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Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[40195] and year collected:[1954]
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GH: 01870760
Acer glabrum
Torrey USA: Colorado Bottom of Mosca Pass trail in canyon near Gr... U. T. Waterfall 12187 1954-8-20
GH: 02172045
Acroptilon repens
(Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Colorado 5 miles south of Moffat U. T. Waterfall 12166 1954-8-20
GH: 02217567
Aphanostephus ramosissimus
de Candolle USA: Oklahoma 2 miles west of Olustee U. T. Waterfall 11968 1954-6-4
GH: 02207796
Erigeron bellidiastrus
Nuttall USA: Oklahoma 2 miles east of Okeene U. T. Waterfall 11875 1954-5-23
GH: 01834555
Lactuca floridana
(Linnaeus) Gaertner USA: Oklahoma Platt National Park, Sulphur U. T. Waterfall 12312 1954-10-16
GH: 02194011
Betula nigra
Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma Valley of Cold Springs Creek 20 miles southe... U. T. Waterfall 11841 1954-4-19
GH: 01993499
Heliotropium curassavicum obovatum
de Candolle USA: Colorado .5 miles north of Hooper U. T. Waterfall 12173 1954-8-20
GH: 01995883
Lithospermum caroliniense
(J. F. Gmelin) MacMillan USA: Oklahoma 3 miles east of Canton U. T. Waterfall 11877 1954-5-23
GH: 01549355
Lepidium oblongum
Small USA: Oklahoma 3 miles west of Vici U. T. Waterfall 11888 1954-5-28
GH: 01573698
Physaria angustifolia
(Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Oklahoma 2 miles northwest of Idabel U. T. Waterfall 11820 1954-4-19
GH: 01573717
Physaria angustifolia
(Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Oklahoma 2 miles northwest of Idabel U. T. Waterfall 11820 1954-4-19
GH: 01575939
Physaria gordonii
(A. Gray) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Oklahoma 11 miles west of Seiling U. T. Waterfall 11887 1954-5-25
GH: 01736339
Streptanthus hyacinthoides
Hooker USA: Oklahoma 5 miles southeast and 2 northeast of Binger U. T. Waterfall 11922 1954-6-3
GH: 01744790
Loeflingia squarrosa
Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Oklahoma 5 miles southeast and 2 northeast of Binger U. T. Waterfall 11921 1954-6-3
GH: 01715105
Paronychia virginica
Sprengel USA: Oklahoma 3.3 miles west of Kingston U. T. Waterfall 12297 1954-10-16
GH: 01753396
Silene scouleri pringlei
S. Watson USA: New Mexico Red River Pass U. T. Waterfall 12256 1954-8-23
GH: 01845681
Cornus florida
Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma 5.5 miles north of Bethel U. T. Waterfall 11783 1954-4-17
GH: 02371110
Carex muehlenbergii
Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: Oklahoma 6 miles west of Hennessey U. T. Waterfall 11879 1954-5-28
GH: 02052691
Astragalus lindheimeri
Engelmann ex A. Gray USA: Oklahoma 1 mile east of Creta U. T. Waterfall 11972 1954-6-4
GH: 02150842
Lespedeza capitata
Michaux USA: Oklahoma Near University of Oklahoma Biological Stati... U. T. Waterfall 12300 1954-10-15
GH: 02133025
Pediomelum hypogaeum subulatum
(Bush) J. W. Grimes USA: Oklahoma near Biological Station, east of Willis U. T. Waterfall 11855 1954-5-1
GH: 02136060
Sesbania vesicaria
(Jacquin) Elliott USA: Oklahoma 9 miles northeast of Madill U. T. Waterfall 12310 1954-10-16
GH: 02072198
Gentiana algida
Pallas USA: Colorado edge of Summit Lake, Mt. Evans U. T. Waterfall 12067 1954-8-16
GH: 02166177
Gentianopsis thermalis
(Kuntze) Iltis USA: Colorado 6 miles north of Moffat U. T. Waterfall 12162 1954-8-20
GH: 01626715
Myriophyllum aquaticum
(Vellozo) Verdcourt USA: Oklahoma south edge of Tom U. T. Waterfall 11813 1954-4-18
GH: 01747072
Iris cristata
Aiton USA: Oklahoma south of Honobia U. T. Waterfall 11778 1954-4-16
GH: 01553053
Hedeoma drummondii
Bentham USA: Oklahoma 2 miles east of Headrick U. T. Waterfall 11961 1954-6-4
GH: 02502503
Monarda punctata occidentalis
Epling USA: Oklahoma 2 miles east of Okeene U. T. Waterfall 11873 1954-5-23
GH: 02053693
Linum rigidum
Pursh USA: Oklahoma 2 miles north of Sayre U. T. Waterfall 11907 1954-5-29
GH: 02202380
Callirhoe leiocarpa
R. F. Martin USA: Oklahoma south of the Canadian River, 18 miles north ... U. T. Waterfall 11895 1954-5-28
GH: 01642892
Allionia incarnata
Linnaeus USA: New Mexico 12 miles east of Springer U. T. Waterfall 12279 1954-8-23
GH: 01641592
Mirabilis albida
(Walter) Heimerl USA: Oklahoma 2 miles west of the Univ. of Okla. Biol. Sta... U. T. Waterfall 1954-10-16
GH: 01641594
Mirabilis albida
(Walter) Heimerl USA: Oklahoma 3 miles west of Kingston U. T. Waterfall 12295 1954-10-16
GH: 01641698
Mirabilis carletonii
(Standley) Standley USA: Oklahoma 10 miles west of Watonga U. T. Waterfall 11920 1954-5-29
GH: 01624646
Calylophus hartwegii fendleri
(A. Gray) Towner & P. H. Raven USA: Oklahoma south of the Canadian River, 18 miles north ... U. T. Waterfall 11897 1954-5-28
GH: 01644799
Oenothera macrocarpa incana
(A. Gray) W. L. Wagner USA: Oklahoma 10 miles north of Cheyenne U. T. Waterfall 11902 1954-5-29
GH: 01738519
Corydalis aurea occidentalis
(Engelmann ex A. Gray) Ownbey USA: Oklahoma 5 miles west of Vici U. T. Waterfall 11890 1954-5-28
GH: 01971678
Phyllanthus warnockii
G. L. Webster USA: Oklahoma on north side of the Cimarron River, south o... U. T. Waterfall 12317 1954-10-23
GH: 02002931
Penstemon buckleyi
Pennell USA: Oklahoma 8 miles west of Vici U. T. Waterfall 11892 1954-5-28
GH: 02119105
Penstemon digitalis
Nuttall ex Sims USA: Oklahoma 8 miles northwest of Idabel U. T. Waterfall 11830 1954-4-19
GH: 02121226
Penstemon oklahomensis
Pennell USA: Oklahoma 1 mile east and 2 south of Perkins U. T. Waterfall 11872 1954-5-17
GH: 01804337
Plantago wrightiana
Decaisne USA: Oklahoma 1 mile southwest of Medicine Park U. T. Waterfall 11939 1954-6-3
GH: 01812303
Andropogon glomeratus pumilus
(Vasey) Vasey ex L. H. Dewey USA: Oklahoma south of Willis U. T. Waterfall 12303 1954-10-16
GH: 01083741
Aliciella pinnatifida
(Nuttall ex A. Gray) J. M. Porter USA: New Mexico near top of Mt. Capulin U. T. Waterfall 12022 1954-8-13
GH: 01686467
Phlox pilosa longipilosa
(Waterfall) Locklear USA: Oklahoma southwest of Lake Altus U. T. Waterfall 11985 1954-6-4
GH: 01618651
Eriogonum cernuum
Nuttall USA: Colorado near top of Poncha Pass southwest of Salida U. T. Waterfall 12185 1954-8-20
GH: 01618652
Eriogonum cernuum
Nuttall USA: Colorado southeast of entrance to Great Sand Dunes Na... U. T. Waterfall 12199 1954-8-21
GH: 01652252
Eriogonum effusum
Nuttall USA: Colorado Gypsum hill, west of the entrance to the Gar... U. T. Waterfall 12041 1954-8-14
GH: 01652528
Eriogonum flavum
Nuttall USA: Colorado Loveland Pass U. T. Waterfall 12104 1954-8-18
GH: 01851278
Eriogonum jamesii
Bentham USA: Colorado Gypsum hill, west of the entrance to the Gar... U. T. Waterfall 12042 1954-8-14
GH: 01851646
Eriogonum lonchophyllum
Torrey & A. Gray USA: New Mexico 8 miles southeast of Raton U. T. Waterfall 12025 1954-8-13
GH: 01966247
Eriogonum racemosum
Nuttall USA: New Mexico 3 miles northeast of Red River Pass U. T. Waterfall 12267 1954-8-23
GH: 01665219
Ranunculus hispidus nitidus
(Elliot) Duncan USA: Oklahoma 8 miles south and 4 east of [McCurtain Co.?] U. T. Waterfall 11807 1954-4-18
GH: 01665608
Ranunculus laxicaulis
(Torrey & A. Gray) Darby USA: Oklahoma 4 miles south and 3 east of Bethel U. T. Waterfall 11781 1954-4-17
GH: 02139337
Galium texense
A. Gray USA: Oklahoma 2 miles east of Headrick U. T. Waterfall 11962 1954-6-4
GH: 01541784
Physalis pumila hispida
(Waterfall) J. R. Sullivan USA: Oklahoma 8 miles west of Vici U. T. Waterfall 11891 1954-5-28
GH: 01800074
Callicarpa americana
Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma 2 miles west of Biological Station, near Wil... U. T. Waterfall 12299 1954-10-15
GH: 01953048
Glandularia pumila
(Rydberg) Umber USA: Oklahoma 1 miles southwest of Medicine Park U. T. Waterfall 11938 1954-6-3
GH: 01953558
Phyla cuneifolia
(Torrey) Greene USA: Oklahoma 6 miles west of Canton U. T. Waterfall 11886 1954-5-25
GH: 01955409
Verbena officinalis
Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma 8 miles northwest of Idabel U. T. Waterfall 11829 1954-4-19
GH: 01955543
Verbena plicata
Greene USA: Oklahoma 6 miles east and 3 south of Eldorado U. T. Waterfall 11980 1954-6-4
GH: 02147304
Viola lanceolata
Linnaeus USA: Oklahoma 4.5 miles southeast of Eagletown U. T. Waterfall 11801 1954-4-17
GH: 01787892
Kallstroemia parviflora
Norton USA: Oklahoma 5 miles south of Sulphur U. T. Waterfall 12293 1954-10-16