FH: 00477951 Rhizoplaca chrysoleuca (Smith) Zopf USA: Connecticut East Haven: [no additional data] E. Christophersen 1921-4-5
Acarosporaceae FH: 00388110 Acarospora smaragdula (Wahlenberg) A. Massalongo USA: Connecticut West Haven: [no additional data] E. Christophersen 1921-3-3
FH: 00388110 Myriospora smaragdula (Wahlenberg) Nägeli ex Uloth USA: Connecticut West Haven: [no additional data] E. Christophersen 1921-3-3
Amblystegiaceae FH: 00060140 Amblystegium stricto-serpens Dixon : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha, above se... E. Christophersen 1319 1938-1-24
FH: 00060140 Cratoneuropsis relaxa (Hooker & Wilson) M. Fleischer : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha, above se... E. Christophersen 1319 1938-1-24
Apocynaceae A: 00032403 Alstonia costata (G. Forster) R. Brown American Samoa: Island of Tutuila, Ridge west of Pago Pago, ... E. Christophersen 1265 1929-11-14
A: 00032404 Alstonia costata (G. Forster) R. Brown American Samoa: Island of Tutuila, Ridge west of Pago Pago, ... E. Christophersen 1265 1929-11-14
A: 02182906 Alstonia costata (G. Forster) R. Brown Samoa: Savai'i: Above Salailua E. Christophersen 3071 1931-11-7
A: 00032403 Alstonia setchelliana Christophersen American Samoa: Island of Tutuila, Ridge west of Pago Pago, ... E. Christophersen 1265 1929-11-14
A: 00032404 Alstonia setchelliana Christophersen American Samoa: Island of Tutuila, Ridge west of Pago Pago, ... E. Christophersen 1265 1929-11-14
A: 02181893 Alyxia bracteolosa A. Gray Samoa: Upolu: Malololelei-Lanutoo E. Christophersen 39 1929-8-5
A: 02181935 Alyxia bracteolosa A. Gray Samoa: Savai'i: Papa'afu, ruin of crater E. Christophersen 2722 1931-9-22
A: 02181934 Alyxia bracteolosa A. Gray Samoa: Upolu: Malololelei-Lanutoo E. Christophersen 39 1929-8-5
A: 00057837 Alyxia septangularis Christophersen Samoa: Savai'i: Siuvao-Auala, forest, 600 m E. Christophersen 3297 1931-11-19
A: 02181954 Alyxia stellata (J. R. Forster & G. Forster) Roemer & Schultes Samoa: Savai'i: Papa'afu E. Christophersen 2729 1931-9-22
A: 02181955 Alyxia stellata (J. R. Forster & G. Forster) Roemer & Schultes Samoa: Savai'i: Matavanu E. Christophersen 648 1929-9-15
GH: 02181945 Alyxia stellata (J. R. Forster & G. Forster) Roemer & Schultes Samoa: Savai'i: Falealupo-Fagalele E. Christophersen 3326 1931-11-22
A: 02381144 Ochrosia oppositifolia (Lamarck) K. Schumann Samoa: Savai'i: Salailua-Lataitai E. Christophersen 2635 1931-9-18
Arecaceae A: 00028184 Balaka siliensis Christophersen Samoa: Island of Savaii: forest above Sili, alt. ca... E. Christophersen 3260 1931-11-11
Aspidiaceae GH: 00275839 Megalastrum aquilinum (Thouars) Sundue, Rouhan & R. C. Moran : Tristan da Cunha: E. Christophersen 2545 1938-2-26
Brachytheciaceae FH: 00220359 Eurhynchium praelongum (Hedwig) Schimper : Tristan da Cunha: First Gulch E. Christophersen 838 1938-1-7
FH: 00220360 Eurhynchium praelongum (Hedwig) Schimper : Tristan da Cunha: Above Settlement E. Christophersen 56 b 1937-11-21
FH: 00220361 Eurhynchium praelongum (Hedwig) Schimper : Tristan da Cunha: Above Camp Burntwood E. Christophersen 923 1938-1-9
FH: 00220362 Eurhynchium praelongum (Hedwig) Schimper : Tristan da Cunha: Above Camp Burntwood E. Christophersen 907 1938-1-9
Brassicaceae A: 02454669 Cardamine propinqua Carmichael : Tristan da Cunha: By Green Hill E. Christophersen 534 1938-1-7
A: 02454668 Cardamine propinqua Carmichael : Tristan da Cunha: Above Burutwood E. Christophersen 517 1938-1-7
A: 02454667 Cardamine propinqua Carmichael : Tristan da Cunha: Inaccessible: Plateau near... E. Christophersen 2500 1938-2-25
Calymperaceae FH: 00290241 Syrrhopodon atlanticus Dixon : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: Sandy Po... E. Christophersen 1184 1938-1-18
FH: 00290242 Syrrhopodon atlanticus Dixon : Tristan da Cunha: Nightingale: N. E. bog E. Christophersen 2261 1938-2-12
FH: 00290243 Syrrhopodon atlanticus Dixon : Tristan da Cunha: Nightingale: N. E. bog E. Christophersen 2263a 1938-2-12
FH: 00290242 Syrrhopodon gaudichaudii Montagne : Tristan da Cunha: Nightingale: N. E. bog E. Christophersen 2261 1938-2-12
FH: 00290243 Syrrhopodon gaudichaudii Montagne : Tristan da Cunha: Nightingale: N. E. bog E. Christophersen 2263a 1938-2-12
FH: 00290241 Syrrhopodon gaudichaudii Montagne : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: Sandy Po... E. Christophersen 1184 1938-1-18
Cladoniaceae FH: 00371937 Cladonia glauca Flörke USA: Connecticut New Haven: [data not captured] E. Christophersen 1921-3
FH: 00370834 Cladonia parasitica (Hoffmann) Hoffmann USA: Connecticut [data not captured] E. Christophersen 89 1921-3
FH: 00391393 Cladonia subtenuis (Abbayes) Mattick USA: Connecticut West Haven: [data not captured] E. Christophersen 1921-3
FH: 00475463 Pycnothelia papillaria molariformis (Hoffmann) Schaerer USA: Connecticut Stony Creek: [no additional data] E. Christophersen 1921-4
Clusiaceae A: 00067366 Calophyllum samoense Christophersen Samoa: Savai'i: Vaipouli-Manase, edge of forest, 10... E. Christophersen 720 1929-9-21
Cyperaceae A: 02263030 Carex bonariensis Desfontaines ex Poiret : Tristan da Cunha: [data not captured] E. Christophersen 2563 1938-2-26
Dicranaceae FH: 00079926 Anisothecium vaginatum (Hooker) Mitten : Tristan da Cunha: E. Christophersen 1615a 1938-2-24
FH: 00079927 Anisothecium vaginatum (Hooker) Mitten : Tristan da Cunha: E. Christophersen 1259 1938-1-19
FH: 00060392 Dichodontium opacifolium Dixon : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan Da Cuhna, Crater E. Christophersen 733 1938-1-6
FH: 00079926 Dicranella vaginata (Hooker) Cardot : Tristan da Cunha: E. Christophersen 1615a 1938-2-24
FH: 00079927 Dicranella vaginata (Hooker) Cardot : Tristan da Cunha: E. Christophersen 1259 1938-1-19
FH: 00060478 Dicranoweisia falcifolia Dixon : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha, Peak cra... E. Christophersen 654 1938-1-6
FH: 00060478 Kiaeria pumila (Mitten) Ochyra : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha, Peak cra... E. Christophersen 654 1938-1-6
FH: 00304728 Kiaeria pumila (Mitten) Ochyra : Tristan da Cunha: Crater E. Christophersen 752 1938-1-6
FH: 00304729 Kiaeria pumila (Mitten) Ochyra : Tristan da Cunha: Crater E. Christophersen 720 1938-1-6
FH: 00304730 Kiaeria pumila (Mitten) Ochyra : Tristan da Cunha: Crater E. Christophersen 754 1938-1-6
FH: 00304731 Kiaeria pumila (Mitten) Ochyra : Tristan da Cunha: the Peak E. Christophersen 698 1938-1-6
Ditrichaceae FH: 00060295 Ceratodon plano-marginatus Dixon : Tristan da Cunha: Saint Helena, Tristan da C... E. Christophersen 2195 1938-2-10
FH: 00060392 Cheilothela chiolensis (Montagne) Brotherus : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan Da Cuhna, Crater E. Christophersen 733 1938-1-6
Dryopteridaceae GH: 00275839 Dryopteris aquilina (Thouars) C. Christensen : Tristan da Cunha: E. Christophersen 2545 1938-2-26
Ebenaceae A: 00015738 Maba savaiiensis Christophersen Samoa: Savaii, near Fangalele E. Christophersen 3404 1931-11-21
Elaeocarpaceae A: 00052144 Elaeocarpus magnifolius Christophersen Samoa: Upolu: Forest above Malololelei E. Christophersen 257 1929-8-15
A: 00052151 Elaeocarpus tuasivicus Christophersen Samoa: Savai'i: Forest above Letui, alt. 1600-1700 ... E. Christophersen 776 1929-9-26
A: 00052152 Elaeocarpus ulianus Christophersen Samoa: Savai'i: Forest above Salailua, alt. 900 m E. Christophersen 2696 1931-9-22
Fissidentaceae FH: 00060864 Fissidens subobtusus Dixon : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha, plateau ... E. Christophersen 2544b 1938-2-25
Flacourtiaceae A: 00067016 Xylosma suaveolens samoensis Christophersen Samoa: Savai'i: Forest above Salailua, 1350 m. E. Christophersen 3074 1931-11-7
Gesneriaceae A: 00092017 Cyrtandra compressa C. B. Clarke Samoa: Savai'i: Above Salailua, ca. 500 m. E. Christophersen 2738 1931-9-24
A: 00277097 Cyrtandra samoensis A. Gray Samoa: Island of Tutuila. Naval Station, on reservo... E. Christophersen 981 1929-10-30
Grimmiaceae FH: 00213074 Grimmia kidderi James : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha, Saint He... E. Christophersen 1751a 1938-3-15
FH: 00213074 Grimmia stenobasis Dixon : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha, Saint He... E. Christophersen 1751a 1938-3-15
FH: 00220278 Racomitrium decurrens Dixon : Tristan da Cunha: Upper Crater by Cave Gulch E. Christophersen 550R 1938-1-7
FH: 00220284 Racomitrium gracillimum Dixon : Tristan da Cunha: The Peak E. Christophersen 692a 1938-1-6
Hypnaceae FH: 00301996 Isopterygium ambiguum Cardot : Tristan da Cunha: Nightingale: W. ridge to P... E. Christophersen 2231 1938-2-10
FH: 00301997 Isopterygium ambiguum Cardot : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: 3rd Gulc... E. Christophersen 770 1938-1-9
FH: 00301998 Isopterygium ambiguum Cardot : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: Above Ca... E. Christophersen 911 1938-1-9
FH: 00301999 Isopterygium ambiguum Cardot : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: Hill Pee... E. Christophersen 1333 1938-1-21
FH: 00301997 Isopterygium tenerifolium Mitten : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: 3rd Gulc... E. Christophersen 770 1938-1-9
FH: 00301998 Isopterygium tenerifolium Mitten : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: Above Ca... E. Christophersen 911 1938-1-9
FH: 00301996 Isopterygium tenerifolium Mitten : Tristan da Cunha: Nightingale: W. ridge to P... E. Christophersen 2231 1938-2-10
FH: 00301999 Isopterygium tenerifolium Mitten : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: Hill Pee... E. Christophersen 1333 1938-1-21
FH: 00213423 Isopterygium tristaniense Dixon : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: by Hotte... E. Christophersen 1377 1938-1-28
FH: 00290232 Isopterygium tristaniense Dixon : Tristan da Cunha: Nightingale: At Peak E. Christophersen 2193 1938-2-10
Icacinaceae A: 02590736 Citronella samoensis (A. Gray) R. A. Howard Samoa: Savai'i: Papa'afu, rim of crater E. Christophersen 2721 1931-9-22
A: 02590733 Citronella samoensis (A. Gray) R. A. Howard Samoa: Savai'i: Aopo-Gagamalae E. Christophersen 3443 1931-12-8
Lauraceae A: 00041468 Cryptocarya samoensis Christophersen Samoa: Savaii: forest at Le To, above Salailua, alt... E. Christophersen 2912 1931-10-21
A: 00041472 Cryptocarya wilderiana Christophersen Samoa: Upolu: Near Malololelei, alt. 550 m E. Christophersen 301 1929-8-17
A: 00041852 Litsea magnifolia samoensis Christophersen Samoa: Upolu: Forest near Malololelei, alt. 550 m E. Christophersen 328 1929-8-17
Lecideaceae FH: 00452703 Lecidea cyrtidia Tuckerman USA: Connecticut New Haven: [data not captured] E. Christophersen 1921-3
Lembophyllaceae FH: 00220359 Rigodium crassicostatum E. B. Bartram : Tristan da Cunha: First Gulch E. Christophersen 838 1938-1-7
FH: 00220360 Rigodium crassicostatum E. B. Bartram : Tristan da Cunha: Above Settlement E. Christophersen 56 b 1937-11-21
FH: 00220361 Rigodium crassicostatum E. B. Bartram : Tristan da Cunha: Above Camp Burntwood E. Christophersen 923 1938-1-9
FH: 00220362 Rigodium crassicostatum E. B. Bartram : Tristan da Cunha: Above Camp Burntwood E. Christophersen 907 1938-1-9
Lepyrodontaceae FH: 00213497 Lepyrodon alaris Dixon : Tristan da Cunha: Saint Helena, Tristan da C... E. Christophersen 1583 1938-2-18
Melastomataceae A: 02270275 Astronidium parviflorum A. Gray American Samoa: [data not captured] E. Christophersen 1939-11-3
Olacaceae A: 00035931 Anacolosa insularis Christophersen Samoa: Savai'i: Forest near Tufutafoe, alt. 10 m E. Christophersen 2771 1931-9-30
Orchidaceae AMES: 02384390 Bulbophyllum savaiense Schlechter Samoa: Savai'i: East of Olo E. Christophersen 2301 1931-8-8
AMES: 02388421 Calanthe hololeuca H. G. Reichenbach American Samoa: Island of Tutuila. Top of Pioa E. Christophersen 3579 1932-1-2
AMES: 02388427 Calanthe nephroglossa Schlechter Samoa: Savai'i: N.E. of Salailua E. Christophersen 2566 1931-9-8
AMES: 02388435 Calanthe triplicata (Willen) Ames Samoa: Savai'i: Salailua-Lataitai E. Christophersen 2851 1931-10-16
AMES: 02093642 Coelogyne lycastoides F. Muell. & Kraenzl. Samoa: Island of Upolu. ridge above Malololelei. E. Christophersen 201 1929-8-12
AMES: 02337227 Dendrobium vaupelianum Kraenzlin Samoa: Savai'i: Island of Savaii. Salailua E. Christophersen 3007 1931-10-31
AMES: 02125820 Flickingeria scopa (Lindley) Brieger American Samoa: Island of Tutuila. Top of Pioa E. Christophersen 3526 1932-1-2
AMES: 01945330 Habenaria vaupelii Schlechter Samoa: Siuvao-Auala E. Christophersen 3365 1921-11-20
AMES: 02094475 Liparis condylobulbon H. G. Reichenbach Samoa: Island of Tutuila; Ridge W. of Pago Pago E. Christophersen 1263 1929-11-14
AMES: 02094474 Liparis condylobulbon H. G. Reichenbach Samoa: Island of Upolu. Canyon of Vaisingano river ... E. Christophersen 109 1929-8-7
AMES: 02337994 Mediocalcar paradoxum paradoxum Samoa: Island of Tutuila; Top of Pioa E. Christophersen 3488 1932-1-2
AMES: 02162012 Nervilia aragoana Gaudichaud Samoa: Savai'i: Papa-Fagalele E. Christophersen 3406 1931-11-21
AMES: 02162011 Nervilia aragoana Gaudichaud Samoa: Savai'i: Papa-Fagalele E. Christophersen 3406 1931-11-21
AMES: 00103686 Pseuderia ramosa L. O. Williams American Samoa: Tutuila, top of Pioa E. Christophersen 3533 1932-1-2
AMES: 00103687 Pseuderia ramosa L. O. Williams American Samoa: Tutuila, top of Pioa E. Christophersen 3533 1932-1-2
AMES: 00083560 Pseuderia ramosa L. O. Williams American Samoa: Tutuila, top of Pioa E. Christophersen 3533 1932-1-2
AMES: 02090401 Zeuxine androcardium Schlechter Samoa: Island of Savail; above Salailua E. Christophersen 2740 1931-9-24
Orthotrichaceae FH: 00220868 Zygodon insularum Dixon : Tristan da Cunha: cliff above settlement E. Christophersen 99 1937-12-21
Pandanaceae A: 00020218 Pandanus christophersenii H. St. John Samoa: Island of Savaii E. Christophersen 2410 1931-8-16
A: 00020262 Pandanus sabulorum Martelli Samoa: Island of Savaii: Salailua-Lataitai E. Christophersen 2657 1931-9-18
A: 00020266 Pandanus salailuaensis Martelli Samoa: Island of Savaii: Salailua-Lataitai E. Christophersen 2656 1931-9-18
A: 00020218 Pandanus tectorius Parkinson Samoa: Island of Savaii E. Christophersen 2410 1931-8-16
A: 00020262 Pandanus tectorius sabulorum (Martelli) Stone Samoa: Island of Savaii: Salailua-Lataitai E. Christophersen 2657 1931-9-18
A: 00020266 Pandanus tectorius novo-caledonicus Martelli Samoa: Island of Savaii: Salailua-Lataitai E. Christophersen 2656 1931-9-18
Parmeliaceae FH: 00413076 Cetraria arenaria Kärnefelt USA: Connecticut [data not captured] E. Christophersen 1921
Phyllanthaceae A: 00045795 Baccaurea seemannii samoensis Christophersen Samoa: Upolu: Forest at Lake Lanuto'o E. Christophersen 371 1929-8-21
A: 00045795 Baccaurea taitensis Müller Argoviensis Samoa: Upolu: Forest at Lake Lanuto'o E. Christophersen 371 1929-8-21
Piperaceae A: 01983845 Macropiper puberulum Bentham Samoa: Savai'i: Salailua E. Christophersen 2962 1931-10-26
A: 01983878 Macropiper timothianum (A. C. Smith) A. C. Smith Samoa: Savai'i: Papa'afu E. Christophersen 2726 1931-9-22
A: 01983879 Macropiper timothianum (A. C. Smith) A. C. Smith Samoa: Upolu: Malololelei-Lanutoo E. Christophersen 33 1929-8-5
A: 01982862 Peperomia tristanensis Christophersen : Tristan da Cunha: above Salt Beach, by water... E. Christophersen 1278 1938-1-21
A: 01883590 Piper graeffei Warburg Samoa: Island of Tutuila. Pago Pago, ridge west E. Christophersen 1260 1929-11-14
A: 01883589 Piper graeffei Warburg Samoa: Upolu: Matautu E. Christophersen 474 1929-8-30
A: 01883621 Piper methysticum G. Forster Samoa: Savai'i: Salailua E. Christophersen 3033 1931-11-4
Pittosporaceae A: 00043262 Pittosporum samoense Christophersen Samoa: Savai'i: Above Salailua, alt. 1420 m E. Christophersen 3087 1931-11-6
Plagiotheciaceae FH: 00213423 Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: by Hotte... E. Christophersen 1377 1938-1-28
FH: 00290232 Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans (Bridel) Z. Iwatsuki : Tristan da Cunha: Nightingale: At Peak E. Christophersen 2193 1938-2-10
Polytrichaceae FH: 00220255 Notoligotrichum laxifolium (Dixon) G. L. Smith : Tristan da Cunha: E. Christophersen 1249 1938-1-19
FH: 00220256 Notoligotrichum tristaniense (Dixon) G. L. Smith : Tristan da Cunha: The Peak E. Christophersen 711 1938-1-6
FH: 00213913 Oligotrichum tristaniense Dixon : Tristan da Cunha: Saint Helena, Tristan da C... E. Christophersen 682 1938-1-7
FH: 00220255 Psilopilum laxifolium Dixon : Tristan da Cunha: E. Christophersen 1249 1938-1-19
FH: 00220256 Psilopilum tristaniense Dixon : Tristan da Cunha: The Peak E. Christophersen 711 1938-1-6
Pottiaceae FH: 00301995 Bryoerythrophyllum campylocarpum (Müller Halle) H. A. Crum : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: Upper Po... E. Christophersen 1264c 1938-1-19
FH: 00301995 Didymodon austroalpigena (Müller Halle) Brotherus : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: Upper Po... E. Christophersen 1264c 1938-1-19
FH: 00060295 Didymodon plano-marginatus (Dixon) Ochyra : Tristan da Cunha: Saint Helena, Tristan da C... E. Christophersen 2195 1938-2-10
FH: 00290245 Hennediella kunzeana (Müller Halle) R. H. Zander : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: Crater E. Christophersen 745 1938-1-6
FH: 00290244 Hennediella kunzeana (Müller Halle) R. H. Zander : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: Crater E. Christophersen 730 1938-1-6
FH: 00290233 Leptodontium interruptum (Mitten) Brotherus : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: The Knob... E. Christophersen 1661 1938-2-18
FH: 00290234 Leptodontium interruptum (Mitten) Brotherus : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: Above Bu... E. Christophersen 781 1938-1-8
FH: 00290235 Leptodontium interruptum (Mitten) Brotherus : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: Round Hi... E. Christophersen 1098 1938-1-14
FH: 00290233 Leptodontium microruncinatum Dusén : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: The Knob... E. Christophersen 1661 1938-2-18
FH: 00290234 Leptodontium microruncinatum Dusén : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: Above Bu... E. Christophersen 781 1938-1-8
FH: 00290235 Leptodontium microruncinatum Dusén : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: Round Hi... E. Christophersen 1098 1938-1-14
FH: 00290234 Leptodontium stellatum (Bridel) Renauld : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: Above Bu... E. Christophersen 781 1938-1-8
FH: 00290235 Leptodontium stellatum (Bridel) Renauld : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: Round Hi... E. Christophersen 1098 1938-1-14
FH: 00290233 Leptodontium stellatum (Bridel) Renauld : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: The Knob... E. Christophersen 1661 1938-2-18
FH: 00290244 Tortula kunzeana (Müller Halle) Montagne : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: Crater E. Christophersen 730 1938-1-6
FH: 00290245 Tortula kunzeana (Müller Halle) Montagne : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: Crater E. Christophersen 745 1938-1-6
FH: 00290246 Trichostomum aequatoriale Spruce ex Dixon : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: East of ... E. Christophersen 394 1938-1-4
Rubiaceae A: 00096336 Morinda tripetala Christophersen Samoa: Upolu: Top of Fao, open, 680 m E. Christophersen 555 1929-9-6
A: 01154634 Nertera holmboei Christopherson : Tristan da Cunha: Middle I.: E end E. Christophersen 2021 1938-2-1
A: 00095629 Psychotria insularum montanum Christophersen Samoa: Savai'i: Le To, above Salailua, wet forest, ... E. Christophersen 2942 1931-10-21
A: 00095630 Psychotria juddii Christophersen Samoa: Savai'i: Above Gagamalae, wet forest, 1000-1... E. Christophersen 3424 1931-12-9
A: 00095662 Psychotria tutuilensis Christophersen American Samoa: Tutuila Island, tope of Pica, wet scrub fore... E. Christophersen 3521 1932-1-2
A: 00094497 Sarcopygme intermedia Setchell & Christophersen Samoa: Savai'i: Above Matavanu, wet forest, ca. 140... E. Christophersen 2193 1931-7-28
A: 00246686 Timonius affinis A. Gray Samoa: Island of Savali. Above Sili E. Christophersen 3246 1931-11-11
A: 00246686 Timonius affinis samoensis S. P. Darwin Samoa: Island of Savali. Above Sili E. Christophersen 3246 1931-11-11
Rutaceae A: 00105675 Euodia samoensis Christophersen Samoa: Upolu: Near Malololelei, 550 m E. Christophersen 143 1929-8-10
A: 00105675 Melicope latifolia (de Candolle) T. G. Hartley Samoa: Upolu: Near Malololelei, 550 m E. Christophersen 143 1929-8-10
Sapindaceae A: 00050594 Alectryon samoensis Christophersen Samoa: Savai'i: Forest above Salailua, 1300-1400 m E. Christophersen 2678 1921-9-23
A: 00050711 Cupaniopsis samoensis Christophersen Samoa: Savai'i: Above Matavanu E. Christophersen 2045 1931-7-14
Sapotaceae A: 00075777 Palaquium stehlinii Christophersen Samoa: Savai'i: Forest above Sili, 300 m E. Christophersen 3255 1931-11-11
Sematophyllaceae FH: 00290237 Sematophyllum crassiusculum (Bridel) Brotherus : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: Above Sa... E. Christophersen 476 1937-12-30
FH: 00290238 Sematophyllum crassiusculum (Bridel) Brotherus : Tristan da Cunha: Tristan da Cunha: Above Sa... E. Christophersen 496b 1937-12-30
FH: 00290239 Sematophyllum crassiusculum (Bridel) Brotherus : Tristan da Cunha: Inaccessible: Blendon Hall E. Christophersen 2409c 1938-2-19
FH: 00290240 Sematophyllum crassiusculum (Bridel) Brotherus : Tristan da Cunha: Nightingale: Trail to lake... E. Christophersen 2139 1938-2-8
Urticaceae A: 00046928 Pipturus viridis Christophersen Samoa: Savai'i: Semb, 1902 lava flow above Aopo, 12... E. Christophersen 901 1929-10-7