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Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[12138]
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NEBC: 01021415
[bad data, blank import]
USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00772629
Acer pensylvanicum
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 20916
NEBC: 00772630
Acer pensylvanicum
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00772823
Acer pensylvanicum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut North Bloomfield Perley Spalding 1919-8-10
NEBC: 00677062
Acer rubrum
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00677483
Acer rubrum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1917-5-13
NEBC: 00677487
Acer rubrum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-6-14
NEBC: 00677912
Acer saccharinum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1919-6-7
NEBC: 00663243
Acer saccharum
Marshall USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 01080699
Sagittaria latifolia
Willdenow USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1919-8-10
NEBC: 00734325
Allium tricoccum
Aiton USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1914-7-17
NEBC: 00611628
Allium vineale
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1917-6-10
NEBC: 00611629
Allium vineale
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920
NEBC: 00752683
Rhus typhina
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00523868
Conium maculatum
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00523869
Conium maculatum
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 01051340
Heracleum maximum
W. Bartram USA: Rhode Island Block Island Perley Spalding 1917-6-1
NEBC: 01051963
Panax trifolius
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Temple: Temple Perley Spalding 1919-5-6
NEBC: 01009071
Panax trifolius
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1926
NEBC: 00483561
Sanicula marilandica
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00483562
Sanicula marilandica
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 01024530
Sium suave
Walter USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00566125
Zizia aurea
(Linnaeus) W. D. J. Koch USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920
NEBC: 00566131
Zizia aurea
(Linnaeus) W. D. J. Koch USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00760962
Ilex mucronata
(Linnaeus) M. Powell, Savolainen & S. Andrews USA: New Hampshire North Conway Perley Spalding
NEBC: 01010744
Arisaema triphyllum
(Linnaeus) Schott USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1913-5-17
NEBC: 00695602
Polystichum acrostichoides
(Michaux) Schott USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-6-28
NEBC: 00663731
Asplenium platyneuron
(Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916-9-20
NEBC: 00753265
Ageratina altissima
(Linnaeus) R. M. King & H. Robinson USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 20516
NEBC: 01066696
Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1919-9-2
NEBC: 01007820
Antennaria neglecta
Greene USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 01067205
Cirsium pumilum
(Nuttall) Sprengel USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00755745
Doellingeria umbellata
(Miller) Nees USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 01079216
Erigeron pulchellus
Michaux USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 01034951
Eutrochium dubium
(Willdenow ex Poiret) E. E. Lamont USA: Connecticut North Bloomfield Perley Spalding 1919-8-10
NEBC: 00587583
Hieracium aurantiacum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1917-6-10
NEBC: 00833609
Hieracium paniculatum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00680461
Krigia virginica
(Linnaeus) Willdenow USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00626948
Leucanthemum vulgare
Lamarck USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1914-7-17
NEBC: 01023624
Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium
(Linnaeus) Hilliard & B. L. Burtt USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916-5-20
NEBC: 01023770
Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium
(Linnaeus) Hilliard & B. L. Burtt USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 10019
NEBC: 00553316
Solidago bicolor
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 10019
NEBC: 01054263
Solidago caesia
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 10019
NEBC: 01063312
Solidago nemoralis
Aiton USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 01063433
Solidago nemoralis
Aiton USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 10019
NEBC: 00501028
Solidago rugosa
Miller USA: New Hampshire Crawford House Perley Spalding 1917-9-6
NEBC: 00697195
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum
(Linnaeus) Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916-9-15
NEBC: 00832537
Symphyotrichum puniceum
(Linnaeus) Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916-9-20
NEBC: 00551016
Tussilago farfara
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1918
NEBC: 00733598
Athyrium filix-femina angustum
(Willdenow) G. Lawson USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 20516
NEBC: 00662529
Gymnocarpium dryopteris
(Linnaeus) Newman USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00746959
Onoclea sensibilis
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00695867
Onoclea sensibilis
Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Lincoln: Lincoln Perley Spalding 1917-10-15
NEBC: 00517994
Impatiens capensis
Meerburgh USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00484333
Impatiens capensis
Meerburgh USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
A: 02198610
Alnus incana rugosa
(Du Roi) R. T. Clausen USA: New York Wilmington Notch Perley Spalding 1919-5-18
A: 02196549
Alnus sp.
USA: New York Wilmington Perley Spalding 1918-6
NEBC: 00636714
Betula alleghaniensis
Britton USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00634034
Betula cordifolia
Regel USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington Perley Spalding 1919-8-24
NEBC: 00634596
Betula lenta
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00634698
Betula papyrifera
Marshall USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
GH: 00627590
Betula populifolia
Marshall USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00627591
Betula populifolia
Marshall USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00727333
Carpinus caroliniana virginiana
(Marsh.) Furlow USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-7-16
NEBC: 00727334
Carpinus caroliniana virginiana
(Marsh.) Furlow USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-6-14
NEBC: 00727595
Corylus cornuta
Marshall USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00695054
Ostrya virginiana
(Miller) K. Koch USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1917
NEBC: 00716740
Lappula echinata
Gilibert USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-8-20
NEBC: 00551036
Myosotis scorpioides
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1919-6-7
NEBC: 00448912
Barbarea vulgaris
W. T. Aiton USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-6-14
NEBC: 00617317
Capsella bursa-pastoris
(Linnaeus) Medikus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920
NEBC: 00757568
Cardamine maxima
(Nuttall) Alph. Wood USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920
NEBC: 00757693
Cardamine parviflora arenicola
(Britton) O. E. Schulz USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-6-11
NEBC: 00747314
Chamaecrista nictitans
(Linnaeus) Moench USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 10019
NEBC: 00682150
Diervilla lonicera
Miller USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00682276
Diervilla lonicera
Miller USA: Connecticut East Meriden Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00682382
Lonicera canadensis
Bartram ex Marsh. USA: New Hampshire White Mountains Perley Spalding 1919-7-26
NEBC: 00682385
Lonicera canadensis
Bartram ex Marsh. USA: New Hampshire North Conway Perley Spalding 1919-5-13
NEBC: 00682460
Lonicera canadensis
Bartram ex Marsh. USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1915
NEBC: 00721072
Sambucus nigra canadensis
(L.) R. Bolli USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
A: 00721178
Sambucus nigra canadensis
(L.) R. Bolli USA: Rhode Island Block Island Perley Spalding 1919-7-15
NEBC: 00687298
Sambucus racemosa
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00702170
Viburnum acerifolium
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00702344
Viburnum acerifolium
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-6-11
NEBC: 00702345
Viburnum acerifolium
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-7-16
A: 00579723
Viburnum dentatum
Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Block Island (Rhode Island): Block Island Perley Spalding 1919-7-15
NEBC: 00579419
Viburnum dentatum lucidum
Aiton USA: New Hampshire North Conway Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00579643
Viburnum dentatum lucidum
Aiton USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00687722
Viburnum edule
(Michaux) Rafinesque USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington Perley Spalding 1919-8-24
NEBC: 00687742
Viburnum edule
(Michaux) Rafinesque USA: New Hampshire North Conway Perley Spalding 1919
NEBC: 00721685
Viburnum lantanoides
Michaux USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1914
NEBC: 00611142
Viburnum nudum cassinoides
(Linnaeus) Torrey & A. Gray USA: New Hampshire North Conway Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00525160
Dianthus armeria
Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Block Island Perley Spalding 1916-8-9
NEBC: 00525167
Dianthus armeria
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-7-16
NEBC: 00525543
Silene vulgaris
(Moench) Garcke USA: Vermont Randolph: Randolph Perley Spalding 1918-7-10
NEBC: 00691746
Stellaria pubera
Michaux USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00757151
Lechea maritima
Leggett ex Britton USA: New Hampshire North Conway Perley Spalding 1919-8-29
NEBC: 00567791
USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920
NEBC: 00767047
Cornus alternifolia
Linnaeus f. USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-7-16
NEBC: 00767363
Cornus florida
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00502673
Cornus rugosa
Lamarck USA: Connecticut East Meriden Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00765567
Cornus stolonifera
Michaux USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00564007
Echinocystis lobata
(Michaux) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-8-6
NEBC: 01182753
Bulbostylis capillaris
(Linnaeus) Kunth ex C. B. Clarke USA: New Hampshire North Conway Perley Spalding 1919-8-23
NEBC: 00216290
Carex arctata
Boott USA: Vermont Bethel: Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00228260
Carex crawfordii
Fernald USA: Vermont Bethel: Perley Spalding
NEBC: 01059023
Carex stricta
Lamarck USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-6-14
NEBC: 01043601
Cyperus dentatus
Torrey USA: New Hampshire North Conway Perley Spalding
NEBC: 01042054
Eriophorum viridicarinatum
(Engelmann) Fernald USA: Vermont Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00894596
Scirpus atrocinctus
Fernald USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00892234
Scirpus hattorianus
Makino USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 01029278
Scirpus verecundus
Fernald USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920
NEBC: 00663043
Dennstaedtia punctilobula
(Michaux) T. Moore USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916-9-20
NEBC: 00663044
Dennstaedtia punctilobula
(Michaux) T. Moore USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00754606
Drosera rotundifolia
Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Block Island Perley Spalding 1917-6-17
NEBC: 00704340
Dryopteris cristata
(Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916-9-20
NEBC: 00671993
Dryopteris intermedia
(Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00636250
Dryopteris marginalis
(Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
A: 01576918
Shepherdia canadensis
Nuttall USA: New York Wilmington Perley Spalding 1918-5
NEBC: 00738997
Equisetum arvense
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1918
NEBC: 00674482
Equisetum arvense
Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Block Island Perley Spalding 1916-5-9
NEBC: 00517711
Epigaea repens
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire North Conway Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00517789
Epigaea repens
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1913-5-17
A: 00461357
Gaylussacia baccata
(Wangenheim) K. Koch USA: Rhode Island Block Island (Rhode Island): Block Island Perley Spalding
A: 00484864
Kalmia angustifolia
Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Block Island Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00553868
Monotropa uniflora
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
A: 01763884
Rhododendron groenlandicum
(Oeder) Kron & Judd USA: New York [data not captured] Perley Spalding 1918-6-15
A: 00770914
Rhododendron viscosum
(Linnaeus) Torrey USA: Rhode Island Block Island Perley Spalding 1919-7-15
NEBC: 00461811
Vaccinium angustifolium
Aiton USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00519913
Vaccinium corymbosum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00519914
Vaccinium corymbosum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00747785
Crotalaria sagittalis
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-8-20
NEBC: 00654496
Desmodium glutinosum
(Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Alph. Wood USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-6-28
NEBC: 00735669
Lathyrus japonicus glaber
(Seringe) Fernald USA: Rhode Island Block Island Perley Spalding 1917-6-1
NEBC: 00739902
Lespedeza longifolia
de Candolle USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-8-20
NEBC: 00565308
Lupinus perennis
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00534741
Robinia hispida
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Meriden: Meriden Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00501683
Trifolium arvense
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00581740
Trifolium aureum
Pollich USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00581741
Trifolium aureum
Pollich USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1914-7-17
NEBC: 00586644
Trifolium hybridum
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00586645
Trifolium hybridum
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1914-7-17
NEBC: 00463250
Vicia cracca
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1919
NEBC: 00567157
Castanea dentata
(Marshall) Borkhausen USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00746335
Fagus grandifolia
Ehrhart USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00727858
Fagus grandifolia
Ehrhart USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00662273
Quercus alba
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00695228
Quercus ilicifolia
Wangenheim USA: New Hampshire North Conway Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00716051
Quercus rubra
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920
NEBC: 00716052
Quercus rubra
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 01068413
Geranium maculatum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1917-6-1
NEBC: 00649047
Hamamelis virginiana
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 8019
NEBC: 00640455
Hamamelis virginiana
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00660936
Hypericum canadense
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire North Conway Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00774429
Hypericum ellipticum
Hooker USA: New Hampshire North Conway Perley Spalding 1919-8-23
NEBC: 00715357
Hypericum ellipticum
Hooker USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00504651
Hypericum gentianoides
(Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-8-20
NEBC: 00629053
Hypericum mutilum
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00685499
Hypericum perforatum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 01044496
Iris versicolor
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1917-6-10
NEBC: 01045963
Juncus pelocarpus
E. Meyer USA: New Hampshire North Conway Perley Spalding 1919-8-26
NEBC: 01150211
Juncus tenuis
Willdenow USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00865655
Luzula multiflora
(Ehrhart) Lejeune USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-6-11
NEBC: 00505820
Hedeoma pulegioides
(Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00658728
Lycopus uniflorus
Michaux USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 01018195
Mentha canadensis
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 01018295
Mentha canadensis
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-6-28
NEBC: 00573346
Mentha piperita
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916-9-20
NEBC: 00762495
Trichostema dichotomum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 10019
NEBC: 00505113
Lindera benzoin
(Linnaeus) Blume USA: Connecticut North Bloomfield Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00683346
Sassafras albidum
(Nuttall) Nees USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1919-6-7
NEBC: 00560513
Clintonia borealis
(Aiton) Rafinesque USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00880685
Erythronium americanum
Ker Gawler USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1917-6-10
NEBC: 00880829
Lilium philadelphicum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920-8-14
NEBC: 00868277
Maianthemum racemosum
(Linnaeus) Link USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 2819
NEBC: 00868642
Polygonatum pubescens
(Willdenow) Pursh USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920
NEBC: 01030938
Streptopus lanceolatus
(Aiton) Reveal USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 01044193
Trillium erectum
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Conway: Conway Perley Spalding 1919-5-13
NEBC: 00869381
Trillium erectum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920
NEBC: 00810893
Uvularia perfoliata
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00810894
Uvularia perfoliata
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920
NEBC: 00869630
Uvularia sessilifolia
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00751139
Linum usitatissimum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-8-20
NEBC: 00698833
Lobelia inflata
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 20516
NEBC: 00725344
Lobelia spicata
Lamarck USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920-7-1
NEBC: 00740123
Dendrolycopodium hickeyi
(W. H. Wagner, Beitel & R. C. Moran) A. Haines USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1919-9-2
NEBC: 00214122
Diphasiastrum digitatum
(Dillenius ex A. Braun) Holub USA: Vermont Bethel: Perley Spalding 1916-9-20
NEBC: 00661290
Huperzia lucidula
(Michaux) Trevisan USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington Perley Spalding 1919-8-24
NEBC: 00661531
Huperzia lucidula
(Michaux) Trevisan USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00690651
Lycopodium clavatum
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1919
NEBC: 00632254
Spinulum annotinum
(Linnaeus) A. Haines USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916-10-15
NEBC: 00632255
Spinulum annotinum
(Linnaeus) A. Haines USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00751276
Abutilon theophrasti
Medikus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00660474
Hibiscus moscheutos
Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Narragansett: Narragansett Perley Spalding 1918-8-26
NEBC: 00761501
Malva moschata
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 01026336
Rhexia virginica
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 2519
NEBC: 01026337
Rhexia virginica
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-8-6
NEBC: 00602287
Fraxinus americana
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920-6-1
NEBC: 00602288
Fraxinus americana
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-7-16
NEBC: 01039401
Chamaenerion angustifolium
(Linnaeus) Scopoli USA: New Hampshire Hart's Location: Hart's Location Perley Spalding 1916-9-6
NEBC: 00568475
Oenothera perennis
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1914-7-17
NEBC: 00690155
Botrychium multifidum
(S. G. Gmelin) Ruprecht USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 20916
NEBC: 00690438
Botrychium virginianum
(Linnaeus) Swartz USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1919-9-2
NEBC: 00462152
Corallorhiza maculata
(Rafinesque) Rafinesque USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1919-9-2
NEBC: 01062316
Platanthera clavellata
(Michaux) Luer USA: Rhode Island Block Island Perley Spalding 1916-8-10
AMES: 00462835
Platanthera lacera
(Michaux) G. Don USA: Rhode Island Block Island (Rhode Island): Block Island Perley Spalding
NEBC: 01063606
Spiranthes cernua
(Linnaeus) Richard USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 01063126
Spiranthes lacera
(Rafinesque) Rafinesque USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 01063724
Spiranthes lacera gracilis
(Bigelow) Luer USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-8-20
NEBC: 00664077
Agalinis tenuifolia
(Vahl) Rafinesque USA: Connecticut North Bloomfield Perley Spalding 1919-8-10
NEBC: 00731202
Melampyrum lineare
Desrousseaux USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-7-16
NEBC: 00731355
Orobanche uniflora
Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Block Island Perley Spalding 1917-6-17
NEBC: 00731361
Orobanche uniflora
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00502156
Pedicularis canadensis praeclara
A. H. Moore USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920
NEBC: 00720533
Osmunda regalis spectabilis
(Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 20516
NEBC: 00772040
Osmunda regalis spectabilis
(Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00677502
Osmundastrum cinnamomeum
(Linnaeus) C. Presl USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 20S16
NEBC: 00677503
Osmundastrum cinnamomeum
(Linnaeus) C. Presl USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00772705
Osmundastrum cinnamomeum
(Linnaeus) C. Presl USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916-9-20
NEBC: 01028472
Penthorum sedoides
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 20516
NEBC: 00755330
Phytolacca americana
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00502218
Gratiola aurea
Muhlenberg USA: New Hampshire North Conway: North Conway Perley Spalding 1919-8-23
NEBC: 00678760
Gratiola neglecta
Torrey USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1919-7-10
NEBC: 00678760
Gratiola virginiana
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1919-7-10
NEBC: 00655507
Veronica officinalis
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00656882
Veronica officinalis
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00579187
Veronica serpyllifolia lanceolata
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00729769
Veronicastrum virginicum
(Linnaeus) Farwell USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920-8-14
NEBC: 00729771
Veronicastrum virginicum
(Linnaeus) Farwell USA: Connecticut North Bloomfield Perley Spalding 1920-8-14
NEBC: 01175706
Agrostis scabra
Willdenow USA: New Hampshire North Conway Perley Spalding 1919-8-23
NEBC: 00835099
Agrostis stolonifera
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1914-7-17
NEBC: 00764218
Andropogon gerardi
Vitman USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-8-6
NEBC: 00622770
Anthoxanthum odoratum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-6-11
NEBC: 00635599
Cenchrus longispinus
(Hackel) Fernald USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 10019
NEBC: 01178180
Danthonia spicata
(Linnaeus) P. Beauvois ex Roemer & Schultes USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00583703
Poa pratensis
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00595741
Schedonorus pratensis
(Hudson) P. Beauvois USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00752196
Polygala sanguinea
Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Block Island Perley Spalding 1916-8-9
NEBC: 00664935
Antenoron virginianum
(Linnaeus) Roberty & Vautier USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1919-9-2
NEBC: 00664936
Antenoron virginianum
(Linnaeus) Roberty & Vautier USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-8-6
NEBC: 00722228
Oxyria digyna
(Linnaeus) Hill USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00642594
Polygonella articulata
(Linnaeus) Meisner USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 10019
NEBC: 00729248
Polygonum sagittatum
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00736792
Polygonum sagittatum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-8-20
NEBC: 00664935
Polygonum virginianum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1919-9-2
NEBC: 00664936
Polygonum virginianum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-8-6
NEBC: 00501810
Rumex acetosella
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00771006
Rumex crispus
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920-6-1
NEBC: 00675523
Claytonia caroliniana
Michaux USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1918
NEBC: 00563554
Lysimachia nummularia
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00572624
Lysimachia thyrsiflora
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Meriden: East Meriden Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00219184
Adiantum pedatum
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Perley Spalding 20s16
NEBC: 00572163
Anemone quinquefolia
Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Block Island Perley Spalding 1916-5-6
NEBC: 00485511
Aquilegia canadensis
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00485386
Aquilegia canadensis
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00866741
Caltha palustris
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1917-5-13
NEBC: 00553540
Coptis trifolia
(Linnaeus) Salisbury USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1917
NEBC: 00595956
Hepatica acutiloba
de Candolle USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1913-5-17
NEBC: 00866837
Hepatica americana
(de Candolle) Ker Gawler USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1919-4-9
NEBC: 00831176
Ranunculus abortivus
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1917-5-13
NEBC: 00485664
Ranunculus acris
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1914-7-17
NEBC: 00517434
Ranunculus bulbosus
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1917-6-10
NEBC: 00517435
Ranunculus bulbosus
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00768657
Ranunculus hispidus
Michaux USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00719287
Ranunculus recurvatus
Poiret USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00552850
Thalictrum dioicum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920
NEBC: 00643785
Ceanothus americanus
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920-7-1
NEBC: 00219791
Agrimonia microcarpa
Wallroth USA: Connecticut Granby: Perley Spalding s.n. 1916-6-28
NEBC: 00219791
Agrimonia pubescens
Wallroth USA: Connecticut Granby: Perley Spalding s.n. 1916-6-28
NEBC: 00219791
Agrimonia sp.
USA: Connecticut Granby: Perley Spalding s.n. 1916-6-28
A: 01727206
Amelanchier arborea
(F. Michaux) Fernald USA: New York Wilmington Perley Spalding 1918-5
NEBC: 00661222
Amelanchier bartramiana
(Tausch) M. Roemer USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington Perley Spalding 1919-8-24
NEBC: 00661248
Amelanchier bartramiana
(Tausch) M. Roemer USA: New Hampshire North Conway Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00661249
Amelanchier bartramiana
(Tausch) M. Roemer USA: New Hampshire North Conway Perley Spalding 1919-5-13
NEBC: 00743882
Amelanchier laevis
Wiegand USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1919
NEBC: 00743800
Amelanchier laevis
Wiegand USA: New Hampshire North Conway Perley Spalding 1919-5-13
A: 01729081
Amelanchier sanguinea
(Pursh) de Candolle USA: New York Wilmington Perley Spalding 1919-5-18
NEBC: 00661858
Amelanchier stolonifera
Wiegand USA: New Hampshire North Conway Perley Spalding 1919-8-26
NEBC: 00740873
Amelanchier stolonifera
Wiegand USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920
NEBC: 00738632
Aronia arbutifolia
(Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920
NEBC: 00674150
Aronia melanocarpa
(Michaux) Elliott USA: New Hampshire North Conway Perley Spalding 1919-8-26
NEBC: 00744260
Aronia melanocarpa
(Michaux) Elliott USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00744522
Aronia prunifolia
(Marshall) Rehder USA: Maine Kittery: Kittery Perley Spalding 1918
NEBC: 00724509
Geum canadense
Jacquin USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-6-28
NEBC: 00710788
Potentilla canadensis
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1919-5-1
NEBC: 00710789
Potentilla canadensis
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-6-11
NEBC: 00644568
Potentilla simplex
Michaux USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1919-6-7
NEBC: 00644574
Potentilla simplex
Michaux USA: Connecticut Windsor: Windsor Perley Spalding 1917-6-8
NEBC: 00740244
Prunus serotina
Ehrhart USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1917-6-10
NEBC: 00743475
Prunus virginiana
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00562946
Rosa rugosa
Thunberg USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00758534
Rubus allegheniensis
Porter USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1917-6-10
NEBC: 00723700
Rubus hispidus
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-7-16
NEBC: 00651328
Rubus occidentalis
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00703421
Sanguisorba canadensis
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-8-6
NEBC: 00614428
Cephalanthus occidentalis
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-8-6
NEBC: 00670591
Galium aparine
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920
NEBC: 00503650
Galium asprellum
Michaux USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916-9-20
NEBC: 00558490
Galium circaezans hypomalacum
Fernald USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 2S19
NEBC: 00866404
Galium tinctorium
Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire North Conway Perley Spalding 1919-8-26
NEBC: 00650938
Mitchella repens
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1913-5-17
A: 00659813
Populus alba
Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Block Island Perley Spalding 1918
NEBC: 00659928
Populus balsamifera
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1919-7-10
NEBC: 00688739
Populus grandidentata
Michaux USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00724217
Populus grandidentata
Michaux USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00724952
Salix bebbiana
Sargent USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00769147
Salix eriocephala
Michaux USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-8-20
NEBC: 01008278
Chrysosplenium americanum
Schweinitz ex Hooker USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920
NEBC: 00575011
Saxifraga virginiensis
Michaux USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00575008
Saxifraga virginiensis
Michaux USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1913-5-17
NEBC: 00678760
Erythranthe moschata
(Douglas ex Lindley) G. L. Nesom USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1919-7-10
NEBC: 00678760
Mimulus moschatus
Douglas ex Lindley USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1919-7-10
NEBC: 00668960
Mimulus ringens
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1918-6-1
NEBC: 00865961
Smilax herbacea
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916-6-28
NEBC: 00762515
Nicotiana tabacum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00564478
Solanum dulcamara villosissimum
Desvaux USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00752347
Staphylea trifolia
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Bloomfield: Bloomfield Perley Spalding 1919-7-15
NEBC: 00752348
Staphylea trifolia
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00668427
Taxus canadensis
Marshall USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
A: 01116672
Taxus canadensis
Marshall USA: New York Near Keeseville Perley Spalding 1919-8-7
NEBC: 00701447
Phegopteris connectilis
(Michaux) Watt USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00708378
Thelypteris palustris pubescens
(G. Lawson) Fernald USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916-9-20
NEBC: 00523594
Daphne mezereum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Norfolk: Norfolk Perley Spalding 1919-5-2
NEBC: 00733233
Tilia americana
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00733234
Tilia americana
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1919-7-15
NEBC: 00573317
Medeola virginiana
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00573367
Medeola virginiana
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920
NEBC: 00640007
Ulmus americana
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00730308
Ulmus americana
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00696957
Boehmeria cylindrica
(Linnaeus) Swartz USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00648172
Laportea canadensis
(Linnaeus) Weddell USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 2519
NEBC: 00768130
Pilea pumila
(Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00866130
Urtica dioica gracilis
(Aiton) Selander USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920-7-1
NEBC: 00560028
Viola blanda
Willdenow USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00504435
Viola cucullata
Aiton USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00560860
Viola labradorica
Schrank USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1918
NEBC: 00560862
Viola labradorica
Schrank USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1918-6-1
NEBC: 00574084
Viola labradorica
Schrank USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00629682
Viola pallens
(Banks ex Gingins) Brainerd USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1918
NEBC: 00773685
Viola pedata
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920
NEBC: 00773689
Viola pedata
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Windsor: Windsor Perley Spalding 1916-6-8
NEBC: 00713567
Viola pubescens
Aiton USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1918
NEBC: 00721270
Viola pubescens
Aiton USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920
NEBC: 00702797
Viola rotundifolia
Michaux USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding
NEBC: 00640857
Viola sagittata ovata
(Nuttall) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1916
NEBC: 00649560
Viola sororia
Willdenow USA: Connecticut East Granby: East Granby Perley Spalding 1920
NEBC: 00676148
Woodsia ilvensis
(Linnaeus) R. Brown USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington Perley Spalding 1919-8-24
NEBC: 00676273
Woodsia ilvensis
(Linnaeus) R. Brown USA: Vermont Bethel: Bethel Perley Spalding 1916-9-20