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Next page >Aceraceae GH: 01794584 Acer saccharum Marshall USA: Texas 3 miles S. of Milam R. McVaugh 8434 1947-5-22
Alismataceae GH: 01632048 Alisma triviale Pursh USA: Delaware about 5 miles west of Rehoboth Beach, near L... R. McVaugh 6548 1942-6-25
GH: 01632387 Sagittaria graminea Michaux USA: Delaware outlet of Burton's Pond, about 5 miles south... R. McVaugh 6533 1942-6-25
GH: 01632390 Sagittaria graminea Michaux USA: Delaware about 4 miles west of Rehoboth Beach, near L... R. McVaugh 6547 1942-6-25
Amaranthaceae GH: 01781659 Chenopodiastrum murale (Linnaeus) S. Fuentes, Uotila & Borsch USA: Texas Cooper's old store, about 5 miles south of P... R. McVaugh 7821 1947-4-5
GH: 01930307 Gomphrena caespitosa Torrey USA: New Mexico grassland at Mexican boundary S.E. of former... R. McVaugh 8064 1947-4-25
Amblystegiaceae FH: 00996800 Amblystegium varium (Hedwig) Lindberg USA: Texas limestone rocks in bed of creek, small ravin... R. McVaugh 7658 1947-3-26
Anacardiaceae GH: 01867108 Rhus copallinum Linnaeus USA: Delaware 1 mile east of Lewes. R. McVaugh 6579 1942-6-27
GH: 01869472 Toxicodendron vernix (Linnaeus) Kuntze USA: Michigan About 5 mi NW of Reading, south side of Heml... R. McVaugh 7564 1946-8-11
GH: 01869473 Toxicodendron vernix (Linnaeus) Kuntze USA: Michigan east of Cedar Lake, 3 mi W of Chelsea R. McVaugh 7597 1946-10-2
GH: 01869525 Toxicodendron vernix (Linnaeus) Kuntze USA: Texas 9.5 miles southwest of Center R. McVaugh 8426 1947-5-22
Apocynaceae GH: 02180433 Amsonia arenaria Standley USA: Texas about 16 miles east of El Paso on Carlsbad h... R. McVaugh 8136 1947-5-1
GH: 02180539 Amsonia ciliata texana (A. Gray) Coulter USA: Texas 10 miles west of Weatherford R. McVaugh 8367 1947-5-18
GH: 02180511 Amsonia ciliata filifolia Alph. Wood USA: Georgia E. of Little Ohoopee River, about 7 miles W.... R. McVaugh 8622 1947-6-4
GH: 02180595 Amsonia illustris Woodson USA: Texas 4 miles southeast of Kemp R. McVaugh 8378 1947-5-19
GH: 02180622 Amsonia longiflora salpignantha (Woodson) S. P. McLaughlin USA: Texas at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 miles N.N.W... R. McVaugh 7740 1947-3-31
GH: 02180638 Amsonia palmeri A. Gray USA: Texas Bottom of narrow draw above Rio Grande, 3 mi... R. McVaugh 7965 1947-4-16
GH: 02178077 Apocynum cannabinum Linnaeus USA: Texas High dunes 4.5 miles north, then 7 miles eas... R. McVaugh 10724 1949-5-29
Araceae GH: 01654007 Arisaema dracontium (Linnaeus) Schott USA: Alabama Tuscaloosa: High wooded banks of slough, nea... R. McVaugh 8567 1947-5-30
GH: 01654506 Arisaema triphyllum stewardsonii (Britton) Huttleston USA: New York along Taghkanic Creek, just above New Forge ... R. McVaugh 4393 1936-5-18
GH: 01654452 Arisaema triphyllum pusillum (Peck) Huttleston USA: Texas 3 miles S. of Milam R. McVaugh 8441 1947-5-22
GH: 01627777 Peltandra virginica (Linnaeus) Rafinesque ex Schott USA: Delaware near head of Howland's Glade, 2.5 miles nort... R. McVaugh 6593 1942-6-29
GH: 01627830 Peltandra virginica (Linnaeus) Rafinesque ex Schott USA: Michigan Cedar Lake, 3 miles west of Chelsea R. McVaugh 7603 1946-10-9
Aristolochiaceae GH: 01681736 Aristolochia reticulata Nuttall USA: Louisiana [data not captured] R. McVaugh 8470 1947-5-25
GH: 01682452 Hexastylis arifolia Small USA: Mississippi [data not captured] R. McVaugh 8538 1947-5-27
Asclepiadaceae GH: 01046689 Asclepias viridiflora Rafinesque USA: Maryland near streetcar track, east of Plant Industry... R. McVaugh 6727 1944-8-12
GH: 01083559 Funastrum crispum (Bentham) Schlechter USA: Texas 10 miles northwest of Presidio R. McVaugh 7955 1947-4-16
GH: 01083336 Matelea reticulata (Engelmann ex A. Gray) Woodson USA: Texas sandstone hills 5 miles north of Santo R. McVaugh 10742 1949-5-30
GH: 00571260 Matelea sagittifolia (A. Gray) Woodson ex Shinners USA: Texas above dam at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 m... R. McVaugh 7727 1947-3-31
GH: 01083378 Metastelma barbigerum Scheele USA: Texas above dam at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 m... R. McVaugh 8233 1947-5-9
Aspleniaceae GH: 02068759 Asplenium rhizophyllum Linnaeus USA: New York east side of Douglas' Knob, near Canaan - Ne... R. McVaugh 4284 1936-5-14
GH: 02068744 Asplenium rhizophyllum Linnaeus USA: New York 1 mi. E. of North Chatham R. McVaugh 4008 1935-9-23
GH: 02068690 Asplenium rhizophyllum Linnaeus USA: Kentucky northern descent of Pine Mountain, 3.5 miles... R. McVaugh 8685 1947-6-6
Asteraceae GH: 02579045 Acourtia nana (A. Gray) Reveal & R. M. King USA: New Mexico 2 miles east of Hermanas R. McVaugh 8112 1947-4-28
GH: 02215617 Chaetopappa bellidifolia (A. Gray & Engelmann) Shinners USA: Texas above dam at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 m... R. McVaugh 8244 1947-5-9
GH: 02215616 Chaetopappa bellidifolia (A. Gray & Engelmann) Shinners USA: Texas above dam at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 m... R. McVaugh 7723 1947-3-31
GH: 02215759 Chaetopappa ericoides (Torrey) G. L. Nesom USA: Texas Summit of Sierra Diablo at Victoria Canyon, ... R. McVaugh 8023 1947-4-20
GH: 02215818 Chaetopappa hersheyi S. F. Blake USA: Texas Pipe Canyon above upper Pine Spring, east sl... R. McVaugh 8152 1947-5-3
GH: 02020521 Cirsium carolinianum (Walter) Fernald & B. G. Schubert USA: Alabama [data not captured] R. McVaugh 8592 1947-5-31
GH: 02021332 Cirsium muticum Michaux USA: Michigan [data not captured] R. McVaugh 7560 1946-8-11
GH: 02021328 Cirsium muticum Michaux USA: Michigan [data not captured] R. McVaugh 7560 1946-8-11
GH: 02021579 Cirsium palustre (Linnaeus) Scopoli USA: Michigan [data not captured] R. McVaugh 9729 1948-8-8
GH: 02207808 Erigeron bellidiastrus Nuttall USA: Texas 11 miles north of Porvenir R. McVaugh 7998 1947-4-17
GH: 02207807 Erigeron bellidiastrus Nuttall USA: Texas 3 miles E.N.E. of Monahans R. McVaugh 8190 1947-5-6
GH: 02352040 Erigeron modestus A. Gray USA: Texas East Black Hills; 16 miles E. of Marathon - ... R. McVaugh 7789 1947-4-3
GH: 02352038 Erigeron modestus A. Gray USA: Texas main canyon on northeast side of Sierra Made... R. McVaugh 10654 1949-5-26
GH: 02191596 Flyriella parryi (A. Gray) King & H. Robinson USA: Texas about 5 miles north of Langtry on Ozona road R. McVaugh 8232 1947-5-8
GH: 01831950 Hieracium gronovii Linnaeus USA: Louisiana [data not captured] R. McVaugh 8466 1947-5-25
GH: 01832462 Hieracium longipilum Torrey ex Hooker USA: Michigan [data not captured] R. McVaugh 7576 1946-8-15
GH: 01832461 Hieracium longipilum Torrey ex Hooker USA: Michigan [data not captured] R. McVaugh 7577 1946-8-17
GH: 01833912 Krigia occidentalis Nuttall USA: Texas 14 miles N.E. of Milano (3.5 miles NE of Gau... R. McVaugh 7629 1947-3-23
GH: 02192088 Liatris elegans (Walter) Michaux USA: Georgia 1 mi. e. of Junction City R. McVaugh 5242 1940-8-22
GH: 02192516 Liatris microcephala (Small) K. Schumann USA: Georgia Echols Mill, 13 m. n. e. of Lexington R. McVaugh 5375 1940-8-28
GH: 02192515 Liatris microcephala (Small) K. Schumann USA: Georgia 4 mi. s. w. of Franklin R. McVaugh 5174 1940-8-20
GH: 02192509 Liatris microcephala (Small) K. Schumann USA: Alabama near Blake Ferry; 5 mi. w. of Wedowee R. McVaugh 5201 1940-8-20
GH: 01835484 Lygodesmia texana (Torrey & A. Gray) Greene ex Small USA: Texas plateau 4.5 miles west, then 3.5 miles south... R. McVaugh 8214 1947-5-8
GH: 01835598 Malacothrix fendleri A. Gray USA: New Mexico Western slopes of Animas Mts. below Animas P... R. McVaugh 8107 1947-4-27
Berberidaceae GH: 02168812 Caulophyllum giganteum (Farw.) Loconte & Blackwell USA: New York about 2 miles west of Brainerd (Ashley Hill) R. McVaugh 4087 1936-4-24
GH: 02169546 Mahonia repens (Lindley) G. Don USA: New Mexico mountain side above Cherry Creek 1 mile belo... R. McVaugh 8056 1947-4-24
GH: 02169695 Mahonia trifoliolata (Moricand) Fedde USA: Texas 4 miles south of Tarpley, Bandera Co.; edge ... R. McVaugh 7671 1947-3-27
Betulaceae GH: 02071301 Carpinus caroliniana Walter USA: Texas 3 miles S. of Milam R. McVaugh 8418 1947-5-21
GH: 02071377 Carpinus caroliniana virginiana (Marshall) Furlow USA: Michigan [data not captured] R. McVaugh 7561 1946-8-11
A: 02103620 Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch USA: Texas Pipe Canyon above upper Pine Spring, east sl... R. McVaugh 8154 1947-5-3
A: 02103619 Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch USA: Texas Pipe Canyon above upper Pine Spring, east sl... R. McVaugh 8151 1947-5-3
Boraginaceae GH: 00282584 Cryptantha crassisepala (Torrey & A. Gray) Greene USA: Texas North end of Quitman Mts., 8 miles W. of Sie... R. McVaugh 8040 1947-4-21
GH: 00282584 Cryptantha crassisepala elachantha I. M. Johnston USA: Texas North end of Quitman Mts., 8 miles W. of Sie... R. McVaugh 8040 1947-4-21
GH: 02025426 Cryptantha texana (A. de Candolle) Greene USA: Texas west side of Pecos River below Pandale, at r... R. McVaugh 7716 1947-3-30
GH: 02026326 Cynoglossum zeylanicum (Vahl) Thunberg ex Lehmann USA: Texas 4 miles northeast of Milam R. McVaugh 8443 1947-5-24
GH: 01993316 Heliotropium convolvulaceum (Nuttall) A. Gray USA: Texas 12 miles northeast of Kermit on Andrews high... R. McVaugh 10718 1949-5-28
GH: 01993429 Heliotropium curassavicum Linnaeus USA: Texas banks of Rio Grade, 3 miles north of Candela... R. McVaugh 7974 1947-4-16
GH: 01993488 Heliotropium curassavicum Linnaeus USA: Virginia in front of Wachapreague Hotel, Wachapreague R. McVaugh 5750 1941-6-22
GH: 00097445 Lithospermum angustifolium Sessé & Moçiño USA: Texas at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 miles north... R. McVaugh 7725 1947-3-31
GH: 00097451 Lithospermum berlandieri I. M. Johnston Mexico: Tamaulipas On Jaumave road about 13 miles southwest of ... R. McVaugh 10517 1949-5-13
GH: 00097445 Lithospermum parksii I. M. Johnston USA: Texas at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 miles north... R. McVaugh 7725 1947-3-31
GH: 02059715 Omphalodes aliena A. Gray USA: Texas west side of Pecos River below Pandale, at r... R. McVaugh 7712 1947-3-30
GH: 02059713 Omphalodes aliena A. Gray USA: Texas above dam at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 m... R. McVaugh
GH: 02059712 Omphalodes aliena A. Gray USA: Texas Reagan Canyon; about 1 mile above mouth; (US... R. McVaugh 7808 1947-4-4
GH: 02059711 Omphalodes aliena A. Gray USA: Texas at dam site, Morton Canyon, Rio Grande about... R. McVaugh 7751 1947-4-1
GH: 02059706 Omphalodes aliena A. Gray USA: Texas canyon of Pecos River 1 mile above mouth, at... R. McVaugh 7699 1947-3-29
GH: 02059969 Oreocarya cinerea Greene USA: New Mexico at Mexican boundary, southwestern Hidalgo Co... R. McVaugh 8075 1947-4-25
GH: 02059980 Oreocarya cinerea Greene USA: Texas about 17 miles southeast of Andrews, then 3 ... R. McVaugh 10706 1949-5-28
GH: 02062121 Plagiobothrys arizonicus (A. Gray) Greene USA: New Mexico grassland at Mexican boundary, southwestern ... R. McVaugh 8063 1947-4-25
GH: 02143948 Tiquilia canescens (de Candolle) A. T. Richardson USA: Texas 3 miles north of Ruidosa R. McVaugh 7959 1947-4-16
GH: 02144104 Tiquilia hispidissima (Torrey & A. Gray) A. T. Richardson USA: Texas 3 miles north of Ruidosa R. McVaugh 7958 1947-4-16
GH: 02144134 Tiquilia latior (I. M. Johnston) A. T. Richardson USA: Utah 5 miles NE of Hanksville. R. McVaugh 14583 1953-6-15
GH: 02144149 Tiquilia mexicana (S. Watson) A. T. Richardson USA: Texas 19 miles north of Langtry R. McVaugh 8222 1947-5-8
Brachytheciaceae FH: 00515664 Chamberlainia acuminata (Hedwig) Grout USA: Texas [data not captured] R. McVaugh 7644 1947-3-25
Brassicaceae GH: 00992289 Alyssum alyssoides Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] R. McVaugh 317 1933-4-23
GH: 00992575 Arabidopsis lyrata (Linnaeus) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: New York [data not captured] R. McVaugh 4211 1936-5-5
GH: 00974422 Arabis petiolaris (A. Gray) A. Gray USA: Texas at Gorman Falls, on Colorado River 6 miles s... R. McVaugh 8327 1947-5-15
GH: 00932970 Boechera laevigata (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Al-Shehbaz USA: New York 2 miles southeast of Churchtown ("Pinnacle") R. McVaugh 4190 1936-5-3
GH: 01097537 Cakile edentula (Bigelow) Hooker USA: Delaware near Coast Guard Station about 5 miles south... R. McVaugh 6513 1942-6-24
GH: 01098993 Cardamine concatenata (Michaux) O. Schwarz USA: Oklahoma site of old Ft. Towson R. McVaugh 7616 1947-3-20
GH: 00983351 Cardamine diphylla (Michaux) Alph. Wood USA: New York just above Punsit Creek, at Spencertown R. McVaugh 4129 1936-5-1
GH: 01087042 Cardamine rhomboidea (Persoon) de Candolle USA: New York New Forge, town of Taghkanic R. McVaugh 4392 1936-5-18
GH: 01087509 Caulanthus major (M. E. Jones) Payson USA: Utah Henry Mountains; high east-facing slopes bet... R. McVaugh 14636 1953-6-19
GH: 00986788 Descurainia pinnata (Walter) Britton USA: Texas just west of Texas route 227, 18 miles S. of... R. McVaugh 7770 1947-4-3
GH: 00986799 Descurainia pinnata (Walter) Britton USA: Texas west side of Pecos River below Pandale, at r... R. McVaugh 7708 1947-3-30
GH: 01084355 Descurainia pinnata ochroleuca (Wooton) Detling USA: New Mexico at Mexican boundary, southwestern Hidalgo Co... R. McVaugh 8076 1947-4-25
GH: 01155648 Dimorphocarpa palmeri (Payson) Rollins USA: Texas 3 miles E.N.E. of Monahans R. McVaugh 8181 1947-5-6
GH: 01084659 Dimorphocarpa wislizenii (J. Engleman) Rollins USA: Texas 11 miles north of Porvenir (possibly this is... R. McVaugh 7996 1947-4-17
GH: 01106108 Draba cuneifolia Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Missouri [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6732 1944-5-21
GH: 01106170 Draba cuneifolia Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas canyons above Yates Ranch (Beach Ranch of US... R. McVaugh 8014 1947-4-19
GH: 01106171 Draba cuneifolia Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas 3 miles north of Juno. R. McVaugh 7717 1947-3-30
GH: 01106172 Draba cuneifolia Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas arroyo of Bear Creek, 13 miles east of Marat... R. McVaugh 7779 1947-4-3
GH: 01115718 Draba mogollonica Greene USA: New Mexico above Cherry Creek 1 mile below public camp ... R. McVaugh 8055 1947-4-24
GH: 00971659 Draba platycarpa Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas above Limpia Creek near Wild Rose Pass, abou... R. McVaugh 7889 1947-4-10
GH: 01561524 Dryopetalon runcinatum A. Gray USA: New Mexico Western slopes of Animas Mts. below Animas P... R. McVaugh 8089 1947-4-27
GH: 01561950 Erysimum capitatum (Douglas ex Hooker) Greene USA: New Mexico 7 miles east of Animas R. McVaugh 8109 1947-4-28
GH: 01538085 Erysimum capitatum (Douglas ex Hooker) Greene USA: Texas above Limpia Creek near Wild Rose Pass, abou... R. McVaugh 7895 1947-4-10
GH: 01538117 Erysimum capitatum (Douglas ex Hooker) Greene USA: Texas 3 miles ENE of Monahans R. McVaugh 8189 1947-5-6
GH: 01546021 Leavenworthia aurea Torrey USA: Oklahoma 5 miles west of Ft. Towson R. McVaugh 7618 1947-3-20
GH: 01546566 Leavenworthia uniflora (Michaux) Britton USA: Missouri [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6734 1944-5-21
GH: 01546756 Lepidium alyssoides angustifolium (C. L. Hitchcock) Rollins USA: Texas near Rio Grande, desert flats 11 miles north... R. McVaugh 7961 1947-4-16
GH: 01546845 Lepidium austrinum Small USA: Texas 9 miles west of Brackettville R. McVaugh 7689 1947-3-28
GH: 01548989 Lepidium lasiocarpum wrightii (A. Gray) C. L. Hitchcock USA: Texas about 3 miles S. of Persimmon Gap R. McVaugh 7839 1947-4-5
GH: 01549645 Lepidium thurberi Wooton USA: New Mexico west side of Columbus R. McVaugh 8120 1947-4-28
GH: 00351001 Lesquerella Mexico: Coahuila About 35 miles east of Saltillo; moist east ... R. McVaugh 12337 1951-5-27
GH: 00019311 Lesquerella mcvaughiana Rollins USA: Texas Main Canyon east of Mt. Ord, Sierra del Nort... R. McVaugh 7862 1947-4-7
GH: 00351001 Lesquerella mirandiana Rollins Mexico: Coahuila About 35 miles east of Saltillo; moist east ... R. McVaugh 12337 1951-5-27
GH: 01550418 Nerisyrenia camporum (A. Gray) Greene USA: Texas about 3 miles S. of Persimmon Gap R. McVaugh 7834 1947-4-5
GH: 01550431 Nerisyrenia camporum (A. Gray) Greene USA: Texas above Rio Grande, 7.5 miles north of Candela... R. McVaugh 7980 1947-4-17
GH: 01550449 Nerisyrenia camporum (A. Gray) Greene USA: Texas Morton Canyon, Rio Grande about 25 miles sou... R. McVaugh 7752 1947-4-1
GH: 01550516 Nerisyrenia linearifolia (S. Watson) Greene USA: Texas northwestern Culerson Co., 2 miles S.E. of U... R. McVaugh 8162 1947-5-4
GH: 01573987 Physaria argyraea (A. Gray) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Texas 9 miles west of Brackettville R. McVaugh 7687 1947-3-28
GH: 01575667 Physaria fendleri (A. Gray) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Texas above dam at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 m... R. McVaugh 7734 1947-3-31
GH: 00019311 Physaria mcvaughiana (Rollins) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Texas Main Canyon east of Mt. Ord, Sierra del Nort... R. McVaugh 7862 1947-4-7
A: 01687593 Physaria mcvaughiana (Rollins) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Texas main canyon on northeast side of Sierra Made... R. McVaugh 7912 1947-4-12
GH: 01687595 Physaria mcvaughiana (Rollins) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Texas Steep limestone slopes, main canyon on west ... R. McVaugh 7850 1947-4-5
A: 01687596 Physaria mcvaughiana (Rollins) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Texas Steep Limestone slopes, main canyon on west ... R. McVaugh 7850 1947-4-5
GH: 01687603 Physaria mcvaughiana (Rollins) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Texas main canyon on northeast side of Sierra Made... R. McVaugh 7912 1947-4-12
GH: 01691303 Physaria recurvata (Engelmann ex A. Gray) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Texas (Rough Hollow of USGS), Anacacho Mts. 4 mile... R. McVaugh 7674 1947-3-28
GH: 01691651 Physaria wardii (S. Watson) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Utah Henry Mountains; between Sawmill Basin and t... R. McVaugh 14664 1953-6-19
GH: 00351958 Romanschulzia arabiformis (de Candolle) Rollins Mexico: Jalisco Northeastern slopes of the Nevado de Colima,... R. McVaugh 12833 1952-9-10
GH: 00351966 Romanschulzia arabiformis (de Candolle) Rollins Mexico: Jalisco Northeastern slopes of the Nevado de Colima,... R. McVaugh 13413A 1952-10-10
GH: 00351966 Romanschulzia orizabae (Schlechtendal & Chamisso) O. E. Schulz Mexico: Jalisco Northeastern slopes of the Nevado de Colima,... R. McVaugh 13413A 1952-10-10
GH: 00351958 Romanschulzia orizabae (Schlechtendal & Chamisso) O. E. Schulz Mexico: Jalisco Northeastern slopes of the Nevado de Colima,... R. McVaugh 12833 1952-9-10
GH: 01693432 Selenia dissecta Torrey USA: Texas 16 miles northwest of Longfellow R. McVaugh 7939 1947-4-13
GH: 01693598 Sibara virginica (Linnaeus) Rollins USA: Texas Granite Mountain, 2 miles W. N. W. of Marble... R. McVaugh 7649 1947-3-26
GH: 01736112 Streptanthus carinatus C. Wright ex A. Gray USA: Texas Lower slopes of 3-Mile Mountain, ca. 3 miles... R. McVaugh 8000 1947-4-18
GH: 01736113 Streptanthus carinatus C. Wright ex A. Gray USA: Texas Steep dry canyons above Yates Ranch (Beach R... R. McVaugh 8009 1947-4-19
GH: 01736114 Streptanthus carinatus C. Wright ex A. Gray USA: Texas 3 miles S. of Persimmon Gap R. McVaugh 7824 1947-4-5
GH: 01736120 Streptanthus carinatus C. Wright ex A. Gray USA: Texas above Rio Grande, 7.5 miles north of Candela... R. McVaugh 7979 1947-4-17
GH: 01736314 Streptanthus cutleri Cory USA: Texas Reagan Canyon; about 1 mile above mouth; (US... R. McVaugh 7812 1947-4-4
GH: 01736356 Streptanthus hyacinthoides Hooker USA: Texas 3 miles southeast of Athens R. McVaugh 8383 1947-5-19
GH: 01736402 Streptanthus platycarpus A. Gray USA: Texas canyon of Pecos River 1 mile above mouth, at... R. McVaugh 7698 1947-3-29
GH: 01736409 Streptanthus platycarpus A. Gray USA: Texas East Black Hills, 16 miles E. of Marathon-Bi... R. McVaugh 7783 1947-4-3
GH: 01736546 Synthlipsis greggii A. Gray USA: Texas About 3 miles S. of Persimmon Gap. (USGS, Bo... R. McVaugh 7832 1947-4-5
GH: 01731196 Thelypodium texanum (Cory) Rollins USA: Texas about 3 miles S. of Persimmon Gap (USGS, Bon... R. McVaugh 7823 1947-4-5
GH: 01733252 Warea cuneifolia Nuttall USA: Georgia 1 mi. e. of Junction City R. McVaugh 5246 1940-8-22
Bromeliaceae GH: 01817182 Tillandsia usneoides Linnaeus USA: Mississippi 1.5 miles E. of Washington R. McVaugh 8502 1947-5-26
Bryoxiphiaceae FH: 00623294 Bryoxiphium norvegicum (Bridel) Mitten Mexico: Jalisco [data not captured] R. McVaugh
Caesalpiniaceae GH: 01676577 Cercis canadensis Linnaeus USA: Texas 12 miles southwest of Kerrville R. McVaugh 7664 1947-3-27
GH: 01676637 Cercis canadensis mexicana (Rose) M. Hopkins USA: Texas on main canyon on west side of Santiago Mts.... R. McVaugh 7846 1947-4-5
GH: 01676677 Cercis canadensis mexicana (Rose) M. Hopkins USA: Texas 4 miles south of Tarpley R. McVaugh 7669 1947-3-27
GH: 01676960 Hoffmannseggia glauca (Ortega) Eifert USA: Texas aout 3 miles S. of Persimmon Gap (USGS, Bone... R. McVaugh 7830 1947-4-5
GH: 01679773 Senna roemeriana (Scheele) H. S. Irwin & Barneby USA: Texas Summit of plateau 4.5 miles west, then 3.5 m... R. McVaugh 8215 1947-5-8
Calycanthaceae A: 00376834 Calycanthus occidentalis Hooker & Arnott USA: California along stream near route Cal. 29, 5.3 mi. s. ... R. McVaugh 6204 1941-8-2
Campanulaceae GH: 01795176 Campanula americana Linnaeus USA: South Dakota bank of Vermillion R., 1.5 mi. n. of Vermill... R. McVaugh 6482 1941-8-27
GH: 01795350 Campanula aparinoides uliginosa (Rydberg) Gleason USA: Michigan north shore of Cedar Lake, 3 miles west of C... R. McVaugh 7570 1946-8-15
GH: 00420324 Campanula californica (Kellogg) A. Heller USA: California Tomales Point, 1.5 mi. s.w. of Indian Beach R. McVaugh 6185 1941-7-31
GH: 01795743 Campanula prenanthoides Durand USA: California 10 mi. w. of Burney R. McVaugh 6240 1941-8-4
GH: 01795754 Campanula prenanthoides Durand USA: California 3.5 mi. s. of Garberville R. McVaugh 6214 1941-8-3
GH: 01953906 Triodanis perfoliata (Linnaeus) Nieuwland USA: Maryland College Park: [no additional data] R. McVaugh 1946-6-30
GH: 01954966 Triodanis perfoliata (Linnaeus) Nieuwland USA: Texas 1.5 miles southeast of Melrose R. McVaugh 8402 1947-5-21
GH: 01954977 Triodanis perfoliata (Linnaeus) Nieuwland USA: Texas 7 miles north of Doss R. McVaugh 8310 1947-5-13
GH: 01954439 Wahlenbergia marginata (Thunberg) A. de Candolle USA: Georgia 4 miles North of Lyons R. McVaugh 5311 1940-8-25
GH: 01954443 Wahlenbergia marginata (Thunberg) A. de Candolle USA: Georgia road bank 3.5 miles Northeast of Rentz R. McVaugh 8618 1947-6-3
GH: 01954444 Wahlenbergia marginata (Thunberg) A. de Candolle USA: Georgia E. of Little Ohoopee River, about 7 miles W.... R. McVaugh 8639 1947-6-4
Caprifoliaceae GH: 02037095 Lonicera sempervirens Linnaeus USA: Delaware 1 mile east of Lewes. R. McVaugh 6569 1942-6-27
A: 02036756 Symphoricarpos palmeri G. N. Jones USA: New Mexico summit of Señorita Canyon ca. 10 mi. e. of ... R. McVaugh 5891 1941-7-11
GH: 02185683 Viburnum lantanoides Michaux USA: New York east side of Douglas Knob, near Canaan - New... R. McVaugh 4279 1936-5-14
GH: 02185817 Viburnum lentago Linnaeus USA: Michigan About 5 miles NW of Reading, south side of H... R. McVaugh 7563 1946-8-11
GH: 02186330 Viburnum nudum Linnaeus USA: Texas 9.5 miles southwest of Center R. McVaugh 8424 1947-5-22
GH: 02354077 Viburnum rufidulum Rafinesque USA: Texas ca. 7 miles north of Mason on Katemcy road R. McVaugh 8320 1947-5-14
Caryophyllaceae GH: 01740942 Arenaria benthamii Fenzl ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas 3 miles north of Juno R. McVaugh 7718 1947-3-30
GH: 01742896 Cerastium arvense Linnaeus USA: New York summit of Washburn Mt., Copake R. McVaugh 4210 1936-5-5
GH: 01744797 Loeflingia squarrosa Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas 7 miles west-southwest of Monahnas R. McVaugh 8174 1947-5-5
GH: 01745319 Minuartia caroliniana (Walter) Mattfeld USA: Georgia E. of Little Ohoopee River, about 7 miles W.... R. McVaugh 8633 1947-6-4
GH: 01745647 Minuartia glabra (Michaux) Mattfeld USA: Alabama Flat-rock southwest of Blake's Ferry on Tall... R. McVaugh 8602 1947-6-1
GH: 01714281 Paronychia argyrocoma (Michaux) Nuttall USA: Virginia Bald Knob, Rocky Mount R. McVaugh 5436 1940-9-1
GH: 01714624 Paronychia drummondii A. Gray & Torrey USA: Texas 3 miles southeast of Athens R. McVaugh 8386 1947-5-19
GH: 01714797 Paronychia herniarioides (Michaux) Nuttall USA: Georgia 1 mi. e. of Junction City R. McVaugh 5245 1940-8-22
GH: 01623843 Stellaria prostrata Baldwin USA: Texas above Limpia Creek near Wild Rose Pass, abou... R. McVaugh 7907 1947-4-11
Celastraceae GH: 01787412 Paxistima myrsinites (Pursh) Rafinesque USA: New Mexico above Cherry Creek 1 mile below public camp ... R. McVaugh 8051 1947-4-24
GH: 01787608 Schaefferia cuneifolia A. Gray USA: Texas above dam at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 m... R. McVaugh 7738 1947-3-31
Chenopodiaceae GH: 02003383 Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nuttall USA: Texas canyons above Yates Ranch (Beach Ranch of US... R. McVaugh 8017 1947-4-19
GH: 01782090 Chenopodium album missouriense (Aellen) Bassett & Crompton USA: Maryland [data not captured] R. McVaugh 7542 1945-10-7
GH: 01782529 Chenopodium fremontii S. Watson USA: Wyoming Muddy Gap, ca. 45 mi. n. of Rawlins R. McVaugh 6441 1941-8-21
GH: 01784073 Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Sprengel) J. M. Coulter USA: Michigan [data not captured] R. McVaugh 7589 1946-9-10
Convolvulaceae GH: 02042146 Ipomoea lacunosa Linnaeus USA: Maryland Beltsville: near North Building, Plant Indus... R. McVaugh 6695 1943-9-30
GH: 02463699 Petrogenia repens I. M. Johnston USA: Texas Reagan Canyon; about 1 mile above mouth; (US... R. McVaugh 7816 1947-4-4
GH: 02463700 Petrogenia repens I. M. Johnston USA: Texas 4 miles south of Shafter R. McVaugh 7947 1947-4-15
Cornaceae GH: 01843609 Cornus alternifolia Linnaeus f. USA: Michigan About 5 miles northwest of Reading, south of... R. McVaugh 7562 1946-8-11
GH: 01845297 Cornus drummondii C. A. Meyer USA: Texas steep ravine at San Saba river on Brady-Voca... R. McVaugh 8323 1947-5-14
GH: 01845335 Cornus drummondii C. A. Meyer USA: Texas 1 mile southwest of bridge at Possum Kingdom... R. McVaugh 8348 1947-5-17
GH: 01845805 Cornus florida Linnaeus USA: Texas 3 miles S. of Milam R. McVaugh 8440 1947-5-22
Crassulaceae GH: 01871873 Crassula drummondii (Torrey & A. Gray) Fedde USA: Texas 1.5 miles north of Giddings R. McVaugh 7634 1947-3-23
GH: 01991703 Sedum nuttallianum Rafinesque USA: Texas 14 miles southeast of Mason on road to Doss R. McVaugh 8315 1947-5-13
Cupressaceae GH: 02104797 Juniperus deppeana Steudel USA: New Mexico Western slopes of Animas Mts. below Animas P... R. McVaugh 8099 1947-4-27
Cyperaceae GH: 02499079 Carex geophila Mackenzie USA: New Mexico Main canyon on east side of Cook's Peak (nor... R. McVaugh 8125 1947-4-29
GH: 01773046 Carex lurida Wahlenberg USA: Delaware [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6536 1942-6-25
GH: 01772080 Carex muriculata F. J. Hermann USA: Texas [data not captured] R. McVaugh 10639 1949-5-26
GH: 01772082 Carex muriculata F. J. Hermann USA: Texas [data not captured] R. McVaugh 7917 1947-4-12
GH: 02370963 Carex perdentata S. D. Jones USA: Texas valley of Paint Creek near its junction with... R. McVaugh 8278 1947-5-11
GH: 02369914 Carex rosea Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: Kentucky [data not captured] R. McVaugh 8663 1947-6-6
Dioscoreaceae A: 00030503 Dioscorea oreodoxa B. G. Schubert Mexico: Colima Mountain summits near pass ca. 11 miles sout... R. McVaugh 16041 1957-8-10
A: 00030502 Dioscorea oreodoxa B. G. Schubert Mexico: Colima Mountain summits near pass ca. 11 miles sout... R. McVaugh 16041 1957-8-10
Droseraceae GH: 01143797 Drosera intermedia Hayne USA: Delaware Near head of Howland's Glade, 2.5 miles nort... R. McVaugh 6594 1942-6-29
Elaeagnaceae A: 01576482 Shepherdia argentea (Pursh) Nuttall USA: Wyoming along Sweetwater River at Independence Rock,... R. McVaugh 6450 1941-8-21
Ephedraceae GH: 00933373 Ephedra antisyphilitica Berlandier ex C. A. Meyer USA: Texas 2.5 miles west of Dryden R. McVaugh 7761 1947-4-2
GH: 00933437 Ephedra aspera Engelmann ex S. Watson USA: Texas 2 miles north of Langtry R. McVaugh 7706 1947-3-29
GH: 00933618 Ephedra torreyana S. Watson USA: Texas 2 miles S. E. of US routes 62 & 180 at New M... R. McVaugh 8165 1947-5-4
Ericaceae A: 00343999 Arbutus menziesii Pursh USA: California along stream near route Cal. 29, 5.3 mi. s. ... R. McVaugh 6199 1941-8-2
GH: 01117708 Arctostaphylos pungens Kunth USA: New Mexico Western slope of Animas Mts., below Animas P... R. McVaugh 8090 1947-4-27
GH: 01536515 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: New York summit of Washburn Mt., Copake R. McVaugh 4216 1936-5-5
A: 01537659 Ceratiola ericoides Michaux USA: Georgia Rosemary Church, about 7 mi. n. of Metter R. McVaugh 4649 1939-3-13
GH: 01537924 Chamaedaphne calyculata (Linnaeus) Moench USA: Michigan northwest of Cedar Lake, 3 miles west of Che... R. McVaugh 7608 1946-10-9
GH: 01562032 Chimaphila maculata (Linnaeus) Pursh USA: Delaware north of village of Rehoboth Beach R. McVaugh 6529 1942-6-24
GH: 01591841 Gaultheria hispidula (Linnaeus) Muhlenberg USA: Michigan Chase S. Osborn Preserve of the University o... R. McVaugh 8750 1947-8-29
GH: 01592375 Gaylussacia baccata (Wangenheim) K. Koch USA: Delaware 1 miles east of Lewes. R. McVaugh 6575 1942-6-27
GH: 01592942 Gaylussacia frondosa (Linnaeus) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Delaware 1 mile east of Lewes R. McVaugh 6574 1942-6-27
GH: 01593187 Gaylussacia mosieri Small USA: Mississippi 9 miles east of Lucedale R. McVaugh 8548 1947-5-27
A: 01595000 Leucothoë fontanesiana (Steudel) Sleumer USA: North Carolina along NC 191 at Bent Creek, ca. 10 mi. s.w. ... R. McVaugh 5635 1941-4-30
GH: 01595042 Leucothoë fontanesiana (Steudel) Sleumer USA: South Carolina west of US route 25, 14 miles north of Trave... R. McVaugh 8650 1947-6-5
GH: 01595065 Leucothoë racemosa (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Delaware about 4 miles west of Rehoboth Beach, near L... R. McVaugh 6543 1942-6-25
GH: 01595948 Lyonia ligustrina foliosiflora (Michaux) Fernald USA: Texas 9.5 miles southwest of Center R. McVaugh 8425 1947-5-22
A: 01718686 Menziesia ferruginea Smith USA: Washington 2 mi. s. e. of Johnson's Landing R. McVaugh 6342 1941-8-12
GH: 01682769 Oxydendrum arboreum (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Mississippi [data not captured] R. McVaugh 8515 1947-5-26
A: 00362997 Rhododendron columbianum (Piper) Harmaja USA: California Tomales Point, 1.5 mi. s.w. of Indian Beach R. McVaugh 6178 1941-7-31
GH: 01764513 Rhododendron oblongifolium (Small) Millais USA: Texas 9.5 miles SW of Center R. McVaugh 8423 1947-5-22
GH: 01765401 Rhododendron viscosum (Linnaeus) Torrey USA: Delaware [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6553 1942-6-26
Fabaceae GH: 01963083 Acmispon americanus (Nuttall) Rydberg USA: Texas sandstone hills 5 miles north of Santo R. McVaugh 10752 1949-5-30
GH: 01963543 Acmispon greenei (Wooton & Standley) Brouillet USA: New Mexico at Mexican boundary, southwestern Hidalgo Co... R. McVaugh 8065 1947-4-25
GH: 01963877 Acmispon oroboides (Kunth) Brouillet USA: Texas north end of Quitman Mts., 8 miles W. of Sie... R. McVaugh 8027 1947-4-21
GH: 01967732 Amorpha fruticosa Linnaeus USA: Alabama about 7 miles west-southwest of Tuscaloosa R. McVaugh 8563 1947-5-30
GH: 01935375 Amorpha fruticosa Linnaeus USA: Texas 23 miles northeast of Rocksprings; muddy fla... R. McVaugh 8270 1947-5-10
GH: 02064747 Astragalus bisulcatus haydenianus (A. Gray) Barneby USA: Colorado ca. 20-21 mi. w. of Durango R. McVaugh 5845 1941-7-9
GH: 02047688 Astragalus crassicarpus Nuttall USA: Texas 2 miles S.E. of US routes 62 & 180 at New Me... R. McVaugh 8160 1947-5-4
GH: 02052441 Astragalus lentiginosus diphysus (A. Gray) M. E. Jones USA: Nevada about 33 mi. w. of Caliente R. McVaugh 5981 1941-7-18
GH: 02052878 Astragalus michauxii (Kuntze) F. J. Hermann USA: Georgia E. of Little Ohoopee River, about 7 miles W.... R. McVaugh 8637 1947-6-4
GH: 02049365 Astragalus mollissimus bigelovii (A. Gray) Barneby ex B. L. Turner USA: New Mexico at Mexican boundary, southwestern Hidalgo Co... R. McVaugh 8066 1947-4-25
GH: 02049371 Astragalus mollissimus bigelovii (A. Gray) Barneby ex B. L. Turner USA: Texas north end of Quitman Mts., 8 miles W. of Sie... R. McVaugh 8031 1947-4-21
GH: 02049532 Astragalus nothoxys A. Gray USA: New Mexico Mexican boundary, southwestern Hidalgo Co. S... R. McVaugh 8086 1947-4-25
GH: 02049567 Astragalus nuttallianus de Candolle USA: Texas Stony flat, creosote shrub association, abou... R. McVaugh 7829 1947-4-5
GH: 02049568 Astragalus nuttallianus de Candolle USA: Texas west side of Pecos River below Pandale, at r... R. McVaugh 7710 1947-3-30
GH: 02049576 Astragalus nuttallianus de Candolle USA: Texas Yates Ranch (Beach Ranch of USGS map), west ... R. McVaugh 8004 1947-4-19
GH: 02049879 Astragalus parryi A. Gray USA: Colorado 1.5 mi. e. of LaVeta Pass R. McVaugh 5796 1941-7-8
GH: 02048656 Astragalus shortianus Nuttall USA: Texas near summit of hueco Mountains, on Carlsbad ... R. McVaugh 8143 1947-5-1
GH: 02030464 Astragalus wootonii E. Sheldon USA: New Mexico 2 miles east of Hermanas R. McVaugh 8113 1947-4-28
GH: 02030491 Astragalus wrightii A. Gray USA: Texas 30 miles southeast of Junction, on US route ... R. McVaugh 8301 1947-5-13
GH: 01881143 Baptisia nuttalliana Small USA: Texas 5 miles west of Geneva R. McVaugh 8410 1947-5-21
GH: 01881141 Baptisia nuttalliana Small USA: Texas 2 miles west of Nacogdoches R. McVaugh 8398 1947-5-20
GH: 01881166 Baptisia perfoliata (Linnaeus) R. Brown USA: Georgia E. of Little Ohoopee River about 7 miles W. ... R. McVaugh 8627 1947-6-4
GH: 01881238 Baptisia tinctoria (Linnaeus) R. Brown USA: Delaware above Silver Lake, Rehoboth Beach. R. McVaugh 6501 1942-6-22
GH: 01885560 Dalea formosa Torrey USA: Texas above Screwbean (Salt) Creek, 2.5 miles sout... R. McVaugh 8170 1947-5-4
GH: 01885576 Dalea formosa Torrey USA: Texas Reagan Canyon, about 1 mile above mouth; ele... R. McVaugh 7811 1947-4-4
GH: 01885575 Dalea formosa Torrey USA: Texas 2 miles north of Langtry R. McVaugh 7705 1947-3-29
GH: 01885697 Dalea greggii A. Gray USA: Texas northeast side of Sierra Madera, about 25 mi... R. McVaugh 10682 1949-5-26
GH: 01885693 Dalea greggii A. Gray USA: Texas northeast side of Sierra Madera, about 25 mi... R. McVaugh 7915 1947-4-12
GH: 01885826 Dalea lasiathera A. Gray USA: Texas 4.5 miles west, then 3.5 miles south of Ozon... R. McVaugh 8213 1947-5-8
GH: 01921252 Dalea pogonathera A. Gray USA: Texas 8 miles northwest of Del Rio (ca. 4 miles N.... R. McVaugh 7747 1947-4-1
GH: 01921663 Dalea wrightii A. Gray USA: Texas near abandoned Wax Factory on Rio Grande at ... R. McVaugh 7799 1947-4-4
A: 00053782 Desmodium novogalicianum B. G. Schubert & McVaugh Mexico: Jalisco 4 mi north-northeast of Talpa de Allende; ne... R. McVaugh 20170 1960-10-12
A: 01960528 Desmodium sessilifolium (Torr.) Torr. & A. Gray USA: Texas between highway and railroad, about 10 miles... R. McVaugh 12405 1951-6-3
A: 00053792 Desmodium skinneri mortonii B. G. Schubert & McVaugh Mexico: Michoacán road to Jiquilpan, 3 km east and 8-10 km nor... R. McVaugh 24919 1970-12-1
GH: 02148447 Indigofera texana Buckley USA: Texas ca. 7 miles north of Mason on Katemcy road R. McVaugh 8316 1947-5-14
GH: 01539433 Lablab purpureus (Linnaeus) Sweet USA: Maryland [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6737 1944-8-20
GH: 02087622 Lespedeza repens (Linnaeus) W. P. C. Barton USA: Texas 5 miles west of Geneva R. McVaugh 8408 1947-5-21
GH: 02086196 Lotus corniculatus Linnaeus USA: New York 3 miles north of Claverack R. McVaugh 1939-6-25
GH: 02085660 Lupinus brevicaulis S. Watson USA: New Mexico at Mexican boundary, southwestern Hidalgo Co... R. McVaugh 8069 1947-4-25
GH: 02176050 Lupinus concinnus J. Agardh USA: Texas above (south and east of) Limpia Creek, abou... R. McVaugh 7853 1947-4-6
GH: 02176567 Lupinus havardii S. Watson USA: Texas hillsides about Rio Grande, 7.5 miles north ... R. McVaugh 7978 1947-4-17
GH: 02130791 Orbexilum simplex (Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray) Rydberg USA: Mississippi [data not captured] R. McVaugh 8521 1947-5-26
GH: 02130783 Orbexilum simplex (Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray) Rydberg USA: Louisiana [data not captured] R. McVaugh 8463 1947-5-25
GH: 02131886 Pediomelum cuspidatum (Pursh) Rydberg USA: Texas 1 mile southwest of bridge at Possum Kingdom... R. McVaugh 8344 1947-5-17
GH: 02133011 Pediomelum humile Rydberg USA: Texas above dam at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 m... R. McVaugh 8261 1947-5-9
GH: 02133148 Pediomelum subacaule (Torr. & A. Gray) Rydberg USA: Tennessee [data not captured] R. McVaugh 5544 1941-4-26
A: 02133460 Pickeringia montana Nuttall USA: California [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6196 1941-8-2
GH: 02134242 Rhynchosia latifolia Nuttall ex Torr. & A. Gray USA: Texas roadside 2 miles south of Milam R. McVaugh 8433 1947-5-22
GH: 02135506 Sophora nuttalliana B. L. Turner USA: New Mexico near monument 67. Mexican boundary, S.E. of ... R. McVaugh 8071 1947-4-25
GH: 02135624 Sophora secundiflora (Ortega) Lagasca ex de Candolle USA: Texas 4 miles south of Tarpley R. McVaugh 7670 1947-3-27
GH: 02136572 Stylosanthes biflora Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: Georgia [data not captured] R. McVaugh 8628 1947-6-4
GH: 02137570 Tephrosia virginiana (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Michigan [data not captured] R. McVaugh 7579 1946-8-17
GH: 02137708 Tephrosia virginiana (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Texas 5 miles west of Geneva R. McVaugh 8409 1947-5-21
GH: 02137705 Tephrosia virginiana (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Texas 6 miles northwest of Gorman R. McVaugh 8336 1947-5-16
GH: 02343275 Trifolium lappaceum Linnaeus USA: Alabama [data not captured] R. McVaugh 8559 1947-5-29
GH: 02345634 Vicia caroliniana Walter USA: North Carolina [data not captured] R. McVaugh 5516 1941-4-23
GH: 02345954 Vicia exigua Nuttall USA: Texas canyon of Pecos River 1 mile above mouth, at... R. McVaugh 7696 1947-3-29
GH: 02345952 Vicia exigua Nuttall USA: Texas north end of Quitman Mts., 8 miles W. of Sie... R. McVaugh 8029 1947-4-21
GH: 02345938 Vicia exigua Nuttall USA: New Mexico 1 mile west of monument 68. Mexican boundary... R. McVaugh 8079 1947-4-25
GH: 02347909 Zornia bracteata J. F. Gmelin USA: Texas 5 miles north of Santo. R. McVaugh 10751 1949-5-30
Fagaceae A: 00344118 Chrysolepis chrysophylla (Douglas ex Hooker) Hjelmquist USA: California Morage Ridge, 5 mi. e. of Berkeley R. McVaugh 6167 1941-7-29
Gentianaceae GH: 02069338 Bartonia virginica (Linnaeus) Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: Michigan north of Cedar Lake, 3 miles west of Chelsea R. McVaugh 7610 1946-10-9
GH: 00400176 Centaurium muehlenbergii (Grisebach) W. Wight USA: California Richardson Grove State Park, ca. 8 mi. s. of... R. McVaugh 6212 1941-8-3
GH: 02069448 Centaurium pulchellum (Swartz) Druce USA: Virginia about 1 mile southeast of U.S. Coast Guard S... R. McVaugh 5723 1941-6-22
GH: 02072080 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Wyoming along route US 305, ca. 7 mi. e. of Evanston... R. McVaugh 6435 1941-8-20
GH: 02167866 Gentianella quinquefolia (Linnaeus) Small USA: New York 1 mi. sw. of Columbiaville R. McVaugh 4037 1935-10-6
GH: 00400176 Zeltnera muehlenbergii (Grisebach) G. Mansion USA: California Richardson Grove State Park, ca. 8 mi. s. of... R. McVaugh 6212 1941-8-3
Gesneriaceae GH: 00054739 Achimenes nayaritensis L. E. Skog Mexico: Nayarit Region of mountainsides ca. 12 miles west of... R. McVaugh 18985 1960-9-12
Grimmiaceae FH: 00557667 Grimmia elongata Kaulfuss Mexico: [data not captured] R. McVaugh
FH: 00557668 Grimmia elongata Kaulfuss Mexico: [data not captured] R. McVaugh
FH: 00623776 Racomitrium crispulum (Hooker f. & Wilson) Hooker f. & Wilson Mexico: Jalisco [data not captured] R. McVaugh
FH: 00899182 Schistidium alpicola (Hedwig) Limpricht Mexico: [data not captured] R. McVaugh
Haloragaceae GH: 01626883 Myriophyllum heterophyllum Michaux USA: Texas 6.5 miles northeast of Brad R. McVaugh 8353 1947-5-17
GH: 01628634 Proserpinaca palustris Linnaeus USA: Delaware 1 mile east of Lewes. R. McVaugh 6586 1942-6-28
Hydrangeaceae GH: 01750792 Fendlera rupicola Engelmann & A. Gray USA: Texas about 16 miles south of Juno, 3 miles north ... R. McVaugh 7719 1947-3-30
GH: 01750829 Fendlera wrightii (Engelmann & A. Gray) A. Heller USA: Texas north end of Quitman Mts., 8 miles W. of Sie... R. McVaugh 8039 1947-4-21
GH: 01737337 Hydrangea arborescens radiata (Walter) McClintock USA: South Carolina Barefaced granite mountain west of US route ... R. McVaugh 8647 1947-6-5
GH: 01737362 Hydrangea quercifolia W. Bartram USA: Alabama above Warrior River near Lock 13, about 10 m... R. McVaugh 8586 1947-5-30
A: 01737614 Philadelphus inodorus grandiflorus (Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Georgia Little Stone Mt., near Panola Shoals R. McVaugh 5399 1940-8-28
A: 01737871 Philadelphus microphyllus A. Gray USA: Colorado below main lodge, Mesa Verde National Park R. McVaugh 5851 1941-7-10
Iridaceae GH: 01748652 Sisyrinchium angustifolium Miller USA: Kentucky summit of Caney Creek road between Ky. route... R. McVaugh 8694 1947-6-7
GH: 01749363 Sisyrinchium exile E. P. Bicknell USA: Texas 6.5 miles northeast of Milam R. McVaugh 8450 1947-5-24
A: 01750021 Sisyrinchium montanum Greene USA: Michigan Drummond Is.; 1 mi NW of Pigeon Cove (Sec. 3... R. McVaugh 9111 1948-6-27
GH: 01750033 Sisyrinchium montanum Greene USA: Michigan Drummond Isl; 1 mi NW of Pigeon Cove (Sec. 3... R. McVaugh 9111 1948-6-27
GH: 01750137 Sisyrinchium mucronatum Michaux USA: Michigan South side of Drummond Island, swampy area b... R. McVaugh 9175 1948-6-28
A: 01750138 Sisyrinchium mucronatum Michaux USA: Michigan South side of Drummond Is., back of Lake Hur... R. McVaugh 9175 1948-6-28
A: 01750499 Sisyrinchium sp. USA: Texas Summit of plateau 25 miles west of Ozona R. McVaugh 8207 1947-5-7
A: 01750500 Sisyrinchium sp. USA: Texas 9 miles east of Mineral Wells R. McVaugh 8362 1947-5-18
A: 01750501 Sisyrinchium sp. USA: Texas Summit of plateau 5 miles northeast of Rocks... R. McVaugh 8266 1947-5-10
Isoetaceae GH: 00744449 Isoetes echinospora Durieu USA: Massachusetts Hancock: Hancock R. McVaugh 3780 1935-8-30
GH: 02074638 Isoetes echinospora Durieu USA: New York north shore of Copake Lake R. McVaugh 3429 1935-7-24
GH: 02074637 Isoetes echinospora Durieu USA: New York Forest Lake, town of Clairerack R. McVaugh 3770 1935-8-29
GH: 02074627 Isoetes echinospora Durieu USA: New York Forest Lake R. McVaugh 2069 1933-8-13
GH: 02074626 Isoetes echinospora Durieu USA: New York Taghkanic Lake R. McVaugh 2015 1933-8-12
GH: 02074732 Isoetes engelmannii A. Braun USA: New York No Bottom Pond; Austerlitz R. McVaugh 3502 1935-7-28
GH: 02074731 Isoetes engelmannii A. Braun USA: New York Taghkanic creek just above New Forge R. McVaugh 3489 1935-7-27
GH: 02074901 Isoetes macrospora Durieu USA: Michigan Vincent Lake (Munro Twp., Sect. 16-17, north... R. McVaugh 10781 1949-6-28
GH: 02073069 Isoetes riparia Engelmann USA: New York Austerlitz - No Bottom Pond R. McVaugh 1963 1933-8-8
GH: 02073067 Isoetes riparia Engelmann USA: New York Magdalen Is., Hudson R. R. McVaugh 2687 1934-7-14
GH: 02073066 Isoetes riparia Engelmann USA: New York 2 mi. S. Tivoli: Cruger's Is. R. McVaugh 2943 1934-8-21
GH: 02073178 Isoetes sp. USA: Georgia 2 miles southwest of Cadwell R. McVaugh 8620 1947-6-3
Juncaceae GH: 02098213 Juncus acuminatus Michaux USA: Delaware [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6509 1942-6-22
GH: 02099922 Juncus brachycarpus Engelmann USA: Delaware [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6562 1942-6-26
GH: 02101749 Juncus dichotomus Elliott USA: Delaware [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6507 1942-6-22
GH: 02401506 Juncus georgianus Coville USA: Alabama [data not captured] R. McVaugh 8603 1947-6-1
GH: 02401526 Juncus georgianus Coville USA: Georgia [data not captured] R. McVaugh 5165 1940-8-19
GH: 02401575 Juncus gerardi Loiseleur-Deslongchamps USA: Delaware [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6556 1942-6-26
GH: 02401588 Juncus gerardi Loiseleur-Deslongchamps USA: Virginia [data not captured] R. McVaugh 5753 1941-6-22
GH: 02401621 Juncus greenei Oakes & Tuckerman USA: New York [data not captured] R. McVaugh 3328 1935-7-21
GH: 02400704 Juncus militaris Bigelow USA: Delaware [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6550 1952-6-26
GH: 02398138 Juncus roemarianus Scheele USA: Maryland [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6602 1942-6-30
GH: 02396081 Juncus validus Coville USA: Georgia [data not captured] R. McVaugh 5193 1940-8-20
GH: 02396426 Luzula acuminata Rafinesque USA: New York [data not captured] R. McVaugh 4066 1936-4-18
Krameriaceae GH: 01788386 Krameria erecta Willdenow ex Schultes USA: Texas 16 miles north of Candelaria R. McVaugh 7987 1947-4-17
GH: 01788389 Krameria erecta Willdenow ex Schultes USA: Texas about 3 miles S. of Persimmon Gap (USGS, Bon... R. McVaugh 7833 1947-4-5
GH: 01788425 Krameria grayi Rose & Painter USA: Texas main canyon on northeast side of Sierra Made... R. McVaugh 10655 1949-5-26
GH: 01788512 Krameria lanceolata Torrey USA: Texas Summit of plateau 4.5 miles west, then 3.5 m... R. McVaugh 8216 1947-5-8
GH: 01788514 Krameria lanceolata Torrey USA: Texas 9 miles east of Mineral Wells R. McVaugh 8363 1947-5-18
GH: 01788532 Krameria lanceolata Torrey USA: Texas 13 miles east of Menard R. McVaugh 8288 1947-5-12
GH: 01788562 Krameria ramosissima (A. Gray) S. Watson USA: Texas above dam at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 m... R. McVaugh 8237 1947-5-9
Lamiaceae GH: 01555143 Agastache urticifolia (Bentham) Kuntze USA: Nevada Sheldon Antelope Refuge R. McVaugh 6270 1941-8-5
GH: 01555247 Blephilia ciliata (Linnaeus) Bentham USA: Alabama 3 miles south of Demopolis R. McVaugh 8557 1947-5-29
A: 01555729 Clinopodium coccineum (Nuttall ex Hooker) Kuntze USA: Georgia north of Ohoopee River, north of Oak Park. R. McVaugh 5312 1940-8-25
GH: 01555740 Clinopodium coccineum (Nuttall ex Hooker) Kuntze USA: Georgia E. of Little Ohoopee River, about 7 miles W.... R. McVaugh 8621 1947-6-4
GH: 01554949 Hedeoma acinoides Scheele USA: Texas 12 miles northwest of Harper; Coffey Ranch o... R. McVaugh 8303 1947-5-13
GH: 01554959 Hedeoma acinoides Scheele USA: Texas above dam at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 m... R. McVaugh 7721 1947-3-31
GH: 01554986 Hedeoma costatum pilchella (Greene) R. S. Irving USA: Texas main canyon on northeast side of Sierra Made... R. McVaugh 7923 1947-4-12
GH: 01553279 Hedeoma nana (Torrey) Briquet USA: Texas north end of Quitman Mts., 8 miles W. of Sie... R. McVaugh 8030 1947-4-21
GH: 01553284 Hedeoma nana (Torrey) Briquet USA: Texas 8.5 miles west of Dryden, at beginning of de... R. McVaugh 7763 1947-4-2
GH: 01553288 Hedeoma nana (Torrey) Briquet USA: Texas 3 miles north of Candelaria; bottom of narro... R. McVaugh 7971 1947-4-16
GH: 01553554 Hedeoma reverchonii serpyllifolium (Small) R. S. Irving USA: Texas 22 miles northwest of Del Rio R. McVaugh 8230 1947-5-8
GH: 01600742 Monarda clinopodioides A. Gray USA: Texas about 14 miles southeast of Mason, on road t... R. McVaugh 8313 1947-5-13
GH: 01598282 Physostegia pulchella Lundell USA: Texas 9 miles west of Kaufman R. McVaugh 8372 1947-5-19
GH: 01598820 Poliomintha incana (Torrey) A. Gray USA: Texas Rolling gypsum hills, northwestern Culberson... R. McVaugh 8168 1947-5-4
GH: 01596913 Salvia dolichantha E. Peter USA: Texas about 13 miles south of Fort Stockton R. McVaugh 7930 1947-4-13
GH: 01696049 Salvia engelmannii A. Gray USA: Texas about 21 miles southeast of Junction R. McVaugh 8297 1947-5-13
GH: 01696112 Salvia greggii A. Gray USA: Texas main canyon on northeast side of Sierra Made... R. McVaugh 7928 1947-4-12
GH: 01696645 Salvia summa A. Nelson USA: Texas Pipe Canon above Upper Pine Spring, east slo... R. McVaugh 8153 1947-5-3
GH: 01696716 Salvia texana (Scheele) Torrey USA: Texas above dam at foot of Devil's Lake, about 20 ... R. McVaugh 7726 1947-3-31
GH: 00038331 Scutellaria drummondii Bentham USA: Texas above dam at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 m... R. McVaugh 7724 1947-3-31
GH: 00038331 Scutellaria drummondii edwardsiana B. L. Turner USA: Texas above dam at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 m... R. McVaugh 7724 1947-3-31
GH: 01697059 Scutellaria drummondii edwardsiana B. L. Turner USA: Texas west side of Pecos River below Pandale, at r... R. McVaugh 7711 1947-3-30
GH: 01697060 Scutellaria drummondii edwardsiana B. L. Turner USA: Texas 5.5 miles east of Weatherford R. McVaugh 8371 1947-5-18
GH: 01697146 Scutellaria elliptica Sprengel USA: Texas 3 miles S of Milam R. McVaugh 8417 1947-5-21
GH: 01697180 Scutellaria elliptica hirsuta (Short) Fernald USA: Alabama above Warrior River near Lock 13, about 10 m... R. McVaugh 8589 1947-5-30
GH: 01697840 Scutellaria integrifolia Linnaeus USA: Texas 9.5 miles southwest of Center R. McVaugh 8428 1947-5-22
GH: 01699814 Tetraclea coulteri A. Gray USA: Texas main canyon on northeast side of Sierra Made... R. McVaugh 10648 1949-5-26
GH: 02128778 Tetraclea coulteri A. Gray USA: Texas above dam at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 m... R. McVaugh 8255 1947-5-9
GH: 01700336 Teucrium depressum Small USA: Texas near Rio Grande, 7 miles north of Candelaria R. McVaugh 7977 1947-4-17
GH: 01700377 Teucrium laciniatum Torrey USA: Texas along route US 290, 24 miles northwest of Sh... R. McVaugh 8198 1947-5-7
GH: 01700540 Trichostema brachiatum Linnaeus USA: New York so. end of Rogers Island, Hudson river R. McVaugh 4462 1936-9-1
GH: 01700849 Warnockia scutellarioides (Engelmann & A. Gray) M. W. Turner USA: Texas 5.5 miles east of Weatherford R. McVaugh 8368 1947-5-18
GH: 01700850 Warnockia scutellarioides (Engelmann & A. Gray) M. W. Turner USA: Texas Summit of plateau 17 miles northeast of Rock... R. McVaugh 8268 1947-5-10
GH: 01700861 Warnockia scutellarioides (Engelmann & A. Gray) M. W. Turner USA: Texas about 21 miles southeast of Junction R. McVaugh 8295 1947-5-13
Lentibulariaceae GH: 01974129 Pinguicula pumila Michaux USA: Texas 6.5 miles north-east of Milam. R. McVaugh 8449 1947-5-24
GH: 01974618 Utricularia cornuta Michaux USA: Georgia 1/2 mile east of Loganville. R. McVaugh 8613 1947-6-2
GH: 01975061 Utricularia gibba Linnaeus USA: Delaware About 4 miles west of Rehoboth Beach, near L... R. McVaugh 6546 1942-6-25
GH: 01975059 Utricularia gibba Linnaeus USA: Delaware Red Mill Pond, 1 mile northwest of Nassau. R. McVaugh 6549 1942-6-26
GH: 01974930 Utricularia gibba Linnaeus USA: Texas ca. 7 miles north of Mason on Katemcy road. R. McVaugh 8321 1947-5-14
GH: 01975854 Utricularia purpurea Walter USA: Delaware 1 mile east of Lewes. R. McVaugh 6583 1942-6-28
Linaceae GH: 00043796 Linum berlandieri Hooker USA: Texas Near abandoned Wax Factory on Rio Grande at ... R. McVaugh 7798 1947-4-4
GH: 02053396 Linum medium texanum (Planchon) Fernald USA: Delaware about 1 mile east of Lewes. R. McVaugh 6559 1942-6-26
GH: 00043796 Linum rigidum filifolium Shinners USA: Texas Near abandoned Wax Factory on Rio Grande at ... R. McVaugh 7798 1947-4-4
GH: 02053763 Linum rigidum berlandieri (Hooker) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas about 3 miles S. of Persimmon Gap (USGS, Bon... R. McVaugh 7828 1947-4-5
GH: 02053879 Linum rupestre (A. Gray) Engelmann ex A. Gray USA: Texas main canyon on northeast side of Sierra Made... R. McVaugh 3508210657 1949-5-26
Lobeliaceae GH: 01797301 Lobelia appendiculata A. de Candolle USA: Alabama 3 miles northeast of Eutaw R. McVaugh 8562 1947-5-29
GH: 01797302 Lobelia appendiculata A. de Candolle USA: Alabama 3.5 miles southeast of Boligee R. McVaugh 8561 1947-5-29
GH: 00033287 Lobelia dielsiana E. Wimmer Mexico: Jalisco About 15 miles southeast of Autlan; near tra... R. McVaugh 10249 1949-4-12
GH: 01797959 Lobelia flaccidifolia Small USA: Georgia 2 miles southwest of Cadwell R. McVaugh 8619 1947-6-3
GH: 01798415 Lobelia kalmii Linnaeus USA: Michigan Pickerel Lake, northwestern Dexter Twp. R. McVaugh 7586 1946-8-17
GH: 01798457 Lobelia kalmii Linnaeus USA: New York 4 mi. N. of Kinderhook. meadow back of Post ... R. McVaugh 3006 1934-9-5
GH: 01798499 Lobelia nuttallii Roemer & Schultes USA: Delaware west side of Rehoboth Bay, about 2 miles sou... R. McVaugh 6522 1942-6-24
GH: 00033287 Lobelia occidentalis McVaugh & Huft Mexico: Jalisco About 15 miles southeast of Autlan; near tra... R. McVaugh 10249 1949-4-12
GH: 01798936 Lobelia siphilitica Linnaeus USA: Michigan About 5 miles northwest of Reading; south si... R. McVaugh 7555 1946-8-11
GH: 01798988 Lobelia siphilitica Linnaeus USA: New York 1 mi. N. Tivoli R. McVaugh 2973 1934-8-25
GH: 01799173 Lobelia spicata Lamarck USA: Michigan northeast of Cedar Lake, 3 miles west of Che... R. McVaugh 7574 1946-8-15
GH: 01799195 Lobelia spicata Lamarck USA: New York about 1 mi N of Tivoli R. McVaugh 2674 1934-7-13
GH: 00033261 Lobelia spicata campanulata McVaugh USA: New York 1 mile north of Kinderhook R. McVaugh 2673A 1934-7-7
GH: 01799260 Lobelia spicata campanulata McVaugh USA: New York about 1 mile north of Kinderhook R. McVaugh 5111 1940-7-7
GH: 01799261 Lobelia spicata campanulata McVaugh USA: New York about 1 mile north of Kinderhook R. McVaugh 5111 1940-7-7
Malvaceae GH: 02202351 Callirhoe involucrata lineariloba (Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray USA: Texas ca. 7 miles north of Mason on Katemcy road R. McVaugh 8319 1947-5-14
GH: 02202480 Callirhoe pedata (Nuttall ex Hooker) A. Gray USA: Texas Summit of plateau 5 miles northeast of Rocks... R. McVaugh 8264 1947-5-10
GH: 02200105 Malvella lepidota (A. Gray) Fryxell USA: New Mexico 5 miles west of Columbus R. McVaugh 8116 1947-4-28
GH: 00420632 Sidalcea calycosa M. E. Jones USA: California Tomales Point, 1.5 mi. s.w. of Indian Beach R. McVaugh 6181 1941-7-31
GH: 00420632 Sidalcea rhizomata Jepson USA: California Tomales Point, 1.5 mi. s.w. of Indian Beach R. McVaugh 6181 1941-7-31
GH: 02199860 Sphaeralcea hastulata A. Gray USA: New Mexico 5 miles west of Columbus R. McVaugh 8115 1947-4-28
GH: 02199909 Sphaeralcea hastulata A. Gray USA: Texas above Screwbean (Salt) Creek, 2.5 miles sout... R. McVaugh 8171 1947-5-4
Mimosaceae GH: 01680468 Acacia berlandieri Bentham USA: Texas 21 miles north of Langtry R. McVaugh 8219 1947-5-8
GH: 01680802 Acacia greggii A. Gray USA: Texas 19 miles north of Langtry R. McVaugh 8225 1947-5-8
GH: 01680831 Acacia greggii A. Gray USA: Texas Bottom of narrow draw above Rio Grande, 3 mi... R. McVaugh 7973 1947-4-16
GH: 01680890 Acacia neovernicosa Isely USA: Texas 10 miles south of Porvenir R. McVaugh 7990 1947-4-17
GH: 01680892 Acacia neovernicosa Isely USA: Texas 19 miles north of Langtry R. McVaugh 8223 1947-5-8
GH: 01680958 Acacia roemeriana Scheele USA: Texas 21 miles north of Langtry R. McVaugh 8221 1947-5-8
GH: 01786205 Calliandra eriophylla Bentham USA: Texas above dam at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 m... R. McVaugh 10604 1949-5-22
GH: 01786765 Leucaena retusa Bentham USA: Texas Reagan Canyon, about 1 miles above mouth; el... R. McVaugh 7813 1947-4-4
GH: 01680105 Mimosa aculeaticarpa biuncifera (Bentham) Barneby USA: Texas above dam at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 m... R. McVaugh 10590 1949-5-22
GH: 01680168 Mimosa borealis A. Gray USA: Texas on road north of bridge, Possum Kingdom Dam R. McVaugh 8349 1947-5-17
GH: 01680167 Mimosa borealis A. Gray USA: Texas 1 mile south of Menard R. McVaugh 8285 1947-5-12
GH: 01992097 Prosopis glandulosa Torrey USA: Texas 3 miles ENE of Monahans R. McVaugh 8194 1947-5-6
GH: 01992261 Prosopis glandulosa torreyana (L. D. Benson) M. C. Johnston USA: Texas Elev. about 500 m., near abandoned Wax Facto... R. McVaugh 7791 1947-4-4
GH: 01992637 Schrankia nuttallii Standley USA: Texas 9 miles east of Mineral Wells R. McVaugh 8359 1947-5-18
Moraceae GH: 01545272 Morus microphylla Buckley USA: Texas east side of Cerro Alto, above Helms Ranch, ... R. McVaugh 8146 1947-5-2
GH: 01545284 Morus microphylla Buckley USA: Texas south of Brazos River, ca. 2 miles below Pos... R. McVaugh 8351 1947-5-17
GH: 01545571 Morus rubra Linnaeus USA: Texas At San Saba River on Brady - Voca road, 13 m... R. McVaugh 8324 1947-5-14
GH: 01545613 Morus rubra Linnaeus USA: Virginia on south-west side of Parramore Island R. McVaugh 5724 1941-6-22
Nyctaginaceae GH: 01642274 Abronia ammophila Greene USA: New Mexico about 5 miles west of Las Cruces R. McVaugh 8134 1947-4-30
GH: 01642304 Abronia angustifolia Greene USA: Texas 11 miles north of Porvenir (possibly this is... R. McVaugh 7997 1947-4-17
GH: 01642325 Abronia carletonii J.M. Coult. & Fisher USA: Texas northwestern Culberson Co., 2 miles S.E. of ... R. McVaugh 8159 1947-5-4
GH: 01642455 Abronia fragrans Nuttall ex Hooker USA: Texas 7 miles west-southwest of Monahans R. McVaugh 8177 1947-5-5
GH: 01642506 Abronia latifolia Eschscholtz USA: California 1 mi. s. of Crescent City R. McVaugh 6222 1941-8-3
GH: 01641036 Anulocaulis leiosolenus gypsogenus (Waterfall) Spellenb. & Wooton USA: Texas northwest of Culberson Co., 2 miles S.E. of ... R. McVaugh 8166 1947-5-4
Nymphaeaceae GH: 01740489 Nymphaea odorata Aiton USA: Delaware edge of Red Mill Pond, 1 mile northwest of N... R. McVaugh 6555 1942-6-26
Oleaceae GH: 01847003 Chionanthus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Texas 7 miles northeast of Milam R. McVaugh 8454 1947-5-24
GH: 01847248 Forestiera angustifolia Torrey USA: Texas Reagan Canyon, about 1 mile about mouth R. McVaugh 7815 1947-4-4
A: 01847297 Forestiera ligustrina (Michaux) Poiret USA: Georgia Echols Mill, 13 mi. n. e. of Lexington. R. McVaugh 5366 1940-8-28
A: 01847298 Forestiera ligustrina (Michaux) Poiret USA: Georgia about granite outcrops 8 mi. e. of Appling R. McVaugh 5142 1940-8-19
A: 01847305 Forestiera ligustrina (Michaux) Poiret USA: Georgia granite outcrops 8 mi. e. of Appling R. McVaugh 5148 1940-8-19
GH: 01848654 Fraxinus cuspidata Torrey USA: Texas north end of Quitman Mts., 8 miles W. of Sie... R. McVaugh 8036 1947-4-21
GH: 01848661 Fraxinus cuspidata Torrey USA: Texas east side of Cerro Alto, above Helms Ranch, ... R. McVaugh 8145 1947-5-2
GH: 01848667 Fraxinus cuspidata Torrey USA: Texas at Del Norte Gap, Cochran Mountains (ca. 30 ... R. McVaugh 7944 1947-4-14
GH: 01848717 Fraxinus greggii A. Gray USA: Texas Reagan Canyon, about 1 mile above mouth R. McVaugh 7810 1947-4-4
GH: 01848728 Fraxinus greggii A. Gray USA: Texas 21 miles north of Langtry R. McVaugh 8220 1947-5-8
GH: 01850263 Fraxinus texensis (A. Gray) Sargent USA: Texas (northwestern) above Possum Kingdom State Pa... R. McVaugh 8341 1947-5-17
GH: 01850404 Fraxinus velutina Torrey USA: New Mexico Western slopes on Animas Mts. below Animas P... R. McVaugh 8103 1947-4-27
GH: 01850712 Menodora heterophylla Moricand ex A. de Candolle USA: Texas 8 miles northwest of Del Rio (ca. 4 mi. N.W.... R. McVaugh 7744 1947-4-1
GH: 01850833 Menodora scabra A. Gray USA: Texas near abandoned Wax Factory on Rio Grande at ... R. McVaugh 7790 1947-4-4
A: 01850974 Osmanthus americana (Linnaeus) Bentham ex Hooker f. USA: Georgia 15 miles east of Fitzferald R. McVaugh 4625 1939-3-12
Onagraceae GH: 01624576 Calylophus drummondianus berlandieri (Spach) Towner & P. H. Raven USA: Texas 3 miles ENE of Monahans R. McVaugh 8186 1947-5-6
GH: 01624668 Calylophus hartwegii filifolius (Eastwood) Towner & P. H. Raven USA: Texas Northwestern Culberson Co., 2 miles S.E. of ... R. McVaugh 8164 1947-5-4
GH: 01624976 Calylophus serrulatus (Nuttall) P. H. Raven USA: Texas 9 miles west of Brackettville R. McVaugh 7685 1947-3-28
GH: 01624978 Calylophus serrulatus (Nuttall) P. H. Raven USA: Texas above dam at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 m... R. McVaugh 8259 1947-5-9
GH: 01778122 Gaura nealleyi Coulter USA: Texas along US route 290, near junction with road ... R. McVaugh 8201 1947-5-7
GH: 01645222 Oenothera brachycarpa A. Gray USA: Texas above Rio Grande, 7.5 miles north of Candela... R. McVaugh 7985 1947-4-17
GH: 01645910 Oenothera engelmannii (Small) Munz USA: Texas 7 miles west-southwest of Monahans R. McVaugh 8178 1947-5-5
GH: 01644002 Oenothera fruticosa fruticosa USA: Delaware w. side of Rehoboth Bay, about 2 mi. s.w. of... R. McVaugh 6519 1942-6-24
GH: 01644208 Oenothera fruticosa subglobosa (Small) Munz USA: Georgia about granite outcrops 4 mi. s. e. of Sparta R. McVaugh 5363 1940-8-26
GH: 01644382 Oenothera humifusa Nuttall USA: Virginia southeast end of Parramore Island R. McVaugh 5738 1941-6-22
GH: 01644682 Oenothera linifolia Nuttall USA: Alabama southwest of Blake's Ferry on Tallapoosa Riv... R. McVaugh 8609 1947-6-1
GH: 01644878 Oenothera macrocarpa Nuttall USA: Texas 9 miles east of Mineral Wells R. McVaugh 8361 1947-5-18
GH: 01643666 Oenothera serrulata Nuttall USA: Texas Summit of plateau 25 miles west of Ozona R. McVaugh 8209 1947-5-7
GH: 01643822 Oenothera speciosa Nuttall USA: Texas 8 miles northwest of Del Rio (ca. 4 mi NW of... R. McVaugh 7741 1947-4-1
Orchidaceae AMES: 02154410 Brassavola appendiculata A. Richard & Galeotti Mexico: Jalisco Dry rocky ravine 6-7 miles from Autlán, nor... R. McVaugh 10213 1949-4-9
AMES: 02031502 Calopogon pallidus Chapman USA: Mississippi along Mississippi route 24, about 13.5 miles... R. McVaugh 8531 1947-5-26
AMES: 02031781 Calopogon tuberosus (Linnaeus) Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: Mississippi along Mississippi route 24, about 13.5 miles... R. McVaugh 8520 1947-5-26
GH: 01939070 Corallorhiza wisteriana Conrad USA: Texas 5 miles north of Blanco. R. McVaugh 7659 1947-3-25
GH: 01944955 Cranichis ciliata (Kunth) Kunth Mexico: Jalisco Steep mountains 11-12 miles south of Talpa d... R. McVaugh 20386 1960-10-18
AMES: 02091225 Funkiella hyemalis (A. Rich. & Galeotti) Schlechter Mexico: Jalisco Northeastern slopes of the Nevado de Colima,... R. McVaugh 12898 1952-9-13
AMES: 01947178 Habenaria clypeata Lindley Mexico: Nayarit Mountains 9 miles north of Compostela R. McVaugh 16440 1957-8-27
AMES: 01947221 Habenaria distans Grisebach Mexico: Nayarit Mountains 9 miles north of Compostela; steep... R. McVaugh 16438 1957-8-27
GH: 01947268 Habenaria entomantha (La Llave & Lexarza) Lindley Mexico: Jalisco Sierra de Manantlán (15-20 miles southeast ... R. McVaugh 13847 1952-11-2
AMES: 01947267 Habenaria entomantha (La Llave & Lexarza) Lindley Mexico: Jalisco Gently sloping pastured hills near km. 647, ... R. McVaugh 16283 1957-8-24
AMES: 01947372 Habenaria jaliscana S. Watson Mexico: Jalisco Sierra del Halo, near a lumbar road leaving ... R. McVaugh 16211 1957-8-14
AMES: 01947367 Habenaria jaliscana S. Watson Mexico: Jalisco Sierra del Tigre, 3 miles south of Mazamitla R. McVaugh 13068 1952-9-19
AMES: 00099956 Habenaria mitodes Garay & W. Kittredge Mexico: Nayarit 8 miles west of Tepic R. McVaugh 18882 1960-9-10
AMES: 01947471 Habenaria novemfida Lindley Mexico: Nayarit Mountains 9 miles north of Compostela R. McVaugh 16439 1957-8-27
AMES: 01943795 Kionophyton pyramidalis (Lindley) Garay Mexico: Jalisco near summit of pass 7-8 road-miles northwest... R. McVaugh 12189 1951-4-30
AMES: 01983308 Malaxis brachyrrhynchos (H. G. Reichenbach) Ames Mexico: Jalisco Sierra de Cuale, southwest of Talpa de Allen... R. McVaugh 14312 1952-11-19
AMES: 01983308 Malaxis fastigiata (H. G. Reichenbach) Kuntze Mexico: Jalisco Sierra de Cuale, southwest of Talpa de Allen... R. McVaugh 14312 1952-11-19
AMES: 01983599 Malaxis lepidota (Finet) Ames Mexico: Jalisco Sierra del Halo, near a lumber road leaving ... R. McVaugh 16183 1957-8-14
AMES: 01983641 Malaxis macrostachya (Lexarza) Kuntze Mexico: Jalisco Sierra del Tigre, 3 miles south of Mazamitla R. McVaugh 12960 1952-9-16
AMES: 01983641 Malaxis streptopetala (B. L. Robinson & Greenman) Ames Mexico: Jalisco Sierra del Tigre, 3 miles south of Mazamitla R. McVaugh 12960 1952-9-16
AMES: 00101170 Malaxis tamayoana Garay & W. Kittredge Mexico: Jalisco Sierra de la Campana, along road to Mascota,... R. McVaugh 13778 1952-10-23
AMES: 01983636 Malaxis tamayoana Garay & W. Kittredge Mexico: Jalisco Sierra de Manantlán (15-20 miles southeast ... R. McVaugh 13982 1952-11-7
AMES: 01985079 Malaxis unifolia Michaux Mexico: Nayarit Km. 870, 22 miles SE of Tepic R. McVaugh 16372 1957-8-26
AMES: 02097634 Physosiphon tubatus (G. Loddiges) H. G. Reichenbach Mexico: Jalisco Mountain summits 9-10 miles southwest of Aut... R. McVaugh 14191 1952-11-16
GH: 02045559 Platanthera huronensis (Nuttall) Lindley USA: Michigan Chase S. Osborn Preserve of the University o... R. McVaugh 8775 1947-8-30
AMES: 00074717 Pleurothallis sanguinolenta Garay & W. Kittredge Mexico: Jalisco Sierra de Manatlan, 15-20 miles southeat of ... R. McVaugh 13911 1952-11
AMES: 02051883 Pogonia ophioglossoides (Linnaeus) Ker Gawler USA: Delaware near head of Howland's Glade, 2.5 miles nort... R. McVaugh 6597 1942-6-29
AMES: 02031016 Pogonia ophioglossoides (Linnaeus) Ker Gawler USA: Mississippi 9 miles east of Lucedale R. McVaugh 8550 1947-5-27
AMES: 02123616 Prosthechea cochleata (Linnaeus) W. E. Higgins Mexico: Jalisco Sierra del Halo, near a lumber road leaving ... R. McVaugh 15023 1957-6-23
AMES: 02123670 Prosthechea cochleata (Linnaeus) W. E. Higgins Mexico: San Luis Potosí Mountains about 10 miles northeast of Ciudad... R. McVaugh 10471 1949-5-8
AMES: 02124261 Prosthechea tripunctata (Lindley) W. E. Higgins Mexico: Jalisco North slopes of mountains 15 - 18 road-miles... R. McVaugh 12161 1951-4-29
AMES: 01943584 Sacoila lanceolata (Aublet) Garay Mexico: Jalisco 2 miles west of Pihuamo R. McVaugh 15000 1957-6-23
AMES: 02032675 Spiranthes vernalis Engelmann & A. Gray USA: Delaware about 1 mile east of Lewes R. McVaugh 6561 1942-6-26
AMES: 02032833 Spiranthes vernalis Engelmann & A. Gray USA: Texas 1.5 miles southeast of Melrose R. McVaugh 8404 1947-5-21
AMES: 02089679 Stelis quadrifida (Lexarza) Solano & Soto Arenas Mexico: Jalisco near summits of mountains, along highway sou... R. McVaugh 10236 1949-4-9
AMES: 02092283 Stenorrhynchos aurantiacum (Lexarza) Lindley Mexico: Nayarit Km. 870, 22 miles southeast of Tepic R. McVaugh 16409 1957-8-26
AMES: 02158211 Triphora sp. Nuttall Mexico: Nayarit Mountains 9 miles north of Compostela R. McVaugh 16511 1957-8-28
Orobanchaceae GH: 02034165 Agalinis paupercula (A. Gray) Britton USA: Michigan Pickerel Lake, northwestern Dexter Twp. R. McVaugh 7587 1946-9-10
GH: 02033142 Aureolaria pectinata (Nuttall) Pennell USA: Georgia white sandhills E. of Little Ohoopee River, ... R. McVaugh 8625 1947-6-4
GH: 02033611 Buchnera americana Linnaeus USA: Alabama 3 miles south of Demopolis R. McVaugh 8558 1947-5-29
GH: 01876296 Castilleja citrina Pennell USA: Texas 25 miles west of Ozona R. McVaugh 8208 1947-5-7
GH: 01877336 Castilleja integra A. Gray USA: New Mexico Head of Guadalupe Canyon, 1 mile north of U.... R. McVaugh 8081 1947-4-25
GH: 01877428 Castilleja lanata A. Gray USA: Texas along US route 290, near junction with road ... R. McVaugh 8202 1947-5-7
GH: 01877446 Castilleja latebracteata Pennell USA: Texas above Rio Grande, 7.5 miles north of Candela... R. McVaugh 7984 1947-4-17
GH: 01877442 Castilleja latebracteata Pennell USA: Texas at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 miles N.N.W... R. McVaugh 7720 1947-3-31
GH: 01877433 Castilleja latebracteata Pennell USA: Texas near abandoned Wax Factory on Rio Grande at ... R. McVaugh 7801 1947-4-4
GH: 01877430 Castilleja latebracteata Pennell USA: Texas main canyon on northeast side of Sierra Made... R. McVaugh 7913 1947-4-12
GH: 00365506 Castilleja latifolia Hooker & Arnott USA: California Tomales Point, 1.5 mi. s.w. of Indian Beach R. McVaugh 6175 1941-7-31
GH: 01877809 Castilleja mexicana (Hemsley) A. Gray USA: Texas above Limpia Creek near Wild Rose Pass, 13 m... R. McVaugh 7899 1947-4-14
GH: 01878783 Castilleja purpurea (Nuttall) G. Don USA: Texas 1 mile southeast of Carbon R. McVaugh 8338 1947-5-16
GH: 01879281 Castilleja sessiliflora Pursh USA: Texas northwestern Culberson Co., 2 miles S.E. of ... R. McVaugh 8158 1947-5-4
GH: 01879280 Castilleja sessiliflora Pursh USA: Texas about 13 miles south of Fort Stockton R. McVaugh 7929 1947-4-13
GH: 01879268 Castilleja sessiliflora Pursh USA: Texas 2.5 miles west of Dryden R. McVaugh 7758 1947-4-2
GH: 02082469 Orobanche riparia L. T. Collins USA: Texas near abandoned Wax Factory on Rio Grande at ... R. McVaugh 7796 1947-4-4
GH: 02079468 Pedicularis lanceolata Michaux USA: Michigan Pickerel Lake, northwestern Dexter Twp. R. McVaugh 7588 1946-9-10
Papaveraceae GH: 01738502 Corydalis aurea occidentalis (Engelmann ex A. Gray) Ownbey USA: New Mexico Western slopes of Animas Mts. below Animas P... R. McVaugh 8094 1947-4-27
GH: 01738504 Corydalis aurea occidentalis (Engelmann ex A. Gray) Ownbey USA: New Mexico at Mexican boundary, southwestern Hidalgo Co... R. McVaugh 8080 1947-4-25
GH: 01738612 Corydalis curvisiliqua Engelmann ex A. Gray USA: Texas west side of Pecos River below Pandale, at r... R. McVaugh 7707 1947-3-30
GH: 01738746 Corydalis flavula (Rafinesque) de Candolle USA: Maryland 1 mile northwest of railroad bridge to Harpe... R. McVaugh 6691 1943-5-16
A: 00381454 Dendromecon rigida Bentham USA: California 7.3 mi. s. of Middletown, along rte. Cal. 29 R. McVaugh 6195 1941-8-2
GH: 01857964 Sanguinaria canadensis Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma at site of old Ft. Towson. R. McVaugh 7615 1947-3-20
GH: 01857983 Sanguinaria canadensis Linnaeus USA: Texas 3 miles S of Milam R. McVaugh 8420 1947-5-21
Parnassiaceae GH: 01855144 Lepuropetalon spathulatum Muhlenberg ex Elliott USA: Texas 4 miles S.S.E. of Kaufman R. McVaugh 7625 1947-3-22
GH: 01855145 Lepuropetalon spathulatum Muhlenberg ex Elliott USA: Texas 1.5 miles north of Giddings R. McVaugh 7632 1947-3-23
GH: 01855149 Lepuropetalon spathulatum Muhlenberg ex Elliott USA: Texas 14 miles N.E. of Milano (3.5 miles N.E. of G... R. McVaugh 7631 1947-3-23
Phyllanthaceae GH: 01971542 Phyllanthus polygonoides Nuttall ex Sprengel USA: Texas above Rio Grande, 7.5 iles north of Candelar... R. McVaugh 7982 1947-4-17
GH: 01971687 Phyllanthus warnockii G. L. Webster USA: Texas about 17 miles southeast of Andrews, then 3 ... R. McVaugh 10707 1949-5-28
Phytolaccaceae GH: 01681549 Rivina humilis Linnaeus USA: Texas hills above dam at foot of Devils Lake, abou... R. McVaugh 8852 1947-5-9
Pinaceae GH: 00397659 Pinus ayacahuite Ehrenberg ex Schlechtendal USA: New Mexico Western slopes of Animas Mts. below Animas P... R. McVaugh 8100 1947-4-27
GH: 00399434 Pinus remota (Little) D. K. Bailey & Hawksworth USA: Texas main canyon on west side of Santiago Mts. ab... R. McVaugh 7844 1947-4-5
GH: 01113436 Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco USA: New Mexico Western slopes of Animas Mts. below Animas P... R. McVaugh 8092 1947-4-27
Plantaginaceae GH: 02212691 Callitriche peploides Nuttall USA: Texas above (west of) Cibolo Cr. on route US 87, w... R. McVaugh 7641 1947-3-24
GH: 01999357 Gratiola aurea Muhlenberg USA: Delaware [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6534 1942-6-25
GH: 01999462 Gratiola flava Leavenworth ex Pennell USA: Texas 1.5 miles north of Giddings. R. McVaugh 7633 1947-3-23
GH: 00365763 Keckiella corymbosa (Bentham) Straw USA: California Shaly bluff, Richardson Grove State Park, ca... R. McVaugh 6213 1941-8-3
GH: 00365811 Keckiella lemmonii (A. Gray) Straw USA: California along US 99, ca. 35 mi. n. of Redding R. McVaugh 6237 1941-8-4
GH: 02001175 Maurandya wislizeni Engelmann ex A. Gray USA: Texas 7 miles west-southwest of Monahans R. McVaugh 8172 1947-5-5
GH: 02001484 Nuttallanthus canadensis (Linnaeus) D. A. Sutton USA: Delaware [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6560 1942-6-26
GH: 02001794 Nuttallanthus texanus (Scheele) D. A. Sutton USA: Texas canyon; just west of Texas route 227, 18 mil... R. McVaugh 7766 1947-4-3
GH: 02002043 Penstemon ambiguus Torrey USA: New Mexico 10 mi. s. of Belen R. McVaugh 5906 1941-7-12
GH: 02002070 Penstemon ambiguus Torrey USA: Texas 7 miles west-southwest of Monahans R. McVaugh 8179 1947-5-5
GH: 02002462 Penstemon australis Small USA: Alabama [data not captured] R. McVaugh 8601 1947-6-1
A: 02002759 Penstemon barrettiae A. Gray USA: Washington [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6329 1941-8-11
GH: 02002943 Penstemon buckleyi Pennell USA: Texas 3 miles E.N.E. of Monahans R. McVaugh 8180 1947-5-6
GH: 02118096 Penstemon canescens (Britton) Britton USA: South Carolina [data not captured] R. McVaugh 8642 1947-6-5
GH: 02118157 Penstemon cardinalis regalis (A. Nelson) C. C. Freeman USA: Texas ca. 15 mi. northeast of Ft. Davis. First lar... R. McVaugh 10630 1949-5-24
GH: 02118399 Penstemon cobaea Nuttall USA: Texas 2 miles south of Palo Pinto R. McVaugh 8357 1947-5-17
GH: 02119470 Penstemon fendleri Torrey USA: Texas near summit of Hueco Mountains, on Carlsbad ... R. McVaugh 8144 1947-5-1
GH: 02119492 Penstemon fendleri Torrey USA: Texas Summit of plateau 4.5 miles west, then 11 mi... R. McVaugh 8217 1947-5-8
GH: 02119943 Penstemon gracilentus A. Gray USA: Nevada [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6139 1941-7-27
A: 02120244 Penstemon heterophyllus Lindley USA: California [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6198 1941-8-2
GH: 02120541 Penstemon jamesii Bentham USA: Texas summit of plateau 25 miles west of Ozona R. McVaugh 8206 1947-5-7
GH: 02120834 Penstemon laxiflorus Pennell USA: Mississippi [data not captured] R. McVaugh 8527 1947-5-26
GH: 02120863 Penstemon laxiflorus Pennell USA: Texas 3 miles S. of Milam R. McVaugh 8438 1947-5-22
GH: 02120850 Penstemon laxiflorus Pennell USA: Texas 10 miles west of Weatherford R. McVaugh 8364 1947-5-18
GH: 00365811 Penstemon lemmonii A. Gray USA: California along US 99, ca. 35 mi. n. of Redding R. McVaugh 6237 1941-8-4
GH: 02121138 Penstemon murrayanus Hooker USA: Texas 3 miles southeast of Athens R. McVaugh 8385 1947-5-19
GH: 02122142 Penstemon richardsonii Douglas ex Lindley USA: Oregon [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6325 1941-8-10
GH: 02122149 Penstemon richardsonii Douglas ex Lindley USA: Washington [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6340 1941-8-12
GH: 02122621 Penstemon speciosus Douglas USA: Nevada [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6073 1941-7-22
A: 01801000 Penstemon triphyllus Douglas USA: Idaho [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6399 1941-8-17
GH: 01801587 Penstemon wrightii Hooker USA: Texas hills above Limpia Creek near Wild Rose Pass... R. McVaugh 7886 1947-4-10
GH: 01802279 Plantago helleri Small USA: Texas 9 miles west of Bracketville R. McVaugh 76 86 1947-3-28
GH: 01803677 Plantago patagonica Jacquin USA: Texas 7 miles west-southwest of Monahans R. McVaugh 8175 1947-5-5
GH: 01803796 Plantago pusilla Nuttall USA: Maryland [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6748 1945-4-30
GH: 01811256 Veronica peregrina xalapensis (Kunth) Pennell USA: Texas just west of Texas route 227, 18 miles S. of... R. McVaugh 7767 1947-4-3
Plumbaginaceae GH: 01927376 Limonium limbatum Small USA: Texas 2.5 miles southwest and 4 miles west of Orla R. McVaugh 8169 1947-5-4
Poaceae GH: 01813799 Coelorachis cylindrica (Michaux) Nash USA: Texas 5 miles north of Santo. R. McVaugh 10741 1949-5-30
GH: 01813787 Coelorachis cylindrica (Michaux) Nash USA: Texas 4 miles S.S.E. of Kaufman R. McVaugh 8374 1947-5-19
GH: 01815363 Tripsacum dactyloides (Linnaeus) Linnaeus USA: Texas 4 miles southeast of Kemp R. McVaugh 8377 1947-5-19
Polemoniaceae GH: 01092636 Eriastrum diffusum (A. Gray) H. Mason USA: Texas north end of Quitman Mts., 8 miles W. of Sie... R. McVaugh 8206 1947-4-21
GH: 01000231 Gilia inconspicua (Smith) Sweet USA: New Mexico at Mexican Boundary, southwestern Hidalgo Co... R. McVaugh 8067 1947-4-25
GH: 01000232 Gilia inconspicua (Smith) Sweet USA: New Mexico at Mexican Boundary, southwestern Hidalgo Co... R. McVaugh 8077 1947-4-25
GH: 01000930 Giliastrum insigne (Brand) J. M. Porter USA: Texas about 3 miles S. of Persimmon Gap (USGS, Bon... R. McVaugh 7831 1947-4-5
GH: 01000950 Giliastrum rigidulum (Bentham) Rydberg USA: Texas at roadside park on route US 90, 4.5 miles N... R. McVaugh 7701 1947-3-29
GH: 01000963 Giliastrum rigidulum (Bentham) Rydberg USA: Texas Summit of Sierra Diablo at Victoria Canyon, ... R. McVaugh 8024 1947-4-20
GH: 00985344 Ipomopsis aggregata attenuata (A. Gray) V. E. Grant & A. D. Grant USA: Wyoming Muddy Gap, ca. 45 mi. n. of Rawlins R. McVaugh 6444 1941-8-21
GH: 01104117 Ipomopsis longiflora (Torrey) V. E. Grant USA: Texas on Terlingua road, 26 miles south of Alpine R. McVaugh 7943 1947-4-14
GH: 01104155 Ipomopsis longiflora (Torrey) V. E. Grant USA: Texas 1 mile north of Candelaria R. McVaugh 7962 1947-4-16
GH: 01104262 Ipomopsis pumila (Nuttall) V. E. Grant USA: Texas 2 miles north of Porvenir R. McVaugh 7995 1947-4-17
GH: 01571109 Phlox amoena Sims USA: South Carolina [data not captured] R. McVaugh 8646 1947-6-5
GH: 01574076 Phlox drummondii wilcoxiana Wherry USA: Texas 5 miles north of Belmont R. McVaugh 7636 1947-3-24
GH: 01574845 Phlox nana Nuttall USA: Texas above Limpia Creek near Wild Rose Pass, abou... R. McVaugh 7901 1947-4-11
GH: 01574846 Phlox nana Nuttall USA: Texas Between railroad and highway R. McVaugh 7884 1947-4-9
GH: 01574852 Phlox nana Nuttall USA: Texas main canyon on northeast side of Sierra Made... R. McVaugh 7918 1947-4-12
GH: 01574866 Phlox nana Nuttall USA: Texas Steep dry canyons above Yates Ranch (Beach R... R. McVaugh 8012 1947-4-19
GH: 01686611 Phlox roemeriana Scheele USA: Texas Summit of plateau 17 miles northeast of Rock... R. McVaugh 8267 1947-5-10
GH: 01686785 Phlox stolonifera Sims USA: North Carolina Along Bent Cr., Pisgah N.F. about 10 mi. s.w... R. McVaugh 5513 1941-4-23
Polygalaceae GH: 01971842 Polygala alba Nuttall USA: Texas northwestern Culberson Co., 2 miles S.E. of ... R. McVaugh 8161 1947-5-4
GH: 01971846 Polygala alba Nuttall USA: Texas near abandoned Was Factory on Rio Grande at ... R. McVaugh 7802 1947-4-4
GH: 01970095 Polygala boykinii Nuttall USA: Alabama above Warrior River near Lock 13, about 10 m... R. McVaugh 8588 1947-5-30
GH: 00347775 Polygala cornuta Kellogg USA: California Rocky banks of the Sacramento R., n. of Shas... R. McVaugh 6232 1941-8-4
GH: 01970502 Polygala curtissii A. Gray USA: Maryland U.S. Forest Service Station, Beltsville Rese... R. McVaugh 6694 1943-10-29
GH: 01970471 Polygala curtissii A. Gray USA: Delaware 1 mile east of Hickman. R. McVaugh 6599 1942-6-30
GH: 01970467 Polygala curtissii A. Gray USA: Alabama near Blake Ferry; 5 mi. w. of Wedowee R. McVaugh 5196 1940-8-20
GH: 01970466 Polygala curtissii A. Gray USA: Georgia Echols Mill, 13 mi. n. e. of Lexington R. McVaugh 5377 1940-8-28
GH: 01970971 Polygala incarnata Linnaeus USA: Texas 4 miles S.S.E. of Kaufman R. McVaugh 8375 1947-5-19
GH: 01969044 Polygala lindheimeri lindheimeri USA: Texas Reagan Canyon; about 1 mile above mouth R. McVaugh 7807 1947-4-4
GH: 01969056 Polygala lindheimeri lindheimeri USA: Texas above dam at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 m... R. McVaugh 8251 1947-5-9
GH: 01969329 Polygala macradenia A. Gray USA: Texas Reagan Canyon; about 1 mile above mouth R. McVaugh 7805 1947-4-4
GH: 01969343 Polygala mariana Miller USA: Delaware 1 mile east of Hickman. R. McVaugh 6600 1942-6-30
GH: 01969336 Polygala mariana Miller USA: Alabama ca. 4 miles west-southwest of Tuscaloosa R. McVaugh 8569 1947-5-30
GH: 01969429 Polygala mariana Miller USA: Texas 6.5 miles north-east of Milam R. McVaugh 8448 1947-5-24
GH: 01969818 Polygala polygama Walter USA: Texas 2 miles west of Nacogdoches R. McVaugh 8400 1947-5-20
GH: 01968259 Polygala scoparioides Chodat USA: Texas Reagan Canyon; about 1 mile above mouth R. McVaugh 7818 1947-4-4
Polygonaceae GH: 02346031 Antenoron virginianum (Linnaeus) Roberty & Vautier USA: Michigan [data not captured] R. McVaugh 7556 1946-8-11
GH: 01717948 Eriogonum abertianum Torrey USA: New Mexico 5 miles west of Columbus R. McVaugh 8117 1947-4-28
GH: 01717965 Eriogonum abertianum Torrey USA: Texas bottom of narrow draw above Rio Grande, 3 mi... R. McVaugh 7967 1947-4-16
GH: 01618513 Eriogonum brevicaule Nuttall USA: Wyoming along route US 305, ca. 7 mi. e. of Evanston R. McVaugh 6436 1941-8-20
GH: 01652825 Eriogonum havardii S. Watson USA: Texas about 5 miles east of Joe E. Brown ranch hou... R. McVaugh 7765 1947-4-2
GH: 01986781 Eriogonum pauciflorum Pursh USA: Montana [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6465 1941-8-22
GH: 01966342 Eriogonum robustum Greene USA: Nevada [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6113 1941-7-24
GH: 01966427 Eriogonum rotundifolium Bentham USA: New Mexico 2 miles east of Hermanas[data not captured] R. McVaugh 8111 1947-4-28
GH: 02043093 Eriogonum tomentosum Michaux USA: South Carolina 11 mi. ssw. of Columbia R. McVaugh 5130 1940-8-19
GH: 02043169 Eriogonum trichopes Torrey USA: New Mexico 2 miles east of Hermanas R. McVaugh 8110 1947-4-28
GH: 02043315 Eriogonum umbellatum dichrocephalum Gandoger USA: Nevada [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6084 1941-7-22
GH: 02360003 Polygonum aviculare neglectum (Bess) Arcangeli USA: Virginia [data not captured] R. McVaugh 5740 1941-6-22
GH: 02007929 Polygonum tenue Michaux USA: Michigan [data not captured] R. McVaugh 7595 1946-10-2
GH: 02007927 Polygonum tenue Michaux USA: Michigan [data not captured] R. McVaugh 7580 1946-8-17
GH: 02007980 Polygonum tenue Michaux USA: Virginia [data not captured] R. McVaugh 5437 1940-9-1
GH: 02006927 Rumex conglomeratus Murray USA: Virginia [data not captured] R. McVaugh 5730 1941-6-22
GH: 02005294 Rumex hastatulus Baldw. USA: Texas one-half mile east of Valley Spring R. McVaugh 8325 1947-5-14
GH: 02004499 Rumex verticillatus Linnaeus USA: Delaware [data not captured] R. McVaugh 6508 1942-6-22
Pontederiaceae GH: 01919366 Pontederia cordata Linnaeus USA: Delaware outlet of Burton's Pond, about 5 miles south... R. McVaugh 6532 1942-6-25
Portulacaceae GH: 01859610 Claytonia virginica Linnaeus USA: Texas 4 miles S. S. E. of Kaufman R. McVaugh 7624 1947-3-22
GH: 01860974 Portulaca smallii P. Wilson USA: Georgia granite outcrops 9 mi. s. e. of Greensboro R. McVaugh 5323 1940-8-26
GH: 01928099 Talinum mengesii W. Wolf USA: Alabama near Blake Ferry; 5 mi. w. of Wedowee R. McVaugh 5197 1940-8-20
Potamogetonaceae GH: 01564289 Potamogeton diversifolius Rafinesque USA: Delaware outlet of Burton's Pond, about 5 miles south... R. McVaugh 6538 1942-6-25
GH: 01564681 Potamogeton epihydrus nuttallii (Chamisso & Schlechtendal) Fernald USA: Delaware outlet of Burton's Pond, about 5 miles south... R. McVaugh 6542 1942-6-25
GH: 01564723 Potamogeton epihydrus nuttallii (Chamisso & Schlechtendal) Fernald USA: Michigan [data not captured] R. McVaugh 8827 1947-9-2
GH: 01746013 Potamogeton pusillus tenuissimus (Mertens & Koch) R. R. Haynes & Hellquist USA: Michigan Margins of Sweet Gale Lake, near Duck Island R. McVaugh 8822 1947-9-2
GH: 01746015 Potamogeton pusillus tenuissimus (Mertens & Koch) R. R. Haynes & Hellquist USA: Michigan Margins of Sweet Gale Lake near Duck Island R. McVaugh 8832 1947-9-2
GH: 01746073 Potamogeton pusillus tenuissimus (Mertens & Koch) R. R. Haynes & Hellquist USA: New York about 3 miles E. of Stuyvesant R. McVaugh 1551 1933-7-13
Pottiaceae FH: 00996084 Pleurochaete squarrosa (Bridel) Lindberg USA: Texas Granite Mtn, 2 miles W. N. W. of Marble Fall... R. McVaugh 7654 1947-3-26
Primulaceae GH: 01942398 Androsace occidentalis Pursh USA: Texas above Limpia Creek near Wild Rose Pass, abou... R. McVaugh 7908 1947-4-11
GH: 01942395 Androsace occidentalis Pursh USA: Texas north end of Quitman Mts., 8 miles W. of Sie... R. McVaugh 8035 1947-4-21
GH: 01922388 Dodecatheon meadia Linnaeus USA: Alabama above Warrior River near Lock 13, about 10 m... R. McVaugh 8577 1947-5-30
GH: 01918991 Lysimachia quadriflora Sims USA: Michigan northeast of Cedar Lake, 3 miles west of Che... R. McVaugh 7572 1946-8-15
GH: 01927569 Lysimachia tonsa (Alph. Wood) R. Knuth USA: Georgia Little Stone Mt., near Panola Shoals R. McVaugh 5398 1940-8-28
Ranunculaceae GH: 01720728 Actaea pachypoda Elliott USA: Alabama Tuscaloosa: Above Warrior River near Lock 13... R. McVaugh 8572 1947-5-30
GH: 01706274 Anemone berlandieri Pritzel USA: Texas 14 miles N.E. of Milano (3.5 miles N.E. of G... R. McVaugh 7630 1947-3-23
GH: 01706285 Anemone berlandieri Pritzel USA: Texas (Rough Hollow of USGS), Anacacho Mts. 4 mile... R. McVaugh 7677 1947-3-28
GH: 01706649 Anemone caroliniana Walter USA: Texas 4 miles S.S.E. of Kaufman R. McVaugh 7621 1947-3-22
GH: 01706650 Anemone caroliniana Walter USA: Texas 4 miles S.S.E. of Kaufman R. McVaugh 7620 1947-3-22
GH: 01707103 Anemone edwardsiana Tharp USA: Texas bluffs of Bull Creek above Colorado River, a... R. McVaugh 7646 1947-3-25
GH: 01707104 Anemone edwardsiana Tharp USA: Texas above dam at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 m... R. McVaugh 7730 1947-3-31
GH: 01708304 Anemone quinquefolia Linnaeus USA: New York 1/2 mile west of Canaan R. McVaugh 4144 1936-5-2
GH: 01708543 Anemone tuberosa Rydberg USA: Texas above dam at foot of Devils Lake, about 20 m... R. McVaugh 7729 1947-3-31
GH: 01710677 Caltha palustris Linnaeus USA: New York 2 miles north of Chatham R. McVaugh 4101 1936-5-1
GH: 01710941 Clematis columbiana (Nuttall) Torrey & A. Gray USA: New Mexico above Cherry Creek 1 mile below public camp ... R. McVaugh 8052 1947-4-24
GH: 01658073 Coptis trifolia (Linnaeus) Salisbury USA: New York east of Canaan R. McVaugh 4265 1936-5-14
GH: 01660541 Delphinium wootonii Rydberg USA: Texas along route 290, 24 miles northwest of Sheff... R. McVaugh 8197 1947-5-7
GH: 01661757 Myosurus minimus Linnaeus USA: Texas Hueco Tanks R. McVaugh 8142 1947-5-1
GH: 01661841 Nigella damascena Linnaeus USA: Maryland College Park: [no additional data] R. McVaugh 6736 1944-8-20
GH: 01663822 Ranunculus fascicularis Muhlenberg ex Bigelow USA: New York south end of Mt. Merino, Greenport R. McVaugh 4071 1936-4-24
GH: 01663831 Ranunculus fascicularis Muhlenberg ex Bigelow USA: Oklahoma 5 miles west of Ft. Towson R. McVaugh 7617 1947-3-20
GH: 01840300 Xanthorhiza simplicissima Marsh. USA: Alabama 12 miles west of Pell City R. McVaugh 8597 1947-5-31
Rhamnaceae GH: 01788813 Berchemia scandens (Hill) K. Koch USA: Virginia about 0.5 mile from old Coast Guard Station,... R. McVaugh 5733 1941-6-22
GH: 01789603 Ceanothus greggii A. Gray USA: Texas main canyon on west side of Santiago Mts., a... R. McVaugh 7845 1947-5-5
GH: 01789605 Ceanothus greggii A. Gray USA: Texas main canyon on northeast side of Sierra Made... R. McVaugh 7925 1947-4-12
GH: 01789878 Ceanothus herbaceus Rafinesque USA: Texas 25 miles west of Ozona R. McVaugh 8212 1947-5-7
GH: 01790585 Condalia ericoides (A. Gray) M. C. Johnston USA: Texas 2.5 miles west of Dryden R. McVaugh 7759 1947-4-2
A: 00425798 Frangula californica (Eschscholtz) A. Gray USA: California Tomales Points, 1.5 mi. s.w. of Indian Beach R. McVaugh 6183 1941-7-31
GH: 01972124 Frangula caroliniana (Walter) A. Gray USA: Texas valley of Paint Creek near its junction with... R. McVaugh 8279 1947-5-11
GH: 01972125 Frangula caroliniana (Walter) A. Gray USA: Texas 3 miles S. of Milam R. McVaugh 8416 1947-5-21
GH: 01972126 Frangula caroliniana (Walter) A. Gray USA: Texas S.E. corner; Cacti Lodge, Barnes Ranch, mout... R. McVaugh 8332 1947-5-15
GH: 01972362 Karwinskia humboldtiana (Schultes) Zuccarini USA: Texas at foot of Devils Lake, aout 20 miles N.N.W.... R. McVaugh 8240 1947-5-9
A: 00425798 Rhamnus californica Eschscholtz USA: California Tomales Points, 1.5 mi. s.w. of Indian Beach R. McVaugh 6183 1941-7-31
GH: 01972979 Rhamnus lanceolata Pursh USA: Texas 3 miles northwest of Chireno R. McVaugh 8406 1947-5-21
GH: 01971105 Ziziphus obtusifolia (Hooker ex Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray USA: Texas Bear Creek, 13 miles east of Marathon -- Big... R. McVaugh 7777 1947-4-3
Rosaceae A: 00345271 Adenostoma fasciculatum Hooker & Arnott USA: California Maraga Ridge, 5 mi. e. of Berkeley R. McVaugh 6169 1941-7-29
GH: 01586639 Agrimonia parviflora Aiton USA: Michigan About 5 miles northwest of Reading. south si... R. McVaugh 7554 1946-8-11
A: 00366059 Amelanchier alnifolia (Nuttall) Nuttall ex M. Roemer USA: California e. slope Warner Mts., 4 mi. w. of Cedarville R. McVaugh 6254 1941-8-5
GH: 01726504 Amelanchier alnifolia (Nuttall) Nuttall ex M. Roemer USA: New Mexico northeast side of Cook's Peak, 14 miles nort... R. McVaugh 8122 1947-4-29
GH: 01726560 Amelanchier alnifolia (Nuttall) Nuttall ex M. Roemer USA: Texas first narrow side canyon off west side of No... R. McVaugh 7405 1945-7-16
A: 01726561 Amelanchier alnifolia (Nuttall) Nuttall ex M. Roemer USA: Texas Upper flopes of Pipe Canyon above upper Pine... R. McVaugh 8157 1947-5-3
GH: 01727778 Amelanchier canadensis (Linnaeus) Medikus USA: Delaware 1 mile east of Lewes. R. McVaugh 6570 1942-6-27
A: 00366058 Amelanchier sp. USA: California w. slope of Warner Mts., 8.5 mi. w. of Ceda... R. McVaugh 6251 1941-8-5
A: 00366060 Amelanchier sp. USA: California along route Cal. 29, ca. 17 mi. n.w. of Midd... R. McVaugh 6210 1941-8-2
A: 00366061 Amelanchier sp. USA: California Ca. 1 mi. w. Donner L. R. McVaugh 6114 1941-7-25
A: 00366062 Amelanchier sp. USA: California 8 mi. s.w. of Canby R. McVaugh 6244 1941-8-4
A: 00366063 Amelanchier sp. USA: California Rocky banks of the Sacramento R., n. of Shas... R. McVaugh 6234 1941-8-4
A: 00366064 Amelanchier sp. USA: California 10 mi. w. of Burney R. McVaugh 6241 1941-8-4
A: 00366065 Amelanchier sp. USA: California near route Cal. 29, 5.3 mi. s. of Middletown R. McVaugh 6203 1941-8-2
A: 00366066 Amelanchier sp. USA: California Moraga Ridge, 5 mi. e. of Berkeley R. McVaugh 6168 1941-7-29
A: 00366067 Amelanchier sp. USA: California along route Cal. 29, ca. 14 mi. n.w. of Midd... R. McVaugh 6205 1941-8-2
A: 01730243 Amelanchier sp. USA: Utah 3 mi. s of Hoytsville R. McVaugh 6431 1941-8-19
A: 01730244 Amelanchier sp. USA: Utah along US 40, ca. 2 mi. e. of Gorgorza R. McVaugh 6430 1941-8-19
A: 01730245 Amelanchier sp. USA: Utah along US 40, ca. 2 mi. e. of Gorgorza R. McVaugh 6429 1941-8-19
A: 01730247 Amelanchier sp. USA: Colorado ca. 11 mi. s.w. of Wolf Creek Pass R. McVaugh 5819 1941-7-8
A: 01730248 Amelanchier sp. USA: Colorado 15.7 mi. s.w. of Pagosa Springs R. McVaugh 5827 1941-7-9
A: 01730249 Amelanchier sp. USA: Colorado 13 mi. s.e. of Durango; along US 160. R. McVaugh 5837 1941-7-9
A: 01730250 Amelanchier sp. USA: Colorado ca. 18 mi. w. of Durango R. McVaugh 5843 1941-7-9
A: 01730251 Amelanchier sp. USA: Colorado ca. 20-21 mi. w. of Durango R. McVaugh 5844 1941-7-9
A: 01730254 Amelanchier sp. USA: North Dakota ca. 24 mi. n. of Belfield R. McVaugh 6473 1941-8-23
A: 01730255 Amelanchier sp. USA: North Dakota 9 mi. w. of Halliday R. McVaugh 6476 1941-8-23
A: 01730256 Amelanchier sp. USA: North Dakota along Missouri R., near Elbowods R. McVaugh 6477 1941-8-23
A: 01730257 Amelanchier sp. USA: North Dakota 2 mi. w. of Goldevalley R. McVaugh 6478 1941-8-23
A: 01730258 Amelanchier sp. USA: North Dakota above Knife R., 1 mi. e. of Hazen R. McVaugh 6479 1941-8-24
A: 01730259 Amelanchier sp. USA: North Dakota along route N.D. 25, ca. 5 mi. n. of route U... R. McVaugh 6480 1941-8-24
A: 01730260 Amelanchier sp. USA: South Dakota Vermillion: Bank of Vermillion R., 1.5 mi. n... R. McVaugh 6483 1941-8-27
A: 01730261 Amelanchier sp. USA: Nevada about 2.5 mi. above Troy Mine, Troy Ca., Gra... R. McVaugh 6087 1941-7-22
A: 01730262 Amelanchier sp. USA: Nevada Wilson Ranch, near Cottonwood Spr., about 15... R. McVaugh 5966 1941-7-18
A: 01730263 Amelanchier sp. USA: Nevada Pinto Summit, about 5 mi. s. of Eureka., R. McVaugh 6108 1941-7-23
A: 01730264 Amelanchier sp. USA: Nevada 1 mi. n.w. of Verdi; on Fish Hatchery Road R. McVaugh 6120 1941-7-25
A: 01730265 Amelanchier sp. USA: Nevada 2 mi. n. of Incline on Mt. Rose road R. McVaugh 6158 1941-7-27
A: 01730266 Amelanchier sp. USA: Nevada above Lake Tahoe about 5 mi. s. of Incline R. McVaugh 6162 1941-7-27
A: 01730268 Amelanchier sp. USA: Nevada North side of; slopes 21 mi. n of Wells R. McVaugh 6409 1941-8-18
A: 01730269 Amelanchier sp. USA: Colorado below main lodge, Mesa Verde National Park R. McVaugh 5853 1941-7-10
A: 01730271 Amelanchier sp. USA: Colorado along US 160, 1.5 mi. e. of South Fork R. McVaugh 5808 1941-7-8
A: 01730272 Amelanchier sp. USA: Colorado 4 mi. n. of headquarters, Mesa Verde Nationa... R. McVaugh 5860 1941-7-10
A: 01730273 Amelanchier sp. USA: Colorado Park Point, Mesa Verde Nat'l Park R. McVaugh 5863 1941-7-10
A: 01730274 Amelanchier sp. USA: New Mexico Santa Fe N.F. [National Forest], along rte. ... R. McVaugh 5901 1941-7-11
A: 01730275 Amelanchier sp. USA: Arizona east side of Mormon Lake R. McVaugh 5917 1941-7-14
A: 01730276 Amelanchier sp. USA: Arizona West end of Lake Mary, ca. 10 mi. s. e. of F... R. McVaugh 5919 1941-7-14
A: 01730277 Amelanchier sp. USA: Arizona 6.5 mi. s. of H. Q. Grand Can. Nat'l Park R. McVaugh 5922 1941-7-15
A: 01730278 Amelanchier sp. USA: Colorado near southern end of highway, Mesa Verde Nat... R. McVaugh 5857 1941-7-10
A: 01730285 Amelanchier sp. USA: Arizona 9 mi. s. e. of H. Q., Grand Can. Nat'l Park R. McVaugh 5930 1941-7-15
A: 01730286 Amelanchier sp. USA: Arizona 6 mi. n. e. of Jacob Lake R. McVaugh 5935 1941-7-15
A: 01730287 Amelanchier sp. USA: Arizona north rim, 1 mi. n. of Cape Royal, Grand Can... R. McVaugh 5936 1941-7-16
A: 01730288 Amelanchier sp. USA: Arizona 6 mi. n. of Cape Royal, n. side of Grand Can... R. McVaugh 5937 1941-7-15
A: 01730289 Amelanchier sp. USA: Arizona below scenic view ca. 13.5 mi. n. of Cape Ro... R. McVaugh 5943 1941-7-16
A: 01730290 Amelanchier sp. USA: Utah 11 mi. s. of Park H.Q., Bryce Can. Nat. Park R. McVaugh 5955 1941-7-16
A: 01730291 Amelanchier sp. USA: Utah 7 mi. n.w. of Zion Park Jct. R. McVaugh 5956A 1941-7-17
A: 01730292 Amelanchier sp. USA: Utah 7 mi. n.w. of Zion Park Jct. R. McVaugh 5958 1941-7-18
A: 01730293 Amelanchier sp. USA: Wyoming Muddy Gap, ca. 45 mi. n. of Rawlins R. McVaugh 6448 1941-8-21
A: 01730294 Amelanchier sp. USA: Wyoming Muddy Gap, ca. 45 mi. n. of Rawlins R. McVaugh 6442 1941-8-21
A: 01730295 Amelanchier sp. USA: Wyoming along route 305, ca. 7 mi. e. of Evanston R. McVaugh 6438 1941-8-20
A: 01730296 Amelanchier sp. USA: North Dakota 7 mi. e. of Medora R. McVaugh 6472 1941-8-23
A: 01730297 Amelanchier sp. USA: North Dakota 10.8 mi. w. of Medora, R. McVaugh 6468 1941-8-23
A: 01730298 Amelanchier sp. USA: Montana 1 mi. s.e. of Coalwood P.O. R. McVaugh 6467 1941-8-22
A: 01730299 Amelanchier sp. USA: South Dakota Deadwood: ca. 4 mi. n. of Deadwood R. McVaugh 6464 1941-8-22
A: 01730300 Amelanchier sp. USA: South Dakota Custer: 6.5 mi. n. of Custer R. McVaugh 6457 1941-8-22
A: 01730301 Amelanchier sp. USA: South Dakota Custer: 5 mi. n. of Custer R. McVaugh 6454 1941-8-22
A: 01730319 Amelanchier sp. USA: Wyoming 1 mi. n.e. of Evanston R. McVaugh 6432 1941-8-20
A: 01730320 Amelanchier sp. USA: Wyoming along route 305, ca. 7 mi. e. of Evanston R. McVaugh 6437 1941-8-20
GH: 01730364 Aronia arbutifolia (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Delaware near Coast Guard Station about 5 miles south... R. McVaugh 6516 1942-6-24
GH: 01730606 Aronia arbutifolia (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Texas along small stream 7 miles northeast of Mila... R. McVaugh 8452 1947-5-24
GH: 01730805 Aronia melanocarpa (Michaux) Elliott USA: Michigan northwest of Cedar Lake, 3 miles west of Che... R. McVaugh 7609 1946-10-9
GH: 01587433 Cercocarpus montanus Rafinesque USA: Texas Palo Duro Canyon, about 15 miles east of Can... R. McVaugh 7228 1945-6-22
GH: 01587434 Cercocarpus montanus Rafinesque USA: Texas Left fork of Smith Canyon; interior limeston... R. McVaugh 7425 1945-7-17
GH: 01587435 Cercocarpus montanus Rafinesque USA: Texas Left fork of Smith Canyon; interior limeston... R. McVaugh 7424 1945-7-17
GH: 01587436 Cercocarpus montanus Rafinesque USA: Texas Left fork of Smith Canyon; interior limeston... R. McVaugh 7424 1945-7-17
GH: 01587437 Cercocarpus montanus Rafinesque USA: Texas Palo Duro Canyon, about 15 miles east of Can... R. McVaugh 7228 1945-6-22
GH: 01587438 Cercocarpus montanus Rafinesque USA: Texas about 5 miles N. E. from highway from gate 2... R. McVaugh 7331 1945-7-6
GH: 01587439 Cercocarpus montanus Rafinesque USA: Texas 1/2 mile down Horse Creek from Barnett Bros.... R. McVaugh 7436 1945-7-20
GH: 01587440 Cercocarpus montanus Rafinesque USA: Texas in main canyon on northwest side of Goat Mt. R. McVaugh 7498 1945-7-24
GH: 01587441 Cercocarpus montanus Rafinesque USA: Texas in main canyon on northwest side of Goat Mt. R. McVaugh 7499 1945-7-24
GH: 01587442 Cercocarpus montanus Rafinesque USA: Texas Deep ravine above (east of) Brown Ranch, 6 m... R. McVaugh 7316 1945-7-2
GH: 01587443 Cercocarpus montanus Rafinesque USA: Texas Deep ravine above (east of) Brown Ranch, 6 m... R. McVaugh 7316 1945-7-2
GH: 01587444 Cercocarpus montanus Rafinesque USA: Texas near highway, Del Norte Mts., about 15 mi. E... R. McVaugh 7334 1945-7-7
A: 01587869 Cercocarpus montanus paucidentatus (S. Watson) F. L. Martin USA: New Mexico Main canyon east side of Cook's Peak, northw... R. McVaugh 8124 1947-4-29
A: 01587870 Cercocarpus montanus paucidentatus (S. Watson) F. L. Martin USA: New Mexico Western slopes of Animas Mts., below Animas ... R. McVaugh 8106 1947-4-27
A: 01587887 Cercocarpus montanus paucidentatus (S. Watson) F. L. Martin USA: Texas Main canyon east of Mt. Ord, Sierra del Nort... R. McVaugh 7867 1947-4-7
A: 01587888 Cercocarpus montanus paucidentatus (S. Watson) F. L. Martin USA: Texas Steep dry canyons above Yates Ranch (Beach R... R. McVaugh 8010 1947-4-19
GH: 01587920 Cercocarpus montanus paucidentatus (S. Watson) F. L. Martin USA: Texas Victoria Canyon, Sierra Diablo, near Vivia M... R. McVaugh 7360 1945-7-10
GH: 01587921 Cercocarpus montanus paucidentatus (S. Watson) F. L. Martin USA: Texas about 1 km. west of Mt. Livermore, Davis Mts... R. McVaugh 7489 1945-7-23
GH: 01587922 Cercocarpus montanus paucidentatus (S. Watson) F. L. Martin USA: Texas McKelligon Can., Franklin Mts. about 8 miles... R. McVaugh 7379 1945-7-13
GH: 01587923 Cercocarpus montanus paucidentatus (S. Watson) F. L. Martin USA: Texas upper slopes of Victoria Canyon, Sierra Diab... R. McVaugh 7358 1945-7-10
GH: 01587924 Cercocarpus montanus paucidentatus (S. Watson) F. L. Martin USA: Texas head of canyon above fluorite mine, Eagle Mt... R. McVaugh 7341 1945-7-8
GH: 01587925 Cercocarpus montanus paucidentatus (S. Watson) F. L. Martin USA: Texas Mouth of Smith Canyon, near Frijole; Guadalu... R. McVaugh 7393 1945-7-15
GH: 01587926 Cercocarpus montanus paucidentatus (S. Watson) F. L. Martin USA: Texas Along Guadalupe Canyon, east of Guad. Peak, ... R. McVaugh 7386 1945-7-14
GH: 01587927 Cercocarpus montanus paucidentatus (S. Watson) F. L. Martin USA: Texas Along Guadalupe Conyon, east of Guad. Peak, ... R. McVaugh 7385 1945-7-14
GH: 01587928 Cercocarpus montanus paucidentatus (S. Watson) F. L. Martin USA: Texas About 1 mile south of Eagle Peak, Eagle Mts. R. McVaugh 7351 1945-7-9
GH: 01587929 Cercocarpus montanus paucidentatus (S. Watson) F. L. Martin USA: Texas About 1 mile south of Eagle Peak, Eagle Mts. R. McVaugh 7352 1945-7-9
GH: 01587930 Cercocarpus montanus paucidentatus (S. Watson) F. L. Martin USA: Texas Quitman Mts., at Hector Ranch about 10-12 mi... R. McVaugh 7367 1945-7-11
GH: 01587931 Cercocarpus montanus paucidentatus (S. Watson) F. L. Martin USA: Texas near summit of west fork of Madera Canyon, D... R. McVaugh 7487 1945-7-23
GH: 01587932 Cercocarpus montanus paucidentatus (S. Watson) F. L. Martin USA: Texas summits above Madera Canyon, Davis Mts., R. McVaugh 7486 1945-7-23
GH: 01587933 Cercocarpus montanus paucidentatus (S. Watson) F. L. Martin USA: Texas southeast of summit of Chinati Peak, Chinati... R. McVaugh 7452 1945-7-21
A: 01587774 Cercocarpus montanus glaber (S. Watson) F. L. Martin USA: California near route Cal. 29, 5.3 mi. s. of Middletown R. McVaugh 6201 1941-8-2
A: 01587792 Cercocarpus montanus glaber (S. Watson) F. L. Martin USA: Texas Main canyon east of Mt. Ord, Sierra del Nort... R. McVaugh 7871 1947-4-7
A: 01587793 Cercocarpus montanus glaber (S. Watson) F. L. Martin USA: Texas main canyon on west side of Santiago Mts.; a... R. McVaugh 7852 1947-4-5
A: 00345561 Chamaebatia foliolosa Bentham USA: California 5.7 mi. w. of Burney R. McVaugh 6242 1941-8-4
A: 01759657 Crataegus colorado Ashe USA: Montana 1 mi. s.e. of Coalwood P.O. R. McVaugh 6466 1941-8-22
GH: 01611486 Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus USA: Texas just south of Brookeland R. McVaugh 6819 1945-5-11
GH: 01611487 Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus USA: Texas base of Enchanted Rock R. McVaugh 7096 1945-6-5
GH: 01611510 Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus USA: Texas base of Enchanted Rock R. McVaugh 7096 1945-6-5
GH: 01611514 Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus USA: Texas 7.5 miles south of Cisco R. McVaugh 7530 1945-7-28
GH: 01611515 Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus USA: Texas 3 miles southeast of Stephenville R. McVaugh 7108 1945-6-6
GH: 01611516 Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus USA: Texas 4 miles west of Decatur R. McVaugh 7199 1945-6-19
A: 01612515 Crataegus douglasii Lindley USA: Idaho Roadside bank along Little Salmon R., 5 mi. ... R. McVaugh 6405 1941-8-17
A: 01614842 Crataegus lanata Beadle USA: Georgia 3 mi. s. w. of Hopeful R. McVaugh 5248 1940-8-23
GH: 01667758 Crataegus marshallii Eggleston USA: Texas 7 miles south of Conroe R. McVaugh 6892 1945-5-16
GH: 01667761 Crataegus marshallii Eggleston USA: Texas about 3 miles northwest of Bon Wier R. McVaugh 6847 1945-5-12
GH: 01668758 Crataegus mollis (Torrey & A. Gray) Scheele USA: Texas 7.5 miles southeast of Lewisville R. McVaugh 6917 1945-5-20
GH: 01668759 Crataegus mollis (Torrey & A. Gray) Scheele USA: Texas O'Bryant Ranch, about 5 miles northeast of U... R. McVaugh 7054 1945-6-2
GH: 01668760 Crataegus mollis (Torrey & A. Gray) Scheele USA: Texas near Brazos River 3 miles west of Juliff R. McVaugh 7017 1945-5-28
A: 01647515 Crataegus rivularis Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Utah along route US 40, 13.5 mi. e. of Salt Lake ... R. McVaugh 6425 1941-8-19
A: 01647521 Crataegus rivularis Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Wyoming 2.5 mi. s.w. of Casper R. McVaugh 6453 1941-8-21
A: 01865401 Crataegus sp. USA: Pennsylvania About 0.25 mi NE of Tamaqua R. McVaugh 5496 1940-10-5
GH: 01865619 Crataegus sp. USA: Texas 1 mile northeast of Latex R. McVaugh 6795 1945-5-9
GH: 01865620 Crataegus sp. USA: Texas 6 miles north of Jasper R. McVaugh 6832 1945-5-11
GH: 01865621 Crataegus sp. USA: Texas 7.5 miles north of Jasper R. McVaugh 6827 1945-5-11
GH: 01865622 Crataegus sp. USA: Texas 5.5 miles south of Carthage R. McVaugh 6800 1945-5-10
GH: 01865623 Crataegus sp. USA: Texas 1 mile northeast of Latex R. McVaugh 6796 1945-5-9
GH: 01865624 Crataegus sp. USA: Texas 4 miles west of Newton R. McVaugh 6856 1945-5-13
GH: 01865625 Crataegus sp. USA: Texas 4 miles west of Newton R. McVaugh 6855 1945-5-13
GH: 01865626 Crataegus sp. USA: Texas 4 miles west of Newton R. McVaugh 6857 1945-5-13
GH: 01865627 Crataegus sp. USA: Texas road to Magnolia Springs 8 mi. S of Jasper R. McVaugh 6833 1945-5-11
GH: 01865628 Crataegus sp. USA: Texas 7.5 miles north of Jasper R. McVaugh 6828 1945-5-11
GH: 01865684 Crataegus sp. USA: Texas 3 miles southeast of Stephenville R. McVaugh 7109 1945-6-6
A: 01865685 Crataegus sp. USA: Texas Hills 10 miles southeast of Jacksonville R. McVaugh 8390 1947-5-20
A: 01865686 Crataegus sp. USA: Texas San Saba River, near the crossing on Ft. McK... R. McVaugh 8287 1947-5-12
A: 01865687 Crataegus sp. USA: Texas wooded bottom of Threadgill Creek, 8 miles n... R. McVaugh 8307 1947-5-13
A: 01865688 Crataegus sp. USA: Texas 10 miles west of Weatherford R. McVaugh 8365 1947-5-18
A: 01649475 Crataegus tracyi Ashe USA: Texas above Limpia Creek near Wild Rose Pass, abou... R. McVaugh 7893 1947-4-10
GH: 01649510 Crataegus tracyi Ashe USA: Texas banks of Musquiz Creek,; about 10.5 miles no... R. McVaugh 7328 1945-7-6
GH: 01649837 Crataegus uniflora Münchhausen USA: South Carolina mountain west of US route 25, 14 miles north... R. McVaugh 8643 1947-6-5
GH: 01650602 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas 1 mile north of Almeda, route TEX 288 (i.e.,... R. McVaugh 7013 1945-5-28
GH: 01650603 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas Banks of slough 7.5 miles south of Stowell R. McVaugh 6883 1945-5-15
GH: 01650604 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas along route 75 at northern limit of Houston R. McVaugh 6888 1945-5-16
A: 01650606 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas 5.5 miles east of Weatherford R. McVaugh 8370 1947-5-18
GH: 01650617 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas Trinity River Bottom below Bachman Dam, off ... R. McVaugh 6750 1945-5-7
GH: 01650618 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas Trinity River bottom below Backman Dam, off ... R. McVaugh 6752 1945-5-7
GH: 01650619 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas Trinity River bottom below Backman Dam, off ... R. McVaugh 6754 1945-5-7
GH: 01650620 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas Shrub covered hills above Red River, north o... R. McVaugh 6937 1945-5-20
GH: 01650621 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas 4 miles southeast of Lewisville R. McVaugh 6920 1945-5-20
GH: 01650626 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas 6 miles southeast of Smiley R. McVaugh 7032 1945-5-30
GH: 01650627 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas 3.5 miles east of Santa Anna R. McVaugh 7526 1945-7-27
GH: 01650628 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas 4 mi. S of Cisco R. McVaugh 7533 1945-7-28
GH: 01650629 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas 2 miles southeast of Burkburnett R. McVaugh 7213 1945-6-20
GH: 01650630 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas 11 miles west-northwest of Grapevine R. McVaugh 7192 1945-6-19
GH: 01650631 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas 1 mile north of Almeda, on route TEX 288 (i.... R. McVaugh 7012 1945-5-28
GH: 01650632 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas 8 miles east of Navasota R. McVaugh 7006 1945-5-27
GH: 01650633 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas 6 miles west of Decatur R. McVaugh 7201 1945-6-19
GH: 01650634 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas 9 miles northwest of Jacksboro R. McVaugh 7208 1945-6-19
GH: 01650635 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas 10 miles southwest of Texarkana R. McVaugh 7168 1945-6-13
GH: 01650636 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas 4 miles east of Whitesboro R. McVaugh 7118 1945-6-9
GH: 01650637 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas 7 miles south of Conroe R. McVaugh 6894 1945-5-16
GH: 01650638 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas just west of Orange R. McVaugh 6868 1945-5-14
GH: 01650639 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas 4 mi. E of Whitesboro R. McVaugh 7118 1945-6-9
GH: 01650640 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas just west of Orange R. McVaugh 6869 1945-5-14
GH: 01650641 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas 14 miles southwest of Bay City R. McVaugh 7025 1945-5-29
GH: 01650642 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas 6 miles southeast of Smiley R. McVaugh 7033 1945-5-30
GH: 01650643 Crataegus viridis Linnaeus USA: Texas bayou about 1/2 miles east of Neches River, ... R. McVaugh 6835 1945-5-11
GH: 01608160 Dasiphora fruticosa (Linnaeus) Rydberg USA: Wyoming Hillside along route US 305, ca. 7 mi. e. of... R. McVaugh 6433 1941-8-20
GH: 01608333 Drymocallis arguta (Pursh) Rydberg USA: Wyoming Crevices at base of cliffs, Muddy Gap, ca. 4... R. McVaugh 6445 1941-8-21
GH: 01588963 Duchesnea indica (Andrews) Focke USA: Texas 3 miles S. of Milam R. McVaugh 1947-5-21
GH: 01606075 Fallugia paradoxa (D. Don) Endlicher USA: New Mexico at Mexican boundary, southwestern Hidalgo Co... R. McVaugh 8085 1947-4-25
GH: 01606130 Fallugia paradoxa (D. Don) Endlicher USA: Texas Guadalupe Canyon, elev. 1600 m., east of Gua... R. McVaugh 7390 1945-7-14
GH: 01606131 Fallugia paradoxa (D. Don) Endlicher USA: Texas Along bed of Horse Creek, Barnett Bros. ranc... R. McVaugh 7439 1945-7-19
GH: 01606132 Fallugia paradoxa (D. Don) Endlicher USA: Texas main canyon on northeast side of Sierra Made... R. McVaugh 10638 1949-5-26
GH: 01606140 Fallugia paradoxa (D. Don) Endlicher USA: Texas Reagan canyon; about 1 mile above mouth (USG... R. McVaugh 7819 1947-4-4
GH: 01608820 Fragaria chiloensis (Linnaeus) Duchesne USA: Maryland Experimental Plots, Plant Industry Station, ... R. McVaugh 6706 1944-5-10
GH: 01606250 Fragaria chiloensis lucida (E. Vilm. ex J. Gay) Staudt USA: Maryland Experimental Plots, Plant Industry Station, ... R. McVaugh 6707 1944-5-10
GH: 01606309 Fragaria ovalis (Lehmann) Rydberg USA: Maryland Experiment Plots, Plant Industry Station, Be... R. McVaugh 6711 1944-5-10
GH: 01606310 Fragaria ovalis (Lehmann) Rydberg USA: Maryland Experiment Plots, Plant Industry Station, Be... R. McVaugh 6710 1944-5-10
GH: 01606311 Fragaria ovalis (Lehmann) Rydberg USA: Maryland Experimental Plots, Plant Industry Station, ... R. McVaugh 6713 1944-5-10
GH: 01606312 Fragaria ovalis (Lehmann) Rydberg USA: Maryland Experimental Plot, Plant Industry Station, B... R. McVaugh 6714 1944-5-10
GH: 01606316 Fragaria ovalis (Lehmann) Rydberg USA: Maryland Experimental Plots, Plant Industry Station, ... R. McVaugh 6712 1944-5-10
GH: 01606317 Fragaria ovalis (Lehmann) Rydberg USA: Maryland Experimental Plots, Plant Industry Station, ... R. McVaugh 6708 1944-5-10
GH: 01606318 Fragaria ovalis (Lehmann) Rydberg USA: Maryland Experimental Plots, Plant Industry Station, ... R. McVaugh 6709 1944-5-10
GH: 01608829 Fragaria sp. USA: Maryland Experimental Plots, Plant Industry Station, ... R. McVaugh 6725 1944-5-10
GH: 01606353 Fragaria vesca Linnaeus USA: Maryland Experimental Plots, Plant Industry Station, ... R. McVaugh 6704 1944-5-10
GH: 01606355 Fragaria vesca Linnaeus USA: Maryland Experimental Plots, Plant Industry Station, ... R. McVaugh 6705 1944-5-10
GH: 01606785 Fragaria virginiana Miller USA: Maryland Experimental Plots, Plant Industry Station, ... R. McVaugh 6701 1944-5-10
GH: 01606786 Fragaria virginiana Miller USA: Maryland Experimental Plots, Plant Industry Station, ... R. McVaugh 6703 1944-5-10
GH: 01606787 Fragaria virginiana Miller USA: Maryland Experimental Plots, Plant Industry Station, ... R. McVaugh 6702 1944-5-10
A: 01606829 Fragaria virginiana Miller USA: New Mexico above Cherry Creek 1 mile below public camp ... R. McVaugh 8049 1947-4-24
GH: 01606887 Fragaria virginiana Miller USA: Texas 7.5 miles northeast of Clarksville R. McVaugh 7182 1945-6-14
GH: 01609185 Geum canadense Jacquin USA: Michigan About 5 miles northwest of Reading. south si... R. McVaugh 7558 1946-8-11
GH: 01609301 Geum canadense Jacquin USA: Texas 4.5 miles northeast of Marshall R. McVaugh 6771 1945-5-9
GH: 01609302 Geum canadense Jacquin USA: Texas 10 miles southeast of Center, along route Te... R. McVaugh 6812 1945-5-10
GH: 01609303 Geum canadense Jacquin USA: Texas along stream 10.5 miles southwest of Cleburn... R. McVaugh 6960 1945-5-23
GH: 01609304 Geum canadense Jacquin USA: Texas off Coit Road about 1/2 mile south of White ... R. McVaugh 6762 1945-5-7
GH: 01609305 Geum canadense Jacquin USA: Texas Oscar Pehl ranch, 8 miles west of Blanco on ... R. McVaugh 7080 1945-6-4
GH: 01609306 Geum canadense Jacquin USA: Texas Shrub-covered hills above Red River north of... R. McVaugh 6929 1945-5-20
GH: 01609307 Geum canadense Jacquin USA: Texas 4 miles northwest of Lewisville R. McVaugh 6922 1945-5-20
GH: 01609320 Geum canadense Jacquin USA: Texas at Gorman Falls, on Colorado River 6 miles s... R. McVaugh 8328 1947-5-15
GH: 01609321 Geum canadense Jacquin USA: Texas at Gorman Falls, on Colorado River 6 miles s... R. McVaugh 8328 1947-5-15
GH: 01609326 Geum canadense Jacquin USA: Texas above Bosque River south of Meridian R. McVaugh 6966 1945-5-23
GH: 01609448 Geum fragarioides (Michaux) Smedmark USA: New York just below junction of Indian Brook and Puns... R. McVaugh 4115 1936-5-1
GH: 00994248 Gillenia stipulata (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Nuttall USA: Alabama above Warrior River near Lock 13, about 10 m... R. McVaugh 8590 1947-5-30
GH: 00994333 Gillenia stipulata (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Nuttall USA: Texas 5 miles southwest of Texarkana R. McVaugh 7162 1945-6-13
GH: 00994334 Gillenia stipulata (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Nuttall USA: Texas 7.5 miles northeast of Clarksville R. McVaugh 7180 1945-6-14
GH: 00994335 Gillenia stipulata (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Nuttall USA: Texas 8 miles north of Jasper R. McVaugh 6821 1945-5-11
GH: 00994336 Gillenia stipulata (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Nuttall USA: Texas 2.5 miles west of Paris R. McVaugh 7142 1945-6-10
GH: 00994434 Gillenia trifoliata (Linnaeus) Moench USA: South Carolina mountain west of US route 25, 14 miles north... R. McVaugh 8649 1947-6-5
A: 00354994 Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maximowicz USA: California wooded ravine ca. 5 mi. e. of Berkeley R. McVaugh 6170 1941-7-29
GH: 00994608 Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maximowicz USA: New Mexico Western slopes of Animas Mts. below Animus P... R. McVaugh 8095 1947-4-27
GH: 00994674 Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maximowicz USA: Texas about 1 km. west of Mt. Livermore, Davis Mts... R. McVaugh 7491 1945-7-23
GH: 00994675 Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maximowicz USA: Texas just under summit of Chinati Peak, Chinati M... R. McVaugh 7468 1945-7-21
GH: 00345610 Horkelia bolanderi A. Gray USA: California along route Cal. 29, ca. 17 mi. n.w. of Midd... R. McVaugh 6207 1941-8-2
GH: 01865735 Malus angustifolia (Aiton) Michaux USA: Delaware 1 mile southwest of Rehoboth Beach. R. McVaugh 6527 1942-6-24
A: 01865841 Malus angustifolia (Aiton) Michaux USA: Maryland 4.6 miles w. of Flintstone R. McVaugh 5469 1940-10-1
A: 01865842 Malus angustifolia (Aiton) Michaux USA: Maryland 1.5 miles northwest of Dawsonville R. McVaugh 6606 1942-9-6
A: 01861072 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: Delaware 3 miles s. of Newark R. McVaugh 6494 1942-5-3
A: 01861202 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: Kentucky Northwestern part of county, roadside bank o... R. McVaugh 8689 1947-6-7
A: 01861203 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: Kentucky 9 miles (by road) south of Whitesburg R. McVaugh 8682 1947-6-6
A: 01861204 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: Kentucky near summit of Big Black Mt. R. McVaugh 8672 1947-6-6
A: 01861258 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: New York 7.4 mi sw of Newfield (on NY rte 13); about ... R. McVaugh 5488 1940-10-3
A: 01861259 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: New York Mouth of gorge of Lick Brook, about 4 miles ... R. McVaugh 5492 1940-10-4
A: 01861260 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: New York north of Coy Glen, near Ithaca R. McVaugh 5490 1940-10-4
A: 01861295 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: Maryland 3.5 miles e. of Flintstone R. McVaugh 5468 1940-10-1
A: 01861296 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: Maryland along route US 40, 1 mile s.w. of Havre de G... R. McVaugh 6493 1942-5-3
A: 01861297 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: Maryland 9 mi. e.n.e. of toll bridge on U.S. 40 at Ha... R. McVaugh 6489 1941-9-2
A: 01861298 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: Maryland 3.5 mi. e. of Hancock R. McVaugh 5466 1940-10-1
A: 01861299 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: Maryland in gorge of Long Green Creek, along creek, 1... R. McVaugh 6498 1942-5-3
A: 01861300 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: Maryland along Harford Rd. about 5 miles s.w. of Bela... R. McVaugh 6497 1942-5-3
A: 01861376 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: North Carolina along US routes 19 & 23 northeast of Mars Hi... R. McVaugh 8651 1947-6-5
A: 01861432 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: Ohio 2.5 mi S of Chillicothe R. McVaugh 8701 1947-6-8
A: 01861474 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: Pennsylvania 6 miles n. of Ebensburg R. McVaugh 5476 1940-10-2
A: 01861475 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: Pennsylvania About 0.25 mi NE of Tamaqua R. McVaugh 5496 1940-10-5
A: 01861486 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: Pennsylvania 4 mi SW of Tioga R. McVaugh 5487 1940-10-3
A: 01861487 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: Pennsylvania 2 mi SW of Dromgold R. McVaugh 5447
A: 01861488 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: Pennsylvania 1 mile NE of Strickersville R. McVaugh 6495 1942-5-3
A: 01861535 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: Virginia 5.5 miles south of Big Stone Gap R. McVaugh 8653 1947-6-6
A: 01861545 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: West Virginia 3 mi. n.e. of Mt. Storm R. McVaugh 5756 1941-7-3
A: 01861546 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: West Virginia at "Batton's Place," 14.5 mi. e. of Smithbur... R. McVaugh 5762 1941-7-3
A: 01861547 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: West Virginia 1 mi. e. of Glendale Mine, about 7 mi. n.w. ... R. McVaugh 5763 1941-7-3
A: 01861548 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: West Virginia river road, 2 mi. s. of Harpers Ferry, east ... R. McVaugh 5722 1941-5-25
A: 01861549 Malus coronaria (Linnaeus) Miller USA: West Virginia 3 mi. e. of Aurora R. McVaugh 5760 1941-7-3
GH: 01862070 Malus ioensis (Alph. Wood) Britton USA: Texas near head of East Sister Creek, about 7 mile... R. McVaugh 7072 1945-6-3
GH: 01862071 Malus ioensis (Alph. Wood) Britton USA: Texas Oscar Pehl ranch, 8 miles west of Blanco, on... R. McVaugh 7081 1945-6-4
GH: 01862072 Malus ioensis (Alph. Wood) Britton USA: Texas above Crabapple Creek, 3 miles upstream from... R. McVaugh 7092 1945-6-5
A: 00366074 Malus sp. USA: California ca. 1 1/4 mi. s. of H. Q. Patrick's Point St... R. McVaugh 6215 1941-8-3
A: 01862112 Malus sp. USA: Virginia along Blue Ridge Pkwy. 4.2 mi. s.w. of Jct. ... R. McVaugh 5704 1941-5-3
A: 01862113 Malus sp. USA: Virginia 5 miles west of Williamsburg R. McVaugh 5452 1940-9-27
A: 01862114 Malus sp. USA: Virginia Virginia Beach (Virginia): 2.2 miles e. of L... R. McVaugh 5458 1940-9-26
A: 01862115 Malus sp. USA: Virginia 2.2 mi. e. of summit of Blue Ridge on US 60 ... R. McVaugh 5709 1941-5-4
A: 01862116 Malus sp. USA: Virginia along 60, 5.2 mi. e. of summit of Blue Ridge... R. McVaugh 5711 1941-5-4
A: 01862117 Malus sp. USA: Virginia 3 mi. n.w. of Hampton R. McVaugh 5455 1940-9-27
A: 01862119 Malus sp. USA: Virginia summit of Blue Ridge, 3.8 mi. e. of Buena Vi... R. McVaugh 5708 1941-5-4
A: 01862120 Malus sp. USA: Virginia near Blue Ridge Parkway, just n. of entrance... R. McVaugh 5717 1941-5-4
A: 01862121 Malus sp. USA: Virginia along US 60. 3 mi. e. of summit of Blue Ridg... R. McVaugh 5710 1941-5-4
A: 01862122 Malus sp. USA: Virginia (Ballston); (Glebe Road at Washington Blvd. R. McVaugh 5497 1940-10-24
A: 01862123 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina 4.6 mi. n.w. of Hendersonville, on NC 191. R. McVaugh 5633 1941-4-30
A: 01862124 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina 4.5 mi. n. of Hendersonville R. McVaugh 5631 1941-4-30
A: 01862125 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina 9 mi. w. of Franklin, on road to Wayah Bald. R. McVaugh 5623 1941-4-29
A: 01862126 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina 11 mi. s.w. of Murphy R. McVaugh 5616 1941-4-29
A: 01862127 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina 2 mi. s.w. of Vilas, on NC route 194. R. McVaugh 5693 1941-5-3
A: 01862128 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina 1.5 miles s.w. of Brevard R. McVaugh 5640 1941-4-30
A: 01862129 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina 3.4 mi. w. of Franklin R. McVaugh 5624 1941-4-29
A: 01862130 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina 4.5 mi. n. of Hendersonville R. McVaugh 5632 1941-4-30
A: 01862131 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina "Crabtree Meadows," ca. 5 mi. n.e. of Buck C... R. McVaugh 5669 1941-5-2
A: 01862132 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina near Blue Ridge Parkway, 25.4 mi. n.e. of en... R. McVaugh 5697 1941-5-3
A: 01862133 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina 9 mi. w. of Franklin, on road to Wayah Bald. R. McVaugh 5622 1941-4-29
A: 01862134 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina near Mills River P.O. R. McVaugh 5634 1941-4-30
A: 01862135 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina near entrance to Pisgah N.F., Bent Creek, ab... R. McVaugh 5512 1941-4-23
A: 01862136 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina along NC 191 at Bent Creek, ca. 10 mi. s.w. ... R. McVaugh 5639 1941-4-30
A: 01862137 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina along Blue Ridge Pkwy., 2 mi. n.e. of entran... R. McVaugh 5701 1941-5-3
A: 01862141 Malus sp. USA: Maryland Grounds of Baltimore City Hospital, near eas... R. McVaugh 5464 1940-9-29
A: 01862142 Malus sp. USA: West Virginia 0.3 mi. n.e. of Mt. Storm R. McVaugh 5758 1941-7-3
A: 01862143 Malus sp. USA: West Virginia 1.4 mi. e. of summit of Cooper Mt., ca. 19 m... R. McVaugh 5755 1941-7-3
A: 01862144 Malus sp. USA: West Virginia river road, 2 mi. s. of Harpers Ferry, east ... R. McVaugh 5722 1941-5-25
A: 01862145 Malus sp. USA: Maryland Grounds of Baltimore City Hospital, near eas... R. McVaugh 5460 1940-9-29
A: 01862146 Malus sp. USA: Maryland along Erdam Ave., city of Baltimore, about 1... R. McVaugh 6492 1942-5-3
A: 01862148 Malus sp. USA: West Virginia 3 mi. e. of Aurora R. McVaugh 5761 1941-7-3
A: 01862149 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina 4.2 mi. n.e. of Andrews R. McVaugh 5618 1941-4-29
A: 01862150 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina 1 mi. w. of Glen Alpine R. McVaugh 5507 1941-4-22
A: 01862151 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina 7.5 mi. s.s.w. of Oxford R. McVaugh 5502 1941-4-22
A: 01862152 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina Asheville: below Westover Drive R. McVaugh 5121 1940-8-30
A: 01862153 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina 3 mi. s. of Asheville R. McVaugh 5408 1940-8-29
A: 01862154 Malus sp. USA: Maryland Grounds of Baltimore City Hospital, near eas... R. McVaugh 5461 1940-9-29
A: 01862155 Malus sp. USA: Maryland Rosedale, U.S. old rte. 1, just east of Balt... R. McVaugh 5462 1940-9-29
A: 01862156 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina Asheville: below Westover Drive R. McVaugh 5420 1940-8-30
A: 01862157 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina Asheville: below Westover Drive R. McVaugh 5422 1940-8-30
A: 01862158 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina near Bent Cr. edge of grounds of Bent Cr. Ex... R. McVaugh 5426 1940-8-30
A: 01862159 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina Asheville: Glenn Bald, nr. About 10 mi. s.w.... R. McVaugh 5427 1940-8-30
A: 01862160 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina 0.5 mi. w. of Glen Alpine R. McVaugh 5433 1940-8-31
A: 01862161 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina near NC 26, 2.3 mi. s. Spruce Pine R. McVaugh 5671 1941-5-2
A: 01862162 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina 0.4 mi. s. of Ingalls R. McVaugh 5673 1941-5-2
A: 01862163 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina 2.25 mi. s. of Rosman R. McVaugh 5646 1941-5-1
A: 01862164 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina Flood plain of the French Broad River, n.e. ... R. McVaugh 5637 1941-4-30
A: 01862165 Malus sp. USA: North Carolina 3.8 mi. n.e. of Andrews R. McVaugh 5617 1941-4-29
A: 01862166 Malus sp. USA: South Carolina along US 76 near Chattooga River; ca. 10 mi.... R. McVaugh 5657 1941-5-1
A: 01862169 Malus sp. USA: Georgia 10 miles w. of Junction City R. McVaugh 5227 1940-4-22
A: 01862170 Malus sp. USA: Georgia Roadside 1.4 mi. s. e. of Clayton R. McVaugh 5660 1941-5-1
A: 01862171 Malus sp. USA: Georgia 0.8 mi. s. of Bainbridge R. McVaugh 5253 1940-8-23
A: 01862172 Malus sp. USA: Georgia 3 mi. s. e. of Sparta R. McVaugh 5337 1940-8-26
A: 01862173 Malus sp. USA: Georgia Bible Farm, 1 mi. n. of Sulphur Spring Stati... R. McVaugh 5594 1941-4-27
A: 01862174 Malus sp. USA: Georgia 2.2 mi. e. of Blue Ridge Hotel, Blue Ridge R. McVaugh 5614 1941-4-29
A: 01862175 Malus sp. USA: Georgia 3.3 mi. n. w. of Ellijay R. McVaugh 5613 1941-4-28
A: 01862176 Malus sp. USA: Georgia 1 mi. e. of Chatsworth R. McVaugh 5606 1941-4-28
A: 01862177 Malus sp. USA: Georgia 5 mi. w. of Summerville R. McVaugh 5598 1941-4-27
A: 01862178 Malus sp. USA: Georgia 4 miles s. w. of Franklin R. McVaugh 5170 1940-8-20
A: 01862179 Malus sp. USA: Georgia Edge of field, 1.7 mi. s. e. of Summerville,... R. McVaugh 5601 1941-4-28
A: 01862180 Malus sp. USA: Georgia 0.9 mi. s. of Jct. of US 41 and Ga. 2, ca. 7... R. McVaugh 5605 1941-4-28
A: 01862181 Malus sp. USA: Georgia 1/4 mi. w. of Victory Lake, Berry School, Mt... R. McVaugh 5600 1941-4-28
A: 01862182 Malus sp. USA: Georgia Roadside (route Ga. 2) 1 mi. e. of Lafayette R. McVaugh 5603 1941-4-28
A: 01862183 Malus sp. USA: Georgia 0.6 mi. w. of Villanow R. McVaugh 5604 1941-4-28
A: 01862189 Malus sp. USA: Michigan 4.8 mi. e. of Niles R. McVaugh 6486 1941-8-30
A: 01862190 Malus sp. USA: Michigan 2.3 mi. s.w. of Jackson R. McVaugh 6488 1941-8-30
A: 01862191 Malus sp. USA: Michigan 2.3 mi. s.w. of Jackson R. McVaugh 6488 1941-8-30
A: 01862192 Malus sp. USA: Michigan 4.5 mi. w. of Union City R. McVaugh 6487 1941-8-30
A: 01862193 Malus sp. USA: Ohio 4 mi. NW of McArthur R. McVaugh 5765 1941-7-4
A: 01862221 Malus sp. USA: Alabama 3 mi. n. of Auburn. R. McVaugh 5225 1940-8-21