<< < Previous Anacardiaceae A: 02279389 Buchanania arborescens (Blume) Blume Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14487 1913-10
GH: 02279375 Buchanania arborescens (Blume) Blume Philippines: Luzon: Central Luzon A. Loher 425 1891-10
A: 02279418 Buchanania arborescens (Blume) Blume Philippines: Rizal Pinauisan A. Loher 12411 1909-9
A: 02279462 Buchanania arborescens (Blume) Blume Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: [no additional data] A. Loher 13789 1914-1
A: 02279339 Buchanania insignis Blume Philippines: Quezon Umiray A. Loher 13609 1915-5
A: 02279985 Dracontomelon dao (Blanco) Merrill & Rolfe Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14925 1913-7
A: 02280831 Mangifera altissima Blanco Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14191 1913-2
A: 02280880 Mangifera monandra Merrill Philippines: Rizal Bantol A. Loher 14139 1914-2
A: 02280873 Mangifera monandra Merrill Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14195 1913-2
A: 01539014 Parishia sp. Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14236 1913-3
A: 02281866 Semecarpus cuneiformis Blanco Philippines: Rizal Oriud A. Loher 13834 1914-3
A: 02281887 Semecarpus cuneiformis Blanco Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14187 1913-2
A: 02281884 Semecarpus cuneiformis Blanco Philippines: Nueva Vizcaya Caraballo Mountain A. Loher 13635 1915-3
A: 02281904 Semecarpus longifolius Blume Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: [no additional data] A. Loher 13399 1915-5
A: 02281924 Semecarpus trachyphyllus Perkins Philippines: Nueva Vizcaya Caraballo Mountain A. Loher 13705 1915-3
A: 02281918 Semecarpus trachyphyllus Perkins Philippines: Rizal Oriud A. Loher 12911 1912-3
Apocynaceae GH: 02182848 Alstonia macrophylla Wallich ex Don Philippines: Rizal Montalban: Banati A. Loher 4020 1991-11-22
A: 02182804 Alstonia parvifolia Merrill Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13498 1915-3
A: 02181790 Alyxia concatenata (Blanco) Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban: [no additional data] A. Loher 12138 1908-7
A: 02181829 Alyxia concatenata (Blanco) Merrill Philippines: Rizal Pinauisan A. Loher 12415 1909-9
A: 02181844 Alyxia luzoniensis Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 1914-1
A: 02181881 Alyxia sibuyanensis Elmer Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12198 1908-7
A: 02114202 Carruthersia pilosa (A. de Candolle) Fernandez-Villar Philippines: Rizal MONTALBAN A. Loher 1907-5
A: 02114747 Cerbera manghas Linnaeus Philippines: Rizal ORIUD A. Loher 1912-3
A: 02380272 Melodinus orientalis Blume Philippines: Rizal Montalban: [no additional data] A. Loher 12064 1909-10
A: 02381691 Parameria laevigata (Jussieu) Moldenke Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 13890 1913-1
A: 02475004 Streptocaulon cumingii Fernandez-Villar Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan, Montalban A. Loher 13147 1912-3
A: 02375066 Strophanthus caudatus (Linnaeus) Kurz Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14262 1913-3
A: 02381691 Urceola laevigata (Jussieu) D. J. Middleton & Livshultz Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 13890 1913-1
Aquifoliaceae A: 00049614 Ilex loheri Merrill Philippines: Rizal Bantol A. Loher 14144 1914-2
A: 02521233 Ilex sp. Philippines: Rizal Oriud A. Loher 13833 1914-3
Araceae GH: 01630075 Pothos scandens Linnaeus Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14778 1913-9
Araliaceae A: 02456529 Arthrophyllum ahernianum Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12204 1908-7
A: 02456991 Osmoxylon pulcherrimum Vidal ex Fernandez-Villar Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13140 1915-4
A: 02522234 Schefflera bordenii Merrill Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Paningtingan A. Loher 13217
A: 02522464 Schefflera simplicifolia Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12456 1909-6
Araucariaceae A: 02469016 Agathis dammara (Lambert) Richard Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan. A. Loher 13565 1915-3
Arecaceae A: 02426458 Calamus discolor Martius Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: [no additional data] A. Loher BS 12802 1909-3
A: 02426531 Calamus trispermus Beccari Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 15131
GH: 02426747 Caryota cumingii Loddiges ex Martius Philippines: [no additional data] A. Loher 1
A: 02427109 Daemonorops mollis (Blanco) Merrill Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: [no additional data] A. Loher 12061 1909-10
A: 02427099 Daemonorops mollis (Blanco) Merrill Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 15125
A: 02427098 Daemonorops mollis (Blanco) Merrill Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 15125
A: 02427097 Daemonorops mollis (Blanco) Merrill Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: [no additional data] A. Loher 12061 1909-10
A: 02427281 Heterospathe philippinensis (Beccari) Beccari Philippines: Rizal Oriud. A. Loher 13843 1914-3
A: 02428224 Pinanga philippinensis Beccari Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 15022
A: 02428251 Pinanga woodiana Beccari Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan. A. Loher 13471 1915-3
Asclepiadaceae A: 02478388 Hoya odorata Schlechter Philippines: Rizal Balacbac A. Loher 13105 1916-5
A: 02478764 Sarcolobus luzonensis (Warburg) P. I. Forster Philippines: Rizal Sumag A. Loher 14117 1914-4
A: 02478725 Vincetoxicum carnosum (R. Brown ter) Bentham Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14818 1913-9
Asteraceae AMES: 02175371 Crepidium bracteosum (Ames) Szlachetko Philippines: Luzon: Umiray; Tayabas Prov. A. Loher 13981 1914-6
A: 02248383 Vernonia arborea Buchanan-Hamilton Philippines: Rizal Balabac. A. Loher 14986 1912-6
A: 02248402 Vernonia lancifolia Merr. Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: [no additional data] A. Loher 12022 1909-9
A: 02248433 Vernonia vidalii G.Merr.Philipp.Is. Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: [no additional data] A. Loher 13321 1915-5
Avicenniaceae GH: 02521883 Avicennia officinalis Linnaeus Philippines: Metropolitan Manila Manglar de Maypago A. Loher 4450
Boraginaceae A: 02476597 Ehretia polyantha A.DC. Philippines: Quezon Umiray A. Loher 13603 1915-5
Burseraceae A: 02276837 Canarium asperum Bentham Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: [no additional data] A. Loher 13958 1914-6
A: 02276921 Canarium euryphyllum Perkins Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14083 1914-4
Caesalpiniaceae A: 02229114 Afzelia rhomboidea (Blanco) Vidal Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14823 1913-8
A: 02229666 Cassia javanica Blume Philippines: Rizal Sumag A. Loher 14118 1914-5
A: 00871800 Cynometra simplicifolia Harms Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban A. Loher 12528 1909-5
A: 02232453 Phanera lingua (de Candolle) Miquel Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14200 1913-2
A: 02232502 Piliostigma malabaricum (Roxburgh) Bentham Philippines: Rizal Guinuisan A. Loher 14754 1913-9
A: 02232700 Sympetalandra densiflora (Merrill) Steenis Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14185 1913-2
Celastraceae A: 00050100 Kokoona luzoniensis Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13391 1915-5
A: 00050004 Microtropis platyphylla Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montallan A. Loher 5779 1906-3
A: 00050100 Reissantia grahamii (Wight) Ding Hou Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13391 1915-5
Chrysobalanaceae A: 02260383 Maranthes corymbosa Blume Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13567 1915-3
Clethraceae A: 02521380 Clethra canescens luzonica (Merrill) Sleumer Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12147 1908-7
A: 02521444 Clethra tomentella Rolfe ex Dunn Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12164 1908-7
Cunoniaceae A: 02460995 Weinmannia negrosensis Elmer Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 12219 1910-12
Cyatheaceae A: 02530228 Alsophila hermannii R. M. Tryon Philippines: Luzon: Monte Tonglon A. Loher 1906-4
A: 02530227 Alsophila hermannii R. M. Tryon Philippines: Luzon: Monte Tonglon A. Loher 1906-4
GH: 02530247 Alsophila setulosa (Copeland) R. M. Tryon Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 13701
A: 02530947 Sphaeropteris glauca (Blume) R. M. Tryon Philippines: Luzon: Luzon Central A. Loher 1904
GH: 02530983 Sphaeropteris philippinensis (Baker) R. M. Tryon Philippines: Rizal Luzon Central A. Loher 16 1906-3
Davalliaceae GH: 02508832 Davallodes hirsutum (J. Smith) Copeland Philippines: Rizal Pinauisan A. Loher 12448 1909-9
Dicksoniaceae GH: 00135355 Calochlaena javanica (Blume) M.D. Turner & R.A White Philippines: Luzon, 1400 m. A. Loher 1304 1897
GH: 00135355 Dicksonia copelandii C. Christensen Philippines: Luzon, 1400 m. A. Loher 1304 1897
Dipterocarpaceae A: 02565580 Anisoptera thurifera (Blanco) Blume Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 1913-7
A: 02566563 Dipterocarpus gracilis Blume Philippines: Quezon Umiray, Tayabas Prov. A. Loher BS 13982 1914-6
A: 02566587 Dipterocarpus grandiflorus (Blanco) Blanco Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher BS 12352 1909-10
A: 02567812 Hopea plagata (Blanco) S. Vidal Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14892 1913-7
A: 02567810 Hopea plagata (Blanco) S. Vidal Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14901 1913-7
A: 02227803 Shorea contorta S. Vidal Philippines: Rizal Sumag A. Loher 14110 1914-4
A: 02227801 Shorea contorta S. Vidal Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban A. Loher 12344 1909-10
A: 02227884 Shorea polita S. Vidal Philippines: Rizal Balacbac A. Loher 13101 1916-5
A: 02227888 Shorea polysperma Merrill Philippines: Quezon Umiray A. Loher 14006 1914-6
A: 02225085 Vatica mangachapoi Blanco Philippines: Rizal Sumag A. Loher 14111 1914-4
A: 02225102 Vatica odorata mindanensis (Foxworthy) P. S. Ashton Philippines: Quezon Umiray A. Loher 13580 1915-5
Dryopteridaceae GH: 02505208 Bolbitis heteroclita (C. Presl) Ching Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14785 1913-9
Ebenaceae A: 02477826 Diospyros discolor Willdenow Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13379 1915-5
A: 02477963 Diospyros multiflora Blanco Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14242 1913-3
A: 02476029 Diospyros pilosanthera Blanco Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13364 1915-5
A: 02476037 Diospyros poncei Merrill Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14435 1913-4
A: 02476055 Diospyros pyrrhocarpa Miquel Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14081 1914-4
A: 02476066 Diospyros velascoi Merrill Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13445 1915-3
Elaeocarpaceae A: 02464663 Elaeocarpus argenteus Merrill Philippines: Rizal Mabiluang A. Loher 14466 1913-10
A: 02464662 Elaeocarpus argenteus Merrill Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14371 1913-4
A: 02464678 Elaeocarpus calomala (Blanco) Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12956 1912-3
A: 02464677 Elaeocarpus calomala (Blanco) Merrill Philippines: Rizal Sumag A. Loher 14115 1914-4
A: 02464710 Elaeocarpus cumingii Turczaninow Philippines: Rizal [no additional data[ A. Loher 15021
A: 02464884 Elaeocarpus macranthus Merrill Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 15027
A: 02464939 Elaeocarpus merrittii Merrill Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 15101
A: 02464895 Elaeocarpus mollis Merrill Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14929 1913-7
A: 02464911 Elaeocarpus monocera Cavanilles Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12657 1912-11
A: 02464900 Elaeocarpus monocera Cavanilles Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12657 1912-11
A: 02464983 Elaeocarpus pendulus Merrill Philippines: Quezon Umiray; Tayabas Prov. A. Loher 14005 1914-6
A: 02466032 Elaeocarpus verruculosus Aug. de Candolle Philippines: Rizal Oriud A. Loher 13839 1914-3
A: 02466031 Elaeocarpus verruculosus Aug. de Candolle Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14932 1913-7
A: 02466038 Elaeocarpus villosiusculus Warburg Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14929
Ericaceae A: 02440837 Ardisia polysticta Miquel Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12172 1908-7
A: 02441039 Ardisia serrata (Cavanilles) Persoon Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14053 1914-4
A: 02441164 Ardisia tomentosa C. Presl Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14433 1913-4
A: 01820215 Diplycosia luzonica calelanensis (Elmer) Sleumer Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12382 1909-10
GH: 02545471 Rhododendron quadrasianum marivelesense (H. F. Copeland) Sleumer Philippines: Rizal Luzon A. Loher 15098
A: 02006714 Vaccinium barandanum S. Vidal Philippines: Rizal Luzon A. Loher 12248 1910-12
A: 02543531 Vaccinium caudatum Warburg Philippines: Rizal Balacbac A. Loher 14965 1912-6
A: 02006727 Vaccinium cumingianum S. Vidal Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12152 1908-7
A: 02543559 Vaccinium jagori Warburg Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 15100
A: 02543561 Vaccinium luzoniense S. Vidal Philippines: Benguet from Loo (Lepeute) A. Loher 3775
A: 02543575 Vaccinium philippinense Warburg Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban. Rizal Province. A. Loher 13265
A: 00016193 Vaccinium platyphyllum Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban, Luzon Island A. Loher 12150 1908-7
A: 00016193 Vaccinium rizalense Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban, Luzon Island A. Loher 12150 1908-7
A: 02006753 Vaccinium sp. Philippines: Rizal Mabiluang A. Loher 14461 1913-10
A: 02543585 Vaccinium tenuipes Merrill Philippines: Rizal Angilog A. Loher 14173 1914-3
A: 02543590 Vaccinium vidalii Merrill & Rolfe Philippines: Rizal Balacbac A. Loher 13005 1916-5
A: 02543588 Vaccinium vidalii Merrill & Rolfe Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban, Rizal Province A. Loher 12755 1909-3
Erythropalaceae A: 02296291 Erythropalum scandens Blume Philippines: Rizal Luzon A. Loher 14922 1913-7
Euphorbiaceae A: 02563964 Claoxylon brachyandrum Pax & K. Hoffmann Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14370 1913-4
A: 00047604 Dimorphocalyx loheri Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban, Island of Luzon A. Loher 12467 1909-6
A: 00048815 Gelonium stenophyllum Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban, Island of Luzon A. Loher 12639 1912-10
A: 02559265 Homalanthus fastuosus (Linden) Fernandez-Villar Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 12292 1910-12
A: 02559288 Homalanthus fastuosus (Linden) Fernandez-Villar Philippines: Nueva Vizcaya Caraballo Mountain A. Loher 13695 1915-3
A: 02559287 Homalanthus fastuosus (Linden) Fernandez-Villar Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14826 1913-8
A: 02418471 Macaranga dipterocarpifolia Merrill Philippines: Rizal [data not captured] A. Loher 12592 1911-8
A: 02418471 Macaranga sinensis Baillon ex Müller Arg. Philippines: Rizal [data not captured] A. Loher 12592 1911-8
A: 02418495 Macaranga tanarius (Linnaeus) Müller Argoviensis Philippines: Rizal [data not captured] A. Loher 15008
A: 02418495 Macaranga tanarius tomentosa (Blume) Müller Arg. Philippines: Rizal [data not captured] A. Loher 15008
A: 02417869 Mallotus cumingii Müller Argoviensis Philippines: Rizal [data not captured] A. Loher 14278 1913-3
A: 02417867 Mallotus cumingii Müller Argoviensis Philippines: Rizal Sumag A. Loher 14108 1914-4
A: 02415721 Omphalea bracteata (Blanco) Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13175
A: 00048815 Suregada stenophylla (Merrill) Croizat Philippines: Rizal Montalban, Island of Luzon A. Loher 12639 1912-10
A: 00047604 Trigonostemon Blume Philippines: Rizal Montalban, Island of Luzon A. Loher 12467 1909-6
A: 02425026 Trigonostemon longipes (Merrill) Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13784 1914-1
Fabaceae GH: 02233027 Arachis hypogaea Linnaeus Philippines: Quezon San Francisco del Monte A. Loher 2409 1890-8-25
A: 02237428 Desmodium quinquepetalum (Blanco) Merrill Philippines: Rizal Pinauisan A. Loher 12426 1909-9
A: 02237742 Erythrina subumbrans (Hasskarl) Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12533 1909-5
A: 02261468 Indigofera zollingeriana Miquel Philippines: Rizal Pinauisan A. Loher 12412 1909-9
A: 00549707 Luzonia purpurea Elmer Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan Montalban A. Loher 13234
A: 02261791 Millettia merrillii Perkins Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14245 1913-3
A: 02304473 Pterocarpus indicus Willdenow Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban A. Loher 12475 1909-6
A: 02262924 Strongylodon elmeri Merrill Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14272 1913-3
A: 02262925 Strongylodon elmeri Merrill Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban A. Loher 13298 1915-5
Fagaceae A: 02554644 Castanopsis philipensis (Blanco) Vidal Philippines: Rizal Montalban; Rizal Province A. Loher 12539 1909-5
A: 02556915 Lithocarpus luzoniensis (Merrill) Rehder Philippines: Nueva Vizcaya Caraballo Mountain; Nueva Vizcaya Prov. A. Loher 13709 1915-3
A: 02556916 Lithocarpus luzoniensis (Merrill) Rehder Philippines: Nueva Vizcaya Caraballo Mountain; Nueva Vizcaya Prov. A. Loher 13649 1915-3
A: 02556958 Lithocarpus philippinensis (A. de Candolle) Rehder Philippines: Luzon: Balacbac; Rizal Province A. Loher 13102 1916-5
A: 02556970 Lithocarpus robinsonii Rehder Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 12583 1912-8
A: 02556971 Lithocarpus robinsonii Rehder Philippines: Luzon: Oriud; Rizal Province A. Loher 12902 1912-3
A: 02557029 Lithocarpus vidalii (Villar) Rehder Philippines: Luzon: Balacbac; Rizal Province A. Loher 13018 1916-5
Flacourtiaceae A: 00066768 Homalium polillense Merrill Philippines: Polillo A. Loher 14535 1908-5
A: 00066768 Homalium samarense Merrill Philippines: Polillo A. Loher 14535 1908-5
Gesneriaceae A: 02312219 Agalmyla rubra (Merrill) B. L. Burtt Philippines: Rizal Mabiluang, Rizal Province A. Loher 1913-10
A: 02313659 Cyrtandra cumingii C. B. Clarke Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14789 1913-9
A: 02313966 Cyrtandra sp. Philippines: Quezon Umiray A. Loher BS 14003 1914-6
Gleicheniaceae GH: 02552717 Dicranopteris linearis (N. L. Burman) Underwood Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13438 1915-3
GH: 02552724 Dicranopteris linearis (N. L. Burman) Underwood Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13493 1915-3
GH: 02283166 Sticherus truncatus (Willdenow) Nakai Philippines: Nueva Vizcaya Caraballo Mountain A. Loher 13723 1915-3
Grammitaceae GH: 02221417 Scleroglossum pusillum (Blume) Alderwerelt Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14218 1913-2
Hymenophyllaceae GH: 02580678 Abrodictyum sp. Philippines: Rizal Mabiluang A. Loher 14470 1913-10
GH: 02580747 Callistopteris apiifolia (C. Presl) Copeland Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13785 1914-1
GH: 02552492 Vandenboschia maxima (Blume) Copeland Philippines: Quezon Mt. Banahao A. Loher 13687 1915-3
Icacinaceae A: 02588129 Gomphandra luzoniensis (Merrill) Merrill Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: [no additional data] A. Loher BS 12567 1909-5
A: 02588128 Gomphandra luzoniensis (Merrill) Merrill Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: [no additional data] A. Loher BS 12526 1909-5
A: 02590985 Gonocaryum calleryanum (Baillon) Beccari Philippines: Rizal Luzon A. Loher 13192 1912-12
A: 02589241 Phytocrene macrophylla Blume Philippines: Rizal Oriud A. Loher 13821 1914-3
Lauraceae A: 00041329 Cinnamomum loheri Merrill Philippines: Rizal Mabiluang, Luzon Island A. Loher 14469 1913-10
A: 02537376 Cinnamomum mercadoi S. Vidal Philippines: Rizal Bantol A. Loher 14142 1914-2
A: 02538691 Cryptocarya ampla Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12866
A: 02538749 Cryptocarya loheri Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12349 1909-10
A: 02499809 Litsea albayana S. Vidal Philippines: Rizal Oriud A. Loher 12913 1912-3
A: 02500192 Litsea elmeriana L. Rasingam & K. Karthigeyan Philippines: Quezon Umiray Tauabas Prov. A. Loher 13604 1915-5
A: 02500034 Litsea fulva Fernandez-Villar Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14856 1913-12
A: 02500519 Machilus philippinensis Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13178
A: 02500765 Neolitsea microphylla Merrill Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: [no additional data] A. Loher 13271
A: 02500769 Neolitsea paucinervia Merrill Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14184 1913-2
Lindsaeaceae GH: 02286562 Lindsaea capillacea Christ Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12311 1909-10
Malpighiaceae A: 02536475 Aspidopterys elliptica A. Jussieu Philippines: Rizal Sumag A. Loher 14128 1914-5
A: 02536547 Hiptage luzonica Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12333 1909-10
A: 02536533 Hiptage luzonica Merrill Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14330 1913-3
Melastomataceae A: 02557806 Astronia acuminatissima Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban; Rizal Province A. Loher 12498 1909-6
A: 01539126 Astronia cumingiana bicolor (Merrill) J. F. Maxwell Philippines: Rizal [no additional information] A. Loher 12242 1910-12
A: 02557901 Astronia lagunensis pauciflora (Merrill) J. F. Maxwell Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban; Rizal Province A. Loher 12307 1909-10
A: 02557919 Astronia meyeri Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montablan; Rizal Province A. Loher 12294 1909-10
A: 02557941 Astronia pauciflora Merrill Philippines: Quezon Umiray; Tayabas Prov. A. Loher 13972 1914-6
A: 02272650 Medinilla congesta Merr. Philippines: Rizal Mabiluang; Rizal Province A. Loher 14462 1913-10
A: 02272712 Medinilla disparifolia C.B.Rob. Philippines: Luzon: Oriud; Rizal Province A. Loher 13824 1914-3
A: 02272753 Medinilla halconensis Merr. Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban; Rizal Province A. Loher 12845 1909-3
A: 02272758 Medinilla inaequifolia C.B.Rob. Philippines: Rizal Rizal Province; Luzon A. Loher 15013
A: 02272863 Medinilla lagunae S.Vidal Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan; Montalban; Rizal Province A. Loher 13229
A: 02273033 Medinilla myrtiformis (Naudin) Triana Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban; Rizal Province A. Loher 12194 1908-7
A: 02273164 Medinilla ramiflora Merrill Philippines: Rizal Balacbac; Rizal Province A. Loher 13080 1916-5
A: 02273163 Medinilla ramiflora Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban; Rizal Province A. Loher 12190 1908-7
A: 02273208 Medinilla ternifolia Triana Philippines: Rizal Pinauisan; Rizal Province A. Loher 12424 1909-9
A: 01771046 Melastoma cyanoides Smith Philippines: Luzon: Cueva de Montalban (Manila) A. Loher 3568 1890-6-18
A: 01771141 Melastoma malabathricum Linnaeus Philippines: Nueva Vizcaya Caraballo Mountain A. Loher 13722 1915-3
A: 02275031 Memecylon densiflorum Merr. Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban; Rizal Province A. Loher 12494 1919-6
A: 02275030 Memecylon densiflorum Merr. Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 12577 1912-8
A: 02275073 Memecylon lanceolatum Blanco Philippines: Rizal Rizal Province; Luzon A. Loher 15105
A: 02275049 Memecylon loheri Merr. Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban; Rizal Province A. Loher 12006 1909-9
A: 02275127 Memecylon ovatum Smith Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban; Rizal Province A. Loher 12018 1909-9
A: 02275156 Memecylon paniculatum Jack Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban; Rizal Province A. Loher 12004 1909-9
Mimosaceae A: 02234140 Archidendron merrillii (J. F. Macbride) I. C. Nielsen Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14906 1913-7
A: 02234141 Archidendron merrillii (J. F. Macbride) I. C. Nielsen Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban A. Loher 12169 1908-7
A: 02234778 Wallaceodendron celebicum Koorders Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 15058
Myrsinaceae A: 02440707 Ardisia crispa (Thunberg) A. de Candolle Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13377 1916-5
A: 02440754 Ardisia loheri Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12960 1912-3
A: 02440753 Ardisia loheri Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12144 1908-7
A: 02440786 Ardisia marginata Blume Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13385 1915-5
A: 02440898 Ardisia pyramidalis (Cavanilles) Persoon Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher BS 14298 1913-3
A: 02440876 Ardisia pyramidalis (Cavanilles) Persoon Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14031 1914-4
A: 02440983 Ardisia saligna Mez Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14523 1913-10
A: 02441241 Ardisia sp. Swartz Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher BS 13246
A: 02441103 Ardisia squamulosa C. Presl Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14241 1913-3
A: 02441102 Ardisia squamulosa C. Presl Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12128 1907-5
A: 02441553 Discocalyx angustifolia Mez Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 12234 1910-12
A: 02441590 Discocalyx cybianthoides (A. de Candolle) Mez Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14183 1913-2
A: 02441556 Discocalyx effusa Mez Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12615 1912-10
A: 02441601 Discocalyx linearifolia Elmer Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12163 1908-7
A: 02441633 Discocalyx merrillii Elmer Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14293 1913-3
A: 02441618 Discocalyx minor Mez Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13797 1914-1
A: 02441655 Discocalyx philippinensis (A. de Candolle) Mez Philippines: Rizal Balacbac A. Loher 14953 1912-6
A: 02441659 Discocalyx psychotrioides Elmer Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 12251 1910-12
A: 02441696 Discocalyx sp. Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 12243 1910-12
A: 02442235 Embelia loheri Merrill Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 13162
A: 02442237 Embelia luzoniensis Merrill Philippines: Rizal A. Loher 12168
A: 02442236 Embelia luzoniensis Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12472 1919-6
A: 02442275 Embelia philippinensis A. de Candolle Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13813 1914-1
A: 02442290 Embelia whitfordii Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12520 1909-5
A: 02442284 Embelia whitfordii Merrill Philippines: Quezon Umiray A. Loher 14019 1914-6
A: 02443353 Maesa cumingii Mez Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 12236 1910-12
A: 02443352 Maesa cumingii Mez Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 13873 1913-1
A: 02443469 Maesa elmeri Mez Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12297 1909-10
A: 02600147 Myrsine avenis (Blume) A. de Candolle Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12009 1909-9
A: 02600139 Myrsine avenis (Blume) A. de Candolle Philippines: Rizal Sumag A. Loher 14097 1914-4
A: 02600138 Myrsine avenis (Blume) A. de Candolle Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12166 1908-7
A: 02600136 Myrsine avenis (Blume) A. de Candolle Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12038 1909-9
A: 02600197 Myrsine penibukana (Philipson) Pipoly Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14230 1913-2
A: 02600196 Myrsine penibukana (Philipson) Pipoly Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 13871 1913-1
A: 02600194 Myrsine penibukana (Philipson) Pipoly Philippines: Rizal [no addtional data] A. Loher 14221 1913-2
Myrtaceae A: 02446976 Eugenia aherniana C. B. Robinson Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 13920 1913-1
A: 02446986 Eugenia aherniana C. B. Robinson Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12827 1909-3
A: 00069744 Eugenia megalophylla Merrill Philippines: Quezon Umiray A. Loher 13596 1915-5
A: 02446994 Eugenia sargentii Merrill Philippines: Rizal Pinauisan A. Loher 12399 1909-9
A: 02445297 Leptospermum amboinense Blume Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban. Rizal Province. A. Loher 13393 1915-5
Olacaceae GH: 02296252 Anacolosa frutescens (Blume) Blume Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12854 1909-3
A: 02296484 Olax imbricata Roxburgh Philippines: Rizal Sumag A. Loher 14123 1914-5
Oleaceae A: 02458098 Chionanthus coriaceus (S. Vidal) Kiew Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14220 1913-2
A: 02458134 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14193 1913-2
A: 02458137 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 12263 1910-12
A: 02458119 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12141 1908-7
A: 02458110 Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh Philippines: Quezon Polillo A. Loher 14529 1908-5
A: 02458210 Fraxinus griffithii C. B. Clarke Philippines: Rizal Montalban. E. of Manila A. Loher 12385 1909-10
A: 02458622 Jasminum macrocarpum Merrill Philippines: Quezon Polillo A. Loher 14541 1908-5
A: 02458635 Jasminum populifolium Blume Philippines: Quezon Umiray A. Loher 13583 1915-5
A: 02458629 Jasminum populifolium Blume Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 13906 1913-1
A: 02458777 Ligustrum glomeratum Blume Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12151 1908-7
A: 02458775 Ligustrum glomeratum Blume Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14383 1913-4
A: 02458774 Ligustrum glomeratum Blume Philippines: Rizal Balacbac A. Loher 13031 1916-5
A: 02458772 Ligustrum glomeratum Blume Philippines: Rizal Pinauisan A. Loher 12442 1909-9
A: 02458892 Linociera philippinensis Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12071 1907-5
A: 02458887 Linociera philippinensis Merrill Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14090 1914-4
A: 02458885 Linociera philippinensis Merrill Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14061 1914-4
Opiliaceae A: 02296107 Champereia manillana (Blume) Merrill Philippines: Rizal Bantol A. Loher 14143 1914-2
A: 02296106 Champereia manillana (Blume) Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12552 1909-5
A: 01003494 Opilia amentacea Roxburgh Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban A. Loher 12857 1909-3
A: 01003493 Opilia amentacea Roxburgh Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 13905 1913-1
Orchidaceae AMES: 00064912 Acampe loheriana Kraenzlin Philippines: A. Loher s.n.
AMES: 00000007 Acampe loheriana Kraenzlin Philippines: Manila, Luzon Island A. Loher 73 1916-5
AMES: 00003204 Acampe loheriana Kraenzlin Philippines: Manila, Luzon Island A. Loher 73 1916-5
AMES: 02387938 Acanthophippium mantinianum L. Linden & C. A. Cogniaux Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14994
AMES: 00018823 Acoridium abortum Ames Philippines: Luzon Island A. Loher 14694 1909-9
AMES: 00000041 Acoridium angustifolium Ames Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island A. Loher 14637 1909-9
AMES: 00000026 Acoridium angustifolium Ames Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island A. Loher 14721 1909-9
AMES: 00000027 Acoridium apiculatum Ames Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island A. Loher 1913-1
AMES: 00217870 Acoridium apiculatum Ames Philippines: Luzon, Rizal A. Loher sn 1913-1
AMES: 00000028 Acoridium eximium Ames Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island, Paningtingan, Montalban A. Loher 13221
AMES: 00000044 Acoridium oreophilum Ames Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island A. Loher 15042
AMES: 00000925 Acoridium oreophilum Ames Philippines: Rizal Luzon A. Loher 15042
AMES: 00000056 Acoridium smithianum Ames Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island A. Loher 15129
AMES: 01985628 Acoridium sp. Philippines: Rizal A. Loher 13885 1913-1
AMES: 01685456 Acoridium sp. Philippines: Rizal A. Loher 13885 1913-1
AMES: 00104048 Acoridium tenuibulbum Ames Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13144 1915-4
AMES: 00000059 Acoridium tenuibulbum Ames Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island, Balacbac A. Loher 13046 1916-5
AMES: 00001059 Acoridium tenuibulbum Ames Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island, Balacbac A. Loher 13046 1916-5
AMES: 00000063 Acoridium urciforme Ames Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island, Montalban, Mount Paminglingan A. Loher 13276 1912-4
AMES: 02550899 Aerides odorata Loureiro Philippines: Luzon [?] - -illegible- bot. garden [illegib... A. Loher 1916-8
AMES: 02550915 Aerides quinquevulnera Lindley Philippines: Luzon: [data not captured] A. Loher 6009 1905-6
AMES: 02550910 Aerides quinquevulnera Lindley Philippines: Surigao del Norte Lake Mainit A. Loher 14560 1909-6
AMES: 02338926 Agrostophyllum glumaceum Hooker f. Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14601 1909-9
AMES: 02338925 Agrostophyllum glumaceum Hooker f. Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14601 1909-9
AMES: 00926031 Agrostophyllum loheri Ormerod Philippines: Luzon: Central part A. Loher 2131B 2014-12-16
AMES: 02338936 Agrostophyllum luzonense Ames & Quisumbing Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14624 1909-9
AMES: 00287787 Agrostophyllum philippinense Ames Philippines: Rizal Mt. Batay, Luzon A. Loher 6020
AMES: 02329325 Amesiella philippinensis Garay Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 1909-9
AMES: 02329324 Amesiella philippinensis Garay Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 1909-9
AMES: 02389616 Ania elmeri (Ames) A. D. Hawkes ex Senghas Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14681 1909-9
AMES: 02389615 Ania elmeri (Ames) A. D. Hawkes ex Senghas Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14591 1909-9
AMES: 02389614 Ania elmeri (Ames) A. D. Hawkes ex Senghas Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14662 1909-9
AMES: 01941392 Aphyllorchis benguetensis Ames Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13561 1915-3
AMES: 01952076 Apostasia wallichii R. Brown Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 14683 1909-9
AMES: 01952077 Apostasia wallichii R. Brown Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 14890 1913-7
AMES: 02340481 Appendicula clemensiae Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14626 1909-9
AMES: 02340612 Appendicula maquilingensis Ames Philippines: Nueva Vizcaya Caraballo Mountain; Nueva Vizcaya Prov. A. Loher 13690 1915-3
AMES: 02340641 Appendicula micrantha Lindley Philippines: Rizal Luzon A. Loher 14625 1909-9
AMES: 02340716 Appendicula polyantha Ames Philippines: Rizal Luzon A. Loher 14691 1909-9
AMES: 02340728 Appendicula reflexa Blume Philippines: Luzon: [no additional data] A. Loher 6021 1905-7-9
AMES: 01828727 Arachnis lowei Reichenbach f. : Borneo: Western Borneo A. Loher 6015 1905-6-19
AMES: 01828749 Arachnis lyonii Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14583 1909-9
AMES: 01828748 Arachnis lyonii Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14680 1909-9
AMES: 02550838 Brachypeza sp. Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 1909-9
AMES: 02385668 Bulbophyllum adenopetalum Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14695 1909-9
AMES: 02385714 Bulbophyllum alagense Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14698 1909-9
AMES: 02385713 Bulbophyllum alagense Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14621 1909-9
AMES: 02385712 Bulbophyllum alagense Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14618 1909-9
AMES: 00000384 Bulbophyllum amesianum L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal Island of Luzon A. Loher 1914
AMES: 00000391 Bulbophyllum arrectum Kraenzlin Philippines: A. Loher 1916-10
AMES: 00105759 Bulbophyllum arrectum Kraenzlin Philippines: A. Loher sn 1916-10
AMES: 02385744 Bulbophyllum biflorum Teijsmann & Binnendijk Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 1909-9
AMES: 00064954 Bulbophyllum calophyllum L. O. Williams Philippines: Luzon: A. Loher 14649 1909-9
AMES: 00090551 Bulbophyllum catenulatum Kraenzlin Philippines: A. Loher sn 1916-10
AMES: 02385823 Bulbophyllum curranii Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14720 1909-9
AMES: 02385818 Bulbophyllum curranii Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 1909-9
AMES: 02385846 Bulbophyllum dasypetalum Rolfe ex Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14731 1909-9
AMES: 02385845 Bulbophyllum dasypetalum Rolfe ex Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14646 1909-9
AMES: 02385844 Bulbophyllum dasypetalum Rolfe ex Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14632 1909-9
AMES: 02385872 Bulbophyllum dasypetalum Rolfe ex Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14623 1909-9
AMES: 00090546 Bulbophyllum echinochilum Kraenzlin Philippines: A. Loher sn 1916-12
AMES: 00000446 Bulbophyllum echinochilum Kraenzlin Philippines: Manila, Luzon Island A. Loher 1916-12
AMES: 02385906 Bulbophyllum elongatum (Blume) Hasskarl Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14730 1909-9
AMES: 02385917 Bulbophyllum emiliorum Ames & Quisumbing Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13333 1915-5
AMES: 02385916 Bulbophyllum emiliorum Ames & Quisumbing Philippines: Quezon Umiray A. Loher 14014 1914-6
AMES: 00064961 Bulbophyllum goebelianum Kraenzlin Philippines: Manila A. Loher 62 1916-3
AMES: 00090536 Bulbophyllum lasiopetalum Kraenzlin Philippines: A. Loher 1916-2
AMES: 00090537 Bulbophyllum lasiopetalum Kraenzlin Philippines: A. Loher 1916-2
AMES: 02385978 Bulbophyllum laxiflorum Lindley : Earth: [no data available] A. Loher 42
AMES: 02385981 Bulbophyllum laxiflorum Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14635 1909-9
AMES: 02385977 Bulbophyllum laxiflorum Lindley Philippines: Mindanao Island: Lake Mainit; Surigao Provin... A. Loher 14565 1909-6
AMES: 00090539 Bulbophyllum leptocaulon Kraenzlin Philippines: A. Loher 1916-1
AMES: 00090540 Bulbophyllum leptocaulon Kraenzlin Philippines: A. Loher sn 1916-1
AMES: 02385998 Bulbophyllum levanae Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14588 1909-9
AMES: 02386188 Bulbophyllum lobbii siamense (Reichenbach f.) V. Mangal, F. Velazquez & J. J. Vermeulen Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 12573 1912-8
AMES: 02386187 Bulbophyllum lobbii siamense (Reichenbach f.) V. Mangal, F. Velazquez & J. J. Vermeulen Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: [no additional data] A. Loher 12557 1909-5
AMES: 02384060 Bulbophyllum masaganapense Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14630 1909-9
AMES: 00000572 Bulbophyllum melanoglossum Kraenzlin Philippines: A. Loher sn 1916
AMES: 00000573 Bulbophyllum melanoglossum Kraenzlin Philippines: A. Loher 1916-2
AMES: 02384088 Bulbophyllum mindanaense Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14604 1909-9
AMES: 02384087 Bulbophyllum mindanaense Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14616 1909-9
AMES: 02384086 Bulbophyllum mindanaense Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14627 1909-9
AMES: 00105764 Bulbophyllum nymphopolitanum Kraenzlin Philippines: A. Loher sn 1915-6
AMES: 00000724 Bulbophyllum nymphopolitanum Kraenzlin Philippines: A. Loher sn 1915-6
AMES: 02384140 Bulbophyllum saurocephalum H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 1915-3
AMES: 02384234 Bulbophyllum sp. Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14623 1909-9
AMES: 02384249 Bulbophyllum sp. Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14705 1909-9
AMES: 00105763 Bulbophyllum syllectum Kraenzlin Philippines: A. Loher 107 1916
AMES: 00217899 Bulbophyllum syllectum Kraenzlin Philippines: Manila A. Loher 107
AMES: 00064969 Bulbophyllum trigonosepalum Kraenzlin Philippines: A. Loher 74 1916-5
AMES: 00064968 Bulbophyllum trigonosepalum Kraenzlin Philippines: A. Loher 74 1916-5
AMES: 00000384 Bulbophyllum uniflorum (Blume) Hasskarl Philippines: Rizal Island of Luzon A. Loher 1914
AMES: 02384197 Bulbophyllum vagans Ames & Rolfe Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14724 1909-9
AMES: 02384222 Bulbophyllum weberi Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14716 1909-9
AMES: 02384221 Bulbophyllum weberi Ames Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban, Rizal A. Loher 12632 1912-10
AMES: 02388190 Calanthe conspicua Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14748 1909-9
AMES: 02388189 Calanthe conspicua Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14674 1909-9
AMES: 02388188 Calanthe conspicua Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14614 1909-9
AMES: 02388228 Calanthe furcata Bateman ex Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14605 1909-9
AMES: 00106326 Calanthe hennisii Loher Philippines: Rizal Bantol bantol A. Loher 1914-2
AMES: 02388307 Calanthe hennisii Loher Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 13584 1909-9
AMES: 02388328 Calanthe maquilingensis Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14595 1909-9
AMES: 02388327 Calanthe maquilingensis Ames Philippines: Rizal Mabiluang A. Loher 14471 1913-10
AMES: 02388373 Calanthe sp. Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14500 1913-10
AMES: 00106447 Camarotis loheri L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal Luzon A. Loher sn 1909-9
AMES: 00106524 Ceratostylis caespitosa L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal Luzon A. Loher 14658 1909-9
AMES: 02338727 Ceratostylis caespitosa L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban A. Loher 1912-10
AMES: 02338416 Ceratostylis dataensis Ames Philippines: Nueva Vizcaya Caraballo Mountain A. Loher 1915-3
AMES: 02338415 Ceratostylis dataensis Ames Philippines: Nueva Vizcaya Caraballo Mountain A. Loher 1915-3
AMES: 00106562 Ceratostylis loheri L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal Pamingtigan, Montalban A. Loher 13223
AMES: 02338434 Ceratostylis loheri L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal Luzon A. Loher 1909-9
AMES: 02338433 Ceratostylis loheri L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal Luzon A. Loher 1909-9
AMES: 02338447 Ceratostylis philippinensis Rolfe ex Ames Philippines: Rizal Luzon A. Loher 1909-9
AMES: 02338446 Ceratostylis philippinensis Rolfe ex Ames Philippines: Rizal Luzon A. Loher 1909-9
AMES: 02338445 Ceratostylis philippinensis Rolfe ex Ames Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 1912-10
AMES: 02338444 Ceratostylis philippinensis Rolfe ex Ames Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 1909-5
AMES: 02338481 Ceratostylis ramosa Ames & Rolfe Philippines: Rizal Luzon A. Loher 1909-9
AMES: 02338538 Ceratostylis sp. Philippines: Rizal Luzon A. Loher
AMES: 00100988 Cestichis trichoglottis Ames Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island A. Loher 14603 1909-9
AMES: 00139046 Cirrhopetalum loherianum Kraenzlin Philippines: Manila A. Loher 102 1915-10
AMES: 00139047 Cirrhopetalum loherianum Kraenzlin Philippines: Manila A. Loher 102 1915-10
AMES: 01818934 Cleisostoma dealbatum Lindley Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban, Rizal Province A. Loher 13801 1914-1
AMES: 01818976 Cleisostoma uraiense (Hayata) Garay & H. R. Sweet Philippines: Rizal Rizal Province, Luzon A. Loher 14677 1909-9
AMES: 02093504 Coelogyne chloroptera Reichenbach f. Philippines: Rizal Angilog A. Loher 1914-3
AMES: 00062232 Coelogyne loheri Rolfe Philippines: Benguet Luzon Island A. Loher 549
AMES: 02093555 Coelogyne merrillii Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14688 1909-9
AMES: 00139204 Corybas laceratus L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal Rizal Province, Luzon A. Loher 14673 1909-9
AMES: 02175782 Crepidium williamsii (Ames) Szlachetko Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 1912-10
AMES: 01940620 Cryptostylis arachnites (Blume) Blume Philippines: Rizal Balacbac A. Loher 13084 1916-5
AMES: 01940619 Cryptostylis arachnites (Blume) Blume Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14585 1909-9
AMES: 01940600 Cryptostylis arachnites (Blume) Blume Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14707 1909-9
AMES: 02017690 Cymbidium finlaysonianum Wallich ex Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14579 1909-9
AMES: 02017698 Cymbidium finlaysonianum Wallich ex Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 15112
AMES: 02090160 Cystorchis aphylla Ridley Philippines: Rizal Guinnisan, Luzon A. Loher s.n.
AMES: 02288144 Cystorchis aphylla Ridley Philippines: Rizal Luzon A. Loher s.n. 1909-9
AMES: 02336741 Dendrobium albayense Ames Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 14685 1909-9
AMES: 02336468 Dendrobium aureum Lindley Philippines: Albay [no additional data] A. Loher 6007 1905-6-11
AMES: 02336517 Dendrobium bullenianum H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13280 1912-4
AMES: 02336516 Dendrobium bullenianum H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14663 1909-9
AMES: 02336398 Dendrobium cabadbarense Ames Philippines: Luzon: Umiray; Tayabas Prov. A. Loher 14021 1914-6
AMES: 02336527 Dendrobium cabadbarense Ames Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 1915-5
AMES: 02336535 Dendrobium cerinum H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 14578 1909-9
AMES: 02336614 Dendrobium distichum Reichenbach f. Philippines: Luzon: [no additional data] A. Loher 6019A 1905-6-26
AMES: 02336627 Dendrobium epidendropsis Kraenzlin Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 14745 1909-9
AMES: 02336626 Dendrobium epidendropsis Kraenzlin Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 14749 1909-9
AMES: 02336627 Dendrobium eurorum Ames Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 14745 1909-9
AMES: 02336626 Dendrobium eurorum Ames Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 14749 1909-9
AMES: 02336625 Dendrobium fairchildae Ames & Quisumbing Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 14675 1909-9
AMES: 02336419 Dendrobium gerlandianum Kraenzlin Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher
AMES: 02336639 Dendrobium gerlandianum Kraenzlin Philippines: Luzon: [no additional data] A. Loher 1905-7-9
AMES: 02336417 Dendrobium hymenanthum Reichenbach f. Philippines: Mindanao: Lake Mainit; Surigao Province A. Loher 14559 1909-6
AMES: 02336417 Dendrobium interjectum Ames Philippines: Mindanao: Lake Mainit; Surigao Province A. Loher 14559 1909-6
AMES: 02336418 Dendrobium junceum Lindley Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 14686 1909-9
AMES: 02336416 Dendrobium luzonense Lindley Philippines: Metropolitan Manila Albay Prov.; Luzon A. Loher 6018 1905-6-26
AMES: 02336699 Dendrobium luzonense Lindley Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 14703 1909-9
AMES: 02336722 Dendrobium macrophyllum A. Richard Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province. A. Loher 14592 1909-9
AMES: 02336721 Dendrobium macrophyllum A. Richard Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province. A. Loher 14593 1909-9
AMES: 02336720 Dendrobium macrophyllum A. Richard Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province. A. Loher 14702 1909-9
AMES: 02336719 Dendrobium macrophyllum A. Richard Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 14702 1909-9
AMES: 02336718 Dendrobium macrophyllum A. Richard Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 14702 1909-9
AMES: 02336717 Dendrobium macrophyllum A. Richard Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province. A. Loher 14702 1909-9
AMES: 02336716 Dendrobium macrophyllum A. Richard Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 14702 1909-9
AMES: 02336724 Dendrobium merrillii Ames Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Prov.; Manila A. Loher 6017 1905-6-26
AMES: 02336739 Dendrobium mindanaense Ames Philippines: Mindanao: Lake Mainit; Surgiao Province. A. Loher 14557 1909-6
AMES: 02336756 Dendrobium modestum H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 1913-3
AMES: 02336788 Dendrobium modestum H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14586 1909-9
AMES: 02336787 Dendrobium modestum H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Mindanao: Lake Mainit; Surigao Province A. Loher 1909-6
AMES: 00090207 Dendrobium nemorale L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 1912-4
AMES: 02336760 Dendrobium ornithoflorum Ames Philippines: Luzon: Umiray; Tayabas Prov. A. Loher 14000 1914-6
AMES: 02336788 Dendrobium platycaulon Rolfe Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14586 1909-9
AMES: 02336787 Dendrobium platycaulon Rolfe Philippines: Mindanao: Lake Mainit; Surigao Province A. Loher 1909-6
AMES: 02336804 Dendrobium polytrichum Ames Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13314 1915-5
AMES: 02336864 Dendrobium sanderae Rolfe Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14577 1909-9
AMES: 02336863 Dendrobium sanderae Rolfe Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14609 1909-9
AMES: 02336864 Dendrobium secundum (Blume) Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14577 1909-9
AMES: 02336863 Dendrobium secundum (Blume) Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14609 1909-9
AMES: 00090367 Dendrobium serratilabium L. O. Williams Philippines: Luzon: A. Loher 14709 1909-9
AMES: 02336881 Dendrobium serratilabium L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14726 1909-9
AMES: 02336880 Dendrobium serratilabium L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 1909-9
AMES: 02336909 Dendrobium uniflorum Griffith Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14711 1909-9
AMES: 02336908 Dendrobium uniflorum Griffith Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14594 1909-9
AMES: 00090479 Dendrobium ventricosum Kraenzlin Philippines: Luzon: Zambales A. Loher 6004 1905-6
AMES: 02153135 Dendrochilum abortum (Ames) L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14690 1909-9
AMES: 02153173 Dendrochilum arachnites Reichenbach f. Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14643b 1909-9
AMES: 02153172 Dendrochilum arachnites Reichenbach f. Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12565 1909-5
AMES: 02153156 Dendrochilum asperum L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 15042a
AMES: 02153163 Dendrochilum auriculare Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14737 1909-9
AMES: 02153162 Dendrochilum auriculare Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14733A 1909-9
AMES: 02153161 Dendrochilum auriculare Ames Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12625 1912-10
AMES: 02153230 Dendrochilum cobbianum Reichenbach f. Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14670 1909-9
AMES: 02153229 Dendrochilum cobbianum Reichenbach f. Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14740 1909-9
AMES: 02153257 Dendrochilum convallariaeforme Schauer Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12614 1912-10
AMES: 02153309 Dendrochilum curranii Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14597A 1909-9
AMES: 02153297 Dendrochilum curranii Ames Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12561 1909-5
AMES: 02153281 Dendrochilum curranii Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14634 1909-9
AMES: 02153280 Dendrochilum curranii Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14631 1909-9
AMES: 02153279 Dendrochilum curranii Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14622 1909-9
AMES: 02153278 Dendrochilum curranii Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14620 1909-9
AMES: 02153277 Dendrochilum curranii Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14613 1909-9
AMES: 02153276 Dendrochilum curranii Ames Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13562 1915-3
AMES: 02153251 Dendrochilum eximium (Ames) L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14733 1909-9
AMES: 02153314 Dendrochilum filiforme Lindley Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13539 1915-3
AMES: 02153313 Dendrochilum filiforme Lindley Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12558 1909-5
AMES: 02153318 Dendrochilum filiforme ramosii (Ames) L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14582 1909-9
AMES: 02153385 Dendrochilum glumaceum Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14653 1909-9
AMES: 02153400 Dendrochilum glumaceum Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14645 1909-9
AMES: 02153399 Dendrochilum glumaceum Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14722 1909-9
AMES: 02153457 Dendrochilum irigense Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 15128
AMES: 02153518 Dendrochilum latifolium Lindley Philippines: Rizal Batingtingan A. Loher 12981 1915-4
AMES: 02153517 Dendrochilum latifolium Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14571 1909-9
AMES: 00018838 Dendrochilum loheri Ames Philippines: Benguet Probably Benguet, Luzon Island A. Loher 461A
AMES: 02153477 Dendrochilum longibulbum Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14619 1909-9
AMES: 02153712 Dendrochilum pumilum H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14598 1909-9
AMES: 02153746 Dendrochilum rhombophorum (H. G. Reichenbach) Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 15040
AMES: 02153745 Dendrochilum rhombophorum (H. G. Reichenbach) Ames Philippines: Mindanao: Lake Mainit; Surigao Province A. Loher 14564 1909-6
AMES: 02153744 Dendrochilum rhombophorum (H. G. Reichenbach) Ames Philippines: Luzon: Mt. Banahao; Tayabas Province A. Loher 13679 1915-3
AMES: 02153743 Dendrochilum rhombophorum (H. G. Reichenbach) Ames Philippines: Luzon: Mt. Banahao; Tayabas Province A. Loher 13669 1915-3
AMES: 02153759 Dendrochilum saccolabium Kraenzlin Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14735 1909-9
AMES: 02153758 Dendrochilum saccolabium Kraenzlin Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14719 1909-9
AMES: 02153757 Dendrochilum saccolabium Kraenzlin Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 13886 1913-1
AMES: 02153766 Dendrochilum smithianum (Ames) L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12566a 1909-5
AMES: 02153765 Dendrochilum smithianum (Ames) L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 13950 1913-1
AMES: 02153835 Dendrochilum tenellum (Nees & Meyen) Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14637 1909-9
AMES: 02153834 Dendrochilum tenellum (Nees & Meyen) Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 1909-9
AMES: 02153833 Dendrochilum tenellum (Nees & Meyen) Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14727 1909-9
AMES: 02153832 Dendrochilum tenellum (Nees & Meyen) Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14732 1909-9
AMES: 02153773 Dendrochilum tenuibulbum (Ames) L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13144 1915-4
AMES: 00018850 Dendrochilum unicallosum L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island A. Loher 14643 1909-9
AMES: 01985162 Dendrochilum unicallosum L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12566 1909-5
AMES: 02153927 Dendrochilum williamsii (Ames) Pfitzer Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12626 1912-10
AMES: 00018851 Dendrochilum yuccaefolium L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island, Montalban, Paningtingan A. Loher 13216
AMES: 02153924 Dendrochilum yuccaefolium L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan; Montalban A. Loher 13207
AMES: 02153923 Dendrochilum yuccaefolium L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 13951 1913-1
AMES: 02153922 Dendrochilum yuccaefolium L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14717 1909-9
AMES: 02162153 Didymoplexis pallens Griffith Philippines: Metropolitan Manila Kagolangin A. Loher 6002 1905-6-11
AMES: 02174550 Dilochia elmeri Ames Philippines: Rizal Oriud A. Loher 13823 1914-3
AMES: 02174549 Dilochia elmeri Ames Philippines: Luzon: Umiray; Tayabas Prov. A. Loher 13590 1915-5
AMES: 02329122 Doritis philippinensis Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14607 1909-9
AMES: 02329121 Doritis philippinensis Ames Philippines: [no additional data] A. Loher 6028 1905-8-14
AMES: 02125607 Epigeneium acuminatum (Kunth) Summerhayes Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14396 1913-4
AMES: 02125606 Epigeneium acuminatum (Kunth) Summerhayes Philippines: Luzon: Umiray; Tayabas Prov. A. Loher 13597 1915-5
AMES: 02125618 Epigeneium lyonii (Ames) Summerhayes Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 15029
AMES: 02125617 Epigeneium lyonii (Ames) Summerhayes Philippines: Luzon: Umiray; Tayabas Prov. A. Loher 13585 1915-5
AMES: 02125616 Epigeneium lyonii (Ames) Summerhayes Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12085 1907-5
AMES: 02162064 Epipogium roseum (D. Don) Handel-Mazzetti Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12080 1907-5
AMES: 02162063 Epipogium roseum (D. Don) Handel-Mazzetti Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13278 1912-4
AMES: 02162062 Epipogium roseum (D. Don) Handel-Mazzetti Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13282 1912-4
AMES: 02126985 Eria aporoides Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14430 1913-4
AMES: 02126995 Eria brachystachya H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Metropolitan Manila [no additional data] A. Loher 6013 1905-6
AMES: 02127048 Eria cylindrostachya Ames Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12562 1909-5
AMES: 02337762 Eria cymbiformis J. J. Smith Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14651 1909-9
AMES: 02127078 Eria fastigatifolia Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14682 1909-9
AMES: 02127095 Eria fastigatifolia Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14628 1909-9
AMES: 02127100 Eria floribunda Lindley Philippines: Rizal Pinauisan A. Loher 12449 1909-9
AMES: 02127118 Eria gigantea Ames Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13317 1915-5
AMES: 02127123 Eria gigantea Ames Philippines: Rizal Balacbac A. Loher 13049 1916-5
AMES: 02127134 Eria graciliscapa Rolfe Philippines: Luzon: Umiray; Tayabas Prov. A. Loher 13991 1914-6
AMES: 00287138 Eria javanica (Swartz) Blume Philippines: Luzon: Albay A. Loher 6003 1905-6-6
AMES: 02127149 Eria javanica (Swartz) Blume Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 1909-9
AMES: 00287138 Eria javanica philippinensis Kraenzlin Philippines: Luzon: Albay A. Loher 6003 1905-6-6
AMES: 02127174 Eria longissima Ames & Quisumbing Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 1909-9
AMES: 02127217 Eria ovata Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 1909-9
AMES: 02127291 Eria ovata retroflexa (Lindley) Garay & H. R. Sweet Philippines: Rizal Batingtingan A. Loher 12985 1915-4
AMES: 02127290 Eria ovata retroflexa (Lindley) Garay & H. R. Sweet Philippines: Luzon: Umiray; Tayabas Prov. A. Loher 14025 1914-6
AMES: 02127333 Eria philippinensis Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14648 1909-9
AMES: 02127375 Eria polyura Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14667 1909-9
AMES: 02127374 Eria polyura Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14664 1909-9
AMES: 02127368 Eria polyura Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14660 1909-9
AMES: 02127390 Eria profusa Lindley Philippines: Rizal Montalban: [no additional data] A. Loher 13392 1915-5
AMES: 02337691 Eria ramosii Leavitt Philippines: Rizal Luzon A. Loher 14696 1909-9
AMES: 02127419 Eria ringens H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 1909-9
AMES: 02127417 Eria ringens H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Paningtingan A. Loher
AMES: 00287138 Eria rugosa Lindley Philippines: Luzon: Albay A. Loher 6003 1905-6-6
AMES: 02127461 Eria sessilifolia (J. Fraser) D. L. Roberts & B. Sayers Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: [no additional data] A. Loher 13771 1914-1
AMES: 02127460 Eria sessilifolia (J. Fraser) D. L. Roberts & B. Sayers Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14615 1909-9
AMES: 02127458 Eria sessilifolia (J. Fraser) D. L. Roberts & B. Sayers Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14742 1909-9
AMES: 01539629 Eria sp. Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14692 1909-9
AMES: 02127472 Eria vanoverberghii Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14689 1909-9
AMES: 02127497 Eria ventricosa Leavitt Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: [no additional data] A. Loher 13283 1912-4
AMES: 02127496 Eria ventricosa Leavitt Philippines: Rizal Balacbac A. Loher 13055 1916-5
AMES: 02127527 Eria whitfordii Leavitt Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14678 1909-9
AMES: 02127526 Eria whitfordii Leavitt Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14057 1914-4
AMES: 02127524 Eria whitfordii Leavitt Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: [no additional data] A. Loher 12315 1909-10
AMES: 02127541 Eria whitfordii Leavitt Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 1909-9
AMES: 02127540 Eria whitfordii Leavitt Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14693 1909-9
AMES: 02127546 Eria woodiana Ames Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Paningtingan A. Loher 13225
AMES: 00099409 Erythrodes merrillii (Ames) Ames Philippines: Rizal Montalban, Luzon Island A. Loher 13279 1912-4
AMES: 01818811 Euanthe sp. Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban, Rizal Province A. Loher 12563 1909-5
AMES: 01818808 Euanthe sp. Philippines: Fl. in Manila A. Loher 6030A 1905-8-14
AMES: 02341623 Eulophia squalida Lindley Philippines: Quezon Umiray A. Loher 13994 1914-6
AMES: 02341653 Eulophia zollingeri (Reichenbach f.) J. J. Smith Philippines: Rizal Balacbac, Luzon A. Loher 14959 1912-6
AMES: 02125796 Flickingeria scopa (Lindley) Brieger Philippines: Rizal Pinauisan A. Loher 12395 1909-9
AMES: 02158763 Galeola nudifolia Loureiro Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13284 1912-4
AMES: 02341197 Geodorum nutans (C. Presl) Ames Philippines: Mindanao Island: Lake Mainit. Surigao Provin... A. Loher 14561 1909-6
AMES: 02550652 Grosourdya sp. Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14811 1913-9
AMES: 01946902 Habenaria ahernii Schlechter Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 15052
AMES: 01946935 Habenaria congesta Ames Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 15078
AMES: 01946980 Habenaria malintana (Blanco) Merrill Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 14672 1909-9
AMES: 01946995 Habenaria muricata Barbosa Rodrigues Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 14833 1913-8
AMES: 00099409 Herpysma merrillii Ames Philippines: Rizal Montalban, Luzon Island A. Loher 13279 1912-4
AMES: 02158901 Lecanorchis sp. Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14706 1909-9
AMES: 02094084 Liparis caespitosa (Thouars) Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14596 1909-9
AMES: 02094108 Liparis condylobulbon H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14659 1909-9
AMES: 02094091 Liparis condylobulbon H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14644 1909-9
AMES: 02094295 Liparis philippinensis (Ames) Schlechter Philippines: Metropolitan Manila [no additional data] A. Loher 6008A 1905-6-11
AMES: 00100958 Liparis prava Ames Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island A. Loher 14636 1909-9
AMES: 02094380 Liparis sp. Philippines: Mt. Banahao; Tayabas Province A. Loher 13664 1915-3
AMES: 02094379 Liparis sp. Philippines: Nueva Vizcaya Caraballo Mountain A. Loher 13698 1915-3
AMES: 00100988 Liparis trichoglottis (Ames) Schlechter Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island A. Loher 14603 1909-9
AMES: 02094341 Liparis trichoglottis (Ames) Schlechter Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14668 1909-9
AMES: 02094340 Liparis trichoglottis (Ames) Schlechter Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14611 1909-9
AMES: 02094339 Liparis trichoglottis (Ames) Schlechter Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13560 1915-3
AMES: 02094345 Liparis viridicallus Holttum Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14710 1909-9
AMES: 02094351 Liparis viridiflora (Blume) Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14725 1909-9
AMES: 02094350 Liparis viridiflora (Blume) Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14656 1909-9
AMES: 02094349 Liparis viridiflora (Blume) Lindley Philippines: Rizal Paningtongan; Montalban A. Loher 13224
AMES: 01818690 Luisia foxworthii Ames Philippines: Mindanao: Lake Mainit, Surigao Province A. Loher 14562 1909-6
AMES: 02175371 Malaxis bracteosa Ames Philippines: Luzon: Umiray; Tayabas Prov. A. Loher 13981 1914-6
AMES: 02175416 Malaxis latifolia Smith Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14687 1909-9
AMES: 02094773 Nephelaphyllum mindorense Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14612 1909-9
AMES: 02094770 Nephelaphyllum mindorense Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14699 1909-9
AMES: 01952136 Neuwiedia veratrifolia Blume Philippines: Paningtingan, Rizal Province A. Loher 13547 1918-3
AMES: 01952138 Neuwiedia veratrifolia Blume Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 14669 1909-9
AMES: 02096673 Oberonia aporophylla Reichenbach f. Philippines: Rizal Luzon A. Loher 14700 1909-9
AMES: 02096735 Oberonia luzonensis Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14633 1909-9
AMES: 02096747 Oberonia merrillii Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14743 1909-9
AMES: 02096735 Oberonia mindorensis Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14633 1909-9
AMES: 02096747 Oberonia pumilio Reichenbach f. Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14743 1909-9
AMES: 01952684 Paphiopedilum haynaldianum (H. G. Reichenbach) Stein Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 14665 1909-9
AMES: 01952685 Paphiopedilum haynaldianum (H. G. Reichenbach) Stein Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 14665 1909-9
AMES: 01952689 Paphiopedilum haynaldianum (H. G. Reichenbach) Stein Philippines: Luzon: Paningtingan. Rizal Province. A. Loher 13459 1915-3
AMES: 02388731 Phaius sp. Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13318 1915-5
AMES: 02329254 Phalaenopsis equestris (Schauer) Reichenbach f. Philippines: [no additional data] A. Loher
AMES: 02329307 Phalaenopsis mariae Burbidge Philippines: Davao [no additional data] A. Loher 6011 1905-6-19
AMES: 02329017 Phalaenopsis pallens H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14650 1909-9
AMES: 02329051 Phalaenopsis schilleriana H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14033 1914-4
AMES: 02174211 Pholidota imbricata Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14629 1909-9
AMES: 02174254 Pholidota ventricosa Reichenbach f. Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14718 1909-9
AMES: 02174252 Pholidota ventricosa Reichenbach f. Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14638 1909-9
AMES: 00103001 Phragmorchis teretifolia L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island A. Loher 14744 1909-9
AMES: 00083195 Phragmorchis teretifolia L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island A. Loher 14744 1909-9
AMES: 01828393 Phreatia aristulifera Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14728 1909-9
AMES: 01828392 Phreatia aristulifera Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14643a 1909-9
AMES: 01828417 Phreatia caulescens Ames Philippines: Mindanao: Lake Mainit, Surigao Province A. Loher 14568 1909-6
AMES: 01828416 Phreatia caulescens Ames Philippines: Mindanao Island: Lake Mainit; Surigao Provin... A. Loher 14563 1909-6
AMES: 01828435 Phreatia densiflora Lindley Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13558 1915-3
AMES: 01828493 Phreatia secunda Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14657 1909-9
AMES: 01828534 Phreatia sulcata (Lindley) J. J. Smith Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14723 1909-9
AMES: 02389502 Plocoglottis bicallosum Ames Philippines: Rizal Mabiluang A. Loher 14444 1913-10
AMES: 00103266 Plocoglottis bicomata L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal Sumag, Luzon Island A. Loher 1914-4
AMES: 00103265 Plocoglottis bicomata L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan, Luzon Island A. Loher 1915-3
AMES: 02389536 Plocoglottis copelandii Ames Philippines: Mindanao Island: Lake Mainit; Surigao Provin... A. Loher 14558 1909-6
AMES: 02389535 Plocoglottis copelandii Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14741 1909-9
AMES: 02288160 Plocoglottis sp. Philippines: Luzon: Rizal A. Loher s.n. 1909-9
AMES: 00103335 Podochilus longilabris Ames Philippines: Rizal Mabilnang, Luzon Island A. Loher 1913-10
AMES: 02339878 Podochilus strictus Ames Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province A. Loher 14589 1909-9
AMES: 02339877 Podochilus strictus Ames Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13319 1915-5
AMES: 01828852 Pomatocalpa bicolor (Lindley & Paxton) J. J. Smith Philippines: Luzon: flowering in Manila A. Loher 6010 1905-6-4
AMES: 01828851 Pomatocalpa bicolor (Lindley & Paxton) J. J. Smith Philippines: Luzon: flowering in Manila A. Loher 6010 1905-6-4
AMES: 01828880 Pomatocalpa bicolor (Lindley & Paxton) J. J. Smith Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14679 1909-9
AMES: 02550715 Pteroceras philippinense (Ames) Garay Philippines: Luzon: Zambales A. Loher 6027 1905-8-14
AMES: 02550766 Pteroceras unguiculatum H. A. Pedersen Philippines: [illegible] - Kgl. Bot. Garden. A. Loher 91 1916-9
AMES: 02550765 Pteroceras unguiculatum H. A. Pedersen Philippines: [no additional data] A. Loher 595
AMES: 02550759 Pteroceras unguiculatum H. A. Pedersen Philippines: Luzon: [no additional data] A. Loher 6024 1905-7-9
AMES: 01828795 Renanthera storiei H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban; Rizal Province A. Loher 13358 1915-5
AMES: 01828793 Renanthera storiei H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Metropolitan Manila [no additional data] A. Loher
AMES: 01828792 Renanthera storiei H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 6000 1905-4-13
AMES: 01828791 Renanthera storiei H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 6000 1905-4-13
AMES: 01828785 Renanthera storiei H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14581 1909-9
AMES: 02329470 Robiquetia cerina (H. G. Reichenbach) Garay Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14739 1909-9
AMES: 00103873 Robiquetia pantherina (Kraenzlin) Ames Philippines: A. Loher 1916-3
AMES: 00103872 Robiquetia pantherina (Kraenzlin) Ames Philippines: A. Loher s.n. 1916-3
AMES: 02329498 Robiquetia ramosii Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14684 1909-9
AMES: 02329497 Robiquetia ramosii Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14671 1909-9
AMES: 01818832 Robiquetia sp. Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Rizal Province A. Loher 13360 1915-5
AMES: 02329517 Robiquetia vanoverberghii Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14676 1909-9
AMES: 02329516 Robiquetia vanoverberghii Ames Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13463 1915-3
AMES: 00103840 Saccolabium brevirhachis L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island A. Loher s. n. 1909-9
AMES: 00083602 Saccolabium brevirhachis L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island A. Loher s. n. 1909-9
AMES: 00103866 Saccolabium loheri Ames Philippines: Zambales flowered in Manila A. Loher 6026 1905-7-26
AMES: 00083809 Saccolabium loheri Ames Philippines: Zambales flowered in Manila A. Loher 6026 1905-7-26
AMES: 00103873 Saccolabium pantherinum Kraenzlin Philippines: A. Loher 1916-3
AMES: 00103872 Saccolabium pantherinum Kraenzlin Philippines: A. Loher s.n. 1916-3
AMES: 00083813 Saccolabium pantherinum Kraenzlin Philippines: A. Loher s.n. 1916-3
AMES: 01818976 Sarcanthus micranthus Ames Philippines: Rizal Rizal Province, Luzon A. Loher 14677 1909-9
AMES: 02329346 Sarcophyton pachyphyllum Garay Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14580 1909-9
AMES: 01818854 Schoenorchis vanoverberghii Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 15127
AMES: 02387651 Spathoglottis plicata Blume Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14713 1909-9
AMES: 02288157 Spathoglottis sp. Philippines: Nueva Vizcaya Caraballo Mountain A. Loher s.n. 1915-3
AMES: 02288159 Spathoglottis sp. Philippines: Nueva Vizcaya Caraballo Mountain A. Loher s.n. 1915-3
AMES: 01829234 Staurochilus loherianus (Kraenzlin) Karasawa Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14570 1909-9
AMES: 01829233 Staurochilus loherianus (Kraenzlin) Karasawa Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13449 1915-3
AMES: 01829235 Staurochilus luzonensis (Ames) Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14573 1909-9
AMES: 00104606 Stauropsis crux-luzoniae Kraenzlin Philippines: Rizal A. Loher 1400? 1909-9
AMES: 02162042 Stereosandra Philippines: Luzon: Umiray Tayabas Prov. A. Loher 14001 1914-6
AMES: 02162042 Stereosandra javanica Blume Philippines: Luzon: Umiray Tayabas Prov. A. Loher 14001 1914-6
AMES: 01829369 Taeniophyllum sp. Philippines: [no data available] A. Loher
AMES: 00105154 Tainia inamoena Kraenzlin Philippines: Manila, Luzon Island A. Loher
AMES: 02384945 Thelasis micrantha (Brongniart) J. J. Smith Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14602 1909-9
AMES: 02384972 Thelasis triptera H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal Balacbac A. Loher 13048 1916-5
AMES: 02550461 Thrixspermum comans J. J. Smith Philippines: Rizal A. Loher 1913-6
AMES: 02550461 Thrixspermum comans bicristatum L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal A. Loher 1913-6
AMES: 02550500 Thrixspermum elongatum Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14715 1909-9
AMES: 02550499 Thrixspermum elongatum Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14639 1909-9
AMES: 02550498 Thrixspermum elongatum Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 6016 1905-6-15
AMES: 00243135 Thrixspermum ligulatum L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal A. Loher 1915-5
AMES: 00243136 Thrixspermum ligulatum L. O. Williams Philippines: Rizal A. Loher 13320 1915-5
AMES: 00103840 Trachoma brevirhachis (L. O. Williams) Garay Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island A. Loher s. n. 1909-9
AMES: 00083602 Trachoma brevirhachis (L. O. Williams) Garay Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island A. Loher s. n. 1909-9
AMES: 01829079 Trichoglottis chrysochila (Kraenzlin) P. A. Ormerod & J. E. Cootes Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 1918-3
AMES: 01829078 Trichoglottis chrysochila (Kraenzlin) P. A. Ormerod & J. E. Cootes Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 1918-3
AMES: 00104606 Trichoglottis fasciata (Bentham) H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal A. Loher 1400? 1909-9
AMES: 01829062 Trichoglottis fasciata (Bentham) H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13557
AMES: 01829060 Trichoglottis fasciata (Bentham) H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13557 1915-3
AMES: 01829059 Trichoglottis fasciata (Bentham) H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14600 1909-9
AMES: 00090878 Trichoglottis flexuosa Rolfe ex Ames Philippines: Manila, Luzon Island A. Loher 6012 1905-6
AMES: 00090881 Trichoglottis intermedia L. O. Williams Philippines: Luzon: A. Loher sn 1909-9
AMES: 00090880 Trichoglottis intermedia L. O. Williams Philippines: Luzon: A. Loher 14652 1909-9
AMES: 00084528 Trichoglottis intermedia L. O. Williams Philippines: Luzon: A. Loher 14652 1909-9
AMES: 00090886 Trichoglottis latisepala Ames Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island A. Loher sn 1909-9
AMES: 01829094 Trichoglottis latisepala Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14661 1909-9
AMES: 01829089 Trichoglottis latisepala Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14780 1913-9
AMES: 01829080 Trichoglottis latisepala Ames Philippines: Rizal Pinauisan A. Loher 12450 1909-9
AMES: 01829155 Trichoglottis philippinensis Lindley Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 6023 1905-7-9
AMES: 01829163 Trichoglottis rosea (Lindley) Ames Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14610 1909-9
AMES: 01829162 Trichoglottis rosea (Lindley) Ames Philippines: [no data available] A. Loher 6029 1905-8-14
AMES: 00090847 Trichoglottis solerederi Kraenzlin Philippines: Luzon: A. Loher
AMES: 02337692 Trichotosia ramosii Kraenzlin Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14712 1909-9
AMES: 02337691 Trichotosia ramosii Kraenzlin Philippines: Rizal Luzon A. Loher 14696 1909-9
AMES: 02337700 Trichotosia vulpina Kraenzlin Philippines: Rizal Mt. Batay A. Loher 6014 1905-6-19
AMES: 02090792 Tropidia robinsonii Ames Philippines: Paningtingan. Rizal Province. A. Loher 13563 1915-3
AMES: 02329107 Tuberolabium escritorii Garay Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14647 1909-9
AMES: 00103866 Tuberolabium sarcochiloides (Schlechter) Garay Philippines: Zambales flowered in Manila A. Loher 6026 1905-7-26
AMES: 01818774 Vanda lamellata Lindley Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban, Rizal Province A. Loher 13802 1914-1
AMES: 01818794 Vanda luzonica Loher ex Rolfe Philippines: Bulacan Mt. Balacbac, Bulacan Prov., Luzon, flowerin... A. Loher 6006 1905-6-11
AMES: 01818793 Vanda luzonica Loher ex Rolfe Philippines: Bulacan Mt. Balacabac, Bulacan Prov. Luzon, flowerin... A. Loher 6006 1905-6-11
AMES: 01818790 Vanda luzonica Loher ex Rolfe Philippines: Our [?] bot Garden zu Erlangan A. Loher 1916-8
AMES: 01818811 Vanda sanderiana Reichenbach f. Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban, Rizal Province A. Loher 12563 1909-5
AMES: 01818808 Vanda sanderiana Reichenbach f. Philippines: Fl. in Manila A. Loher 6030A 1905-8-14
AMES: 01828713 Vandopsis lissochiloides (Lindley) Pfitzer Philippines: Panay: [no additional data] A. Loher 6025 1905-7-9
AMES: 02158630 Vanilla calopogon H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher
AMES: 02158629 Vanilla calopogon H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Metropolitan Manila Tanque A. Loher 1916-2
AMES: 02158628 Vanilla calopogon H. G. Reichenbach Philippines: Rizal Montalban: [no additional data] A. Loher 12008 1909-9
AMES: 02158647 Vanilla philippinensis Rolfe Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 15038
AMES: 02090383 Zeuxine elmeri (Ames) Ames Philippines: Rizal Luzon A. Loher 14660 1909-9
AMES: 01685113 [None] Philippines: Rizal A. Loher 14065 1914-4
AMES: 01685217 [None] Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13554 1915-5
AMES: 01685218 [None] Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13549 1915-3
AMES: 01685219 [None] Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13759 1914-1
AMES: 01685220 [None] Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13570 1915-3
AMES: 01685221 [None] Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13564 1915-3
AMES: 01685438 [None] Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13555 1915-3
AMES: 01685603 [None] Philippines: Rizal A. Loher 14746 1909-9
AMES: 02288191 [None] Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13281 1912-4
AMES: [None] Philippines: Rizal A. Loher 14065 1914-4
AMES: [None] Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13554 1915-5
AMES: [None] Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13549 1915-3
AMES: [None] Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13759 1914-1
AMES: [None] Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13570 1915-3
AMES: [None] Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13564 1915-3
AMES: [None] Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13555 1915-3
AMES: [None] Philippines: Rizal A. Loher 14746 1909-9
AMES: [None] Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13281 1912-4
Philydraceae AMES: 02090674 Hetaeria oblongifolia Blume Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14335 1913-3
AMES: 02090673 Hetaeria oblongifolia Blume Philippines: Rizal Montalba. A. Loher 1915-5
Phyllanthaceae A: 02486700 Antidesma edule Merrill Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14829 1913-8
A: 02490522 Aporosa sphaeridiophora Merrill Philippines: Rizal Angilog A. Loher 14156 1914-3
A: 02490553 Aporosa symplocifolia Merr. Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14933 1913-7
A: 02490560 Aporosa symplocifolia Merr. Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13405 1915-5
A: 02490550 Aporosa symplocifolia Merr. Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12758 1909-3
Piperaceae GH: 01978542 Peperomia sp. Philippines: Nueva Vizcaya Caraballo Mountain A. Loher 13747 1915-3
Poaceae GH: 02471064 Cyrtococcum patens A. Camus Philippines: Metropolitan Manila [no additional data] A. Loher 1734 1892-11-15
A: 02244002 Dinochloa luconiae (Munro) Merr. Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: [no additional data] A. Loher 13313 1915-5
GH: 02473111 Eragrostis amabilis (Linnaeus) Wight & Arnott Philippines: Metropolitan Manila Kagalangin. A. Loher 1891-6-15
GH: 02470382 Schizachyrium brevifolium (Swartz) Nees ex Büse Philippines: Metropolitan Manila San Francisco del Monte. A. Loher 1864
Podocarpaceae A: 02277436 Dacrycarpus cumingii (Parlatore) de Laubenfels Philippines: Luzon: Luzon central A. Loher 4852
A: 02277435 Dacrycarpus cumingii (Parlatore) de Laubenfels Philippines: Luzon: Luzon central A. Loher 4852
A: 02278551 Phyllocladus hypophylla Hooker f. Philippines: Luzon: [no additional data] A. Loher 5203
A: 02247477 Podocarpus neriifolius D. Don Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: [no additional data] A. Loher 12785 1909-3
Polygalaceae A: 00027083 Xanthophyllum flavescens Roxburgh Philippines: Rizal Balacbac, Luzon Island A. Loher 14978 1912-6
A: 00027083 Xanthophyllum loheri Merrill Philippines: Rizal Balacbac, Luzon Island A. Loher 14978 1912-6
Polypodiaceae GH: 02508878 Aglaomorpha acuminata (Willdenow) Hovenkamp Philippines: Rizal Balacbac A. Loher 14962 1912-6
GH: 02509053 Aglaomorpha meyeniana Schott Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 12598 1912-8
GH: 02218406 Loxogramme scolopendrioides (Gaudichaud) C. V. Morton Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14504 1913-10
GH: 02219142 Microsorum longissimum Fée Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12652 1912-11
GH: 02219201 Microsorum pentaphyllum (Baker) Copeland Philippines: Nueva Vizcaya Caraballo Mountain A. Loher 13712 1915-3
GH: 02219930 Pyrrosia splendens (C. Presl) Ching Philippines: Rizal Oriud A. Loher 13822 1914-3
GH: 02220483 Selliguea enervis (Cavanilles) Ching Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 1909-9
GH: 02220491 Selliguea glauca (J. Smith ex T. Moore) Hovenkamp Philippines: Mindanao Island: Lake Mainit. Surigao Provin... A. Loher 14567 1909-6
Proteaceae A: 02258506 Helicia sp. Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban A. Loher 12794 1909-3
Psilotaceae GH: 02580183 Psilotum nudum (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14085 1914-4
Pteridaceae GH: 02528458 Pteris melanocaulon Fée Philippines: Rizal Balacbac A. Loher 13027 1916-5
GH: 02528513 Pteris quadriaurita Retzius Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14492 1913-10
Rhizophoraceae A: 02264392 Bruguiera cylindrica (Linnaeus) Blume Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban A. Loher 13803 1914-1
A: 02264934 Ceriops zippeliana Blume Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 13767 1914-1
A: 02263435 Gynotroches axillaris Blume Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14931 1913-7
A: 02263412 Gynotroches parvifolia Merrill Philippines: Rizal Sumag A. Loher 14100 1914-4
A: 02263670 Pellacalyx pustulata Merrill Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban A. Loher 13382 1915-5
A: 02263672 Pellacalyx pustulata Merrill Philippines: Rizal Rodriguez: Montalban A. Loher 12086 1907-5
Rubiaceae A: 02603430 Hedyotis banksii (Elmer) Elmer Philippines: Rizal Balacbac A. Loher 13015 1916-5
A: 00032357 Randia loheri Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban, Luzon Island A. Loher 12067 1909-10
Sabiaceae A: 02295245 Meliosma pinnata barbulata (Cufodontis) Beusekom ex Welzen Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14388 1913-4
Sapotaceae A: 00075764 Palaquium elliptilimbum Merrill Philippines: Rizal Luzon Island A. Loher 13867 1913-1
Schizaeaceae GH: 02283988 Actinostachys digitata (Linnaeus) Wallich Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12787 1909-3
Sematophyllaceae FH: 01142523 Acroporium hermaphroditum (Müller Halle) M. Fleischer Philippines: Rizal Oriud, Rizal Province A. Loher 15137 1914-3
Simaroubaceae A: 02252143 Brucea mollis Wallich ex Kurz Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14475 1913-10
Staphyleaceae A: 02459322 Dalrympelea sphaerocarpa (Hasskarl) A. T. Nor Ezzawanis Philippines: Rizal Balacbac A. Loher 14941 1912-6
A: 00050206 Turpinia simplicifolia Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12772 1909-3
Symplocaceae A: 02602489 Symplocos glabriramifera Noot. Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14411 1913-4
A: 02602487 Symplocos glabriramifera Noot. Philippines: Rizal Pinauisan A. Loher 12427 1909-9
A: 02602578 Symplocos lancifolia Siebold & Zuccarini Philippines: Rizal Angilog A. Loher 14168 1914-3
A: 02602577 Symplocos lancifolia Siebold & Zuccarini Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14199 1913-2
A: 01547526 Symplocos odoratissima Choisy ex Zollinger Philippines: Rizal Pinauisan A. Loher 12437 1909-9
A: 02602622 Symplocos odoratissima Choisy ex Zollinger Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 12670 1912-4
A: 02602613 Symplocos odoratissima Choisy ex Zollinger Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14911 1913-7
A: 02602666 Symplocos ophirensis cumingiana (Brand) Nooteboom Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan; Montalban A. Loher 13148 1912-3
A: 02602664 Symplocos ophirensis cumingiana (Brand) Nooteboom Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 12233 1910-12
A: 02602663 Symplocos ophirensis cumingiana (Brand) Nooteboom Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12049 1909-9
A: 02602704 Symplocos sp. Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12145 1908-7
A: 02602737 Symplocos vidalii Rolfe Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 12252 1910-12
A: 02602741 Symplocos whitfordii Brand Philippines: Quezon Mt. Banakao A. Loher 13677 1915-3
Taenitidaceae GH: 02528891 Taenitis blechnoides (Willdenow) Swartz Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13435 1915-3
GH: 02528902 Taenitis luzonica (Alderwerelt) Holttum Philippines: Rizal Paningtingan A. Loher 13464 1915-3
Theaceae A: 02524079 Adinandra loheri Merrill Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14486 1913-10
A: 02524078 Adinandra loheri Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12642 1912-10
A: 02524118 Adinandra maquilingensis Merrill Philippines: Quezon Umiray A. Loher 13999 1914-6
A: 02022739 Camellia lanceolata (Blume) Seemann Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14252 1913-5
A: 02524197 Cleyera japonica montana (Merrill) Kobuski Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12346 1909-10
A: 02294036 Gordonia luzonica Vidal Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14389 1913-4
A: 02294034 Gordonia luzonica Vidal Philippines: Rizal Oriud A. Loher 13826 1914-3
A: 02520342 Ternstroemia philippinensis Merrill Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 13806 1914-1
A: 02520373 Ternstroemia toquian Fernandez-Villar Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 13895 1913-1
A: 02520391 Ternstroemia urdanatensis (Elmer) Kobuski Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12186 1908-7
A: 02520406 Ternstroemia urdanatensis (Elmer) Kobuski Philippines: Quezon Umiray A. Loher 13577 1915-5
Thelypteridaceae GH: 02404471 Chingia ferox (Blume) Holttum Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14067 1914-4
Verbenaceae A: 02328570 Callicarpa angusta Schauer Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12312 1909-10
A: 02150271 Clerodendrum multibracteatum Merrill Philippines: Rizal [data not captured] A. Loher 12591 1912-8
A: 02518791 Premna serratifolia Linnaeus Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12759 1909-3
A: 02525081 Vitex parviflora Jussieu Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12699 1912-1
Vitaceae A: 02329676 Ampelocissus botryostachys Planchon Philippines: Rizal Balacbac A. Loher 14967 1912-6
A: 02327055 Cayratia geniculata Gagnepain Philippines: Rizal Montalban A. Loher 12813 1909-3
A: 02327067 Cayratia pedata Jussieu ex Gagnepain Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14502 1913-10
A: 02327913 Cissus repens Lamarck Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher BS 14832 1913-8
A: 02326613 Leea congesta Elmer Philippines: Rizal Balacbac A. Loher 13009 1916-5
A: 02325283 Tetrastigma loheri Gagnepain Philippines: Rizal Balacbac A. Loher 13014 1916-5
A: 02325304 Tetrastigma pisicarpum Planchon Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] A. Loher 14488 1913-10
Vittariaceae GH: 02407239 Antrophyum reticulatum (G. Forster) Kaulfuss Philippines: Mindanao: Lake Mainit, Surigao Province A. Loher 14566 1909-6