Treviso) P. A. Saccardo 1875-8
FH: 00952611 Erysiphe lamprocarpa lamii-albi Saccardo Italy: Veneto Selva (Treviso) P. A. Saccardo 1875-8
FH: 00952612 Erysiphe lamprocarpa verbenae-officinalis Saccardo Italy: Veneto Selva (Treviso) P. A. Saccardo 1875-8
FH: 00952900 Erysiphe lamprocarpa stachydis-palustris Saccardo Italy: Veneto Selva (Treviso) P. A. Saccardo 1876-10
FH: 00952902 Erysiphe lamprocarpa centaureae-nigrescentis Saccardo Italy: Veneto Selva (Treviso) P. A. Saccardo 1876-10
FH: 00953166 Erysiphe lamprocarpa teucrii-chamaedryos Saccardo Italy: Veneto Vittorio P. A. Saccardo 1877-10
FH: 00972197 Erysiphe lamprocarpa (Wallroth) Link Norway: Kaafjord, Alten im arktischen Norwegen N. G. Lagerheim 1895-8
FH: 01122096 Erysiphe lamprocarpa (Wallroth) Link USA: Maine Mount Desert Island: Sea Wall D. H. Linder 1940-8-25
FH: 00972644 Erysiphe lamprocarpa (Wallroth) Link USA: Pennsylvania Pocono
FH: 01085117 Erysiphe lamprocarpa (Wallroth) Link USA: Montana Sand Coulee F. W. Anderson 256 1888-7-9
FH: 01085149 Erysiphe lamprocarpa (Wallroth) Link USA: Wisconsin [no additional data] W. Trelease
FH: 00965651 Erysiphe lanuginosa Fuckel Greece: Central Greece and Euboea Attica: in campis et locis cultis prople Kep... T. H. H. von Heldreich 1869-8-18
FH: 01085050 Erysiphe lanuginosa Fuckel Greece: Kephyssos in Attica T. H. H. von Heldreich 1869
FH: 00972486 Erysiphe lenticularis (Wallroth) J. Kickx f. France: [no additional data] M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972628 Erysiphe lenticularis carpini (Fries: Fries) Desmazières France: Caen M. R. Roberge
FH: 00972630 Erysiphe lenticularis carpini (Fries: Fries) Desmazières France: [no data available]
FH: 00972631 Erysiphe lenticularis carpini (Fries: Fries) Desmazières France: [no data available]
FH: 00972647 Erysiphe lenticularis fagi (Wallroth) Desmazières France: Lille
FH: 00972648 Erysiphe lenticularis fraxini (de Candolle) Desmazières France: Lille
FH: 00972318 Erysiphe lichenoides Trabut & Saccardo Algeria: Alger [no additional data] 1904-3
FH: 00972226 Erysiphe limonii L. Junell France: Nouvelle-Aquitaine Ile d'Oleron 1878-8
FH: 01085019 Erysiphe linkii Léveillé Finland: Sav. b. Kuopio O. A. F. Lönnbohm 342 1903-8
FH: 01085021 Erysiphe linkii artemisiae Fuckel France: Normandie Caen M. R. Roberge 1840-10
FH: 01085022 Erysiphe linkii artemisiae Fuckel Germany: Oestrich: Ca. Hattenheim K. W. G. L. Fuckel
FH: 00972195 Erysiphe linkii Léveillé Hungary: Près du village de Sziget-Ujfalu, île Csep... Tauscher 2329 1878-7-23
FH: 00952606 Erysiphe linkii artemisiae-vulgaris Saccardo Italy: Veneto Vittorio (Treviso) P. A. Saccardo 1875-10
FH: 01085023 Erysiphe linkii Léveillé Russia: Moscow Oblast [illegible] F. V. Bucholtz 342 1896-9-9
FH: 01085026 Erysiphe linkii Léveillé Russia: Leningrad Oblast Duderħof prope Petropolin A. A. Elenkin 1898-9-14
FH: 01085028 Erysiphe linkii Léveillé Russia: Sibiria occidentalis: Minussinsk N. M. Martianov 1877
FH: 01085027 Erysiphe linkii artemisiae-glaucae Thümen Russia: Sibiria occidentalis: Minussinsk N. M. Martianov 1879-9
FH: 01085020 Erysiphe linkii Léveillé Sweden: Stockholm County Stockholm: Ad Holmiam H. Hesselman 1892-8
FH: 01085016 Erysiphe linkii Léveillé United Kingdom: England: Manchester T. Brittain
FH: 01085014 Erysiphe linkii Léveillé USA: Iowa Ames: [no additional data] B. D. Halsted 1887-9
FH: 01131068 Erysiphe liriodendri Schweinitz USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Collected from the Experimental G... M. J. Bradshaw MJB H80 2021-9-3
FH: 01131069 Erysiphe liriodendri Schweinitz USA: Delaware Mt. Cuba Botanical Garden T. G. Potterfield MJB H167 2021-9-11
FH: 01122090 Erysiphe liriodendri Schweinitz USA: Massachusetts Brookline: [no additional data] R. Thaxter 1894-10
FH: 01122091 Erysiphe liriodendri Schweinitz USA: Mississippi Starkville: [no additional data] S. M. Tracy 1893-11-20
FH: 01122161 Erysiphe lonicerae de Candolle: Fries Canada: Ontario Cochrane District: 15 km SW of Kapuskasing J. A. Parmelee & P. M. deCarteret 5605 1981-9-9
FH: 01122162 Erysiphe lonicerae de Candolle: Fries Canada: Manitoba Trail across slope above Lake, Bead Lakes tr... J. A. Parmelee 5262 1979-7-20
FH: 00972169 Erysiphe lonicerae de Candolle: Fries France: Jardin de Franqueville 1848-11-1
FH: 01131071 Erysiphe lonicerae de Candolle: Fries USA: Massachusetts Boston: Collected from the Arnold Arboretum;... M. J. Bradshaw MJB H44 2021-9-13
FH: 00941959 Erysiphe lonicerae de Candolle: Fries USA: District of Columbia [no additional data] M. J. Bradshaw MJB UW273 2019-6-20
FH: 01122197 Erysiphe ludens (E. S. Salmon) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu Canada: Ontario Cochrane District: Kapuskasing River, 17 km ... J. A. Parmelee & P. M. deCarteret 5589b 1981-9-8
FH: 01122195 Erysiphe ludens (E. S. Salmon) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Washington Along California Creek near Valley Ford at a... W. B. Cooke & V. G. Cooke 24377 1948
FH: 01122196 Erysiphe ludens (E. S. Salmon) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Colorado Palmer Lake E. Bartholomew 9176 1925-8-21
FH: 01085128 Erysiphe lygodesmiae (Ellis & Everhart) Theissen USA: Colorado Fort Collins: [no additional data] C. F. Baker 1894-10
FH: 01131513 Erysiphe lythri L. Junell Germany: Bavaria Oberbayern, Kreis Traunstein, Siegsdorf U. Braun 1996-8-11
FH: 01131514 Erysiphe lythri L. Junell Japan: Nagano Sakae-mura S. Tanda 1986-10-11
FH: 01131072 Erysiphe macrospora (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: New Hampshire Walpole: Along the Connecticut River just up... D. E. Boufford & S. L. Kelley 46015 2022-9-30
FH: 01131073 Erysiphe macrospora (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Massachusetts Boston: [no additional data] M. J. Bradshaw MJB H143 2021-11-4
FH: 01122113 Erysiphe macrospora (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Tennessee [ex] Botany Division, Science Service, Depar... R. Zuck & F. Zuck 11884 1938-11
FH: 01122114 Erysiphe macrospora (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takamatsu USA: Kansas Rossville E. Bartholomew 10222 1927-10-10
FH: 01096124 Erysiphe magnicellulata U. Braun Germany: Brandenburg Rehfelde U. Braun 1976-9-25
FH: 01122024 Erysiphe magnicellulata U. Braun USA: Oregon Bend H. E. Parks s. n. 1956-8
FH: 00972687 Erysiphe magnicellulata U. Braun USA: Maine [no additional data] M. B. Blake 602 1859-9
FH: 00972688 Erysiphe magnicellulata U. Braun USA: Massachusetts [no additional data] 1851
FH: 00972689 Erysiphe magnicellulata U. Braun USA: Pennsylvania in hort. Bartr. 1851
FH: 00972690 Erysiphe magnicellulata U. Braun USA: Massachusetts [no additional data] C. J. Sprague 602 1856-3
FH: 00972692 Erysiphe magnicellulata U. Braun USA: Pennsylvania [no additional data] E. Michener 401
FH: 01085121 Erysiphe magnicellulata U. Braun USA: New Jersey Newfield: [no additional data] J. B. Ellis 1874
FH: 01085149 Erysiphe magnicellulata U. Braun USA: Wisconsin [no additional data] W. Trelease
FH: 01085150 Erysiphe magnicellulata U. Braun USA: Iowa [no additional data] B. Fink 1894-9