Acanthaceae GH: 02452801 Blepharis procumbens Persoon South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452800 Blepharis procumbens Persoon South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452824 Dicliptera cernua (Nees) J. C. Manning & Goldblatt South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452803 Dyschoriste serpyllifolia (Nees) Benoist South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 109 [Uitenhage, Winterhoeksbergen, 1-3000’... [see remarks]
GH: 02452807 Hypoestes aristata (Vahl) Roemer & Schultes South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: 39 [Albany, Assegaaibosch, 1-2000’... [see remarks]
GH: 02452823 Hypoestes sp. South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 3 [Uitenhage, Krakakamma (Kraggakamma, 3325 ... [see remarks]
GH: 02452806 Justicia capensis Thunberg South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: 23 [Albany, Bothasberg (Botha’s Hi... [see remarks]
GH: 02452799 Justicia prostrata (Roxburgh ex C. B. Clarke) Gamble South Africa: 29 [Ceded Territory, Konapshoogde (Koonap He... [see remarks]
A: 02527410 Mackaya bella Harvey South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Ngoya, Zululand [see remarks] 1451
A: 02527409 Mackaya bella Harvey South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Tongaat River Natal [see remarks]
GH: 02452803 Monechma ciliatum (Jacquin) Milne-Redhead South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 109 [Uitenhage, Winterhoeksbergen, 1-3000’... [see remarks]
A: 02527560 Petalidium englerianum C. B. Clarke Botswana: Bechuanaland Prot. Van Lyl's[?] Cutting [see remarks] 28676a
Aizoaceae GH: 02452787 Aizoon galenioides Fenzl ex Harv. & Sond. South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452789 Galenia africana Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02452788 Galenia africana Linnaeus South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452790 Galenia sp. South Africa: 130 [Bushmanland, Kamos (Kamas, 3018 DB), Ko... [see remarks]
GH: 02452788 Galenia sp. South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452792 Galenia spathulata Fenzl ex Sonder South Africa: 31 [Ceded Territory, Fort Beaufort,1-2000’... [see remarks]
GH: 02452794 Mesembryanthemum echinatum Lamarck South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452795 Mesembryanthemum micranthum Haworth South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452796 Mestoklema tuberosum (Linnaeus) N. E. Brown ex Glen South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452795 Psilocaulon micranthum L. Bolus South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452793 Psilocaulon sp. South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
Anacardiaceae A: 02280888 Melanochyla angustifolia Hook.fil. Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur: Bukit Lagong F. Res. [see remarks] KEP 85227
Angiopteridaceae GH: 02578600 Angiopteris evecta (G. Forster) Hoffmann Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks]
Annonaceae A: 02420874 Alphonsea javanica Scheffer Indonesia: Maluku Seram: Archipel. Jud [Ceram] [see remarks]
A: 02612136 Artabotrys macranthus Holthuis Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) Talaud (between Celebes and Mindanao) [see remarks] Lam. 3003
A: 02612217 Artabotrys suaveolens Blume Malaysia: Sabah Maliau Basin Conservation Area [see remarks] MB609
A: 02612681 Cyathocalyx hexagynus (Miquel) R. J. Wang & R. M. K. Saunders : Southeast Asia: Sumatra; Borneo; Sarawak [see remarks]
Araliaceae A: 02456900 Macropanax dispermus (Blume) Kuntze Indonesia: Pampoeng [see remarks] 8
A: 02523105 Polyscias cumingiana (C. Presl) Fernandez-Villar Indonesia: Papua Barat Daya Sorong Islds. New Guinea [see remarks] 6287
A: 02522204 Schefflera albida Merrill Philippines: Benguet [no additional data] [see remarks] BS 31767
A: 02523506 Schefflera arfakensis Gibbs Indonesia: Papua Barat Mt. Arfak, New Guinea [see remarks] 5621
Araucariaceae A: 02468768 Agathis endertii E. Meijer Drees Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Ulu Mahakam, Taliba. [see remarks] 26
Arecaceae A: 02426667 Caryota aequatorialis (Beccari) Ridley Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands. [see remarks] SF 32713
A: 02426869 Daemonorops didymophylla Beccari Malaysia: Johor Midland Estate, Kulai. [see remarks] 2
ECON: 02427079 Daemonorops gaudichaudii Martius Philippines: Masbate Lamon. [see remarks] 26-F
A: 02427623 Licuala sp. Malaysia: Sabah [no additional data] [see remarks] 1299
Aspidiaceae GH: 02505886 Pleocnemia sp. Solomon Islands: [no additional data] [see remarks] 4
GH: 02505956 Polystichum biaristatum (Blume) T. Moore Indonesia: Jawa: Salak [see remarks] 13
Aspleniaceae GH: 02407416 Asplenium longissimum Blume Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02407415 Asplenium longissimum Blume Indonesia: Maluku Malacca [see remarks]
GH: 02407414 Asplenium longissimum Blume Indonesia: Sumatera: Lalak Indrigiri[?] [see remarks]
GH: 02407708 Asplenium sp. : Asia: East Indies [see remarks]
GH: 02407710 Asplenium sp. Myanmar: Pegu [see remarks]
Asteraceae GH: 01236131 Artemisia abrotanum Linnaeus Germany: Brandenburg Guben, [illegible] [see remarks]
GH: 01236169 Artemisia absinthium Linnaeus Austria: In sterilibus agri Vindobonensis [see remarks]
GH: 01236147 Artemisia absinthium Linnaeus Sierra Leone: pres [illegible] de environs de Mende [see remarks]
A: 01237340 Artemisia anomala S. Moore China: Anhui Wangshan [see remarks] 4 (1973)
GH: 01236245 Artemisia argentea L'Heritier Portugal: Madeira [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 01003786 Artemisia biennis Willdenow USA: Illinois [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 01003784 Artemisia biennis Willdenow USA: Illinois [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 01237415 Artemisia borealis Pallari Russia: Kamchatskiy Kray [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 01236390 Artemisia campestris Linnaeus : Europe (Region): [illegible] [see remarks]
GH: 01236383 Artemisia campestris Linnaeus Russia: Kalinigrad Oblast Konigsberg: Dunen bei Pillau [see remarks]
GH: 00968452 Artemisia cana Pursh USA: North Park [possibly Colorado] [see remarks]
GH: 01236511 Artemisia fasciculata M. Bieberstein Armenia: Prope u. Erivan; ad salis fodinas Kulp [see remarks]
GH: 01236513 Artemisia fasciculata M. Bieberstein Azerbaijan: In Peria provincia Aderbeidschan [see remarks]
GH: 01236512 Artemisia fasciculata M. Bieberstein Azerbaijan: In Peria provincia Aderbeidschan [see remarks]
GH: 00968990 Artemisia filifolia Torrey USA: Oklahoma Canadian [see remarks]
GH: 00988186 Artemisia frigida Willdenow USA: Up. Missouri [see remarks]
GH: 01237051 Artemisia furcata M. Bieberstein : North America (CA, US, MX): E. side Rky Mts.... [see remarks]
A: 01237609 Artemisia furcata M. Bieberstein Russia: Yakut A.S.S.R. [see label] [see remarks]
A: 01236550 Artemisia genipi Weber ex Stechmann Switzerland: Bernina; Diavolozzo [see remarks]
GH: 01236570 Artemisia glacialis Linnaeus France: Mont Cenis a Ronche [see remarks]
GH: 01236565 Artemisia glacialis Linnaeus France: Mont-Cenis [see remarks] 125
GH: 01236587 Artemisia gmelinii Weber ex Stechmann France: Île-de-France Paris: Hort. Par. [see remarks]
GH: 01236740 Artemisia inculta Delile Spain: Cádiz [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 01238059 Artemisia lercheana Weber ex Stechmann : Central Asia: Mare casp. [see remarks]
GH: 00988502 Artemisia ludoviciana Nuttall : North America (CA, US, MX): Rocky Mountains [see remarks]
GH: 00988529 Artemisia ludoviciana Nuttall USA: Illinois [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 00988610 Artemisia ludoviciana Nuttall USA: Nevada S. W. Nevada [see remarks]
GH: 00988992 Artemisia ludoviciana mexicana (Willdenow ex Sprengel) D. D. Keck USA: Texas [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 00988923 Artemisia ludoviciana incompta (Nuttall) D. D. Keck USA: Wyoming Snake River; Above Jackson Lake [see remarks]
GH: 01236850 Artemisia macrobotrys Ledebour Russia: Orenburg Oblast pr. Sergiewsky [see remarks]
GH: 01236873 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus : Europe (Region): St. Mary's Isle [see remarks]
GH: 01236896 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus United Kingdom: Scotland: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 01236932 Artemisia monogyna Waldst. & Kit. Russia: Bogdo [see remarks]
GH: 01236826 Artemisia mutellina S. G. Gmelin : Europe (Region): [Tyrol] [see remarks]
GH: 01236822 Artemisia mutellina S. G. Gmelin France: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Nei siti pietrosi ad moncenisio ed altrove [see remarks]
GH: 01236829 Artemisia mutellina S. G. Gmelin Switzerland: Valais [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 01236953 Artemisia nitrosa Weber ex Stechmann Kazakhstan: [Kokshetau] [see label] [see remarks]
GH: 01234152 Artemisia norvegica saxatilis Hall & Clements USA: Alaska Aleutians West Census Area: [illegible] St. ... [see remarks]
GH: 01234240 Artemisia nova A. Nelson USA: Wyoming Jacksons Hole; Snake River [see remarks]
GH: 01236976 Artemisia nutans Willdenow Russia: Bogdo [see remarks]
GH: 01236118 Artemisia odoratissima Desfontaines Algeria: Guyon [see remarks]
GH: 01235035 Artemisia rupestris Linnaeus Germany: Thuringia Borxsleben [see remarks]
GH: 01235091 Artemisia salsoloides Willdenow : Russia (Region): Rossia merid. [see remarks]
GH: 01235092 Artemisia salsoloides Willdenow Russia: Orenburg Oblast pr. Sergiewsky [see remarks]
GH: 01235120 Artemisia scoparia Waldstein & Kitaibel : Russia (Region): [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 01235157 Artemisia sericea (Besser) Weber Russia: Orenburg Oblast pr. Sergiewsky [see remarks]
GH: 01235179 Artemisia spicata Wulfen ex Jacq. Italy: Valle d'Aosta Bei siti piertrosi alpi ossolani e delta val... [see remarks]
GH: 01238526 Artemisia stelleriana Besser Russia: Kamchatskiy Kray Kamtschatka [see remarks]
GH: 01235218 Artemisia taurica Willd. : Europe (Region): Caucasus [see remarks]
GH: 01238566 Artemisia thunbergiana Maxim. Japan: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 01234872 Artemisia tridentata Nuttall : North America (CA, US, MX): Rky. Mts. [see remarks]
GH: 01235252 Artemisia vallesiaca All. Switzerland: Valais Ruines du chateau du Tourbillon pres Sion, S... [see remarks]
A: 01235275 Artemisia virgata Gueldenst. ex Ledeb. France: Normandie Gisors [see remarks]
GH: 01234972 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus : Earth: [no data available] [see remarks]
GH: 01234973 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus : North America (CA, US, MX): [no additional d... [see remarks]
GH: 01235283 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus Austria: Wien In lapicidinis prope Neuwaldegg ad Vindobona... [see remarks]
GH: 01238971 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus India: Malabar, Concan [see remarks]
GH: 01238591 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus Japan: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 01235324 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus Kyrgyzstan: Ажалалабадская область ... [see remarks] 1002
GH: 02261852 Askellia pygmaea (Ledebour) Sennikov Canada: Newfoundland & Labrador Labrador: [data not captured] [see remarks] 3
GH: 02247740 Cyanthillium cinereum (Linnaeus) H. Robinson : Southeast Asia: In velle [?] Fatme arabis. [see remarks]
GH: 02247903 Ethulia parviflora Klatt : Southeast Asia: [no additional data] [see remarks] 46
GH: 02250727 Galinsoga parviflora Cavanilles : Southeast Asia: Bourbon. [see remarks] 1159
GH: 02593023 Microseris lindleyi (de Candolle) A. Gray USA: California Univ. of Calif. Div of Genetics [see remarks]
Athyriaceae GH: 02402392 Diplazium cordifolium Blume Malaysia: Penang [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02402650 Diplazium sylvaticum (Bory) Swartz Malaysia: Johor Mt Ophir [see remarks] 141
Balanophoraceae GH: 01583999 Mystropetalon thomii Harvey South Africa: Western Cape Province 56 [Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Lowry... [see remarks]
Begoniaceae GH: 02228011 Begonia sanguinea Raddi Malaysia: Panang[?] [see remarks]
Blechnaceae GH: 02569289 Blechnopsis finlaysoniana (Wallich ex Hook. & Grev.) C. Presl Malaysia: Penang [no additional data] [see remarks]
Bonnetiaceae A: 02305151 Ploiarium elegans Korthals Malaysia: Melaka Malacca [see remarks]
A: 02305184 Ploiarium elegans Korthals Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] [see remarks] S 2263
Boraginaceae GH: 02476810 Tournefortia sarmentosa Lamarck Philippines: [no additional data] [see remarks]
Brassicaceae GH: 02454534 Anastatica hierochuntica L. Egypt: En Aegypto [see remarks]
GH: 02454879 Heliophila florulenta Sonder South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
GH: 02454895 Heliophila peltaria de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: 64 [Cape, mountains near Kapstadt... [see remarks]
GH: 02454896 Heliophila pendula Willdenow South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Swellendam: 89 [Swellendam, Rivierzondereind... [see remarks]
A: 02454914 Heliophila scoparia Burchell ex de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: 64 [Cape, mountains near Kapstadt... [see remarks]
GH: 02454912 Heliophila scoparia Burchell ex de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: 64 [Cape, mountains near Kapstadt... [see remarks]
GH: 02454918 Heliophila stricta Sims South Africa: Western Cape Province 80 [Clanwilliam, Bergvalei (Berg Valley) (II... [see remarks]
GH: 02454926 Heliophila suavissima Burchell ex de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
GH: 02451086 Matthiola oxyceras de Candolle Egypt: Ex Aegypto [see remarks]
GH: 02451097 Matthiola torulosa (Thunberg) de Candolle South Africa: 118 [Cis-Garipina, along Garip (Orange R.), ... [see remarks]
GH: 02451105 Matthiola tricuspidata (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton : Earth: [no data available] [see remarks]
GH: 02451139 Neslia paniculata (Linnaeus) Desvaux : Earth: Falstriae. Kroghauge [see remarks]
Bruniaceae GH: 02451382 Audouinia capitata (Linnaeus) Brongniart South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: 58 [Caledon, Kleinriviersberg, 1-30... [see remarks]
GH: 02451453 Brunia passerinoides Schlechtendal South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: 51 [Caledon, Zwarteberg (Swartberg)... [see remarks]
GH: 02451450 Brunia pinifolia (Linnaeus f.) Brongniart South Africa: Western Cape Province 76 [Clan william, Olifantsrivier and Villa B... [see remarks]
GH: 02451447 Brunia racemosa (Linnaeus) Brongniart South Africa: Western Cape Province 56 [Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Lowry... [see remarks]
GH: 02451456 Brunia virgata Brongniart South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Swellendam: 89 [Swellendam, Rivierzondereind... [see remarks]
GH: 02451454 Brunia virgata Brongniart South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Swellendam: 70 [Swellendam, Puspasvalei (331... [see remarks]
GH: 02451481 Lonchostoma myrtoides (Vahl) Pillans South Africa: Western Cape Province 56 [Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Lowry... [see remarks]
GH: 02451510 Nebelia paleacea (P. J. Bergius) Sweet South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Stellenbosch: 59 [Stellenbosch, Hottentottsh... [see remarks]
GH: 02451540 Staavia comosa (Thunberg) Colozza South Africa: Western Cape Province 56 [Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Lowry... [see remarks]
GH: 02451538 Staavia comosa (Thunberg) Colozza South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: 51 [Caledon, Zwarteberg (Swartberg)... [see remarks]
GH: 02451560 Staavia radiata (Linnaeus) Dahl South Africa: Western Cape Province 56 [Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Lowry... [see remarks]
GH: 02451558 Staavia radiata (Linnaeus) Dahl South Africa: Western Cape Province 61 [Stellenbosch, Hottentottsholland, under ... [see remarks]
GH: 02451596 Tittmannia laxa (Thunberg) C. Presl South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Swellendam: 96 [Swellendam, between Puspasvl... [see remarks]
Burseraceae GH: 02276098 Canarium sp. : Borneo: [no additional data] [see remarks]
Caesalpiniaceae A: 02229700 Chamaecrista nictitans glabrata (Vogel) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Malaysia: Penang Pulo Penang [see remarks]
A: 02229824 Crudia wrayi Prain Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] [see remarks] S 00369
GH: 02321006 Parkinsonia africana Sond. South Africa: Northern Cape Province 130 [Bushmanland, Kamos (Kamas, 3018 DB), Ko... [see remarks]
GH: 02231950 Peltophorum pterocarpum (de Candolle) Backer ex K. Heyne : Borneo: [no additional data] [see remarks] 140
A: 02232198 Phanera menispermacea (Gagnepain) de Wit Malaysia: Sarawak Bukit Mina Wildlife Corridor. Southwest of B... [see remarks] S 99090
GH: 02304750 Saraca sp. : Borneo: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02304702 Saraca triandra (Roxburgh) Baker Malaysia: Mount Ophir [see remarks]
GH: 02321098 Schotia latifolia Jacq. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 3 [Uitenhage, Krakakamma (Kraggak... [see remarks]
GH: 02321108 Schotia speciosa Jacquin South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
Campanulaceae GH: 02451653 Cyphia bulbosa (Linnaeus) P. J. Bergius South Africa: 64 [Cape, mountains near Kapstadt (Cape Town... [see remarks]
GH: 02451664 Cyphia digitata (Thunberg) Willdenow South Africa: Western Cape Province 76 [Clan william, Olifantsrivier and Villa B... [see remarks]
A: 02451670 Cyphia elata Harvey South Africa: Limpopo Province Pietersburg [see remarks]
GH: 02451681 Cyphia phyteuma (Linnaeus) Willdenow South Africa: Western Cape Province 76 [Clan william, Olifantsrivier and Villa B... [see remarks]
GH: 02450048 Dobrowskya dregeana C.Presl South Africa: Northern Cape Province 33 [Ceded Territory, Philipstown (Philipton)... [see remarks]
GH: 02450036 Merciera brevifolia A.DC. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: 57 [Caledon, Babylonschetoornsberg ... [see remarks]
GH: 02450034 Merciera tenuifolia (L.f.) A.DC. South Africa: Western Cape Province 53 [Stellenbosch, Houhoeksbergen, 1-3000’ ... [see remarks]
GH: 02450043 Monopsis corymbosa (G.Don) C.Presl South Africa: Western Cape Province 59 [Stellenbosch, Hottentottshollandbergen, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02450046 Monopsis debilis (L.f.) C.Presl South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: 64 [Cape, mountains near Kapstadt... [see remarks]
GH: 02450048 Monopsis sp. South Africa: Northern Cape Province 33 [Ceded Territory, Philipstown (Philipton)... [see remarks]
GH: 02450076 Prismatocarpus brevilobus A.DC. South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02450076 Prismatocarpus diffusus (L.f.) A.DC. South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02450091 Prismatocarpus paniculatus L'Heritier South Africa: Western Cape Province 94 [George, adjoining Gouritzrivier, under 1... [see remarks]
GH: 02451800 Rapuntium anceps (L.f.) C.Presl South Africa: 62 [Cape, seashore and dunes, Rietvalei (Rie... [see remarks]
GH: 02451811 Rapuntium bellidifolium (L.f.) C.Presl South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
GH: 02451923 Rapuntium pedunculare C.Presl South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
GH: 02451933 Rapuntium pinifolium (L.) Chaz. South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02451962 Rapuntium setaceum (Thunb.) C.Presl South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: 78 [Cape, Doornhoogde, Cape Flats... [see remarks]
GH: 02450110 Roella ciliata L. South Africa: Western Cape Province 92 [Stellenbosch, Klapmuts , 500-1500’ (II... [see remarks]
GH: 02450130 Roella secunda H.Buek South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 4 [Uitenhage, Vanstaadesberg (Van... [see remarks] 2414
GH: 02450178 Wahlenbergia capensis (L.) A.DC. South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02450201 Wahlenbergia massonii A.DC. South Africa: Western Cape Province 80 [Clanwilliam, Bergvalei (Berg Valley) (II... [see remarks] 2381
GH: 02450214 Wahlenbergia procumbens (L.f.) A.DC. South Africa: Western Cape Province 92 [Stellenbosch, Klapmuts , 500-1500’ (II... [see remarks]
GH: 02450232 Wahlenbergia undulata (L.f.) A.DC. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: 26 [Albany, Grahamstown = No.16 3326... [see remarks]
Celastraceae GH: 02452699 Cassine aethiopica Thunberg South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 6 [Kafferland, Katrivier and Katberg, 2-3000... [see remarks]
A: 02452310 Cassine colpoon Thunberg South Africa: Western Cape Province 76 [Clan william, Olifantsrivier and Villa B... [see remarks]
A: 02452309 Cassine colpoon Thunberg South Africa: Western Cape Province 76 [Clan william, Olifantsrivier and Villa B... [see remarks]
A: 02452310 Cassine peragua Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province 76 [Clan william, Olifantsrivier and Villa B... [see remarks]
A: 02452309 Cassine peragua Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province 76 [Clan william, Olifantsrivier and Villa B... [see remarks]
A: 02452304 Cassine peragua Linnaeus South Africa: Capland [see remarks]
A: 02452304 Elaeodendron capense C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher South Africa: Capland [see remarks]
GH: 02452349 Gymnosporia buxifolia (Linnaeus) Szyszylowicz South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: 16 [Albany, Grahamstown, 1500-2500... [see remarks]
A: 02452669 Gymnosporia lancifolia (Thonning) Loesener : Africa: Deutsch Ost Africa, Sachre[illegible... [see remarks] 700
A: 02452669 Gymnosporia lancifolia (Thonning) Loesener : Africa: Deutsch Ost Africa, Sachre[illegible... [see remarks] 700
A: 02452378 Gymnosporia linearis (Linnaeus f.) Loesener South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
A: 02452436 Gymnosporia senegalensis inermis (A. Richard) Loesener : Africa: [no additional data] [see remarks] 3505
A: 02452439 Gymnosporia sp. : Africa: Useguha [see remarks]
GH: 02452451 Gymnosporia trigyna (Lamarck) Baker Mauritius: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02452479 Hartogia multiflora C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02452640 Maytenus oleoides (Lamarck) Loesener South Africa: 64 [Cape, mountains near Kapstadt (Cape Town... [see remarks]
A: 02452639 Maytenus oleoides (Lamarck) Loesener South Africa: 64 [Cape, mountains near Kapstadt (Cape Town... [see remarks]
A: 02452669 Maytenus undata (Thunberg) Blakelock : Africa: Deutsch Ost Africa, Sachre[illegible... [see remarks] 700
A: 02452669 Maytenus undata (Thunberg) Blakelock : Africa: Deutsch Ost Africa, Sachre[illegible... [see remarks] 700
GH: 02452674 Maytenus undata (Thunberg) Blakelock South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 4 [Uitenhage, Vanstaadesberg (Van Stadensber... [see remarks]
GH: 02452699 Mystroxylon aethiopicum (Thunberg) Loesener South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 6 [Kafferland, Katrivier and Katberg, 2-3000... [see remarks]
A: 02452713 Mystroxylon athranthum C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
A: 02452712 Mystroxylon athranthum C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452733 Pterocelastrus rostratus (Thunberg) Walpers : Africa: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02452737 Pterocelastrus rostratus (Thunberg) Walpers South Africa: Western Cape Province George C. P. Jonkersberg [see remarks]
GH: 02452733 Pterocelastrus sp. : Africa: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02452640 Scytophyllum laurinum (Thunberg) C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher South Africa: 64 [Cape, mountains near Kapstadt (Cape Town... [see remarks]
A: 02452639 Scytophyllum laurinum (Thunberg) C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher South Africa: 64 [Cape, mountains near Kapstadt (Cape Town... [see remarks]
Convolvulaceae A: 02421109 Camonea pilosa (Houttuyn) A. R. Simões & Staples Indonesia: Jawa: Java. [see remarks] 4
Cyatheaceae GH: 02530274 Sphaeropteris alternans (Hooker) R. M. Tryon Singapore: [no additional data] [see remarks] 125
GH: 02530361 Sphaeropteris moluccana (R. Brown ex Desvaux) R. M. Tryon Malaysia: Penang Penang [see remarks]
A: 02530422 Sphaeropteris sp. Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks] 2785
Davalliaceae GH: 02508041 Davallia solida Swartz Singapore: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02569908 Leucostegia pallida (Mettenius) Copeland Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] [see remarks] 181
Dipsacaceae GH: 02451348 Scabiosa buekiana C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 10 [Uitenhage, Olifantshoek (Alex... [see remarks]
Dipterocarpaceae A: 02567826 Neobalanocarpus heimii (King) P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Kedah 19 mile Bukit Selambau [see remarks] 8991
A: 02567825 Neobalanocarpus heimii (King) P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Kedah Sumpitau[?], Upper Perak [see remarks] 8817
A: 02568032 Shorea acuminata Dyer Malaysia: Perak Batang Padang Tapah [see remarks] 11730
A: 02568133 Shorea albida Symington ex A. V. Thomas Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: [no additional data] [see remarks] S 1253
GH: 02620464 Shorea macrophylla (de Vriese) P. S. Ashton : Borneo: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02620577 Shorea macroptera baillonii (Heim) P. S. Ashton : Borneo: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02620578 Shorea macroptera baillonii (Heim) P. S. Ashton : Borneo: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02226767 Vatica umbonata (Hooker f.) Burck Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] [see remarks]
Dryopteridaceae GH: 02505217 Bolbitis rhizophylla (Kaulfuss) Hennipman Philippines: Quezon Dolores [see remarks] 1905
GH: 02505406 Dryopteris wallichiana (Sprengel) Hylander Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks] 3012
GH: 02505411 Dryopteris wallichiana (Sprengel) Hylander Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks]
Ebenaceae A: 02477255 Diospyros ellipticifolia Bakhuizen : New Guinea: [no additional dat] [see remarks] 213
GH: 02452817 Diospyros glabra (Linnaeus) De Winter South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 10 [Uitenhage, Olifantshoek (Alexandria,3326... [see remarks]
GH: 02452816 Diospyros glabra (Linnaeus) De Winter South Africa: 78 [Cape, Doornhoogde, Cape Flats (III, E, b... [see remarks]
GH: 02452821 Diospyros pallens (Thunberg) F. White South Africa: Western Cape Province 100 [George, Langekloof, 2-4000’ (IV, B, c... [see remarks]
GH: 02452822 Diospyros scabrida (Harvey ex Hiern) De Winter South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 10 [Uitenhage, Olifantshoek (Alexandria,3326... [see remarks]
GH: 02452820 Diospyros sp. South Africa: Western Cape Province 76 [Clan william, Olifantsrivier and Villa B... [see remarks]
GH: 02452819 Diospyros sp. South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 13 [Kafferland, Winterberg, between Tarka (3... [see remarks]
GH: 02452818 Diospyros sp. South Africa: Western Cape Province 89 [Swellendam, Rivierzondereinde, at Stormv... [see remarks]
GH: 02452812 Euclea lancea Thunberg South Africa: Western Cape Province 76 [Clan william, Olifantsrivier and Villa B... [see remarks]
GH: 02452811 Euclea lanceolata E. Meyer ex A. de Candolle South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 4 [Uitenhage, Vanstaadesberg (Van Stadensber... [see remarks]
GH: 02452813 Euclea linearis Zeyher ex Hiern South Africa: Western Cape Province 138 [Clanwilliam, Matjesfontein (near juncti... [see remarks]
GH: 02452814 Euclea polyandra (Linnaeus f.) E. Meyer ex Hiern South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 22 [Uitenhage, mouths of Koega (Coega) and Z... [see remarks]
GH: 02452815 Euclea polyandra (Linnaeus f.) E. Meyer ex Hiern South Africa: Western Cape Province 74 [Clan william, Cederbergen (Cederberg), 2... [see remarks]
GH: 02452816 Euclea racemosa Linnaeus South Africa: 78 [Cape, Doornhoogde, Cape Flats (III, E, b... [see remarks]
Elaphoglossaceae GH: 02505551 Elaphoglossum blumeanum J. Smith Indonesia: Jawa: Archipel. Ind. Java [see remarks] 699
Euphorbiaceae A: 02452100 Drypetes arguta (Müller Arg.) Hutchinson South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Ngya[?], Zululand [see remarks] 1448
Fabaceae GH: 02234827 Abrus precatorius Linnaeus Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02323003 Acanthyllis numidica (Murb.) Pomel Algeria: Paturages des montagnes du Djurdjura dans la... [see remarks]
GH: 02321886 Alysicarpus hochstetteri A.Rich. : Earth: [no data available] [see remarks]
GH: 02321886 Alysicarpus rugosus de Candolle : Earth: [no data available] [see remarks]
A: 02233014 Alysicarpus vaginalis (Linnaeus) de Candolle Philippines: Quezon Tayabas. Calawag [see remarks] 4
GH: 02321948 Amphithalea ericaefolia (L.) Eckl. & Zeyh. South Africa: 78 [Cape, Doornhoogde, Cape Flats (III, E, b... [see remarks]
GH: 02321960 Amphithalea humilis Eckl. & Zeyh. South Africa: Western Cape Province 56 [Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Lowry... [see remarks]
GH: 02321963 Amphithalea micrantha (E.Mey.) Walp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 4 [Uitenhage, Vanstaadesberg (Van... [see remarks]
GH: 02321971 Amphithalea virgata Eckl. & Zeyh. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: 58 [Caledon, Kleinriviersberg, 1-30... [see remarks]
GH: 02323003 Anthyllis tetraphylla L. Algeria: Paturages des montagnes du Djurdjura dans la... [see remarks]
GH: 02323063 Argyrolobium lanceolatum (E.Mey.) Eckl. & Zeyh. South Africa: Western Cape Province 59 [Stellenbosch, Hottentottshollandbergen, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02323100 Argyrolobium patens Eckl. & Zeyh. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
GH: 02323078 Argyrolobium speciosum Eckl. & Zeyh. South Africa: Northern Cape Province 33 [Ceded Territory, Philipstown (Philipton)... [see remarks]
GH: 02323117 Aspalathus albens L. South Africa: Western Cape Province 76 [Clan william, Olifantsrivier and Villa B... [see remarks]
GH: 02323219 Aspalathus ciliaris L. South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02323223 Aspalathus collina Eckl. & Zeyh. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 93 [Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth and... [see remarks]
GH: 02323225 Aspalathus confusa R.Dahlgren South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02323262 Aspalathus fasciculata (Thunb.) Druce South Africa: Western Cape Province 72 [Worcester, Winterhoeksberg, 1-5000’ (I... [see remarks]
GH: 02323284 Aspalathus hispida albiflora (Ecklon & Zeyher) R. Dahlgren South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
GH: 02323326 Aspalathus linearis (N. L. Burman) R. Dahlgren South Africa: 63 [Cape, Tafelberges (Table Mtn), 2500-3500... [see remarks]
GH: 02323333 Aspalathus lotoides Thunb. South Africa: Western Cape Province 142 [Clanwilliam, Piquetberg (Piketberg), 1-... [see remarks]
GH: 02323335 Aspalathus marginalis Eckl. & Zeyh. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
GH: 02323336 Aspalathus microphylla DC. : Earth: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02323346 Aspalathus nigra L. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: 51 [Caledon, Zwarteberg (Swartberg)... [see remarks]
GH: 02323345 Aspalathus nigra L. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: 51 [Caledon, Zwarteberg (Swartberg)... [see remarks]
GH: 02323378 Aspalathus quinquefolia virgata (Thunberg) R. Dahlgren South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02323385 Aspalathus recurva Benth. South Africa: Middelburg, C. P. Grootfontein School of Agr... [see remarks]
GH: 02323397 Aspalathus rugosa Thunb. South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02323405 Aspalathus sericea P.J.Bergius South Africa: 78 [Cape, Doornhoogde, Cape Flats (III, E, b... [see remarks]
GH: 02323420 Aspalathus setacea Eckl. & Zeyh. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 4 [Uitenhage, Vanstaadesberg (Van... [see remarks]
GH: 02323417 Aspalathus setacea Eckl. & Zeyh. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 15 [Uitenhage, Grassrug (Grass Ri... [see remarks]
GH: 02323485 Aspalathus sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Swellendam: 70 [Swellendam, Puspasvalei (331... [see remarks]
GH: 02323483 Aspalathus uniflora L. South Africa: Western Cape Province 77 [Worcester, Tulbagskloof (Nieuwekloof), T... [see remarks]
A: 02323694 Baphia nitida Loddiges : Africa: Trop. Westafrika. Lago[?] [see remarks]
GH: 02323826 Borbonia candolleana Eckl. & Zeyh. South Africa: Western Cape Province 77 [Worcester, Tulbagskloof (Nieuwekloof), T... [see remarks]
GH: 02323844 Borbonia lanceolata L. South Africa: 78 [Cape, Doornhoogde, Cape Flats (III, E, b... [see remarks]
GH: 02323857 Borbonia parviflora Lam. South Africa: Western Cape Province 77 [Worcester, Tulbagskloof (Nieuwekloof), T... [see remarks]
GH: 02323900 Buchenroedera sp. South Africa: 8 [Tambukiland, Klipplaatrivier, at Silo (Sh... [see remarks]
A: 02323894 Buchenroedera tenuifolia Eckl. & Zeyh. South Africa: Limpopo Province from "Madiera Hill" [see remarks] 4
GH: 02323951 Calpurnia sylvatica (Burch.) E.Mey. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 10 [Uitenhage, Olifantshoek (Alex... [see remarks]
GH: 02233288 Canavalia ensiformis (Linnaeus) de Candolle Indonesia: Penins. Ind. Or. [see remarks]
GH: 02323994 Coelidium ciliare (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Vogel ex Walp. South Africa: Western Cape Province 90 [Swellendam, Rivierzondereinde,at Appelsk... [see remarks]
GH: 02322062 Crotalaria agatiflora Schweinf. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: Cape. Grown at Mowbray near Capet... [see remarks]
GH: 02322105 Crotalaria capensis Jacq. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
GH: 02233511 Crotalaria incana Linnaeus Malaysia: Penang Pulo Penang [see remarks]
GH: 02233560 Crotalaria pallida Aiton India: Assam [see remarks]
GH: 02322336 Crotalaria purpurea Vent. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Swellendam: 90 [Swellendam, Rivierzondereind... [see remarks]
GH: 02322128 Crotalaria sp. : Africa: Victoria River [see remarks]
GH: 02322384 Crotalaria striata de Candolle : Africa: [no additional data] [see remarks] 534
A: 02233600 Crotalaria verrucosa Linnaeus Indonesia: Jawa: [data not captured] [see remarks]
GH: 02322523 Cyclopia laricina E.Mey. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Swellendam: 90 [Swellendam, Rivierzondereind... [see remarks]
GH: 02322540 Cyclopia teretifolia Eckl. & Zeyh. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: 58 [Caledon, Kleinriviersberg, 1-30... [see remarks]
A: 02236371 Desmodium heterophyllum (Willdenow) de Candolle Malaysia: Penang Pulo Penang [see remarks]
GH: 02236412 Desmodium microphyllum (Thunberg) de Candolle Malaysia: Pahang [no additional data] [see remarks] 321
GH: 02322816 Desmodium salicifolium (Poiret ex Lamarck) de Candolle Niger: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02322856 Desmodium tortuosum (Swartz) de Candolle South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal. On the main road from Port Shepstone ... [see remarks] 433
A: 02322857 Desmodium tortuosum (Swartz) de Candolle South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal. On the main road from Port Shepstone ... [see remarks] 433
GH: 02321948 Ingenhoussia ericifolia (L.) E.Mey. South Africa: 78 [Cape, Doornhoogde, Cape Flats (III, E, b... [see remarks]
A: 02261908 Ormosia sumatrana (Miquel) Prain Indonesia: Sumatera: [no additional data] [see remarks] 2592
A: 02261914 Ormosia sumatrana (Miquel) Prain Indonesia: Sumatera: [no additional data] [see remarks] 2684
A: 02262032 Phylacium bracteosum Bennett Indonesia: Sulawesi: Celebes [see remarks]
A: 02259724 [None] Papua New Guinea: National Capital Port Moresby: Koitaki [see remarks] 12651
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: National Capital Port Moresby: Koitaki [see remarks] 12651
Fagaceae A: 02554784 Lithocarpus blumeanus (Korthals) Rehder Indonesia: Jawa: Archipel. Ind. Java. Tjigowa. Tjimeran... [see remarks] v. d. B. 5.
A: 02555208 Lithocarpus elegans (Blume) Hatusima ex Soepadmo Indonesia: Jawa: Java [see remarks] 66
A: 02555730 Lithocarpus lucidus (Roxburgh) Rehder Singapore: Bukit Mandal [see remarks]
A: 02555892 Lithocarpus pallidus (Blume) Rehder Indonesia: Jawa: Java. [see remarks] 69
A: 02555980 Lithocarpus rassa (Miquel) Rehder Malaysia: Penang Penang: Penang Hill [see remarks] 19369
GH: 02556218 Lithocarpus wallichianus (Lindley ex Hance) Rehder : Southeast Asia: Birma and Malay Peninsula. [see remarks] 4464
A: 02557197 Quercus lineata Blume Indonesia: Jawa: Java. [see remarks] 63
Flacourtiaceae GH: 02451782 Lightfootia sp. : Earth: [illegible] [see remarks]
GH: 02451766 Lightfootia tenella G. Loddiges South Africa: [see label for additional data] [see remarks]
Frankeniaceae GH: 02452786 Frankenia laevis Linnaeus South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
Gentianaceae GH: 01245234 Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus : Europe (Region): [illegible] [see remarks] 11
GH: 01245304 Gentiana asclepiadea L. : Europe (Region): [illegible] [see remarks]
GH: 01245282 Gentiana asclepiadea L. : Europe (Region): Caucasus [see remarks]
GH: 01245281 Gentiana asclepiadea L. : Europe (Region): Caucasus [see remarks]
GH: 01245302 Gentiana asclepiadea L. Austria: Salzburg [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 01245309 Gentiana asclepiadea L. France: Corse [Corsica] [see remarks]
GH: 01245300 Gentiana asclepiadea L. Germany: Bavaria [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 01244010 Gentiana bavarica Linnaeus : Europe (Region): [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 01246372 Gentiana decumbens Linnaeus f. Russia: Altay Altai. [see remarks]
GH: 01246373 Gentiana decumbens Linnaeus f. Russia: In transbaicalin[fiba?] [see remarks]
GH: 01246829 Gentiana depressa D.Don : India: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 01246434 Gentiana loureiroi (G. Don) Grisebach China: Fujian Ku-dien [see remarks]
GH: 00963649 Gentiana macrophylla Pallas China: Shanxi S. of Hechiata Wenshui Shansi [see remarks] 74
GH: 01245071 Gentiana quadrifaria Blume Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 01246945 Gentiana quadrifaria Blume Sri Lanka: [no additional data] [see remarks]
Gleicheniaceae GH: 02552788 Gleichenia bifurcata Blume Malaysia: Mt. Ophir [see remarks] 254
GH: 02552798 Gleichenia circinnata Swartz Malaysia: Mt. Ophir [see remarks] 253
Goodeniaceae GH: 02450279 Scaevola plumieri (Linnaeus) Vahl South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
Helminthostachyaceae GH: 02580197 Helminthostachys zeylanica (Linnaeus) Hooker : Borneo: [no additional data] [see remarks] 280
Iridaceae GH: 00962656 Iris iberica Steven : East Asia: Caucalus [see remarks]
Lamiaceae A: 02236914 Leonotis leonurus (Linnaeus) R. Brown South Africa: Gauteng Province Pretoria: [data not captured] [see remarks] H-141
GH: 02236915 Leonotis leonurus (Linnaeus) R. Brown South Africa: [data not captured] [see remarks]
GH: 02502530 Monarda punctata villicaulis (Pennell) Shinners USA: Iowa [illegible] [see remarks]
GH: 02236618 Monarda stanfieldii Small USA: Texas [data not captured] [see remarks]
Lauraceae A: 02499207 Litsea odorifera Valeton Indonesia: Sumatera: Sumatra Res. Palembang Boschwezen ... [see remarks]
A: 02499395 Litsea sebifera Persoon Malaysia: Kedah Batu 15, Sintoh [see remarks] KEP 33067
Lecythidaceae ECON: 02438038 Barringtonia asiatica (Linn) Kurz : Southeast Asia: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02438267 Barringtonia sarcostachys (Blume) Miquel Malaysia: Sarawak Arboretum, tree no. 37 [see remarks] S 13040
Linaceae GH: 01247099 Linum catharticum Linnaeus Norway: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 01247098 Linum catharticum Linnaeus United Kingdom: England: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 01247192 Linum flavum Linnaeus Turkey: Mardin Mardin. Mesopotamia. [see remarks]
GH: 01247175 Linum gallicum Linnaeus : Europe (Region): [Vienna?] [illegible] [see remarks]
GH: 01247149 Linum gallicum Linnaeus Croatia: Am Meeresufer zwischen Fiume u. Valosca. [see remarks]
GH: 01247287 Linum nodiflorum Linnaeus : Europe: Istria. [see remarks]
GH: 02453387 Linum quadrifolium Linnaeus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: 64 [Cape, mountains near Kapstadt... [see remarks]
GH: 01248920 Linum strictum Linnaeus Algeria: Alger Env. de Blidah [see remarks]
GH: 01248783 Linum strictum Linnaeus China: Xizang (Tibet) West Tibet. [see remarks] 308
GH: 01247454 Linum tenuifolium Linnaeus : Earth: [no additional data] [see remarks]
ECON: 01247547 Linum usitatissimum Linnaeus Germany: Bavaria München: Bayern. Im München cult. [see remarks]
GH: 01247488 Linum viscosum Linnaeus France: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur fruequente tra le siepi Tenda e la Briga [see remarks]
Lindsaeaceae GH: 02282580 Lindsaea cultrata (Willdenow) Swartz : Borneo: Labuan[?] [see remarks] 13
GH: 02282615 Lindsaea divergens Hook. & Grev. : Borneo: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02282614 Lindsaea divergens Hook. & Grev. Malaysia: Penang [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02282671 Lindsaea javanensis Blume Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02286603 Lindsaea lucida Blume Philippines: Metropolitan Manila Manille [see remarks]
GH: 02287085 Tapeinidium pinnatum (Cavanilles) C. Christensen Malaysia: Penang [no additional data] [see remarks]
Lobeliaceae GH: 02451800 Lobelia anceps L.f. South Africa: 62 [Cape, seashore and dunes, Rietvalei (Rie... [see remarks]
GH: 02451811 Lobelia bellidifolia L. ex B.D.Jacks. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
GH: 02451814 Lobelia caerulea Sims South Africa: C. B. S. [Caput Bonae Spei, Cape of Good Hop... [see remarks]
GH: 02451819 Lobelia capillifolia (C. Presl) A. de Candolle South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02451923 Lobelia pedunculata R.Br. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
GH: 02451933 Lobelia pinifolia L. South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02451962 Lobelia setacea Thunb. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: 78 [Cape, Doornhoogde, Cape Flats... [see remarks]
GH: 02451999 Lobelia variifolia Sims South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
Lomariopsidaceae GH: 02506298 Lomariopsis cochinchinensis Fée Malaysia: Sabah N. Borneo [see remarks] 121
Loranthaceae GH: 02452825 Erianthemum dregei (C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher) Tieghem South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: 32 [Albany, Hermanuskraal (now Fort ... [see remarks]
GH: 02453866 Moquiniella rubra (A. Sprengel) Balle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
GH: 02453767 Tapinanthus prunifolius (E. Meyer ex Harvey) Tieghem South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: 107 [Albany, along the east of Kowie... [see remarks]
GH: 02453988 Viscum capense Linnaeus f. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Swellendam: 70 [Swellendam, Puspasvalei (331... [see remarks]
GH: 02452013 Viscum glaucum C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher : Africa: Prom. b. sp. [Promontorium Bonae Spe... [see remarks]
GH: 02452014 Viscum glaucum C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
GH: 02452033 Viscum rotundifolium Linnaeus f. South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
Lythraceae A: 02519315 Sonneratia alba Smith Malaysia: Labuan: Victoria harbour [see remarks] 4
A: 00219376 Sonneratia ovata Backer Malaysia: Borneo: Labuan, inner side of mangrove swamp... [see remarks] 5
GH: 02519452 Woodfordia fruticosa (Linnaeus) Kurz : Southeast Asia: Timor [see remarks]
Matoniaceae GH: 02283624 Matonia pectinata R. Brown : Asia: [no additional data] [see remarks]
Melastomataceae GH: 02270140 Astronia sp. Philippines: Laguna Isl.: Luzon; Prov.: Laguna; Loc.: UPLB, Coll... [see remarks] PPI 10427
A: 02271250 Medinilla crassifolia (Reinw. ex Blume) Blume Malaysia: Sabah Maliau Basin Conservation Area [see remarks] MB704
A: 02274663 Memecylon sp. Malaysia: Sabah Maliau Basin Conservation Area [see remarks] MB 587
Meliaceae A: 02482211 Aglaia elaeagnoidea (A. Jussieu) Bentham Indonesia: Maluku Key [see remarks] 350
Mimosaceae A: 02253994 Archidendron sp. Papua New Guinea: Gulf Kaintiba-Malalo track. 3 km S of Kaintiba [see remarks] 802
GH: 02234236 Cathormion umbellatum (Vahl) Kostermans : Australasia: Point Pearce [see remarks]
GH: 02321471 Elephantorrhiza elephantina (Burchell) Skeels South Africa: 7 [Tambukiland, Keyrivier (Kei River), betwe... [see remarks]
GH: 02321623 Parkia pedunculata J.F.Macbr. Senegal: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02321669 Piptadeniastrum africanum (Hook.f.) Brenan Gabon: Estuaire Env. de Libreville [see remarks]
A: 02234720 Schrankia leptocarpa de Candolle Indonesia: Jawa: Rowa bei Klatten [see remarks]
Monimiaceae A: 02296974 Kibara coriacea (Blume) Tulasne Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks]
Myrsinaceae GH: 02439759 Aegiceras corniculatum (Linnaeus) Blanco Indonesia: Maluku Tobi Island [see remarks]
A: 02438769 Ardisia benomensis M. R. Henderson Malaysia: Pahang Gunong Benom [see remarks]
GH: 01547535 Ardisia crispa (Thunberg) A. de Candolle Malaysia: Semenanjung Malaysia: Penang + Singapore [see remarks] 2282
A: 02438914 Ardisia eximia Miquel Indonesia: Sumatera: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02439077 Ardisia fuliginosa Blume Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02439156 Ardisia javanica A. de Candolle Indonesia: Jawa: Mt [illegible] [see remarks]
A: 02440127 Ardisia sanguinolenta Blume Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02440308 Ardisia villosa Roxburgh Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 01114081 Ardisia villosa Roxburgh Indonesia: Java: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02441459 Discocalyx sylvestris A. C. Smith Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) Talaud Isla [see remarks] 3122 3132
GH: 02441949 Embelia ribes N. L. Burman Indonesia: Jawa: [data not captured] [see remarks]
GH: 02442627 Maesa membranifolia Mez Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02442636 Maesa naumanniana Mez Malaysia: Malaysia Timor: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02443857 Myrsine densiflora Scheffer Indonesia: Sulawesi Selatan (South Sulawesi) Celebes en Ond. Malili Tjerekang [see remarks] NIFS Cel./III-154
Myrtaceae A: 02424190 Eugenia sp. : Borneo: ZO. Borneo. W. Koetai [Kutai] [see remarks] b.b.16890
A: 02424175 Eugenia sp. : Borneo: ZO.Borneo. West Koetei [Kutai] [see remarks] b.b.16865
A: 02424226 Eugenia sp. : Borneo: Z.O.Afd.v.Borneo. Tidoengsche Landen [see remarks] bb.17959
A: 02424210 Eugenia sp. : Borneo: Z.O.Borneo. Berouw [see remarks] b.b.18923
A: 02424440 Eugenia sp. : Borneo: ZO.Borneo. W. Koetei [Kutai]. [see remarks] b.b.16861
A: 02424489 Eugenia sp. : Borneo: ZO.Borneo.W. Koetei [Kutai] [see remarks] b.b.16926
A: 02424262 Eugenia sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi: Celebes en Ond.Malili, Malili, [see remarks] Cel.IV.127
A: 02424504 Eugenia sp. Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Tapanoeli. Sibolga c.a. Boschgeb. Koealo Poe... [see remarks] b.b.19658
A: 01689333 Syzygium adelphicum Diels Papua New Guinea: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02448066 Syzygium chloranthum (Duthie) Merrill & L. M. Perry Malaysia: Sarawak Mt. 1.8.; Kuching [see remarks]
A: 02448880 Syzygium leptostemon (Korthals) Merrill & L. M. Perry Indonesia: Kalimantan: [data not captured] [see remarks]
A: 02436076 Syzygium lineatum (de Candolle) Merrill & L. M. Perry Indonesia: Jawa: Java [see remarks]
A: 02436119 Syzygium malaccense (Linnaeus) Merrill & L. M. Perry Malaysia: Sabah Danum Valley and environs; from Stirling Uni... [see remarks] 1/359
A: 02436326 Syzygium oligomyrum Diels : Borneo: Westerafd.v.Borneo.Semitau. [see remarks] bb. 17092
A: 02436342 Syzygium oligomyrum Diels : Borneo: ZO.Borneo.West Koetei. [see remarks] b.b.16893
A: 02436520 Syzygium polyanthum (Wight) Walpers Indonesia: Kalimantan: near Pleihari; Batoe Randakan [see remarks] 1940
A: 02436987 Syzygium rostratum (Blume) de Candolle Indonesia: [no additional data] [see remarks] 3217
A: 02436951 Syzygium rubrimolle B. Hyland : Earth: [data not captured] [see remarks] 836
A: 02425434 Syzygium tawahense (Korthals) Merrill & L. M. Perry Malaysia: Sarawak Rejang [see remarks] Haviland 2920
Nymphaeaceae GH: 00978764 Nymphaea capensis Thunberg South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
Orchidaceae AMES: 02017638 Cymbidium finlaysonianum Wallich ex Lindley Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks]
Paeoniaceae ECON: 01247925 Paeonia officinalis Linnaeus Germany: Thuringia Weimar [see remarks]
GH: 01247912 Paeonia officinalis Linnaeus Italy: Trieste + Istria [see remarks]
GH: 01247963 Paeonia tenuifolia Linnaeus Slovakia: e campis Cumonius [see remarks]
Papaveraceae GH: 02437353 Cysticapnos cracca (Chamisso & Schlechtendal) Lidén South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 36 [Uitenhage, Ado (Addo), 1-2000’ (V, a, ... [see remarks]
Parkeriaceae GH: 02529463 Ceratopteris thalictroides (Linnaeus) Brongniart Malaysia: Singapore, Penang, &c. [see remarks] 131
Phyllanthaceae A: 02486729 Antidesma curranii Merr. Philippines: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02475653 Antidesma montanum salicinum (Ridley) Petra Hoffmann Malaysia: Pahang Sungai Nipah [see remarks] 25838
A: 02331907 Baccaurea tetrandra (Baillon) Müller Argoviensis Malaysia: Sabah Maliau Basin Conservation Area [see remarks] 662
A: 02331901 Baccaurea tetrandra (Baillon) Müller Argoviensis Malaysia: Sabah Maliau Basin Conservation Area [see remarks] MB608
Plantaginaceae A: 02290254 Veronica gibbsii Kirk New Zealand: South Island: Mount Rintoul [see remarks]
Poaceae GH: 02433794 Achnatherum capense (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02542799 Andropogon sp. South Africa: 118 [Cis-Garipina, along Garip (Orange R.), ... [see remarks]
GH: 02469142 Apluda mutica Linnaeus Philippines: Metropolitan Manila [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02447795 Aristida forskohlii Tausch South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 15 [Uitenhage, Grassrug (Grass Ridge), betwe... [see remarks]
GH: 02447873 Aristida obtusa Delile South Africa: 130 [Bushmanland, Kamos (Kamas, 3018 DB), Ko... [see remarks]
GH: 02447969 Aristida vestita Thunberg South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 15 [Uitenhage, Grassrug (Grass Ridge), betwe... [see remarks]
GH: 02447873 Arthratherum obtusum (Delile) Nees South Africa: 130 [Bushmanland, Kamos (Kamas, 3018 DB), Ko... [see remarks]
GH: 02447969 Arthratherum vestitum Nees South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 15 [Uitenhage, Grassrug (Grass Ridge), betwe... [see remarks]
GH: 02447985 Capeochloa arundinacea (P. J. Bergius) N. P. Barker & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province 77 [Worcester, Tulbagskloof (Nieuwekloof) , ... [see remarks]
GH: 02447795 Chaetaria forskalii Nees South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 15 [Uitenhage, Grassrug (Grass Ridge), betwe... [see remarks]
GH: 02541624 Digitaria sp. : Africa (Region): [data not captured] [see remarks] 2 B
GH: 02452798 Ehrharta paniciformis Nees ex Trinius South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02447072 Eragrostis filiformis Link South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 82 [Uitenhage, around Uitenhage 3325 CD] [see remarks]
GH: 02542799 Hyparrhenia hirta (Linnaeus) Stapf South Africa: 118 [Cis-Garipina, along Garip (Orange R.), ... [see remarks]
GH: 02542799 Hyparrhenia hirta podotricha (Hochstetter) Pichi Sermolli South Africa: 118 [Cis-Garipina, along Garip (Orange R.), ... [see remarks]
GH: 02433794 Lasiagrostis capensis Nees South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02433223 Lasiochloa hirta (Schrader) Kunth South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02541807 Melinis repens (Willdenow) Zizka South Africa: 118 [Cis-Garipina, along Garip (Orange R.), ... [see remarks]
GH: 02447985 Merxmuellera arundinacea (P. J. Bergius) Conert South Africa: Western Cape Province 77 [Worcester, Tulbagskloof (Nieuwekloof) , ... [see remarks]
GH: 02433202 Merxmuellera disticha (Nees) Conert South Africa: 112 [Cis-Garipina (S. of Orange R.), Zuurepo... [see remarks]
GH: 02433202 Merxmuellera sp. South Africa: 112 [Cis-Garipina (S. of Orange R.), Zuurepo... [see remarks]
GH: 02471916 Panicum auritum J. Presl ex Nees : Borneo: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02541914 Panicum coloratum Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02541914 Panicum coloratum capense Nees South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02444175 Panicum sp. South Africa: Northern Cape Province 33 [Ceded Territory, Philipstown (Philipton)... [see remarks]
GH: 02444140 Panicum subquadriparum Trinius South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02433117 Pentameris pallida (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02433112 Pentameris pallida (Thunberg) Galley & H. P. Linder South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02472658 Spinifex littoreus (N. L. Burman) Merrill Philippines: Mindanao: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02472665 Thuarea involuta (G. Forster) R. Brown ex Smith Indonesia: Maluku Amboyna. [see remarks]
GH: 02433223 Tribolium hispidum (Thunberg) Desvaux South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02541807 Tricholaena rosea Nees South Africa: 118 [Cis-Garipina, along Garip (Orange R.), ... [see remarks]
GH: 02447663 Triraphis andropogonoides (Steudel) E. Phillips South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 103 [Uitenhage, Steenbokvlakte, N. of Winter... [see remarks]
GH: 02447663 Triraphis sp. South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 103 [Uitenhage, Steenbokvlakte, N. of Winter... [see remarks]
Polypodiaceae GH: 02509392 Goniophlebium percussum (Cavanilles) W. H. Wagner & Grether Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] [see remarks] 199
GH: 02218569 Microsorum scolopendria (Wallich) Copeland : Asia: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02219525 Pyrrosia piloselloides (Linnaeus) M. G. Price Myanmar: Rangoon [see remarks]
A: 02220028 Selliguea lateritia (Baker) Hovenkamp Malaysia: Near Kuala Trenggam [see remarks] 2761
GH: 02220055 Selliguea taeniata (Swartz) Hovenkamp : Asia: Singapore, Penang &c. [see remarks] 4
Proteaceae GH: 02434917 Leucadendron abietinum R. Brown South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: 58 [Caledon, Kleinriviersberg, 1-30... [see remarks]
GH: 02432619 Serruria florida Knight South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: 55 [Caledon, Potrivier (Bot River?)... [see remarks]
Pucciniaceae FH: 00784059 Uromyces tranzschelii Sydow & P. Sydow USA: Colorado Grover [see remarks]
FH: 01108196 Uromyces verruculosus J. Schröter USA: Michigan Mud Lake [see remarks]
Ranunculaceae GH: 02262177 Aquilegia alpina Linnaeus France: Meri alp. Labandiae[?] [see remarks]
GH: 02262178 Aquilegia alpina Linnaeus Switzerland: Alpen-Aglei [see remarks]
Rhamnaceae GH: 02454031 Phylica atrata Lichtenstein ex Roemer & Schultes South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: 51 [Caledon, Zwarteberg (Swartberg)... [see remarks]
GH: 02454043 Phylica axillaris Lamarck South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: 26 [Albany, Grahamstown = No.16 3326... [see remarks]
GH: 02454040 Phylica axillaris Lamarck South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 105 [Uitenhage, Ylandrivier (Elan... [see remarks]
GH: 02454043 Phylica axillaris lutescens (C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher) Pillans South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: 26 [Albany, Grahamstown = No.16 3326... [see remarks]
GH: 02454054 Phylica buxifolia Linnaeus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: 64 [Cape, mountains near Kapstadt... [see remarks]
A: 02454124 Phylica gnidioides C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: 25 [Albany, near Bothasberg, 2-3000... [see remarks]
GH: 02454105 Phylica gracilis (C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher) D. Dietrich South Africa: Western Cape Province 56 [Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Lowry... [see remarks]
A: 02454126 Phylica juniperifolia C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: 25 [Albany, near Bothasberg, 2-3000... [see remarks]
GH: 02454156 Phylica paniculata Willdenow South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: 24 [Albany, between Bothasberg and G... [see remarks]
GH: 02454170 Phylica parviflora P. J. Bergius South Africa: 65 [Cape, dunes at Saldanhabaai,under 1000... [see remarks]
GH: 02454202 Phylica rigida C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher South Africa: Western Cape Province 74 [Clan william, Cederbergen (Cederberg), 2... [see remarks]
GH: 02454230 Phylica stipularis Linnaeus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: 64 [Cape, mountains near Kapstadt... [see remarks]
GH: 02454251 Phylica willdenowiana C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 4 [Uitenhage, Vanstaadesberg (Van... [see remarks]
GH: 02454295 Rhamnus prinoides L'Heritier South Africa: 49 [Kafferland, Schumiberg (Tyumieberg), 2-3... [see remarks]
GH: 02454329 Scutia capensis (Thunberg) G. Don South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
GH: 02454329 Scutia myrtina (N. L. Burman) Kurz South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
GH: 02454156 Soulangia paniculata (Willdenow) Brongniart South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: 24 [Albany, between Bothasberg and G... [see remarks]
GH: 02454031 Trichocephalus atratus C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: 51 [Caledon, Zwarteberg (Swartberg)... [see remarks]
GH: 02454105 Trichocephalus gracilis C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher South Africa: Western Cape Province 56 [Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Lowry... [see remarks]
GH: 02454388 Ziziphus mucronata Linnaeus ex Lamarck South Africa: 31 [Ceded Territory, Fort Beaufort,1-2000’... [see remarks]
Rosaceae A: 00958655 Rosa sempervirens Linnaeus Italy: Friuli-Venezia Giulia Um Triest [see remarks]
GH: 00963304 Rosa sp. Turkey: Mardin Mardin. Mesopotamia. [see remarks]
GH: 00958730 Rosa spinosissima Linnaeus : Earth: N. [illegible] [see remarks]
A: 00958780 Rosa spinosissima Linnaeus Austria: Niederösterreich Bisamberg b. Wien [see remarks]
GH: 00958531 Rosa spinulifolia Dematra Switzerland: Neuchatel Jura Neucahtel. [see remarks]
GH: 00958837 Rosa stylosa Desvaux : Europe (Region): [Diogaignon?] [see remarks] 44
A: 00963061 Rosa tomentosa Thunberg Germany: Brandenburg Spremberg. [See label] [see remarks] 14
Rubiaceae GH: 02455894 Anthospermum galioides reflexifolium (Kuntze) Puff South Africa: Western Cape Province 56 [Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Lowry... [see remarks]
A: 02455893 Anthospermum galioides reflexifolium (Kuntze) Puff South Africa: Western Cape Province 56 [Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Lowry... [see remarks]
GH: 02453053 Borreria sp. Mauritius: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02435211 Burchellia capensis R. Brown South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Port Natal [see remarks]
A: 02455162 Canthium gueinzii Sonder South Africa: Mpumalanga Province Pietersburg, Tvl [see remarks]
GH: 01154837 Carpacoce spermacocea (H. G. Reichenbach) Sonder South Africa: 63 [Cape, Tafelberges (Table Mtn), 2500-3500... [see remarks]
GH: 01154837 Carpacoce spermacocea orientalis Puff South Africa: 63 [Cape, Tafelberges (Table Mtn), 2500-3500... [see remarks]
GH: 02437894 Cephalanthus natalensis Oliver South Africa: Limpopo Province Zoutpansberg. New Agatha [see remarks] 258
GH: 02437604 Cordylostigma virgatum (Willdenow) Groeninckx & Dussein South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02455869 Galopina circaeoides Thunberg South Africa: Western Cape Province 89 [Swellendam, Rivierzondereinde, at Stormv... [see remarks]
A: 02455864 Galopina circaeoides Thunberg South Africa: Limpopo Province Pietersburg, Tvl. New Agatha [see remarks]
GH: 02454436 Grumilea capensis (Ecklon) Sonder South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: 16 [Albany, Grahamstown, 1500-2500... [see remarks]
A: 02604732 Jackiopsis ornata (Wall.) Ridsdale Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) ZO. Borneo. West Koetei. [see remarks] bb 16171
A: 02455162 Keetia gueinzii (Sonder) Bridson South Africa: Mpumalanga Province Pietersburg, Tvl [see remarks]
GH: 01244157 Mitragyna inermis (Willdenow) Kuntze Senegal: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02437949 Mussaenda elegans Schumacher & Thonning Sierra Leone: Sherboro [see remarks]
GH: 02455950 Nenax hirta (Cruse) T. M. Salter South Africa: Western Cape Province 62 [Cape, seashore and dunes, Rietvalei (Rie... [see remarks]
GH: 02437604 Oldenlandia setifera (de Candolle) Kuntze South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
A: 02604385 Ophiorrhiza graciliflora Valeton : New Guinea: [no additional data] [see remarks] 405
GH: 02454436 Psychotria capensis Vatke South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: 16 [Albany, Grahamstown, 1500-2500... [see remarks]
GH: 02455487 Rutidea rufipilis Hiern : Africa: Sherboro [see remarks] 5808
GH: 02453053 Spermacoce ocymoides N. L. Burman Mauritius: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02453074 Spermacoce senensis (Klotzsch) Hiern South Africa: S. Afr. [see remarks]
A: 02435630 Tricalysia lanceolata Burtt Davy South Africa: Transvaal. Botsebelo[?], near Middelburg [see remarks]
GH: 02605252 Wendlandia glabrata DC. Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks]
Salvadoraceae GH: 02454461 Azima sp. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
GH: 02454461 Monetia barlerioides L'Heritier South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
Santalaceae GH: 02432712 Colpoon compressum P. J. Bergius South Africa: Western Cape Province 83 [Stellenbosch, around Somerset (Somerset ... [see remarks]
GH: 02432712 Osyris lanceolata Hochstetter & Steudel South Africa: Western Cape Province 83 [Stellenbosch, around Somerset (Somerset ... [see remarks]
GH: 02432773 Rhoiacarpos capensis (Harvey) A. de Candolle South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 01244441 Santalum album L. Australia (Country): Northern Territory Darwin: Port Darwin [see remarks]
GH: 02454430 Thesium capitatum Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province 56 [Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Lowry... [see remarks]
GH: 02432830 Thesium diversifolium Sonder South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02432839 Thesium euphorbioides P. J. Bergius South Africa: Western Cape Province 59 [Stellenbosch, Hottentottshollandbergen, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02432849 Thesium foliosum A. de Candolle South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 4 [Uitenhage, Vanstaadesberg (Van Stadensber... [see remarks] 27
GH: 02454429 Thesium paniculatum Linnaeus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 71 [Uitenhage, Kromrivier (3424 B... [see remarks]
GH: 02432906 Thesium quinqueflorum Sonder South Africa: Western Cape Province 56 [Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Lowry... [see remarks] 21
GH: 02432912 Thesium scabrum Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02454428 Thesium spicatum Linnaeus South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
GH: 02432935 Thesium squarrosum Linnaeus f. South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02432942 Thesium strictum P. J. Bergius South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02432971 Thesium virgatum Lamarck South Africa: Western Cape Province 56 [Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Lowry... [see remarks] 36
Scrophulariaceae GH: 02450290 Mimulus strictus Bentham South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 10 [Uitenhage, Olifantshoek (Alex... [see remarks]
GH: 01244330 Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth. India: Lohnak [see remarks]
Symplocaceae A: 02602505 Symplocos cochinchinensis philippinensis (Brand) Nooteboom Philippines: Lebant [see remarks] 1583
A: 02602504 Symplocos cochinchinensis philippinensis (Brand) Nooteboom Philippines: Luzon: Angat [see remarks] 445
A: 02605392 Symplocos odoratissima Choisy ex Zollinger Indonesia: Jawa: Gedeh; [Ki-seriawan?] [see remarks] 174
A: 02602583 Symplocos odoratissima Choisy ex Zollinger Philippines: Rizal [no additional data] [see remarks] 116
A: 02602300 Symplocos sogeriensis Brand Papua New Guinea: Sogeri Region [see remarks] 652
Taenitidaceae GH: 02528731 Taenitis blechnoides (Willdenow) Swartz Singapore: [no additional data] [see remarks]
Tectoriaceae A: 02505261 Ctenitis sp. Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks] 2793
Theaceae GH: 02520646 Adinandra dumosa Jack Singapore: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02520754 Adinandra javanica Choisy Indonesia: Jawa: [data not captured] [see remarks] 9843
GH: 02520906 Adinandra sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Khasia [see remarks]
A: 02520883 Adinandra sp. Malaysia: Melaka Malacca [see remarks]
A: 02524405 Eurya obovata (Blume) Korthals Indonesia: Sulawesi: Mt. Klabat [see remarks]
A: 02524452 Eurya trichocarpa Korthals Indonesia: Maluku Ambon, Pulau: Amboina [see remarks]
Thelypteridaceae GH: 02404680 Cyclosorus interruptus (Willdenow) H. Ito Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02404727 Macrothelypteris torresiana (C. Gaudichaud-Beaupré) Ching Malaysia: Malayan Islands [see remarks]
GH: 02403185 Pronephrium salicifolium (Wallich ex Hooker) Holttum Singapore: [no additional data] [see remarks] 314
GH: 02403375 Sphaerostephanos arbuscula (Willdenow) Holttum Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] [see remarks] 192
Vitaceae GH: 02516426 Rhoicissus sericea (Ecklon & Zeyher) Planchon South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 105 [Uitenhage, Ylandrivier (Elands R.), 1-4... [see remarks]
GH: 02516438 Rhoicissus sp. South Africa: 104 [Tambukiland, mountains near Silo (Shilo... [see remarks]
GH: 02516429 Rhoicissus thunbergii Planchon South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 36 [Uitenhage, Ado (Addo), 1-2000’ (V, a, ... [see remarks]
Zingiberaceae A: 02532260 Alpinia javanica Blume Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Bogor. Culta in Horto Bogoriensi (Museum Gar... [see remarks]
A: 02532262 Alpinia javanica Blume Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Bogor. Culta in Horto Bogoriensi (Museum Gar... [see remarks]
A: 02421618 Curcuma purpurascens Blume Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Island W. Java; Loc. Bogor [see remarks]
A: 02421617 Curcuma purpurascens Blume Indonesia: Jawa: W. Java; Bogor [see remarks]
A: 02420774 Zingiber aromaticum Noronha Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Culta Horto Bogoriensi (Museum Garden) sub n... [see remarks] 933
A: 02420773 Zingiber aromaticum Noronha Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Culta Horto Bogoriensi (Museum Garden ) sub ... [see remarks] 933
A: 02420774 Zingiber gracile Jack Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Culta Horto Bogoriensi (Museum Garden) sub n... [see remarks] 933