Aceraceae GH: 00363470 Acer glabrum Torrey USA: California Siskiyou Mts. T. J. Howell 1884-6-16
Alliaceae GH: 00357277 Allium siskiyouense Ownbey USA: California Siskiyou Mts., summit T. J. Howell 1884
Apiaceae GH: 00076839 Peucedanum howellii S. Watson USA: Oregon Near Waldo T. J. Howell 128 1884-6-6
Aristolochiaceae GH: 01682295 Asarum caudatum Lindley USA: California [data not captured] T. J. Howell 1884-6-17
Asteraceae GH: 02141846 Agoseris retrorsa (Bentham) Greene USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 176 1884-6
GH: 00000996 Antennaria suffrutescens Greene USA: Oregon Coast Mts., Waldo T. J. Howell 145 1884-6
GH: 01234547 Artemisia suksdorfii Piper USA: Oregon Chutes T. J. Howell 157 1884
GH: 02348566 Erigeron foliosus confinis (Howell) Jepson USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 143 1884-5
GH: 02353118 Erigeron glaucus Ker Gawler USA: Oregon Chetco: [data not captured] T. J. Howell 144 1884-6
GH: 00006733 Erigeron nudatus A. Gray USA: Oregon T. J. Howell 140 1884-6
GH: 01831381 Hieracium bolanderi A. Gray USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 177 1884-6
GH: 00010126 Microseris howellii A. Gray USA: Oregon T. J. Howell 170 1884-6-3
Brassicaceae GH: 00974060 Arabis aculeolata Greene USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 35 1884-5-31
GH: 00974061 Arabis aculeolata Greene USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 1884-6-4
GH: 00018797 Arabis subpinnatifida S. Watson USA: Oregon Waldo T. J. Howell 32 1884-6-3
GH: 00932907 Boechera koehleri (Howell) Al-Shehbaz USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 34 1884-5-31
GH: 00018797 Boechera subpinnatifida (S. Watson) Al-Shehbaz USA: Oregon Waldo T. J. Howell 32 1884-6-3
GH: 00019028 Draba howellii S. Watson USA: California Siskiyou Mountains T. J. Howell 1884-6-17
GH: 01538709 Erysimum concinnum Eastwood USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 1884-6-11
GH: 00019704 Streptanthus howellii S. Watson USA: Oregon Coast Mountains T. J. Howell 39 1884-6-12
Bryaceae FH: 00799081 Bryum miniatum Lesquereux USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 1884-6
Caryophyllaceae GH: 00037595 Arenaria howellii S. Watson USA: Oregon Coast Mountains near Waldo T. J. Howell 1884-6-5
Crassulaceae GH: 01987442 Dudleya farinosa Britton & Rose USA: Oregon Chetco T. J. Howell 1884-6-11
GH: 01991618 Sedum laxum (Britton) A. Berger USA: Oregon Waldon T. J. Howell 1884-6-15
GH: 01991619 Sedum laxum (Britton) A. Berger USA: Oregon Waldon T. J. Howell 1884-6-15
GH: 01991619 Sedum oregonense (S. Watson) M. Peck USA: Oregon Waldon T. J. Howell 1884-6-15
Cyperaceae GH: 00273547 Calliscirpus criniger (A. Gray) C. N. Gilmour, J. R. Starr & Naczi USA: Oregon Eightmor [spelling ?] Mt. T. J. Howell 1884-5-31
GH: 00351994 Carex cinnamomea Olney USA: Oregon Near Kerbyville T. J. Howell 1884-5-30
GH: 00351994 Carex debiliformis Mackenzie USA: Oregon Near Kerbyville T. J. Howell 1884-5-30
GH: 02391857 Carex echinata phyllomanica (W. Boott) Reznicek USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 1884-5-30
GH: 00351994 Carex mendocinensis Olney ex W. Boott USA: Oregon Near Kerbyville T. J. Howell 1884-5-30
GH: 01771549 Carex sp. USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 1884-5-30
GH: 01773788 Carex utriculata Boott USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 1884-5-30
GH: 00273547 Eriophorum crinigerum (A. Gray) Beetle USA: Oregon Eightmor [spelling ?] Mt. T. J. Howell 1884-5-31
GH: 00273547 Scirpus criniger A. Gray USA: Oregon Eightmor [spelling ?] Mt. T. J. Howell 1884-5-31
Dicranaceae FH: 00791852 Dicranum scoparium Hedwig USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 1884-6
FH: 00791853 Dicranum scoparium Hedwig USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 1884-6
Ericaceae GH: 01117432 Arctostaphylos cinerea Howell USA: Oregon Coach Mts. S.W. Oregon, near boundary T. J. Howell 1884-6-9
GH: 00350953 Arctostaphylos patula Greene USA: California Siskiyou Mts. T. J. Howell 1884-6
GH: 00350954 Arctostaphylos patula Greene USA: Oregon Waldo T. J. Howell 1884-6
Fabaceae GH: 02128351 Lupinus sellulus Kellogg USA: California [data not captured] T. J. Howell 1884-6-17
GH: 00063470 Thermopsis robusta Howell USA: Oregon Coast Mountains T. J. Howell 75 1884-6
GH: 02342816 Trifolium dichotomum Hooker & Arnott USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 1884-5
GH: 02344291 Trifolium rusbyi oreganum (Howell) D. Heller & Zohary USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 1884-6-13
GH: 02289230 Trifolium variegatum Nuttall USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 1884-7
GH: 02289230 Trifolium willdenovii Sprengel USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 1884-7
Fagaceae A: 02409330 Quercus sadleriana R. Brown (of Campster) USA: Oregon Top of Coast mountains, fortieth parallel T. J. Howell 1884-6-12
Fontinalaceae FH: 00290923 Fontinalis antipyretica oreganensis Renauld & Cardot USA: Oregon Saint Helens: [no additional data] T. J. Howell 1884-9
FH: 00290933 Fontinalis antipyretica oreganensis Renauld & Cardot USA: Oregon Saint Helens: [no additional data] T. J. Howell 1884-9
Garryaceae A: 00401734 Garrya elliptica Douglas ex Lindley USA: California Be the sea, mouth of Smith river T. J. Howell 1884-6-10
Grimmiaceae FH: 00902439 Racomitrium patens (Dickson ex Hedwig) Huebener USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 1884
Iridaceae GH: 00030534 Iris bracteata S. Watson USA: Oregon Waldo T. J. Howell 272 1884-6
GH: 00030535 Iris chrysophylla Howell USA: Oregon Wolf Creek T. J. Howell 1884-5-20
Juncaceae GH: 02117551 Luzula macrantha Zika & B. L. Wilson USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 1884-5-21
Liliaceae GH: 00029860 Calochortus howellii S. Watson USA: Oregon Waldo T. J. Howell 294 1884-6-18
GH: 00260674 Clintonia andrewsiana Torrey USA: Oregon Coast Mtns. T. J. Howell 1884-6-12
GH: 00029941 Hastingsia bracteosa S. Watson USA: Oregon Eight Dollar Mountain T. J. Howell 1884-5-30
GH: 00029953 Lilium bolanderi S. Watson USA: Oregon Coast Mountains T. J. Howell 1884-6-13
GH: 00099114 Pseudotrillium rivale (S. Watson) S. B. Farmer USA: Oregon Coast and Siskiyou Mts., Oregon and Californ... T. J. Howell 1884
GH: 00029941 Schoenolirion bracteosum (S. Watson) Jepson USA: Oregon Eight Dollar Mountain T. J. Howell 1884-5-30
GH: 00099114 Trillium rivale S. Watson USA: Oregon Coast and Siskiyou Mts., Oregon and Californ... T. J. Howell 1884
Limnanthaceae GH: 01181342 Limnanthes gracilis Howell USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 1884-5-22
Orchidaceae GH: 01937749 Cypripedium fasciculatum Kellogg ex S. Watson USA: Oregon Grave Creek T. J. Howell 1884-5-23
AMES: 02050108 Platanthera sparsiflora (S. Watson) Schlechter USA: Oregon near Kerbyville T. J. Howell 33 1884-5-30
AMES: 02050171 Platanthera stricta Lindley USA: Oregon Coach Mts. T. J. Howell 1884-6-9
Pinaceae GH: 00339987 Picea alba Link USA: California Siskiyou Mountains at the head of the Illino... T. J. Howell 270 1884-6-17
GH: 00339987 Picea breweriana S. Watson USA: California Siskiyou Mountains at the head of the Illino... T. J. Howell 270 1884-6-17
A: 00355303 Picea breweriana S. Watson USA: California Siskiyou mountains, at head of Gelimais rive... T. J. Howell 1884-6-16
Plantaginaceae GH: 01998388 Collinsia grandiflora Douglas USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 1884
GH: 01998945 Collinsia rattanii linearis (A. Gray) Newsom USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 229 1884-6
GH: 02118876 Penstemon deustus Douglas USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 232 1884-5-23
GH: 02122190 Penstemon roezlii Regel USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 230 1884-5
Poaceae GH: 00023733 Festuca microstachys grayi Abrams USA: Oregon Grant's Pass T. J. Howell 1884-5-24
GH: 00361147 Lepturus bolanderi Thurber USA: Oregon near Grant's Pass T. J. Howell 1884-5-20
GH: 00360527 Phalaris caroliniana Walter USA: Oregon Grant's Pass T. J. Howell 1884-5-25
GH: 00024252 Poa acutiglumis Scribner USA: Oregon Grave Creek T. J. Howell 1884-5-21
GH: 00024252 Poa scabrella (Thurber) Bentham ex Vasey USA: Oregon Grave Creek T. J. Howell 1884-5-21
GH: 00023733 Vulpia microstachys confusa (Piper) Lonard & Gould USA: Oregon Grant's Pass T. J. Howell 1884-5-24
Polemoniaceae GH: 01092598 Collomia tinctoria Kellogg USA: Oregon Top of Siskiyou Mts. Oregon T. J. Howell 205 1884-6
GH: 00444106 Gilia capillaris Kellogg USA: Oregon Waldo, Oregon T. J. Howell 1884
GH: 00444106 Gilia leptalea capillaris (Kellogg) Brand USA: Oregon Waldo, Oregon T. J. Howell 1884
GH: 00444106 Gilia linearifolia Howell USA: Oregon Waldo, Oregon T. J. Howell 1884
GH: 01000488 Gilia millefoliata Fischer & C. A. Meyer USA: Oregon Chetco, Oregon T. J. Howell 206 1884-6
GH: 01000488 Gilia millefoliata maritima Brand USA: Oregon Chetco, Oregon T. J. Howell 206 1884-6
GH: 01000488 Gilia tricolor Bentham USA: Oregon Chetco, Oregon T. J. Howell 206 1884-6
GH: 00444106 Navarretia linearifolia (Howell) L. A. Johnson USA: Oregon Waldo, Oregon T. J. Howell 1884
Portulacaceae GH: 00037510 Calandrinia cotyledon S. Watson USA: California Near Preston's Peak, Siskiyou Mountains T. J. Howell 1884-6-16
GH: 00037513 Calandrinia oppositifolia S. Watson USA: Oregon Waldo T. J. Howell 1884-6-5
GH: 00037510 Lewisia cotyledon cotyledon USA: California Near Preston's Peak, Siskiyou Mountains T. J. Howell 1884-6-16
GH: 00037513 Lewisia oppositifolia (S. Watson) B. L. Robinson USA: Oregon Waldo T. J. Howell 1884-6-5
Rhamnaceae A: 00425387 Ceanothus thyrsiflorus Eschscholtz USA: California Coast Mountains T. J. Howell 1884-6-12
Rosaceae GH: 00443855 Horkelia congesta Douglas ex Hooker USA: Oregon Waldo T. J. Howell 1884-6-19
GH: 00443855 Horkelia howellii (Greene) Rydberg USA: Oregon Waldo T. J. Howell 1884-6-19
GH: 00443826 Horkelia sericata S. Watson USA: Oregon Summit of Coast Mts. T. J. Howell 1884-6-12
GH: 00443855 Horkelia sp. USA: Oregon Waldo T. J. Howell 1884-6-19
GH: 00443855 Potentilla howellii Greene USA: Oregon Waldo T. J. Howell 1884-6-19
Rubiaceae GH: 02358621 Galium bifolium S. Watson USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 134 1884-6
GH: 02359896 Galium glabrescens josephinense Dempster & Ehrendorfer USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 135 1884-6
GH: 02139208 Galium pomerianicum Retzius USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 1884-5
Sarraceniaceae GH: 01678347 Darlingtonia californica Torrey USA: Oregon "Eightdollar Mt." Waldo Co. T. J. Howell 1884-5-30
Scrophulariaceae GH: 00365928 Diplacus aurantiacus (Curtis) Jepson USA: California Smith River T. J. Howell 1884-5
GH: 00549357 Erythranthe dentata (Nuttall ex Bentham) G. L. Nesom USA: Oregon T. J. Howell 439 1884
GH: 01842685 Erythranthe pulsiferae (A. Gray) G. L. Nesom USA: Oregon [data not captured] T. J. Howell 236 1884-5
GH: 00365928 Mimulus aurantiacus Curtis USA: California Smith River T. J. Howell 1884-5
GH: 00549357 Mimulus dentatus Nuttall ex Bentham USA: Oregon T. J. Howell 439 1884
Violaceae GH: 00872851 Viola lanceolata Linnaeus USA: Oregon near Waldo T. J. Howell 1884-6-5
GH: 00872852 Viola lanceolata Linnaeus USA: Oregon near Waldo T. J. Howell 1884-6-5
GH: 00872853 Viola lanceolata Linnaeus USA: Oregon near Waldo, Oregon T. J. Howell 68 1884-6-5
GH: 00872853 Viola occidentalis (A. Gray) Howell USA: Oregon near Waldo, Oregon T. J. Howell 68 1884-6-5
GH: 00381883 Viola palustris Linnaeus USA: California Siskiyou Mountains T. J. Howell 73 1884-6-17
GH: 00872851 Viola primulifolia occidentalis (A. Gray) L. E. McKinney & R. J. Little USA: Oregon near Waldo T. J. Howell 1884-6-5
GH: 00872852 Viola primulifolia occidentalis (A. Gray) L. E. McKinney & R. J. Little USA: Oregon near Waldo T. J. Howell 1884-6-5
GH: 00872853 Viola primulifolia occidentalis (A. Gray) L. E. McKinney & R. J. Little USA: Oregon near Waldo, Oregon T. J. Howell 68 1884-6-5
GH: 00872851 Viola primulifolia occidentalis A. Gray USA: Oregon near Waldo T. J. Howell 1884-6-5
GH: 00872852 Viola primulifolia occidentalis A. Gray USA: Oregon near Waldo T. J. Howell 1884-6-5
GH: 00872853 Viola primulifolia occidentalis A. Gray USA: Oregon near Waldo, Oregon T. J. Howell 68 1884-6-5