FH: 00265261 Didymium iridis Fries Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Camp Rueru, Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2336 1927-3
FH: 00265261 Didymium nigripes xanthopus (Fries) Lister Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Camp Rueru, Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2336 1927-3
FH: 00270715 Physarum pezizoideum (Junghun) Pavillard & Lagarde Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Camp Rueru, Mt. Mikeno S.W. Slope D. H. Linder 1927-3
Acanthaceae A: 02527022 Crossandra infundibuliformis (Linnaeus) Nees Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Luvungi D. H. Linder 1963 1927-1-30
A: 02527025 Crossandra massaica Mildbraed Kenya: British East Africa: Kikemu, Kenya Colony - ... D. H. Linder 2639 1927-4-21
A: 02527175 Hypoestes triflora (Forsskal) Roemer & Schultes Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Rueru, southwest slope o... D. H. Linder 2270 1927-3-11
A: 02527199 Isoglossa laxiflora Lindau Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: southwest slope of Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2392 1927-3-23
A: 02527206 Isoglossa substrobilina C. B. Clarke Uganda: Behungi D. H. Linder 2560 1927-4-4
GH: 02527210 Justicia anagalloides (Nees) T. Anderson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kamaniola to Ngona D. H. Linder 2003 1927-2-2
GH: 02527241 Justicia flava Vahl Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kamaniola D. H. Linder 1973 1927-2-1
GH: 00094115 Justicia kisuensis Mildbraed Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Kisenyi, Lake Kivu, river bank D. H. Linder 2024 1927-2-10
A: 02527276 Justicia matammensis (Schweinfurth) Oliver Kenya: British East Africa: Tinja, Kenya Colony D. H. Linder 2604 1927-4-19
GH: 02527274 Justicia matammensis (Schweinfurth) Oliver Uganda: Kampala. D. H. Linder 2667 1927
A: 02527343 Justicia sp. Kenya: Coast Mombasa: British East Africa: Mombasa D. H. Linder 2622 1927-4-24
A: 02527384 Lankesteria elegans T. Anderson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Isle Bertha D. H. Linder 1891 1927-1-8
GH: 02527393 Lepidagathis laguroidea T. Anderson Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Ischopo Falls, Stanleyville D. H. Linder 1895 1927-1-10
A: 02527434 Mimulopsis arborescens C. B. Clarke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: southwest slope of Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2398 1927-3-23
A: 02527601 Pseuderanthemum ludovicianum Lindau Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Bumba D. H. Linder 1848 1927-1-2
GH: 02527627 Ruellia ovata Thunberg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kamaniola D. H. Linder 1996 1927-2-1
GH: 02527741 Thunbergia nymphaeifolia Lindau Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kisenyi, Lake Kivu D. H. Linder 2028 1927-1-20
GH: 02527752 Thunbergia sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: southwest slope of Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2411 1927-3-23
A: 02527768 Whitfieldia laurentii C. B. Clarke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Efandu D. H. Linder 1865 1927-1-5
Aizoaceae GH: 02434663 Trianthema monogynum Linnaeus Kenya: Coast Mombasa: British East Africa: Mombasa D. H. Linder 2634 1927-4-24
GH: 02434663 Trianthema portulacastrum Linnaeus Kenya: Coast Mombasa: British East Africa: Mombasa D. H. Linder 2634 1927-4-24
Annonaceae A: 02542157 Isolona hexaloba Pierre ex Engler & Diels Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Yalembe D. H. Linder 1885 1927-1-7
A: 02542156 Isolona hexaloba Pierre ex Engler & Diels Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Yalembe D. H. Linder 1885 1927-1-7
Apocynaceae A: 02382411 Pleioceras gilletii Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: BELGIAN CONGO: Bumba D. H. Linder 1854 1927-1-2
A: 02009253 Rauvolfia mombasiana Stapf Kenya: Coast Mombasa: [no additional data] D. H. Linder 2661 1927-4-30
A: 02009252 Rauvolfia mombasiana Stapf Kenya: Coast Mombasa: [no additional data] D. H. Linder 2661 1927-4-30
A: 02375113 Strophanthus preussii Engler & Pax Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Efandu D. H. Linder 1860 1927-1-5
Asteraceae GH: 00282491 Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum (Linnaeus) Hilliard & B. L. Burtt Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Albertville [Kalemie], Lake Tanganyika D. H. Linder 1915 1927-1-23
A: 00977236 Taraxacum officinale F. H. Wiggers Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kamaniola D. H. Linder 1998 1927-2-1
A: 00977236 Vernonia amygdalina Delile Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kamaniola D. H. Linder 1998 1927-2-1
Bignoniaceae A: 00242281 Kigelia africana (Lamarck) Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Ruaza forest, Burunga D. H. Linder 2537 1927-3-30
Boletaceae FH: 00489126 Boletus impolitus Fries USA: Massachusetts Canton: [no additional data] D. H. Linder s.n. 1927-7-23
FH: 00489187 Boletus rubellus fraternus (Peck) Singer USA: Massachusetts Canton: [no additional data] D. H. Linder s.n. 1927-7-23
FH: 00590613 Leccinum aurantiacum (Bulliard ex St.-Amans) Gray USA: Massachusetts Canton: [no additional data] D. H. Linder s.n. 1927-9
FH: 00584828 Pulveroboletus retipes (Berkeley & M. A. Curtis) Singer USA: Massachusetts Canton: [no additional data] D. H. Linder s.n. 1927-9-2
FH: 00527222 Tylopilus felleus (Bulliard) P. Karsten: Fries USA: Massachusetts Canton: [no additional data] D. H. Linder s.n. 1927-9-2
FH: 00527234 Tylopilus indecisus (Peck) Murrill USA: Massachusetts Canton: [no additional data] D. H. Linder s.n. 1927-8-30
FH: 00527913 Xerocomus parasiticus (Bulliard) Quélet: Fries USA: Massachusetts Canton: [no additional data] D. H. Linder s.n. 1927-8-30
Brachytheciaceae FH: 00220334 Rhynchostegiella linderi Thériot Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Mount Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2166 b 1927-2-16
FH: 00220337 Rhynchostegiella pendula Thériot Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Below Camp Rueru, Mount Mikeno D. H. Linder 2282 a 1927-3
FH: 00220338 Rhynchostegiella pendula Thériot Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Below Camp Rueru, Mount Mikeno D. H. Linder 2282 a 1927-3
FH: 00220339 Rhynchostegiella pendula Thériot Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Below Camp Rueru, Mount Mikeno D. H. Linder 2282 a 1927-3
Brassicaceae GH: 02454557 Arabis cuneifolia Hochstetter ex A. Richard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: southwest slope of Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2296 1927-3-13
GH: 02454557 Arabis cuneifolia kiboensis O. E. Schulz Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: southwest slope of Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2296 1927-3-13
GH: 02454645 Capsella gracilis Grenier Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Lulongo D. H. Linder 2217 1927-3-4
GH: 02454649 Cardamine africana Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Lulongo D. H. Linder 2215 1927-3-4
GH: 02454653 Cardamine hirsuta Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Kabara, southern slope o... D. H. Linder 2341 1927-3-17
GH: 02454658 Cardamine obliqua Hochstetter Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Rueru, southwest slope o... D. H. Linder 2259 1927-3-11
GH: 02454656 Cardamine obliqua Hochstetter Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: southern slope of Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2307 1927-3-13
GH: 02454655 Cardamine obliqua Hochstetter Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Kabara, southern slope o... D. H. Linder 2354 1927-3-17
GH: 02454674 Cardamine trichocarpa Hochstetter ex A. Richard Uganda: East of Behungi D. H. Linder 2574 1927-4-5
GH: 02454795 Erucastrum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Lulongo D. H. Linder 2213 1927-3-4
GH: 02451133 Nasturtium microphyllum (Boenninghausen) Reichenbach Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Indata D. H. Linder 2202 1927-2-27
GH: 02451267 Subularia monticola A. Braun ex Schweinfurth Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Kabara, southern slope o... D. H. Linder 2340 1927-3-17
Bryaceae FH: 00059229 Bryum rhomboidale Thériot Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Camp Rueru, Mount Mikeno, 290... D. H. Linder 2273 1927-3-10
FH: 00059230 Bryum rhomboidale Thériot Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo, Camp Rueru, Mount Mikeno, 290... D. H. Linder 2273 1927-3-10
FH: 00213794 Mielichhoferia linderi Thériot Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Camp Lukumi, Mount Karisimbi, 4620 m. D. H. Linder 2484 1927-3-18
FH: 00213839 Mniobryum subcarneum Thériot Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Albertville D. H. Linder 1906 1927-1-22
Bryopsidaceae FH: 00550404 Bryopsis hypnoides J. V. Lamouroux Kenya: Coast Mombasa: [no additional data] D. H. Linder 2617 1927-4-22
Caesalpiniaceae A: 02504804 Caesalpinia decapetala (Roth) Alston Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Stanleyville D. H. Linder 1898 1927-1-13
A: 02504870 Chamaecrista absus (Linnaeus) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kamaniola D. H. Linder 1971 1927-2-1
A: 02321162 Tylosema fassoglensis (Kotschy ex Schweinf.) Torre & Hillc. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kamaniola D. H. Linder 2000 1927-2-1
Campanulaceae GH: 02451644 Cephalostigma schimperi Hochstetter ex A. Richard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: 3 miles east of Rutshuru D. H. Linder 2543 1927-4-2
GH: 02450059 Monopsis schimperiana Urb. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2077 1927-2-16
GH: 02450161 Wahlenbergia arenaria A.DC. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Rueru, southwest slope o... D. H. Linder 2262 1927-3-11
Celastraceae A: 02452350 Gymnosporia buxifolia (Linnaeus) Szyszylowicz Kenya: B. E. A. [British East Africa] Protectorate.... D. H. Linder 2640 1927-4-21
Ceratophyllaceae GH: 02437442 Ceratophyllum demersum Linnaeus Uganda: Lake Bunyoni D. H. Linder 2596 1927-4-6
Clavariaceae FH: 00490133 Clavaria fumosa Persoon USA: Massachusetts Canton: [no additional data] D. H. Linder s.n. 1927-7-23
Crassulaceae GH: 01989980 Sedum meyeri-johannis Engler Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Rueru, southwest slope o... D. H. Linder 2316 1927-3-14
Cucurbitaceae GH: 00252902 Momordica pterocarpa A. Richard Rwanda: Western Kisenyi [Gisenyi], Lake Kivu D. H. Linder 2068 1927-2-12
GH: 00252902 Momordica runssorica Gilg Rwanda: Western Kisenyi [Gisenyi], Lake Kivu D. H. Linder 2068 1927-2-12
GH: 00252904 Momordica trifoliolata Hooker f. Kenya: Coast Mombasa: D. H. Linder 2621 1927-4-24
Cyperaceae GH: 00246044 Carex bequaertii De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: s. w. [south west] foot Mt. [Mount] Visoki D. H. Linder 2445 1927-3-24
GH: 00246043 Carex bequaertii De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Camp Kabara, southern slope of Mt. [Mount] M... D. H. Linder 2389 1927-3-21
GH: 00246045 Carex bequaertii De Wildeman Uganda: east of Behungi D. H. Linder 2580 1927-4-5
GH: 00246042 Carex fischeri Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Camp Rueru, southwest slope of Mt. [Mount] M... D. H. Linder 2252 1927-3-11
GH: 00246039 Carex mannii E. A. Bruce Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Mt. [mount] Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2137 1927-2-16
GH: 00246041 Carex mannii E. A. Bruce Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Mt. [Mount] Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2076 1927-2-16
GH: 00246040 Carex mannii E. A. Bruce Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Camp Rueru, southwest slope of Mt. [Mount] M... D. H. Linder 2317 1927-3-14
GH: 00246043 Carex petitiana A. Richard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Camp Kabara, southern slope of Mt. [Mount] M... D. H. Linder 2389 1927-3-21
GH: 00246044 Carex petitiana A. Richard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: s. w. [south west] foot Mt. [Mount] Visoki D. H. Linder 2445 1927-3-24
GH: 00246045 Carex petitiana A. Richard Uganda: east of Behungi D. H. Linder 2580 1927-4-5
GH: 00246041 Carex vallis-rosetta K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Mt. [Mount] Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2076 1927-2-16
GH: 00246040 Carex vallis-rosetta K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Camp Rueru, southwest slope of Mt. [Mount] M... D. H. Linder 2317 1927-3-14
GH: 00246042 Carex vallis-rosetta K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Camp Rueru, southwest slope of Mt. [Mount] M... D. H. Linder 2252 1927-3-11
GH: 00246039 Carex vallis-rosetta heterostachys Kükenthal Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Mt. [mount] Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2137 1927-2-16
Dematiaceae FH: 00060036 Helicosporium serpentinum Linder USA: Missouri Pacific: On decaying wood D. H. Linder 1927-10-8
FH: 00060035 Helicosporium serpentinum Linder USA: Missouri Pacific: On decaying wood D. H. Linder 1927-10-8
Dipsacaceae GH: 02451329 Dipsacus sp. Uganda: near Behungi D. H. Linder 2569 1927-4-4
Ditrichaceae FH: 00059318 Ceratodon purpureus congolensis Thériot Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Mount Karisimbi, Camp Lukumi, 3700 m D. H. Linder 2495 1927-3-18
Euphorbiaceae A: 02588880 Flueggea virosa (Roxburgh ex Willdenow) Baillon Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Belgian Congo: Kamaniola D. H. Linder 1982 1927-2-1
Fabaceae GH: 02323987 Clitoria ternatea angustifolia Hochstetter ex Baker Kenya: Coast Mombasa: British East Africa: Mombasa D. H. Linder 2624 1927-4-24
A: 02322063 Crotalaria agatiflora Schweinf. Kenya: British East Africa: East of Nairobi, in Ath... D. H. Linder 2605 1927-4-21
A: 02322279 Crotalaria mucronata Desvaux Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Albertville, Lake Tanganyika D. H. Linder 1951 1927-1-22
A: 02322444 Crotalaria sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Albertville, Lake Tanganyika D. H. Linder 1951 1927-1-23
A: 02322449 Crotalaria sp. Kenya: British East Africa: Kikemu, Kenya Colony D. H. Linder 2638 1927-4-21
GH: 02322364 Crotalaria spartea R.Br. ex Baker Uganda: Between Kinanira + Kisola D. H. Linder 2552 1927-4-3
A: 02322382 Crotalaria spinosa Hochst. ex Benth. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kamaniola D. H. Linder 1980 1927-2-1
A: 02322768 Desmodium repandum (Vahl) de Candolle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kisenyi, Lake Kivu D. H. Linder 2066 1927-2-12
Funariaceae FH: 00060941 Funaria perlaxa Thériot Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Rueru, Mt. Mikeno, 3120 ... D. H. Linder 2330 1927-3
Geraniaceae GH: 00934915 Geranium arabicum Forsskål Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Rueru, southwest slope o... D. H. Linder 2322 1927-11-14
Helotiaceae FH: 00434218 Hymenoscyphus sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: [data not captured] D. H. Linder 2335 1927-3-15
Hippocrateaceae A: 02452570 Hippocratea welwitschii Oliver Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Efandu D. H. Linder 1862 1927-1-5
Hookeriaceae FH: 00059365 Daltonia minuta Thériot Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Mount Minagongo D. H. Linder 2170 p.p. 1927-2-16
Hyaloscyphaceae FH: 00434903 Lachnum indicum (E. K. Cash) J. H. Haines & Dumont Congo: [data not captured] D. H. Linder 2154 1927-2-16
FH: 00434902 Lachnum indicum (E. K. Cash) J. H. Haines & Dumont Congo, Democratic Republic of the: [data not captured] D. H. Linder 2183 1927-2-17
Hypnaceae FH: 00213223 Hypnum cupressiforme integrifolium Thériot Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Camp Rueru, Mount Mikeno, 3250 m. D. H. Linder 2293 1927-3
FH: 00213221 Hypnum cupressiforme integrifolium Thériot Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Camp Lukumi, Mount Karisimbi, 3750 m. D. H. Linder 2493 1927-3-18
FH: 00213222 Hypnum cupressiforme integrifolium Thériot Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Mount Ninagongo, 3010 m. D. H. Linder 2164A 1927-2-16
Iridaceae GH: 02517231 Aristea ecklonii Baker Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2097 1927-2-16
Leskeaceae FH: 00213164 Hylocomiopsis cylindracarpa Thériot Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Camp Kabara, south slope of Mount Mikeno. D. H. Linder 1477pp 1927-3-17
Linaceae GH: 01248886 Linum gallicum Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Lava fields between Burunga a... D. H. Linder 2438 1927-3-24
Lobeliaceae GH: 00033332 Lobelia giberroa giberroa Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Southwest slope of Mount Mikeno, 11000 feet D. H. Linder 2298 1927-3-13
GH: 02451894 Lobelia kiwuensis Engl. Uganda: east of Behungi D. H. Linder 2575 1927-4-5
GH: 00033332 Lobelia ulugurensis mionandra E. Wimmer Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Southwest slope of Mount Mikeno, 11000 feet D. H. Linder 2298 1927-3-13
GH: 02451993 Lobelia umbrosa Hochst. ex A.Rich. Uganda: Between Kinanira + Kisola D. H. Linder 2551 1927-4-3
A: 02451995 Lobelia utshungwensis R.E.Fr. & T.C.E.Fr. Uganda: east of Behungi D. H. Linder 2584 1927-4-5
Loranthaceae A: 02453808 Englerina woodfordioides (Schweinfurth ex Engler) Balle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo, near foot at K... D. H. Linder 2099 1927-2-16
A: 02453882 Phragmanthera cornetii (Dewèvre) Polhill & Wiens Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Stanleyville D. H. Linder 1899 1927-1-13
A: 02453893 Phragmanthera sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Below Camp Rueru, southwest s... D. H. Linder 2247 1927-3-10
Lycoperdaceae FH: 00373695 Lycoperdon Persoon Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: S. W. slope Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2288 1927-3-13
Marantaceae GH: 02516668 Marantochloa congensis J. J. G. Leonard & W. Mullenders Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Bumba D. H. Linder 1843 1927-1-2
Melampsoraceae FH: 01022731 Chrysomyxa abietis (Wallroth) Unger Sweden: Homnor's Isl. off Stockholm D. H. Linder 1927-6-24
Nymphaeaceae GH: 00978783 Nymphaea maculata Schumacher & Thonning Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kisenyi, Lake Kivu D. H. Linder 2047 1927-2-12
GH: 00978782 Nymphaea maculata Schumacher & Thonning Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kisenyi, Lake Kivu D. H. Linder 2047 1927-2-12
Olacaceae A: 00242357 Strombosia pustulata Oliver Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Efandu D. H. Linder 1871 1927-1-5
Orchidaceae AMES: 01945325 Bonatea steudneri (H. G. Reichenbach) T. Durand & Schinz Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: [Luvungi] D. H. Linder 1968 1927-1-30
AMES: 01945324 Bonatea steudneri (H. G. Reichenbach) T. Durand & Schinz Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Tropical Africa: Belgian Congo. Luvungi. D. H. Linder 1968 1927-1-30
AMES: 02388489 Calanthe corymbosa Lindley Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: southwest slope of Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2393 1927-3-23
AMES: 01947013 Cynorkis barlaea (H. G. Reichenbach) Schlechter Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: southwest slope of Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2402 1927-3-23
AMES: 01944001 Disa stairsii Kraenzlin Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Lukumi, Mt. Karisimbi. D. H. Linder 2309a 1927-3-19
AMES: 01945998 Disa stairsii Kraenzlin Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: southwest slope of Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2309 1927-3-13
AMES: 00099919 Habenaria linderi Summerhayes Uganda: Bufundi D. H. Linder 2586 1927-4-5
AMES: 00085412 Habenaria linderi Summerhayes Uganda: Bufundi D. H. Linder 2586 1927-4-5
AMES: 01945237 Habenaria malacophylla H. G. Reichenbach Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Southwest slope of Mt. Mikeno. D. H. Linder 1927-3-23
AMES: 01945311 Habenaria tenuispica Rendle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo, at [Kibate] D. H. Linder 2105 1927-2-16
AMES: 02341291 Lissochilus ruwenzoriensis Rendle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Lava field between Burunga and Kibati D. H. Linder 2436 1927-3-24
AMES: 00102867 Peristylus brachylobos Summerhayes Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Southwest slope of Mount Mikeno, lower margi... D. H. Linder 2413 1927-3-23
AMES: 01945790 Peristylus preussii Rolfe Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2143 1927-2-16
AMES: 01945789 Peristylus preussii Rolfe Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Rueru, southwest slope o... D. H. Linder 2249 1927-3-10
AMES: 02389032 Polystachya imbricata Rolfe Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2096 1927-2-16
AMES: 02389046 Polystachya kermesina Kraenzlin Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2093 1927-2-16
AMES: 00103445 Polystachya retusiloba Summerhayes Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Camp Rueru, southwest slope of Mount Mikeno,... D. H. Linder 2096a 1927-3-10
AMES: 02389091 Polystachya spatella Kraenzlin Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Lava fields between Burunga and Kibati D. H. Linder 2434 1927-3-24
AMES: 00103972 Satyrium acutirostrum Summerhayes Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Mount Ninagongo, at Kibate D. H. Linder 2107 1927-2-16
Papaveraceae GH: 02437335 Corydalis mildbraedii Fedde Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Rueru, southwest slope o... D. H. Linder 2272 1927-3-11
GH: 02437410 Fumaria sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo. between Burunga and Kibati D. H. Linder 2435 1927-3-24
Pedaliaceae A: 00242312 Thomandersia anachoreta Heine Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Bumba D. H. Linder 1844 1927-1-2
A: 00242312 Thomandersia laurifolia (T. Anderson) Baillon Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Bumba D. H. Linder 1844 1927-1-2
Phyllanthaceae A: 02588939 Hymenocardia ulmoides Oliver Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Bumba D. H. Linder 1855 1927-1-2
A: 02553100 Phyllanthus maderaspatensis Linnaeus Kenya: Coast Mombasa: British East Africa D. H. Linder 2629 1927-4-24
Physaraceae FH: 00270715 Trichamphora pezizoidea Junghun Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Camp Rueru, Mt. Mikeno S.W. Slope D. H. Linder 1927-3
Phytolaccaceae A: 01248148 Phytolacca dodecandra L'Heritier Rwanda: Belgian Congo: Kisenyi, Lake Kivu D. H. Linder 2032 1927-2-10
Piperaceae GH: 01978950 Peperomia arabica Decaisne Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kisenyi, Lake Kivu D. H. Linder 2030 1927-2-10
A: 01883775 Piper clusii (Miquel) C. de Candolle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2187 1927-2-16
A: 01883813 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Bumba D. H. Linder 1858 1927-1-2
Plantaginaceae GH: 02450336 Callitriche oreophila Schotsman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: plateau, n. slope Mt. Kariumb... D. H. Linder 2387 1927-3-19
GH: 02450526 Sibthorpia europaea L. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2083 1927-2-16
GH: 02450538 Veronica abyssinica Fresen. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2120 1927-2-16
GH: 02450536 Veronica abyssinica Fresen. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kisenyi, Lake Kivu D. H. Linder 2060 1927-2-12
GH: 02450544 Veronica anagallis-aquatica Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Indata D. H. Linder 2198 1927-2-27
GH: 02450556 Veronica glandulosa Hochst. ex Benth. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Kabara, southern slope o... D. H. Linder 2345 1927-3-17
GH: 02450557 Veronica javanica Blume Uganda: Kigezi Uganda: east of Behungi D. H. Linder 2577 1927-4-5
Poaceae GH: 02433300 Agrostis kilimandscharica Mez Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2136 1927-2-16
GH: 02433300 Agrostis sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2136 1927-2-16
GH: 02433338 Arrhenatherum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Rueru, southwest slope o... D. H. Linder 2319 1927-3-14
GH: 02433337 Arrhenatherum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Rueru, southwest slope o... D. H. Linder 2318 a 1927-3-14
GH: 02433337 Avenastrum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Rueru, southwest slope o... D. H. Linder 2318 a 1927-3-14
GH: 02433905 Bromus runssoroensis K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Lukumi, n. slope Mt. Kar... D. H. Linder 2385 1927-3-19
GH: 02433352 Calamagrostis epigejos (Linnaeus) Roth Uganda: Kigezi Uganda: Meadow east of Behungi D. H. Linder 2582 1927-4-5
GH: 02433352 Calamagrostis epigejos densiflora Ledebour Uganda: Kigezi Uganda: Meadow east of Behungi D. H. Linder 2582 1927-4-5
A: 02541363 Cenchrus purpureus (Schumacher) Morrone Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kisenyi, Lake Kivu D. H. Linder 2048 1927-2-12
GH: 02444593 Chloris gayana Kunth Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Albertville, Lake Tanganyika D. H. Linder 1947 1927-1-23
GH: 02444606 Chloris radiata (Linnaeus) Swartz Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Albertville, Lake Tanganyika D. H. Linder 1936 1927-1-23
GH: 02541443 Coelachne africana Pilger Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Southwest slope of Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2423 1927-3-23
GH: 02444720 Cynodon dactylon (Linnaeus) Persoon Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Albertville, Lake Tanganyika D. H. Linder 1939 1927-1-23
GH: 02444719 Cynodon dactylon (Linnaeus) Persoon Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kamaniola D. H. Linder 1984 1927-2-1
GH: 02444692 Cynodon dactylon (Linnaeus) Persoon Tanzania: Kigoma Belgian Congo: Tanganyika Terr. D. H. Linder 1952 1927-1-24
GH: 02444757 Dactyloctenium aegyptium (Linnaeus) Willdenow Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Albertville, Lake Tanganyika D. H. Linder 1937 1927-1-23
GH: 02444749 Dactyloctenium aegyptium (Linnaeus) Willdenow Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Albertville, Lake Tanganyika D. H. Linder 1935 1927-1-23
GH: 02433471 Deschampsia flexuosa (Linnaeus) Trinius Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Kabara, southern slope o... D. H. Linder 2347 1927-3-17
GH: 02541664 Echinochloa crus-pavonis (Kunth) Schultes Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Albertville, Lake Tanganyika D. H. Linder 1934 1927-1-23
GH: 02444801 Eleusine indica (Linnaeus) Gaertner Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Albertville, Lake Tanganyika D. H. Linder 1938 1927-1-23
GH: 02444798 Eleusine indica (Linnaeus) Gaertner Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Ngoma D. H. Linder 2006 1927-2-2
GH: 02447020 Eragrostis ciliaris (Linnaeus) R. Brown Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Albertville, Lake Tangayika D. H. Linder 1916 1927-1-23
GH: 02433501 Festuca camusiana chodatiana St.-Yves Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2188 1927-2-16
GH: 02542937 Hemarthria natans Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Albertville, Lake Tanganyika D. H. Linder 1941 1927-1-23
GH: 02541957 Panicum geminatum Forsskål Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Albertville, Lake Tanganyika D. H. Linder 1930 1927-1-22
GH: 02444115 Panicum repens Linnaeus Tanzania: Kigoma Belgian Congo: Kigoma, Tanganyika Territory. D. H. Linder 1954 1927-1-24
GH: 02444177 Panicum sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Kivu Belgian Congo: Kamaniola D. H. Linder 1976 1927-2-1
A: 02541363 Pennisetum purpureum Schumacher Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kisenyi, Lake Kivu D. H. Linder 2048 1927-2-12
GH: 02445699 Perotis indica (Linnaeus) Kuntze Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Albertville, Lake Tanganyika D. H. Linder 1946 1927-1-23
Podostemaceae GH: 02437310 Leiothylax quangensis (Engler) Warming Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Tschopo Falls, Stanleyville D. H. Linder 1893 1927-1-10
Pottiaceae FH: 00059065 Barbula congoana Thériot Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Rueru, Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2280 pp 1927-3-10
FH: 00060520 Didymodon integrifolius paucidentatus Thériot Uganda: Behungi, on soil D. H. Linder 2598 1927-4-4
Proteaceae A: 02432440 Protea madiensis Oliver Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Between Ngoma + Nyagezi D. H. Linder 2017 1927-2-3
Ranunculaceae A: 02518362 Clematis simensis Fresenius Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Lulongo D. H. Linder 2221 1927-3-4
A: 00286224 Clematis zaireensis W. T. Wang Congo, Democratic Republic of the: [Zaire], southwest slope of Mt. Mikeno; alt.... D. H. Linder 2304 1927-3-13
GH: 02518539 Ranunculus oreophytus Delile Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Kabara, southern slope o... D. H. Linder 2352 1927-3-17
GH: 02518551 Ranunculus pubescens Thunberg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Rueru, southwest slope o... D. H. Linder 2253 1927-3-11
GH: 02518566 Ranunculus stagnalis Hochstetter ex A. Richard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Kabara, southern slope o... D. H. Linder 2350 1927-3-17
GH: 02518576 Ranunculus volkensii Engler Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Kabara, southern slope o... D. H. Linder 2439 1927-3-17
GH: 02518454 Thalictrum rhynchocarpum Dillenius & A. Richard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2116 1927-2-16
GH: 02518453 Thalictrum rhynchocarpum Dillenius & A. Richard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2116 1927-2-16
Rhamnaceae A: 02452986 Colubrina asiatica (Linnaeus) Brongniart Kenya: Coast Mombasa: British East Africa: Mombasa, Kenya... D. H. Linder 2656 1927-4-28
A: 02454268 Rhamnus prinoides L'Heritier Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: southwest slope of Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2419 1927-3-21
A: 02454267 Rhamnus prinoides L'Heritier Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2140 1927-2-16
A: 02454409 Ziziphus mauritiana Lamarck Kenya: Coast Mombasa: British East Africa: Mombasa. Kenya... D. H. Linder 2649 1927-4-23
Rosaceae GH: 00026067 Alchemilla linderi Mildbraed Uganda: In meadow east of Behungi D. H. Linder 2576 1927-4-5
Rubiaceae A: 02437569 Agathisanthemum bojeri Klotzsch Kenya: British East Africa: Mombasa, Kenya Colony D. H. Linder 2648 1927-4-23
A: 02435328 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Efandu D. H. Linder 1869 1927-1-5
A: 02435316 Aidia micrantha (K. Schumann) Bullock ex F. White Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Bumba D. H. Linder 1845 1927-1-2
A: 02455938 Anthospermum usambarense K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2098 1927-2-16
GH: 02453083 Borreria stricta (Linnaeus f.) G. Meyer Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: 3 miles east of Rutshuru D. H. Linder 2544 1927-4-2
GH: 02437592 Cordylostigma longifolium (Klotzsch) Groeninckx & Dussein Kenya: Coast Mombasa: British East Africa: Mombasa, Kenya... D. H. Linder 2654 1927-4-24
A: 02435722 Galiniera caffeoides Delile Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Below Camp Rueru, southwest s... D. H. Linder 2250 1927-3-10
A: 02435721 Galiniera caffeoides Delile Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Below Camp Rueru, southwest s... D. H. Linder 2250 1927-3-10
GH: 02453204 Galium sp. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Mt. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2146 1927-2-16
GH: 02455763 Geophila reniformis D. Don Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Yalembe D. H. Linder 1888 1927-1-7
A: 02437946 Mussaenda elegans Schumacher & Thonning Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Efandu D. H. Linder 1867 1927-1-5
A: 02437945 Mussaenda elegans Schumacher & Thonning Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Efandu D. H. Linder 1867 1927-1-5
A: 02437569 Oldenlandia bojeri (Klotzsch) Hiern Kenya: British East Africa: Mombasa, Kenya Colony D. H. Linder 2648 1927-4-23
GH: 02437490 Oldenlandia corymbosa Linnaeus Kenya: Coast Mombasa: British East Africa: Mombasa D. H. Linder 2626 1927-4-24
GH: 02437592 Oldenlandia effusa Oliver Kenya: Coast Mombasa: British East Africa: Mombasa, Kenya... D. H. Linder 2654 1927-4-24
A: 02437703 Phyllopentas schimperi (Hochstetter) Y. D. Zhou & Q. F. Wang Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Lulongo D. H. Linder 2208 1927-11-4
A: 02455591 Psychotria pachycalyx O. Lachenaud Kenya: Coast Mombasa: British East Africa D. H. Linder 2635 1927-4-24
GH: 02455571 Psychotria sp. Kenya: Coast Mombasa: Mombassa, Javanna D. H. Linder 2660 1927-4-30
A: 02455714 Psychotria sp. Kenya: Coast Mombasa: [no additional data] D. H. Linder 2662 1927-4-30
A: 02455713 Psychotria sp. Kenya: Coast Mombasa: [no additional data] D. H. Linder 2662 1927-4-30
A: 02455698 Psychotria sp. Uganda: Kigezi Behungi D. H. Linder 2572 1927-4-4
A: 02435316 Randia micrantha K. Schumann Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Bumba D. H. Linder 1845 1927-1-2
A: 02437714 Rhodopentas bussei (K. Krause) Kårehed & B. Bremer Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kamaniola D. H. Linder 1990 1927-2-1
GH: 02453221 Rubia cordifolia Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Lulongo D. H. Linder 2219 1927-3-4
A: 02455110 Rytigynia canthioides (Bentham) Robyns Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Yalembe D. H. Linder 1884 1927-1-7
A: 02455117 Rytigynia membranacea (Hiern) Robyns Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: southwest slope of Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2399 1927-3-23
A: 00273828 Sabicea johnstonii K. Schumann ex Wernham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo. Efandu D. H. Linder 1866 1927-1-5
A: 00273812 Sabicea venosa Bentham : Africa (Region): Belgian Congo: Bumba D. H. Linder 1847 1927-1-2
GH: 02453083 Spermacoce verticillata Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: 3 miles east of Rutshuru D. H. Linder 2544 1927-4-2
A: 02437881 Uncaria africana G. Don Congo: Belgian Congo: Efandu D. H. Linder 1872 1927-1-5
A: 02455110 Vangueria canthioides Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Yalembe D. H. Linder 1884 1927-1-7
Sapindaceae A: 02553421 Allophylus alnifolius Radlkofer ex Engler Kenya: Coast Mombasa: British East Africa D. H. Linder 2632 1927-4-24
Urticaceae GH: 02324076 Droguetia iners G. A. Schweinfurth Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: My. Ninagongo D. H. Linder 2114 1927-2-16
GH: 02324082 Elatostema orientale Engler Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Near Camp Rueru, southwest sl... D. H. Linder 2265 1927-3-11
GH: 02324084 Elatostema welwitschii Engler Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: southwest slope of Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2417 1927-2-23
A: 02324109 Laportea alatipes Hooker f. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Camp Kabara, southern slope of Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2390 1927-3-21
GH: 02324111 Laportea alatipes Hooker f. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Kabara, southern slope o... D. H. Linder 2421 1927-3-21
GH: 02324147 Parietaria ruwenzoriensis Cortesi Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Lukumi, n. slope Mt. Kar... D. H. Linder 2382 1927-3-19
GH: 02324154 Pilea ceratomera mildbraedii Engler Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Near Camp Rueru, southwest sl... D. H. Linder 2269 1927-3-11
GH: 02324157 Pilea johnstonii Oliver Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: southwest slope of Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2414 1927-11-23
A: 02324192 Urera hypselodendron Weddell Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Between Burunga and Kibati D. H. Linder 2429 1927-3-24
A: 02324191 Urera hypselodendron Weddell Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Between Burunga and Kibati D. H. Linder 2429 1927-3-24
A: 02324189 Urera hypselodendron Weddell Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Between Burunga and Kibati D. H. Linder 2429 1927-3-24
A: 02324190 Urera hypselodendron Weddell Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Between Burunga and Kibati D. H. Linder 2429 1927-3-24
A: 02324201 Urtica massaica Mildbraed Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Camp Kabara, southern slope o... D. H. Linder 2391 1927-3-22
Verbenaceae A: 02516490 Clerodendrum johnstonii Oliver Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: S. W. Slope Mt. Mikeno D. H. Linder 2400 1927-3-23
A: 02516492 Clerodendrum johnstonii Oliver Uganda: Behungi D. H. Linder 2567 1927-4-4
A: 02516535 Clerodendrum thyrsoideum R. L. A. M. Gürke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Bumba D. H. Linder 1857 1927-1-2
A: 02324783 Lantana petitiana A. Richard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kisenyi, Lake Kivu D. H. Linder 2034 1927-2-11
A: 02324845 Lantana rugosa Thunberg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Sud-Kivu Belgian Congo: Luvungi D. H. Linder 1959 1927-1-30
A: 02324859 Lippia adoensis Hochstetter ex Walpers Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kamaniola D. H. Linder 1988 1927-2-1
GH: 02518015 Phyla nodiflora (Linnaeus) Greene Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Albertville, Lake Tanganyika D. H. Linder 1943 1927-1-23
GH: 02518916 Priva flabelliformis (Moldenke) R. Fernandes Uganda: Kampala D. H. Linder 2669 1927
GH: 02526266 Verbena officinalis Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Belgian Congo: Kisenyi, Lake Kivu D. H. Linder 2053 1927-2-12
Vitaceae A: 02516417 Rhoicissus erythrodes Planchon Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Lulongo D. H. Linder 2209 1927-3-4