Triuridaceae GH: 00022882 Andruris clemensiae borneensis Giesen Malaysia: Sabah Ridge east of Dahobang River, Mount Kinabalu... M. S. Clemens 51263 1933-11-2
GH: 00022886 Andruris vitiensis (A. C. Smith) Giesen Fiji: Vanua Mbalavu, northern limestone section, f... Albert C. Smith 1486 1934-4-2
A: 02498923 Sciaphila arfakiana Beccari Indonesia: Maluku Ambon, Pulau: Kp. Waai, G. Koekoesan P. Buwalda 6161 1930-9-30
GH: 02498922 Sciaphila arfakiana Beccari Malaysia: Sabah Penibukan J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 32035
GH: 02498926 Sciaphila consimilis Blume Philippines: Agusan del Norte Butuan Subprovince; Mindanao C. M. Weber T482 1911-12
A: 00022885 Sciaphila flexuosa Giesen Malaysia: Sarawak Upper Rejang River, Bamboo and other thicket... J. Clemens & M. S. Clemens 21266 1929
GH: 00022883 Sciaphila purpurea Bentham Brazil: Prope Panurè ad Rio Uaupès R. Spruce 2844 1852-10
GH: 00022884 Sciaphila secundiflora Thwaites ex Bentham Sri Lanka: G. H. K. Thwaites CP 2665
A: 02498924 Sciaphila sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) G. Bentuang area; 5-10 km N. or Masa village... J. S. Burley, T. Partomihardjo et ... 2729 1989-6-21
A: 02498925 Sciaphila sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Niah National Park, northern Sarawak S. H. Rogstad 737 1991-12-12
A: 02498927 Sciaphila sp. Philippines: Isabela Palanan municipality, Digoyo; Along trail to... L. L. Co 3381 1991-4-17
GH: 00022886 Sciaphila vitiensis A. C. Smith Fiji: Vanua Mbalavu, northern limestone section, f... Albert C. Smith 1486 1934-4-2
GH: 00022887 Triuris brevistylis J. D. Arnold Guatemala: Alta Verapaz Pansamalá, 3800 feet H. v. Türckheim 1384 1888-9
A: 00022888 Triuris hexophthalma Maas Guyana: Pakaraima Mountains, one mile downstream of ... P. J. M. Maas et al. 4244 1979-11-11
GH: 00022887 Triuris hyalina Miers Guatemala: Alta Verapaz Pansamalá, 3800 feet H. v. Türckheim 1384 1888-9