<< < Previous Asteraceae GH: 02021629 Cirsium pitcheri (Eaton) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Michigan [data not captured] E. G. Voss 10970 1962-7-17
GH: 02353541 Erigeron hyssopifolius Michaux USA: Michigan [data not captured] E. G. Voss 14922 1977-6-14
GH: 01832423 Hieracium lachenalii C. C. Gmelin USA: Michigan [data not captured] E. G. Voss 9927 1961-6-28
GH: 01832421 Hieracium lachenalii C. C. Gmelin USA: Michigan [data not captured] E. G. Voss Eric Hellquist 16384 1994-7-9
GH: 01832420 Hieracium lachenalii C. C. Gmelin USA: Michigan [data not captured] E. G. Voss Eric Hellquist 16385 1994-7-9
GH: 02192008 Liatris cylindracea Michaux USA: Michigan south of Burt Lake ca. 3.0 miles SW. of Indi... E. G. Voss 1977-8
Betulaceae GH: 02193786 Betula purpusii C. K. Schneider USA: Michigan [data not captured] E. G. Voss 13144 1970-6-10
GH: 02193821 Betula sandbergii Britton USA: Michigan [data not captured] E. G. Voss 11474 1964-5-10
GH: 02193813 Betula sandbergii Britton USA: Michigan [data not captured] E. G. Voss [data not captured] 1972-9-3
Brassicaceae GH: 00932203 Boechera divaricarpa (A. Nelson) A. Löve & D. Löve USA: Michigan Thunder Bay Island. on S half of Island. E. G. Voss 13275 1970-6-24
GH: 00983317 Cardamine diphylla (Michaux) Alph. Wood USA: Michigan NW 1/4 SW 1/4 sec. 27, Clayton Tp., ca. 8.5 ... E. G. Voss 15174 1980-5-16
GH: 00983727 Cardamine maxima (Nuttall) Alph. Wood USA: Michigan NW 1/4 SW 1/4 sec. 27, Clayton Tp., ca. 8.5 ... E. G. Voss 15173 1980-5-16
GH: 01103217 Draba arabisans Michaux Canada: Ontario Algoma District: [data not captured] E. G. Voss 1977-8
GH: 01115067 Draba incana Linnaeus USA: Michigan Isle Royale National Park, east shore near n... E. G. Voss 14716 1975-8-9
Caprifoliaceae GH: 02038836 Lonicera maackii Ruprecht USA: Michigan along N side of Muskegon River near Public A... E. G. Voss A. A. Reznicek 16446 1994-10-6
Cupressaceae GH: 02105139 Juniperus horizontalis Moench USA: Michigan [data not captured] E. G. Voss 14532 1974-9-28
Cyperaceae GH: 01547844 Carex disperma Dewey Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] E. G. Voss 12749 1968-8-5
GH: 02391341 Carex wiegandii Mackenzie USA: Michigan [data not captured] E. G. Voss 15667 1984-6-20
Droseraceae A: 01143463 Drosera anglica Hudson USA: Michigan At south end of Barclay Lake, ca. 9 mi. SW o... E. G. Voss 3164 1956-7-20
Ericaceae GH: 01591092 Empetrum nigrum Linnaeus USA: Michigan SE1/4SW1/4 sec. 3, T41N, R4W, ca. 2 1/2 mi. ... E. G. Voss 14925 1977-6-14
GH: 01591093 Empetrum nigrum Linnaeus USA: Michigan directly above Lake Superior beach near cent... E. G. Voss 14510 1974-8-30
Haloragaceae GH: 01626664 Myriophyllum alterniflorum de Candolle USA: Michigan Beaver Lake. E. G. Voss 14406 1973-8-10
GH: 01626749 Myriophyllum farwellii Morong USA: Michigan N part of Cusino Lake, ca. 8 mi. E of Melstr... E. G. Voss 11551 1964-6-29
GH: 01626750 Myriophyllum farwellii Morong USA: Michigan NW part of Cusino Lake, ca. 8 mi. E of Melst... E. G. Voss 13678 1971-7-28
GH: 01626752 Myriophyllum farwellii Morong USA: Michigan NW part of Cusino Lake, ca. 8 mi. E of Melst... E. G. Voss 13678 1971-7-28
GH: 01628380 Myriophyllum spicatum Linnaeus USA: Michigan Whitmore Lake, near center E edge NE 1/4 sec... E. G. Voss 14074 1972-9-13
GH: 01628381 Myriophyllum spicatum Linnaeus USA: Michigan Whitmore Lake, near center E edge NE 1/4 sec... E. G. Voss 14074 1972-9-13
Iridaceae GH: 01750408 Sisyrinchium strictum E. P. Bicknell USA: Michigan n side of Sturgeon River, sec. 19, T49N, R33... E. G. Voss 12731 1968-7-20
Juncaceae GH: 02401702 Juncus inflexus Linnaeus USA: Michigan [data not captured] E. G. Voss 14453 1974-7-16
GH: 02398634 Juncus stygius americanus (Buchenau) Hultén Canada: Ontario Thunder Bay District: [data not captured] E. G. Voss 11657 1964-7-19
Lamiaceae GH: 01700523 Trichostema brachiatum Linnaeus USA: Michigan Drummond Island, sec. 34, T43N, R6E (Maxton ... E. G. Voss 12384 1966-8-26
Lentibulariaceae GH: 01975796 Utricularia minor Linnaeus USA: Michigan Middle Island. In sec. 9 (and noted in sec. ... E. G. Voss 13988 1972-7-14
Limnanthaceae GH: 01181146 Floerkea proserpinacoides Willdenow USA: Michigan below Rock River Falls, SE 1/4 sec. 6, T46N,... E. G. Voss 15219 1980-6-8
Lycopodiaceae GH: 02163591 Diphasiastrum sabinifolium (Willdenow) Holub USA: Michigan S side of highway M-28 1.7 mi. SW of Hulbert... E. G. Voss 14171 1973-7-6
Najadaceae GH: 01734540 Zannichellia palustris Linnaeus USA: Michigan W of boat rental area, Kent Lake, near cente... E. G. Voss 14090 1972-9-25
Nymphaeaceae GH: 01740543 Nymphaea odorata Aiton USA: Michigan E end of bog mat around small lake near cent... E. G. Voss 13842 1972-6-30
Onagraceae GH: 01780111 Ludwigia palustris (Linnaeus) Elliott USA: Michigan W side of Little Beaver Lake. E. G. Voss 14418 1973-8-10
GH: 01780694 Ludwigia sphaerocarpa Elliott USA: Michigan E end of Gilligan Lake, NW 1/4 SW 1/4 sec. 1... E. G. Voss [data not captured] 15770 1985-9-14
Orobanchaceae GH: 01880394 Epifagus virginiana (Linnaeus) W. P. C. Barton USA: Michigan Beaver Island. near center S 1/2 sec. 13, ca... E. G. Voss 10646 1961-9-2
Plantaginaceae GH: 02212559 Callitriche palustris Linnaeus USA: Michigan [data not captured] E. G. Voss 13676 1971-7-28
GH: 01999364 Gratiola aurea Muhlenberg USA: Michigan [data not captured] E. G. Voss 12703 1968-7-18
GH: 02001074 Littorella americana Fernald USA: Michigan [data not captured] E. G. Voss 11733 1964-8-2
GH: 01801995 Plantago cordata Lamarck USA: Michigan [data not captured] E. G. Voss 16206 1992-5-8
GH: 01812033 Veronica verna Linnaeus USA: Michigan [data not captured] E. G. Voss 11042 1963-6-3
Polygonaceae GH: 02364390 Persicaria amphibia (Linnaeus) Delarbre USA: Michigan [data not captured] E. G. Voss 14366 1973-7-28
GH: 02363790 Persicaria lapathifolia (Linnaeus) Delarbre USA: Michigan [data not captured] E. G. Voss 16552 1996-9-8
Pontederiaceae GH: 01919101 Heteranthera dubia MacMillan USA: Michigan between Little Beaver Lake and Beaver Lake E. G. Voss 14416 1973-8-10
Potamogetonaceae GH: 01564087 Potamogeton bicupulatus Fernald USA: Michigan [data not captured] E. G. Voss 11792 1964-9-11
GH: 01564088 Potamogeton bicupulatus Fernald USA: Michigan [data not captured] E. G. Voss 15363 1980-9-17
GH: 01564265 Potamogeton crispus Linnaeus USA: Michigan W end of Kent Lake near center W edge sec. 3... E. G. Voss 14081 1972-9-25
GH: 01564710 Potamogeton epihydrus nuttallii (Chamisso & Schlechtendal) Fernald USA: Michigan N shore of Aldrich Lake, NW corner sec. 15, ... E. G. Voss 13464 1970-7-17
GH: 01572058 Potamogeton foliosus Rafinesque USA: Michigan Little Beaver Lake, especially the NW part o... E. G. Voss 1973-8-10
GH: 01572846 Potamogeton gramineus Linnaeus USA: Michigan SE side of Little Blue Lake, ca. 15 mi NE of... E. G. Voss 14296 1973-7-19
GH: 01572858 Potamogeton gramineus Linnaeus USA: Michigan Grand Sable Lake. E. G. Voss 14400 1973-8-9
GH: 01572859 Potamogeton gramineus Linnaeus USA: Michigan near mouth of a cold spring on W side of Lit... E. G. Voss 14422 1973-8-10
GH: 01688142 Potamogeton haynesii Hellquist & G. E. Crow USA: Michigan Black River, sec. 16, Benton Tp., ca. 3 1/2 ... E. G. Voss 11118 1963-7-2
GH: 01688161 Potamogeton haynesii Hellquist & G. E. Crow USA: Michigan bay west of mouth of Upper Black River, in B... E. G. Voss 11745 1964-8-5
GH: 01688083 Potamogeton hillii Morong USA: Michigan backwater near center E edge sec. 5, T32N, R... E. G. Voss 11349
GH: 01688089 Potamogeton hillii Morong USA: Michigan marsh in Cecil Bay between mouths of French ... E. G. Voss 14061 1972-8-15
GH: 01688107 Potamogeton hillii Morong USA: Michigan marsh in Cecil Bay between mouths of French ... E. G. Voss 14061 1972-8-15
GH: 01695196 Potamogeton obtusifolius Mertens & W. D. J. Koch USA: Michigan W side of Little Beaver Lake. E. G. Voss 14421 1973-8-10
GH: 01695197 Potamogeton obtusifolius Mertens & W. D. J. Koch USA: Michigan margin of Weatherhogs Lake at end of road, S... E. G. Voss 14066 1972-8-28
GH: 01695462 Potamogeton praelongus Wulfen USA: Michigan E side of Grand Sable Lake. E. G. Voss 14397 1973-8-9
GH: 01732144 Ruppia maritima Linnaeus USA: Michigan opposite Cedar Springs Resort, about Sec. 12... E. G. Voss 11538 1964-6-28
GH: 01732971 Stuckenia pectinata (Linnaeus) Börner USA: Michigan Black River ca. 2-3 mi NW of Alverno. E. G. Voss 12249 1966-7-20
Ranunculaceae GH: 01662794 Ranunculus aquatilis diffusus Withering USA: Michigan in Grand Sable Lake. E. G. Voss 14398 1973-8-9
GH: 01663931 Ranunculus flabellaris Rafinesque USA: Michigan near Battle Creek River, near center N 1/2 s... E. G. Voss 13802 1972-5-20
Rosaceae GH: 01612527 Crataegus douglasii Lindley USA: Michigan at edge of 2-track road on N side of Dingman... E. G. Voss 16896 2005-9-12
GH: 01612533 Crataegus douglasii Lindley USA: Michigan summit of 300-foot bluff above Lake Superior... E. G. Voss 14506 1974-8-21
GH: 01588036 Dalibarda repens Linnaeus USA: Michigan Hartwick Pines State Park, NW 1/4 SE 1/4 sec... E. G. Voss 14911 1976-10-15
GH: 01602965 Rubus arcticus acaulis (Michaux) Focke USA: Michigan N 1/2 NE 1/4 sec. 12, T45N, R18W, ca. 2 1/2 ... E. G. Voss D. Henson et al. 14949 1977-6-15
GH: 01704568 Sanguisorba minor Scopoli USA: Michigan U.S. 41 ca. 2 miles S of Powers E. G. Voss D. Henson 15758 1985-6-4
Rubiaceae GH: 02138028 Galium kamtschaticum Steller USA: Michigan [data not captured] E. G. Voss 16539 1996-8-28
Scrophulariaceae GH: 01842228 Erythranthe michiganensis (Pennell) G. L. Nesom USA: Michigan (Reese's Bog) at N end of Burt Lake, sec. 3,... E. G. Voss 14825 1976-6-25
GH: 02040260 Verbascum thapsiforme Schrader USA: Michigan Mackinaw City E. G. Voss 11343 1963-7-28
GH: 02040261 Verbascum thapsiforme Schrader USA: Michigan Mackinaw City E. G. Voss 11343 1963-7-28
Sparganiaceae GH: 00947419 Sparganium angustifolium Michaux USA: Michigan NW part of Little Beaver Lake. E. G. Voss 14425 1973-8-10
GH: 01853192 Sparganium fluctuans (Morong) B. L. Robinson USA: Michigan E and S sides of Grand Sable Lake. E. G. Voss 14380 1973-8-9