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ECON Artifacts
Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[11715] and year collected:[1901]
= with images
FH: 00477950
Rhizoplaca chrysoleuca
(Smith) Zopf USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 1901
NEBC: 01032282
Alisma subcordatum
Pursh USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 527 1901-8-14
FH: 00544706
Amblystegium varium
(Hedwig) Lindberg USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 408 1901-7-20
NEBC: 01017841
Cirsium muticum
Michaux USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 503 1901-8-24
NEBC: 01008121
Helianthus decapetalus
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 522 1901-8-17
NEBC: 01067345
Hieracium scabrum
Michaux USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 521 1901-8-17
NEBC: 00553298
Solidago bicolor
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Central Village: J. L. Sheldon 517 1901-8-24
NEBC: 01077579
Solidago gigantea
Aiton USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 509 1901-8-24
NEBC: 02266008
Solidago speciosa
Nuttall USA: Connecticut Windham: Central Village J. L. Sheldon 508 1901-8-24
NEBC: 00832269
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum
(Linnaeus) Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 500 1901-9-13
NEBC: 00574697
Symphyotrichum patens
(Aiton) G. L. Nesom USA: Connecticut Green Hollow J. L. Sheldon 505 1901-8-26
FH: 00790603
Brachythecium serrulatum
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 387 1901-9-6
NEBC: 00790608
Brachythecium serrulatum
(Hedwig) H. Robinson USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 1901
FH: 00797947
Bryum argenteum
Hedwig USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 404 1901-7-8
NEBC: 00797950
Bryum argenteum
Hedwig USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 404 1901
NEBC: 00798337
Bryum caespiticium
Hedwig USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 398 1901-7-3
NEBC: 00798346
Bryum caespiticium
Hedwig USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 398 1901
NEBC: 00843049
Leptobryum pyriforme
(Hedwig) Wilson USA: Connecticut Canterbury: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 392 1901-7-28
FH: 00843053
Leptobryum pyriforme
(Hedwig) Wilson USA: Connecticut Canterbury: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 392 1901-7-28
NEBC: 00702608
Viburnum lentago
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 528 1901-8-14
NEBC: 00602616
Silene dichotoma
Ehrhart USA: Massachusetts Canterbury J. L. Sheldon 1901-7-28
FH: 00538812
Climacium americanum
Bridel USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 389 1901-9-3
NEBC: 00538815
Climacium americanum
Bridel USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 389 1901
FH: 00539210
Climacium kindbergii
(Renauld & Cardot) Grout USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 393 1901-9-3
NEBC: 00539214
Climacium kindbergii
(Renauld & Cardot) Grout USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 393 1901
NEBC: 00633862
Cuscuta epithymum
(Linnaeus) Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Central Village J. L. Sheldon 507 1901-8-26
NEBC: 00241259
Carex folliculata
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Central Village J. L. Sheldon 694 1901-7-12
NEBC: 00248032
Carex gracillima
Schweinitz USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Central Village J. L. Sheldon 676 1901-7-1
NEBC: 00299315
Carex intumescens
Rudge USA: Connecticut Windham: Central Village J. L. Sheldon 678 1901-7-1
NEBC: 00299317
Carex intumescens
Rudge USA: Connecticut Windham: Central Village J. L. Sheldon 659 1901-7-17
NEBC: 00808704
Carex lurida
Wahlenberg USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 673 1901-7-1
NEBC: 00766033
Carex stipata
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 1901-7-1
NEBC: 01059143
Carex swanii
(Fernald) Mackenzie USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 688 1901-7-11
NEBC: 00874880
Carex vestita
Willdenow USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 692 1901-7-9
NEBC: 00541326
Dicranella heteromalla
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 411 1901-8-13
NEBC: 00541327
Dicranella heteromalla
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 411 1901-8-13
NEBC: 00515052
Ceratodon purpureus
(Hedwig) Bridel USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 391 1901
NEBC: 00793598
Ditrichum lineare
(Swartz) Lindberg USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 390 1901-9-8
NEBC: 00793600
Ditrichum lineare
(Swartz) Lindberg USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 390 1901
FH: 00793692
Ditrichum pallidum
(Hedwig) Hampe USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 388 1901-7-8
NEBC: 00793696
Ditrichum pallidum
(Hedwig) Hampe USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 388 1901
NEBC: 00793857
Ditrichum pusillum
(Hedwig) Hampe USA: Connecticut Canterbury: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 405 1901-7-28
NEBC: 00793860
Ditrichum pusillum
(Hedwig) Hampe USA: Connecticut Canterbury: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 1901-7-28
NEBC: 00639158
Desmodium perplexum
B. G. Schubert USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 525 1901-8-17
NEBC: 00739867
Lespedeza virginica
(Linnaeus) Britton USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 506 1901-8-29
NEBC: 00557032
Fontinalis novae-angliae
Sullivant USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 406 1901-8-13
FH: 00557033
Fontinalis novae-angliae
Sullivant USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 406 1901-8-13
NEBC: 00847389
Physcomitrium pyriforme
(Hedwig) Hampe USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 395 1901-7-8
FH: 00836433
Hedwigia ciliata
(Hedwig) P. Beauvois USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 403 1901-7-11
NEBC: 00836449
Hedwigia ciliata
(Hedwig) P. Beauvois USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 403 1901
FH: 00800155
Callicladium haldaneanum
(Greville) H. A. Crum USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 400 1901-7-20
NEBC: 00800157
Callicladium haldaneanum
(Greville) H. A. Crum USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 400 1901-7-20
FH: 00837095
Herzogiella striatella
(Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Connecticut Central Village: [data not captured] J. L. Sheldon 397 1901-7-20
NEBC: 00837106
Herzogiella striatella
(Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 397 1901-7-20
FH: 00372671
Lecanora allophana
(Acharius) Nylander USA: Connecticut Central Village: [data not captured] J. L. Sheldon 1901-11-7
FH: 00848522
Plagiomnium medium
(Bruch & Schimper) T. J. Koponen USA: Connecticut Canterbury: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 409 1901-7-28
NEBC: 00848526
Plagiomnium medium
(Bruch & Schimper) T. J. Koponen USA: Connecticut Canterbury: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 409 1901-7-28
NEBC: 00739156
Botrychium lanceolatum angustisegmentum
(Pease & A. H. Moore) R. T. Clausen USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 695 1901-8-10
NEBC: 00739501
Botrychium matricariifolium
A. Brown USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 696 1901-8-10
NEBC: 01021247
Goodyera pubescens
(Willdenow) R. Brown USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 501 1901-8-20
NEBC: 01063713
Spiranthes lacera gracilis
(Bigelow) Luer USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 502 1901-8-24
NEBC: 01008726
Spiranthes vernalis
Engelmann & A. Gray USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 513 1901-8-16
NEBC: 00664072
Agalinis tenuifolia
(Vahl) Rafinesque USA: Connecticut Green Hollow J. L. Sheldon 504 1901-8-26
FH: 00244394
Usnea barbata florida
(Linnaeus) Fries USA: Connecticut Central Village: J. L. Sheldon 1901-8-14
FH: 00244394
Usnea florida
(Linnaeus) Weber ex F. H. Wiggers USA: Connecticut Central Village: J. L. Sheldon 1901-8-14
FH: 00244394
Usnea strigosa
(Acharius) Eaton USA: Connecticut Central Village: J. L. Sheldon 1901-8-14
NEBC: 00849068
Plagiothecium denticulatum
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 1901-7-16
FH: 00849071
Plagiothecium denticulatum
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 396 1901-7-16
NEBC: 00656604
Veronica arvensis
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut J. L. Sheldon 683 1901-7-1
NEBC: 00775114
Veronica scutellata
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 538 1901-7-17
NEBC: 00579319
Veronica serpyllifolia
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Central Village J. L. Sheldon 536 1901-7-23
NEBC: 01175530
Agrostis perennans
(Walter) Tuckerman USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 679 1901-7-1
NEBC: 00835050
Agrostis scabra
Willdenow USA: Connecticut Canterbury: Canterbury J. L. Sheldon 663 1901-7-28
NEBC: 00835051
Agrostis scabra
Willdenow USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 662 1901-7-9
NEBC: 00622758
Anthoxanthum odoratum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Central Village J. L. Sheldon 682 1901-7-1
NEBC: 01045331
Brachyelytrum aristosum
(Michaux) P. Beauvois ex Branner & Coville USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 656 1901-7-17
NEBC: 00878007
Danthonia spicata
(Linnaeus) P. Beauvois ex Roemer & Schultes USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 681 1901-7-1
NEBC: 00705565
Dichanthelium acuminatum fasciculatum
(Torrey) Freckmann & Lelong USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 693 1901-7-9
NEBC: 00750072
Dichanthelium dichotomum microcarpon
(Muhl. ex Ell.) Freckmann & Lelong USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 667 1901-8-24
NEBC: 00689130
Digitaria filiformis
(Linnaeus) Koeler USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 669 1901-8-24
NEBC: 00594031
Digitaria ischaemum
(Schreber) Muhlenberg USA: Rhode Island Central Village J. L. Sheldon 671 1901-8-24
NEBC: 00712065
Elymus macgregorii
R.E. Brooks & J.J.N. Campb. USA: Connecticut Canterbury: Canterbury J. L. Sheldon 665 1901-7-28
NEBC: 00880483
Elymus riparius
Wiegand USA: Connecticut Canterbury: Canterbury J. L. Sheldon 664 1901-7-28
NEBC: 00863655
Elymus trachycaulus subsecundus
(Link) Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 657 1901-7-18
NEBC: 00853651
Paspalum setaceum muehlenbergii
(Nash) D. Banks USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 670 1901-8-24
NEBC: 01148562
Poa palustris
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 677 1901-7-1
NEBC: 01148563
Poa palustris
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Canterbury: Canterbury J. L. Sheldon 661 1901-7-28
NEBC: 00595856
Schedonorus pratensis
(Hudson) P. Beauvois USA: Connecticut Central Village J. L. Sheldon 685 1901-7-1
NEBC: 01182129
Sphenopholis intermedia
Rydberg USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 690 1901-7-9
NEBC: 00614583
Tridens flavus
(Linnaeus) Hitchcock USA: Connecticut J. L. Sheldon 1901-8-26
NEBC: 00700355
Vulpia octoflora glauca
(Nuttall) Fernald USA: Connecticut Plainfield: Plainfield J. L. Sheldon 684 1901-7-1
FH: 00522331
Atrichum angustatum
(Bridel) Bruch & Schimper USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 402 1901-7-6
NEBC: 00522344
Atrichum angustatum
(Bridel) Bruch & Schimper USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 402 1901-7-6
NEBC: 00522759
Atrichum undulatum
(Hedwig) P. Beauvois USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 401 1901-7-16
FH: 00522769
Atrichum undulatum
(Hedwig) P. Beauvois USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 401 1901-7-16
FH: 00919244
Polytrichum piliferum
Hedwig USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 894 1901-7-6
NEBC: 00919251
Polytrichum piliferum
Hedwig USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 394 1901
NEBC: 00578485
Rhamnus cathartica
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Central Village J. L. Sheldon 533 1901-8-10
NEBC: 00744978
Aronia prunifolia
(Marshall) Rehder USA: Connecticut Central Village J. L. Sheldon 529 1901-8-10
NEBC: 00758161
Rosa palustris
Marshall USA: Connecticut J. L. Sheldon 537 1901-7-25
NEBC: 00610307
Galium mollugo
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Canterbury: Canterbury J. L. Sheldon 533 1901-7-28
NEBC: 00686704
Scrophularia lanceolata
Pursh USA: Connecticut Canterbury: Canterbury J. L. Sheldon 534 1901-7-28
FH: 00537427
Anomodon rostratus
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 399 1901-7-11
NEBC: 00537439
Anomodon rostratus
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 399 1901
NEBC: 00623211
Bryohaplocladium virginianum
(Bridel) R. Watanabe & Z. Iwatsuki USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 407 1901
FH: 00836208
Haplocladium microphyllum virginianum
(Bridel) Reimers USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 407 1901-9-6
FH: 01133953
Thuidium delicatulum
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 410 1901-8-13
NEBC: 01133967
Thuidium delicatulum
(Hedwig) Schimper USA: Connecticut Central Village: [no additional data] J. L. Sheldon 410 1901-8-13